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Physical disability Problems with spacial orientation
Spatial orientation is a prerequisite for the proper functioning of the child in the
surrounding reality. Problems with body schema and spatial orientation axis disorders
are also referred to as dyspraxia. These children have problems with planning and
execution of complex motor tasks.
The purpose of ECO SEN activities:
- consolidation of both sides of the body
- improvement of the sense of balance and gravity
- creating the consciousness of one's own body
Exercise 1
Which parts of these plants grow up and which down ? Draw arrows.

Endangered Species/ plants
- concentration of visual attention
- practicing accurate perception skills
- strengthening attention span
- observing the student
- paying attention to different shapes and colours
Exercise 1
Read the text and colour the picture according to the description. My garden
is very colourful. On the right there are red roses and blue nots. Behind them
there is a green bush. In the middle stand a gazebo covered with traveller's-
joy which has got lots of small flowers. On the left there are Pink
geraniums and yellow daisies. Its really beautiful.

Air Pollution ADHD- poor visual memory
Visual motor coordination is extremely important element in the process of
acquiring the school skills. The student will control the coordination and the
precision of movement.

Exercise 1
Look at the picture carefully. Try to remember as many details as you can.
Tell me about this picture.

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