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1 Baxter Pretty Little Liars: Rules and Conventions The figured world that I chose to observe is the ABC

Family show Pretty Little Liars. The ur ose of this figured world is to rovide T! viewers with a show based o" sus e"se# thrill# a"d drama. The T! show ce"ters arou"d a discourse commu"ity of five tee" girls$ Ali# Aria# %mily# &a""a a"d ' e"cer. (he" Ali disa ears o"e Labor )ay wee*e"d# the girls must ba"d together to figure out who *illed their best frie"d. A year later# Ali+s body is recovered a"d they start getti"g mysterious te,t messages from a" a"o"ymous target called A. They must the" co"ti"ue their lives while bei"g torme"ted by someo"e stal*i"g them. The activities that are acce table would be te,ti"g a"ytime# a"ywhere. They also must liste" to the a"o"ymous A because it uts them i" tough situatio"s where they must chose betwee" eo le# or ob-ects. They also are i""i"g dow" certai" eo le# a"d followi"g them a"d trac*i"g their activities to see if they are li"*ed to Ali+s death. A form of commu"icatio" that is acce table would be te,ti"g a"d tele ho"e co"versatio"s. I" this figured world# loud "oise is really discouraged si"ce their tow" of .osewood# Pe""sylva"ia is very /uiet. They must try to fi"d out who A is a"d *ee a" eye for sus icious eo le livi"g i" .osewood. ' ea*i"g about their stal*i"g a"d i"vestigatio" would be i"a ro riate because they would be told to sto a"d co"ti"ue o" with their lives. They also ca""ot tell a"yo"e about their te,ts from A because A would start targeti"g their family a"d loved o"es. The differe"t discourse commu"ities that ca" be observed from Pretty Little Liars would be the five best frie"ds$ Ali# Aria# &a""a# %mily a"d ' e"cer. The girls also have sig"ifica"t others# which would all be se arate commu"ities. Aria is dati"g %0ra# &a""a is dati"g Caleb# %mily is dati"g Paige a"d ' e"cer is dati"g Toby so these would all be se arate discourse commu"ities withi" the figured world.

Observation One: Pretty Little Liars Season One Episode One Pilot Description of the Location$ The tow" that Pretty Little Liars ta*es lace is a fictio"al tow" of .osewood# Pe""sylva"ia. This is a ictures/ue# small college tow" that has o"e church# o"e high school# a coffee sho # a stri of restaura"ts# a"d the feeli"g of a college tow". The five mai" characters$ Aliso"# Aria# &a""a# %mily# a"d ' e"cer+s houses are all o" o"e street# a"d are all "eighbors. They are withi" wal*i"g dista"ce to the ce"ter of tow"# where all the sho i"g a"d di"i"g occur. .osewood &igh 'chool is where the actio" i" this seaso" ta*es lace. It is a big high school with three corridors of classrooms o" both sides of the hallway# with the loc*ers bei"g o" the left side mai"ly# as well as the right o" o"e corridor. The high school also has a" 1lym ic si0ed swimmi"g ool where the swim team ractices for their swim meets. The tee"agers i" this series are all starti"g out as so homores i" high school. (hile they go to most of these locatio"s# a"d a"o"ymous A figure has stal*ed them to each a"d every lace they go to# ma*i"g it hard to *ee a"ythi"g a secret# which is the remise of this show. )uri"g this articular e isode# we are i"troduced to the mai" characters$ Aria# Aliso"# ' e"cer# %mily# a"d &a""a. They are you"g girls i" high school who are reu"ited after a lo"g summer a art. They arra"ge a slee over to catch u with each other a"d whe" the girls wa*e u # Aliso" is missi"g. As the e isode goes o"# the girls go to school a"d get /uestio"ed by detectives about the "ight of her disa eara"ce. A few days later a body is fou"d# a"d is Aliso"+s. The fu"eral was held two days later# a"d the girls get a te,t message from a" a"o"ymous A figure# simulta"eously.

