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Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 1

Juniors Topicality
Topicality---Substantial---0!000 Troops---1NC ....................................................................................................................................."
Topicality---Substantial---50%---2NC #$er$iew ....................................................................................................................................%
Topicality---Substantial---50%---&i'its ..................................................................................................................................................5
Topicality---Substantial---50%---(roun) ................................................................................................................................................5
Topicality---Its---*+clu)es ,-Cs---1NC..................................................................................................................................................
Topicality---Its---*+clu)es ,-Cs---2NC #$er$iew .............................................................................................................................../
Topicality---Its---*+clu)es ,-Cs---2NC---&i'its ..................................................................................................................................
Topicality---Its---*+clu)es ,-Cs---2NC---(roun) ................................................................................................................................0
Topicality----ilitary---*+clu)es 1ir 2orce---1NC................................................................................................................................10
Topicality----ilitary---*+clu)es 1ir 2orce---#$er$iew .......................................................................................................................11
Topicality----ilitary---*+clu)es 1ir 2orce---2NC---Interpretation .....................................................................................................12
Topicality----ilitary---*+clu)es 1ir 2orce---2NC---(roun) ...............................................................................................................1"
Topicality----ilitary---*+clu)es 1ir 2orce---2NC---&i'its .................................................................................................................1%
Topicality----ilitary---*+clu)es 1ir 2orce---1T3 Counter-Interpretation ............................................................................................15
Topicality---,resence---4e5uires 6isibility---1NC ...............................................................................................................................1.
Topicality---,resence---4e5uires 6isibility---2NC #$er$iew ..............................................................................................................1/
Topicality---,resence---4e5uires 6isibility---2NC---Interpretation .....................................................................................................1
Topicality---,resence---4e5uires 6isibility---2NC---(roun) ...............................................................................................................10
Topicality---,resence---4e5uires 6isibility---&i'its ............................................................................................................................20
Topicality---,resence---Co'bat 2orces #nly---1NC ............................................................................................................................21
Topicality---,resence---Co'bat 2orces #nly---2NC #$er$iew ...........................................................................................................22
Topicality---,resence---Co'bat 2orces #nly---2NC---(roun) ............................................................................................................2"
Topicality---,resence---Co'bat 2orces---2NC---&i'its .......................................................................................................................2%
Topicality---,resence---*+clu)es Co'bat 2orces---1NC .....................................................................................................................25
Topicality---,resence---*+clu)es Co'bat 2orces---2NC #$er$iew......................................................................................................2.
Topicality---,resence---*+clu)es Co'bat 2orces---2NC---Interpretation ............................................................................................2/
Topicality---,resence---*+clu)es Co'bat 2orces---2NC---&i'its .......................................................................................................2
Topicality---,resence---Troops #nly---1NC..........................................................................................................................................20
Topicality---,resence---Troops #nly---2NC #$er$iew........................................................................................................................."0
Topicality---,resence---Troops #nly---2NC---Interpretation ..............................................................................................................."1
Topicality---,resence---*+clu)es 1r's Sales ......................................................................................................................................."2
Topicality---,resence---*+clu)es 1r's Sales---2NC #$er$iew ...........................................................................................................""
Topicality---,resence---*+clu)es 1r's Sales---&i'its ........................................................................................................................."%
Topicality---,resence---7asin8---1NC .................................................................................................................................................."5
Topicality---,olice ,resence---4e5uires 6isibility---1NC.....................................................................................................................".
Topicality---,olice ,resence---4e5uires 6isibility---2NC #$er$iew...................................................................................................."/
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 2
Juniors Topicality
A. Definition
Substantial is at least 50%
Camdessus 96 9-ichel Ca')essus! 'ana8in8 )irector o: the International -onetary 2un)! -e'ber o: 1,,! ,ress Con:erence!
Septe'ber 2.! 100.! ;http3<<www.i':.or8<e+ternal<np<tr<100.<'=>
I: one wante) only to 'aintain the si?e o: the 2un) relati$e to the worl) econo'y since 5uotas were last a)@uste)! now one
shoul) increase 5uotas by at least two thir)s. The *+ecuti$e 7oar) is )iscussin8 this issue! an) I see a $ery broa) 'a@ority o:
the 7oar) consi)erin8 a substantial 5uota increase. ASubstantialA 'eans :or 'e at least so'ethin8 between 50 an)
100 percent
B. iolation! t"e aff plan is less t"an 50%
C. Standa#ds. $easons to %ote ne&'
1( )imits! t"e aff must be o%e# 50%. Allo*in& t"e aff to be less t"an 50% e+plodes t"e topic. ,e open
doo# fo# an infinite numbe# of affi#mati%es *it" small actions. ,it"d#a*in& a sin&le milita#y pe#sonnel
*ould be topical. T"e ne& *ould be unable to p#epa#e fo# t"is.
2( -#ound! substantial is .ey to &ene#ic DA lin.s/ *"ic" is .ey to ne& st#at. By allo*in& t"e aff to be less
t"an 50%/ t"is a*ay ne& &#ound.
0( 1ducation! *"en aff is not substantial enou&"/ it a*ay a la#&e pa#t of ne& st#ate&y/ leadin& to a
one sided debate/ unde#minin& t"e educational aspect of debate
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 0
Juniors Topicality
Topicality---Substantial---80,000 Troops---1NC
A. Definition!
A substantial #eduction is anyt"in& mo#e t"an 20/000 t#oops
CB3 90 9Con8ressional 7u)8et #::ice! -1N1(IN( TB* 4*DCCTI#N IN -I&IT14D ,*4S#NN*&! July 1000! C7# ,apers
1 substantial re)uction in the si?e o: the C.S. acti$e-)uty 'ilitary )urin8 the co'in8 year is ur8e) by 'any obser$ers. Eith
recent chan8es in *astern *urope an) the So$iet Cnion si8nalin8 a lessene) threat to C.S. interests worl)wi)e! an) a treaty
li'itin8 con$entional :orces in *urope 9C2*> un)er ne8otiation! sharp personnel cuts 'ay be warrante). To illustrate the
e::ects o: a lar8e re)uction! the Con8ressional 7u)8et #::ice 9C7#> was asFe) to e+a'ine a cutbacF o: 0!000 troops! the
nu'ber that woul) be with)rawn :ro' *urope un)er the propose) C2* treaty.
B. iolation! t"e aff *it"d#a*s less t"an 20/000 t#oops
C. Standa#ds. $easons to p#efe# ou# inte#p#etation
1( )imits! t"e aff must *it"d#a* o%e# 20/000 t#oops. Allo*in& t"e aff to *it"d#a* less t"an 20/000
e+plodes t"e topic. ,e open doo# fo# an infinite numbe# of affi#mati%es t"at *it"d#a* insi&nificant
amounts and pe#fo#m minute actions. ,it"d#a*in& a sin&le milita#y pe#sonnel *ould be topical. T"e
ne& *ould be unable to p#epa#e fo# t"is.
2( -#ound! substantial is .ey to &ene#ic DA lin.s/ *"ic" is .ey to ne& st#at. By allo*in& t"e aff to be less
t"an 20/000/ t"is a*ay ne& &#ound.
D. ote ne&
1( 1ducation! *"en aff is not substantial enou&"/ it a*ay a la#&e pa#t of ne& st#ate&y/ leadin& to a
one sided debate/ unde#minin& t"e educational aspect of debate
2( 4ai#ness! t"is is t"e most impo#tant aspect of debate.
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 5
Juniors Topicality
Topicality---Substantial---50%---2NC Overview
3u# inte#p#etation specifies t"at substantial must be mo#e t"an 50% t"is is .ey to focus on t"e co#e of
t"e topic instead of a%oidin& clas" and #eadin& aff6s on small sub &#oups of t"e milita#y. A bill *#itten
fo# a #eduction of t#oop p#esence "as to be at least fifty pe#cent!
And t"ey "a%e a topical %e#sion of t"ei# aff77777777777777777777777 / t"is is t"e only *ay to &i%e t"e
ne& fai# &#ound.
,e access t"e st#on&est 89) to education! t"ey p#edicate t"ei# 1AC of a sub&#oup! t"e only *ay to
actually "a%e in!dept" analysis and #esea#c" of a#&uments is if t"ey *it"d#a* a substantial amount to
inc#ease t"e ne&ati%es lit base.
