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Writing Argument Essay

1. Structures
- Introducing the topic.
- Giving background information and Narrowing the topic.
- Giving your point of view and mentioning the main areas covered in the essay.
- Reason 1 (with supporting ideas!.
- Reason (with supporting ideas!.
- Reason " (with supporting ideas!.
- Restate your point of view.
- Summary is re#uired.
2. Useful expressions for giing your point of ie!
Nh$ng c%m t& g'i ( )* kh+ng ),nh ( ki-n b.n th/n 0 v1n )2 n3u ra 0 )2 b4i. Nh$ng c%m t& n4y th56ng s7 )5'c
s8 d%ng 0 ph9n m0 b4i ho:c k-t b4i.
- In my opinion/ In my view/ From my point of view.
- I (strongly) believe/think (that)
- My opinion is
- To my mind
- The way I see it
- !s far as I am "on"erned
- It seems/appears to me that
- I (do not) agree with
- I strongly/absol#tely/totally/"ertainly/partially $ agree with/approve of/s#pport/disagree with.
- I am totally against
- It strikes me that
- I am (not) "onvin"ed that
- It is my firm belief that
Task: Nowadays, computers are an important part of most peoples everyday lives. This change has improved
the way people live.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
;<t m0 b4i hay c9n n3u ra )5'c ch= )2> gi?i h@n ch= )2 v4o v1n )2 c=a )2 b4i v4 n3u ra ( ki-n c=a cA nh/n.
a. Introducing t"e topic
B9u ti3n> chCng ta c9n DAc ),nh Eh= )2 c=a )2 b4i F4 gGH Neu ch= )2 DAc ),nh F4 IEomputersJ thG #uA r<ng> s7
r1t m1t cKng )* gi?i h@n ch= )2 0 cAc c/u sau> nh5 vLy m0 b4i s7 d4i khKng c9n thi-t. MLy ch= )2 cN th*
F4O #$"e c"anges computers "ae on our lies%. Nh5 vLy> c/u )9u ti3n c=a m0 b4i b@n cN th* vi-tO
Phe changes computers have on our Fives has become a source of controversy over the years.
Qithout a doubt> computers have changed the way peopFe Five.
&. 'iing &ac(ground information and )arro!ing t"e topic
R )/y> gi?i h@n F@i topic )S )5a ra (Phe changes computers have on our Fives!. T5?ng gi?i h@n 0 )/y b@n dUa
v4o )2 b4iO This change has improved the way people live. BN F4 s* +,n" gi, (tVt> D1u> tWch cUc> ti3u cUc! v2
nh$ng thay )Xi m4 mAy tWnh t@o n3n cho )6i sVng con ng56i. Nh5 vLy> )2 b4i s7 )5'c gi?i h@n v2 v1n
)2 #Ealuating t"e -uality of t"ose c"anges%
P& )N> c/u vYn ti-p theo cN th* F4O
ZvaFuating the #uaFity of those changes is Fess cFear and is sub[ect to individuaF opinions and attitudes.
\eopFe have many different ways of evaFuationg these changes.
c. 'iing your point of ie! and mentioning t"e main areas coered in t"e essay
R )/y> b@n trUc ti-p )5a ra #uan )i*m c=a mGnh> t]c F4 ho:c )^ng (> ho:c khKng )^ng (> ho:c ch_ m<t ph9n
)^ng (. R )/y cN F7 cAch ch`n khKn ngoan nh1t F4 IpartFy agreeadisagreeJ. P]c F4 ch_ )^ng (akhKng )^ng ( m<t
ph9n> vG rb r4ng tAc )<ng c=a mAy tWnh F3n )6i sVng con ng56i v&a cN nh$ng m:t tWch cUc v&a cN nh$ng m:t ti3u
M?i )2 b4i n4y> mGnh s7 ch`n cAch ti-p cLn )N F4O S* t,c c/a m,y t0n" c"/ y1u l2 t0c" c*c3 tuy n"i4n
c5ng c6 m.t s7 8n +9 +,ng -uan t:m. P& )N> c/u vYn cuVi ccng c=a m0 b4i cN th* F4O
Idased on my eDperiences and observations> I think that> on the baFance> computers have improved most
peopFees Fivesf however> the benefits shouFd be seen in Fight of a few substantiaF probFemsJ
Puy nhi3n> n-u b@n ch`n ";<ng t"= "ai: >,y t0n" c"/ y1u t,c ti4u c*c l4n cu.c s7ng con ng;?i3 tuy
n"i4n@ c5ng c6 n"Ang t,c t0c" c*c cBn c"C D> b@n cN th* vi-tO
Idased on my eDperiences and observations> I think that> on the baFance> computers have harm most peopFees
Fivesf however> the drawbacks shouFd be seen in Fight of a few substantiaF benefitJ
C"C D: d@n cN th* th1y cAch vi-t 0 )/y r1t Finh ho@t> s8 d%ng higu #u. vVn t& ng$> c1u trCc c/u. MW d%O
- Ein(ing !ords: on the baFance> however.
- Expressions for giing your point of ie!: dased on my eDperiences and observations> I think that.
- Cautious language: shouFd be seen.
- Synonyms: probFems and drawbacks.
- Antonyms: improve and harm.
- F"rases Fike %in light of&
Nh5 vLy> b@n )S cN m<t m0 b4i ho4n ch_nhO
Qithout a doubt> computers have changed the way peopFe Five. ZvaFuating the #uaFity of those changes is Fess
cFear and is sub[ect to individuaF opinions and attitudes. dased on my eDperiences and observations> I think that>
on the baFance> computers have improved most peopFees Fivesf however> the benefits shouFd be seen in Fight of a
few substantiaF probFems.
R ph9n m0 b4i> chCng ta )S ch`n #uan )i*mO $,c c/a m,y tGn" l4n +?i s7ng c"/ y1u l2 t0c" c*c@ tuy
n"i4n c5ng c6 m.t s7 t,c ti4u c*c. MG th-> 0 th/n b4i> ng56i vi-t s7 tLp trung ph/n tWch nh$ng khWa c@nh
tWch cUc m4 mAy tWnh tAc )<ng F3n cu<c sVng con ng56i nh5ng khKng #u3n ph/n tWch c. nh$ng khWa c@nh ti3u
cUc. Nh5 th-> ta cN th* chia th/n b4i ra F4m ba )o@nO )o@n cho nh$ng tAc )<ng tWch cUc v4 1 )o@n cho nh$ng
tAc )<ng ti3u cUc. \h9n tAc )<ng ti3u cUc n4n i1t gHn vG )/y khKng ph.i tr`ng t/m c=a b4i.
Pr5?c khi )i v4o b4i vi-t c% th*> chCng ta )S ph.i Ic" D J&rainstormK cho nh$ng gG vi-t trong th/n b4i. EN th*
gi.i #uy-t v?i m<t sV g'i (O
Fositie c"anges:
- In"reased a""ess to information. ('( ti)p "*n r+ng r,i h-n v.i th/ng tin).
- 0etter "omm#ni"ation. ('( giao ti)p t1t h-n).
- 0#siness transa"tions and goverment "onferen"ing ('( h2 tr3 trong kinh doanh giao d4"h v5 nh6ng h+i ngh4
"h7nh ph8).
- (9o#r opinion).
)egatie c"anges:
- :hysi"al and psy"hologi"al problems. (;h6ng v<n => v> th? "h<t t@m l7).
- (9o#r opinion).
Sau )/y F4 ba )o@n vYn trong ph9n th/n b4i. Bo@n m<t v4 hai nNi v2 nh$ng tAc )<ng tWch cUc> )o@n ba nNi v2 tAc
)<ng ti3u cUc. Prong cAc )o@n vYn mGnh )S )Anh d1u c8u trCc c=a m<t )o@n th/n b4i nh5 )S trao )Xi v?i cAc
b@n 0 nh$ng b4i vi-t tr5?c.
Lirst Body Faragrap":