3 Baxter Figured World: I" the figured world of Pretty Little Liars# there are ma"y rules a"d co"ve"tio"s for a ro riate behaviors# that these tee"agers must abide by. They must atte"d school "o matter what# duri"g the first seaso". 2a"y of the activities ta*e lace duri"g school hours. They have a lo"g lu"ch sessio"# i" which they must tal* about their la"s about catchi"g the a"o"ymous A figure. They do"+t have a"y rules about te,ti"g i" class# so the liars te,t a"d commu"icate a"y way that they ca". )uri"g class cha"ges they fi"d each other at someo"e+s loc*er a"d tal* about their day a"d if they had a"y i"teractio"s with a"y sus icious eo le that could be A. The liars have to mai"tai" a /uite voice whe"ever they discuss A because "o o"e *"ows that a stal*er is trac*i"g their every move a"d they do"+t wa"t to ta*e it to the olice si"ce A threate"s them with their lives. The liars also have become so good at what they+re called$ Liars. They ca" lie to a"yo"e with straight faces a"d ca" decode a"yo"e who they thi"* is lyi"g. A"other rule for this figured world would be lyi"g to authority figures. The olice have /uestio"ed them si"ce their frie"d a"d leader of the grou Aliso" disa eared. They have become immu"e to i"terrogatio"s a"d ca" lie off of the to of their heads to save each other. They all devise la"s to lie a"d stay to the same story a"d eve"ts# a"d its wor*ed i" their favor for them. Actors: These actors are the major characters that occur in season one, episode one of Pretty Little Liars. Alison DiLaurentis (Sasha Pieterse): Aliso" is the leader of the ac* of five girls who arade arou"d .osewood &igh i" charge# a"d very o ular. Aliso" goes missi"g# a"d this tur"s her ositio" as leader to a very low ositio". Ali teaches the girls how to lie# but also tells the other four girls how to love themselves a"d others but be mea" a"d s iteful alo"g the way. Ali+s role as a" actor i" the figured world is to ma*e sure the girls have"+t lost their i"timidati"g leader because of her tragic death. 'he still wa"ts to be the 3uee" Bee i" their ac*. Aria Montgomery (Lucy Hale)$ Aria is the u"*4hi ster i" the grou . 'he is close with Ali i" her ow" way# a"d catches her dad cheati"g o" her mother# a"d Ali tells her what to do$ blac*mail her ow" father. Aria is"+t the "e,t leader after Ali# but follows what she+s told to do a"d does"+t ta*e "o for a" a"swer# either. &er role is to obey Ali+s wishes# a"d the fi"d out who *illed her best frie"d. mily Fields (Shay Mitchell)$ %mily is the o"e outcast i" the grou . %mily comes out as bei"g gay o" the show# a"d has a love i"terest for her best frie"d# Ali who disa eared. 'he has a *ee" se"se of wisdom a"d shares the co"trol over the grou with a few of the other girls. 'he+s the ca tai" of the swim team for .osewood. %mily ma*es sure the girls *ee a level mi"d as they try to u"loc* their best frie"ds murder mystery. Hanna Marin (Ashley !enson)$ &a""a is the ty ical dumb blo"d that is always ortrayed i" T! shows. &er role is to rovide the show with some comedic relief with her dumb# lac*i"g commo" se"se li"es from time to time. 'he has "o brai"# a"d follows alo"g with what the grou feels they must do. &a""a -ust follows directio"s a"d rarely says "o to somethi"g the must do.

4 Spencer Hastings ("roian !ellisario): ' e"cer is the mastermi"d to the rest of the grou . 'he has "ot always see" eye to eye with Ali# but after Ali died# ' e"cer too* the rei"s over the grou a"d devises the la"s a"d u"loc*s clues that A leaves them. ' e"cer is academically gifted# alo"g with commo" se"se smart. 'he is the 5a"cy )rew of the grou of liars# a"d the o"e with lawyer are"ts who have taught her the law well i" her favor.

Artifacts: These artifacts are only found in episode one of PLL #ell Phones$ Cell ho"es are the mai" artifacts because duri"g school# Aria gets a" a"o"ymous te,t from A threate"i"g to tell her secret relatio"shi she has with a teacher. 'he gets worried a"d a little scared that someo"e saw her with a teacher at a local bar. Friendship !racelets$ Aliso" made each of the girls+ frie"dshi bracelets to symboli0e that their frie"dshi s would be eter"al. 'he sewed their "ames o"to bracelets a"d gifted them whe" she retur"ed from &ilto" &ead the day of her disa eara"ce.

