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Sarah Alshammari AC3

1. Overthrow: to overcome and defeat (verb) over thrower(noun) overthrower(adj) 2. Successors: to succeed or follow (noun) .successoral (adj) 3. Supremacy: the state of being powerful (noun). Supreme (adj) 4. Communist: a type of government that controls everything. (noun) .communistic (adj).communistically (adverb 5. Resolute :to firmly solve (adj) resoluteness (noun). Resolutely (adv) 6. Forefathers: ancestors (noun) 7. Ought: to express moral obligation ( axillary verb) 8. Exertions: inventions (noun). Exuent (verb) 9. Cultivate: to improve (verb). Cultivated (adj). cultivable (adj). cultivation (noun). 10. Lessen: to become less (verb). lesser (adj) 11. Proletarian: the working class people (noun) and (adj) 12. Inheritor: to gain (verb),. Inherited (adj) .inheritor (noun) 13. Condemnable: to disapprove (verb) the adj is (condemnable ) adverb (condemnably ) 14. Benefactor : benefit others (verb). Beneficent (adj) 15. Patent : copy right (noun) (verb) (adj) 16. Artisans : designers (noun). Artistic (adj) 17. Gratifying: to make someone happy (adj). gratifyingly (adv). Gratify (verb) 18. Plainer: complain (adj) .plainly (adv) .plainness (noun) 19. Betwixt :between(adv) 20. enormities :immoral act (noun) 21. proletariat: the labour class (noun)

22. nationalisim : beig loyal and proud of where youre from(noun) 23. Democracy: equality (noun) 24. Revolution : attempt to end rule of government (noun) Movement : the act or process of moving people or things from one place or
position to another


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