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AREVALO, Maria Angelica D. May 15, 2014

3AAC; MTH06 Prof. Wilson Cordova

Stand and Deliver

The movie was based on the true story of Mr. Jaime Escalante. He was supposed to teach
a computer subject but, because Garfield High School does not have computer resources, he
became a math teacher who tends to find changes in the school (its culture) especially on their
students. Since he is teaching a bunch of students with poor academic status, he made some
teaching methods that could help his students. When he realized that these students have
potential and ganas (desire) to learn, he set a goal for his student which is to take the
Advanced Placement Exam in Calculus in their senior year. And because the school is on the
edge of being discredited by their district, this was Mr. Escalantes suggestion to his co-faculty
members in order to be credited and known. Though his co-faculty believes that these students
cannot pass the said exam, Mr. Escalante pushed through the summer class with the students. As
the students struggle in their summer class along with their personal problems, Mr. Escalante
helped them to overcome both and pass the Advanced Placement Exam in Calculus. But, the
Educational Testing Service questioned their success and accused these 18 students of cheating.
Because of this, Mr. Escalante defended his students and felt that the allegation has no basis
rather than racism and economic perspectives. But because the ETS insists that this incident is
between them and the students, Mr. Escalante suggested and offered the students to retake the
test and prove that ETS was wrong of accusing them. The 18 students took the exam again and
successfully passed the exam with high grades despite of having just a day to prepare, proving
that they did not cheat.

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At first, I taught that this movie is a bit boring but then, I was wrong. I have enjoyed
every second of it and made me realize many things. This movie gave me the ganas to strive
more in life especially in the course I am pursuing. All of us suffered from pain none of us
experience a sweet taste of victory without having a great taste of failure and pain. Also, this
movie made me realized one thing to achieve your goals in life, you should have the desire to
accomplish and gain them. Plus, never forget to put a trust in yourself and believe that you can
do it.

Learning Insights:

I have learned a lot. This movie has taught me learnings in life. Truly, math is life
because in everything that we do, we use it. When we fail, we analyze the situation, put or add
some positive reaction to it, subtract those things that made us fail and most of all, it never let us
make the same mistake again because weve been through it, suffered from it and learned from
it. Also, I have learned not to underestimate a person based on their social status and behavior.
All of us can learn if we have the ganas to do it.

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