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Sara McCrimmon

EDUC 300


Full Day – 8:00 AM – 8:50 AM

Greeting (8:00-8:05)

- As I am at the door, I will greet each student that comes in. Once everyone is in the classroom, I
will greet everyone as a class.

Seating Arrangement (8:00-8:05)

- Before the students enter the room, they are tasked with finding their assigned seats.
o I will be holding a bowl filled up with rolled papers. On each paper, there is a definition
to term that we will be covering that year. The students are tasked with finding the
correct term on one of the desks.
o If the student needs help, the student can work collaboratively with another to problem
 If there is a problem with the seating arrangement, I will move students around.

Bell Ringer (8:05 -8:10)

- After greeting everyone, I will direct the class to the prompt that is on the board if they have yet
to complete it. There will be directions on the board on how to complete the Bell Ringer.
- The students are expected to pull out a piece of paper to answer the following prompt: Who are
you? How was your summer? Any Stories? What is one thing you are looking forward to while
attending this class?
o After the students complete the Bell Ringer, I will explain what a Bell Ringer is and how
it will be implemented.

Introduction (8:10-8:20-8:25)

- Once the students are finished with their Bell Ringer, I will pull up a slideshow about who I am,
my hobbies, and how excited to be teaching them.
- Once I am finished, started from the right to the left of the classroom, the students will go after
one another introducing themselves.
o This allows me match face with name.

Syllabus (8:20~8:25-8:30~8:35)
- After introduction, we will go over the class syllabus and procedures.
o The syllabus tells the students what we will be going over in class. Procedures help
students handle certain situations.
 Procedures that will be covered: Beginning the day, Grabbing your attention
during class, Getting my attention.

Beginning the Day:

1. I will greet you at the door or when you are coming into class. I will ask you about your day and
see how everything is going for you.
2. Once in the classroom, please grab your binder form the student bookcase from the
corresponding shelf that has the 11th grade sticker.
3. Once you have your binder, please find you assigned seat. Once you have found your seat, place
your book on your desk and your book bag on the floor next to your seat. All electronics should
be put away unless stated otherwise for the class.
4. Open your binder to a blank page of notebook paper and write down the date.
5. Look towards the board. The bellringer will be written on the board, and you are expected to
begin working quietly.
6. The bellringer will be used to refresh the students’ memories of what was learned the previous
day or what they will learn that day. If you were to finish your work before I close the door, turn
to your neighbor, and discuss the bellringer.
7. Once I walk in, I will greet everyone as a whole and ask how everyone’s day is going
8. After the greeting, we will discuss the bellringer.

Grabbing your attention During Class:

1. Good Morning Class or Are We Ready to Learn Psych Today: These are signals for the beginning
of the period and to signal that the bellringer is done. In response, the class will be expected to
response with a “Good Morning” or exclaim “Yes!”
2. HEADS UP: When doing any small group/partner discussion, to get your attention, I will
countdown to three will having my hand in the air to show the physical countdown and exclaim
“Heads Up!”
a. Countdown: To signal that the discussion to be over, I will count down from five with hand
raised showing the countdown. By the time that I reached one, you are expected to be at
your desks sitting.
3. Five Minutes left of class: When the last five minutes class is upon us, I will say there is five
minutes left of class. This will signal the end-of-class procedure. The students are expected to
begin the end-of-class procedures.
Getting my attention during class:

1. If you have any questions whether it is during individual or group work, please raise your hand
above your hand. Once I am in front of your desk, you may ask your question.
a. If there are multiple questions at one time, I will have one student ask their question
aloud because if their multiple hands up, there is high possibility that other students
have the same question.
b. Once the question is answered and there is still a lot of hands, I will redo the process
c. Once there are fewer hands, I will make my way around class answering questions for
students that have their hands raised. I will write the names down of the students, so I
have qua.

o Classroom Expectations will be addressed.

The Golden Rule

- Treat Others the Way that You Would Like to Be Treated!
Respect yourself and the people around you:
- Show respect for the teacher, yourself, and others always. Respect other people’s
properties by not writing or destroying other things that does not belong to you!
Pay attention, participate, and ask questions:
- Engage in what is going on in class! Actively listen during the lecture, participate in
discussion, and ask question. There are no stupid questions when it based on what we
are learning!
Preserve a positive learning environment:
- Minimize classroom disruption during lecture, group work, and individual work times!
Always put forth your best effort:
- Do your own work to the best of your abilities! Always try to get good grades by putting
quality over just trying to complete it!

- The back page of the syllabus will be homework for the students to bring to next time we have
class. The syllabus requires not only the student’s signature, but also the signature of a parent
or guardian.

- After going over the procedures and expectations, we will rehearse the procedures.

Activity (8:30~8:35-8:45)

- After going through the syllabus, the students will complete a vocabulary quiz. This vocabulary
test will be graded as a completion grade. On the Vocabulary test will be all the terms that we
will be covering for the year.
o By doing this I can see what students already understand and what they do not.
- If the students cannot complete the test within that span of time, they will have time to
complete it next class time.
o This activity will cover our test/quiz procedure.

