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Mid-Season Predictions

The All-Star game is this week, so MLB will begin the second half of the 2011 season this week So it!s
time to take a look at what we e"#ect to see in the second half and where we think things will end $#
come #ost-season time
AL West
%k, so & went o$t on a limb before the season and #icked %akland to win 'eah, & don!t know what &
was thinking either & was in lo(e with their #itching and for good reason, the A!s are second in the
American Leag$e in r$ns allowed B$t other then that the) s$ck
So it boils down to a two team race in the *est &n a lot of wa)s, it!s (er) similar to the +L *est And
b) that & mean kind of lame The ,angers are kind of interesting and -ered *ea(er is ha(ing a great
)ear for the Angels, b$t who reall) cares. +o team in the AL *est stands chance against +ew 'ork,
Boston, /etroit, Tam#a, or the *hite So" %f co$rse, & tho$ght the same thing last )ear and ,angers
won the #ennant Too bad for AL *est fans, lightning doesn!t strike twice and es#eciall) not when )o$r
best team loses 0liff Lee
M) #rediction for the AL *est is a r$nner-$# ribbon for the whole di(ision and the coach still takes
e(er)one o$t for ice cream after the game These g$)s 1$st don!t belong in the same leag$e with the big
bo)s in the American Leag$e

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