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Universidad Politecnica de Victoria

Recycling by the World

The humanity makes millions of tons of trash all years, the same trash that
harms at the moment of being discarded. The way that the countries discard the
trash is burning it, and the consequence is that it generates pollutants gaseous that
harms the atmosphere, making that the global warming rise.

The world needs a solution of this problem which improves the actual situation.
The use of vending machines of food and drinks has been one of many problems
that generate millions and millions of PET residues. We considerate the use of this
machines to make a solution, designing a machine where you can put a PET
bottle, this will be refilled with your favorite product. The machine include a little
cost of elaboration, but it is rentable because required Aluminum and other
components for its fabricating.
We want to distributing by some cities our machine and the people try our
The principal benefit focus on decrease the fabrication of PET bottles, and the
reduction of costs for the fabricant and for the people in general. Probably one of
the obstacles will be the acceptation by the fabricants or companies from different
brands of drink; but, with the correct marketing the companies can take literally the
roll of a 100% ecologic company.

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