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By William Shakespeare
This tragedy is parable, in which the top is act 3 (it is the focus, the climax:
the highest point. After it, the fall of Macbeth begins.)

THEMES: ambition, thirst of power, discrepancy between appearance and

reality, insanity, reverse of valors
IMAGERY: darkness, blood, violence

Irony: Indicates an intention or attitude opposite to the one actually stated, it is used when someone
says something but thinks something different
Imagery: Is a set, for example darkness (it is used to create ominous (minacciosa) atmosphere and
to arouse (suscitare) the emotions of the audience
Soliloque: a soliloque has the function to open up the character’s mind, thoughts and feelings). The
character is alone on the stage

it introduces the play and the characters

FUNCTION OF SCENE 1 We find Supernatural power, magic. It introduces the three
WHAT’S THE ROLE OF WITCHES? Witches represent evil and dark magic, their
predictions to the characters always become true. They are the trigger of the tragedy, they
put everything in motion and they increase Macbeth’s ambition, but they don’t determinate
it, in fact it is Macbeth’s choice to kill Duncan and Banquo and the witches didn’t force him
to do that.
“FAIR IS FOOL AND FOUL IS FAIR”, it is their slogan and it means “good is evil and
evil is good”, in fact things aren’t as they appear, for example Macbeth becoming king
seems a positive prophecy, but actually it will result in many crimes and in the destruction
of Macbeth himself.
SETTING in a wood and there are thunders and lightings. Weather.
IMAGERY darkness, tempest
FUNCTION OF SCENE 2 We meet the noble people (also the king) of the country and we
receive a first characterization of Macbeth, as a brave warrior, a hero, this is his imagine as a
public man.
PLOT: king Duncan and his sons meet Ross (a noble) and a captain who tells them that the
traitor has been killed and the battle has been won. Banquo and Macbeth are the two heroes,
but they are really different.
Macbeth is described as a brave warrior, but he is also cruel: he enjoys violence and killing
IMAGERY is blood
FUNCTION OF SCENE 3: we find the two worlds together:
Witches (supernatural world) + Scottish people (human beings), in fact we find both the
witches and the aristocrats

PLOT: there are Banquo and Macbeth who face the witches, the witches make prophecies
to both of them: Macbeth is becoming king of Glamis and Cawdor; Banquo will be the
father of a king
reactions and choices. They both hear the prophecy of the witches, but
Macbeth is pleased and tempted, he wants the prophecies to happen.
Banquo knows the difference between good and evil, he is skeptical because he knows that
witches are evil.
TEMPTATION: in this scene we find temptation, in fact after that the first prophecy
becomes true, Macbeth is tempted to make the second one happen.
TURNING POINT in DUNCAN’s STORY: The succession to the throne wasn’t
hereditary, so the the king has to decide his successor. King Duncan announces that his son
Malcolm will succeed him. This means that if Macbeth wants to become king, he has to do
something illegal. The faith of Duncan is decided.
CONTRADICTION: the last Thane of Cawdor lived as a traitor but died in a honorable
way, regretting his actions, instead Macbeth, that is the new Cawdor, has committed brave
actions but is planning on killing Duncan
IRONY (TRAGIC): when Duncan says that it is difficult to understand if someone is loyal
or not by the face and in that moment Macbeth enters. We know something that Duncan
doesn’t know.
IMAGERY is darkness, in the last speech of Macbeth
FUNCTION OF SCENE 5 is to receive information about Lady Macbeth and about what
she thinks of her husband
PLOT: Lady Macbeth reads a letter from Macbeth which anticipates the moral disorder that
is going to happen. While she is reading she gives us information about herself and we
understand that she is the one who activates the tragedy.
We also understand what she thinks about her husband. Before the letter we saw Macbeth
portrayed as a brave warrior, a soldier, now we see him as a too kind, week and sensitive
husband. For his wife Macbeth is too kind and sensible, qualities that make him vulnerable.
She criticizes her husband’s kindness and sensitivity. Then Lady Macbeth evocates evil
spirits and she takes the role of the witches.
before the death of Duncan it seems that Lady Macbeth is evil and cruel and she can
persuade his husband very easily, in fact she convinces him to kill Duncan (but then
Macbeth becomes more ambitious just like Lady Macbeth before and so at the end their
relationship has completely dissolved, in fact he doesn’t even care about her death.)
FUNCTION OF SCENE 6 it emphasizes the good nature of king Duncan
PLOT: Duncan, the Scottish lord and their attendants arrive to Macbeth’s castle, Lady
Macbeth welcomes the king who thanks her for the hospitality and then he asks to see
IRONY: when Duncan arrives at the castle where he is going to be murdered, he thanks for
the hospitality.
We find the soliloquy of Macbeth and then a dialogue between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth.
PLOT: inside the castle, Macbeth isn’t sure to kill Macbeth. Lady Macbeth enters and tells
him that he’s a coward because he doesn’t want to kill him anymore, then she tells him her
plan and she convinces him to kill Duncan. She’s the active agent.

