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English Final

My passage is in act 2 scene 2 when Macbeth goes through with the evil deed of killing
Duncan. I got the idea of doing the crown from the Macbeth film. After Macbeth kills Duncan
Duncan!s crown falls to the floor and the ne"t time the crown is seen it!s being put on Macbeth. My
pro#ect symboli$es how the crown which represents %cotland is tainted by guilty bloodied hands. It
can also be interpreted as the point in which Macbeth who was seen as an honorable and heroic figure
in the beginning of the book becomes evil and never returns to his normal state of innocence. &his is
after he kills Duncan and turns his hands red from the blood saying that '&his will rather turn the
multitudinous seas in incarnadine making the green one red(. &he )uote shows that the change is
permanent and will eventually lead to Macbeth becoming insane delusional and commit more crimes
like the attempted murder of Fleance the murder of *an)uo and the pillaging of Macduff!s castle. In
the end of the movie and the play the crown gets bloody again. &his time after Macduff kills Macbeth
in a swordfight. +oing back to the idea of blood being a symbol for guilt and evil I decided it would be
fitting to make Duncans crown with Macbeths bloody hands on it because the crown can also represent
Macbeth!s psychological well being and innocence. After Macbeth wears the crown that he came by
through murder and spilling innocent blood he becomes more and more corrupt. As he continues
killing people his corruptness continues to grow. At the same time Macbeth become more delusional
and becomes psychologically unstable seeing the ghost of *an)uo haunting him and being undisturbed
by the death of his wife. ,hen Duncan wore the crown it was s)ueaky clean like he was and Duncan
wasn!t disturbed by any ghost and did not commit murder as far as the play goes. Another reason why
this analogy could work and why I chose to portray it through my pro#ect is because a crown is worn on
someones head. -ust like the poem by Edgar Allan .oe who used metaphors such as windows for eyes
and a well tuned lute for the voice the crown can be interpreted as something that represents a persons
thoughts. &his is Macbeth!s turning point in the story because he says '/ows!t with me when every
noise appals me( which indicates the beginning stages of his paranoia which would only get worse as
the story progressess.
&he bloody daggers are also in the passage and I decided to include them in my physical
representation to show that they were essential to the assassination of Duncan. I don!t know what the
daggers could have been a metaphor for besides murder itself considering it is a weapon used to
designed to kill people. I don!t know why two daggers were used and what the significance of that is
when one would!ve sufficed. &his idea is also supported when 0ady Macbeth says ',hy did you bring
these daggers from the place1( because Macbeth and 0ady Macbeth would!ve been found guilty of
murder if they were caught with the daggers. &his is why 0ady Macbeth saying 'Infirm of purpose the
sleeping and the dead are but as pictures( wanted to put it back in the crime scene to hide the evidence
and responsibility for the murder of Duncan. &his is confirmed by 0ady Macbeth when she says 'For it
must seem their guilt.

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