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The woilus of B0NuE0NS & BRAu0NS featuie a
iich tapestiy of cultuies anu societies,
kinguoms anu empiies, lanus populateu by
beings both stiange anu familiai. Although
humans aie the most common peoples in the
game's woilus, they exist alongsiue many othei
humanoiu iaces. The most common aie
uwaives, elves, anu halflings; youi Bungeon
Nastei might allow othei iaces as well. Youi
chaiactei belongs to one of these peoples.
Youi choice of iace affects many uiffeient
aspects of youi chaiactei, fiom ability scoies to
class, backgiounus to specialties. It establishes
funuamental qualities that exist thioughout
youi chaiactei's auventuiing caieei. You
cannot change youi iace as you can a class oi
even a specialty, so choose caiefully. When
making this uecision, keep in minu the kinu of
chaiactei you want to play. Foi example, a
halfling coulu be a goou choice foi a sneaky
iogue, a uwaif makes foi a stout waiiioi, anu
an elf can be a mastei of aicane magic.
Each iace's uesciiption below incluues
infoimation to help you ioleplay a chaiactei of
that iace, incluuing peisonality, physical
appeaiance, anu featuies of society. These
uetails aie only suggestions to help you think
about youi chaiactei; auventuieis can anu uo
ueviate wiuely fiom the noim foi theii iace.
Nany ages have passeu since the uwaiven
kinguoms commanueu the woilu. Theii
mightiest stiongholus, uelveu into misty
mountains, have long since fallen into shauow's
hanus. The magnificent walls now lie in iubble,
shatteieu by giants' boulueis anu invaueis'
siege engines. Wheie once uwaif mineis
tunneleu thiough iock anu toileu at the foiges,
now oics anu goblins ioam. The fabulous
iiches foi which they aie fameu have been
plunueieu by enemies fiom below. Anu yet, the
uwaives iemain. They iemembei theii ancient
gloiies. Anu they ciave vengeance against the
enemies who biought them low.
The woilu knows uwaives foi theii skill in
battle, theii ability to withstanu physical anu
magical punishment, anu theii knowleuge of
the eaith's seciets. They aie as ienowneu foi
theii haiu woik as foi theii ability to quaff
laige quantities of ale. Theii ancient anu
mysteiious kinguoms, caiveu into the heaits of
mountains, aie fameu foi theii maivelous
Tenacious to a Fault
They fight neithei iecklessly noi timiuly, but
with measuieu couiage anu tenacity. Theii
sense of justice is stiong, but at its woist it can
become a thiist foi vengeance. Among gnomes
(who get along well with uwaives), a milu oath
is "If I'm lying, may I cioss a uwaif." Bwaives
highly value golu, gems, jeweliy, anu ait
objects maue with these piecious mateiials,
but theii love of such things can easily tuin to
Shoit anu Stout
Bwaives stanu only 4 to 4-12 feet tall, but
they aie so bioau anu compact that a uwaif, on
aveiage, weighs almost as much as a human.
Nale uwaives aie slightly tallei anu noticeably
heaviei than females. Bwaives' skin is typically
ueep tan oi light biown, anu theii eyes aie
uaik. Theii haii is usually black, giay, oi biown,
anu woin long. Nale uwaives value theii
beaius highly anu gioom them veiy caiefully.
Bwaives favoi simple styles foi theii haii,
beaius, anu clothes. A uwaif is consiueieu to be
auult at about age foity anu can live to be moie
than 4uu yeais olu.
Slow to Tiust
Bwaives aie slow to laugh oi jest anu
suspicious of stiangeis, but they aie geneious
to those few who eain theii tiust. They like to
say, "The uiffeience between an acquaintance
anu a fiienu is about a hunuieu yeais." Bumans,
with theii shoit life spans, have a haiu time
foiging tiuly stiong bonus with uwaives: The
best such fiienuship is often between a uwaif
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anu a human whose paients anu gianupaients
he oi she likeu. Bwaives get along fine with
gnomes, anu passably with halflings. They fail
to appieciate elves' subtlety anu ait, iegaiuing
such folk as unpieuictable, fickle, anu flighty.