T is a %otin& issue! it6s t"e only *ay to #est#ict t"e affi#mati%e and &i%e t"e ne&ati%e fai# &#ound
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 5
Juniors Topicality
T"ei# inte#p#etation un!limits t"e topic because it allo*s fo# any small dec#ease in p#esence/ t"ei#
inte#p#etation t"e debate less about dec#easin& o%e#all p#esence t"e aff and actually &ettin& to
t"e co#e of t"e topic and it focuses uses and mo#e about t"e specific &#oup *it"in t"e count#y. T"ey
could ta#&et any specific sub!&#oup of cont#acto#s/ indi%idual combat units o# e%en specific ope#ations.
T"e can :ust *#ite an aff p#edicated off a specific sub &#oups/ if *e "as to #esea#c" e%e#y specific
milita#y &#oup in si+ count#ies t"e#e *ould be no clas".
1%en if t"ey *in t"at *e o%e#!limit!!!
3%e# limitin& t"e topic is a .ey inte#nal lin. to obtainin& education on t"e topic'
1. 8n o#de# to c#eate mo#e in! dept" competition and clas" in debates/ o%e# limitin& is .ey! by unde#
limitin& t"e topic you %ee# a*ay f#om t"e co#e lea#nin& *it"in t"e topic.
2. ,e a#&ue a#&ument isn6t :ust t"at t"ey allo* fo# too many cases/ but t"at t"ese cases a#e too small
and "a#d to p#edict. T"e only *ay to p#e%ent t"is is c#eatin& limits on t"e aff in o#de# to limit t"e
potential out#a&eous cases. 8t is t"e only *ay to discou#a&e a team f#om #unnin& se%en diffe#ent aff6s/
*"ic" dest#oys ne&ati%e st#ate&y.
T"ey dest#oy affi#mati%e &#ound by .ey ne&ati%e st#ate&ies suc" as Dete##ence/ A&&#ession and
count#y specific tu#ns/ o# topic specific disad6s. 8t &i%e t"e ne&ati%e an impossible #esea#c" bu#den
openin& t"e doo#s fo# "und#eds of aff6s based of sub &#oups/ in *"ic" a lit base does not e+ist. T"is
dest#oys .ey topic education! instead of debatin& t"e co#e info#mation of t"e topic *e a#e fo#ced to
constantly #un &ene#ic DA6s and C;s *"ic" don6t actually discuss milita#y p#esence.
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 6
Juniors Topicality
Topicality---#ts---$%clu"es &'Cs---1NC
A( 8nte#p#etation < milita#y p#esence is ou# t#oops
=a"aney 1
-a@or -ichael ,. -ahaney! Cnite) States -arine Corps! unclassi:ie) 'ono8raph! StriFin8 a 7alance3
2orce ,rotection an) -ilitary ,resence!7eirut! #ctober 10"
Two :inal ter's re5uire clari:ication. The :irst o: those ter's is presence. 1lthou8h repeate)ly tie) to the concept o: peace
operations! the wor) is ne$er )e:ine)! an) cannot be :oun) in Joint ,ublication 1-02! Depart'ent o: De:ense Dictionary o:
-ilitary an) 1ssociate) Ter's. The i'portance o: this wor) in 10" an) to)ay cannot be o$erstate). ,resence is )e:ine) by the
)ictionary as AThe state or :act o: bein8 present!A an) AThe i''e)iate pro+i'ity in ti'e an) space.A+$i The secon) ter'
:re5uently associate) with peace operations is interposition. &iFe presence! interposition is currently not )e:ine) by the
Depart'ent o: De:ense. The 'ost co''only use) an) 8enerally accepte) )e:inition is to i'pose a physical presence
between the hostile parties. 7enis 2ranF! while writin8 the )e:initi$e history o: the -arine operation in &ebanon! associate)
the ter' presence with the international law concept o: interposition . Be )e:ine) interposition as AJthe co''only accepte)
tenet in international law o: KinterpositionK which results when a 'a@or power pro$i)es 'ilitary assistance in the :or' o:
troops at the re5uest o: a le8ally constitute) an) establishe) 8o$ern'ent unable to protect :orei8n citi?ens an) property.A+$ii
B( iolation ! 8#a>i ;=4s a#e not ?S fo#ces < independence f#om a#med fo#ces and multiple
subcont#actin& laye#s
$idlon 2 Captain Daniel ,. 4i)lon 97.1.! Seattle Cni$ersity 9200">L J.D.! Bar$ar) &aw School 9200.>> is the Chie: o: -ilitary
Justice! "0th Space Ein8! 6an)enber8 1ir 2orce 7ase! Cali:ornia. Be is a 'e'ber o: the Eashin8ton 7ar.
C#NT41CT#4S #4 I&&*(1& C#-71T1NTSG TB* ST1TCS #2 14-*D C#NT41CT#4S IN I41M .2 1.2. &. 4e$. 100
It is liFely that ,-2s in Ira5 woul) be consi)ere) in)epen)ent :ro' the ar'e) :orces. The ,-2s operatin8 in Ira5 )i::er in
i'portant ways :ro' 'ilitias or $olunteer corps that 'i8ht be consi)ere) part o: the ar'e) :orces. These ,-2s are separate
an) )istinct entities :ro' the ar'e) :orces ! an) ha$e no a::iliation! asi)e :ro' a contract e'ployin8 the' :or a speci:ic operation or
ser$ice! with the 8o$ern'ent o: any State. CnliFe a 'ilitia or $olunteer 8roup which woul) be :or'e) un)er the StateKs power an) le8iti'acy! ,-2s are!
with the e+ception o: their e'ploy'ent contract! entirely in)epen)ent o: the state. n12/ 2urther! 'any o: the ,-2s in Ira5 to)ay )o not e$en
ha$e contracts with the 8o$ern'ent but instea) are sub-contractors to other co'panies who ha$e contracts with the
8o$ern'ent or who are the'sel$es sub-contractors o: another contractor. n12 This )ouble an)! in so'e cases! triple layer o:
pri$ate co'panies between the ,-2 an) the 8o$ern'ent 'ini'i?es any )irect ties that the ,-2s ha$e to the 8o$ern'ent an)
increases their in)epen)ence
C( ote ne&
1( )imits < *e can6t p#edict t"e do@ens of non!t#oop missions and acto#s in 8#a>9Af&"anistan. Allo*in&
;=Cs opens t"e flood&ates fo# any ot"e# non!t#oop affs
2( Topic Specific 1ducation < ;=Cs s"ift t"e topic of milita#y p#esence < t"e only #eason *"y *e
c"an&e topics e%e#y yea# is because of a ne* a#&uments t"at can be #un.
0( -#ound < ;=Cs deny us all of ou# disads and C;s based on t#oop #emo%al < A DA/ ;ti+ DA/
3ffsets C;/ etc.
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 A
Juniors Topicality
Topicality---#ts---$%clu"es &'Cs---2NC Overview
;=Cs a#e not pa#t of t"e ?S4-! t"ey #ely on t"ei# o*n independent companies t"at can be "i#ed by
anyone! T"e affi#mati%e ne&lects t"e #esolution *"ic" calls fo# a *it"d#a*al of ?S t#oops/ *"ic" fall
unde# t"e fede#al &o%e#nment/ e%en if t"ey *in ;=Cs a#e unde# cont#act t"ey a#e still not pa#t of t"e
?S &o%e#nment.
1( 3u# inte#p#etation of t"e #esolution is t"at B8tsC in t"e #esolution #efe#s to t#oops of t"e ?nited States
fede#al &o%e#nment. T"at6s ou# =a"aney 01 t"at cites specific *a##ants about "o* t"e most &ene#ally
used e+p#ession is t"e acto# e+e#tin& BitsC influence o%e# anot"e# acto#.
2( ;=Cs don6t meet t"is/ t"ey a#e D3T di#ectly licensed by t"e ?S4-/ t"ey a#e independent entities
*"o a#e outside of a#med fo#ces < t"at6s $idlon 02. ;=Cs a#en6t sub:ect unde# 8nte#national o#
Domestic )a*/ *"ic" t"e ?S soldie#s "a%e to fall unde# < t"is p#o%es t"at t"e ?S4- isn6t in cont#ol of
t"ei# o*n soldie#s.
T*o #easons t"is is a %otin& issue'
1( )o&ical decision < ne%e# "a%in& enou&" e%idence o# &ood a#&uments means *e can ne%e#
fully test t"e me#its of a p#oposal/ meanin& *e can ne%e# act as a lo&ical policy ma.e# o# ma.e lo&ical
decisions. T"is impact is outside of us becomin& policyma.e#s < e%e#yone "as to ma.e lo&ical and
info#med decision fo# t"e #est of you# life.
2( 4ai#ness ! ,e can ne%e# "a%e a &ood debate because t"ey substantially o%e# limit t"e topic.
