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Put a on every day that you practice your speech.
Return the signed homework in the fall for your HAPYS
Daily home practice provides the opportunity for you to
improve your speech and language skills.

Summer speech and language activities are designed to
be brief and enjoyable and to help you maintain your
present skill level during the summer break.

When practicing speech sounds, say the words 5 times
each. Use the words in a sentence using your good
speech sounds.

When working on improving language skills, answer the
questions using complete sentences that are meaningful
to the question being asked.
1 Read a newspaper article with your parents or siblings. Find 10 words that have your speech sound in it.
4 Using complete sentences, describe 4 animals, one at a time, using good speech for 2 minutes per animal.
5 Name 5 things you have already done with your family this summer using your good speech sound.
6 Using complete sentences, tell how to play your favorite sport or game using your good speech sound.
8 Make up a wish list of books you would like to read that contain your speech sound.
11 Ask a parent 5 questions about what was different when he/she was your age.
12 Cut out pictures of items that contain your speech sound from newspaper ads or magazines. Make a books
with words and pictures containing your sound and review it daily. Add a new page each day.
13 List 10 occupations that have your speech sound in them.
14 Name 5 drinks that have your speech sound in them.
15 Read comics from books or newspapers. Use a highlighter to mark words containing your speech sound.
18 Make yourself a sign to hang up in your room to remind you to use good speech.
19 First day of school!
20 Dont forget to use your good speech sounds while talking to your new teacher!
21 Practice naming words that begin with your speech sound on the way to school.
22 Bring your signed Parental Permission for Treats and Disclosure Document to my room for one coin!
25 Practice naming words that end with your speech sound on the way home from school.
26 Bring your signed Parental Permission for Treats and Disclosure Document to my room for one coin!
27 Use your good speech sound at recess.
28 Practice your good speech sound while talking with friends at lunch.
29 Bring your signed Parental Permission for Treats and Disclosure Document to my room for one coin!
August Summer Homework

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