J$opic sentenceK $o &egin !it"@ computers have substantiaFFy improved peopFees Fives. JSupporting Idea
1K)eedless to say@ increased access to information is one of the most evident ways computers have changed
the way we Five. (ZDampFe! hrom work> to hobbies> to Fearning about worFd events and scientific advancements>
the Internet has given peopFe immediate access to information that was previousFy difficuFt or even impossibFe
to get. (ZDpanding! Qith more and better information> we can make smarter decisions. JSupporting Idea 2K
Anot"er beneficiaF change to peopFees Fives that can be directFy attributed to computers is that of &etter
communication tec"nologies. (ZDampFe! Phese incFude the most personaF eDchanges carried out via emaiF or
instant messaging> to the most compFeD communication sateFFite systems that aFFow us to watch a QorFd Eup
game Five from the other side of the worFd.
Second Body Faragrap":
JSupporting Idea MK >oreoer@ on top of these advances in our abiFity to obtain information and communicate>
computers faciFitate eeryday &usiness@ transactions and goernment conferencing. (ZDpanding 1! \eopFe
nowadays can do business onFine> which saves them a Fot of time and money. (ZDampFe 1! inFine systems aFFow
peopFe to do their banking> pay the biFFs> and even buy a new wardrobe without having to Feave home or even
putting pen to paper.(ZDpanding !SimiFarFy> goverment conferencing can take pFace onFine with no need to
traveF Fong distances to attend meetings. (ZDampFe ! Phis form of meeting is becoming more and more popuFar
in many countries. JConcludingK Phus> since the advent of computers> peopFees Fives have changed a Fot in a
positive way.
$"ird &ody paragrap":
J$opic sentenceK Some observers might say this aFF sounds great> yet there are do!nsides to the computer
revoFution that Fessen some of the appeaF of these benefits> if onFy sFightFy. (Supporting idea 1! Phe most
prominent is physicaF probFems. (ZDpanding 1! If peopFe spend so much time at their computers> they do not get
enough eDercise> which can Fead to numerous heaFth probFems. (Supporting idea ! \sychoFFogicaFFy > with too
much time spent sitting in front of computers> they do not deveFop heaFthy interpersonaF skiFFs. (ZDampFe !
Increases in depression and vioFence are two visibFe effects of this probFem.
JSummaryK It is far from "lear where the changes computers have brought to our Fives wiFF eventuaFFy take us.
jike aFF new technoFogy> computers bring miAed blessings to peoFees everyday Fives. JNpinionK kt present> I
beFieve the benefits o#tweigh the negative conse#uences.
Bo@n vYn cN nh$ng t& khN hi*u> cN th* t@m d,chO EhCng ta khN cN th* bi-t nh$ng thay )Xi m4 mAy tWnh )em )-n
cu<c sVng s7 )5a ta t?i )/u. GiVng nh5 t1t c. nh$ng cKng nghg m?i> nh$ng tAc )<ng c=a mAy tWnh r1t ph]c t@p>
c. tWch cUc Fln ti3u cUc. Nh5ng 0 th6i )i*m n4y> tKi tin rmng nh$ng F'i Wch v5't Da nh$ng h@n ch- m4 mAy tWnh
)S )em F@i.
Bo@n k-t theo )Cng n"Ang y4u cBu c=a m<t k-t b4i> v&a t6m tOt ph9n n<i dung 0 th/n b4i v&a kh+ng ),nh
F@i -uan +iPm )S n3u 0 m0 b4i> )^ng th6i t@o c.m giAc "o2n c"Qn" cho m<t b4i vi-t.
>.t +9 &2i t"am ("Ro: #In order to sole traffic pro&lems@ goernments s"ould tax priate car o!ners
"eaily and use t"e money to improe pu&lic transportation. W"at are t"e adantages and disadantages
of suc" a solutionS%
Essay Flan JStructureK
1. Introduction:
- Introducing the topic.
- Giving background information and Narrowing the topic.
- Giving your point of view and mentioning the main areas covered in the essay.
B* hi*u rb hnn c1u trCc c=a m0 b4i> b@n cN th* Dem t@i &2i i1t n2y c=a mGnh
2. Body
- \aragraph 1O kdvantages.
- \aragraph O oisadvantages.
EAc b@n hSy d4nh cho kdvantages m<t )o@n ri3ng v4 oisadvantages cpng vLy. M?i mqi )o@n b@n n3n )5a ra M
supporting ideas> nghra F4 s7 cN " m:t m@nh v4 " m:t y-u. Puy nhi3n> 2 supporting ideas cho mqi )o@n cpng
F4 )= n-u b@n vi-t )= d4i v4 s/u.
j5u (O EAc b@n n3n vi-t )o@n v?i dung l;Tng t5nng )Vi bmng nhau> khKng n3n thi3n Fgch (bias! )Vi v?i
advantages v4 disadvantages. GiAm kh.o s7 khKng )Anh giA cao n-u b@n ch_ d4nh UV tW c"o adantages v4
)-n 1UV tW c"o disadantages.
B* c"uyPn +oIn@ b@n n3n s8 d%ng Finh ho@t m<t sV li4n tW ho:c mlu c:u mang ( nghra n";Tng &.X+7i lYp.
o5?i )/y F4 m<t sV mlu c/u vW d% m4 b@n cN th* Ap d%ng cho mHi +9 &2i.
oespite these attractions> however> some drawbacks do eDists
kFthough s has many advantages> there stiFF eDist some noteworthy disadvantages.
Towever> s is not compFeteFy beneficiaFf there are some negative aspects that shouFd be taken into
M. Conclusion:
Restate in summary the main advantages and disadvantages of the topic being detaiFed.
N-u )2 b4i khKng y3u c9u )5a ra ( ki-n cA nh/n (v1n )2 n4y tVt hay D1u> F'i hay h@i! thG b@n ("Zng
p"Ri v4 ("Zng n4n +;a 2o D (i1n c/a mGn". Sau khi )`c Dong ph9n th/n b4i dUa v4o nh$ng FW F7> dln ch]ng
m4 b@n )5a ra> ng56i )`c )S ph.i hGnh th4nh m<t #uan )i*m ri3ng cho mGnh. d@n n3n kh+ng ),nh F@i v1n )2 cN
c. m:t tVt v4 m:t D1u> v4 tAc )<ng c=a nN ph% thu<c ch= y-u v4o cAch chCng ta khai thAc m4 thKi.
[0 d\: Po concFude> this soFution is worth considering to improve the current situation> but there are advantages
and disadvantages of introducing such a poFicy.
Eanguage: F"rases to list adantages or disadantages:
- Phe firstamainagreatestamost important advantage of s. is s.
- ineaanotheraan additionaF advantage of s. is s.
- Qhat makes s stand outaimportantas is s
- ineaknother point in favor of s. is s.
C"C D: R d@ng b4i Academic Writing> b@n n3n trAnh nh$ng t& informaF nh5 :ros/Bons pl#s points/min#s
points pl#ses/min#ses>s Puy nhi3n nh$ng t& n4y cN th* vLn d%ng Finh ho@t trong ph9n thi nNi Spea(ing vG 0
