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Luciano Faria
Faria, Luciano Friday, May 30, 2014 9:18:53 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ab:4f
Faria, Luciano Friday, May 30, 2014 9:18:53 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ab:4f
The murky, dark swamp is very dangerous and scary.
Plants grow everywhere in the vast land of moss and
many wolves hind in the shadows waiting for prey to
lurk in their sight. When the sun shines the swamp is a
place of life and noises. Mosquitos and ies buzz
around the trees looking a victim to feast on, the deer
look for the right berries to eat, and the crocodiles lurk
in the water bathing themselves in sunlight and waiting
for a foolish human to slip or fall in the water. The
swamp is a place to be aware of so be on your toes, be
ready for anything.
Faria, Luciano Friday, May 30, 2014 9:18:53 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ab:4f
Man is a child of his enviroment
-Shinichi Suzuki
Law and Government
Faria, Luciano Friday, May 30, 2014 9:18:53 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ab:4f
Part I - Lessons from Democracy
The form of law that Athens adopted ,Democracy was
made for everyone one to have equal chances for any-
thing in the city for example, a chance to become a po-
litical leader, or part of the Senate. A political leader dis-
cuses about things going on in the city. A member of the
Senate discusses laws and important topics. In Ancient
Greece, all men had a say about laws.The Assembly
was a group of citizens that spoke about topics like gov-
ernment and law etc. I think that one thing that we can
learn from Ancient Greece is to keep the people happy
so they dont revolt about unfairness in the city or that
its not fair that the poor have to suffer and the rich get
it easy. If you werent in the senate or a leader you basi-
cally had no say at all even you had a brilliant idea how
to make the city better how to improve the government
you wouldnt get heard by the leaders. Also no woman
were allow to be a leader of government or anything for
that matter I think this very unfair and in my civiliza-
tion woman will be able to become whatever they want
to be even the leader of the civilization.
Part II - Code of Law
Hammurabi was the King of Babylonia from 1792-1750
B.C. He created a code
that made rules for every
citizen in Babylonia to fol-
low. Hammurabi did this
to bring everyone in his
empire together and to
keep everyone safe.
These laws were too severe and punishable by death.
In Sotto, the laws will not be as harsh, but still enforcing
punishment to those who disobey laws. For example, if
someone were to steal something, they would be put in
Faria, Luciano Friday, May 30, 2014 9:18:53 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ab:4f
jail for six months. In Hammurabis time , the punish-
ment would have been death. The civilization of Sotto
will have a court system that will be fair. Sottos code of
laws will be fair and give equal rights to all the people
that live in Sotto. Hammurabi told his people that the
gods had told him to make the laws but in Sotto the
laws will be made by the Government.
Sottos Code of Laws
-All people who steal will be but in jail or forced to
work for the person he stole from.
-If someone murders another person they will put in jail
for a life time and the murders family will have to help
the victims family
-The money system will that if you work hard you will
earn credits that you can use to buy food and other
-Slavery will be illegal in Sotto and if a person buys a
slave they will have to pay the slave back in return.
-Woman will be able to work and to own property or
even be part of the government
- If the man or woman want to serve the military they
will get more credits in return and free housing
Political Leadership Lessons from Ju-
lius Caesar
We can learn a couple things from Julius Caesar from
the good side and bad side like how he ruled and how
he treated the people. A popular step of Caesars was to
jobs to the poor to try to even out the difference be-
tween the rich and the poor. Another step that Julius
made was to reduce the taxes on the people so that they
liked him more and he wanted them not to revolt. Then
again there were some unpopular things that Julius Cae-
Faria, Luciano Friday, May 30, 2014 9:18:53 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ab:4f
sar such as wearing royal cloths before he was Dictator
which made the Senate very mad. After this event Cae-
sar was brutally stabbed 23 times by conspirators. Af-
ter this event Sotto can learn that do not get that leaders
angry or bad things will happen. Then the system kind
of xed it self when Augustus became Ruler of Rome.
