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TRANSLATION “Voices 3” Worksheet 2

1. Past Simple

a. They arrested him for hijacking a plane.

b. We went to Trafalgar Square in London.

c. Did you read her last detective story?

d. No vaig entendre aquella pel·lícula. Qui era l’assasí?

e. Els gamberros van escapar a còrrer quan va arribar la polícia.

f. Dijous passat no et vaig veure.

2. Past Continuous

a. I was staying in Rome then.

b. Were you trying to phone me?

c. What was he talking about?

d. Nosaltres encara estàvem ballant a les sis de la matinada!

e. Per què estaves nedant a la nit?

3. Past Simple and Past Continuous

a. A thief broke into my house when I was cooking.

b. He was smiling at me and said “Hi!”.

c. He stopped me when I was picking up the phone.

d. Mentre ens estàvem barallant, va sonar el timbre.

e. Ell estava rient quan es va treure la mascara.

f. Era el meu germà, estava fent una broma!

4. Revision

A girl was cleaning the house one day, when an invitation to a party
arrived. While he was reading it, her two stepsisters took it from her.
“You can’t go!” they laughed, “You haven’t got anything to wear.”
Més tard, quan la noia estava plorant, una estranya dona gran va
aparèixer i li va prestar les seves robes, sabates i transport. Per tant,
la noia va anar a la festa però va arribar tard. Un noi jove li va demanar
per ballar … . Què va passar després?

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