Speaking part 1 r1t informaF> part neutraFasemiformaF> ctn part " thG t5nng )Vi formaF. N3n nh$ng t& informaF
cN th* vLn d%ng 0 part 1 v4 part .
- Phe firstamainagreatesta most serious disadvantage of s. is s.
- ineaanotheraan additionaF disadvantage of s. is s.
- knother negative aspect of s. is s.
In order to solve traffic prolems, governments should tax private car owners heavily and use the money to
improve pulic transportation.
!hat are the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution?
J$opicK Praffic probFems in many cities around the worFd are becoming more and more serious. JBac(ground
InformationK ine possibFe soFution to this probFem is to impose heavy taDes on car drivers and use this money
to make pubFic transport better. J>entioning t"e areas coered in t"e &odyK Such a measure has its own
advantages and disadvantages.
J$opic sentence 1K It is cFear that imposing heavy taDes on car drivers has some noteworthy positive
effects. JSupporting idea 1K ine of the first benefits of such a measure is that the heavy taDes wouFd
discourage car owners from using their cars because it wouFd become very eDpensive to drive. Phis wouFd
mean that they wouFd begin to make use of pubFic transport instead> thus reducing traffic probFems and poFFution
as weFF. JSupporting idea 2K knother benefit wouFd be that much more use wouFd be made of pubFic transport
if it were improved. It is often the case that pubFic transport in cities is very poor. hor eDampFe> we often see oFd
buses and trains that peopFe wouFd rather not use. Tigh taDes couFd generate enough money to make the
necessary changes.
J$opic sentence 2K NevertheFess> there are drawbacks to such a soFution. JSupporting idea 1K hirst and
foremost> this might be a heavy burden on the car drivers. kt present> taDes are aFready high for a Fot of peopFe>
and so further taDes wouFd onFy mean Fess money at the end of the month for most peopFe who may have no
choice but to drive every day. JSupporting idea 2K In addition> this type of taD wouFd FikeFy to be set at a fiDed
amount. Phis wouFd mean that it wouFd hit those with Fess money harder> whiFst the rich couFd FikeFy afford it. It
is therefore not a fair taD.
Po concFude> this soFution is worth considering to improve the current situation> but there are advantages and
disadvantages of introducing such a poFicy.
C,c dIng +9 2 c,c" l2m &2i c"o !riting tas( 2
I. )"Yn di_n dIng +9:
EoIi 1 : Argument
Ph56ng F4 d@ng c/u hui sau cho ( ki-n trAi chi2u v4 IPo what eDtend do you agree or disagreeJ ho:c Iwhat
are you opinion on this I o@ng n4y y3u c9u ng56i vi-t ph.i )]ng v2 1 #uan )i*m v4 b.o vg #uan )i*m )N v EN
nNi F3n ( ki-n c=a mGnh Md O cN ng56i nNi rmng nghi3n c]u vp tr% F4 khKng c9n thi-t nh5ng cN ng56i F@i nNi rmng
nN h$u Wch> b@n cN )^ng ( hay ko wx ch`n 1 trong #uan )i*m 0 tr3n v4 b.o vg nN> EN nNi F3n #uan )i*m c=a
mGnh. jo@i n4y ra th56ng Duy3n nh1t vG nN y3u c9u ng56i vi-t ph.i cN #uan )i*m ri3ng )* )<ng nSo v4 y3u c9u
ki-n th]c DS h<i nhi2u
EoIi 2 : ^iscussing yj5u (O dz nh9m Fln v?i Fo@i 1 0 tr3n Epng cho ( ki-n trAi chi2u nhau nh5ng hui
Ioiscuss these two viewsJ o@ng n4y y3u c9u ng56i vi-t ph.i m0 r<ng> gi.i thWch ( ki-n trAi chi2u nhau- nghra
F4 ng56i vi-t ch_ gi.i thWch ( m4 )2 )5a ra v khKng nNi F3n ( ki-n c=a mGnh Md O cN ng56i nNi rmng nghi3n c]u
vp tr% F4 khKng c9n thi-t nh5ng cN ng56i F@i nNi rmng nN h$u Wch> b@n hSy cho bi-t #uan )i*m c=a ( ki-n tr3n
F4 nh5 th- n4o
EoIi M : Adantages 2 ^isadantages d@ng )2 O cho bi-t 5u v4 nh5'c )i*m c=a 1 Du h5?ng n4o )N Md O hSy
cho bi-t 5u v4 nh5'c )i*m c=a vigc phAt tri*n du F,ch ng4y nay.
EoIi ] : Causes and Effects X Causes and Solutions B2 )5a ra 1 hign t5'ng n4o )N> y3u c9u tGm ra nh$ng
nguy3n nh/n g/y ra hign t5'ng )N v4 nh$ng tAc )<ng c=a nN a nguy3n nh/n v4 nh$ng gi.i phAp cho hign t5'ng
)N Md O ng4y c4ng cN nhi2u ng56i r6i bu vcng #u3 )* F3n th4nh phV>> hSy tGm nh$ng nguy3n nh/n dln t?i Du
h5?ng n4y v4 nh$ng tAc )<ng c=a nN a hSy tGm ra nh$ng gi.i phAp )* h@n ch- hign t5'ng n4y
II. S;?n c"ung
1 b4i essay ho4n ch_nh ph.i g^m )9y )= cN " ph9n ( m0 b4i> th/n b4i> k-t FuLn ! N3n n-u trong FCc vi-t b@n )ang
vi-t d0 th/n b4i nh5ng s{p h-t gi6 thG hSy d&ng 0 )N v4 vi-t ngay 1 cAi k-t cho b4i vYn> sau )N m?i #uay F3n vi-t
ti-p )o@n ctn d0. Nh5 vLy thG tWnh ch:t ch7 v4 Fi2n m@ch s7 vln )5'c ).m b.o ( cAc y-u tV ctn F@i F4 ng$ phAp
cao> t& vUng r<ng v4 idea ! 1 b4i tVt trong IZjPS F4 b4i cN | )o@n O 1 m0 b4i> 1 k-t b4i> )o@n body ;0 b4i v4
k-t b4i )5'c trGnh b4y 0 ph9n sau c=a guidFines n4y. Ph/n b4i tVt c9n cN )o@n. ;qi )o@n ph.i cN 1 ( ch= )@o
chWnh v4 )5'c trGnh b4y ngay 0 c/u )9u ti3n c=a )o@n> sau )N F4 ( ph% )* gi.i thWch cho ( chWnh )N> ti-p theo F4 1
vW d% cho ( n4y> 1 c/u )* k-t thCc )o@n.
III. S;?n c"o tWng dIng
1. EoIi 1 : Argument
A. >` &2i
MG F4 d@ng )2 Itranh FuLnJ n3n c9n ph.i nNi F3n #uan )i*m c=a mGnh ngay tr3n m0 b4i> th56ng F4 c/u nmm sAt
c/u cuVi ccng. E/u cuVi ccng F4 c/u nNi F3n nh$ng ( ki-n support cho #uan )i*m c=a ng vi-t ( th56ng F4 ( !>
c/u cuVi n4y r1t #uan tr`ng vG nguy3n ph9n body> g^m pagagraph ph.i g{n bN v?i ( ki-n n4y 1 cAch F9n
F5't. N-u nh5 body m4 )i F@c khui ( n4y F4 sai v4 m1t )i*m. Nh5ng trong b4i h5?ng dln n4y tKi h5?ng dln
cAc b@n cAch vi-t c/u cuVi an to4n> nh5 th- cN th* phAt tri*n body khKng c9n worries cN b, F@c khui ( chWnh )S
DAc ),nh hay khKng.
a9 1: internet )S phAt tri*n tr3n kh{p th- gi?i v4 tr0 n3n phX bi-n v?i m`i ng56i. vLy Figu the internet s7 F4m
m`i ng56i suy nghr v4 h4nh )<ng nh5 nhau> #uan )i*m c=a b@n nh5 th- n4oHPhe internet has deveFoped around
the worFd and become popuFar with aFF peopFe. So> couFd it cause peopFe to think and act the sameH Qhat is your

