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Professional Growth and

Performance Plan for Teachers-

Self Reflection Form

CCPS Department of Professional Development

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Rationale for Self Reflection

Self-evaluation is a process by which teachers judge the effectiveness and adequacy of their performance, effects,
knowledge, and beliefs for the purpose of self-improvement.7 When teachers think about what worked, what did not
work, and what type of changes they might make to be more successful, the likelihood of knowing how to improve
and actually making the improvements increases dramatically.8 Evidence suggests that self-evaluation is a critical
component of the evaluation process and is strongly encouraged.

Teachers are faced with a dynamic context in which to apply their knowledge, skills, and abilities. What worked last
year may not work this year for a variety of reasons, some of which are outside the teachers control. When teachers
take the time to think about how they might improve their delivery, instructional strategies, content, and so forth, they
discover ways to make their practice more effective, which, in turn, may impact student learning.

*The Virginia Board of Education approved document, Guidelines for Uniform
Performance Standards and Evaluation Criteria for Teachers, excerpts from page 35


7 Airason, P. W. & Gullickson, A. (2006).
8 Tucker, P. D., Stronge, J. H., & Gareis, C. R. (2002).

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Performance Standard 1: Professional Knowledge
The teacher demonstrates an understanding of the curriculum, subject content and the
developmental needs of students by providing relevant learning experiences.
Standard Sample Indicators- Examples may include but are not limited to:
The teacher:
Exemplary Proficient Needs
1.1 Effectively addresses appropriate curriculum standards as reflected
in the Virginia Standards of Learning and division curriculum guides.
grade pacing

1.2 Integrates key content elements and facilitates students' use of
higher level thinking skills in instruction.
POD, Mystery
Hangouts, Calendar
w/Indiana weather

1.3 Demonstrates ability to link present content with past and future
learning experiences, other subject areas, and real world
experiences and application.
Mystery Hangouts,
Virtual Fieldtrips, PBL

1.4 Demonstrates an accurate knowledge of the subject matter X
Research/ collecting
of resourcesI know
when I dont know and
find out

1.5 Demonstrates skills relevant to the subject area(s) taught. X

1.6 Bases instruction on goals that reflect high expectations and an
understanding of the subject.
Novel studies that
include reading/
writing skills

1.7 Demonstrates an understanding of the intellectual, social,
emotional and physical development of the age group.
Working with
collaborative teacher

1.8 Communicates clearly and checks for understanding. X
Constantly pulling
small groups

1.9 Shares major instructional goals and classroom expectations with
students and parents/guardians.
Students recap what is
expected and parents
are informed through
newsletters and class


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Performance Standard 2: Instructional Planning
The teacher plans using the Virginia Standards of Learning, the school's curriculum,
effective strategies, resources and data to meet the needs of all students.
Standard Sample Indicators- Examples may include but are not limited to:
The teacher:
Exemplary Proficient Needs
2.1 Uses student learning data to guide planning. X
Number Sense assessment,
math-money, time, magic
number, etc.

2.2 Plans time realistically for pacing, content mastery and transitions. X
grade pacing guide

2.3 Plans for differentiated instruction. X
Small groups with collab in
math and language arts

2.4 Aligns lesson objectives to the school's curriculum and student
learning needs.
2.5 Develops appropriate long and short range plans and adapts
plans when needed.
pacing guide has
been adapted throughout
the year.

2.6 Includes specific student performance expectations in instructional
I could do a
better job of

2.7 Uses the division's data system to inform and plan for instruction. X
The RES 2
grade pacing
guide is based on the
divisions plan and adapted
to fit RES.

Uses comprehensive materials and resources to support student
Working with collab has
stretched my use of
materials used.

Working with the collaborative setting allows for more individualized instruction. This happens in math and language arts especially. We are
able to pull small groups for re-teaching as well as small groups for enrichment. Math small groups as well as reading groups are fluid and can
address multiple skills. Being a part of the collaborative setting has improved my teaching. Ms. Clair, the collab teacher, has a cant fail
attitude and has given it to me. There is a way to reach each and every one of these students. Our goal is to find that way and share it with

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Performance Standard 3: Instructional Delivery
The teacher effectively engages students in learning by using a variety of
instructional strategies in order to meet individual learning needs.
Standard Sample Indicators- Examples may include but are not limited to:
The teacher:
Exemplary Proficient Needs
3.1 Engages and maintains students in active learning. X
Mystery Hangout,
Daily 4/bathtub reading,

3.2 Builds upon students' existing knowledge and skills. X
3.3 Differentiates instruction to meet the students' needs. X
Small group instruction,
contracting with gifted

3.4 Reinforces learning goals consistently throughout lessons. X
3.5 Uses a variety of effective instructional strategies and resources. X
3.6 Uses instructional technology to enhance student learning. X+
3.7 Communicates clearly and checks for understanding. X
This is done constantly
throughout the day as a
collab setting. Direction
ated/checked for

