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Science Beyond Science is about timelessness; relationship of energy and it is about

connecting with the Creator. West gave birth to an organized study of potency of
medicine, the physics of atoms, vibration, and energy, and also the chemistry of
elements. And the Siddhas The Self Realized Masters - originating from ancient
India -discovered the cosmic powers of consciousness, its power to heal, and its
power to attract & unfold one-self from within. If both the wisdoms are combined,
indeed a complete cure of all the diseases can be achieved!

His Holiness Avdhoot Baba Shivanand Ji, a Siddha - Self Realized master- also known
as the Father of Indian Healing, has interacted with medical doctors across nations,
under a bold banner of ShivYog -Science Beyond Science
Baba Shivanand Ji is inviting medical practitioners to attend the workshop Science
Beyond Science with the mission of healing humanity. BabaJi will also guide you to
Siddha Dhyan Healing, a powerful healing technique. Siddha Dhyan Healing works
by rising your inner consciousness level, increasing vibration, fluidity and harmony in
your chakras - right in your endocrine system at the sub-atomic layer, which
combined with your professional practice and knowledge of science- will attune
you the immense power of your own healing.

Medicine heals you at a physical level and this Siddha Dhyan healing knowledge
will give you the power to help others heal physically, emotionally, mentally and
also spiritually. This transformative seminar will channel unique abilities to you simply
by being in the grace of his presence.

During the seminar, Baba Ji will address only the scientific community with a specific

objective of providing knowledge as to what happens, if we tap into the power and
energy of the cosmos, from a medicinal point of view. It will guide physicians,
therapists, and researchers to become conduits of cosmic energy to face others
medical challenges, expand vistas of medical knowledge and go back and
become true messengers of the Will of the Divine happier, calmer, and more

You are invited to attend this scientific & energizing seminar to learn how the
ancient wisdom of elated saints can be combined with the modern medical
science, to achieve greater success in your abilities to cure.

Please RSVP online at with your info & credentials.

Thank you,


Hima Dalal
Vital Energy Wellness

Date: 28-March-2012
Time: 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Location: Royal Albert Palace
1050 King George Post Road
Fords, NJ 08863

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