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Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 80 (2003) 32–41

Involvement of the hippocampal CA3-region in acquisition and

in memory consolidation of spatial but not
in object information in mice
Gregory Stupien, Cedrick Florian, and Pascal Roullet*
Centre de Recherches Sur la Cognition Animale (CRCA), CNRS FRE 2382, Universit
e Paul Sabatier, 118 route de Narbonne, 31062
Toulouse Cedex 4, France
Received 30 May 2002; revised 14 February 2003; accepted 18 February 2003


This study investigates the implication of the hippocampal CA3-region in the different phases of learning and memory in spatial
and non-spatial tasks. For that purpose, we performed focal injections of diethyldithiocarbamate (DDC) into the CA3-region of the
dorsal hippocampus. The DDC chelates most of the heavy metals in the brain which blocks selectively and reversibly the synapses
containing heavy metals, i.e., the mossy fibres synaptic buttons and synapses of the dendrites of pyramidal cells. The effects of
temporal inactivation of the CA3-region was examined in a non-associative task, the spatial open-field, designed to estimate the
ability of mice to react to spatial changes, and in the object recognition task, designed to estimate the ability of mice to identify a
familiar object. The results show that DDC induced a specific impairment on learning and memory consolidation in the spatial
open-field but had no effect on recall in this task. In the object recognition task, DDC did not induce any impairment in the different
phases of learning and memory. These data demonstrate that the hippocampal CA3-region is specifically implicated in spatial
information processing and seems to be involved not only in acquisition but also in consolidation of spatial information.
Ó 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.

Keywords: Spatial learning; Spatial memory; Massed procedure; Hippocampus; CA3-region; Mice

1. Introduction son & Mair, 1996; Mogensen, Pedersen, Holm, & Bang,
1995; Sutherland, Kolb, & Whishaw, 1982), the nucleus
Memory is often separable in interdependent but accumbens (Roullet, Sargolini, Oliverio, & Mele, 2001;
potentially dissociable processes including acquisition, Usiello et al., 1998) and particularly the dorsal hippo-
consolidation, and recall (Abel & Lattal, 2001; campus. In fact, lesion of the dorsal part of the hippo-
McGaugh & Izquierdo, 2000; Riedel et al., 1999). campus decreases performances in associative spatial
Studies on these different phases of memory are gener- tasks like the radial maze (Olton, Walker, & Gage, 1978;
ally realised on associative tests as single-trial passive Jarrard, 1983) or the Morris water maze (McDonald &
avoidance task (Gold, 1986; Izquierdo et al., 1992; Iz- White, 1994; Morris, Garrud, Rawlins, & OÕKeefe,
quierdo & Medina, 1997) and recently on the fear-con- 1982). In a non-associative spatial task, the spatial open-
ditioning task (Bourtchouladze et al., 1998; Nie & Abel, field, our previous studies have shown that prelimbic
2001). On the other hand, in complex learning (e.g., cortex lesion and fimbria–fornix lesion induces a selec-
spatial learning), the majority of studies are conducted tive impairment in the ability of mice to react to the
without distinguishing these different phases of memory. spatial change (Sargolini, Roullet, Oliverio, & Mele,
These studies have shown the role of different structures 1999). However, in this study and in all studies which
in spatial learning such as the prefrontal cortex (Harri- use irreversible lesions realised before the beginning of
tasks, it is impossible to know which phases of the
Corresponding author. Fax: +33-5-61556154. memory process lesions affect (Abel & Lattal, 2001). To
E-mail address: (P. Roullet). study the different phases of memory, it is necessary to

