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Textual Analysis for idea number _______

Text being analysed: Premier league scores big

Source of text: Reuter’s

Approximate date of broadcast: 2008

Description of Text - In this text it describes how

premier league clubs latest financial status is. It also
talks about how the clubs are making big revenue and
how they will continue to do this, meaning how they are
going to do this. An example of that would be shirt
sponsors as seen in the video (the video shows Manchester
United presenting their new shirt sponsor) in the video it also
compares the English premier league to the other
leagues in Europe mainly the German bundesliga
because of their big financial stature they have as well.

Potential Audience for Text- the potential audience

for this would be people that are into football and are
sceptical about the current financial status. It will be
hard not to broaden the target audience for this
because mainly every football fan would be interested
in this.

Key Influences on your Idea - Content and Form-

This documentary that I have seen now could help me
in various ways such as comparing the English premier
league financial stature to other big European
companies and I could use that as a advantage of
having a lot of money in football because it keeps the
premier league above all the other leagues.

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