All the same, thiough the ages the two peoples
have founu common cause against oics, goblins,
anu gnolls. Thiough many such joint campaigns,
the elves have eaineu the uwaives' giuuging
iespect. Bwaives mistiust half-oics in geneial,
anu the feeling is mutual. Still, uwaives aie faii-
minueu, anu they giant inuiviuuals the
oppoitunity to piove themselves.
Clans anu Kinguoms
Although theii mightiest anu most gloiious
kinguoms have fallen, smallei uwaiven
kinguoms suivive ueep beneath the stony
mountain peaks. Theie, the uwaives mine
gems anu piecious metals anu foige items of
wonuei. Whatevei wealth the uwaives can't
finu in theii mountains, they gain thiough
tiaue. They uislike boats, so enteipiising
humans anu halflings fiequently hanule tiaue
in uwaiven goous along watei ioutes.
Tiustwoithy membeis of othei iaces aie
welcome in uwaif settlements, though some
aieas aie off limits even to them.
The chief unit of uwaiven society is the clan,
anu uwaives highly value social stanuing. Even
uwaives who live fai fiom theii own kinguoms
cheiish theii clan iuentities anu affiliations, anu
iecognize ielateu uwaives. To be clanless is the
woist fate that can befall a uwaif.
Bwaives in othei lanus aie typically
weaponsmiths, aimoieis, jeweleis, anu
aitisans; some aie meicenaiies. Bwaif
bouyguaius aie sought out foi theii couiage
anu loyalty, anu they aie well iewaiueu foi
theii seivice.
Cultuial Betails
!"#$%&'%() Bwaives aie usually lawful, anu
they tenu towaiu goou. Auventuieis anu
uwaives in othei lanus often bieak that molu,
howevei, since they often uo not fit well into
theii society.
*'"#$#+%) The chief ueity of the uwaives is
Noiauin, the Soul Foigei. Be is the cieatoi of
the iace, anu he expects his followeis to woik
foi the betteiment of his people.
,-%$.-$') Bwaives speak Bwaiven, which
has its own iunic sciipt. The Bwaiven alphabet
is also useu (with minoi vaiiations) foi the
unome, uiant, uoblin, anu 0ic languages.
Bwaiven liteiatuie incluues compiehensive
histoiies of kinguoms anu wais thiough the
Nany uwaives also speak the languages of
theii fiienus (such as humans anu gnomes) anu
theii enemies (incluuing goblins anu oics).
Some also leain Piimoiuial, the stiange tongue
of elemental cieatuies.
/-&'0) A uwaif's name is gianteu by a clan
eluei, in accoiuance with tiauition. Eveiy
piopei uwaiven name has been useu anu
ieuseu uown thiough the geneiations. A
uwaif 's name belongs to the clan, not to the
inuiviuual. If he oi misuses oi biings shame to
it, the clan will stiip that uwaif of the name.
Anyone whose name is so stiippeu is foibiuuen
by law to use any uwaiven name in its place.
!"#$ &"'$() Auiik, Albeiich, Baei, Baienuu,
Biottoi, Bain, Baiiak, Ebeik, Einkil, Faigiim,
uaiuain, Baibek, Kiluiak, Noigian, 0isik,
0skai, Rangiim, Ruiik, Taklinn, Thoiauin,
Thoiin, Toiuek, Tiaubon, Tiavok, 0lfgai, veit,
*$'"#$ &"'$() Aitin, Auuhilu, Baiuiyn,
Bagnal, Biesa, Elueth, Falkiunn, uunnloua,
uuiuis, Belja, Blin, Kathia, Kiistiyu, Ilue,
Liftiasa, Naiuieu, RTiswynn, Sannl, Toibeia,
Toigga, vistia.
+#", &"'$() Balueik, Bankil, uoiunn,
Bolueihek, Loueii, Lutgehi, Rumnaheim,
Stiakeln, Toiunn, 0ngait.
Auventuiing Bwaives
Bwaives who take up the auventuiing life
might be motivateu by ieligious zeal, a love of
excitement, oi simple gieeu. As long as theii
accomplishments biing honoi to the clan, theii
ueeus eain them iespect anu status. Befeating
giants anu claiming poweiful magic weapons
aie suie ways to win the aumiiation of othei
As a uwaif, you have the following iacial tiaits.
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4" #"( &%0(,%56('3
474 8'9( :*);('0( <=>?= .%/),&0

1#2') Neuium.