;=Cs a#e outside t"e milita#y c"ain of command
Eones 9! -e'ber an) &or) -ans:iel) Scholar! &incolnKs Inn! Cnite) Nin8)o'L Solicitor! Supre'e Court o: New South Eales! 1ustralia. 7.1.
Bons! Cni$ersity o: Sy)neyL &&.7. Bons.! Cni$ersity o: Sy)neyL 7C&! #+:or) Cni$ersity.
OI'plausible Deniability3 State 4esponsibility :or the 1ctions o: ,ri$ate -ilitary 2ir'sP
2% Conn. J. IntKl &. 2"0
,-2s are acti$e in a plethora o: con:lict an) transition ?ones throu8hout the worl)! as well as in stable an) establishe) states. n.
2ro' 7osnia to Sierra &eone! :ro' the Cnite) States to ,apua New (uinea! they per:or' acti$ities that 'any ha) seen as
5uintessentially 8o$ern'ental :unctions! n/ central to the Eeberian 'onopoly on $iolence that was thou8ht to )e:ine the
'o)ern state. n Bowe$er! these :unctions are now bein8 increasin8ly re'o$e) :ro' the 'ilitary chain o: co''an) an) the
)irect o$ersi8ht o: the state! creatin8 an increase) risF that those taFin8 hu'an li:e are operatin8 with i'punity. n0
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 2
Juniors Topicality
Topicality---#ts---$%clu"es &'Cs---2NC---Liits
a( )imits < ;=Cs lite#ally e+plodes t"e a#ea of t"e topic/ t"e#e a#e many diffe#ent p#i%ate milita#y fi#ms
t"at t"e affi#mati%e could license < allo*in& ;=Cs opens t"e &ate fo# ot"e# non!t#oop fo#ces in 8#a>/
suc" as t"e #emo%in& all t"e :anito#s/ o# #emo%in& t"e fla& bea#e#s to imp#o%e 8#a>i Dationalism/ o#
#emo%in& a specific p#i%ate milita#y fi#m li.e blac.*ate# because t"ey6#e ;A$T8C?)A$)F abusi%e.
b(T"e#e a#e o%e# 50 p#i%ate secu#ity * fo# an a##ay of clients/ some of *"ic" a#e p#i%ate indust#y/
includin& clients/ p#i%ate indust#y/ and inte#national o#&ani@ations
C$S 02 9,ri$ate Security Contractors in Ira53 7acF8roun)! &e8al Status! an) #ther Issues! C4S 4eport :or
Con8ress! 1u8ust 25! Jenni:er N. *lsea! -oshe Schwart?! Nennon B. NaFa'ura!
http3<<www.:as.or8<s8p<crs<natsec<4&"2%10.p): >
It is esti'ate) that so'e 50 pri$ate security contractors e'ployin8 'ore than "0!000 e'ployees are worFin8 in
Ira5 :or an array o: clients! inclu)in8 &o%e#nments/ pri$ate indust#y/ an) inte#national o#&ani@ations
such as the Cnite) Nations.. ,eter Sin8er o: the 7rooFin8s Institution esti'ates that citi?ens o: so'e "0 countries are e'ploye) by pri$ate
security co'panies in Ira5./ -any ,SC e'ployees are security pro:essionals :ro' western countries Q such as the Cnite) States or 7ritish Co''onwealth
countries Q with e+perience in the 'ilitary or law en:orce'ent. #thers are thir)-country nationals! co'in8 :ro' such countries as Chile! 2i@i! Nepal! an)
Ni8eria. 1 thir) cate8ory o: ,SC e'ployees consists o: local Ira5is. -ost o: those worFin8 in Ira5 as pri$ate security contractors are Ira5i! accor)in8 to
Dou8 7rooFs o: the International ,eace #perations 1ssociation 9I,#1>! an in)ustry 8roup.0 So'e o: the thir)-country nationals an) local Ira5is worFin8 :or
,SCs ha$e e+tensi$e 'ilitary trainin8 an) e+perience.
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 9
Juniors Topicality
Topicality---#ts---$%clu"es &'Cs---2NC---!roun"
T"e affi#mati%e inclusion of ;=Cs as a topical case eliminates a si&nificant po#tion of ne&ati%e st#ate&y.
,e come into t"e topic and "it t"e lib#a#y *it" t"e idea t"at *e s"ould be #esea#c"in& t#oops/ so *e
#esea#c" ne&ati%e st#ate&ies li.e t"e Ge& DA and ete#an Affai#s DA because t"ey6#e specific to t#oops.
,e don6t #esea#c" t"in&s li.e post!*a# ;=C st#ess synd#ome o# "o* ;=Cs a#e #elated to 8#a> Stability
because *e don6t D11D to do t"at because *e belie%e t"at t"e topic is about BitsC milita#y p#esence.
T"ey ta.e a*ay co#e st#ate&ies f#om t"e ne&ati%e/ suc" as disad6s #elated to specific count#ies and .ey
C; &#ound.
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 10
Juniors Topicality
Topicality---'ilitary---$%clu"es (ir )orce---1NC
A. 8nte#p#etation! =ilita#y is defined by land fo#ces!
T"e Ame#ican Ge#ita&e Dictiona#y 609! 92ree online )ictionary an) thesaurus! www.:reeonline)'!
O-ilitary!P 2000>
. 5. #: or relatin8 to lan) :orces .
B. iolation! T"ey p#edicate t"ei# 1AC off *it"d#a*in& t#oops ai# fo#ce f#om 777777
C. ;#efe# ou# inte#p#etation' Ai# 4o#ce bases a#e usually located outside t"e count#y of tension. 1%en if
t"ey *it"d#a* f#om a base *it"in t"e Ai# 4o#ce is not pa#t of t"e ?S #esolution.
-#ound! 3u# inte#p#etation still &i%es t"e affi#mati%e .ey cases on t"e topic suc" as/ &#ound t#oop
*it"d#a*al/ and *eapons aff *"ic" a#e manned by &#ound t#oops! t"ey .ill .ey ne&ati%e &#ound by
%ee#in& a*ay f#om t"e co#e of t"e topic *"ic" is a *it"d#a*al of Bmilita#y p#esence/C *"ic" t"ey do not
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 11
Juniors Topicality
Topicality---'ilitary---$%clu"es (ir )orce---Overview
;#efe# ou# inte#p#etation it6s t"e only *ay to e%aluate t"e components of t"e ?S milita#y! in *"ic" t"e
Ai# 4o#ce is not in%ol%ed. ,e access t"e inte#nal lin. to education/ by a%oidin& t"e co#e of t"e topic and
#eadin& plans t"at *it"d#a* ai# fo#ce/ o# na%al t#oops it it impossible fo# t"e aff to fully #esea#c"
and c#eate clas" and aff6s t"at fall outside t"e #esolution. ,e &i%e bot" t"e aff and t"e ne& essential
&#ound *it" ou# inte#p#etation/ t"ei#s :ust o%e# limits t"e topic and &i%es t"e ne& a "u&e disad%anta&e
#esea#c"in& plan specific st#ate&ies.
T"is is a %otin& issue fo# t"#ee #easons
1. 4ai#ness' it .ey st#ate&ies a*ay f#om t"e ne&ati%e and c#eates a "u&e #esea#c" bu#den.
2. ;#edictability' a%oidin& t"e #esolution it impossible fo# t"e aff to p#edict possible affi#mati%es.
0. -#ound' it a*ay .ey ne&ati%e &#ound! Ge& DA/ A DA/ A&&#ession DA/ and count#y specific
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 12
Juniors Topicality
Topicality---'ilitary---$%clu"es (ir )orce---2NC---#nterpretation
1+tend ou# Ame#ican Ge#ita&e dictiona#y e%idence! it p#o%ides t"e most stable definition fo# milita#y/ it
includes only &#ound fo#ces. T"e Ai# 4o#ce is a sepa#ate di%ision t"at does not fall unde# t"e cate&o#y!
t"e #esolution calls fo# a #eduction of Bmilita#y p#esence/C *"ic" t"ey do not meet by *it"d#a*in& Ai#
4o#ce f#om 7777777 ou# inte#p#etation of Bmilita#yC e+cludes t"e Ai# 4o#ce f#om t"e topic! only
allo*in& aff *"ic" *it"d#a* o# use &#ound fo#ces.
=ilita#y p#esence means fo#ces
Collins Cobuild 1n&lis" Dictiona#y 0
Collins Cobuil) *n8lish Dictionary :or 1)$ance) &earners %th e)ition publishe) in 200" R BarperCollins ,ublishers 10/! 1005!