Discourse #ommunities: "he Liars: The five girls ma*e u their ow" discourse commu"ity because they are co"cer"ed with gossi amo"g other classmates# a"d seei"g which girl ca" im ress Aliso" the most so she chooses her favorite for the day. Suspicious People of $nterest: A grou of outcast stude"ts who are believed to be i" co""ectio" with Ali+s death are 2o"a !a"derwaal# Toby Cava"augh# a"d 6e""a 2arshall. They are all sus icious eo le arou"d tow" who have a reaso" to hate Aliso". Literary Practices: "e%ting Among "he &emaining Liars: The girls have s ecific te,ti"g that they erform to commu"icate with o"e a"other# through comedic relief si"ce &a""a is"+t that brightest o"e to tal* to. '(ser)ations: *Disclaimer* the time stamps that are put on the side are the times in the actual episode+ not the time of day in real life, 77 P28 The girls 9Ali# Aria# &a""a# %mily# ' e"cer: are i" ' e"cer+s bar" artyi"g Labor )ay wee*e"d to celebrate the retur" of their best frie"d a"d ri"g leader$ Ali. They are layi"g music from iPods# dri"*i"g alcohol a"d e"-oyi"g all of the stories that Ali had from s e"di"g the summer i" &ilto" &ead with her ill gra"dmother. ; A28 the girls wa*e u a"d reali0e that Ali has go"e missi"g. ' e"cer is"+t see" i" the cabi" a"d Aria loo*s for her ho i"g that she fou"d Ali. &a""a a"d %mily wa*e u a"d reali0e that two of their frie"ds are missi"g a"d go outside to loo* whe" ' e"cer wal*s i"to the room a"d states that she ca"+t fi"d Ali. The girls start to a"ic a little a"d the" wa*e u a"d go home to tell their are"ts what had ha e"ed the "ight before.

5 Baxter '- . A& LA" & < A28 Aria gets home from Icela"d after grievi"g the loss of her frie"d Aliso"+s disa eara"ce. 'he the" reu"ites with her frie"d %mily who catches her u o" what we"t dow" while she was livi"g i" Icela"d. &a""a# ' e"cer a"d %mily did"+t *ee i" touch so "o o"e tal*s to each other. &a""a fou"d a frie"d i" outcast 2o"a !a"derwaal. They got ma*eovers to loo* a"d become o ular. ' e"cer too* a summer i"ter"shi with the 2ayor of .osewood. = P28 Aria goes to a local bar to read a"d rid her mi"d of the overflowi"g memories she had with Ali that she remembers. %0ra Fit0# a college graduate comes over to her a"d starts to tal* with her. They e"d u i" the bathroom i" the bar# doi"g some i"a ro riate se,ual activities. < A2 "e,t day8 Aria wal*s i"to the room where she loo*s u at the teacher# who ha e"s to be %0ra Fit0# the guy she s e"t time with i" the bar the after"oo" before. They have a" i"te"se stare dow" full of embarrassme"t a"d humiliatio" i" their faces. %0ra cuts class short because he ca"+t bare to thi"* of what he did with o"e of his stude"ts. 7> P28 %mily meets a "ew "eighbor# 2aya who she has feeli"gs for whe" she first comes i"to co"tact with her. 2aya moved i"to Ali+s old house a"d %mily fi"ds herself remi"isci"g while wal*i"g i"to 2aya+s house. ? P28 The tow" of .osewood holds a vigil for Aliso" )iLaure"tis# with everyo"e who is a"yo"e i"vited. A erso" weari"g a dar* veil who does"+t show her face wal*s i"# a"d the girls are /uestio"i"g who it is# si"ce .osewood is a small tow". The girls ut their ho"e away for the service# but o"ce it+s over they all receive a"o"ymous te,t messages from A who claims to *"ow their secrets a"d will be sure to e, ose them if they do"+t liste" to what it+s comma"di"g them to do.

'(ser)ation "/o: Pretty Little Liars Season 'ne pisode "hree 0"o 1ill a Moc2ing 3irl4 Description of the location$ I" this articular e isode# the four liars Aria# %mily# ' e"cer a"d &a""a have decided# alo"g side the tow" of .osewood to ma*e a memorial for their deceased frie"d Aliso". This memorial will be laced i" the ar* where everyo"e i" the small tow" gathers a"d sociali0ed. This is the ce"ter of the tow" with right i" fro"t of it@ there is a stri of stores i"cludi"g the Brew# the local coffee sho . The girls all still live with their are"ts which all are o" the same street@ the mai" street of the tow". Aria+s house is a very moder" style home with woode" floors# two stories# a"d office areas for her are"ts. ' e"cer+s house is very so histicated si"ce they are a" u scale family with high i"comes from