1074-7427/03/$ - see front matter Ó 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
G. Stupien et al. / Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 80 (2003) 32–41 33

block temporarily the hippocampus. This is generally duration of DDC action in mice in order to know
done with a short-acting drug injected at various times when this treatment blocks the CA3-region during the
before or after training (Abel & Lattal, 2001; McGaugh different phases of learning. Second, we have inacti-
& Izquierdo, 2000). Nevertheless, one can use also the vated hippocampal CA3-region during acquisition,
diethyldithiocarbamate (DDC), which chelates most of memory consolidation, and the recall process of spatial
the heavy metals (Danscher, Haug, & Fredens, 1973; information in the spatial open-field task. In this non-
Holm, Andreasen, Danscher, & Nielsen, 1991; Szer- associative task, mice have to memorise a spatial
dahelyi & Kasa, 1987). In the hippocampal slice, DDC objects configuration in less than 40 min, a task that
blocks the induction of mossy fiber LTP (Lu et al., can be used to study the different phases of memory
2000). This chelator has been used before to block (Roullet et al., 2001). It consists of placing mice in an
temporarily the hippocampus (Frederickson, Freder- open-field containing five objects and, after three ses-
ickson, & Danscher, 1990) and recently in our labora- sions of habituation, examining their reactivity to ob-
tory, to block the hippocampal mossy fibres (Lassalle, ject displacement. Control animals show an increased
Bataille, & Halley, 2000). The maximal duration action exploration of the displaced object. This response is
of DDC into the dorsal hippocampal of the rat ranges usually interpreted as an index of the ability of
from 1 h (Lees, Cuajungco, & Leong, 1998) to 2 h (Holm animals to detect and react to the spatial change
et al., 1991) and causes a time-dependent bleaching of (Poucet, 1989; Roullet, Mele, & Ammassari-Teule,
Timm staining pattern (Danscher et al., 1973; Freder- 1996; Thinus-Blanc, Durup, & Poucet, 1992). This task
ickson et al., 1990; Perez-Clausell & Danscher, 1986; is realised within one learning session to avoid multi-
Szerdahelyi & Kasa, 1987). With this short duration of ple injections of DDC but also to allow working only
action shown in rats, the DDC allowed us to work on on the first information memory consolidation. This
the three phases of memory. point is very important because when learning sessions
The dorsal hippocampus is a heterogeneous structure are done during several days, memory trace is reacti-
that consists of a largely unidirectional loop of excitatory vated and reconsolidated successively during each
pathways through different subfields, the dentate gyrus, learning session. Implicated structures or molecular
CA3, CA1, and subiculum (Jones & Smith, 1980). The mechanisms can be different during first memory
majority of the hippocampal studies focus on the CA1- consolidation or during reconsolidation after reacti-
region and have shown a clear implication of this subfield vation of the memory trace (Nader, Schafe, & Le
in spatial memory (Gilbert, Kesner, & Lee, 2001; Olsen, Doux, 2000; Przybyslawski, Roullet, & Sara, 1999;
Scheel-Kr€ uger, Moller, & Jensen, 1994; Volpe, Davis, Sara, 2000). For this reason, it is very important to
Towle, & Dunlap, 1992). The CA3-region seems also to use a one-day procedure. Third, we have blocked the
be implicated during spatial learning (Kesner, Gilbert, & hippocampal CA3-region in the three different phases
Wallenstein, 2000) and this subfield seems to be impor- of memory in the non-spatial task, the object
tant during the acquisition phase but not in the recall recognition task. This task uses differential level
(Kesner et al., 2000; Lassalle et al., 2000). However, to exploration between familiar and unfamiliar objects as
our knowledge, nothing is known about the role of this a behavioural measure for recognition (Ennaceur &
area in the phases of memory consolidation. This CA3- Delacour, 1988). It is based on the animalÕs sponta-
region holds a strategic position in the hippocampus neous preference for novelty. If the hippocampal CA3-
because it receives sensorial information from the region were implicated only in spatial memory, we
external and internal environment via two principal would expect DDC injected mice to be severely
pathways, mossy fibres and the perforant path (Amaral impaired in spatial open-field but to display normal
& Witter, 1989; Dolorfo & Amaral, 1998). In addition, behaviour in the object recognition task.
this structure is considered to be an auto association
network for storage and retrieval of information partic-
ularly in working memory processes (Rolls & Treves, 2. Experiment 1: Duration of DDC action
1998; Treves & Rolls, 1992).
The aim of this experiment is to investigate the The aim of this first experiment is to determine the
hippocampal CA3-regionÕs implication in the three exact duration of maximal DDC efficacy. This infor-
phases of spatial and non-spatial learning. We have mation is essential to devise an experimental behavio-
used DDC injections into the complete hippocampal ural procedure for the spatial and non-spatial task in
CA3-region to block synaptic transmission at the acquisition experiment. In fact, is imperative that DDC
mossy fibres level as well as into pyramidal cells. First, is effective during all learning sessions in all experiments.
since most experiments with DDC treatment have In the memory consolidation experiments it is also
been realised on the rat (Danscher et al., 1973; Fred- important to know whether DDC acts during the whole
erickson et al., 1990; Holm et al., 1991; Szerdahelyi & duration of memory consolidation or if it acts only
Kasa, 1987), it was important to determine the exact during the first step of this phase.
34 G. Stupien et al. / Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 80 (2003) 32–41