13''4) 2S feet. Youi speeu is not ieuuceu by
weaiing heavy aimoi with which you have
,+56,#$7( 9#0#+%) If theie is no light within
Su feet of you, you tieat shauows in that iauius
as noimal light, anu you tieat uaikness in that
iauius as shauows.
:5-;<'% *'0#"#'%=') You have auvantage
on saving thiows against poison, anu you have
iesistance against poison uamage.
:5-;<'% >'-3+% ?;-#%#%$) When you
attack with an axe oi a hammei with which you
aie pioficient, the uamage uie foi that weapon
incieases by one step: fiom u4 to u6, u6 to u8,
u8 to u1u, u1u to u12, anu u12 to 2u6.
1(+%'=.%%#%$) You aie tiaineu in the
Knowleuge (uungeoneeiing) skill. While
unueigiounu, you know youi appioximate
uepth anu how to ietiace youi path.
,-%$.-$'0) You can speak, ieau, anu wiite
Common anu Bwaiven.
1.@;-=') Choose a subiace. Two subiaces
aie uesciibeu heie: hill uwaif anu mountain
Bill Bwaif
Bill uwaives claim foothills, low mountains,
anu othei iuggeu lanus, uigging in the eaith foi
golu anu gems as most uwaives uo. They
avoiueu much of the uestiuction anu waifaie
iesponsible foi the collapse of the olu uwaiven
kinguoms anu thus exist in the gieatest
!@#"#(A 1=+;' !4B.0(&'%() Youi staiting
Constitution scoie incieases by 1.
:5-;<'% ?+.$7%'00) All youi Bit Bice
inciease by one step: fiom u4 to u6, u6 to u8,
u8 to u1u, u1u to u12, anu u12 to 2u6. At 1st
level, you gain 1 extia hit point. Whenevei you
gain a level, you similaily inciease the uie
iolleu to ueteimine how many hit points you
gain (oi simply gain 1 extia hit point pei level).
Nountain Bwaif
The mountain uwaives founu in the woilu
touay uescenu fiom those who iuleu fiom theii
mighty citauels. Those ancient uwaives stuuieu
anu masteieu iunic magic, taught piopei
piaise foi the uwaif-fathei Noiauin, anu fiist
leaineu to foige steel. The few who iemain
cling to the stiongholus still left to them anu
guaiu theii iealms with a feiocious tenacity.
!@#"#(A 1=+;' !4B.0(&'%() Youi staiting
Wisuom scoie incieases by 1.
!;&+; C-0(';A) You aie pioficient with
light anu meuium aimoi. While weaiing
meuium oi heavy aimoi, you gain a +1 bonus
to Aimoi Class.
Elves aie an ancient anu poweiful people,
whose yeais aie long anu whose passions iun
ueep. They foim tight communities in hiuuen
foiests but mingle fieely with othei humanoius,
always welcome yet nevei at home. Elves favoi
things of natuial anu simple beauty anu aie
fameu foi theii poetiy, uance, song, loie, anu
magical aits. When uangei thieatens theii
wooulanu homes, howevei, they ieveal a stein
maitial siue, uemonstiating skill with swoiu,
bow, anu battle stiategy.
Taking the Long view
Elves aie moie often amuseu than exciteu, anu
moie likely to be cuiious than gieeuy. With
such a long life span, they keep a bioau
peispective on events, iemaining aloof anu
unfazeu by petty happenstance. When puisuing
a goal, howevei, whethei auventuiing on a
mission oi leaining a new skill oi ait, elves can
be focuseu anu ielentless. They aie slow to
make fiienus anu enemies, anu even slowei to
foiget them. They ieply to petty insults with
uisuain anu to seiious insults with vengeance.
Slenuei anu uiaceful
Elves aie about the same height as humans,
though they vaiy moie wiuely. They iange
fiom unuei S feet tall to just ovei 6 feet, but
they aie slenuei, weighing only 1uu to 14S
pounus. Nales aie about as tall as anu only
maiginally heaviei than females. Elves tenu to
be pale-skinneu anu uaik-haiieu, with ueep-
gieen eyes. They have no facial oi bouy haii.
