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Lesson 1

Goals The learner knows the proper sitting position for keyboarding.

Objectives Terminal Objective 1: The learner is able to determine the proper sitting technique for keyboarding. Enabling Objectives: 1A: The learner selects the correct foot position from multiple pictorial options. 1B: The learner selects the correct posture position from multiple pictorial options. Terminal Objective 2: The learner identifies the location of the home row keys. Enabling Objectives: 2A: The learner selects the correct left hand placement on A, , !, " keys from multiple pictorial options. 2B: The learner selects the correct right hand placement on #, $, %, & keys from multiple pictorial options. 2': The learner selects the correct thumb placement to ho(er abo(e the space bar

Lesson 2

The learner knows the location of the home row keys.

Lesson 3

from multiple pictorial options. The learner knows the Terminal Objective 3: location of specific keys The learner identifies on the keyboard. the location of specific keys on the keyboard. Enabling Objectives: )A: The learner identifies the location of the letter keys. )B: The learner identifies the location of the number keys. )': The learner identifies the location of special characters on the keyboard.

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