2.1. Materials and methods

In the three experiments, subjects were males and

females C57BL/6 inbred mice born in our laboratory.
After birth, they remained with their two parents until
weaning at 21 days. Then they were placed in groups of
three to six animals of the same sex and same age, in
standard breeding cages (21  21  12 cm) placed in a
rearing room at a constant temperature (23  1 °C) with
food and water ad libitum.
Fig. 1. TimmÕs staining and DDC injection. (A) Hippocampal for-
Every possible effort was made to minimise animal mation of a control mouse stained with the Timm sulphide-silver
suffering and all procedures were in strict accordance method. The mossy fiber system of the CA4–CA3 region (mf) is in-
with European community and French national laws tensely stained, the basal (bd) and apical (ad) dendrites of the hippo-
and regulations on the use of animals in research and campal subfields CA3 and CA1 exhibit moderate staining intensity,
NIH guidelines on animal care. while the striatum lacuno-moleculare (lm) and the granular part of
CA4-region are not colored. (B) Staining pattern of the hippocampus
in the DDC treated mouse (0.25 ll/side; 200 mM), 90 min after injec-
2.1.1. Surgery tion. We observe a bleaching of TimmÕs staining in the synaptic fields
At the time of surgery, mice were 90 to 120 days of the hippocampus previously cited.
old. They were anaesthetised with chloral hydrate
(400 mg/kg) and placed in a stereotaxic apparatus (Da- of hippocampus, i.e., mossy fibres and striatum lacuno-
vid Kopf Instruments) with mouse adapter and lateral moleculare. The striatum lacunosum and the striatum
bars. The head skin was cut longitudinally and the in- moleculare were used as a staining reference to the in-
jection needle was introduced into the dorsal part of the jected and non-injected sides (they are devoid of zinc
right hippocampus. The following coordinates with and present a low variation of density after TimmÕs
lambda and bregma in the same horizontal plane were staining treatment). Among several baths, it is possible
used: posterior to bregma, )1.6 mm; lateral to midline, to find differences in staining intensity. For this reason,
2 mm; and )2.6 mm beneath skull surface (Franklin & it was essential to determine the level of grey in the
Paxinos, 1997). mossy fibres for each section in relation to aspecific
background staining. The relative difference in staining
2.1.2. Drug and Timm’s staining intensity between the injected and non-injected hippo-
Twenty mice received an unilateral stereotaxic injec- campal regions was expressed by the index of bleaching:
tion of 0.25 ll sodium diethyldithiocarbamate (200 mM)  
mf B  lmB
into the dorsal part of the right hippocampus. The un- Index ¼ 1   100;
mf A  lmA
treated left side was considered as an internal control.
After well-defined delay (15 min to 5 h), animals are where the subscripts mf and lm represent the level of
perfused with a sodium sulphide solution according to grey in the mossy fibres and the striatum lacuno-mo-
the Timm method (Timm, 1958a, 1958b). leculare, respectively. The indices A and B refer to the
non-injected and injected sides.
2.1.3. Histology
Brains were removed, frozen at )20 °C and 40 lm 2.2. Results
frontal microtom sections were obtained. Further pro-
cessing for the neo-Timm method was carried out as Injection of DDC into hippocampal CA3-region
described by Danscher (1981). To perform the sulphide prior perfusion with sulphide resulted in a localized
silver staining mounted sections were placed in jars and bleaching of the Timm staining pattern and the extent of
covered with the physical developer. The staining itself this bleaching varied with time (Fig. 2). Already 15 min
took place in the dark with the jars placed in a bath held after the injection, DDC has bleached about 75% of the
constantly at 26 °C. CA3-region and the maximal efficacy of the DDC is
between 15 min and 1 h 45 min. After this delay, the ef-
2.1.4. Densitometric analysis fect of DDC gradually decreases with time.
The densitometric analysis was performed on sections Therefore, during the behavioural experiments, we
from 20 animals with successful DDC injections. Sec- will keep a delay of 15 min between the moment of in-
tions were digitised using a Zeiss Axioplan microscope jection and the beginning of the behavioural test.
surmounted by a JVC-F30 video camera. The pictures Moreover, the mean duration of the learning procedure
collected (Fig. 1) were analysed with Photoshop soft- in the spatial open-field and in the object recognition task
ware. This software allowed to work with grey levels and never exceeds 50 min, so we are sure to have a maximal
to determinate the percent of grey in the different parts effect of the DDC during behavioural tests.
G. Stupien et al. / Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 80 (2003) 32–41 35