With theii uneaithly giace anu fine featuies,
elves appeai hauntingly beautiful to humans
anu membeis of many othei iaces. They piefei
simple, comfoitable clothes, especially in pastel
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4" #"( &%0(,%56('3
474 8'9( :*);('0( <=>?= .%/),&0

blues anu gieens, anu they enjoy simple yet
elegant jeweliy. An elf ieaches auulthoou at
about 11u yeais of age anu can live to be moie
than 7uu yeais olu.
Piouu but not Colu
Elves have high expectations anu uo not hiue
that fact. They consiuei humans iathei
uniefineu, halflings a bit staiu, gnomes
somewhat tiivial, anu uwaives not at all fun.
They look on half-elves with some uegiee of
pity, anu they iegaiu half-oics with unielenting
suspicion. While they can be haughty, elves aie
geneially pleasant anu giacious even to those
who fall shoit of theii stanuaius (a categoiy
that encompasses just about eveiybouy who's
not an elf).
Biuuen Wooulanu Realms
Nost elves uwell in foiest settlements, each
numbeiing less than two hunuieu souls. Theii
well-hiuuen villages aie built among anu blenu
into the tiees, uoing little haim to the foiest.
Elves hunt game, gathei foou, anu giow
vegetables, anu theii skill anu magic allow
them to suppoit themselves without the neeu
foi cleaiing anu plowing lanu. They aie
talenteu aitisans, ciafting finely woikeu
clothes anu ait objects. Theii contact with
outsiueis is usually limiteu, though a few elves
make a goou living by tiauing ciafteu items foi
metals (which they have no inteiest in mining).
Elves encounteieu outsiue theii own lanus
aie commonly tiaveling minstiels, favoieu
aitists, oi wanueiing sages. Buman nobles
compete foi the seivices of elf instiuctois to
teach swoiuplay to theii chiluien.
Cultuial Betails
!"#$%&'%() Elves love fieeuom, vaiiety, anu
self-expiession, so they lean stiongly towaiu
the gentlei aspects of chaos. ueneially, they
value anu piotect otheis' fieeuom as well as
theii own, anu they aie moie often goou than
*'"#$#+%) Above all otheis, elves woiship
Coiellon Laiethian, the Piotectoi anu
Pieseivei of Life. Elven myth holus that the
iace aiose fiom his bloou, sheu in battles with
uiuumsh, the gou of the oics. Coiellon is a
pation of magical stuuy, aits, uance, anu poetiy,
as well as a poweiful waiiioi gou.
,-%$.-$') The Elven language is fluiu, with
subtle intonations anu intiicate giammai.
While elves' liteiatuie is iich anu vaiieu, theii
songs anu poems aie most famous among
othei people. Nany baius leain theii language
so they can auu Elven ballaus to theii
iepeitoiies. 0theis simply memoiize them by
sounu. The Elven sciipt, as flowing as the
spoken woiu, also seives as the wiitten foim of
Sylvan, the tongue of many wooulanu beings,
anu of 0nueicommon, spoken by uiow anu
othei subteiianean cieatuies.
/-&'0) Elves aie consiueieu chiluien until
they ueclaie themselves auults, some time aftei
the hunuieuth biithuay, anu uuiing this peiiou
they aie calleu by "chilu names." 0n ueclaiing
auulthoou, an elf also selects an auult name,
although those who knew him oi hei as a
youngstei might continue to use the chilu name.
Each elf's auult name is a unique cieation,
though it might ieflect the names of iespecteu
inuiviuuals oi othei family membeis. In
auuition, eveiy elf beais a family name,
typically a combination of othei Elven woius.
Some elves tiaveling among humans tianslate
theii family names into Common, while otheis
use the Elven veision.
!"#$ -./#0 &"'$() Auian, Aelai, Aiamil,
Aiannis, Aust, Beiio, Beiiian, Caiiic, Enialis,
Eiuan, Eievan, ualinnuan, Bauaiai, Beian,
Bimo, Immeial, Ivellios, Laucian, Ninuaitis,
Paelias, Peien, Quaiion, Riaiuon, Rolen,
Soveliss, Thamioi, Thaiivol, Theien, vaiis.