6 both the are"ts. They also have a loft out bac*# which serves as a"other home. The girls also go to school# .osewood &igh# which is a bloc* away from the ce"ter of tow"# where the ar* a"d church are located. Figured World: I" the figured world of Pretty Little Liars# there are ma"y rules a"d co"ve"tio"s for a ro riate behaviors# which these tee"agers must abide by. They must atte"d school "o matter what# duri"g the first seaso". 2a"y of the activities ta*e lace duri"g school hours. They have a lo"g lu"ch sessio"# i" which they must tal* about their la"s about catchi"g the a"o"ymous A figure. They do"+t have a"y rules about te,ti"g i" class# so the liars te,t a"d commu"icate a"y way that they ca". )uri"g class cha"ges they fi"d each other at someo"e+s loc*er a"d tal* about their day a"d if they had a"y i"teractio"s with a"y sus icious eo le that could be A. The liars have to mai"tai" a /uite voice whe"ever they discuss A because "o o"e *"ows that a stal*er is trac*i"g their every move a"d they do"+t wa"t to ta*e it to the olice si"ce A threate"s them with their lives. The liars also have become so good at what they+re called$ Liars. They ca" lie to a"yo"e with straight faces a"d ca" decode a"yo"e who they thi"* is lyi"g. A"other rule for this figured world would be lyi"g to authority figures. The olice have /uestio"ed them si"ce their frie"d a"d leader of the grou Aliso" disa eared. They have become immu"e to i"terrogatio"s a"d ca" lie off of the to of their heads to save each other. They all devise la"s to lie a"d stay to the same story a"d eve"ts# a"d its wor*ed i" their favor for them. Actors: These are the major characters that appear in this particular episode Aria Montgomery (Lucy Hale)$ Aria is o"e of the four little liars who is the o"e who follows everyo"e else+s lead. Aria will s ea* her mi"d with whatever she has a" o i"io" about. 'he is the o"e i" the grou that sta"ds out with her fashio" se"se# as well as her love life. 'he has a love i"terest i" someo"e that "o o"e *"ows about# which ma*es her the best liar. 'he *"ows how to *ee a secret# which is esse"tial to stay i" the grou . mily Fields (Shay Mitchell): %mily is the most athletic of the four girls i" their discourse commu"ity. 'he is o" the school swim team. 'he *"ows how to be ratio"al about everythi"g. 'he also sta"ds out i" the grou # si"ce she is the o"ly member who is gay. 'he is the masculi"e 9loosely s ea*i"g: who is"+t afraid to do a"ythi"g because of her status. 'he ta*es o" the male cou"ter art i" the commu"ity a"d hel s with all the girls. Hanna Marin (Ashley !enson): &a""a is the ty ical dumb blo"d that is always casted i" a movie or tv show. &a""a is o"e of the most o ular girls i" the whole school. 'he gives the comedic relief si"ce she does"+t have the smartest brai". 'he does"+t have a filter a"d says whatever comes to her mi"d# whether it be i"tellige"t or dumbfou"di"g. 'he always has boyfrie"d issues# with the to ic of se, a"d drug use i" the relatio"shi . Spencer Hastings ("roian !ellisario): ' e"cer is the brai" of the four girls i" their discourse grou . 'he gets her i"tellige"ce from her lawyer are"ts who assed their ge"es to her. 'he *"ows how to wor* through a situatio" to see ast the fa*e# cover u clues. 'he ca" thi"* logically a"d more ratio"al tha" %mily. 'he is the detective of the four liars# which is her role i" the figured world.

7 Baxter Darren Wilden (!ryce 5ohnson): )etective (ilde" is a recurri"g actor who is the detective who is i"volved i" the case of their deceased frie"d# Aliso". &e is the detective who started /uestio"i"g he girls# as if they had a"y i"volveme"t i" the disa eara"ce. Mona 6ander/aal (5anel Parrish) is also a"other recurri"g character. 'he is the "ew best frie"d of &a""a 2ari". 'he a"d &a""a became close frie"ds after Aliso" disa eared. They have bad habits of sho lifti"g i" their local mall from e, e"sive de artme"t stores.