Fig. 2. Relationship between index measure (relative difference in

staining intensity between injected and non-injected hippocampal re-
gion) and survival time following intrahippocampal injection of DDC
(0.25 ll; 200 mM). Each delay represents the median of five mice.

3. Experiment 2: Spatial open-field

3.1. Materials and methods

3.1.1. Surgery
Mice were anaesthetised with chloral hydrate
(400 mg/kg) and placed in a stereotaxic apparatus (Da-
vid Kopf Instruments) with mouse adapter and lateral
Fig. 3. Schematic representation of the apparatus and the object
bars. The head skin was cut longitudinally and bilateral configuration over successive sessions. a, the open-field is initially
guide cannulae (0.56 mm in diameter) were fixed on the empty (S1); in the three subsequent sessions (S2–S4), it is filled with
calvarium with dental acrylic. The following coordinates objects in a particular configuration (b). In S5, two objects are dis-
with lambda and bregma in the same horizontal plane placed (spatial novelty) (c).
were used: posterior to bregma, 1.6 mm; lateral to
midline, 2 mm; and 1.5 mm beneath the skull surface.
The subjects were then left in their home cage for a re- 1.5 cm-wide vertical white and black bars) attached to
covery period of 7–8 days. the wall of the field. A video camera above the field was
connected to a video-recorder and a monitor.
3.1.2. Drugs Five objects were simultaneously present in the open-
To block the hippocampal CA3-region, we used the field: (A) a chromium-plated parallelepiped (7  4 
diethyldithiocarbamate and drug injected animals were 4 cm) with holes irregularly distributed on the sides and
always compared to control mice injected with the same the top; (B) a plastic cone on a transparent cylinder base
volume of Ca-ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (Ca- (diameter of the section 8 cm; height 6 cm); (C) two grey
EDTA). Ca-EDTA is also a chelating agent but cannot iron rectangles (10  3 cm) forming a 90° angle, inserted
penetrate plasma membranes and does not chelate the on a rectangular plastic base (7  5 cm); (D) a black
heavy metals within axonal buttons (Danscher, Shipley, Plexiglas cylinder (height: 10 cm; diameter: 5 cm); (E) a
& Andersen, 1975). Both drugs were administered as black and grey spool (height: 9 cm; diameter of the top
aqueous solutions (200 mM) and injected in a volume of 5 cm) on a square base (6  6 cm).
0.25 ll/side. The injection time was 2 min 30 s for each
side and the needle was left in place for an additional 3.1.4. Procedure
60 s to allow diffusion. The training procedure was the same as that used in
previous experiment (Roullet et al., 2001; Sargolini
3.1.3. Reaction to novelty apparatus et al., 1999). Mice were tested during the first half of the
The apparatus (Fig. 3) was a circular open-field, light period (between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.). They
60 cm in diameter with a 30-cm-high wall made of grey were individually submitted to four successive 6-min
plastic material, and a painted white floor divided into sessions, separated by a 3-min delay, during which
sectors by black lines. The open-field was surrounded by subjects were returned to their home-cage. During ses-
a visually uniform environment except for a conspicuous sion 1 (S1) mice were placed in the empty open-field to
striped pattern, 30 cm wide and 36 cm high (alternating let than familiarise with the apparatus and to record the
36 G. Stupien et al. / Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 80 (2003) 32–41

