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Edwin Jeffrey Jeff Graham

1914 Chatsworth Court Statesboro, Ga. 304 1 Gra!"S#$G%ai&.'om ()*)+ *4*,144Objective: .o ser/e my 'ommunity with s!i&&s and e01ertise mentioned be&ow. Skills: 2/er 10 years of 1rofessiona& de/e&o1ment in a''ountin3 and business administration. " demonstrated abi&ity to hand&e mu&ti1&e tas!s re4uirin3 a''ountabi&ity, 'om1eten'y to ma!e tou3h de'isions whi&e standin3 steadfast in faith and 'on/i'tions. Education \ Training: Appalachian State University, 5oone 6.C. , "u3. 199* 7 8e'. 199 5a'he&or of S'ien'e in 5usiness "dministration9 %a:or; E'onomi's < %inor; =nternationa& 5usiness Colorado Tech University Online 7 Senior, Student Jan. *00> 7 8e'. *00> (Senior 7 Student ?oan Short 3 Courses+ %a:or 7 5a'he&or of S'ien'e in "''ountin3 PST Pro!essional So!t"are Training and #evelop$ent 7 Se1t. *011 7 @eb. *01* %i'rosoft Certified "''ess 8atabase Aro3rammer and Certified Beb 8e/e&o1er %eorgia &ork Certi!ied %old 'evel 7 "u3ust *011 Co$pUSA (uly )**+ %i'rosoft Certified E01ert , E0'e& Co$puter Skills: ,S &ord ,S SharePoint ,S E0cel ,S Po"erPoint ,S Outlook ,S Access Adobe PhotoShop Adobe Acrobat ./* Adobe 1n2#esign Adobe 3lash Adobe #rea$"eaver Adobe 1llustrator AS -** ,as .* Peachtree %reat Plains

&ork E0perience: Sylvania 3irst United ,ethodist Sylvania4 %a/ Children5s and 9outh #irector %inister Sunday S'hoo& 7 Sunday mornin3s 9;4- am , 10;4- am .uesday mornin3 brea!fast de/otiona& 7 ;4- am , >;30 am .uesday e/enin3 youth 3rou1 7 ;1-1m 7 >;30 1m Bednesday after s'hoo& 1ro3ram and ministry 7 *;40 1m 7 -;00 1m

Sept/ 5672,arch 86-

Coordinator S2S 7 Bednesday afters'hoo& 7 sna'!s, 1&aytime, arts C 'raft, entertainment Douth 7 S'hedu&e e/ents, 1i'!u1 and dro1 off

Communi'ation fa'i&itator Sy&/aniafum'.'om 7 Beb site desi3ner and in 'har3e of !ee1in3 it 'urrent So'ia& media 1romotion of 'hur'h a'ti/ities and members. (fa'eboo!, =nsta3ram,'.+

Eo&unteer 5oard of 8ire'tors, S're/en County Chamber of Commer'e. Ser/ed as board member as a ser/i'e to the 'ommunity and re1resentati/e of our 'hur'h. ;rooklet4 %a/ (une 56)2Sept/567

Stay at :o$e #ad

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#addy #ay Care @u&& time 'are ta!er Eo&unteered as the midd&e s'hoo& boys 3rou1 &eader (Chur'h youth+.

Edwin Jeffrey Jeff Graham

1914 Chatsworth Court Statesboro, Ga. 304 1 Gra!"S#$G%ai&.'om ()*)+ *4*,144Park <idge :ospital 2 3letcher4 =C ,ay 8*> ,arch 8*. Sta!! Accountant Fuman resour'e effi'ien'y re1ortin3. @i0ed asset a''ountant for hos1ita& and in/oi'in3 medi'a& asso'iates for hos1ita& e01enses in'urred on 8r.Gs beha&f. @inan'ia& statement 1re1aration for S!y&and %edi'a& Center, assisted in @inan'ia& Statement 1re1aration for Aar! Hid3e Journa& entries, a''ount re'on'i&iations, ban! re'on'i&iations and other a''ountin3 1ro:e'ts as assi3ned. Opper$ann &ebbing ,anu!acturer4 Pied$ont4 SC ,arch 8*? 3ebruary 8*+ Controller Are1ared a&& @inan'ia& Statements for home offi'e in Einbe'!, Germany. #S o1eration 3ross sa&es I9 %i&&ion annua&&y. @i0ed asset mana3ement, ana&ysis and de1re'iation entries. Ca&'u&ation 'ost of 3oods so&d Arimary 'onta't with Customs a3ents reso&/in3 1rob&ems with raw materia&s 1ur'hased in China and Germany. %ana3ed "''ounts Aayab&e C "''ounts He'ei/ab&e. %ana3er of I1,000,000.00 &ine of 'redit estab&ished throu3h Ba'ho/ia for raw materia& 1ur'hase. Fuman resour'e mana3er in'&udin3; 1ayro&&, 2SF", insuran'e ne3otiations, em1&oyee trainin3, re/iews and dis'i1&ine. "&so 'oordinated with de1artment heads to 'ontro& o/ertime re4uirements. 1,1 <esort ,arketing @ Sales Advertising4 %reenville4 SC Sept/ 8*6 2 =ov/ 8*A Project Accountant; =n/oi'ed =%=Gs %edia, %ar!etin3 C .e'hno&o3y di/ision and !e1t detai&ed a3ein3 of outstandin3 "JH a''ounts. Bhi&e in this ro&e in/oi'in3 amounts in'reased from - %i&&ion in *001 to o/er 1-.* mi&&ion in *00-. 8e/e&o1ed E0'e& 1ro3ram to re'ord re/enue 1ro1er&y, as 1ro:e'ts wou&d sometimes &ast se/era& years. Are1ared Earian'e He1ortin3 7 He1orted and re'on'i&ed a&& e01enses in'urred on a '&ientGs beha&f. 5e'ause of 'ontra'tua& ob&i3ations, mar!etin3 e01enses had to be se1arated from norma& o1eratin3 e01enses and o/erhead and re1orted a''ordin3&y. Peppertree <esorts\:oliday 1nn Sunspree4 Asheville4 =C Oct/6..> Sept/ )**6 Accountant 8ai&y ban! re'on'i&iation of 'or1orate o1eratin3 a''ounts for 3* resorts &o'ated throu3hout the #.S. and abroad. "''ounts Aayab&e %ana3er for * timeshare star resorts. 5e3an as "A C&er! and ad/an'ed to a Staff "''ountant, assistin3 'or1orate EA of Ae11ertree Hesorts and Contro&&er of Fo&iday =nn Suns1ree with a''ount re'on'i&iations and end of month :ourna& entries.

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