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Mahasiswa Program Doktor Teknik Lingkungan Institut Teknologi Bandung

Harun Sukarmadijaya
Dosen Program Doktor Departemen Teknik Lingkungan, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Dadang ! Mihardja
Dosen Program Doktor Departemen "eo#isika dan Meteorologi , Institut Teknologi Bandung

Suprihantono $otodarmodjo
Dosen Program Doktor Departemen Teknik Lingkungan, Institut Teknologi Bandung

The sediment transport in coastal zone can be studied by some method, one of them is numerical modelling. This research studied sediment transport modelling in Semarang coastal zone around BKT. The result from the modelling shows the movement of sediment is spreading to all direction, but a little part tend to spread to the West closed to the research area on 2 , 2! "uly #$$%, while on 2&, '( "uly and # august #$$% the spreading sediment run to the )ast research area. The pattern of the movement of the sediment is very influenced by the movement of water current. *t can be seen from the movement of the sediment is e+ual to the movement of the current at the same time. Key words: Sediment transport, numerical modelling, two dimension

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