baseline level of locomotor activity. During sessions 2–4 groups. An ANOVA was used to verify the homogeneity
(S2–S4), the objects were placed as in Fig. 3. In session of performances in the two groups of mice before the
5, the objects were displaced relatively to the original treatment.
arrangement. Object E replaced object A, which was In session 1 (without object), the effects of DDC in-
itself placed at the periphery of the apparatus, so that jection on locomotor and leaning were evaluated by an
the initial square arrangement was changed to a poly- independent t-test. Habituation to object exploration
gon-shaped arrangement. during sessions 2–4 was performed by a factorial
The injections were made by inserting an injection analysis of variance, with session (three levels) as within-
needle (0.25 mm in diameter) into the guide cannula, subject factor, and treatment (two levels) as between-
connected with a polyethylene tubing to a 1 ll Hamilton subject factor.
syringe. Mice were remained in their cages during the In session 5, the spatial arrangement of the objects
injection time. was modified. In order to avoid an experimental bias
For the learning procedure (Fig. 4), injections were due to preference for one object, response to spatial
made 15 min before the beginning of the first session change was assessed by comparing the mean time in
(S1) and the delay between the last session of habitua- contact with the objects belonging to each category
tion (S4) and the spatial change (S5) was 3 min. For the (displaced and non-displaced) in session 5 minus the
memory consolidation and recall procedures, mice were mean time spent in contact with the same object cate-
submitted to the spatial change 24 h after the last session gory in session 4. A positive value indicates a renewal of
of habituation. The injection was made immediately exploratory activity and a negative value an habituation
after S4 for the memory consolidation procedure and to this set of objects. A difference between exploration of
15 min before the spatial change for the recall procedure. displaced and non-displaced object, indicates that mice
are able to compare the new arrangement of objects with
3.1.5. Data collection and statistics a stored representation of the previous one. This would
Data collection was performed using video-record- indicate memory of spatial relationships. For this com-
ings (for details see Save, Foreman, & Buhot, 1992). In parison ANOVA analysis was performed with ‘‘object
the first session, two behavioural parameters were re- category’’ (two levels) as within-subject factor, and
corded: leaning and locomotor activity, assessed by treatment (two levels) as between-subject factors.
counting the number of sectors crossed by each animal In all experiments, statistical analysis did not reveal
while moving in the open-field. From sessions 2–5, ob- any sex-related effect.
ject exploration was evaluated by the time spent by the
animal in contact with an object. A contact was defined 3.1.6. Histology
as the subjectÕs snout actually touching an object. At the completion of the experiment, mice were sac-
For the acquisition experiment, all mice were ran- rificed by an overdose of chloral hydrate. The brains
domly assigned to one of two treatment groups. For the were removed and frozen at )20 °C. Cannula place-
memory consolidation and recall experiments, mice were ments were determined by examination of serial coronal
assigned to treatment groups according to their activity sections (40 lm) stained with thionine.
and habituation performances during sessions 1–4, in an
attempt to avoid any pre-treatment differences between 3.2. Results

Only animals showing a correct placement of cannula

were included in the statistical analysis. When DDC or
Ca-EDTA injections overflowed on the CA1 or CA4
regions, mice were removed from the analysis to be sure
to block only the CA3-part of the dorsal hippocampus
in this experiment.

3.2.1. Acquisition
Injection: 15 min before session 1; spatial change: 3 min
after session 4. During session 1, DDC did not induce
any change in sector crossing ½F ð1; 14Þ ¼ 1:26; p ¼ :231
nor in leaning ½F ð1; 14Þ ¼ 0:258; p ¼ :620 . The habit-
uation curves for the two groups are shown in Fig. 5A.
The ANOVA revealed no treatment effect ½F ð2; 28Þ ¼
:708; p ¼ :50 , no session effect ½F ð2; 28Þ ¼ :878; p ¼ :42
Fig. 4. Experimental design using diethyldithiocarbamate (DDC) to and no treatment  session interaction ½F ð1; 14Þ ¼ :05;
study the different phases of memory in non-associative spatial task. p ¼ :82 .
G. Stupien et al. / Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 80 (2003) 32–41 37

Fig. 6. Memory consolidation: Reactivity to spatial change of mice

after immediate post-training focal administration of EDTA or DDC
at 0.25 ll/side into the hippocampal CA3-region. The histograms il-
lustrate the mean time (SEM) spent exploring the displaced objects
(DO) and non-displaced objects (NDO) in S5 minus the time spent
exploring the same class of objects in the last session of habituation

and a significant interaction between the two factors

½F ð1; 14Þ ¼ 5:48; p ¼ :035 .

