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Administering Ear Drop

1. To treat ear infection
2. Soften ear wax
1. Medication bottle with dropper
2. Cotton-tipped applicator
3. Cotton ball (optional)
4. Clean glove (optional! onl" if client ha dicharge)
#. Medication ad$initration record.
1. %eview precriber& order for n'$ber of drop to intill and which ear (left! right or both) i to
receive $edication
2. (e condition of external ear tr'ct're and canal! hearing i$pair$ent
3. (e client& level of )nowledge regarding dr'g therap" and $otivation to elf-ad$initer
*o +roced're %ationale
1. ,and h"giene before prepare e-'ip$ent %ed'ce tran$iion of $icroorgani$
2. .reet client To etablih rapport with patient
3. /xplain proced're ,elp client anticipate the experience of proced're
to red'ce anxiet"
4. %eview $edication heet
1. %ight Client
2. %ight $edicine
3. %ight doe
4. %ight ti$e
#. %ight ro'te and which ear! right! left or both)
The legal written record of dr'g client i to
/n're right client receive $edication
/n're right dr'g i ad$initered
/n're right doe of dr'g
/n're right ti$e dr'g i ad$initered
/n're afe and correct ad$initration of
#. 0ah and dr" hand 1ecreae tran$iion of $icroorgani$
2. +oition client in lateral poition with ear to be treated
facing 'pward or it in chair3bed ide. *'re ho'ld
tabili4e client with one hand.
1. 5or ad'lt and children over age 3! gentl" p'll the
pinna 'p and bac).
+oition provide ea" acce to ear for intillation
of $edication. /ar canal i in poition to receive
$edication. Stabili4ing the head pro$ote afet"
d'ring intillation with a dropper.

2. 6n children below 3! the pinna ho'ld be p'lled
down and bac).

7. 6ntill precribed drop holding dropper 1c$ above ear
5orcef'l intillation of drop into occl'ded canal
can ca'e in8'r" to eardr'$
9. () client to re$ain in lateral poition for #-1:
$in'te. (ppl" gentle $aage3pre're to trag' of
ear with finger.

*;T/< if $edication i order for both ear! a) the
client to ta" in the ide-l"ing poition for at leat 1:
$in'te after the doe before t'rning to the other ide.
(llow co$plete ditrib'tion of $edication.
+re're and $aage $ove $edication inward.
=. (it client to co$fortable poition %etore co$fort
1:. Clear e-'ip$ent
11. 0ah and dr" hand 1ecreae tran$iion of $icroorgani$
12. 1oc'$ent in the $edication chart

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