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William Billy Earnhart (AT member, suite mate) 3/3/14

What measures does your fraternity take to ensure the safety of the brothers and others during social events? Prior to each event, a group of new members are selected to go to the event and stay sober to keep an eye on the brothers. Brothers that do not follow the conduct code will be sent in front of the Standard and Ethics Board, which will seek a proper punishment for the brother. Fines, letters, ect.

Samuel Carvalho (AE Health and Safety Chair) 3/4/14

What measures do you take, as Health and Safety Chair, to ensure the safety of the brothers and others during social events? Register any events through FSUPD and IFC Assign sober monitors- brothers in bad standing with the fraternity either financially or because of poor grades. (Upwards to 5 depending on size of event) Any brother that neglects to follow the guidelines set will be brought to the Standard and Ethics Board for review. Disciplinary action follows. What happens if a brother fails to follow the code of conduct multiple times at social events? They will be brought up for Standard and Ethics each time The punishment will get more and more harsh with each offence If the offence is severe enough, a member can be removed from the fraternity

Tomas Rodriguez (AE Philanthropy Chair) 3/4/14

Do you find your philanthropy or any other organizations philanthropy dangerous in any way No, not at all. Can you tell me a little about the philanthropy you organized? AE Open- mini golf tournament Open to all organizations, but it consisted of only PanHellenic Sororities in the fall (13) Raise money for The McBride Family Foundation

Mikes Beer Barn Employee (name disclosed, no affiliation to a Greek letter fraternity) 3/22/14
How often do people present a fake I.D. or an I.D. that is not them? Id have to say at least one in eight people that come in here give me a fake. Do you ever accept the fake I.D. and make the sale? If the I.D. looks like the guy, I usually give him the benefit of the doubt.

Anonymous (Greek fraternity affiliated, fraternity disclosed) 3/24/14

To what extent did being hazed as a pledge affect you? When surrounded by actives he feels belittled Feels like he earned respect with how he handled being hazed Cleaning the house and getting brother interviews consumed much of his time Late nights doing school work, at least 5 all-nighters during pledging semester

Pledging was one of the best things that ever happened to me. Sure it was hell, but I learned that the world is a harsh place, that Im going to feel alone and empty, and now I am a stronger man because of it.

Were you ever physically harmed? Prefer to not answer Never touched with intent to harm I often times hear that pledging is the most fun you ever want to have once, to what extent do you agree with this statement? The endless hours dedicated to a fraternity that he wasnt even a part of sucked Glad he was force to know my brothers, it builds a stronger brotherhood Brotherhood is the most exclusive component to a fraternity, the part that no outsider can fully understand. Never wants those hours back Never wants to forget how pledging changed him Happy that he was able to grow because of pledging Had fun, but never wants to do it again

Anonymous (AE Affiliated) 3/25/14

What is your opinion on the recent decision reached by your Supreme Council? Upset because the future members will not get to experience the same thing as him Confused as to why nationals decided to do it now (2014) Understands why they feel the need to do eliminate pledging Open-minded to the idea The word going around is that your fraternity will lose respect in the Greek community. What are your thoughts? As one of the oldest and largest fraternities in the nation, I feel as though AE is respected enough at FSU and nationally that people will not look at us differently. The fraternity as a whole is willing to pull together to work harder before and during rush to ensure that the incoming new members will make good brothers

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