Phe past }~ years have witnessed a dramatic increase in the avaiFabiFity of the Internet. It is indisputabFe (tranh
FuLn! that it has brought significant benefits to our Fives in many spheres such as economy and science. et> this
raises a certain probFem as to whether the Internet wiFF cause its users throughout the worFd to think and act in
the same way or not. QhiFe there are vaFid arguments to the contrary> it is my position that the Internet is not
capabFe of inducing (thuy-t ph%c! peopFe to think and act the same. Phere are two reasons for my perspective on
a9 2: cN ng56i nNi hCt thuVc khKng tVt v4 n3n b, c1m ho4n ttan> b@n cN )^ng ( khKng. Some peopFe argue that
smoking shouFd be banned because of its adverse effects on heaFth. oo you agree or disagree with this
Phe past }~ years have witnessed an increase in number of peopFe who have died from smoking-reFated
diseases. Phis raises a certain probFem as to whether tobacco shouFd be banned or not. QhiFe there are vaFid
arguments to the contrary> it is my position that tobacco and its products shouFd indeed be made iFFegaF. Phere
are two reasons for my perspective on this.
a9 M : cN ng56i nNi khKng n3n c]u nh$ng con )<ng vLt )ang tr3n b6 vUc tuygt ch=ng vG chCng khKng cN Wch )-n
v?i cu<c sVng con ng56i> b@n cN )^ng ( khKng Some peopFe argue that we shouFd not rescue the animaFs that
are nearing eDtinction because they are not usefuF for human Fife.
Phe past }~ years have witnessed a significant increase in the number of animaFs that have become eDtinct out.
Phis raises a certain probFem as to whether humans shouFd attempt to save endangered species or not.QhiFe
there are vaFid arguments to the contrary> it is my position that they shouFd in fact be preserved. Phere are two
reasons for my perspective about this.
B. $":n &2i :
Ph/n b4i c=a d@ng argument ph.i g^m ( support cho #uan )i*m ( )^ng (a khKng )^ng ( ! n3n ng56i ch1m
th56ng nhGn v4o c/u )9u ti3u c=a paragraph Dem cN )Cng s56n hay khKng. S56n hay v4 chun th56ng nh5
sau. EhC ( mqi paragraph ph.i cN 1 c/u )9u F4 ( bao trcm cho )o@n. cAc c/u sau )N gi.i thWch cho ( n4y> cN 1
c/u vW d%> v4 1 c/u k-t.
a9 1 : hirstFy> one point that is absoFuteFy pivotaF is the fact that individuaFs in reaFity have different approaches
to reaching their opinions about certain probFems. kFthough the Internet has connected many isoFated or Fess
weFF deveFoped communities to the modern worFd> each cuFture has its own vaFues> which strongFy impact its
residents. hurther> maFe and femaFe naturaFFy have distinct features> which mean they fre#uentFy do not respond
identicaFFy to ma[or issues. ZspeciaFFy in contemporary societies these days> the approach to the right of freedom
in pubFicFy eDpression of opinions have been Fegitimied by FegisFation in some countries. Phe kmerican FegaF
system couFd be taken as a particuFarFy saFient eDampFe of this.
Z#uaFFy importantFy> the Internet has gained currency word wide. In spite of this fact> a vast amount of materiaF
on the internet is difficuFt to obtain.. Phe Internet is stiFF constrained in severaF nations due to rigid government
poFicies which restrict citiens from accessing sensitive information> which is often considered iFFegaF. Phus> it
doesnet mean that the deveFopment of the Internet couFd resuFt in uniformity of ideas and opinions. hor instance>
sociaF networks such as hace book and Pwitter have been recentFy prohibited unofficiaFFy in both Mietnam and
Ehina in an attempt to prevent changes in the poFiticaF conditions in these sociaFist countries.
C. c1t &2i :
a9 1: In concFusion> I wouFd agree that the Internet has pFaced the entire the worFd at our fingertips and it is
fairFy straightforward to access it. NevertheFess> uniformity of thought> speech or action is highFy unFikeFy to
occur in the foreseeabFe future> given the differences in traits among peopFe and the restrictions on the free fFow
of information in certain countries.
I. Addresses:
1K dour Address
Phe return address shouFd be written in the top right-hand corner of the Fetter.
2K $"e Address of t"e person you are !riting to
Phe inside address shouFd be written on the Feft> starting beFow your address.
II. ^ate:
oifferent peopFe put the date on different sides of the page. ou can write this on the right or the Feft on the Fine
after the address you are writing to. Qrite the month as a word.
III. Salutation or greeting:
1K ^ear Sir or >adam@
If you do not know the name of the person you are writing to> use this. It is aFways advisabFe to try to find out a
2K ^ear >r een(ins@
If you know the name> use the titFe (;r> ;rs> ;iss or ;s> or> etc.! and the surname onFy. If you are writing to a
woman and do not know if she uses ;rs or ;iss> you can use ;s> which is for married and singFe women.
I[. Ending a letter:
1K dours fait"fully
If you do not know the name of the person> end the Fetter this way.
2K dours sincerely
If you know the name of the person> end the Fetter this way.
MK dour signature
Sign your name> then print it underneath the signature. If you think the person you are writing to might not
know whether you are maFe of femaFe> put you titFe in brackets after your name.
[. Content of a Lormal Eetter
1. Lirst paragrap"
Phe first paragraph shouFd be short and state the purpose of the Fetter- to make an in#uiry> compFain> re#uest
something> etc.
Phe paragraph or paragraphs in the middFe of the Fetter shouFd contain the reFevant information behind the
writing of the Fetter. ;ost Fetters in ZngFish are not very Fong> so keep the information to the essentiaFs and
concentrate on organiing it in a cFear and FogicaF manner rather than eDpanding too much.
2. East Faragrap"
Phe Fast paragraph of a formaF Fetter shouFd state what action you eDpect the recipient to take- to refund> send
you information> etc.
EN " Fo@i essay trong Qriting Pask F4O krgumentative essay> discussion essay v4 account essay( advantages-
disadvantages-probFem-cause- effect-soFution!.
;qi Fo@i cN ph9n m0-th/n-k-t b4i v?i c1u trCc khAc nhau. Nh5ng cn b.n essay c=a mGnh vln ph.i )= " ph9n
chWnh O Intro- dody- EoncFusion
Tign em )ang h`c Fo@i kdvantages and disadvantages n3n s7 share d@ng n4y tr5?c nh
ESSAd $ype 1: hAdantages and disadantagesi
o Intro:
GeneraF topic (factatrend!
kdvantages and disadvantages
Phesis statement
o "ody:
kdvantage 1 ( |-} Fines is suitabFe!
oisadvantage 1
o #onclusion
MW d%O
Intro: It is a fa"t that Cowever This essay will eAamine the pros and "ons of.
Body: The first and most obvio#s merit is that 0y this I mean..
! f#ther possive aspe"t worth mentioning is that.
Despite the above-mentioned benefits there eAist some short"oming..
In addition to this.
Conclusion: From what has been dis"#ss it is obvio#s that.
ESSAd $ype 2: hArgumentatie essayivx#uan tr`ng nh1t c=a d@ng n4y F4 I;ake sure you choose the side that
you can fuFFy supportJ
- Introduce the topic with a generaF statement
- State why it is important
- State there is a difference of opinion about this topic
- Phesis statement must state what iR cFaim is and can incFude the IpartsJ of the argument you are
going to state.
"ody: g^m (tVt nh1t! " )o@n )* )5a ra FLp FuLn c=a cA nh/n v2 v1n )2 tranh FuLn. EAch s{p D-p cAc (O #W"en
audience is against you@ &egin !it" strongest3 !"en audience is !it" you@ &egin !it" !ea(est%jk cAi n4y
ch5a hi3u F{m
- krguments forO Phe reasons IpartsJ of your thesis statement wiFF be in your body paragraphs.
- Give cFear arguments for your cFaim with support (eDampFes> statistics> eDpFanations> etc.!
- se transition words as you move from paragraph to paragraph (Firstly se"ondly f#rthermore in
addition moreover finally).
- ou can aFso use any of the transitions from the other essay types as Fong as they are appropriate for your
argument. (9o# may want to "ompare/"ontrast things give reasons/res#lts des"riptions definitions et".)
- Restatement of thesis and supporting ideas. ;ake a prediction> a recommendation> or a summary
ESSAd $ype M: h^iscussion essayi F1y t& web> d@ng n4y em ch5a h`c n3n ch5a bi-t r4nh F{m. Puy nhi3n> cpng
search th8 v4 ra )5'c cAi format nh5 th- n4y> anh v4 Ti-u tham kh.o nh
The topi" of . has aro#sed p#bli" "on"ern. 'ome people say that whilst others "laim that . It is E#ite
nat#ral that people from different ba"kgro#nds have their own opinions on the iss#e.