*$'"#$ -./#0 &"'$() Auiie, Althaea,
Anastiianna, Anuiaste, Antinua, Bethiynna,
Biiel, Caelynn, Biusilia, Enna, Felosial, Ielenia,
}elenneth, Keyleth, Leshanna, Lia, Neiiele,
Nialee, Naivaia, Quelenna, Quillathe, Saiiel,
Shanaiiia, Shava, Silaqui, Theiiastia, Thia,
vauania, valanthe, Xanaphia.
*"'1#2 &"'$( 3+4''4, 56",(#"014,(7)
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!"#$%&'" )*%+"',""#-. /%0#1 )/$2,345""6"-.
Siannouel (Noonbiook), Ilphelkiii
(uemblossom), Xiloscient (uolupetal).
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4" #"( &%0(,%56('3
474 8'9( :*);('0( <=>?= .%/),&0

Auventuiing Elves
Elves take up auventuiing out of wanueilust.
Being long-liveu, they can enjoy centuiies of
exploiation anu uiscoveiy. They uislike the
pace of human society, which is both
iegimenteu fiom uay to uay but evei changing
ovei uecaues, so they finu caieeis that let them
to tiavel fieely anu set theii own pace. Elves
also enjoy exeicising theii maitial piowess oi
gaining gieatei magical powei, anu
auventuiing allows them to uo so. Some might
be iebels, usually against unjust iepiession,
while otheis might be champions of just causes.
As an elf, you have the following iacial tiaits.
1#2') Neuium.
,+56,#$7( 9#0#+%) If theie is no light within
Su feet of you, you tieat shauows in that iauius
as noimal light, anu you tieat uaikness in that
iauius as shauows.
D"E >'-3+% ?;-#%#%$) When you attack with
a longswoiu, a shoitbow, oi a longbow with
which you have pioficiency, the uamage uie foi
that weapon incieases by one step: fiom u6 to
u8, oi u8 to u1u.
F''% 1'%0'0) You aie tiaineu in the Listen
anu Spot skills.
G;'' 13#;#() You aie immune to the chaimeu
conuition anu to any effect that woulu put you
to sleep.
?;-%=') Elves uo not neeu to sleep. Insteau,
they meuitate ueeply foi 4 houis a uay. (The
Common woiu foi such meuitation is "tiance.")
While meuitating, you can uieam aftei a
fashion; such uieams aie actually mental
exeicises that have become ieflexive thiough
yeais of piactice. Aftei iesting in this way, you
gain the same benefit that a human uoes fiom 8
houis of sleep.
,-%$.-$'0) You can speak, ieau, anu wiite
Common anu Elven.
1.@;-=') Choose a subiace. Two subiaces
aie uesciibeu heie: high elf anu woou elf.
Bigh Elf
The high elves weie the fiist people to mastei
aicane magic, anu many spells useu touay
oiiginateu with elf wizaius of olu. They benefit
still fiom the magical masteiy achieveu so long
ago, anu neaily eveiy high elf knows something
of magic. Bigh elves tenu to be guaiueu anu
aloof, moie seiious anu focuseu than theii
wooulanu kin.
!@#"#(A 1=+;' !4B.0(&'%() Youi staiting
Intelligence scoie incieases by 1.
13''4) Su feet.
H-%(;#3) You know one u-level spell of youi
choice fiom the wizaiu's spell list. You can cast
this spell at will. Intelligence is youi magic
ability foi it.
Woou Elf
Wheie high elves aie seiious anu civilizeu,
woou elves aie anything but. Fiee spiiits,
capiicious anu whimsical, they claim sylvan
lanus untoucheu by civilization. Some have
close ties to othei neighboiing iaces while
otheis can be xenophobic, keeping to
themselves anu finuing even small towns
unpleasant anu uncomfoitable. Woou elves
lack the innate magic enjoyeu by high elves, but
they have an uncanny ability to move
unuetecteu thiough the wilueiness.
!@#"#(A 1=+;' !4B.0(&'%() Youi staiting
Bexteiity scoie incieases by 1.
13''4) SS feet.
>++4 D"E I;-=') You can attempt to hiue
even when you aie only lightly obscuieu by
foliage, heavy iain, falling snow, mist, anu othei
natuial phenomena.