3.2.3. Recall
Fig. 5. (A) Objects exploration during the three habituation sessions.
The curves represent the mean time (SEM) spent exploring each
Injection: 15 min before session 5; spatial change: 24 h
object before the spatial change. (B) Acquisition: Reactivity to spatial after session 4. During the first session and during
change of mice after pretraining focal administration of EDTA or habituation sessions, ANOVA revealed no significant
DDC at 0.25 ll/side into the hippocampal CA3-region. The histograms pre-treatment differences between the two groups.
illustrate the mean time (SEM) spent exploring the displaced objects Fig. 7 shows the effects of EDTA and DDC injections
(DO) and non-displaced objects (NDO) in S5 minus the time spent
exploring the same class of objects in the last session of habituation
expressed as a difference between S5 and S4 for the two
(S4). object categories. Administration of DDC just before
session 5 seems not to affect detection of a spatial
change. The ANOVA revealed a main object effect
Fig. 5B shows the time spent exploring the displaced ½F ð1; 14Þ ¼ 23:37; p < :001 but no significant treatment
objects (DO) and the non-displaced objects (NDO) ex- effect ½F ð1; 14Þ ¼ 158; p ¼ :697 or interaction between
pressed as the difference between S5 and S4 in each the two factors ½F ð1; 14Þ ¼ 1:13; p ¼ :305 .
group. DDC injected mice re-explored the displaced
objects less than the control mice. The ANOVA revealed
a significant effect of object category ½F ð1; 14Þ ¼ 31:61;
p < :001 and a significant treatment  object interaction
½F ð1; 14Þ ¼ 4:79; p ¼ :046 but no significant treatment
effect ½F ð1; 14Þ ¼ :238; p ¼ :63 .

3.2.2. Memory consolidation

Injection: immediately after session 4; spatial change:
24 h after session 4. During the first session and during
habituation sessions, ANOVA revealed no significant
pre-treatment differences between the two groups.
In this experiment, when we injected DDC immedi-
ately after the habituation sessions, the reaction of mice
to the spatial change decreased in comparison to the
control group. The two-way ANOVA of the difference Fig. 7. Recall: Reactivity to spatial change of mice after focal ad-
ministration of EDTA or DDC at 0.25 ll/side into the hippocampal
between the time spent exploring the two categories of
CA3-region 24 h after S4 and just before S5. The histograms illustrate
objects in sessions 5 and 4 (Fig. 6) revealed no significant the mean time (SEM) spent exploring the displaced objects (DO) and
treatment effect ½F ð1; 14Þ ¼ :726; p ¼ :409 but a sig- non-displaced objects (NDO) in S5 minus the time spent exploring the
nificant main object effect ½F ð1; 14Þ ¼ 36:36; p < :001 same class of objects in the last session of habituation (S4).
38 G. Stupien et al. / Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 80 (2003) 32–41