2001! 200" an) Collins 1-S Thesaurus 1st e)ition :irst publishe) in 1005 R BarperCollins ,ublishers 1005
I: a country has a 'ilitary presence in another country! it has so'e o: its ar'e) :orces there. usu supp N The ,hilippine 8o$ern'ent
wants the CS to 'aintain a 'ilitary presence in Southeast 1sia.
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 10
Juniors Topicality
Topicality---'ilitary---$%clu"es (ir )orce---2NC---!roun"
-#ound t#oops a#e t"e co#e of t"e topic! *it"d#a*in& Ai# 4o#ce pilots a*ay .ey #elations Disad6s
and count#y specific DA6s t"at *e cannot access a lin. to because t"ey do not *it"d#a* all fo#ces *"ic"
can dete# conflict. Small affi#mati%es &i%e t"e ne&ati%e a "u&e #esea#c" bu#den and fo#ce t"em to #ead
t"e same &ene#ics e%e#y #ound ma.e it impossible to educate on all aspects of t"e topic. $eadin& aff6s
t"at do not fit t"e #esolution it impossible fo# t"e ne& to *#ite st#ate&ies! *e *ould #esea#c" and
*#ite ne&6s to pa#ts of t"e milita#y/ *"ic" t"e Ai# 4o#ce/ $esolution debate &i%es us a st#on& lit base and
educations *it"in t"e ma#&ins of t"e topic/ *"e#eas t"ei# aff it :ust massi%ely o%e# limits t"e topic.
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 15
Juniors Topicality
Topicality---'ilitary---$%clu"es (ir )orce---2NC---Liits
T"e aff unde# limits t"e topic by allo*in& plans to be on small &#oups t"at do not e%en co##espond *it"
t"e milita#y suc" as t"e ai# fo#ce/ p#i%ate milita#y companies/ fla& bea#e#s and *ould allo* people to
*#ite aff6s *it"d#a*in& ?D t#oops/ o# e%en ?H t#oops f#om Af&"anistan/ by not debatin& beneat" t"e
limits of t"e #esolution it it impossible fo# t"e ne&ati%e to #ead any case specific e%idence because
t"ey can #ead a plan on :ust about anyt"in&.
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 15
Juniors Topicality
Topicality---'ilitary---$%clu"es (ir )orce---(T* Counter-#nterpretation
3u# inte#p#etation is bette# fo# t"#ee #easons'
1. 8t specifically defines *"at falls unde# milita#y fo#ces as &#ound fo#ces/ t"ey do not meet/ by
*it"d#a*in& Ai# 4o#ce t"e dis#e&a#d a .ey component of t"e $esolution *"ic" calls fo# a *it"d#a*al of
milita#y! t"ei# inte#p#etation :ust lists t"e Ai# 4o#ce as pa#t of ou# basic *a# a#my but not t"e actual
2. 3u# inte#p#etation is essential to .ey limit on t"e possible aff6s t"e affi#mati%e can #ead to maintain
ne& &#ound.
0. Fou s"ould e%aluate ou# inte#p#etations in t"e sense of t"e limits t"e aff and ne& &ets! t"e#e a#e plenty
of potential aff6s t"at fall unde# ou# inte#p#etation suc" as *it"d#a*al &#ound fo#ces f#om any of t"e si+
count#ies/ ou# inte#p#etation &i%es t"e aff plenty of &#ound/ *"e#eas t"ei#s limits t"e ne&ati%e &#ound!
and fo#ces us to #ead &ene#ics.
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 16
Juniors Topicality
Topicality---&resence---+e,uires -isibility---1NC
A. 8nte#p#etation!
T#oops must be %isible to be conside#ed p#esence!
=e##iam ,ebste# 610 9online )ictionary )atabase! Opresence!P www.'erria''<)ictionary<presence! July 2.! 2010>
13 the :act or con)ition o: bein8 present. 2 a3 the part o: space within oneKs i''e)iate $icinity b3 the nei8hborhoo) o: one o:
superior especially royal ranF. ". #ne that is present3 as a3 the actual person or thin8 that is present b3 so'ethin8 present o: a
$isible or concrete nature
B. iolation' t"e aff is p#edicated of *it"d#a*in& in%isible fo#ces! *e cannot o# *it"d#a* fo#ces t"at
a#e not non! e+istent acco#din& t"e public as *ell/ *e *ould not .no* if t"ey t#uly all *it"d#e* in t"e
fi#st place!
;#esence #e>ui#es p"ysically bein& p#esent
Coe 9A - ,ro:essor! Cri'inal &aw Depart'ent! Ju)8e 1)$ocate (eneralKs School- (re8ory! 100/ 1r'y &aw. 25! O4estatin8 So'e
#l) 4ules an) &i'itin8 So'e &an)'arFs3 4ecent De$elop'ents in ,re-Trial an) Trial ,roce)ureP! 1pril! le+is.
4e$iewin8 the -anual :or Courts--artial! the 1r'y court hel) that the speaFerphone proce)ure $iolate) the law because o: the lo8ical
)e:inition o: presence! the policy reasons why physical presence is re5uire) to con)uct a court-'artial! an) the 'ilitary @u)8eKs @usti:ication
:or con)uctin8 the arrai8n'ent by speaFerphone.
The court )eter'ine) that the -anual :or Courts--artial nowhere )e:ines
ApresenceA in the applicable pro$isions.
&ooFin8 to the plain 'eanin8 o: the wor) in EebsterKs Dictionary! the 1r'y
court hel) that presence 'eant A the :act or con)ition o: bein8 present .A
1ccor)in8 to EebsterKs! A presentA 'eans Abein8 in
one place an) not elsewhere! bein8 within reach! si8ht! or call or within conte'plate) li'its! bein8 in $iew or at han)! bein8
be:ore! besi)e! with! or in the sa'e place as so'eone or so'ethin8 .A
C. -#ound' ,e lose .ey ne&ati%e &#ound not bein& able to *#ite case specific f#ontlines/ C;s and not
accessin& a lin. to disad6s because nobody "ad pe#ception on t#oops t"ey did not .no* e+isted.
D. )imits' ,e don6t o%e# limit ou# counte# inte#p#etation p#o%ides cases suc" as! *it"d#a*in& ai# fo#ce/
&#ound t#oops/ d#one/ etc. 8t &i%es t"e ne& an impossible #esea#c" bu#den compilin& e%idence on lo* .ey
national secu#ity matte#s.
1. ;#ectability' T"e ne& cannot p#edict affi#mati%e t"at a#e based off a &#oup of t"e milita#y t"at is not
seen by t"e public! t"e#e is no lit base.
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 1A
Juniors Topicality
Topicality---&resence---+e,uires -isibility---2NC Overview
;#efe# ou# inte#p#etation it6s t"e only one t"at doesn6t limit t"e ne&ati%e t"e &ene#ics and fo#ce t"em to
lose &#ound on .ey st#ate&ies. T"e only *ay to .eep to t"e co#e to t"e topic is by focusin& on actual
affi#mati%es t"at ca##y a st#on& lit base. T"e#e is no *ay to .no* if t"ey aff t#uly *it"d#e* all fo#ces
because t"ey a#e in%isible fo#ces. ,e access a .ey inte#nal lin. to education *"ic" is focusin& on t"e on
*"at t"e #esolution p#o%ides to &et a b#oade# education by t"at. By unde# limitin& t"e topic and #eadin&
aff6s people did not e%en .no* e+isted c#eates an e%en mo#e aff bias topic and an impossible ne&ati%e
#esea#c" bu#den.
1+tend ou# 1DC otin& issue!
3u# inte#p#etation is .ey to fai#ness by p#o%idin& bot" sides *it" &#ound and a st#on&/ but not to *ide
education base! teac" t"em a lesson mo#e and mo#e teams *ill *#ite aff6s about*n sub&#oups
and t"e ne& doesn6t "a%e t"e lit base to .eep up.
