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AP Biology

December 1, 2012


Ive known for a while,
But saying it out loud tears me apart
Since it becomes no more a lie,
But simply an excuse for me to cry.

If you wonder how I got it,
Its just a matter of genetics.
Although my parents dont have it
I did inherit.

Doctors have explained me all the way
How I must be grateful for another day.
They only know words though,
And not the pain that I sustain.

Its hard for you to see
Because its hidden inside my skin,
And as hard as I put on a show
The coughing will make you know.

As a thick layer of mucus builds up,
My weak force practically only lets me clap,
And as my lungs deteriorate
The breathing appears impossible;
There is no way out.

This disease is killing me,
But I still have a life;
I fall in love, suffer, and smile,
And it all wakes me up in a surprise.

I spend hours every day
Getting treatments that gives me hope,
But Im not blind for I can see by myself
That the clock is ticking
And theres no point in resisting.

But dont be said.
I am not.
I will live until the last breath
When life turns worse than death.

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