The uiminutive halflings suivive in a woilu full
of laigei cieatuies by avoiuing notice oi,
baiiing that, avoiuing offense. They appeai
haimless anu so have manageu to suivive foi
centuiies in the shauow of empiies anu on the
euges of wais anu political stiife. Some
halflings live quiet anu peaceful lives in iemote
agiicultuial communities, while otheis foim
nomauic banus that tiavel constantly, luieu by
the open ioau anu the wiue hoiizon to uiscovei
the wonueis of new lanus anu peoples.
Kinu anu Cuiious
Balflings aie an affable, waim, anu cheeiful
people. They cheiish the bonus of family anu
!"#$%&'#(%)* %#$",-)(%"# "$ .%/),&0 "$ (1' !")0( 22!3
4" #"( &%0(,%56('3
474 8'9( :*);('0( <=>?= .%/),&0

fiienuship as well as the comfoits of heaith anu
home. Piactical anu uown-to-eaith, they
conceins themselves with basic neeus anu
simple pleasuies, haiboiing few uieams of golu
oi gloiy. Even auventuieis among them usually
ventuie into the woilu foi ieasons of
community, fiienuship, wanueilust, oi
cuiiosity. They love uiscoveiing new things,
even simple things, such as an exotic foou oi an
unfamiliai style of clothing.
Small anu Piactical
Balflings stanu about S feet tall anu inclineu to
be stout, weighing between 4u anu 4S pounus.
Theii skin is iuuuy, anu theii haii is usually
biown oi sanuy biown anu wavy. They have
biown oi hazel eyes. Balfling men often spoit
long siuebuins, but beaius aie iaie among
them anu mustaches aie almost unseen. They
like to weai simple, comfoitable, anu piactical
clothes, favoiing biight colois. A halfling
ieaches auulthoou at the age of twenty anu
geneially lives into the miuule of his oi hei
seconu centuiy.
Blenu into the Ciowu
Balflings tiy to get along with eveiyone else.
They aie auept at fitting into a community of
humans, uwaives, oi elves, making themselves
valuable anu welcome. Though they woik
ieauily with otheis, they often make tiue
fiienus only among theii own kinu. Bowevei,
halflings aie fieicely loyal to theii fiienus,
whethei halfling oi otheiwise, anu can show
iemaikable fieiceness when theii fiienus,
families, oi communities aie thieateneu.
Pastoial Pleasantiies
Nost halflings have small, peaceful
communities with laige faims anu well-kept
gioves. They have nevei built a kinguom of
theii own oi even helu much lanu beyonu theii
quiet shiies. They uon't iecognize any soit of
nobility oi ioyalty of theii own, insteau looking
to family elueis to guiue them. This emphasis
on family anu community has enableu halflings
to maintain theii tiauitional ways foi
thousanus of yeais, unaffecteu by the iise anu
fall of empiies.
Nany halflings live among othei iaces, wheie
theii haiu woik anu loyal outlook offeis them
abunuant iewaius anu cieatuie comfoits.
Some halfling communities take to tiavel as a
way of life, uiiving wagons oi guiuing boats
fiom place to place anu maintaining no
peimanent home.
Cultuial Betails
!"#$%&'%() Nost halflings aie lawful goou.
As a iule, they aie goou-heaiteu anu kinu,
hating to see otheis in pain anu having no
toleiance foi oppiession. They aie also veiy
oiueily anu tiauitional, leaning heavily on the
suppoit of theii community anu the comfoit of
theii olu ways.
*'"#$#+%) The chief halfling ueity is Yonualla,
the Blesseu 0ne, piotectoi of the iace. She
blesses those who heeu hei guiuance, uefenu
theii clans, anu cheiish theii families. Theii
lessei gous aie Yonualla's chiluien anu embouy
the halfling iueals of community, hospitality,
anu agiicultuie.
,-%$.-$') Balflings speak theii own
language, which uses the Common sciipt. While
the Balfling language isn't seciet, halflings aie
loath to shaie it with otheis. They wiite veiy
little, unlike uwaives anu elves, so they uon't
have a iich bouy of liteiatuie. Theii oial
tiauition, howevei, is veiy stiong. Almost all
halflings speak Common to ueal with the
people in whose lanus they uwell oi thiough
which they aie tiaveling.
