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Name: __________________________________ Date: _________________________________

Teacher: D. Vzquez Grade: 2

Group: Ceiba
Subject: Reading Comprehension
The student uses the English language to interpret oral input, construct meaning, interact with
confidence both verbally and nonverbally, and express ideas effectively in a variety of personal,
social, and academic contexts.
L/S.2.1 Listens and responds to simple commands, instructions, and statements, and is able to
answer the 5-W Questions (who, what, when, where, and why) during story time using
expressions to demonstrate engagement.

Part I: True or False.
Instructions: After reading the story given by the teacher, you will answer if the statement is
either true or false.
_____1. Zoe Gallagher was a nice girl.

_____2. She was considered bitter and cruel when she was in one of her flared up, nasty,
horribly, horrendous moods.

_____3. There was a new boy, who had a splattering of freckles across his nose freckles
and short red hair.

_____4. Zoe named the new kid Ginger.

_____5. Zoe was assigned to introduce the new kid to the rest of the other kids in class.

Part II: According to the story that was read, choose the best answer out of the following and
write the letter of it on the space provided beside the number.
_____1. When the lunch came, what did Zoe do? Where was she going to go?
a. She bolted out of the classroom forgetting the shrimp, but was stopped by the
teacher and she asked her if she was forgetting something. She almost left for
the cafeteria alone.
b. She waited for the new boy.
c. She was so annoyed that she did not move out of her seat.

_____2. What did Zoe do during the week?
a. She shoved the happy kid, shot spitballs at him and then at lunch she pretended
to spill milk on him.
b. She was nice and played with him.
c. She liked spending time with the red haired boy.

_____3. Why did the red haired boy react when Zoe yelled at him at the end of school?
a. He reacted calmly and ignored her. The others did the same.
b. He followed her lead.
c. He ignored her at first, then he talked to her, telling that he heard her but he
opted not to talk to her because she was a big bully.

_____4. What did Zoes mom suggest to her?
a. She said nothing about it.
b. She told her to apologize.
c. She suggested to Zoe that she should ask her dad for advice.

_____5. Why do you think that the girl felt when they confronted her with the truth?
a. She felt bad at first and saw that she did wrong, so she tried to fix things and
treated Geoffrey nicely, she also apologized to her other friends.
b. She did nothing about it.
c. She continued being a bully.

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