To begin with those who believe that . have "ogent reasons for it. Idea F idea G et".
Hikewise the statement above is not generally "onsisted as an a""#rate one to everybody sin"e there also some
people who do not advo"ate it. !s regards their I#stifi"ation a reason #s#ally "laimed by many of them to
"onvin"e #s is that.
In short I firmly "ommit to the notion that
EAc b@n ccng Dem m<t )2 b4i vW d%O In many countries, traditional foods are eing replaced y
international fast food. $any people think that it is good to eat traditional foods while others elieve that
fast food is a good choice. %iscuss oth views and give your own opinion.
R b4i n4y> mGnh s7 )5a ra d4n ( (Zssay \Fan! v4 nh$ng t&> c%m t& (\hrases! c9n thi-t cho m<t b4i oiscussion
Essay Flan JStructureK
1. Introduction:
- Introducing the topic.
- Giving background information and Narrowing the topic.
- Giving your point of view and mentioning the main areas covered in the essay.
B* hi*u rb hnn c1u trCc c=a m0 b4i> b@n cN th* Dem t@i Fart M c=a mGnh
2. Body
- \aragraph 1O Side 1 kdvantages. (about -" kdvantages!
- \aragraph O Side kdvantages. (about -" kdavantages!
oc F4 oiscuss nh5ng b@n khKng n3n )2 cLp )-n oisadvantages vG thKng th56ng kdvantage c=a Side 1 s7 F4
oisadvantage c=a Side . MW d% nh5 kdvantage c=a PraditionaF hood F4 heaFthy (tVt cho s]c kho! thG
oisadantage c=a hast hood s7 F4 unheaFthy (khKng tVt cho s]c khue!.
MG th- n-u 0 ph9n b4n FuLn v2 hast hood b@n n3u ra c. oisadvantage s7 cN th* trcng F:p ( v?i kdvantage c=a
hast hood.
M. Conclusion:
- State that &ot" sides are good in some casesX &ot" sides are importantO d@n ph.i tXng k-t F@i rmng c. (
ki-n trAi chi2u )2u cN nh$ng m:t )Cng c=a nN ho:c )2u #uan tr`ng.
- our opinionO Qhich side is betterHO Sau khi tXng k-t F@i> b@n m?i )5a ra ( ki-n cA nh/nO ki-n n4o trong (
ki-n )S cho tVt hnn.
E9n chC ( rmng b@n +Wng )5a ( (i1n c"/ -uan c=a b.n th/n v4o ph9n th/n b4i vG 0 ph9n th/n b4i chCng ta )ang
gi.i #uy-t v- )9u ti3n c=a c/u hui (oiscuss both views!> Dem Dt v1n )2 m<t cAch khAch #uan nh1t. ki-n cA
nh/n ch_ n3n )5a ra 0 ph9n k-t b4i. Pi-p theo> mGnh s7 ccng cAc b@n trao )Xi m<t sV cAch vi-t> mlu
c/u Impersonal r1t khAch #uan cN th* dcng cho ph9n t":n &2i.
Impersonal F"rases:
- Someamanyamost peopFe thinkaconsider thats
ZDO ;any peopFe think that fast food is very convenients
- It is wideFy beFieved thats
ZDO It is wideFy beFieved that eating fast food is not good for heaFth.
- It is possibFeaprobabFe thats
ZDO It is possibFe that fast food wiFF become much more popuFar in the future.
- It can be argued thats
ZDO It can be argued that in some cases> fast food is better than traditionaF food.
- It has been suggested thats
ZDO It has been suggested that peopFe (shouFd! not go out to eat too often.
- ipponents of s thinkabeFieveacFaim thats
ZDO ipponents of fast food beFieve that it is not good for heaFth at aFF.
F"rases to list adantages:
Sau )/y mGnh s7 )5a ra m<t sV c%m t& )* Figt k3 nh$ng )i*m )Cng> )i*m m@nh c=a m<t trong hai ( ki-n. Nh$ng
c%m t& n4y cpng s7 h$u d%ng trong d@ng b4i Adantages and ^isadantages
- Phe firstamainamost important advantage of s. is s.
ZDO Phe main advantage of fast food is its convenience.
- inea anotheraan additionaF advantage of s. is s.
- Qhat makes s stand outaimportantas is s
- ineaknother point in favor of s. is s.
ZDO knother point in favor of fast food is its convenience.
EAc b@n )`c b4i FuLn mlu v4 chC ( nh$ng ph9n )5'c tK )Lmag@ch ch/n nh
Some peopFe beFieve the aim of university education is to heFp graduates get better [obs. ithers
beFieve there are much wider benefits of university education for both individuaFs and society.
^iscuss &ot" ie!s and gie your opinion.
Phese days> more and more peopFe are making the choice to go to university. W"ile some people are of t"e
opinion t"at t"e only purpose of a uniersity education is to improe no& prospects@ ot"ers t"in(
t"at society and t"e indiidual &enefit in muc" &roader !ays.J[ery clear t"esisK
It is certainly true t"at one of t"e main aims of uniersity is to secure a &etter no&. Phe ma[ority of peopFe
want to improve their future career prospects and attending university is one of the best ways to do this as it
increases a persones marketabFe skiFFs and attractiveness to potentiaF empFoyers.a In addition> further education
is very eDpensive for many peopFe> so most wouFd not consider it if it wouFd not provide them with a more
secure future and a higher standard of Fiving. Phus> [ob prospects are very important.
oo!eer@ t"ere are ot"er &enefits for indiiduals and society. hirstFy> the independence of Fiving away from
home is a benefit because it heFps the students deveFop better sociaF skiFFs and improve as a person. k case in
point is that many students wiFF have to Feave their famiFies> Five in haFFs of residence and meet new friends. ks
a resuFt> their maturity and confidence wiFF grow enabFing them to Five more fuFfiFFing Fives.a SecondFy> society
wiFF gain from the contribution that the graduates can make to the economy. Qe are Fiving in a very competitive
worFd> so countries need educated peopFe in order to compete and prosper.
Pherefore> I beFieve that alt"oug" a main aim of uniersity education is to get t"e &est no&@ t"ere are clearly
furt"er &enefits. If we continue to promote and encourage university attendance> it wiFF Fead to a better future
for individuaFs and society.
B2i 1m p cinds of a paragrap" JC,c dIng +oIn qnK
1. aNr) [s) at)o )'ouA
avn" ng"waO
Bo@n vYn ),nh nghra F4 )o@n vYn )5'c dcng )* gi.i thWch ng$ nghra> ch]c nYng v4 ngu^n gVc c=a sU vLt> hign
t5'ng. jo@i )o@n vYn n4y )5'c dcng c. trong vYn h`c thuLt v4 trong ti*u thuy-t. B* vi-t )o@n vYn ),nh nghra
ng56i vi-t n3n tLp trung v4o vai trt c=a ch= )2 trong vYn c.nh r^i )5a ra ( ki-n c=a mGnh sau )N gi.i thWch.
[0 d\: ;<t )o@n vYn vi-t )* ),nh nghra v2 m<t Fo@i thC nuKi.
Nh$ng t& sau cN th* giCp b@n vi-t m<t )o@n vYn ),nh nghra )@t y3u c9u.
1. is defined as
MW d%O k pest is defined as any animaF or pFant that damages crops> forests> or property.
. is a kind of
MW d%O k pest is a kind of animaF or pFant that damages crops> forests> or property.
2. aNr) [s) Fox) ENrI
avn" ng"wa
Bo@n vYn ph/n Fo@i F4 )o@n vYn )5'c dcng )* ph/n chia v1n )2 c=a )o@n vYn theo nh$ng vYn c.nh c% th*. SU
ph/n Fo@i 1y cN th* dizn ra 0 nhi2u m]c )<. Ph] nh1t F4 ng$ nghra (so sAnh sU khAc nhau v2 nghra c=a cAc vLt!
sau )N F4 v2 m:t ngKn ng$ v4 ngo4i ra ctn nhi2u m:t khAc n$a.
hi vi-t )o@n vYn ph/n Fo@i b@n n3n nhNm nh$ng sU vigc ho:c ( ki-n theo nh$ng ph@m trc c% th*. Bi2u )N s7
giCp )o@n vYn c=a b@n Fogic v4 khoa h`c hnn.
[0 d\: Bo@n vYn vi-t )* tranh FuLn v2 hai ngu^n nYng F5'ng khAc nhau.
Nh$ng t& sau cN th* giCp b@n vi-t m<t )o@n vYn ph/n Fo@i tVt.
)"Ang tW "Au d\ng
is a kind of
can be divided into
is a type of
faFFs under
beFongs to
is a part of
fits into
is grouped with
is reFated to
is associated with
[y ^z
EoaF is a (ind of non-renewabFe resource.
Znergy resources can &e diided into two types.
EoaF is a type of non-renewabFe resource.
EoaF falls under the category of non-renewabFe resources.
EoaF &elongs to the category of non-renewabFe resources.
EoaF is a part of the category of non-renewabFe resources.
EoaF fits into the category of non-renewabFe resources.
EoaF is grouped !it" non-renewabFe resources.
EoaF is related to other non-renewabFe resources.
EoaF is associated !it" other non-renewabFe resources.
M. aNr) [s) >I{U $|
avn" ng"wa
Bo@n vYn mi3u t. F4 )o@n vYn )5'c dcng )* t. ng56i> ),a )i*m ho:c sU vLt> giCp b@n m56ng t5'ng trong )9u
m<t sV hGnh .nh v2 nh$ng gG )ang dizn ra.
PhKng th56ng nh$ng )o@n vYn mi3u t. cN Du h5?ng tLp trung v4o h4nh )<ng ()5'c th* hign bmng )<ng t&! hnn
F4 c.m giAc ()5'c bi*u )@t bmng tr@ng t& v4 tWnh t&!. Ngo4i ra )o@n vYn mi3u t. n3n )5'c vi-t m<t cAch rb r4ng>
chi ti-t v4 )5'c )5a ra theo trGnh tU th6i gian.
[0 d\: Bo@n vYn vi-t )* mi3u t. g1u d{c cUc hay m<t )o@n vYn vi-t )* ti3u t. v, trW ),a F( c=a Eanada.
Nh$ng t& sau cN th* giCp b@n vi-t m<t )o@n vYn mi3u t. tVtO
c0c" t";<c
S* t;~ng
[v tr0
sie Fength is Fike in
coFour width resembFes above
shape massaweight beFow
purpose speed beside
[y ^z
a}c t0n"
\oFar bears are big in sie.
\oFar bears are usuaFFy white in colour.
\oFar bears have a speciaF s"ape.
