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Practice each word 5 times with your good speech sound!

Initial (at the beginning of the word)

1. tack
2. tab
3. taffy
4. tag
5. tail
6. tame
7. tan
8. tap
9. tape
10. tar
11. tea
12. tell
13. team
14. tear
15. test
16. two
17. time
18. tiger
19. tin
20. tip
21. type
22. toad
23. toe
24. token
25. ton
26. top
27. toss
28. tub
29. tuck
30. tough

Medial (in the middle of the word)
1. battle
2. later
3. detour
4. heater
5. letter
6. babysitter
7. kitten
8. little
9. mitten
10. knitting
11. written
12. witty
13. bottle
14. rotten
15. button
16. cotton
17. nutty
18. putty
19. seatbelt
20. ponytail
21. empty
22. Santa
23. Valentine
24. mustard
25. hunter
26. football
27. alligator
28. tomato
29. hotel
30. potato

Final (at the end of the word)
1. at
2. ate
3. bat
4. cat
5. fat
6. hat
7. mat
8. pat
9. rat
10. sat
11. date
12. gate
13. hate
14. heat
15. beat
16. feet
17. neat
18. seat
19. set
20. bet
21. get
22. let
23. pet
24. boat
25. coat
26. goat
27. cut
28. hut
29. nut
30. boot

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