!racelets$ Before Aliso" disa eared she came bac* from her vacatio" with gifts for her four frie"ds# the liars. All of the girls *e t this as a *ee sa*e from their best frie"d. It soo" tur"s i"to ri0ed ossessio"s to remember their frie"d who has bee" missi"g for over a year so far i" the show. #ell Phones$ This is o"e of the o"ly ways that the girls commu"icate with o"e a"other. They se"d each other te,t messages a"d call each other whe" they "eed to s ea*. They are also getti"g their a"o"ymous te,t messages from A through their cell ho"es. Discourse #ommunities$ "he Liars: The four girls$ Aria# &a""a# ' e"cer a"d %mily are all a art of a discourse commu"ity because they have their ow" ways of commu"icatio"s8 te,ti"g# meeti"g face to face# a"d cell ho"e tal*i"g. They have their ow" set of rules$ *ee a hushed to"e whe" tal*i"g about a"ythi"g A related if i" ublic# or are"ts are rese"t. They have their ow" co"ve"tio"s as well8 ' e"cer is the head of the grou a"d ma*es most of the decisio"s si"ce she+s the smartest. Significant 'thers: The liars all have sig"ifica"t others that lay a role i" their lives. &a""a+s boyfrie"d is 'ea". Aria is dati"g a teacher "amed %0ra. %mily is seei"g a girl# 2aya. They all must commu"icate i" their ow" ways with o"e a"other. Literary Practices: "e%ting: The liars are all fo"d of te,ti"g. This is their mai" form of commu"icatio". I" class# at home or eve" at the local coffee sho . They rely o" tech"ology to tal* because its /uic* a"d "ot very time co"sumi"g. "al2ing in School: The girls all miraculously have all of the same classes8as the same time. They all sit "e,t to each other a"d tal* if someo"e gets a te,t message from A# or if they all do. The teachers do"+t mi"d te,ti"g or tal*i"g duri"g classes# either '(ser)ations: ;P2$ 'hots of all of the girls i" their homes. The girls+ families tell them that the tow" is dedicati"g a memorial to their frie"d Aliso". They are a little s*e tical because they are"+t ready to e, ress their feeli"gs about their frie"d Aliso"+s disa eara"ce a"d murder.

The liars at Alisons memorial. AA2 5%BT )AC$ &a""a wo*e u a"d is getti"g brea*fast before school# whe" )etective )arre" (ilde" is fou"d raidi"g her refrigerator. 'he gets a" u"easy feeli"g about this because she figures out her mom has a relatio"shi with the detective who is o" the same case as Aliso"+s disa eara"ce. 7DA2$ 2o"a a"d &a""a meet u i" the food hall at their school# a"d tal* about their rece"t e,cursio" to the .osewood 2all. They have a assio" for sho lifti"g# because they do"+t feel they should shell out mo"ey to buy what they wa"t whe" its easy to steal it. 77A2$ )etective (ilde" shows u at .osewood &igh to /uestio" &a""a about the way she dresses# as its very similar to Aliso"+s. 'he tells him she has class# but he said he had it ta*e" care of. (ilde" is s*e tical of the way &a""a has tur"ed i"to the "ew Aliso" a"d decides to dig dee er i"to her ast# which is ofte" called &efty &a""a. =P2$ &a""a+s mom fi"ds out that detective (ilde" i"terrogated her daughter i" school# without ermissio". 'he was furious a"d e"ded their /uic* relatio"shi because he was usi"g her daughter to get more i"formatio" about Aliso". EP2$ A stude"t at the school throws a arty at his la*e house a few tow"s away. &a""a a"d her boyfrie"d# 'ea" try to ta*e their relatio"shi to a"other level# a"d it fails because 'ea" brea*s u with her. 'he the" tries to get reve"ge a"d e"ds u crashi"g 'ea"+s car# getti"g her i"to trouble with the law# o"ce agai".

Pretty Little Liars: Season 'ne pisode 78 01eep .our Friends #lose4 Description of the Location: I" this e isode of Pretty Little Liars# the girls are all located at their houses. They all are o" the same street i" .osewood# Pe""sylva"ia a fictio"al tow". The first sce"e ta*es lace i" &a""a+s house. It is a reside"tial# suburba" moder" house with two stories. 2ost of the locatio" i" this house ta*es lace i" the *itche". ' e"cer+s house is also a

