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British Literature

Miss Waferling

Satirical Video Productions

Think about a vice, folly, stupidity, or abuse that you consider a major problem in
American Society. What about society frustrates you? What is an aspect of society
you would like to see change?

For this assignment, students will work in groups to demonstrate an understanding of
satire by selecting a topic that answers one of the questions above.

Step 1: Choose a problem.
Remember that regardless of the topic chosen, you should keep content appropriate for a
high school class. Also, consider your purpose and audience. Here are some ideas for
College Admission
Pop Culture
Social Media
Los Angeles Life
VCS Issue: Dress Code, Attendance, Sports
Your own original idea!

Step 2: Creative Satirical Response to the Problem
Now it is your turn to create a satirical response to the problem that you have identified in
American society or specifically in our school community. Recall the definition of satire (a
work that uses wit and humor to ridicule vice, follies, stupidities, and abuses) as you
create your masterpiece. After your group has chosen a problem and a satirical
response, complete a Satirical Video Proposal and have it approved by me before

Step 3: Create Your Video
After filming, you will use iMovie to edit your production. Your video MUST be between
3-5 minutes in length. Please ask if you are questioning the appropriateness of your
satirical response.

* Video productions will be viewed in class on the day that the project is due. As always,
be creative and have fun!

British Literature
Miss Waferling

Satirical Video Proposal
With a group, determine an issue or problem in our current society (national, local
or even within our high school) that you think needs attention. Create a satirical
video that shows the aspects of the problem/issue with humor.

Group Members:

Group Roles:

Issue we are satirizing (keep in mind again, the idea of vice or folly you wish to
expose in order to motivate a change):

Why is this issue a problem?

Who is affected by this issue/problem?

When and where will the filming of our video take place?

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