Political Leadership Lessons from
Augustus Caesar
By the time that Julius Caesar got killed Octavius was
training for the military in Apollonia, Illyria. Octavius
was devastated about Caesars death and decided to be-
come Caesars political heir. Octavius then battled Bru-
tus and Cassias who both committed suicide and the
battle was won until Marc Antony joined forces with
Egypt and declared battle once more. Octavius went to
battle against Antony and Cleopatra which in the end
Faria, Luciano Friday, May 30, 2014 9:18:53 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ab:4f
both Antony and Cleopatra both died which decided
the battle. When Octavius returned he changed his
name to Augustus and his rein as Ruler of Rome began.
Augustus issued a era of peace called the Pax Romana
that people of Rome of been waiting for. When Augus-
tus came to rule he conquered Egypt, Dalmatia, Pan-
nonia, Noricum, and Raetia, and expanded possessions
in Africa, expanded into Germania, and completed the
conquest on Hispana. Then things took a turn for the
worst. Roman entered a state of decline that was horri-
ble for the people of Rome. The germanic people that
live in what is now Germany rebelled against Rome
and in 378 A.D. the Visigoths defeated the Roman le-
gions in the Battle of Adrianople. After the Romans
were defeated, they had to surrender to the Visigoths.
After this event Augustus died of old age and the era of
the greatest roman leader had ended.

Faria, Luciano Friday, May 30, 2014 9:18:53 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ab:4f
Maintaining Civil Order
Faria, Luciano Friday, May 30, 2014 9:18:53 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ab:4f
Aliquam turpis tellus. Id malesuada lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam felis nisl, cursus bibendum
tempus nec. Aliquam at turpis tellus. Id malesuada lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam felis nisl, cursus
bibendum tempus nec, aliquet ac magna. Pellentesque a tellus orci. Pellentesque tellus tortor, sagittis
ut cursus vitae, adipiscing id neque.
Faria, Luciano Friday, May 30, 2014 9:18:53 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ab:4f
Belief Systems
Faria, Luciano Friday, May 30, 2014 9:18:53 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ab:4f
Why is a belief systems inuence and
impact people within a civilization?
Belief systems are important because they keep the
people of the civilization in tack and they prevent
harm to the other people of the city because the belief
might prevent violence. Beliefs are also important be-
cause they bring people together and in worship or in
a song.
The Overcrowded Lifeboat
In 1842, a ship struck an iceberg and more than 30 sur-
vivors were crowded into a lifeboat intended to hold
7. As a storm threatened, it became obvious that the
lifeboat would have to be lightened if anyone were to
survive. The captain reasoned that the morally right
thing to do in this situation was to force some indi-
viduals to go over the side and drown. Since the only
possibility for rescue required great efforts of rowing,
the captain decided that the weakest would have to be
sacriced. They, after all, would be the one most
likely to die anyways.
Should the passengers on the boat support or op-
pose the captains idea? Explain why or why not.
How do you know?
Hindu - They would pray top the water god and the ice
god for mercy. If they had a bad dharma they would
jump off the boat into the water.
Buddhist- The buddhist would use the Noble Eight Path
to solve the problem. They would use the Sanskrit: Wis-
Faria, Luciano Friday, May 30, 2014 9:18:53 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ab:4f
dom to see what the smartest solution would be and the
Middle Way to see what to do.
Confucianist - They would do what would be best for
the boat because of the ethical concepts they follow.
One of them is called Yi. Yi is the up holding of right-
eousness and the moral disposition to do good.
Why is a belief system important for a successful civili-
Belief systems are important because they keep the
people of the civilization in tack and they prevent harm
to other people in the city because the belief system
could prevent violence. They keep the people safe spiri-
tually and physically.