9 Baxter oi"t of locatio". The actio" also ta*es lace i" the *itche"8 a high class loo*i"g *itche" si"ce the &asti"g+s are of the higher class. .osewood &igh is -ust dow" the bloc* from these two houses. This is the local high school where everyo"e atte"ds. It+s a very old style school with loc*ers o" both sides of the hallway# which there are o"ly four hallways. The classrooms are small with ma"y des*s to fit the growi"g "umber of stude"ts. The .osewood Cam i"g Frou"ds is also a locatio" for this articular e isode. It+s a few miles outside of tow" with ma"y cam i"g s ots for eo le to have a" outdoor "ight# or few days. It+s merely -ust woods with ic"ic be"ches a"d ar*i"g s aces. Figured World: The figured world for this e isode is mai"ly the same as the revious o"es. The liars all have their rules a"d co"ve"tio"s to abide by# mai"ly -ust *ee i"g their discussio"s of A rivate a"d disclosed# "ot s ea*i"g a word of a"y of it to a"other soul who would ote"tially be i"volved a"d hurt by A. They must "ot also act sus icious either if somethi"g ha e"s to them. They always have to *ee a good com osure a"d whe" they all get to a rivate lace# they ca" tal* about it a"d "ot feel li*e they are bei"g -udged or eve" stal*ed at this oi"t. I" this articular e isode# the FBI come to their school a"d start to /uestio" them further about Aliso" si"ce the case was declared a homicide. They are immu"e to a"y i"terrogatio"s a"d i"terviews because they have e, ressed their side of the story multi le times# to multi le law e"forceme"t age"cies. Actors: Aria Montgomery (Lucy Hale): I" this e isode# Aria is faci"g some a are"t issues with her are"ts who are goi"g through a divorce. 'he also has a secret relatio"shi goi"g o" with her %"glish teacher8 %0ra Fit0GgeraldH. 'he ca""ot tell a"ybody about this relatio"shi # which ma*es her a very good liar# a"d s"ea*y erso". mily Fields (Shay Mitchell): %mily has a frie"d# or rather "ow girlfrie"d come over to her house to ha"g out after school. %mily has "ot come out to her frie"ds as bei"g gay yet# which ma*es her a good liar as well. 'he ca" *ee a secret as well as Aria. &er father comes home u"e, ectedly from Afgha"ista" a"d she is over-oyed. 2aya is still at the house a"d %mily+s mother becomes sus icious that %mily has a girlfrie"d. %mily is from a very co"servatio"# Christia" family a"d has to lie i" order to "ot hurt her family from her life choices she chooses to ma*e. Spencer Hastings ("roian !ellisario): ' e"cer has family drama goi"g o" as well. &er older sister 2elissa is home a"d moved bac* i"to their house. 'he a"d her old boyfrie"d Ia" a"d together# but ' e"cer also has a ast with Ia"# a"d 2elissa does"+t *"ow. ' e"cer also has good lyi"g s*ills to *ee her secret affair a secret from her sister a"d family. Hanna Marin (Ashley !enson): &a""a+s are"ts are rece"tly divorced a"d her mother is "ot i" a good lace# fi"a"cially. 'he has to decli"e i"vitatio"s to sho because she does"+t feel comfortable as*i"g her mother for some. 'he tur"s to sho lifti"g to get what she wa"ts without as*i"g her mother for some mo"ey. Mona 6ander/aal (5anel Parrish): 2o"a is a recurri"g character i" the

10 seaso". 'he is best frie"ds with &a""a# ost Aliso". 2o"a is throwi"g a big birthday bash for girls o"ly o" the .osewood Cam Frou"ds. 'he has a s a "ight for all of her guests with ma"icures# edicures a"d masseuses. 'he u"i"vited &a""a because &a""a was rude to her "ew frie"ds a"d though &a""a was too oor to be her frie"d. 9ra Fit9gerald ($an Harding): %0ra is the %"glish teacher who is havi"g a secret affair with Aria. &e is a "ew character# "o"etheless im orta"t as he is seei"g Aria a"d he+s a teacher to all of the girls i" school. -oel 1ahn (!rant Daugherty): 5oel 9 ro"ou"ces I"ow8ol: is a bysta"der character# mea"i"g he+s rese"t but "ot im orta"t e,ce t for this e isode. &e is s yi"g o" %0ra a"d Aria o"e day whe" they are tal*i"g i" a classroom. &e wal*s i" a"d sus ects somethi"g is goi"g o". &e as*s Aria out a"d she acce ts# but /uestio"s her feeli"gs for %0ra.

Artifacts: #ellphones: The liars *ee getti"g te,t messages from A# a"d they use cell ho"es to commu"icate whe" they are "ot able to meet face8to8face a"d discuss their la"s or motives are to fi"di"g out who A is# or to meet u for coffee. $n)itations: 2o"a is throwi"g a birthday arty i" the wood# for girls o"ly. 'he se"ds &a""a a" i"vitatio"# but ta*es it bac* because &a""a is rude to 2o"a+s "ew frie"ds. 2o"a is very strict a"d careful for who she chooses to come to the birthday bash. #ars: Peo le use cars to get to 2o"a+s birthday bash i" the woods. &a""a arrives because her frie"ds tell her to# but sets u cam i" a"other area of the woods. 'he the" is goi"g to her car with her frie"ds a"d someo"e hits her while she is wal*i"g. The liars sus ect it+s A# tryi"g to get rid of the girls o"e by o"e.

