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Procedures/Management Checklist

“Plan, plan and plan some more.

There is no such thing as too much planning”
(Wong, pg 100).

Procedures for beginning of school year

● Greet students

1. I will greet the students with friendly non-verbal gestures such as a smile, eye
contact and a high-five. I will position myself outside of the entrance of the door
in the mornings so that I can greet each student at the beginning of the day. I will
say the students name and give a friendly statement such as “good morning” or
“it’s gonna be a great day!”

● 3-Day Outline of the First Days of School

Day 1:
On the first day, and everyday, students will be greeted by me at the door. I will point the
students in the direction of the sheet with the seating chart explained. I will have a welcome
packet with their names on it at their desk that can also be referenced to find their seat. The
purpose of directing students to the seating chart display helps familiarize students with the
layout of the seating arrangement.

There will be instructions on the board every morning for students to look for. The first day will
include instructions so that students know to look at the board each morning. Building
consistent routines is crucial.

We will start the day reviewing morning routines:

● Entering the classroom
● Unpacking and hanging backpacks
● Morning Announcements (lunch count, attendance)
● Morning Work
● Morning meeting

Then they will do their morning work (a simple assignment/activity on day 1, this is mainly to
establish the procedure and show them where to turn stuff in). The bellwork will most likely
consist of coloring their name tag for their desk or filling out a portion of the welcome packet.

We will then meet on the carpet for the morning meeting. I will introduce myself to the class and
share my excitement with them. I will introduce the morning question and walk students through
the process of morning meetings.

Throughout the day, we will go over the classroom procedures such as:
● what a typical day will look like
● review how to do lunch count/attendance
● transitioning to the carpet
● transitioning to tables
● using the restroom/sharpening pencils/tissues/getting drinks (hand signals)
● their voice levels in specific situations
● rules/consequences
● quiet signals/attention signals
● what is expected when the teacher is giving a lesson
● how to line up, how to walk in the halls, push in chairs, etc.
● recess expectations
● snack time
● where to turn in their worksheets
● what to do if they have lost their worksheets or don’t have it finished
● early finishers
● independent work and group work expectations
● turn and talk
● asking questions
● sharing
● Classroom library
● desk organization
● math materials
● writing materials
● classroom cleanup
● packing up
● transportation & dismissal
● growth mindset!

After procedures have been established, we will do a “brain break” activity. The teacher will call
out statements such as “my first name starts with the letter ____,” “I have a dog,” “my birthday is
in ________,” “I am an only child,” ”I like video games,” etc and the students who can relate to
the statement stand up. This allows students to find commonalities and get more comfortable
with their classmates. After doing this activity, everyone should be a little more at ease, so I will
have them go around the room saying their name and one fun fact about themselves.

Next, we will go over the rules of the classroom.

Examining Rules and Creating an Activity

I will go over the rules with the group as a whole, then they will do the activity that goes along
with the rules.

I will begin by discussing appropriate behavior (examples and non examples).

Things to discuss: noise levels, how to communicate, ways to agree/disagree, behaviors
to avoid, steps for dealing with conflict, process for giving and receiving feedback,
consequences for unacceptable action.

Throughout the day, I will remind students of procedures and rules so that the students know
the expectations of my classroom.

Next, I will guide students in creating their own classroom norms. Using the list of rules, the
class will contribute ways to execute the rules through norms. The process is listed out below:

Next, the students will establish a set of “classroom norms'' based on the discussion. The
teacher will document the norms as they help students come up with them. Then, we will go
through the list of norms as a class, this will show that the educator respects the students ideas
and holds the students responsible for the rules that they have created.

The teacher will display the list in a visible part of the room for students to reference.
Each time we leave the classroom (lunch, recess, specials, bathroom, etc.) I will go over
expectations for the procedures used. This will provide clarity, establish routines, and provide
opportunities for students to answer any questions the students may have.

Day 2:
The students will be greeted by me at the door, sit at their assigned seats and read the
instructions on the board. On this day, it will look something like this:

After students have completed their morning work, we will have morning meeting. Following
morning meeting, I will do a “get to know you activity” with the students.

I will begin by introducing myself and pick three of the colors to share as a way of explaining
how to do the assignment, hopefully making the students feel more comfortable to share with
the class. On the first day, we learned a little bit about each person, but this activity helps
students interact more with one another.

