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1. Warfare

The Han army was very strong and was very large. Some historians believe that there were about 130,000 to 300,000 soldiers in the Han army. The Hans army had longer swords and more flexible armor with their discovery of iron. 15785993/D%20HAN%20WEAPONS%20AN D%20WARFARE 2. Government

The Han made enhancements in government because they made a bureaucracy. They also started to change the way government officials were hired. They started to hire people based off of knowledge. 3. Agriculture

Han farmers made enhancements in agriculture by inventing the iron plow and the chain pump. The iron plow pushed soil away from the plow so it wouldnt clump. d_knife,_Han_Dynasty.JPG
4. Industry The Han dynasty had their main industry in silk and salt. They also discovered that salt can be mined from underground. They made silk by winding silk fibers, and they would wind the finished product on a reel. k-industry.html 5. Art

The Han invented paper and writing. They made paper by mashing silk fibers, hemp, bamboo, straw, and seaweed into a pulp and then dip a screen into the pulp and when the pulp dried on the screen, the dried pulp was the finished product. Their writing was graceful and looked natural. The Han brought up the idea of acupuncture, but they believed that acupuncture balanced the yin yang force inside the body. 6. Medicine

I made this. 7. Science _Nan_of_Han_Dynasty.jpg

The Han dynasty made the worlds first compass and the seismograph. The compass was a lodestone carved into the shape of a spoon with a handle that always points south. The seismograph had a pendulum that would detect an earthquake from vary far away by knocking down one of the eight balls placed around the pendulum.

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