Impact of Belief Systems in Medieval
In Medieval Europe Belief in a Holy gure was very im-
portant because it brought hope to the people like peas-
ants and serfs. Peasants needed to believe in a God be-
cause because it gave them hope that one day they
could be as good as good as the nobles and it gave hope
to them that they could go to heaven. Belief systems
were also important in medieval times because most of
the money people got was from the church and the
church basically controlled most the kingdom so if you
were part of the church you could get all lot of money.
Another reason Belief Systems were important is be-
cause the only people that could read were
nobles,kings/queens, and people who worked in the
Faria, Luciano Friday, May 30, 2014 9:18:53 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ab:4f
Honesty, Respect, Kindness
Kindness= Raxma
Respect= Xtiraam
Honesty= Daaca
Belief system of Sotto
In effort to create a successful civilization the people of
Sotto have established their own belief system. It shares
similar religious beliefs and and teachings with other
world religions and helps the people Sotto live with
strong moral values, here are some examples:
Raxma is the 1st moral value in Sotto. Raxma means
Kindness. This relates to Hinduism because It ties
into and Karma. Karma is when if you are not kind or
nice to people then something bad would happen to
you. and if you are nice then then you will be re-
(Frey, 149) It is important for the people of Sotto to prac-
tice Kindness because if nobody is kind then there will
be a lot of hate in our civilization. In the civilization of
Sotto we want people to be kind so that people will
build friendships and relationships. If the people in
Sotto can not build friendships and relationships then
our civilization would be a very cruel and the our
whole civilization would be unsafe.
Faria, Luciano Friday, May 30, 2014 9:18:53 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ab:4f
Xtiraam is the second moral value in Sotto. Xtiraam
means respect. This ties into Confucianism because it is
very important to have respect for you elders (Frey
208). It is important for the people in sotto to respect be-
cause without respect there would be a lot of crime. In
Sotto if there was crime there would be a massive de-
cline in the whole civilization. The people would steal.
Also shing is a big part of sotto. If the shermen
stopped shing there would be no food. Respect is very
important to keep people together and happy.

Dacca is the third moral value in Sotto. Daaca means
honesty. It ties into Christianity because in the ten com-
mandments it says to be honesty to your neighbors. It is
important for the people of sotto to be honest or else no-
body can trust one another. In Sotto if there was dishon-
esty the punishment would be that the person that lied
has to help the other person with chores or daily needs
until the person is satised. The people of Sotto need to
be honest so that your civilization can grow strong and
In Sotto our moral values are Raxma (Kindness)
Xtriaam (Respect) and Daaca (Honesty), which help our
civilization thrive. The rst moral value in our civiliza-
tion is Raxma, which means Kindness. Raxma relates to
Hinduism because it ties into Karma. Karma is when if
you were not kind or nice to people then something bad
would happen to you and if you are nice then you will
be rewarded. Xtiraam is the second moral value in
Sotto. Xtiraam means respect. This ties into Confucian-
ism because it is very important to have respect for you
Faria, Luciano Friday, May 30, 2014 9:18:53 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ab:4f
elders. Dacca is the third moral value in Sotto. Daaca
means honesty. It ties into Christianity because in the
Ten Commandments it says to be honesty to your neigh-
bors. It is important for the people of sotto to be honest
or else nobody can trust one another.
This is an example of Raxma in the Fray Text book.