Phe purpose of the poFar bears fur is to keep it warm.
c0c" t";<c
Phe lengt" of a poFar bears cFaws is ~ cm.
Phe !idt" of a poFar bears head is about }~ cm.
\oFar bears !eig" up to }~ kg.
\oFar bears can swim at a speed of |~ km per hour.
S* t;~ng t*
k poFar bear is li(e other bears in shape.
k poFar bear resem&les other bears in shape.
[v tr0
;ost of Eanadas manufacturing is Focated in intario and
Phe ceiFing is a&oe us.
;ost of intario is &elo! Tudson day.
uebec is Focated &eside intario.
;any companies are Focated near Poronto.
intario is !est of uebec.
]. aNr) [s) SN S)o
avn" ng"wa
Bo@n vYn so sAnh F4 )o@n vYn )5'c dcng )* )5a ra nh$ng )i*m t5nng )^ng v4 khAc bigt gi$a ng56i> ),a )i*m>
sU vLt v4 ( ki-n.
[0 d\: Bo@n vYn vi-t )* so sAnh th6i ti-t 0 Mancouver v4 TaFifaD.
Nh$ng t& sau cN th* giCp b@n vi-t m<t )o@n vYn so sAnh tVtO
)"Ang tW "Au 0c" +P c"Q
aiPm t;~ng +ng aiPm (",c &i_t
Nh&ng li'n t( ng)n Nh&ng li'n t( ng)n
is simiFar to however
SimiFarFy> ...> but
jikewise> ...> yet
...the same... in contrast
...the same as... dy contrast>
as weFF
#*ch i+u ,-t d.i h/n Nh&ng li'n t( ph0 thu1c
In the same way> in the other hand>
is simiFar to in that even though
and are simiFar in that (they!... aFthough
jike > ... differs from
In Fike manner> unFike
ine way in which is simiFar to whiFe
knother way in which is simiFar to is
[y ^z
aiPm t;~ng
Spring weather in Mancouver is similar to spring weather in
Bot" Mancouver and TaFifaD have rain in the spring.
TaFifaD also has a rainy spring season.
TaFifaD has a rainy spring season> too.
As !ell@ TaFifaD has rainy spring season.
aiPm (",c &i_t
Nn t"e ot"er "and@ winter is much coFder in TaFifaD.
oo!eer@ winter is much coFder in TaFifaD.
Mancouver has a miFd winter> &ut TaFifaD has a coFd one.
In contrast to Mancouver> TaFifaD has a coFd winter.
TaFifaD differs from Mancouver by having a coFd winter.
W"ile Mancouver has a miFd winter> TaFifaD has a coFd
U. aNr) [s) $)' $oU$
avn" ng"wa
Bo@n vYn t56ng thuLt F4 )o@n vYn )5'c dcng )* k* cho ng56i )`c nh$ng )i2u dizn ra trong c/u chuygn.
Bo@n vYn t56ng thuLt )5'c dcng phX bi-n nh1t trong ti*u thuy-t. EhCng th56ng bao g^m t1t c. cAc y-u tV c9n
thi-t cho sU phAt tri*n c=a h4nh )<ng nh5O ng56i gi$ vai trt chWnh> sU bV trW> sU s{p ):t> m%c )Wch> m%c ti3u> sU
tr0 ng@i> )_nh )i*m v4 sU gi.i #uy-t.
EhWnh vG vLy )o@n vYn t56ng thuLt th56ng y3u c9u ng56i vi-t s{p D-p sU kign theo th] tU Fi3n t%c ho:c theo
trGnh tU th6i gian. \h9n th/n c=a )o@n vYn t56ng thuLt th56ng g^m nhi2u y-u tV nh5ng n-u vi-t )Cng cAch> nt
nXi bLt c=a )o@n vYn s7 F4 h4nh )<ng ch] khKng ph.i F4 mi3u t..
[0 d\: ;<t )o@n vYn )5a ra #uA trGnh m<t ng56i tr0 th4nh th= t5?ng.
Nh$ng t& sau cN th* giCp b@n vi-t m<t )o@n vYn t56ng thuLt tVtO
)"Ang tW "Au d\ng
$"eo t"= t* $"eo t"?i gian
first> second> third>
in the beginning previousFy
before afterwards
then when
after after
at Fast
[y ^z
$"eo t"=
Lirst@ you need to become a Feader of a poFiticaF
party. Second@ you need to win a seat in the Touse of
Eommons. $"ird@ your party must have a ma[ority of seats.
In t"e &eginning@ you need to become a Feader of a poFiticaF
Before becoming the prime minister> you need to become the
Feader of a poFiticaF party.
$"en@ you must win a seat in the Touse of Eommons.
After winning a seat in the Touse of Eommons> you must make
sure you have a ma[ority of seats.
Linally@ after aFF these steps> you can caFF yourseFf the prime
At last@ you can caFF yourseFf the prime minister.
Su&se-uently@ you must make sure you have a ma[ority of seats
in the Touse of Eommons.
$"eo t"?i
She was recently eFected prime minister.
She is the new prime minister. Freiously@ she worked as a
Fawyer in Poronto.
She won the party Feadership Fast year. After!ards@ she won the
W"en she won the party Feadership> she was stiFF working as a
After winning a seat in the Touse of Eommons> you must make
sure you have a ma[ority of seats.
b. aNr) [s) EA Co)
avn" ng"wa
Bo@n vYn FUa ch`n F4 )o@n vYn m4 b@n c9n ph.i #uy-t ),nh s7 FUa ch`n )Vi t5'ng> ( t50ng ho:c h4nh )<ng n4o
m4 b@n thWch. PhKng th56ng b@n s7 c9n )5a ra ( ki-n c=a b@n v2 sU FUa ch`n c=a mGnh (h4nh )<ng ho:c hign
[0 d\: ;<t )o@n vYn vi-t )* nNi Dem b@n s7 thWch chni khCc cKn c9u hay la"rosse (mKn th* thao dcng v't )*
b{t v4 nm bNng!.
Nh$ng t& sau cN th* giCp b@n vi-t m<t )o@n vYn t56ng thuLt tVtO
)"Ang tW "Au d\ng
uan +iPm (i1n c, n":n
in my opinion FikeadisFike
beFief hope
idea feeF
I think that
I consider
I beFieve
it seems to me
I prefer
[y ^z
uan +iPm
In my opinion> hockey is more fun than Facrosse.
;y &elief is that hockey is more fun than Facrosse.
;y idea is that hockey is more fun than Facrosse.
;y understanding is that hockey is more fun than Facrosse.
I t"in( t"at I wouFd prefer to pFay hockey and not Facrosse.
I consider hockey to be more eDciting than Facrosse.
I &eliee hockey is more eDciting than Facrosse.
It seems to me that hockey is more eDciting than Facrosse.
I prefer hockey over Facrosse.
(i1n c, n":n
I li(e the sport of hockey because it is fast and eDciting.
I "ope that I can pFay hockey in the future.
I feel that hockey is my favorite sport.
f. aNr) [s) 'I|I $oyCo
avn" ng"wa
Bo@n vYn gi.i thWch F4 )o@n vYn m4 trong )N b@n c9n ph.i gi.i thWch ho:c )5a ra F( do D.y ra sU vigc n4o )N.
PhKng th56ng trong cAc chuy3n ng4nh nghi3n c]u v2 DS h<i b@n s7 c9u ph.i tGm hi*u nguy3n nh/n v4 k-t #u.
c=a m<t sU kign n4o )N.
[0 d\: ;<t )o@n vYn vi-t )* gi.i thWch t@i sao cN r1t nhi2u ng56i Eh/u u di c5 )-n Eanada trong th-
k 1.
Nh$ng t& sau cN th* giCp b@n vi-t m<t )o@n vYn gi.i thWch tVtO
)"Ang tW "Au d\ng
)guy4n n":n c1t -uR
because therefore
since thus
as a resuFt of conse#uentFy
is due to hence
it foFFows that
if . . . then
[y ^z
\eopFe moved to Eanada from Zurope during the nineteenth
century&ecause they had poor Fiving conditions in Zurope.
Since Fiving conditions in Zurope were terribFe> many peopFe
moved to Eanada.
\eopFe moved to Eanada from Zurope as a result of poor Fiving
conditions in Zurope.
Phe Farge infFuD of peopFe to Eanada !as due to economic
pressures in Zurope.
c1t -uR
jiving conditions in Zurope were terribFe. $"erefore@ many
peopFe moved to Eanada for a better Fife.
jiving conditions in Zurope were terribFe. $"us@ many peopFe
moved to Eanada for a better Fife.
jiving conditions were terribFe in Zurope. Conse-uently@ many
peopFe moved to Eanada.
jiving conditions were terribFe in Zurope. oence@ many peopFe
moved to Eanada.
jiving conditions were terribFe in Zurope. It follo!s t"at many
peopFe moved to Eanada.
If Fiving conditions were better in Zurope> t"en fewer peopFe
wouFd have moved to Eanada.
l. aNr) [s) a)o 'I
avn" ng"wa
Bo@n vYn )Anh giA F4 )o@n vYn m4 trong )N b@n s7 )5a ra F6i nhLn Dt> )Anh giA c=a b@n v2 ng56i> ( ki-n ho:c
nh$ng h4nh )<ng cN th* D.y ra. d@n c9n ph.i )Anh giA dUa tr3n nh$ng ti3u chun nh1t ),nh. hi vi-t d@ng )o@n
vYn n4y b@n cN th* )5a ra F6i )Anh giA v4 g'i ( tr5?c r^i c=ng cV nh$ng ( ki-n )N bmng cAch )5a ra hg ti3u
chun c=a b@n.
[0 d\: ;<t )o@n vYn vi-t )* )Anh giA Dem cN n3n s8 d%ng thuVc tr& s/u v4o vigc tr^ng tr`t hay khKng.
Nh$ng t& sau cN th* giCp b@n vi-t m<t )o@n vYn gi.i thWch tVtO
)"Ang tW "Au d\ng
$i4u c"un +P +,n" gi, S* gTi D
good a bad suggest
correct a incorrect recommend
moraF a immraF advise
right a wrong argue
important a triviaF
[y ^z
$i4u Phe use of pesticides such as ooP is &ad for the environment.
Phe beFief that pesticides must be used is incorrect.
Phe use of pesticides to controF pests is immoral because it
harms the environment.
It is !rong to use pesticides because they harm the environment.
Phe issue of pesticides is an important one because it affects the
S* gTi D
I suggest that pesticides shouFd not be used to controF pests.
I recommend that pesticides shouFd not be used because they are
harmfuF to the environment.
I wouFd adise farmers not to use pesticides if possibFe.
I wouFd argue that pesticides shouFd not be used because they
harm the environment.
BI $F $oC o)o: EAc b@n hSy DAc ),nh d@ng c=a nh$ng )o@n vYn d5?i )/y.
1. The Jiki!nswers site is a "olorf#l pla"e. 0right oranges bl#es and
greens enti"e the eye and make yo# want to look aro#nd and see what is
there. Hittle "artoon aliens de"orate the site and point to interesting
things. Bli"king on the b#ttons and arrows make new pages pop #p or
make things "hange aro#nd.