1. Each student will get a “Get to Know You Activity Sheet.”

2. They will sit at their desks and await further instruction from the teacher.

3. At each table there will be a symbol that correlates with the shape on the bottom

right of the sheet.

4. The teacher will explain which group the students are going to (the first shape on
the left is group 1, second shape is group 2, third shape is group 3). For this

assignment they will only be using group 1, these are just notes for later
purposes or if students go through the activity too quickly.

5. Students will move to the table that correlates with their group 1 shape.

6. They will take a seat at the table and fill out the questions on their activity sheet (I

estimate around 7-10 minutes to do so).

7. Once they have filled out the paper, the teacher will pass out packets of M&Ms.

8. With my approval, students will begin to open their packet and sort out the

different colors.

9. They will place the color of M&Ms on the color that correlates with their activity


10. Whoever has the greatest number of M&Ms will share their answer to the color

question on the sheet.

11. Once the first person has gone, the whole group will share their answer to that

question one at a time.

12. When they are finished discussing that color question, they can eat that color of


They will continue doing this with each color. (Use the timer to control this portion of the lesson,
start with 5 minutes and adjust if needed).
After this activity, the students will begin content material. Rules and procedures will be
enforced and corrected.

Day 3:
The students will be greeted by me at the door, sit at their assigned seats and read the
instructions on the board. They will do the bellwork and turn it into the “turn in” tray.

They will begin learning content material.

Rules and procedures as well as a consistent routine will be practiced and followed by students.
If students are not following them, the teacher will correct the behavior immediately.

● Classroom Details:
o Seating Arrangement
I plan to implement the “cluster” method of seating which will allow me to actively
engage students in small group discussions. I will redo the assigned seats each month. This will
ensure that students are interacting with new individuals and learning from multiple

o Arrangement of Class Materials

I will use a rolling cart with labels to organize the paperwork I will need for the week as well as
any paperwork I will need to grade. If the students have an assignment to turn in, they will put it
in the turn in tray.
For classroom materials such as utensils, individual whiteboards, reading books and student
work books will all be stored in book bins such as the picture I have provided.

o Instructional Posters

The instructional posters in my classroom will be divided up into content areas. Each portion of
the wall will be labeled with either Math, ELA, Social Studies, or Science. This will allow
students to easily access the information they need in order to be successful.

o Positive Posters
Displaying positive posters in the classroom creates an optimistic and constructive atmosphere.
I plan to have the posters displayed throughout the room. I can also promote a “positive quote of
the week” where each table group or student can choose from a selection of quotes to display
for the week. I would provide them with a list of quotes or a book of quotes to choose from.

o Guest Seating

Guest seating would be placed in a location where the guests could see the students, the
teacher (when instructing), and the contextual factors of the classroom. Optimal placement for
my classroom will be arranged for the guest seating to be in the back of the classroom, facing
the board.
● Attendance and Lunch Count

I will implement a chart like the one that is shown. The four sections I will include are “absent,
choice 1, choice 2, and lunch box.” The number circles will be Velcro or magnetic which can
easily be moved to the choice the student wants. I will make the menu choices visible by
displaying the lunch options on the board each morning. This will prevent having to repeat the
options multiple times. When the students come in each morning, it will be a set procedure that
they will move their own name to the choice they prefer.

The procedure for the student(s) that come in late will be addressed at the beginning of the
year, after breaks, and as needed. This procedure will be to come in quietly, move their name to
their preference, sit down at their desk and begin working. If the lunch count has already been
reported for the day, the student will wait for me to come and ask them what lunch choice they

● Location of Rules and Activity

I have included a picture of my 5 rules for the classroom. This poster, along with the classroom
norm student posters made during the activity, will be placed in a central location that is easily
seen by all students. Since the student can see the poster, they will be reminded of the
expectations for the rules.
Procedures for Behaviors: Positive and Negative
● This outlines strategies in order of behavior progression that will be used in class with student
misbehavior before sending the student to the office.

