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Blaize Meyerholtz 3-5-2014 ENGL 10600-670 Halliday Swales "Discourse Community" A discourse community has a broadly agreed set

of common public goals. 11 These public goals may be formally inscribed in documents (as is often the case with associations and clubs), or they may be more tacit. These lines clearly state what a discourse community is and how they work. This line explains the main difference between a discourse community and a speech community. I can relate to discourse communities because I am in one. Everyone is in discourse communities, and this paper gives the exact descriptions of what one is. A discourse community is almost like a group or click of people like you see with groups of friends. Every discourse community has different rules or regulations, and things they have in common. Most of the time they have a certain focus or purpose. Society itself is one big discourse community that acts together to find certain norms which can relate to everyone in the world. The authors main point I think in his writing was to clarify the difference between a discourse community and a speech community. The points he gives clarifies this well and are easy to understand and comprehend.

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