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+",- &.
1he page ls poorly
organlsed. 1he LlLles of Lhe
oLher pages may be llsLed,
Lhere ls no descrlpLlon of
Lhe oLher pages, and no
llnks Lo Lhem.
Some aLLempL has been made Lo
organlse Lhe web page. 1he LlLles
of Lhe oLher pages are llsLed
wlLhouL descrlpLlon. 1here may
or may noL be llnks Lo Lhe oLher
age ls mosLly well-organlsed
and has all of Lhe requlred
componenLs. age descrlpLlons
are mosLly approprlaLe. All llnks
are funcLlonlng.
age ls well-organlsed and
has all requlred
componenLs. age
descrlpLlons are
approprlaLe. All llnks are
age ls well-organlsed and
has all requlred componenLs.
age descrlpLlons are conclse
and hlghly approprlaLe. All
llnks are funcLlonlng.
+",- '.
1he page ls lncompleLe,
mlsslng a map, populaLlon,
and Lhere are no sLaLlsLlcs
for 2 or more lndlcaLors.

age has a map of Lhe counLry,
buL lL ls lnaccuraLe and
unlabelled. SLudenL may or may
noL lnclude Lhe counLry's
populaLlon, and lnformaLlon ls
noL presenLed ln Lable form.
1here ls only 20- sLaLlsLlc for
each lndlcaLor, C8 all lndlcaLors
are noL addressed. SLaLlsLlcs may
be lrrelevanL
age has a relevanL and
accuraLe map of Lhe counLry.
1he populaLlon of Lhe counLry ls
lncluded, buL may be
lnaccuraLe. lnformaLlon ls
presenLed ln a Lable. 1here may
be less Lhan 1=2 relevanL
sLaLlsLlcs for each lndlcaLor C8
Lwo lrrelevanL sLaLlsLlcs for
age has a relevanL and
accuraLe map of Lhe
counLry. 1he populaLlon of
Lhe counLry ls lncluded and
accuraLe. lnformaLlon ls
presenLed ln a Lable. 1here
are 1=2 relevanL sLaLlsLlcs
for each lndlcaLor.
age has a relevanL, labelled,
and accuraLe map of Lhe
counLry. 1he populaLlon of
Lhe counLry ls lncluded and
accuraLe. lnformaLlon ls
presenLed ln a Lable. 1here
are 1=2 2# >2#- hlghly
relevanL sLaLlsLlcs for each
+",- (.
1he page ls lncompleLe,
mlsslng a map, populaLlon,
and Lhere are no sLaLlsLlcs
for 2 or more lndlcaLors.

age has a map of Lhe counLry,
buL lL ls lnaccuraLe and
unlabelled. SLudenL may or may
noL lnclude Lhe counLry's
populaLlon, and lnformaLlon ls
noL presenLed ln Lable form.
1here ls only 20- sLaLlsLlc for
each lndlcaLor, C8 all lndlcaLors
are noL addressed. SLaLlsLlcs may
be lrrelevanL
age has a relevanL, accuraLe
map of Lhe counLry. 1he
populaLlon of Lhe counLry ls
lncluded, buL may be
lnaccuraLe. lnformaLlon ls
presenLed ln a Lable. 1here may
be less Lhan 1=2 relevanL
sLaLlsLlcs for each lndlcaLor C8
Lwo lrrelevanL sLaLlsLlcs for
age has a relevanL,
accuraLe map of Lhe
counLry. 1he populaLlon of
Lhe counLry ls lncluded and
accuraLe. lnformaLlon ls
presenLed ln a Lable. 1here
are 1=2 relevanL sLaLlsLlcs
for each lndlcaLor.
age has a relevanL, labelled,
and accuraLe map of Lhe
counLry. 1he populaLlon of
Lhe counLry ls lncluded and
accuraLe. lnformaLlon ls
presenLed ln a Lable. 1here
are 1=2 2# >2#- hlghly
relevanL sLaLlsLlcs for each
+",- ). ?<;-
no graph ls lncluded. May
dlscuss educaLlon and
healLh, buL lL ls noL llnked
Lo a graph. rovldes an
ouLllne of dlfferlng llfe
opporLunlLles, wlLh no
explanaLlon of reasons or
facLors LhaL lmpacL llfe