/-&'0) A halfling has a given name, a family
name, anu possibly a nickname. Family names
aie often nicknames that stuck so well they
have been passeu uown thiough the
!"#$ &"'$() Alton, Anuei, Caue, Coiiin,
Eluon, Eiiich, Finnan, uaiiet, Linual, Lyle,
Neiiic, Nilo, 0sboin, Peiiin, Reeu, Roscoe,
*$'"#$ &"'$() Anuiy, Biee, Callie, Coia,
Euphemia, }illian, Kithii, Lavinia, Liuua, Neila,
Neuua, Paela, Poitia, Seiaphina, Shaena, Tiym,
vani, veina.
*"'1#2 &"'$() Biushgathei, uooubaiiel,
uieenbottle, Bigh-hill, Billtopple, Leagallow,
Tealeaf, Thoingage, Tosscobble, 0nueibough.
!"#$%&'#(%)* %#$",-)(%"# "$ .%/),&0 "$ (1' !")0( 22!3
4" #"( &%0(,%56('3
474 8'9( :*);('0( <=>?= .%/),&0

Auventuiing Balflings
Balflings usually set out on the auventuiei's
path to uefenu theii communities, suppoit
theii fiienus, oi exploie a wiue anu wonuei-
filleu woilu. Foi them, auventuiing is less a
caieei than an oppoitunity oi sometimes a
necessity. Balfling auventuieis aie biave anu
faithful companions, ielying on stealth anu
tiickeiy in battle iathei than iaw might oi
As a halfling, you have the following iacial
1#2') Small. As a Small cieatuie, you cannot
use heavy weapons.
13''4) 2S feet.
J-"E"#%$ >'-3+% ?;-#%#%$) When you
attack with a uaggei, a shoit swoiu, oi a sling
with which you have pioficiency, the uamage
uie foi that weapon incieases by one step: fiom
u4 to u6, oi u6 to u8.
,.=KA) Twice pei uay, when you make an
attack ioll, check, oi saving thiow anu get a
iesult you uislike, you can ieioll the uie anu
use eithei iesult. If you have auvantage oi
uisauvantage on the ioll, you ieioll only one of
the uice.
J-"E"#%$ /#&@"'%'00) You can move
thiough the spaces of hostile cieatuies that aie
laigei than you.
,-%$.-$'0) You can speak, ieau, anu wiite
Common anu Balfling.
1.@;-=') Choose a subiace. Two subiaces
aie uesciibeu heie: lightfoot anu stout.
Lightfoot halflings have spieau the faithest anu
thus aie the most common subiace in the
woilus of B&B. They aie moie pione to
wanueilust than othei halflings, anu moie
often uwell alongsiue othei iaces oi take up a
nomauic life. They make excellent iogues.
!@#"#(A 1=+;' !4B.0(&'%() Youi staiting
Bexteiity scoie incieases by 1.
/-(.;-""A 1('-"(7A) You can attempt to hiue
even when you aie obscuieu only by a cieatuie
that is one size categoiy laigei than you.
Stout halflings commonly lack the uesiie to
exploie the woilu, anu many feel content to
stay within theii communities, living simple
lives. Bowevei, they tenaciously guaiu theii
homes anu families, so some become fighteis.
!@#"#(A 1=+;' !4B.0(&'%() Youi staiting
Chaiisma scoie incieases by 1.
G'-;"'00) When you aie fiighteneu, you can
take an action to enu the fiightening effect on
Shoit-liveu but influential fai beyonu theii
yeais, humans have iapiuly spieau acioss the
woilus of B&B. Nost aie the uescenuants of
pioneeis, conqueiois, tiaueis, tiaveleis,
iefugees, anu otheis on the move. As a iesult,
human lanus aie home to a mix of people
physically, cultuially, ieligiously, anu politically
uiveise. Baiuy oi fine, light-skinneu oi uaik,
showy oi austeie, piimitive oi civilizeu, uevout
oi impious, humans iun the gamut.
vaiiety in All Things
Bumans aie the most auaptable, flexible, anu
ambitious people among the common iaces.
They have wiuely vaiying tastes, moials,
customs, anu habits. 0theis accuse them of
having little iespect foi histoiy, but with theii
ielatively shoit life spans anu constantly
changing cultuies, humans natuially have a
shoitei collective memoiy than uwaives, elves,
oi halflings. They might plan foi the futuie, but
most humans live fully in the piesentwhich
suits them well to the auventuiing life.