3.8 Teaches 21st century skills consistently for digital age literacy,
effective communication, inventive thinking and global
I think my middle name
might be Global

3.9 Makes learning relevant by engaging student in increasingly
complex, authentic applications of knowledge such as problem-
based learning, cooperative learning case studies, service learning.
Authentic experiences
through PBL and our
global connections using
Kidblog, Edmodo,
Padlet, Mystery
Hangouts, etc. create
relevant learning and

3.10 Provides rigorous learning experiences that engage students in
analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
Mystery Hangouts
(map skills beyond
expectations of 2

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graders, but not beyond
their ability)
3.11 Explains directions, concepts and lesson content to students in a
logical, sequential and age-appropriate manner.
Uses auditory and well as
visualand multiple
ways and times

3.12 Identifies and establishes additional means of support to increase
the achievement level for all groups of students.
Collab setting where the
teachers work like a well-
oiled machine

This is one of the areas that I feel I have excelled at this year. I was able to take several classes into the lab to teach them how to use Google
Docs and how to share them. When Im teaching, I am able to think several steps ahead to hopefully predict what is coming and is everything
in place so that it makes sense for the students. I have stretched my own class (and myself as much of this is new to me) using Kidblog, Edmodo
with Indiana and RES buddy class, Mystery Hangouts, and most recently a Math Collaboration Culmination activity with a global connection
and choice for the students.

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Performance Standard 4: Assessment of and for Learning
The teacher systematically gathers, analyzes and uses all relevant data to measure student
academic progress, guide instructional content and delivery methods, and provide
timely feedback to both students and parents throughout the school year.
Standard Sample Indicators- Examples may include but are not limited to:
The teacher:
Exemplary Proficient Needs
4.1 Uses pre-assessment data to develop expectations for students, to
differentiate instruction and to document learning.
Used Reasoning
with Numbers and
Magic Number
data, DRA, DSA,
and daily formative

4.2 Involves students in setting learning goals and monitoring their own
Students monitor
their Magic
Number and Think
Tank progress, but I
could do more.
They are also part
of setting goals for
SLC as they
analyze their
growth and set

4.3 Uses a variety of assessment strategies, available technology and
instruments that are valid and appropriate for the content and for
the student population.
Implemented RAZ
kids for lower
performing readers

4.4 Aligns student assessment with established curriculum standards
and benchmarks.
4.5 Uses assessment tools for both formative and summative purposes
and uses grading practices that report final mastery in relationship
to content goals and objectives.
4.6 Uses assessment tools for both formative and summative purposes
to inform, guide and adjust students' learning.
4.7 Gives constructive and frequent feedback to students on their
learning in a timely manner.
4.8 Collects and maintains assessment data records. X+
4.9 Informs parents of student progress in a timely manner using
technology and other resources.
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I realized in this standard that I could have the students do more with setting of their own learning goals. However, we did implement RAZ kids
for students who were some of our lower readers. We also assess on a daily basis to see where each student is and what piece is missing. Those
students (fluid) are then part of small group instruction on that topic (math/language arts/SS/Science). Students who had continual difficulty
were given a morning tutor. This year we had 4 students with morning tutors. These were not special education students, but ones who were on
the edge and needed that extra bit of support to stay afloat and move forward. Being that its collab, formative assessments were done daily
and gaps in the skills were addressed almost immediately. Having the ability to pull those small groups or one-on-one situations was key to the
success of the students.

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Performance Standard 5: Learning Environment
The teacher uses resources, routines and procedures to provide a respectful,
positive safe student-centered environment that is conducive to learning.
Standard Sample Indicators- Examples may include but are not limited to:
The teacher:
Exemplary Proficient Needs
5.1 Arranges the classroom to maximize learning while providing a safe
-small groupings of desks
with thought of learners in
groups, two rug areas for
relaxing working, bathtub
reading, book baskets
numbered for easy use

5.2 Establishes clear expectations, with student input, for classroom
rules and procedures early in the school year and enforces them
consistently and fairly.
-students OWN the room,
have leadership jobs,

5.3 Maximizes instructional time and minimizes disruptions. X
-I get carried
away at times
and let the
learning keep

5.4 Establishes a climate of trust and teamwork by being fair, caring,
respectful and enthusiastic.
-ownership of the room
creates this

5.5 Promotes cultural sensitivity. X
-awareness through
global connections and

5.6 Respects students' diversity, including language, culture, race,
gender and special needs.
-through global
connections and

5.7 Actively listens and pays attention to students' needs and
5.8 Maximizes instructional learning time by working with students
individually as well as in small groups or whole groups.
My small group instruction
time has improved this
year due to collab as it
has kept my on a

5.9 Fosters student engagement and commitment to learning by
promoting a sense of accomplishment and supportive
-ownership of learning
and creating global

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connections that
included CHOICE with an
authentic audience
5.10 Creates a learning environment that advances 21st century skills. X+++++
-Mystery Hangouts,
Google Hangouts,
Kidblog, Edmodo, shared
Google docs, Google
reading group responses,
Math homework using
questions on a global
website, iPads used for
Daily 4 time to research

5.11 Increases recognition of students with outstanding
accomplishments in the arts, technology and other arenas.
-Hall of Fame showcasing
great work, Star of the
Week, sharing through
Edmodo, student-led
morning meetings, One-
Word Weekend morning
meeting talks

I feel that this standard is one of my strengths. Having a safe learning environment encourages the students to be risk takers. It is in taking risks
that one learns. I have been a risk taker this year along with my students in many things Ive done. Its scary, but worth it!