Most important event of the play: the regicide

Banquo and Macbeth are splitting up, they’re not like before, they’re friendship is getting
ruined. They can’t be friends anymore because Banquo has always chosen good, he is aware
of the evil power of the witches, instead Macbeth is undertaking a dangerous path.
SOLILOQUY Macbeth has a vision of a dagger covered in blood, which is the weapon he
is going to use to kill Duncan. This scene works as an anticipation, it prepares us for the real
action. We also understand Macbeth’s real state of mind: he is anxious and terrified but he
will murder Duncan anyway because he doesn’t resist temptation
WE GET TO KNOW: Macbeth is the hand, instead Lady Macbeth is the mind, in fact
she’s rational, she takes care of the details and of the mistake of her husband
DUNCAN’S MURDER: in this scene Duncan’s murder takes place. It happens off stage,
we don’t see Macbeth killing Duncan, so the play is less horrible and cruel. Macbeth’s
hands at the end are covered in blood.
Value of hospitality: Macbeth breaks the value of hospitality by killing a guest.
MACBETH’S MISTAKE: Macbeth makes a MISTAKE, in fact after he has killed
Duncan, he brings the dagger with him, all covered in blood. He’s confused and out of his
mind because he’s under shock, he is out of control.
LADY MACBETH: while Macbeth is the hand, lady Macbeth is the mind. She remains
rational, she takes care of the detail and of her husband’s mistake.
IMAGERY: blood and darkness
PLOT: comic scene with the porter. Macbeth enters, and Macduff asks him if the king is
awake and Macbeth says that Duncan is still asleep. Macduff comes running from the room
because he sees that the king has been murdered. Banquo and Macbeth discuss about the
murder and Duncan’s sons resolve to flee the court.
IRONY: Lady Macbeth and Macbeth act surprised and horrified when the body of Duncan
is discovered. Lady Macbeth pretends to faint.
DARKNESS After Duncan’s murder
PLOT Ross speaks with an old man. Macduff is talking with Ross and he says that the
guards are the murderers, and that they may have been paid off by someone to kill Duncan.
The two princes, Malcolm and Donalbain, are suspected because they have fled away.

Act 3 is a watershed, it is the KEY ACT, the climax, the highest point in the narration. It is the
TURNING POINT of the whole play. The roles of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are inverted.


It reminds the audience of the details of the witches' prophecies

PLOT Banquo has some suspects that the murder of king Duncan is Macbeth, and when Macbeth
understands it, he decides to kill him and his son (because he is a threat to him). In fact according to
the witches’ prophecies Banquo is going to be father of many kings. He hires two murders in order
to do that.
DEVELOPMENT OF MACBETH: Macbeth has now become the active agent of the play, he
takes decisions without consulting lady Macbeth. Their roles are inverted
Lady Macbeth becomes more and more passive.


Lady Macbeth isn’t happy, she sends a servant to call her husband. Macbeth enters and tells his
wife that he is unhappy too, saying that his mind is “full of scorpions”. He is not satisfied, he says
that there are still threats to the throne that must be eliminated. Macbeth tells his wife that he has
planned to kill Banquo and Fleance and he tells her to be kind to Banquo during the evening’s feast,
so that he feels a fake sense of security


Two murderers, joined by a third, wait outside the palace. Banquo and Fleance arrives, and the
murderers set upon them. The murderers kill Banquo, who dies telling his son to run away and to
avenge his death. Fleance escapes. The murderers leave with Banquo’s body to find Macbeth and
tell him what has happened.

“the banquet scene”
FUNCTION OF SCENE 4 the main function of this scene is to celebrate the coronation of
Macbeth with a banquet and to show the changes in the relationship between Macbeth and
Lady Macbeth. GHOST.
TURNING POINT in this scene we find the introduction of Macbeth as a king of Scotland
and the guests are there to accept and approve him as king, but not everyone is happy.
During the banquet Macbeth loses his mind when he starts seeing Banquo’s ghost, which
represents his feeling of guilty. When he loses his mind Lady Macbeth tries to convince
other people that he is ill. She has to interrupt the banquet, she apologies to the guests and
she gets them out. They break the VALUE OF OSPITALITY, as they did in act 2 by
killing a guest, instead the king’s sons broke it by leaving the castle
LADY MACBETH: The last help she gives to Macbeth is during the banquet when
Macbeth talks to the ghost of Banquo in front of the guests and she tries to convince them
that he’s just tired and that he doesn’t feel very good
(some people think that it wasn’t written by Shakespeare)
It increases the suspense and establishes a mood of darkness and violence
PLOT here we find the witches, Hecate (goddess of the Moon and Witchcraft) blames them
for messing with Macbeth.
FUNCTION OF SCENE 6 This scene shows us that people in Macbeth’s reign aren’t
happy nor satisfied. He is a tyrant. This is Macbeth’s lowest point.
We get to know that Macduff and Malcolm are in England.
PLOT here we find Lennox and a noble talking about Macbeth and the murders. Macbeth is
described as a tyrant, and the population doesn’t accept him as a king. Malcom lives in
England and, with Macduff, they’re trying to convince the king to claim war to Macbeth.