;#esence is %isible t#oops and inf#ast#uctu#e
;e#.inson 92 9(re8ory -. ,erFinson! -a@or o: the Cnite) States 1ir 2orce! 1n *n$iron'ental Security In:or'ation 2ra'eworF
:or Contin8ency #perations #$erseas! 1pril 100! 1ir 2orce! ;http3<<www.)tic.'il<c8i-bin<(etT4DocG
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 12
Juniors Topicality
Topicality---&resence---+e,uires -isibility---2NC---#nterpretation
;#esence is %isible t#oops
;e#.inson 92 9(re8ory -. ,erFinson! -a@or o: the Cnite) States 1ir 2orce! 1n *n$iron'ental Security In:or'ation 2ra'eworF
:or Contin8ency #perations #$erseas! 1pril 100! 1ir 2orce! ;http3<<www.)tic.'il<c8i-bin<(etT4DocG
?S milita#y p#esence is combat fo#ces
,ape 5 94obert 1nthony ,ape! 1'erican political scientist! pro:essor o: political science at the Cni$ersity o: Chica8o! Dyin8 to
Ein! 2005 ; http3<<'<booFsGi)He&-F)bMFoNoCIp8H,T0"Ilp8H,T0"I)5H%22'ilitaryTpresence%22T
%22)e:ine)Tas%22IsourceHblIotsHIt7s1)w2)Isi8HTeJ$5(E?Mn0i@?w?a (C#"+N+BawIhlHen IeiHr&S-T&-
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 19
Juniors Topicality
Topicality---&resence---+e,uires -isibility---2NC---!roun"
Affi#mati%es t"at p#edicate off Bin%isibleC t#oops a*ay a la#&e po#tion of ne&ati%e &#ound fo#cin&
t"em into #e%ol%in& t"ei# st#ate&ies a#ound &ene#ic disad6s *"ic" &i%es t"e aff mo#e bias bein& able to
p#edict t"e enti#ety of ne&ati%e &#ound. 8t &i%es t"e ne&ati%e a #esea#c" bu#den not bein& able to *#ite
case specific f#ontlines because t"e lite#atu#e on t"e aff does not e+ist. T"is c#eates one sided debate it nea#ly impossible fo# t"e aff to c#eate clas"/ and depletes education and
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 20
Juniors Topicality
Topicality---&resence---+e,uires -isibility---Liits
T"ey o%e# limit t"e topic! allo*in& in%isible sub &#oups *ould e+plode t"e limits of t"e topic beyond t"e
intentions of t"e #esolution. T"is &i%es t"e ne&ati%e a #esea#c" bu#den! it is impossible to p#edict and
#esea#c" all t"e potential aff6s unde# t"ei# inte#p#etation/ you could *it"d#a* C8A/ ;=Cs o# ot"e#
milita#y in%isible sub &#oups in *"ic" t"e#e is a lac. of lite#atu#e and o%e# limits! not allo*in& t"e
debates to na##o* do*n to a ce#tain co#e topic @one.
;#esence is a si&nal of cont#ol < it must be seen
;illin& 91- &ieutenant! CS Na$y X thesis sub'itte) :or -aster o: Science in National Security 1::airs 9INDI1N SC421C*
C#-71T1NTS3 S*1 ,#E*4 2#4 TB* 1000s! http3<<www.)tic.'il<c8i-bin<(etT4DocG
1s Bill points out in his 'o)el! the )e:inition an) bene:its o: presence are har) to )escribe an) 5uantity. Na$al o::icers ha$e
an al'ost instincti$e appreciation o: the )iplo'atic potential o: the si8ht o: a warship sailin8 into a :orei8n port. #ne result o:
presence is the in)ication o: an interest by a nation in the area o: presence. #ther bene:its o: presence are to :oster 8oo)will!
)e'onstrate a way o: li:e! )eterrence! support :or ne8otiations an) :or econo'ic acti$ities 9Bill! 1926/ p. 92( 6isibility is a
Fey co'ponent o: na$al presence an)! there:ore! the best instru'ents o: na$al presence are sur:ace warships.
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 21
Juniors Topicality
Topicality---&resence---Cobat )orces Only---1NC
A. Definition
?S milita#y p#esence is combat fo#ces
;ape 5 94obert 1nthony ,ape! 1'erican political scientist! pro:essor o: political science at the Cni$ersity o: Chica8o! Dyin8 to
Ein! 2005 ; http3<<'<booFsGi)He&-F)bMFoNoCIp8H,T0"Ilp8H,T0"I)5H%22'ilitaryTpresence%22T
%22)e:ine)Tas%22IsourceHblIotsHIt7s1)w2)Isi8HTeJ$5(E?Mn0i@?w?a (C#"+N+BawIhlHen IeiHr&S-T&-
B. iolation! t"e aff *it"d#a*s non!combat fo#ces
C. Standa#ds
1( )imit! allo*in& affs to *it"d#a* non!combat fo#ces *ould e+plode t"e topic. ,it"d#a*in& a ?S
ci%ilian *ould be topical. T"is o%e#st#etc"es ne& #esea#c" bu#den and causes debates to lose si&"t of t"e
co#e basis of t"e #esolution/ unde#minin& education and t"e dept" of #esea#c" on t"e topic. T"is also
e+pands aff &#ound/ fai#ness out of t"e debate.
D. ote ne& fo# fai#ness and education
4ai#ness is t"e most impo#tant aspect of t"e debate! *it"out it/ people *ould #efuse to pa#ticipate/
diminis"in& t"e educational aspect of t"e debate.
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 22
Juniors Topicality
Topicality---&resence---Cobat )orces Only---2NC Overview
;#efe# ou# inte#p#etation! it is t"e only *ay to &et to t"e co#e of t"e topic and access a st#on& lite#atu#e
base. Debatin& non combat t#oop aff6s suc" as fla& bea#e#s/ t#ainin& facility pe#sonnel and ot"e# non
combat &#oups a%oids t"e "ea#t of t"e topic *"ic" a#e ma:o# combat affi#mati%es. By *it"d#a*in& a
non combat &#oup it out t"e ne&ati%e most DA6s lin.s.
;#efe# ou# inte#p'
1. 4ai#ness' t"e only *ay to allo* t"e ne& to c#eate clas" and a st#on& lit base a#e combat aff6s.
2. -#ound' *e lose .ey ne&ati%e &#ound and it out t"e lin. on 92% of t"e disads on t"e topic.
0. 1ducation' Debatin& about non combat t#oops .ills education.
=ilita#y p#esence means combat fo#ces and suppo#t
-A3 9! nonpartisan a8ency that worFs :or Con8ress! "-2%-2N0 9OIra53 Ney Issues :or Con8ressional #$ersi8htP
To assist the 111th Con8ress! this report presents a series o: issue papers :or consi)eration in )e$elopin8 con8ressional
o$ersi8ht a8en)as an) )eter'inin8 the way :orwar) in securin8 an) stabili?in8 Ira5. These papers are base) on the
continuin8 worF o: the C.S. (o$ern'ent 1ccountability #::ice 9(1#> an) the 'ore than 1"0 Ira5-relate) pro)ucts we ha$e
issue) since -ay 200". Since :iscal year 2001! Con8ress has pro$i)e) about Y0 billion to the Depart'ent o: De:ense
9D#D> :or 'ilitary e::orts pri'arily in support o: the (lobal Ear on Terroris'. The 'a@ority o: this a'ount has been :or
'ilitary operations in support o: #peration Ira5i 2ree)o'. -oreo$er! since :iscal year 200"! about Y%0 billion has been
pro$i)e) to C.S. a8encies :or stabili?ation an) reconstruction e::orts in Ira5! inclu)in8 )e$elopin8 Ira5Ks security :orces!
enhancin8 Ira5Ks capacity to 8o$ern! an) rebuil)in8 Ira5Ks oil! electricity! an) water sectors! a'on8 other acti$ities. This
report e+pan)s on issues )iscusse) on (1#Ks transition Eeb site. In January 200/! ,resi)ent Bus" announced T"e De*
,ay 4o#*a#d in 8#a> to stem %iolence and enable t"e 8#a>i &o%e#nment to foste# national #econciliation. To suppo#t
t"e st#ate&y/ t"e ?nited States inc#eased its milita#y p#esence t"#ou&" a su#&e of bri8a)e combat teams and associated
fo#ces. In June 200! we reporte) that the Cnite) States ha) 'a)e so'e pro8ress in re)ucin8 o$erall $iolence in Ira5 an)
worFin8 with the Ira5i 8o$ern'ent to pass le8islation pro'otin8 national reconciliation. In 2ebruary 2000! ,resi)ent #ba'a
)escribe) a new strate8y :or Ira5 consistin8 o: three parts3 91> the responsible re'o$al o: co'bat bri8a)es! 92> sustaine)
)iplo'acy on behal: o: a 'ore peace:ul an) prosperous Ira5! an) 9"> co'prehensi$e C.S. en8a8e'ent across the re8ion.
1ccor)in8 to D#D! the Cnite) States plans to re)uce the nu'ber o: co'bat troops :ro' about 1%0!000 pro@ecte) in -arch
2000 to about 12!000 by Septe'ber 2000--a )i::erence o: 12!000 troops representin8 two bri8a)es an) their support units.
