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June 16, 2014

Dear Sir/Madam,

Warm greetings! Our organization, the (It's All For You)IAFY Charity,
is a non-profit institution hoping to provide services to needy children and
less fortunate. Established in July 6, 2013, we regularly hold activities for
the poor and such as feeding programs and medical missions. This July 6
2014, we will be celebrating our 1st anniversary. In commemoration of this,
we will be holding a thanksgiving party and Outreach Program @ the
Special Child Foundation. We will be giving the children
entertainment,new clothes and school supplies. We also hope to help
renovate their dining area which is already dilapidated. We need the
support of generous individuals like you for the success of this activity. We
would like to request a donation of any amount from you to make this plan
a reality. Your generosity will surely be appreciated by the children who
will benefit from the said activity. .

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