End of class (8:45-8:50)

- I will have an alarm that will signal five minutes left of class.
- After the alarm goes off, I will address the end of the class procedure. The students will put
away their belongings by following the end of class procedure.
- I will move closer to the door and open it when the bell rings. As they students are leaving, I will
tell them to have a nice day.

Half Day: 8:00 AM – 8:30 AM

Seating Arrangement (8:00-8:05)

- Before the students enter the room, they are tasked with finding their assigned seats.
o I will be holding a bowl filled up with rolled papers. On each paper, there is a definition
to term that we will be covering that year. The students are tasked with finding the
correct term on one of the desks.
o If the student needs help, the student can work collaboratively with another to problem
 If there is a problem with the seating arrangement, I will move students around.

Greeting (8:00-8:05)

- As I am at the door, I will greet each student that comes in. Once everyone is in the classroom, I
will greet everyone as a class.

Bell Ringer (8:05 -8:10)

- After greeting everyone, I will direct the class to the prompt that is on the board if they have yet
to complete it. On the board, there will be directions on how to complete the Bell Ringer.
- The students are expected to pull out a piece of paper to answer the following prompt: Who are
you? How was your summer? Any Stories? What is one thing you are looking forward to while
attending this class?
o After the students complete the Bell Ringer, I will explain what a Bell Ringer is and how
it will be implemented.

Introduction (8:10-8:15~8:20)

- Once the students are finished with their Bell Ringer, I will pull up a slideshow about who I am,
my hobbies, and how excited to be teaching them.
- Once I am finished, started from the right to the left of the classroom, the students will go after
one another introducing themselves.
o This allows me match face with name.

Syllabus (8:20~8:25-8:30)

- After introduction, we will go over the class syllabus and procedures.

o The syllabus tells the students what we will be going over in class. Procedures help
students handle certain situations.
 Procedures that will be covered: Beginning the day, Grabbing you attention
during class, Getting my attention

Beginning the Day:

1. I will greet you at the door or when you are coming into class. I will ask you about your day and
see how everything is going for you.
2. Once in the classroom, please grab your binder form the student bookcase from the
corresponding shelf that has the 11th grade sticker.
3. Once you have your binder, please find you assigned seat. Once you have found your seat, place
your book on your desk and your book bag on the floor next to your seat. All electronics should
be put away unless stated otherwise for the class.
4. Open your binder to a blank page of notebook paper and write down the date.
5. Look towards the board. The bellringer will be written on the board, and you are expected to
begin working quietly.
6. The bellringer will be used to refresh the students’ memories of what was learned the previous
day or what they will learn that day. If you were to finish your work before I close the door, turn
to your neighbor, and discuss the bellringer.
7. Once I walk in, I will greet everyone as a whole and ask how everyone’s day is going
8. After the greeting, we will discuss the bellringer.

Grabbing your attention During Class:

1. Good Morning Class or Are We Ready to Learn Psych Today: These are signals for the beginning
of the period and to signal that the bellringer is done. In response, the class will be expected to
response with a “Good Morning” or exclaim “Yes!”
2. HEADS UP: When doing any small group/partner discussion, to get your attention, I will
countdown to three will having my hand in the air to show the physical countdown and exclaim
“Heads Up!”
a. Countdown: To signal that the discussion to be over, I will count down from five with
hand raised showing the countdown. By the time that I reached one, you are expected
to be at your desks sitting.
3. Five Minutes left of class: When the last five minutes class is upon us, I will say there is five
minutes left of class. This will signal the end-of-class procedure. The students are expected to
begin the end-of-class procedures.

Getting my attention during class:

1. If you have any questions whether it is during individual or group work, please raise your hand
above your hand. Once I am in front of your desk, you may ask your question.
a. If there are multiple questions at one time, I will have one student ask their question
aloud because if their multiple hands up, there is high possibility that other students
have the same question.
b. Once the question is answered and there is still a lot of hands, I will redo the process
c. Once there are fewer hands, I will make my way around class answering questions for
students that have their hands raised. I will write the names down of the students, so I
have qua.

o Classroom Expectations will be addressed.

The Golden Rule

- Treat Others the Way that You Would Like to Be Treated!

Respect yourself and the people around you:
- Show respect for the teacher, yourself, and others always. Respect other people’s properties by
not writing or destroying other things that does not belong to you!
Pay attention, participate, and ask questions:
- Engage in what is going on in class! Actively listen during the lecture, participate in discussion,
and ask question. There are no stupid questions when it based on what we are learning!
Preserve a positive learning environment:
- Minimize classroom disruption during lecture, group work, and individual work times!
Always put forth your best effort:
- Do your own work to the best of your abilities! Always try to get good grades by putting quality
over just trying to complete it!

- The back page of the syllabus will be homework for the students to bring to next time we have
class. The syllabus requires not only the student’s signature, but also the signature of a parent
or guardian.
- I will discuss the end of class procedures. The students will put away there belonging while
following the procedure.

Activity: (8:25-8:30)

- The last five minutes of class, the students will play a Kahoot game over what we covered in the
o This helps the students retain and rehearse the procedures and expectations.

End of Class (8:30)

- I will walk to the door and open it. As students are exiting, I will tell them to have a nice day.

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