Discourse #ommunities: "he Liars: The liars are always goi"g to be a discourse commu"ity. They have strict guideli"es# ractices# a"d rules that they all co"ti"ue to follow as they wor* together to reach their goal to fi"d out who A is. Liar:s Parent:s: The liar+s are"ts are all worried about their child i" differe"t ways. They all have their ow" commu"icatio" together because they meet u a"d see what could be botheri"g their childre". They all wor* together to fi"d commo" grou"d a"d ways of achievi"g their childre"+s ha i"ess. Literary Practices: "e%ting: The girls do"+t really have other direct ways of commu"icati"g e,ce t through te,t messages. They ca""ot always be together# a"d the o"e way that is direct a"d solid through their commu"icatio" is te,ti"g. "al2ing at school: They all have the same classes# lu"ch# a"d while they are i" school# it is easy for them to commu"icate old fashio" style$ face to face. This e"sures them that "o o"e else is readi"g their te,ts or watchi"g over their shoulder#

11 Baxter a"d they ca" call get the same message at the same time. '(ser)ations: ; AM: 2o"a e"ters school a"d asses out i"vitatio"s to her to 8"otch s a birthday arty bash. 'he states as she ha"ds each i"vitatio" to the liars# that o"ly the best get the i"vitatio"s. 'he whis ers to them you guys o"ly get o"e because you+re frie"ds with my bestie &a""a. 'he the" s*i s away hummi"g a"d ha"di"g the "e,t o"es o" to other girls. The girls all loo* to o"e a"other a"d all agreei"g they will "ot atte"d. ;:8< AM: &a""a begs the girls to go because it+ll be fu" a"d they wa"t to ma*e their frie"d ha y by ha"gi"g out with her other frie"ds# all referri"g to &a""a. =:=8 PM: &a""a arrives home from school to fi"d her distraught mother sitti"g loo*i"g at bills she ca""ot afford at the *itche" table. &a""a co"fro"ts her mother about it# a"d is worried they are goi"g bro*e. 2o"a o s i" out of "o where# a"d tells &a""a she must s*i school with her the "e,t day to go sho i"g. &a""a+s mother is"+t fo"d of the idea but ha"ds &a""a J7DD because she does"+t wa"t 2o"a to thi"* less of her daughter. &a""a loo*s over at her mother is distress because she *"ows J7DD is a lot for them at this mome"t. >:88 PM: 1ver at ' e"cer+s &ouse# 2elissa her older sister comes home a"d is accom a"ied by Ia" her boyfrie"d. Ia" also had a ast with ' e"cer at the same time he was dati"g 2elissa a few years bac*. It tur"s i"to a flashbac* with Ia" a"d ' e"cer *issi"g a"d layi"g golf while he was dati"g 2elissa. - ?" DA.: ; AM: 5oel# a classmate of the liars as*s Aria out o" a date# "ot *"owi"g that she is dati"g %0ra Fit0 their %"glish teacher. 'he olitely acce ts a"d la"s their date out. 'he is havi"g co"fused feeli"gs about the date# a"d where it leaves her with %0ra. %0ra saw them tal*i"g a"d tal*s badly of 5oel# a"d Aria defe"ds him ma*es %0ra mad. &e does"+t wa"t to see Aria with a"yo"e else but him. ;:7< AM: The ri"ci al calls the girls dow" to his office because the FBI would li*e to have a word with them. &a""a has to tell 2o"a she ca"+t go sho i"g with her# a"d 2o"a disi"vites her from the arty. A detective i"terrogates them about the murder mystery of Aliso" )iLaure"tis. They tell her what they *"ow$ Aliso" was go"e whe" they all wo*e u from their slee over. They have "o idea who could have wa"ted to *ill her# or why. )etective does"+t sou"d co"vi"ced but lets them go. 77 AM: &a""a+s mother is stra ed for mo"ey a"d whe" a" old widow comes i"to her office at the ba"*# she ta*es mo"ey out of the old woma"+s accou"t a"d ta*es a" illegal loa" to *ee her house a"d child. 77:7< AM: 5oel wal*s by 2r. Fit0+s classroom to see Aria a"d him tal*i"g flirtatiously a"d sus ects that they may have somethi"g goi"g o" betwee" them.