A graph ls lncluded buL may be of
lncorrecL lndlcaLors. 1he
explanaLlon of Lhe graph ls brlef
and superflclal, demonsLraLlng a
baslc undersLandlng of Lhe
relaLlonshlp beLween healLh and
educaLlon. rovldes a descrlpLlon
of dlfferlng llfe opporLunlLles, buL
does noL clearly llnk Lhese Lo
speclflc facLors LhaL affecL Lhem.
A relevanL graph ls lncluded.
1he explanaLlon of Lhe graph ls
accuraLe and demonsLraLes a
sound undersLandlng of Lhe
relaLlonshlp beLween healLh
and educaLlon. rovldes a
saLlsfacLory explanaLlon for
dlfferlng llfe opporLunlLles, wlLh
some aLLempL Lo llnk llfe
opporLunlLles Lo speclflc facLors
LhaL affecL Lhem.
A relevanL, capLloned graph
ls lncluded. 1he explanaLlon
of Lhe graph ls accuraLe and
demonsLraLes a good
undersLandlng of Lhe
relaLlonshlp beLween healLh
and educaLlon. rovldes a
Lhorough explanaLlon for
dlfferlng llfe opporLunlLles,
wlLh some accounLlng for
Lhe reasons why people
have dlfferenL llfe
A relevanL, capLloned graph ls
lncluded. 1he explanaLlon of
Lhe graph ls conclse and
accuraLe, demonsLraLlng a
sophlsLlcaLed undersLandlng
of Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween
healLh and educaLlon.
rovldes a comprehenslve
explanaLlon for dlfferlng llfe
opporLunlLles, accounLlng for
Lhe reasons why people have
dlfferenL llfe opporLunlLles.

+",- *.
A"><:6 @12#6
Many componenLs are
mlsslng from Lhe page. 1he
famlly sLory ls very brlef
and generallsed, wlLh
many lnaccuracles. SLory
demonsLraLes a llmlLed
undersLandlng of llfe
1here ls one or more mlsslng
componenL. lamlly sLory ls
generallsed and lnaccuraLe ln
parLs. 1he sLory demonsLraLes a
baslc undersLandlng of llfe
1here may be one mlsslng
componenL. lamlly sLory may
noL be dlrecLly relaLed Lo
sLaLlsLlcs gaLhered, buL presenLs
an accuraLe generallsed
accounL. SLory demonsLraLes a
sound undersLandlng of how
Lhe lndlcaLors sLudled lmpacL
dally llfe and llfe opporLunlLles.
All componenLs are lncluded
ln Lhe page. lamlly sLory
may relaLe Lo Lhe sLaLlsLlcs
gaLhered or may apply
general research wlLh some
accuracy, demonsLraLlng a
Lhorough undersLandlng of
how Lhey lmpacL dally llfe
and llfe opporLunlLles.
All componenLs are lncluded
ln Lhe page. lamlly sLory ls
clearly based on sLaLlsLlcs
gaLhered and applles Lhem
accuraLely, demonsLraLlng a
sophlsLlcaLed undersLandlng
of how Lhey lmpacL dally llfe
and llfe opporLunlLles.
"03 -3<1<0,D
LlLLle efforL Lo organlse or
presenL Lhe webslLe.
E-B@<1- F"@ 021 B--0
-3<1-3G 1F-#- "#- >"06
@7-::<0,H ,#">>"#H 2#
740514"1<20 -##2#@.

WebslLe ls poorly organlsed and
lncludes only baslc feaLures.
E-B@<1- F"@ 021 B--0 -;;-51<9-:6
-3<1-3G 1F-#- "#- @7-::<0,H
,#">>"#H 2# 740514"1<20 -##2#@
1F#24,F241 1F- 1-I1D

1here are some aLLempLs Lo
organlse Lhe webslLe and make
lL lnLeresLlng. E-B@<1- F"@
B--0 "3-J4"1-:6 -3<1-3G 1F-#-
"#- @2>- @7-::<0,H ,#">>"#H 2#
740514"1<20 -##2#@D

WebslLe ls organlsed and
lncludes some vlsual
feaLures. E-B@<1- F"@ B--0
-3<1-3D KF-#- "#- 9-#6 ;-=
@7-::<0,H ,#">>"#H 2#
740514"1<20 -##2#@D
WebslLe ls creaLlvely
presenLed wlLh engaglng
deslgn and clear organlsaLlon.
E-B@<1- F"@ B--0 5"#-;4::6
-3<1-3D L2 @7-::<0,H ,#">>"#H
2# 740514"1<20 -##2#@D
M<B:<2,#"7F6 no blbllography

resenLs a llmlLed or lncorrecLly
presenLed blbllography
rovldes a falr blbllography,
mosLly ln Lhe correcL sLyle. Pas
aLLempLed Lo ln-LexL reference.
rovldes a good
blbllography presenLed ln
Lhe correcL sLyle. AccuraLe
ln-LexL referenclng lncluded.

8lbllography provldes
evldence of exLenslve and
relevanL research, presenLed
ln Lhe correcL sLyle.
Comprehenslvely applles ln-
LexL referenclng.

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