If the behavior progresses, I will move along through the process of these steps. There are
some behaviors that skip the first two steps such as physical aggression towards another
1. Eye contact
2. Proximity
3. Verbal warning (quietly with proximity)
4. Moving the student from their seat to a safe seat option or to another seat in the
5. If there is a buddy room, this could be the step where they go there.
6. Students fill out the “Reflection Sheet” in a separate area and have a discussion with
their teacher (possible parent phone call).
7. Student is sent to the office.
8. Behavior Intervention Chart is made for the student or for the class as a whole.
Individual Behavior Chart Example Whole Class Behavior Chart Example

● Discipline/Consequence Procedure Plan (outlined steps of discipline when needed for student
1. Warning
2. Consequence
3. Parent phone call
4. Office referral

Consequences may include moving to alternate seating, laps at recess, etc.

Logical consequences will also be discussed. Example: 1. If I break it, then I fix it (includes
things and feelings), 2. If I misuse it, I lose it (temporary loss of privilege), 3. If I don’t use self
control, then I take a break.

Discipline for distractions may include moving the student to a safe seat or another seat in the
classroom, if they fail to listen to previous warnings.

Examples of behavior that may cause my discipline/consequence plan to skip steps may
include: physical aggression, student actions that are causing major disruptions to other
students, harm that is being inflicted on one’s self or others, etc.

● Rewards/positive Consequences Procedure Plan

One form of reward I plan to implement often includes verbally acknowledging positive behavior
and hard work.

I will also have a secret student that I choose at the beginning of the day. I will tell students that
the secret student is a role model for students and follows expectations. Throughout the day, I
will give reminders if the secret student is doing a good job or “my secret student is not doing
what is expected right now” to help remind the students to follow expectations. At the end of the
day, I will reveal the secret student and give them a certificate to take home. If the student does
not earn the card, no name will be revealed and I will tell students we will have to try better next
time. I will keep track to ensure that every student gets to be the secret student at least once.

As a whole class, rewards such as extra recess time, possibly a classroom “party.”

● Classroom Celebrations:
I will implement learning celebrations for student achievements. For example, classroom cheers
will be used when encouraging/praising students. Students can celebrate each other by
participating in the cheer.

I will use an auditory or visual cue to indicate celebrations during the day.

Procedures Throughout School Year

● Beginning of school day

At the beginning of each day, the students will come in and read the board for instructions. They
will have a bellwork assignment. Procedures will be established at the beginning of the year,
reminders and consequences will be given when needed.

● Ending of school day

At the end of the school day, elementary students will be given time to pack their things up at
the end of the lesson (This will vary depending on the class but I estimate 7-10 minutes).
Procedures will be listed on the board.

Example Procedures on the Board:

● Write your reflection of one thing you learned today in your notebook. Raise your hand.
● I will come around and give you a star. Once you receive a star, get your mail and put it
in your take home folder.
● Get your backpack and put your notebook inside.
● Hang your backpack on your chair and sit quietly.

Students will then be dismissed in accordance with their transportation method. At open house,
I will have all parents right down their student’s method of getting home so that this process can
go smoothly. I will keep that document on a clipboard by the door so it is ready to go at the end
of the day.

I will have students line up according to how they are getting home. For example, if the students
who will be “car pick up” are the closest drop off, they will be first in line. Then, the bus riders will
be next in line. We will walk as a class to these locations.

● Display Objectives/Lessons/Homework for the day or week

The daily agenda, learning target, lessons, unit of the week will be written on the board similar
to the picture. My goal is to keep this organized and easy to read.

● Call backs/signals for attention

The signals I will use will be specific to what is relative to the students in the class. A simple one
that I will use is the callbacks with clapping. The students will have to listen to the rhythm I clap
and repeat it back to me.

Hand signals similar to the ones below will be used for students to tell me what they need.

One boy and one girl at a time can be out of the classroom at a time. The students will raise
their hand to signal where they need to go. Once they have teacher approval, they will grab the
game piece that says restroom, nurse, or drink and place it on their desk. This will help the
teacher keep track of where the student is and if someone has already asked to leave the

● Homework
Since every student’s home circumstance is different, I will not assign homework. However, I
will ask students to complete a reading log.

The students will have a bin to turn in their finished papers. I will write the due dates for their
work on the board under the “upcoming due dates” section.

● Absences/Incomplete Assignments
If students are sick or gone from school, they will be given the assignment to work on during
their own time. This could mean during recess or if they have free time during the class day.

At the beginning of the year, and periodically, I will tell the students that they can come to me for
help before or after school if they need help understanding the content. To get extra help during
class, they can ask questions.

