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1. Warfare

The Shangs armies were especially strong because their weapons were made of bronze. They had chariots with one driver and an archer to the right and a spearman to the left. &page=10 2. Writing

Writing in the Shang dynasty was ancestor to modern Chinese writing. The Shangs form of writing was in logo graphs but before that, they used pictographs. Logographs are symbols that stand for words instead of sounds. 3. Government

Shang kings heavily relied on their army to keep them in power. Their armies were very strong because they used bronze for tougher weapons. They were also strong because of their powerful chariots. 0/20 4. Technology

The Shang was one of the first in the world to discover bronze. This streghtned the Shang and allowed them to stay in power for over 500 years. ml 5. Religion

King sometimes asked their ancestors for advice on important things (such as whether to go to war or not) with oracle bones. Then the oracle would press a hot needle against the back of the bone and the bone would crack. The oracle would then translate the crack as a message from their ancestors and sometimes would write the message on the bone. 6. Social structure

In the social pyramid of the Shang empire was based at the bottom with slaves, layered on top of that with farmers, the next on up being traders, and above those are craftspeople, at second is the Nobles, and it is finally topped with the ruling family.

I made this. 7. Art

The Shang were very skillful when working with bronze and they created very beautiful vessels and other objects. They were also very skillful with Jade and made elegant creations like the one on the left. They also believed that Jade symbolized a superior person in the fact that the toughness symbolizes wisdom and the smoothness and shininess symbolize kindness.

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