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The Cold War

Theory I
The U.S.S.R was angry at America for not coming to their aid during
WWII. U.S.S.R steals A-bomb test blueprints. Tension rises.
Theory II
Most of the Cold War was based on ideas and beliefs. America
and U.S.S.R disputed what Europe should end up as. Communism, or
Cuban Missile Crisis
U.S.S.R set nuclear warheads in Cuba,
for an attack on U.S. It was very close.
J.F.K was able to avoid this. Afterwards
both U.S and U.S.S.R backed away from
nuclear war.
The Cold War had many long term
consequences. Only two are being inspected.
1. Vietnam was bombarded with napalm, and
poisonous pesticides. Today this is still presently
affecting people. Birth defects, limb loss,
vegetation loss, and contaminated food are all in
play in Vietnam.
2. Countries like the Koreas and Vietnam stay divided.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Basically a bundle of countries
that believe in the push for democracy. Also a peaceful conclusion
organization. Military alliance.
Warsaw Pact
Communist driven. China,
Vietnam, Russia, North Korea,
and more. Military alliance.
Communist form of N.A.T.O,
but are more aggressive in
Duck and Cover!
Kids were taught to go through a procedure where they
can protect themselves from a nuclear warhead. An
alarm would go off, that would signal that a bomb was

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