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Lean Canvas

Define who your target customer are

An average football fan (age group: 15-35)

Early Adopters:

i. Football (Premier League) fans in the age group 22-30 (I

am the same age and hence easily relatable)

ii. People with an active interest in fooball, tactics, transfers

What are your top 3 problems? Are there existing alternatives?

i. Making content engaging and keeping viewers/listeners

interested and coming back

ii. Producing aforementioned content with good/quality


iii. Figure out a niche to settle into (w.r.t content)

Existing alternatives:

Tons of football podcasts, but very few with interesting content.

Usually just random string of facts. Some exceptions are:

a. Athletic Football Podcast: Very fact oriented, in-depth

b. Tifo football Podcast/Zonal Marking Podcast: Very
engaging content including Tactical analysis of legendary
c. 442 podcast: Extremely funny, and large rewatch value.
What is your value prop? What are you truly providing your customers
with? Different users can have different value props. You can use a Value
prop canvas for this to futher expand

Provide listeners with entertaining, funny, thought provoking content

which they can listen/view at any point in their day. (Will think of better
USP, this is just a placeholder)

The Joe Rogan experience for Football.

Product Customer
Simplify the solution for the problem that has been identified

a. Problem: Creating quality content

Solution: Properly scripting the host’s part with enough open
endedness for the guest to answer

b. Problem: Equipement
Solution: Invest in some good mics.

c. Problem: Figuring out interest

Solution: Start with PL football and then move into the niche
What is the path to your customer? DTC, B2B, B2C

What are your sources of revenue?

Haven’t really thought of revenue but

advertisements would be primary (if the
podcast gets big enough.)
What are your fixed costs and variable costs?

Equipment cost
Define the metrics that you will use to track and measure your
success. The pirate metrics can help with this

Acquisition, Retention and Referral are the measures by which I

would measure the success.

If people tune in to listen/watch the podcast, and they recommend

it to friends/family this would cause number of listeners to grow.
Last but not least, describe the one differitiator that
distinguishes your idea, team, or anything else to give
you an advantage over competitors. Simply put, why
you and not someone else?

There are not many Indian football fans (who are not
famous) who have their own little corner of the internet
where you can discuss about football.

There are foreign experts who analyse football and

dissect every move but that is not my intention.

My idea for the podcast is to discuss about why a

regular joe, like me, would like football, by keeping the
content engaging and entertaining.

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