2. The writer pa#ses to "onsider what the st#dents need to know then
writes another senten"e. These senten"es all lead the reader toward the
idea that a paragraph is I#st a way of "omm#ni"ating. !fter the writer
finishes this paragraph there will be another that needs to be written.
The writer glan"es at the "lo"k on the wall. Jill there be eno#gh timeK

M. L!meri"ans "an be divided into three gro#ps--smokers nonsmokers and
that eApanding pa"k of #s who have E#it. Those who have never smoked
donMt know what theyMre missing b#t former smokers eA-smokers
reformed smokers "an never forget. Je are veterans of a personal war
linked by that watershed eAperien"e of "easing to smoke and by the
temptation to have I#st one more "igarette. For almost all of #s eA-
smokers smoking "ontin#es to play an important role in o#r lives. !nd
now that it is being restri"ted in resta#rants aro#nd the "o#ntry and will
be banned in almost all indoor p#bli" pla"es in ;ew 9ork 'tate starting
neAt month it is vital that everyone #nderstand the different emotional
states "essation of smoking "an "a#se. I have observed fo#r of themN and
in the interest of s"ien"e I have "lassified them as those of the Oealot the
evangelist the ele"t and the serene. Pa"h day ea"h "ategory gains new
(Franklin Qimring LBonfessions on an PA-'mokerL ;ewsweek

