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Classroom Management Plan

First Day Script

Angel Tinney

Arrival Procedure
Students will
Be greeted at the door each morning
Go to the coat closet to put up
Grab a clothes pin from the absent
plate and pin it to either cold or hot
Turn in homework in homework
drawer on teachers desk
Get a sharpened pencil
Find their seat

Lining up
Students will line up by row. Row A will
be the row closest to my desk, then
Row B, Row C and so forth. Row A will
line up when all students from row A is
in line, Row B will line up. Eventually,
after rehearsal ,when I say line up I
wont have to call out Row A, Row B
etcetera they will know what to do.

Classroom Jobs
There will be only one job in my classroom, the
classroom leader. This student will be chosen
alphabetically and everyone will have a turn. The
leaders pass out papers, take things to office, make
sure desks are aligned, erase the board, last in line to
cut off light and shut door, etcetera. Leader will
change daily and will be recorded on a chart. Leader
will wear a lanyard that says Ms. Tinneys classroom

Replacing Pencils
Everyone must have two sharpened pencils in
the morning
No one will be authorized to use pencil
Pencils will be available on my desk for
exchange when one breaks
Students do not have to ask to get up to
exchange pencil

Returning Papers
There will be a small tote with
drawers on my desk for all
papers. The drawers will be
labeled HOMEWORK
The students are to put
returned papers in tote before
doing bell ringer in the

Bathroom Breaks
Students will be able to take a bathroom break at any
time of day with the exception being during tests.
Students must sign in and out on the bathroom sheet
posted on the door. I will have one girl hall-pass and
one boy hall-pass therefore only one boy and one girl
allowed in bathroom at a time.This is a privilege and is subject to change at any

time I feel needed. If students show that they are not

responsible enough to go alone we will go as a class!

We will transition from subject to subject by doing a brain
break. I will have an agenda on the wall so students will know
what subject we will go over next. Giving the students a brain
break will allow them to regain focus and get their blood back
flowing in their brains and legs. (Example: lets do jumping
jacks while we say our multiples of 3s. 3, 6, 9, 12. . . )

Classroom Rules
1. No disrupting
2. Be respectful
3. Follow directions
4. No touching/physical
5. Sit in assigned seat
6. Line up correctly, quietly
and single filed
7. Raise your hand


My rules are numbered and each number has a

consequence. Every day I will send home a behavior
chart in the students folder indicating a smile or
frown for that day. If a frown is present, a number will
be printed next to it. A list of the class rules will also
be in the folder so the parent will see what rule was
broken. If student has 2 or less frowns in a week they
will get to choose a coupon. If a child has 7 or less
frowns in a month, they will get to dumpster dive in
my tote of goodies. Children with the least amount of
frowns go first.

Homework will be written on the to do board. The students
are to copy down assignments as I write them up. This paper
is to go in their take home folder so that their parents can
also see what homework they have. When they do their
homework it is to be brought back in their folder and put in
the homework tote on my desk.

I will announce when it is 10 minutes left of class. The students
will then

finish up assignment,

go to coat closet for their belongings

Make sure homework is written down

Put folder in backpack
Line up

First Day Script

All students will have a folder with their name, my name, and their classroom
number on it. Along with a behavior chart inside and papers that must be filled out
by parents and returned. (emergency forms , etcetera)
I will have their names printed on tags and taped to their desks.
Their seating will be in the form of rows and they will be seated boy-girl
There will be a fresh can of sharpened pencils on my desk
There will be two hall passes handing on the door.
A fresh bottle of hand sanitizer by the door.

First Day Script

The bell ringer will be printed on the board.
My name will also be printed on the door.
There will be nametags for each student in coat closet
There will be an exact number of clothes pins on the absent plate.

First Day Script

I will introduce myself after all students have finished their bell
ringers. I will start by saying my name, Ms. Tinney. I will ask
them to pronounce it with me as a class, TEE-NEE. I will then
tell them a little about my family, life, and why I love teaching.
Next I will tell them how excited I am for the year ahead of us. I
will then point out the agenda board in which all subjects and
lessons are on in specific order along with the time. For
example if we are doing fractions in math and math is at 9:30,
it will be on the board; and the same for the other subjects.

First Day Script

I will then teach them procedures that I
have in my classroom.


Lining up

Bathroom breaks

Classroom Rules


Attention Getter

(1,2,3 eyes on me- 1,2 eyes on you)

Heading Paper



First Day Script

After teaching each procedure, I will model what is expected. I will then
ask them to role play each procedure. For example we will all exit the
class and role play the morning arrival procedure by entering the class
and going to the coat closet, pinning our clothes pin on the hot or cold
lunch, getting a pencil and sitting down to do the bell ringer.I will review
the procedures after recess by asking questions such as When do I put
my backpack in the coat closet? How do we line up? This helps the
students better understand and helps me see which procedure I need to
better clarify. Each procedure will have to be rehearsed every day, maybe
even modeled and role played, before set in stone. But with persistence
the students will catch on in no time and this will be a routine.

Each procedure will have to be rehearsed every day, maybe

even modeled and role played everyday, before set in stone;
but with persistence the students will catch on in no time and
this will be a routine.

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