4. Experiment 3: Object recognition 1 and 2, evaluated by the time spent by the animals in
contact with the different objects. A contact was defined
4.1. Materials and methods as the subjectÕs snout actually touching an object.
A habituation index was also calculated as the difference
4.1.1. Apparatus in time spent exploring the two objects during the ses-
Test objects were presented in a PVC square arena sion 1 minus the time spent exploring the object during
(50  50 cm), with walls 30 cm high painted grey and a session 2.
white floor divided by black lines into 16 identical sec- Statistical analyses were performed using an ANOVA
tors. The apparatus was placed in a separate room with a within–between design. For the mean exploration
containing no conspicuous features, illuminated by a time, the repeated factor was object (2 levels) and the
white light (60 W) and surmounted by a video camera between factor was treatment (2 levels). For the habit-
connected to a video recorder and a monitor. uation index, we used a one-factor ANOVA design
Two different objects, named A and B, made of glass (treatment: two levels).
or metal were employed in this task, and their weight
was such that they could not be displaced by animals: 4.2. Results
(A) a glass cylinder (height: 7 cm; diameter: 6 cm) in-
serted on a square plastic base (7  7 cm) and (B) a 4.2.1. Acquisition
metallic disc (dept: 4 cm; diameter: 7.5 cm) fixed on the Injection: 15 min before session 1; object change: 15 min
plastic base. after session 1. Fig. 8A illustrates the level of exploration
of the two objects during sessions 2 in the control and in
4.1.2. Procedure the DDC injected mice. In this experiment, during
The general procedure consisted of three different session 2, DDC injected and control mice explore more
phases: a familiarisation phase, a sample phase and a the new than the familiar object. During session 1,
choice phase. On the first day mice were individually ANOVA showed no significant object effect ½F ð1; 14Þ ¼
submitted to a single familiarisation session of 10 min, :301; p ¼ :592 , no treatment effect ½F ð1; 14Þ ¼ :001;
during which they were introduced in the empty arena,
to become familiar with the apparatus and to record the
baseline level of locomotor activity. On the second day
animals were submitted to a single 10 min session, dur-
ing which two identical objects (A1 and A2) were placed
in a symmetric position from the centre of the arena,
each 10 cm from the side wall. After a delay during
which mice returned to their home-cage, they were re-
introduced to the arena and exposed to two objects, a
familiar object (A3) and a new object (B), placed at the
same location of the sample stimuli. The familiar object
was a triplicate copy of the sample used in session 1, to
avoid olfactory trails. The role (sample or new object) as
well as the location of the two choice objects during
session 2 was counterbalanced between mice and across
Two different procedures were used in the present
study: an acquisition procedure, in which a 15 min delay
was introduced between the two sessions, and a memory
consolidation procedure, in which the delay was
lengthened to 24 h.
For the acquisition procedure, the injections were
made 15 min before the beginning of the first session.
For the memory consolidation procedure, the injection
was made immediately after the first session and mice
were submitted to the probe trial 24 h later. Fig. 8. (A) Exploration of objects after pretraining focal administra-
tion of EDTA or DDC at 0.25 ll/side into the hippocampal CA3-re-
gion. (B) Exploration of objects after immediate post-training focal
4.1.3. Data collection and statistics
administration of EDTA or DDC at 0.25 ll/side into the hippocampal
Data collection was performed using video-record- CA3-region. The histograms illustrate the mean time (+SEM) spent
ings and the observer was always blind to treatment. exploring the different category of objects (familiar and new) during
The basic measure was object exploration during sessions session 2.
G. Stupien et al. / Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 80 (2003) 32–41 39