the fall of Macbeth

FUNCTION OF SCENE 1: 3 new prophecies.
PLOT In a dark cavern, the three witches are chanting spells and Macbeth enters. He asks
the witches to reveal the truth of their prophecies to him. To answer his questions, they
summon horrible apparitions:
1. First, a floating head warns him to beware Macduff;
2. Then a bloody child appears and tells him that no one born of a woman will ever hurt him.
“none of woman born shall harm Macbeth”.
(In fact Macbeth will be killed by Macduff, who was born with a C-section)
3. Next, a crowned child holding a tree tells him that he is safe until Birnam Wood moves to
Dunsinane Hill.
4. Finally, a procession of eight crowned kings walks by, the last has a mirror. Banquo’s ghost
walks at the end of the line.
The witches vanish. Lennox enters and tells Macbeth that Macduff has fled to England.
Macbeth resolves to send murderers to capture Macduff’s castle and to kill Macduff’s wife
and children. He is very cruel.
IMAGERY darkness
In Fife, the murderers hired by Macbeth kill Macduff’s family, but Macduff isn’t there
PLOT At Macduff’s castle, Lady Macduff accosts Ross and asks why her husband has fled.
Lady Macduff tells her son that his father is dead. Suddenly, a messenger says that Lady
Macduff is in danger. A group of murderers enters, they kill Macduff's son and his wife.
Very important. Malcolm and Macduff are together in England, they become allies.
Macbeth is described as a tyrant, the worst of all. All Scotland is described as a suffering
country. it deals with the question of treachery and loyalty.
PLOT Macduff passes Malcolm’s test of loyalty (Malcolm in fact was afraid that Macduff
was sent by Macbeth to kill him, so he says that he -Malcolm- would be a terrible king and
he doesn’t want the throne. Macduff insults Macbeth so he proves he isn’t working for him)
then Ross enters and he confesses to Macduff that Macbeth has ordered to murder his wife
and children. Macduff is grieved and he says that he wants revenge

KING EDWARD VIII: Used to make a comparison, very different from Macbeth. He is
kind, we will become a Saint.

Sleep walking scene is important. THEME: Insanity
Sleepwalking scene
PLOT At night, in the king’s palace a doctor and a gentlewoman discuss Lady Macbeth’s
sleepwalking. Suddenly, Lady Macbeth enters with a candle in her hand, lamenting the
murders of Lady Macduff and Banquo and she thinks to see blood on her hands, she says
that nothing will ever wash it off.
IMAGERY blood, darkness, insanity
LADY MACBETH SLEEPWALKING the sleepwalking scene is about Lady Macbeth,
she remembers horrific images and impressions from her past. She has a guilty conscience
and she is losing her mind. This scene exposes her subconscious, she regrets the moment she
has given up as a woman and as a human being to summon the evil spirits. She is punished:
she loses her mind, her reason, her life.
Is lady Macbeth IMMORAL (her moral isn’t like the one accepted by the society, she knows
the difference between good and evil but she chooses evil anyway) or AMORAL (she isn’t
aware of what is good and what is evil)?
In this scene we get to understand that she knows that her actions are evil in fact she feels
guilty for Macduff’s wife death, so maybe in the first acts she is immoral.
BLOOD The fact that she is washing imaginary blood from her hands reveals that she feels
guilty for participating in King Duncan's murder.

PLOT Outside the castle, a group of Scottish lords discusses the military situation: the
English army approaches led by Malcolm, and the Scottish army meet them near Birnam
Wood. Macbeth has fortified Dunsinane Castle and is making his military preparations.
FUNCTION OF SCENE 3 is to show the downfall of the relationship between Macbeth
and his wife that he doesn’t care about her health. Macbeth is angry, he is losing control.
PLOT An army of ten thousand Englishmen approaches the castle and Macbeth orders to a
doctor to cure Lady Macbeth of her delusions while he is wearing his armor for the battle

PLOT Strategy of Malcolm. Malcolm talks with the English lord Siward about Macbeth’s
plan to defend the fortified castle. They decide that each soldier should cut down a bough of
the forest and hide behind it.
LADY MACBETH has committed suicide
MACBETH doesn’t care about Lady Macbeth’s death. He isn’t affected by it. The
destruction of the couple is complete. Their relationship has completely dissolved.
PLOT The trees of Birnam Wood are advancing toward and Macbeth remembers the
prophecy that said he could not die till Birnam Wood moved to Dunsinane.
BATTLE Outside the castle, the battle starts. Malcolm orders the English soldiers to throw
down their boughs and use their swords.
The prophecies of the witches are becoming true.
PLOT Battle. On the battlefield, Macbeth strikes those around him. He kills Lord Siward's
son and disappears. Macduff kills Macbeth and holds his head. Back to normality. All the
prophecies have become true.

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