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Book Club Meeting Reflection 2

Hashmats novel, To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee, was found to change the
main focus from Jeon Louis Finch (Scout) to her father, Atticus Finch. Unlike Scout, he is a
more polite, calm and brave character. Being a lawyer in such a racist society defending an Afro-
American in a case of raping a white girl was something nobody would stand up to. But Atticus
accepted and tried his hardest to defend Tom Robbinson, who was accused in raping Mayella
Ewell. Despite of strong proofs of the case being a false accuse, Tom was sentenced guilty.
While going to the prison, he tried to escape and was shot dead. He worked at Jewells and just
because he rejected the offer to have intercourse with Mayella, she filed a case of rape against
him. It was interesting to see how things worked in a racist society and how despite the hard
work Atticus put into defending tom, there was never a chance for Robbinson to be found
innocent. Hashmat description was loud and clear surely making me want to read the prize
winning literature.
Shayelles selection, The Colour Purple by Alice Walker, is continuing to have twists.
Celies younger sister, Neddie, came to visit her after running away from her parents house and
was surprised to see the way Mr.__ treated her sister. She planned to stay there for some time but
was unable to but she promised to write Celie letters. Nettie is then taken by a married couple
and goes to Africa as a missionary. She learns that the two adopted children of the couple were
Celies. This was the most interesting change in the story. As Shayelle says, Celie is now
valuing herself more than she ever did. It is surely a great novel but I would not prefer it as a
Name: Shivam Patel
Course: English (University)
Date: 07/04/2014
Book Club: TACO
selection as I still feel that strong abuse and feelings being displayed are creating a strong
resistance that might stop me from finishing the book.
Anns chose A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khalid Hosseini is continued in Kabul,
Afghanistan. Laila was in love with Tariq (15-16 year old) and had intercourse with him before
he and his family left Kabul because of the war that struck between government and rebels. Laila
was depressed until she heard that her family has decided to leave Kabul but while packing bags,
a rocket hit their house and she had to see her parents die while she was rescued by Rasheed
(Mariams husband) who lives next door. She stayed at their house and eventually married
Rasheed as she was pregnant and needed a man to take care of her child. She had a girl and
therefore Rasheed didnt take care of her properly but Laila was young and Rasheed wanted
another child. Although Laila had problems with Mariam before, she got pregnant with
Rasheeds child for her. This brought Mariam and Laila closer to each other. The most
interesting part was Laila planning to escape Rasheeds cruelty and inviting Mariam in her
unsuccessful try as someone caught them escaping for Pakistan and send them back to Rasheed.
He locked Laila in Mariams room and Mariam in Tool room later. Anns made me imagine the
struggles Laila and Mariam are facing with the fluency and brief explanation of the events
happening and therefore I think I might find the book entertaining and teaching considering the
courageous and selfless personality of Laila and optimistic personality of Mariam.
Shaquilles book, Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, has continued to be about a
strong and courageous Okonkwo. Okonkwo felt guilty after participating in killing of Ikemefuna.
Things started to go wrong after Ikemefunas death for Okonkwo who at the funeral of Oguefi
saw his gun explode and hit Oguefis sixteen years old son during a gun salute. He and his
family were banished from the village for 7 years. Additionally, all the animals and buildings he
earned were burned down. Shaqiulle still feels that the culture that the novel offers is vast and
different than he has ever seen adding to the great story line that the book offers attracting him. I
would want to read this book to learn about how villages are operated Africa and to know in
detail how Okonkwo lost all his respect and gained hatred instead.
Being familiar with the characters and the base setting of the book, it was easier and more
interesting to know what has happened since last meeting. The atmosphere- just as last time- was
enjoyable and positive. Additionally, every member of my group participated heartily and made
it an even better experience. We lacked a great amount of speed last time, to which we recovered
okay this time but still werent able to listen to every speaker. Also, I would have to work on my
speech and brief explanation of my novel as I felt I took more amount of time then I should have
knowing that we lacked time last time.

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