12 = PM: %mily has a girlfrie"d over at the house# 2aya because %mily is feeli"g lo"ely a"d scared to be alo"e. 2aya is very fo"d of %mily. The door o e"s a"d %mily calls out a"d fi"ds her )ad# who was de loyme"t i" Afgha"ista". 'he hugs him a"d %mily+s mom tells 2aya to leave. 'he+s "ervous of what might be goi"g o" betwee" %mily a"d 2aya because she is very co"servative. @:=8 PM: The girl+s head out to .osewood Cam grou"d where 2o"a+s arty is held. ' e"cer a"d Aria drive together while %mily drives se arate. ' e"cer a"d Aria get there first a"d are greeted by 2o"a# with rese"ts a"d a tshirt to wear duri"g the arty. %mily gets there "e,t. &a""a goes but sets u cam o" a"other art si"ce she was"+t i"vited a"ymore. @:>< PM: &a""a a"d %mily arrive at the cam grou"d. ' e"cer receives a te,t from A that o"ly says (rights Playgrou"d. This is a laygrou"d that+s o" the cam site a"d ta*es the girls with her. Aria we"t missi"g as they were o" their way to the laygrou"d. %0ra had drive" u behi"d her a"d ' e"cer to a ologi0e for his actio"s earlier with 5oel. &a""a sees Aria goi"g i"to the mystery car. 'he sees a hooded blac* figure go behi"d the car writi"g I see you i" the dew o" the bac* wi"dshield. @:<8 PM: &a""a te,ts the liars says she *"ows who A is. 'he tells the girls to meet her i" the ar*i"g lot. 'he sees the girls a"d ru"s to them# but the" gets hit by a" u"*"ow" driver of a" u"*"ow" car. The girls rush to her side a"d calls E77. They are blasted with a" A te,t sayi"g 'he *"ew too much. A had hit her with the car.

ntervie! !ith Spencer "astin#s: Tell me a little about your frie"d# Aliso" )iLaure"tis. a. Aliso" was almost@ let me say a ri"gleader i" our grou of five girls. 'he was the o"e who brought us all together i" the e"d. 'he ic*ed articular girls to befrie"d# a"d the" -oi"ed us all together i"to a big grou of frie"ds. (e are all differe"t i" our ow" ways# a"d Ali *"ew that. 'he did that o" ur ose. 'he fi"ds the bad i" eo le a"d ma*es them good# a"d bri"gs out the bad i" us# to the" ma*e us good. There was a art of Aliso" who was cruel. 'he torme"ted eo le li*e it was her -ob. It was disturbi"g but we would"+t dare co"fro"t her about a"ythi"g because she would"+t be our frie"d a"ymore. >. %, lai" whe" you first started getti"g a"o"ymous te,t messages from KAK. a. (ell# it+s very i"teresti"g. (e all got differe"t te,ts from A# but "ever told a"yo"e. After Aliso"+s fu"eral# we all got o"e mass te,t from A. After this# we *e t getti"g them ra"domly# but it felt as if we were bei"g stal*ed. It+s really cree y# still si"ce we+re still torme"ted by them. .ebecca Ba,ter >4;47L A$?? =. %, lai" why you might thi"g there might be a ossibility that Aliso" is still alive. a. There is a ossibility that Ali could be alive. I feel li*e "o o"e was out to get her# so

13 Baxter why would she die. I we"t to go loo* for her after I fou"d out she was missi"g. I could"+t fi"d her a"ywhere a"d I thought she could have ru" away or go"e to someo"e else+s house. I feel li*e she could be o" the ru" away from A# if its "ot Aliso" herself. 'he would do somethi"g li*e this# a"d the" come out later a"d call it a -o*e. L. %, lai" what it feels li*e to be sus ects a"d /uestio"ed i" your frie"ds disa eara"ce. a. It ma*es me a little "ervous# eve" though we *"ow we were"+t i"volved i" a"y of this. Aliso" was go"e a"d I we"t to loo* for her a"d I could"+t fi"d her. I *"ow the law retty well# a"d its ridiculous that they feel that they must i"terrogate us over a"d over agai" eve" though we *ee givi"g them the same a"swers. ?. )escribe the feeli"g of bei"g followed by KAK who harasses you# a"d *"ows your every move. a. It gives me a very u"easy feeli"g. I"owi"g someo"e ca" trac* our every move gives me a little a",iety. (e ca"+t co"fide i" our are"ts because we do"+t wa"t them to be the "e,t targets. (e# as i" me a"d the other girls# do have our sus ects that we believe could lay a art i" bei"g A. Peo le# who Aliso" torme"ted# could hate us -ust by associatio" with Aliso". I do have hu"ches about who A could be# but o"ce I get close to figuri"g it out# someo"e else comes u who could very well be A. &avi"g someo"e stal*i"g me /uestio"s every move I ma*e. I have to ma*e sure that I loo* o*ay# but that I+m "ot caught doi"g a"ythi"g sus icious that A could use agai"st me a"d my frie"ds.

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