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Deploy using static and dynamic deployment groups

Hi All,

There are 3 way we can move/migrate the mappings
1) Import/Export
2) Using Deployment groups
3) Copy/past or Drag/drop

In most of the moves the first preference is to Deployment groups
where a label is created and all the objects that need to me moved are added in
label Advantages of these labels are if huge no of objects are available move ca
n be done in
single short and if any issue is occurred we can roll back to the previous versi

The 2nd most user is Import/Export in this normally we export objects ands and t
he same objects are
imported in other environments this is most suitable when we have very less obje
cts are need a move and there wont be any huge ve impact this can be more causes w
hen we dont have version controlling.

The last one is Drag/drop this is followed when we dont have any proper migration
when we follow if we face any error in moving the code in either of above proces
ses. We face these
issues in informatica maintenance periods
Hi All,

I will share my experience that I have on CDC.

CDC is mainly used for having a Delta Read.

What is Delta Read ?

Hope everyone knows SCD Type-2. In that,

Insert Record if it is coming for first time.
Update Record the record it is already exists in Target.

Here the CDC comes into picture. Based on the primary key, we will check whether
the record is present or not in the target. If it is, then update. So why don't
we have a scenario, if that the record is coming without any changes in the dat
a. Then also we are simply updating the data with again the same data that the t
able is having.

So to avoid this unncecessary updates which is not required. We will capture the
changed records only. That is called Change Data Capture.

How to Implement ?

Now, we will maintain one more column in the target to. So while loading the dat
a into the target, we have to calculate this. So MD5 Informatica Function will d
o this. For more on MD5, refer help.

MD5 will give the checksum value, 32 digit hexa-decimal unique value it will gen

MD5(col1||col2||col3) -- This value we will insert into the target, if the recor
d is coming for first time also. When the record is coming for next time. We wil
l check the MD5 value of incoming record with the MD5 value of the target. So if
there is no change then there is not change in the data. If it doesn't matches,
then there is some changes happened in the record.

So like this, instead of blindly updating the record even though there are no ch
anges happened for the record. CDC will do it in an efficient way. If you don't
use CDC also nothing will happen, the results will not effect. But unnecessarily
, you are reading and writing the same records which effects the performance.

I hope this will be clear and helpful. Still if you have any queries let me know
Manohar Pattem.

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