Cn)er the sche)ule announce) by the ,resi)ent! C.S. :orce le$els woul) )ecline :urther by 1u8ust "1! 2010! to no 'ore than
50!000 troops. Cn)er the No$e'ber 200 bilateral security a8ree'ent. between the Cnite) States an) Ira5! the Cnite) States
'ust re'o$e all o: its re'ainin8 :orces by
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 20
Juniors Topicality
Topicality---&resence---Cobat )orces Only---2NC---!roun"
Debatin& suc" small &#oup suc" as non combat t#oops out t"e lin. fo# t"e ne& on most DA6s suc"
as politics/ count#y specific DA6s/ a&&#ession/ succession/ "e& and A DA because t"e#e a#e still actual
combat t#oops t"e#e to dete# conflict. 8t .ills .ey ne&ati%e &#ound and st#ate&y fo#cin& us to #ead
&ene#ics and only "a%e access to a small lit base it nea#ly impossible fo# t"e ne&ati%e to clas"
*it" affi#mati%e a#&uments.
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 25
Juniors Topicality
Topicality---&resence---Cobat )orces---2NC---Liits
T"ey unde# limit t"e topic c#eatin& a #esea#c" bu#den on t"e ne&ati%e by #unnin& affi#mati%es t"at a#e
non combat sub &#oups t"at st#ay f#om t"e cente# of t"e topic. T"e#e a#e "und#eds of small non combat
affi#mati%es t"e ne& *ould "a%e to #esea#c" and it *ould c#eate a topic *it" no #esolutional limits it a one sided debate.
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 25
Juniors Topicality
Topicality---&resence---$%clu"es Cobat )orces---1NC
A. 8nte#p#etation' =ilita#y p#esence means non!combat p#esence acti%ities
T"omason et. Al! Senior 1nalyst! Strate8y! 2orces an) 4esources Di$ision! Institute :or De:ense 1nalyses! ,h.D.! International 4elations :ro' Northwester!
:or'er State Dept. consultant! 2H2 9Ja'es! -ichael ,. 2ischerFeller! Non8)an #h Bassi8! Charles BawFins! (ene ,orter! 4obert J. 1twell! 4obert 7o$ey! Eillia'
*. Cralley! Ja'es DelaneyL Trans:or'in8 CS #$erseas -ilitary ,resence3 *$i)ence an) #ptions :or DoDL http3<<www.)tic.'il<c8i-bin<(etT4DocG&ocationHC2I)oc
#ur worFin8 )e:inition o: ?S o$erseas milita#y p#esence is that it consists of all t"e ?S milita#y assets in o%e#seas a#eas t"at a#e
en&a&ed in #elati%ely #outine/ #e&ula#/ non!combat acti%ities o# functions.1 7y this )e:inition! fo#ces t"at a#e located
o%e#seas may o# may not be en&a&in& in p#esence acti%ities. 8f t"ey a#e en&a&in& in combat 9such as #peration *n)urin8
2ree)o'>! o# a#e in%ol%ed in a one!time non!combat action 9such as an unsche)ule) carrier battle 8roup )eploy'ent :ro' the Cnite) States
ai'e) at cal'in8 or stabili?in8 an e'er8in8 crisis situation>! t"en t"ey a#e not en&a&in& in p#esence acti%ities. Thus! an asset that is locate)
9or present> o$erseas 'ay or 'ay not be Oen8a8e) in presence acti$ities!P 'ay or 'ay not be O)oin8 presence.P Ee ha$e thus :ar )e:ine) presence acti$ities
chie:ly in One8ati$eP ter'sQwhat they are not. In 'ore positi$e ter's! what e+actly are presence acti$ities! i.e.! what )o presence acti$ities actually entail
)oin8G #$erseas 'ilitary presence acti$ities are 8enerally $iewe) as a subset o: the o$erall class o: acti$ities that the CS 8o$ern'ent uses in its e::orts to
pro'ote i'portant 'ilitary<security ob@ecti$es ZDis'uFes! 100%[. 1 $ariety o: recurrent! o$erseas milita#y acti%ities are nor'ally place) un)er the
Ou'brellaP concept o: 'ilitary presence. These include but are not li'ite) to ?S milita#y effo#ts o%e#seas to t#ain fo#ei&n milita#iesI to
imp#o%e inte#!ope#ability of ?S and f#iendly fo#cesI to peacefully and %isibly demonst#ate ?S commitment and9o#
ability to defend ?S inte#estsI to &ain intelli&ence and familia#ity *it" a localeI to conduct peace.eepin& acti%itiesI
and to position #ele%ant/ capable ?S milita#y assets suc" t"at t"ey a#e liFely to be a%ailable soone# #at"e# t"an late# in
case an e%ol%in& secu#ity ope#ation o# contin&ency s"ould call fo# t"em.2 1
B. iolation' t"e Aff *it"d#a*s combat fo#ces in .
C. Standa#ds
1. )imitsJallo*in& any milita#y function to be classified as p#esence e+plodes t"e topic and
:ustifies affs t"at *ould ban milita#y meal sc"edules.
2. 1ducationJdete##ence and soft po*e# is at t"e "ea#t of t"is topicI allo*in& combat cases
moots ou# #esea#c" on t"ese co#e issues because it s"ifts t"e focus of debates f#om unde#standin&
inte#national #elations to minute battle ope#ations
D. Topicality is a ote# fo# 4ai#ness and 1ducation
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 26
Juniors Topicality
Topicality---&resence---$%clu"es Cobat )orces---2NC Overview
1+t. ou# 8nte#p#etation t"at affi#mati%e cases "a%e to #educe t"e ?S milita#y6s p#esence %ia a non!
combat p#esence acti%ity. T"is is t"e best *ay to limit t"e topic because milita#y functions a#e b#oad
and unlimited/ and an eno#mous amount of combat ope#ations &o on e%e#y day. 8f *e focus on tiny
battleplans as opposed to "o* ou# fo#ces actually influence inte#national politics/ t"e end #esult is a #ace
to see *"o can find t"e most unp#edictable ad%anta&es.
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 2A
Juniors Topicality
Topicality---&resence---$%clu"es Cobat )orces---2NC---#nterpretation
;#esence e+cludes combat missions 95 X analyst with the Center :or Na$al 1nalyses 97ra):or)! OThe C.S. -ilitary ,resence 1broa)P! Strate8ic 4e$iew!
Sprin8! p. %0>
1s a result o: )ecisions by the Clinton 1)'inistration! rea::ir'in8 an) stren8thenin8 policies a)opte) by ,resi)ent 7ush!
C.S. 'ilitary Oo$erseas presenceP has beco'e a 'a@or :actor a::ectin8 the )eploy'ent o: C.S. :orces. The re5uire'ents
establishe) by o$erseas presence are now part o: the rationale :or :uture :orce structure. ;#esenceJdeployin& and
ope#atin& fo#ces fo#*a#d to influence/ s"o#t of combat / *"at fo#ei&n &o%e#nments t"in. and doJplays a c#ucial #ole
in a national st#ate&y of Ben&a&ement and enla#&ement.C 3pe#atin& &#ound/ ai#/ and sea fo#ces o%e#seas is a linc"pin
o: the national strate8y3 unless the Cnite) States )oes so success:ully! the strate8y coul) :ail! yiel)in8 an isolationist
alternati$e an) 8reater risFs :or C.S. security an) econo'ic interests.
;#esence is milita#y influence *it" a non!combat/ dete##ent >uality
Eones! 'a@or in the CS 1ir 2orce! 12-0-2H2 97u)! OThe #b@ecti$e is In:luence! not ,resence or Its In:luence 9not ,resence>
Stupi)\P http3<<www.airpower.'a+well.a:.'il<airchronicles<cc<'l>
Nearly three )eca)es a8o Tho'as Schellin8! in his booF 1r's an) In:luence! wrote o: 'ilitary in:luence resi)in8 in its Apower to hurt.A ,it" t"e end of
t"e Cold ,a# and the d#amatic c"an&es in t"e inte#national community! the milita#y influence that co'es :ro' that power to
hurt must s"a#e t"e sta&e *it" t"e po*e# to "elp. =ilita#y influence in non!combat situations #e%ol%es a#ound t"e
ability to #espond > and massi%ely to the proble' at han). Bere also 1'erican air power has an unparallele) capacity to e+ert a positi$e
in:luence in any re8ion o: the 8lobe. In both So'alia an) 'ore recently in 4wan)a the :irst! 'ost i'portant! an) 'ost successful Ame#ican milita#y
p#esence *as not =a#ines sei@in& an un)e:en)e) ai#po#t o# A#my $an&e#s pat#ollin& fo#ei&n st#eets/ but t"e appea#ance
of Ame#ican milita#y t#anspo#t planes a##i%in& *it" )esperately nee)e) car8oes o: :oo) an) 'e)ical supplies.
