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Tia Garcia

2322 Wheeler St. Apt. 3, Cincinnati, OH 45219

419-410-5120 tiaoliviaarcia!""
#achelor o$ Art%, Co""&nication
#achelor o$ Art%, 'o&rnali%"
(inor) Spani%h
(c(ic*en Collee o$ Art% + Science%
,niver%it- o$ Cincinnati Honor% .rora"
G.A 3.5/04.0
Diversity Intern, University of Cincinnati April 2014-Present
Wor* 1ith a tea" o$ a2"ini%trator%, $ac&lt-, an2 %t&2ent% to plan an2 pro"ote event%.
3e%earch content $or p&4lication to the &niver%it- an2 %&rro&n2in co""&nit-.
5evelop an2 anal-6e %&rve-% to a%%i%t 1ith per$or"ance "etric%.
Counications Intern at !"I #e$ional Council of %overnents, Cincinnati, !& 'ay 201(-Dece)er 201(
Write an2 e2it pre%% relea%e%, ne1%letter%, an2 article% $or co""&nit- pre%% o&tlet%.
.lan an2 atten2 co""&nit- event% on 4ehal$ o$ the Clean Air ca"pain.
3&n the co"pan-7% Clean Air %ocial "e2ia %ite%.
Apple Capus #epresentative *anuary 201(-Dece)er 201(
,tili6e interper%onal %*ill% to 4&il2 relation%hip% 1ith %t&2ent%, $a"ilie%, $ac&lt- an2 %ta$$ at pro2&ct 2e"o%.
Wor* 1ith the %t&2ent 4oo*%tore to increa%e %ale% o$ Apple pro2&ct%.
(eet 1ith $ac&lt- "e"4er% to 2i%c&%% the &%e o$ technolo- in the cla%%roo".
'ultiedia Editor at +,e -e.s #ecord /Independent 0tudent -e.spaper1 *une 2012-'ay 201(
Create Wee*l- ,p2ate vi2eo% $or the online 1e4%ite $or the in2epen2ent %t&2ent ne1%paper on ca"p&%.
Cover event% on ca"p&% an2 in the co""&nit- thro&h "&lti"e2ia plat$or"%.
5i%cover an2 create ne1 content $or "&lti"e2ia coverae.
Intern at Ada2s 0treet Pu)lis,in$ Copany, +oledo, !& *une 2012-Au$ust 2012
3e%earch calen2ar event% $or the Tole2o Cit- .aper, Tole2o Area .arent, Ann Ar4or C&rrent, Ann Ar4or 8a"il- an2
8in2la- Area 8a"il-.
Contact 4&%ine%%e% to veri$- in$or"ation $or event% an2 prora"%.
Write 4rie$% $or event% an2 prora"% $or the vario&% ne1%paper%.
0tudent %overnent Ca)inet 'e)er - Director of Et,nic and Cultural Affairs Au$ust 2012-April 2014
Wor* 1ith all ethnic an2 c&lt&ral ro&p% on ca"p&% to rai%e a1arene%% o$ their "i%%ion%, a22re%% c&lt&ral i%%&e% an2
concern%, an2 co""&nicate 1ith St&2ent Govern"ent o$$icial%.
4a)da Pi Eta -ational Counications Association
!icron Delta "appa -ational 4eaders,ip &onorary
UC Diversity Conference Presenter 201(, 2014
0tudent A)assador for 0ervice-4earnin$
-e. 'edia 5ureau 6 /0epte)er 2011- Au$ust 20121
+utor at &u$,es &i$, 0c,ool
Charita4le Wor2% Scholar
Cincinnat&% Scholar
5ar1in T. T&rner Scholar 9ea2er%hip A1ar2 2013, 2014
Ado)e InDesi$n
Cultural Copetency
o Travele2 to :tal- (arch 2011 to %t&2- "&%ic, art, an2 theor- in 8lorence an2 3o"e.
o Travele2 to Tan6ania (arch 2013 to create %hort $il"% 2oc&"entin the 1or* o$ the nonpro$it ;illae 9i$e
O&treach .ro<ect.
o Travele2 to :n2ia (arch 2014 to "eet an2 2oc&"ent the 1or* o$ =GO% reha4ilitatin 1o"en an2 chil2ren
Pa$e 2
$ro" h&"an tra$$ic*in.

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