● In Class Assignments/Group/Individual Scoring

In class assignments will be based on participation. If a student is putting in less work or not
contributing, they will have a discussion with me. When I introduce group work, I will model what
it looks like to be a good partner or group member. Individual scoring will be based on the
performance of the individual.

● Student Participation
Each student will be expected to give 100% effort and participate.

● Student Materials for Class

Students will need the materials on their school supply list for the district. I will also implement
folders to organize their papers. If the students do not have materials such as a pencil or piece
of paper, they can either borrow from the classroom bin or they can borrow from their peers.

● Transitions During Class

I will first include a signal to get their attention. I will tell students what their next transition is to
prepare them and give them directions on what to do next. I will then signal the transition
holding up fingers as I have mapped out below:

First, I will hold up a number 1 (this will signal for students to silently stand up).
Next, I will hold up a number 2 (this will signal for students to turn and face the direction
they need to go)
Finally, I will hold up a number three (this will signal to students that they can head to
where they need to go).

Each transition will require for students to keep an eye on their teacher and wait for my signal
quietly. During the transition, if I see students getting off task or raising their voice level I will
redirect them.

● Procedure for students who finish activity/assignment early

Students who finish their work early can choose to read independently, or get an activity out of
the early finisher bin. The bin will have activities for students to practice the content in a hands
on, engaging way.

● Emergencies: Intruder, Fire, Tornado

Students will have practiced the drills for each of these and will know how to properly conduct
each drill. They will remain quiet and calm while transitioning to the correct place. I will count all
of the students and report how many I have and who is missing, if any.

● Pencil Sharpening/tissue/germ-x/throwing away trash

Pencil Sharpening Procedure: I will have a bin of already sharpened pencils. If the student
needs to get one, they will place their unsharpened pencil in the bin beside the sharpened ones
and get a new one. This will minimize disruptions.

Tissues & Germ-x: The student will hold up the hand signal that lets me know they need to get a
tissue. The student will grab a tissue at the tissue box, use it and then throw it away. They will
not linger or talk to friends while doing so. This goes for germ-x as well.

Throwing away trash: If the students need to throw something away, they will do so quietly and
in a quick manner.

● Lost and found items

Any items that are left in my classroom will go in the school lost and found bin.

● Technology Use
Computers will be used based on school availability and permission from the teacher.

● Visitor in Room
When there is a visitor, students are expected to stay on task and be on their best behavior.

● Assemblies
Students will sit with their class at assemblies, they will be respectful of the speaker or event
that is going on. They will keep their hands to themselves and sit within a respectable distance
from one another.
● Pre-Holiday, Holiday, Post Holiday
Holidays can bring a lot of excitement, however, students will be reminded that they need to get
their work done and stay on task if they want to celebrate later. For the day after a holiday or
break, we will review the rules and procedures at the beginning of class.

● Procedure for the Intercom

When the intercom comes on, students will remain quiet. I will teach this by explaining that this
usually signals that important information is incoming and I need to hear what is being said.

● Parent Communication
At the beginning of the year, I will ask parents how they prefer to be contacted. I will use this
method to inform them of the positive or negative behavior. If it is a phone call regarding a
concern, I will use the compliment sandwich method.
I want to make an active effort to seek out positive parent communication. Each week I will
choose 2 students from my roster to send home a positive note in their take home folder.

I will send home a weekly newsletter to parents on Friday at the end of each week:

I have also created a communication log to keep track of each of the interactions I have with
● Expectation for class if you must step into the hallway
The expectation is for students to remain working and keep their voices low if they are
participating in group work, or if they are working individually, they will keep their voice level
completely quiet.

● What happens if student is suddenly ill or needs medical attention

If a student needs severe medical attention, I will call 911. If the student is vomiting, they will be
sent directly to the nurses office.

● Substitute Information
In addition to leaving detailed plans for substitutes, I will also create a binder that has the
following information:

The papers listed below address:

● Class List and Daily Schedule
● Alternative Student Schedules
● Student Information (medical conditions, allergies, etc)
● Behavior Management System
● Procedures: bathroom, food and water, clean up, etc
● Where to find Emergency Procedures
● Important Contacts
● A “While You Were Out” sheet that allows the sub to leave notes.

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