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 22
Juniors Topicality
Topicality---&resence---$%clu"es Cobat )orces---2NC---Liits
,e don6t o%e#limitJnon!combat fo#ces a#e c#itical to e%aluatin& t"is yea#6s topic t"#ou&" t"e lens of
inte#national #elations. ;#esence is not a fluid dynamic of *a#fa#e but a fi+ed point of influence on ot"e#
count#ies. ;#efe# ou# inte#p because it allo*s a comp#e"ensi%e analysis of 8$ analysis *"ic" is .ey to
education on t"e topic.
3u# Caselist sol%es all t"ei# offense. Affi#mati%es still "a%e access to #emo%in& t#oops t"at a#e in
peace.eepin& ope#ations/ stationed at pe#manent milita#y bases in non!*a#@one locations/ in%ol%ed in
t#ainin& local fo#ces/ en&a&in& in espiona&e and intelli&ence acti%ities/ and many mo#e non!combat
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 29
Juniors Topicality
Topicality---&resence---Troops Only---1NC
A( 8nte#p#etation' =ilita#y p#esence means t#oops only
Ca#lst#om! @ournalist! )e8ree in @ournalis' an) a 'inor in political science :ro' Northwestern! 2010 9(re88!
http3<<www.the'a@lis.or8<2010<05<0<boots-on-the-8roun)-in-paFistan OA7##TS #N TB* (4#CNDA IN ,1NIST1NP>
I ha$e a lot o: 5uestions about yester)ayKs New DorF Ti'es report that t"e 3bama administ#ation is debatin& an e+panded Kboots on
t"e &#oundK p#esence in ;a.istan! but the :un)a'ental 5uestion is this3 Ehat )oes Eashin8ton hope to acco'plish by sen)in8 'ore troops to
,aFistanG ,olicy'aFers ha$e been )ebatin8 this issue :or a while! but itKs liFely to recei$e renewe) attention in the waFe o: 2aisal Sheh?a)Ks :aile) Ti'es
S5uare bo'bin8. So itLs *o#t" ponde#in& t"e st#ate&ic implications of sendin& mo#e ?.S. t#oops -- trainers! 'ost liFely -- to
,aFistan. The )ownsi)es see' :airly ob$ious. I ha$enKt seen any pollin8 )ata on the sub@ect -- but consi)erin8 the )eep ,aFistani opposition to )rone striFes!
an) the 8enerali?e) anti-C.S. senti'ent! 8 canLt ima&ine a la#&e# ?.S. milita#y p#esence woul) be popular. 1n) it *ould #e%e#be#ate
outside of ;a.istan! tooL @iha)i 8roups coul) present it as :urther e$i)ence o: C.S. i'perialis'.
B( iolation' T"e aff #educes instead of actual t#oops
C( Standa#ds'
1( )imitsJt"e affi#mati%e e+plodes t"e topic and allo*s minute affi#mati%es t"at #emo%e a
ce#tain type of &un o# food #ations and encou#a&es a #un to t"e ma#&ins
2( -#oundJall ou# co#e lin.s a#e pe#sonnel basedI fo#ces us to tu#n to &ene#ic conditions and
consult C;s t"at p#oduce s"allo* debates
0( 1ducationJlac. of case!specific a#&uments dest#oys t"e best a#ea of clas"/ means *e can6t
fully de%elop a#&uments o# t"in. as st#ate&ically as possible
D( Topicality is a ote# fo# 4ai#ness and 1ducation
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 00
Juniors Topicality
Topicality---&resence---Troops Only---2NC Overview
1+t. ou# inte#p#etation t"at milita#y p#esence is &#ound t#oops. T"is inte#p#etation is best fo# t"is yea#6s
topic because it &i%e t"e ne&ati%e stable lin.s on t#oop *it"d#a*al and limits out small/ abusi%e
affi#mati%es t"at could #emo%e a ce#tain "and&un o# :et fi&"te# f#om 8#a>. 3u# caselist still p#o%ides t"e
affi#mati%e *it" a lot of fle+ibility' t"ey &et 8#a>9 Af&"anistan *it"d#a*al/ ;=Cs/ and non!combat
fo#ces in t"e ot"e# 5 count#ies.
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 01
Juniors Topicality
Topicality---&resence---Troops Only---2NC---#nterpretation
3+fo#d Ad%anced )ea#ne#6s Dictiona#y 2010 9http3<<www.o+:or)a)$ance)learners)'<)ictionary<presence>
;#esence a &#oup of people/ especially soldie#s/ *"o "a%e been sent to a place to deal *it" a pa#ticula# situation. The
8o$ern'ent is 'aintainin8 a hea$y police presence in the area.a milita#y p#esence
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 02
Juniors Topicality
Topicality---&resence---$%clu"es (rs Sales
A#m sales a#e not p#esence
Bea#d 95
-ichael N. 7ear) &t Colonel! CS12
Cnite) States 2orei8n -ilitary Sales Strate8y3 Coalition 7uil)in8 or ,rotectin8 the De:ense In)ustrial 7ase
Secon)! we can a::or) to re)uce our :orwar) presence o$erseas because o: the access an) in:luence that the Cnite)
States 'aintains within re8ions. Ee ha$e access! the ability to $isit an) use strate8ic areas! to 'any countries throu8h
our 'ilitary -to-'ilitary contacts an) our support o: the weapons syste's they ha$e purchase) :ro' us.
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 00
Juniors Topicality
Topicality---&resence---$%clu"es (rs Sales---2NC Overview
1+t ou# inte#p#etation t"at milita#y p#esence is defined as basin&. T"is is .ey to limitin& out small
affi#mati%es t"at could :ust end a ce#tain pat#ol o# t#ainin& e+e#cise and lea%e t"e actual based p#esence
still in t"e count#y. ,it"out t"is c"ec. on t"e topic/ *e could "a%e no p#edictable base fo# case!specific
#esea#c"/ fo#cin& us to #un &ene#ic a#&uments t"at #ep#oduce s"allo* debates and lo* le%els of clas"/
.ills ou# ability to de%elop compa#ati%e a#&uments and t"in. st#ate&ically.
;#esence is defined as po#t/ ai#field/ o# inf#ast#uctu#e
)ambe#son 0 9Co''an)er Je::rey &a'berson o: the Cnite) States Na$y! CS1EC ST41T*(D 4*S*14CB ,4#J*CT3 7** ,#E*4 21! 1pril "! 200"!
C.S. 1r'y Ear Colle8e!Carlisle 7arracFs ; http3<<www.)tic.'il<c8i-bin<(etT4DocG&ocationHC2I)ocH(etT4Doc.p):I1DH1D1%2020=>
#$erseas presence has lon8 been a Fey C.S. Na$y 'ission an) N1621C has :acilitate) that presence an) the access it
pro$i)es throu8h the establish'ent o: o$erseas port! air:iel) an) basin8 in:rastructure. These :acilities are born out o: lon8
ter' relationships with the host nations that are built on )iplo'atic! 'ilitary an) business interests culti$ate) by N1621C
personnel. 4epresentati$es o: N1621C acco'plish these relationships throu8h a si8ni:icant
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 05
Juniors Topicality
Topicality---&resence---$%clu"es (rs Sales---Liits
,e don6t o%e#limitJbases a#e .ey to e%aluatin& t"is yea#6s topic t"#ou&" t"e lens of *"at is a tan&ible/
pe#manent fo#m of p#esence. Bases a#e .ey to milita#y ope#ations and "a%e a *ide basis of lite#atu#e fo#
*"y t"ey a#e st#ate&ically positi%e o# ne&ati%e.
3u# Caselist sol%es t"ei# offenseJ*e "a%e an eno#mous numbe# of bases in t"e topic count#ies'
Ai# 4o#ce'
7a8ra' an) Shin)an) 1irbases! alon8 with Nan)ahar International 1irport in 1:8hanistan
IncirliF 1irbase in TurFey
Na)ena 1ir 7ase in #Finawa! -isawa an) DoFota 1ir 7ases! in 'ainlan) Japan
Nunsan an) #san 1ir 7ases in South Norea.
2#7 1bu (hraib! Ira5 Joint 7ase 7ala)! also Fnown as &o8istics Support 1rea 1nacon)a Ca'p 7ucca Ca'p Cropper! Ira5 Ca'p
Dublin! 2#7 (ri??ly! Ca'p Justice! rena'e) Ca'p 7an?ai in 200%! &S1 1nacon)a Ca'p &iberty! Sather 1ir 7ase! Ca'p Slayer!