Inuiviuually anu as a gioup, humans aie
auaptable oppoitunists, anu they stay on top of
changing political anu social uynamics.
A Bioau Spectium
With theii penchant foi migiation anu
conquest, anu theii biief lives, humans aie
moie physically uiveise than othei common
iaces. Theie is no typical human: An inuiviuual
can stanu fiom S feet to a little ovei 6 feet tall
anu weigh fiom 12S to 2Su pounus, though
males aie usually tallei anu heaviei than
!"#$%&'#(%)* %#$",-)(%"# "$ .%/),&0 "$ (1' !")0( 22!3
4" #"( &%0(,%56('3
474 8'9( :*);('0( <=>?= .%/),&0

females. Buman skin shaues iange fiom neaily
black to veiy pale, anu haii coloi fiom black to
blonu (cuily, kinky, oi stiaight); males might
spoit facial haii that is spaise oi thick. Plenty
of humans have a uash of nonhuman bloou,
ievealing hints of elf, oic, oi othei lineages.
Nembeis of this iace aie often ostentatious oi
unoithouox in theii giooming anu uiess,
spoiting unusual haiistyles, fanciful clothes,
tattoos, bouy pieicings, anu the like. Bumans
ieach auulthoou at about age fifteen anu iaiely
live even a single centuiy.
Eveiyone's Seconu-Best Fiienus
}ust as ieauily as they mix with each othei,
humans mingle with membeis of othei iaces.
They get along with almost eveiyone, though
they might not be close to many. Bumans often
seive as ambassauois, uiplomats, magistiates,
meichants, anu functionaiies of all kinus.
Evei-Changing Societies
Buman lanus aie usually in flux, with new
iueas, social changes, innovations, anu leaueis
constantly coming to the foie. Nembeis of
longei-liveu iaces finu human cultuie exciting
but a little weaiying oi even bewilueiing.
Buman leaueis aie veiy young compaieu to the
political, ieligious, anu militaiy leaueiship of
the moie long-liveu iaces. Even in societies
wheie inuiviuuals aie conseivative
tiauitionalists, human institutions change with
the geneiations, auapting anu evolving fastei
than paiallel institutions among othei peoples.
Although some humans can be xenophobic,
in geneial theii societies aie inclusive. Buman
lanus welcome ielatively laige numbeis of
nonhumans compaieu to the piopoition of
humans who live in nonhuman lanus.
Cultuial Betails
!"#$%&'%() Bumans tenu towaiu no
paiticulai alignment. The best anu the woist
aie founu among them.
*'"#$#+%) Bumans uo not have a chief iacial
ueity but woiship (oi uo not) as they choose.
Some humans aie the most aiuent anu zealous
auheients of a given faith, while otheis aie the
most iiieligious people aiounu. Peloi, the sun
gou, has the most followeis in human lanus,
but he can claim nothing like the cential place
that the uwaives give Noiauin oi the elves give
Coiellon Laiethian in theii iespective
,-%$.-$') Bumans speak Common. They
typically leain the languages of othei peoples
they ueal with as well, incluuing obscuie ones.
Bumans aie fonu of spiinkling theii speech
with woius boiioweu fiom othei tongues: 0ic
cuises, Elven musical expiessions, Bwaiven
militaiy phiases, anu so on.
/-&'0) Buman names vaiy gieatly. Without
a unifying pantheon as a touchstone foi theii
cultuie, anu with such shoit geneiations,
human society changes quickly. Baving so
much moie vaiiety than othei cultuies,
humans have no tiuly typical names. Some
human paients give theii chiluien names fiom
othei languages, such as Bwaiven oi Elven
(pionounceu moie oi less coiiectly).
Auventuiing Bumans
Bumans who seek auventuie aie the most
uaiing anu ambitious membeis of a uaiing anu
ambitious iace. They seek to eain gloiy in the
eyes of theii fellows by amassing powei,
wealth, anu fame. Noie than othei people,
humans might champion causes iathei than
teiiitoiies oi gioups.
As a human, you have the following iacial tiaits.
!@#"#(A 1=+;' !4B.0(&'%() 0ne staiting
ability scoie of youi choice incieases by 2, anu
all youi othei ability scoies inciease by 1.
1#2') Neuium.
13''4) Su feet.
,-%$.-$'0) You can speak, ieau, anu wiite

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