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Article: Cyberbullying: Focus on insight, not punishment

By Tony Volk
Summary Exemplar:

In the article, Cyberbullying: Focus on insight, not punishment, the
author, Tony Volk, discusses how little we really know about this complicated
issue. Volk claims that society is in need of a better understanding of
cyberbullying and discusses what is being done and what has to be done to better
understand and prevent it. Despite over 40 studies of research on cyberbullying,
Volk claims that researchers can still not agree on a basic definition. One of the
main reasons why it is hard to research is because kids and teens are more tech-
savvy and private than adults, which makes it even harder to understand. Volk
states that many researchers and groups are focusing on the study of
cyberbullying and that they need to continue to work together to understand and
solve bullying. Therefore, since we dont know much about cyberbullying Volk
urges leaders to become more committed to the study of cyberbullying by
spending dollars on knowledge and prevention rather than punishment in order
to prevent young people from meeting tragic ends.

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