C#, ShocFer! Ca'p StriFer! &o8istics 7ase Seit?! 2#7 SyFes Ca'p! Ira5 6ictory 7ase Co'ple+! a cluster o: C.S. 'ilitary
installations surroun)in8 the 7a8h)a) International 1irport 97I1,>! Ca'p 6ictoryQall in Ira5.
Ca'p 6ir8inia! Ca'p 1ri:@an! Ca'p 7uehrin8! Ca'p ,atriot! Ca'p 1li 1l Sale'Qall Nuwait
Ca'p Sa'a! Torii Station! 2ort 7ucFnerQall Japan
Ca'p 1'es! Ca'p Carroll! Ca'p Casey! Ca'p Castle! Ca'p Colbern! Ca'p Coiner! CS1( Dae8u! Ca'p *ssayons! Ca'p
(eor8e! Banna' 6illa8e! Ca'p Benry! Ca'p Bialeah! Ca'p Bo$ey! CS1( Bu'phreys! Ca'p JacFson! Ca'p Nwan8sa 4i! Ca'p
Nyle! Ca'p &on8! Ca'p -arFet! Ca'p Ni'ble! Ca'p 4e) Clou)! Ca'p Sears! Ca'p Stanley! Ca'p EalFer! Ca'p Don8in! 2ar
*ast Dist *n8r! B220 Beliport! N-1. 1ir 7ase! Nunsan ,ol Ter'inal Site! -a)ison Site! -asan 1''unition Depot! ,ier W!
Sun8na' (ol: Course! Swiss an) Swe) Ca'p -ac BM! Tan8o 9C.S. 1r'y>! EatFins 4an8e! Don8 ,yon8! CS1( Don8sanQall
South Norea
Ca'p 4hino-1:8hanistan
2orwar) #peratin8 7ase 1bu (hraib! 1l 1sa) 1ir 7ase! 1l Ta5a))u' 1ir 7ase! Ca'p 7aharia! Ca'p (annonQall Ira5
-arine Corps 7ase Ca'p S'e)ley D. 7utler! -arine Corps 1ir Station 2uten'a! -arine Corps 1ir Station IwaFuni! Ca'p 2u@i!
Do'itan 1u+iliary 1ir:iel)Qall Japan
Ca'p 1ri:@anQNuwait
Co''an)er Na$al 2orces Norea ChinhaeQSouth Norea
Cnite) States 2leet 1cti$ities DoFosuFa! Cnite) States 2leet 1cti$ities Sasebo! Na$al 1ir 2acility 1tsu8i Na$al 2orces JapanQ
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 05
Juniors Topicality
A( 8nte#p#etation' ;#esence means basin& o# ot"e# milita#y facilities
Ho#b and =oss/ 2H2! &awrence! senior :ellow at the Center :or 1'erican ,ro8ress an) a senior a)$iser to the Center :or De:ense In:or'ation. was a
senior :ellow an) )irector o: national security stu)ies at the Council on 2orei8n 4elations! ser$e) as )irector o: the Center :or ,ublic ,olicy *)ucation an) senior
:ellow in the 2orei8n ,olicy Stu)ies ,ro8ra' at the 7rooFin8s Institution! )ean o: the (ra)uate School o: ,ublic an) International 1::airs at the Cni$ersity o:
,ittsbur8h! ser$e) as assistant secretary o: )e:ense! was awar)e) the DoD]s 'e)al :or Distin8uishe) ,ublic Ser$iceL an) Ian! national security researcher at the
Center :or 1'erican ,ro8ress! -.1. in co'parati$e politics :ro' Northeastern Cni$ersity $eteran o: the C.S. -arine Corps! where he ser$e) on acti$e )uty :or :i$e
years! a 8ra)uate o: the De:ense &an8ua8e Institute in -onterey! Cali:ornia! 9O-o$in8 7eyon) the Carter Doctrine3 4ethinFin8 the C.S. -ilitary
,resence in the ,ersian (ul:P http3<<<publications< internationala::airs<Forb.p):>
This ?.S. milita#y p#esence #e>ui#es t"at at least so'e ,ersian (ul: states continue to p#o%ide basin& fo# ?.S. fo#ces. T"is is
an issue of &#o*in& impo#tance as t"e ?nited States conside#s *"e#e/ *"en/ and "o* to #edeploy its fo#ces :ro' Ira5.
*$en when the Cnite) States re)eploys :ro' Ira5! it still 'ust be able to > and decisi%ely add#ess t"#eats that can )estabili?e the re8ion.
1n) :or this! it *ill need continued access to facilities in t"e #e&ion! other than in Ira5! since it )oes not want to ha$e pe'anent bases in that
B( iolation' t"e affi#mati%e #educes instead of milita#y basin&
C. Standa#ds
1( )imitsJT"ei# inte#p e+plodes t"e #esolution and allo*s fo# do@ens of small cases t"at de%ol%e
into endin& minute combat ope#ations but not actually #educin& t"e base!cente#ed natu#e of milita#y
2( -#oundJCo#e lin. &#ound is based off of base closu#esI allo*in& cases t"at do not actually
*it"d#a* ou# based p#esence dest#oys ne&ati%e &#ound and fo#ces us to tu#n to &ene#ic conditions and
consult counte#plans/ s"allo* debate
0( 1ducationJt"e best clas" can only occu# if *e can #esea#c" case specific a#&uments/ *"ic" is
impossible if affi#mati%es :ust #un to t"e ma#&ins of t"e topic/ t"at6s .ey to c#itical t" s.ills and
a#&umentati%e de%elopment
D. Topicality is a ote# fo# 4ai#ness and 1ducation
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 06
Juniors Topicality
Topicality---&olice &resence---+e,uires -isibility---1NC
A( 8nte#p#etation' Substantial police p#esence can only be in t"e fo#m of actual/ %isible office#s
C"aney! contributor to The Chattanoogan! Chair'an! Ba'ilton County Doun8 4epublicans! 2010 97rian! OThe City -ust 7e
,roacti$e In Cooli)8e ,arFP http3<<'<articles<articleV1/2050.asp>
2irst! -ayor &ittle:iel) 'ust 'aFe a co''it'ent to put 'ore o::icers on the 8roun) in Cooli)8e ,arF. Do amount of 'oney spent on e+pensi%e
came#as and ot"e# tec"nolo&y can actually p#e%ent c#ime to t"e same de&#ee unifo#med and a#med pat#olmen can. The
police p#esence must be %isible and %i&ilant/ and ou# safety s"ould not be left up to only una#med secu#ity pe#sonnel.
Stron8er police pat#ols *ill dete# *#on&doe#s an) row)y crow)s! and p#o%ide a comfo#tin& p#esence to :a'ilies at the parF.
B( iolations' T"e affi#mati%e :ust #educes instead of %isible police p#esence.
C( Standa#ds
1. )imitsJaff e+plodes t"e topic allo*s plans t"at #educe t#i%ial elements of police functions li.e
secu#ity came#as and "and&uns
2. ;#edictabilityJactual police pe#sonnel t"emsel%es is clea#ly t"e most p#edictable
inte#p#etation. Any ot"e# inte#p#etation ne& #esea#c" bu#den impossible and c#eates s"allo*
debates in case specific clas"
0. -#oundJ1%en if t"ey *in t"at police p#esence mi&"t mean somet"in& sli&"tly diffe#ent/ t"e
#esolution mandates a substantial #eduction in said p#esence/ means t"ey .ill ou# co#e lin.s to any
substanti%e *it"d#a*al of police
D( Topicality is a ote# fo# 4ai#ness and 1ducation
Northwestern Debate Institute 2010 0A
Juniors Topicality
Topicality---&olice &resence---+e,uires -isibility---2NC Overview
1+t. ou# inte#p#etationJsubstantial police p#esence "as to be %isible and tan&ible. T"is inte#p#etation is
best fo# debate since it focuses t"e educational discussion of police p#esence on t"e actual pe#sonnel in
play/ #at"e# t"an some obscu#e function of la* enfo#cement/ suc" as secu#ity came#as o# #iot s"ieldsM.
T"e small ne&ati%e lite#atu#e base fo# t"ese affs can only &et stable lin.s to t"e actual police fo#ces
t"emsel%es. Anyt"in& else obscu#es ou# ability to #esea#c" case!specific a#&uments/ *"ic" fo#ces us to
#ead &ene#ic C;s and DAs t"at c#eate s"allo* debates and dest#oy clas"/ *"ic" is t"e only *ay *e can
&ain education %ia #esponsi%e debates t"at fully de%elop compa#ati%e a#&uments.

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