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Performance Standard 6: Professionalism
The teacher maintains a commitment to professional ethics, communicates effectively and takes
responsibility for and participates in professional growth that results in enhanced student learning.
Standard Sample Indicators- Examples may include but are not limited to:
The teacher:
Exemplary Proficient Needs
6.1 Collaborates and communicates effectively within the school
community to promote students' well-being and success.

6.2 Adheres to federal and state laws, school and division policies and
ethical guidelines.

6.3 Incorporates learning from professional growth opportunities into
instructional practice.
Anything I learn through
grad school classes,
TWITTER, or my other
professional communities I
eagerly share.

6.4 Sets goals for improvement of knowledge and skills. X+
Heard about Google
Communities and
joinedwanted to know
how this tool could improve
learning and then share it
with others

6.5 Engages in activities outside the classroom intended for school and
student enhancement.
6.6 Works in a collegial and collaborative manner with administrators,
other school personnel and the community.
-was a resource for getting
teachers to use Google
Docs, mystery hangouts,

6.7 Builds positive and professional relationships with parents/guardians
through frequent and effective communication concerning
students' progress.
-create documents for
parents as to how to use
Google Docs, call parents
to talk them through
technology issues, email
and call parents regarding
any concerns

6.8 Serves as a contributing member of the school's professional
learning community through collaboration with teaching
-Co-chair of literacy
committee and teacher of

6.9 Demonstrates consistent mastery of standard oral and written
English in all communication.
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6.10 Uses technology for effective communication. X+
Email group for parents,
Edmodo for students

6.11 Maintains a pattern of positive professional behavior (e.g.
appearance, punctuality and attendance).
6.12 Demonstrates the ability to be self-directed and shows initiative
within job performance.
If there is a problem, Im
going to find the answer
and not wait to have
someone else do it.

This year I shared the Global Read Aloud with the school as well as the tool of Twitter. Kindergarten teachers were eager to learn what Twitter
had to offer and I helped them with that. The reality is that Twitter has something for everyone in the education field. I hope that more teachers
take advantage of the Twitter Talks that happen nightly. They are the BEST professional development around. My new favorite is Google
Communities. I have become hooked on those as they provide you with groups and opportunities for your studentsMystery Hangouts,
Collaborative Math Website experience, Virtual Field Trips!

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Performance Standard 7: Student Academic Progress
The work of the teacher results in acceptable, measurable and appropriate student academic progress.
Standard Sample Indicators- Examples may include but are not limited to:
The teacher:
Exemplary Proficient Needs
Sets acceptable, measureable and appropriate achievement
goals for student learning progress based on baseline data.

Documents the progress of each student throughout the year.
Provides evidence that achievement goals have been met,
including the state-provided growth measure when available as
well as other multiple measures of student growth.
Uses available performance outcome data to continually
document and communicate student academic progress and
develop interim learning targets.
7.5 Increases student achievement at all levels. X
Using the Reasoning with Numbers Assessment, we set goals for our students. The students were 100% successful in meeting the goals that were
set. Throughout the year we used county assessments to monitor progress as well as Problem of the Day (POD). About halfway through the
year, we started to use the KWP chart (Know, Want to know, and Plan). This chart really did get them thinking about what they knew from the
word problem, what was being asked of them, and finally their plan of action. Breaking down the problems like that helped many students to
see what was needed vs. what information was just there. This proved effective students at all levels. It also allowed them to show the multiple
strategies that they had learned to solve problems. Student achievement was increased at all levels. However, my highest student I could have
done more contracting with. This student was given opportunities to stretch learning on most concepts we covered (computer websites-
multiplicaiton/division/next level of topic , Math Stars, Think Tank). Most recently this student took our fractions unit and used the book POLAR
BEAR MATH: LEARNING ABOUT FRACTIONS FROM KLONDIKE AND SNOW to create his own fraction book on a chosen animal. The FROGGY
FRACTIONS google presentation document is in the works. He has researched and incorporated fractions into his findings, similar to the book.
Looking back, I should have done more of this AND enlisted the help of the gifted department. I did have this student placed in a 3
word study group and math placement in 3
grade was considered/researched. However, the timing didnt fit with our schedule. Im also not
sure that it would have been enough for him. In closing, this student is the reason I assessed myself as proficient vs. exemplary for standard 7.5.

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