p ¼ :993 and no interaction between the two factors maximal bleaching of the neo-Timm coloration between
½F ð1; 14Þ ¼ 2:22; p ¼ :158 . During session 2, ANOVA 15 min and 1 h 45 min. This duration of DDC action in
revealed an important object effect [F ð1; 14Þ ¼ 24:92; mice is in accordance with literature data on rats (Holm
p < :001 but no treatment effect ½F ð1; 14Þ ¼ 1:09; et al., 1991; Lees et al., 1998). Since our different
p ¼ :314 and no treatment  object interaction behavioural procedures last about 45 min, we are sure
½F ð1; 14Þ ¼ :097; p ¼ :760 . For the habituation index, that mice are always on the DDC effect during learning
there is also no treatment effect ½F ð1; 14Þ ¼ 1:911; sessions. In addition, with this short duration of action
p ¼ :188 . of the DDC, we have not acted on the total duration of
the memory consolidation but only on the first phase of
4.2.2. Memory consolidation the memory consolidation (approximately during 1 h
Injection: immediately after session 1; object change: 30 min).
24 h after session 1. Fig. 8B shows the mean time of The first aim of our experiments was to determinate if
exploration of the two objects during session 2 in the hippocampal CA3-region is specifically involved in
two groups of mice. As in the acquisition experiment, spatial learning. Blocking this area produced an im-
DDC injected mice seem always able to detect and to pairment of the ability of mice to react to the spatial
react to the introduction of the new object after a delay change but did not produce an effect on the object rec-
of 24 h. In session 1, ANOVA showed no significant ognition task during the different phases of learning.
object effect ½F ð1; 13Þ ¼ 4:38; p ¼ :056 , no treatment The finding that the hippocampus is not involved in
effect ½F ð1; 13Þ ¼ :722; p ¼ :411 and no interaction be- recognition memory is consistent with previous studies
tween the two factors ½F ð1; 13Þ ¼ :395; p ¼ 541 . Dur- using fornix lesion (Bussey, Duck, Muir, & Aggleton,
ing session 2, mice spent more time in contact with the 2000; Ennaceur et al., 1996, 1997). It is important to
new object ½F ð1; 13Þ ¼ 16:14; p < :001 and DDC note that CA3-region blockage produces the same
treatment did not change the general exploration of the spatial deficit as when blocking completely the dorsal
two objects ½F ð1; 13Þ ¼ 1:15; p ¼ :30 and the detection hippocampus. As already seen in the introduction,
of the new one ½F ð1; 13Þ ¼ :29; p ¼ :59 . No treatment dorsal hippocampus is involved specifically in spatial
effect was found on the habituation index learning in the radial maze (Jarrard, 1983; Olton et al.,
½F ð1; 13Þ ¼ 2:692; p ¼ :125 . 1978), in the Morris water maze (McDonald & White,
1994; Morris et al., 1982) and also in the spatial open-
field task. In this last task, a bilateral lesion of the
5. Discussion anterior part of the hippocampus (Save et al., 1992) or a
fimbria–fornix lesion (Sargolini et al., 1999) impairs the
The purpose of this study was to investigate the role detection or the reaction to the spatial change without
of hippocampal CA3-region in the different phases of impairing the reaction to the non-spatial change when
memorisation of two non-associative tasks. The spatial we introduce a new object in the open-field. An intact
open-field is designed to estimate the ability of mice to neural pathway from the entorhinal cortex through the
encode spatial relationships among discrete stimuli. In hippocampus to the subcortical structures innervated by
our study, control mice injected by EDTA, reacted the fimbria–fornix is necessary for the performance in a
strongly to the spatial configuration change in the three spatial task (Jarrard, 1978; OÕKeefe, Nadel, Keightley,
procedures used in the spatial open-field. Our results & Kill, 1975; Olton et al., 1978). Therefore, reversible
therefore confirm that mice are able to detect a change inactivation of the CA3-region in our experiment or
in the spatial configuration of objects just after or 24 h destruction of the CA3 pyramidal cells (Handelmann &
after sessions of habituation and than to encode spatial Olton, 1981) certainly interrupts this pathway, by re-
relationships among objects (Roullet & Lassalle, 1990; moving one target of information from the entorhinal
Roullet et al., 2001; Sargolini et al., 1999). In the object cortex and induces a deficit in spatial learning.
recognition task, control mice investigated more the The second aim of this study was to investigate the
novel than the familiar complex object just after the role of the hippocampal CA3-region in the different
session of habituation but also 24 h after in the memory phases of spatial memory formation. Our results show
consolidation experiment. In this task, EDTA injected that the hippocampal CA3-region is involved in the
mice discriminate the two objects and are able to iden- acquisition but not in the recall of spatial information as
tify the familiar object exactly like rats (Ennaceur & seen previously in the Morris water maze using mossy
Delacour, 1988; Ennaceur, Neave, & Aggleton, 1996). fibres inactivation by DDC (Lassalle et al., 2000) or
We therefore conclude that these two tasks with the used using kainic acid lesions of CA3 pyramid cells of the
procedures, seem to be appropriate to study the different anterior hippocampal part (Handelmann & Olton,
phases of spatial or non-spatial memory in mice. 1981). The main result of this study is that the hippo-
In the first experiment, we have shown that a DDC campal CA3-region is also involved in the first spatial
injection into hippocampal CA3-region produces a information memory consolidation process. In fact, with
40 G. Stupien et al. / Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 80 (2003) 32–41

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