(Frey, 149) It is important for the people of Sotto to prac-
tice Kindness because if nobody is kind then there will
be a lot of hate in our civilization. In the civilization of
Sotto we want people to be kind so that people will
build friendships and relationships. If the people in
Sotto cannot build friendships and relationships then
our civilization would be a very cruel and the our
whole civilization would be unsafe. This is an example
of Xtiraam in Frey. (Frey 208). It is important for the peo-
ple in sotto to respect because without respect there
would be a lot of crime. In Sotto if there were crime
there would be a massive decline in the whole civiliza-
tion. The people would steal. Also shing is a big part
of sotto. If the shermen stopped shing there would
be no food. Respect is very important to keep people to-
gether and happy. This is a example of Daaca in Frey. It
is important for the people of sotto to be honest or else
nobody can trust one another. In Sotto if there was dis-
honesty the punishment would be that the person that
lied has to help the other person with chores or daily
needs until the person is satised (Frey 148). My Sacred
space will help my civilization because it will them help
to worship God and to have discipline to
Faria, Luciano Friday, May 30, 2014 9:18:53 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ab:4f

Faria, Luciano Friday, May 30, 2014 9:18:53 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ab:4f
Faria, Luciano Friday, May 30, 2014 9:18:53 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ab:4f
Advancing Ideas within a Civilization
European society changed because not all people be-
longed to the catholic church and changed because now
the people could become what they wanted to be because
of the inuence of the other people. Also the catholics
would have looked at the humanists and wanted to try the
humanist mindset. The humanists would of had friends
that were catholic and told them about humanism and
they probably would have concerted there mindset human-
The Power of Ideas
Faria, Luciano Friday, May 30, 2014 9:18:53 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ab:4f
The government might change because of humanist
thinking because the humanists could question the govern-
ment for a reason that the rich have all the opportunities
and the poor dont.Humanists could question why the
catholics believe in Christ when a lot of people of world
were killed by the Black Death.Humanists would put more
emotion in the art and more effort in to the architecture
and education.
The Danger of New Ideas
The church was being very un-
fair toward the people and the
people started to complain. The
church was asking for money if
the people wanted to go to
heaven and that is wrong be-
cause in the bible its says that
the only way you will get into heaven is if you accept God
as your one and only savior. The church was asking for
money for there own nical gain and not even using the
money for the church. Also the Pope was having a dispute
between him and the king so naturally the king had people
on his side.
The ideas that Martin Luther had were different from
those of the church because Luther believed that you could
not just buy yourself into heaven because you in to have a
relationship with god and if your just buy yourself a spot
in heaven then you cant have a relationship with God.
Also Luther believed that the Catholic Church was becom-
ing corrupt because of these plots in which they asked for
money so the people could become a priest or just to go to
heaven. Luther believed in a relationship with God and
that jesus was Gods only son not the pope.
The Catholic Church used a strategy to get ride of Martin
Luther which was to go after his.The government might
change because of humanist thinking because the human-
ists could question the government for a reason that the
rich have all the opportunities and the poor
dont.Humanists could question why the catholics believe
in Christ when a lot of people of world were killed by the
Black Death.Humanists would put more emotion in the art
and more effort in to the architecture and education.
Faria, Luciano Friday, May 30, 2014 9:18:53 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ab:4f
The strategy to help incorporate everyone's ideas would
be to have a vote. The council of Sotto would have people
of all different beliefs and everyone would then vote. The
vote of the council would then be passed on to the ofcial
leader of sotto. If this bill was passed the law would be put
into effect.
This strategy would help make a successful civilization be-
cause it would be asking the people of Sotto what they
want for the civilization. This could make my civilization
better and make the citizens happier because of the
changes. Voting could also make people want to vote for
new people for government which could also improve the
Power of Individual Ideas
My historical gure I chose was Leonardo Da Vinci. Leon-
ardo was an extraordinary inventor and mathematician
that invented many important and useful inventions. He
would be a great addition to my civilization because he
could make many inventions that we could for warfare
and for the city. He could also make other inventors want
to be an inventor after seeing is work. Leonardo would
open many opportunities for a lot of people in Sotto, which
would benet Sotto very much. I would put Leonardo has
a council member because he is very creative and could
bring a lot of good to Sotto.

Faria, Luciano Friday, May 30, 2014 9:18:53 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ab:4f
Faria, Luciano Friday, May 30, 2014 9:18:53 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ab:4f
Faria, Luciano Friday, May 30, 2014 9:18:53 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ab:4f

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