]. :aragraphs are like "onversations. Pa"h "onversation is a series of
statements E#estions or eAplanations that pass along information. Pa"h
paragraph is also a series of senten"es that pass along information. !
paragraph is different from a "onversation be"a#se a paragraph "an be
edited and "hanged after yo# write it down and a "onversation "anMt be
taken ba"k on"e yo# have spoken the words.

U. In order to write a paragraph first yo# think abo#t what yo# want to say.
:retend that yo# are eAplaining things to yo#r friends or to a yo#nger
person. Try to eAplain in simple terms that are easy to follow. Rn"e yo#
have tho#ght abo#t it start writing down what yo# wo#ld say o#t lo#d.
ThatMs all yo# need to do to write a paragraph.

b. ! definition tells yo# what a word or term means. This paragraph tells
yo# what a defining paragraph is so this paragraph is a defining
paragraph abo#t defining paragraphsS Jhen yo# define something yo#
want to #se simple words so that yo#r reader will #nderstand what yo#
are saying.

My most val#able possession is an old slightly warped blond g#itar--the
first instr#ment I ta#ght myself how to play. ItMs nothing fan"y I#st a
Madeira folk g#itar all s"#ffed and s"rat"hed and finger-printed. !t the
top is a bramble of "opper-wo#nd strings ea"h one hooked thro#gh the
eye of a silver t#ning key. The strings are stret"hed down a long slim
ne"k its frets tarnished the wood worn by years of fingers pressing
"hords and pi"king notes. The body of the Madeira is shaped like an
enormo#s yellow pear one that was slightly damaged in shipping. The
blond wood has been "hipped and go#ged to gray parti"#larly where the
pi"k g#ard fell off years ago. ;o itMs not a bea#tif#l instr#ment b#t it
still lets me make m#si" and for that I will always treas#re it.

l. :araphrasing is #sed for different p#rposes. 'ome paraphrases will be
designated to s#pport already eAisting eviden"e. Rthers will reinfor"e
arg#mentation against eviden"e. 'till others will help to develop eAisting
arg#ments and provide ba"k-#p for any "on"l#sion drawn in the "o#rse
of writing. Depending on the f#n"tion paraphrases will be introd#"ed in
a""ordan"e with their #niE#e "onteAt. T#otations reE#ire yet another
approa"h. They are not self-eApressive be"a#se every E#otation "an
signify a n#mber of different things in vario#s "onteAts. It is both the
introd#"tion and the "ommentary that follows it whi"h de"ides abo#t its
"onteAt and the #ltimate meaning of a given "itation in an essay.
:araphrasing E#otations - "hanging the original words or sense is not

m. Pven tho#gh !riOona and Uhode Island are both states of the V.'. they
are strikingly different in many ways. For eAample the physi"al siOe of
ea"h state is different. !riOona is large having an area of FFWXXX sE#are
miles whereas Uhode Island is only abo#t a tenth the siOe having an
area of only FGFW sE#are miles. !nother differen"e is in the siOe of the
pop#lation of ea"h state. !riOona has abo#t fo#r million people living in
it b#t Uhode Island has less than one million. The two states also differ
in the kinds of nat#ral environments that ea"h has. For eAample !riOona
is a very dry state "onsisting of large desert areas that do not re"eive
m#"h rainfall every year. Cowever Uhode Island is lo"ated in a
temperate Oone and re"eives an average of WW in"hes of rain per year. In
addition while !riOona is a landlo"ked state and th#s has no seashore
Uhode Island lies on the !tlanti" R"ean and does have a signifi"ant

1V. ! definition tells yo# what a word or term means. This paragraph tells
yo# what a defining paragraph is so this paragraph is a defining
paragraph abo#t defining paragraphsS Jhen yo# define something yo#
want to #se simple words so that yo#r reader will #nderstand what yo#
are saying.
aF )
1. Bo@n vYn mi3u t.

2. Bo@n vYn t56ng thuLt

M. Bo@n vYn ph/n Fo@i

]. Bo@n vYn so sAnh

U. Bo@n vYn gi.i thWch

b. Bo@n vYn ),nh nghra

f. Bo@n vYn mi3u t.
l. Bo@n vYn ph/n Fo@i

m. Bo@n vYn so sAnh

1V. Bo@n vYn so sAnh
Joo! to !rite an Npinion Essay p LCE WritingK
d4i vi-t n4y h5?ng dln cAc b@n vi-t m<t b4i ipinion Zssay ho4n ch_nh.
Tere is what you need to keep in mind in order to write a good opinion essayO
oecide your opinion as for the topic discussed.
;ake a Fist of eDampFes> viewpoints and reasons to support your opinion.
Qrite weFF-deveFoped paragraphs
se Finking words and phrases to [oin the sentences and the paragraphs within the teDt.
Qrite in a formaF styFe> introduce the topic cFearFy and state convincing arguments.
NormaFFy> an opinion essay shouFd be divided into " parts
Fart 1: Npen
In this part you shouFd introduce the topic and state opinion cFearFy.
ou may want to use some of these eDpressions.
Some peopFe cFaimabeFieveasay....
It is sometimes said that.....
Phe #uestion is....
Qe often readahear that.....
In my opinion...> I strongFy beFieve that...> I am in favor of...> it seems to me that....
hrom my point of view> as far as I can see> as I see it....
Fart 2: &ody
In this part you use eDampFes and reasons to support your viewpoint (at Feast paragraphs!.ou can aFso
incFude a paragraph presenting the opposing point of view and reason why you think it is an unconvincing idea.
Some usefuF eDpressions
- >a(ing extra points
Qhats more...
In addition...
hurthermore> moreover....
- Introducing a contradictory point
kFthough> even though....
oespite the fact that....
p Contrasting ie!s for and against
in the one handaside....on the other...
QhiFe its true that.....
ou couFd aFso argue that........
NevertheFess....a Towever...
ine advantage....a knother disadvantage is that....
Fart M: Conclusion
In this part you shouFd summarie the main points of the essay and restate your opinion in other words.
ou may think of using some of these
in baFance...>
I feeF..aI beFieve that....
Po sum up...ain concFusion..a
kFF in aFF> I beFieve that....
Given this> it can be concFuded that.....
C,c" i1t Introductory paragrap"
;<t Introductory paragraph cN ba ph9nO Took> dackground information> Phesis statement.
1. Took F4 c/u )9u ti3n ( c/u )2> th56ng )* dln ng56i )`c v4o topic c=a b4i !O
j4m th- n4o )* vi-t TookH Ph56ng cN ba cAch thKng th56ngO
- ;ake a #uestion (esaNo #uestion ho:c Qh#uestion!
- Give a statistic ( Pheo sV Figu thVng k3 c% th* v2 m<t v1n )2 n4o )N ho:c )5a ra dln ch]ng c=a m<t tX ch]c
#uVc t- n4o )N!
- ;ake a statement.
ZDO PKi cN m<t topic nh5 sau O If you have a hoFiday> where wouFd you Fike to goH
Sau )/y F4 nh$ng c/u hook c=a mqi cAch tr3nO
Pheo ;ake a #uestionO Phere are many famous pFaces in the worFd> so which do you prefer goingH
Pheo Give a statisticO Ta jong day not onFy is famous for its beautifuF scene but aFso has been recognied as a
QorFd Teritage by the NZSEi.
Pheo ;ake a statementO Phere are a Fot of ideaF destinations in Miet Nam> but in my opinion> Ta jong day is the
best one.
. dackground informationO ph9n n4y cN th* chi-m c/u> nhmm )5a thKng tin chi ti-t hnn 1 chCt v2
nh$ng gG )S )5'c )2 cLp trong c/u hook.
". Phesis statement O m%c )Wch )* controFFing idea.
Ph56ng thG thesis statement s7 #uy-t ),nh Dem b4i essay c=a b@n s7 cN bao nhi3u )o@n trong ph9n th/n b4i
B/y F4 m<t vd v2 thesis statementO
Id Fike to visit Ta jong day for two main reasonsO.... N-u b@n nNi F4 hai FW do chWnh> )i2u )N cN nghra F4 ph9n
th/n b4i c=a b@n s7 cN hai )o@n cho hai FW do )N. N-u b@n nNi for four reasons>... t]c F4 th/n b4i s7 cN bVn )o@n.
E/u thesis statement #uy-t ),nh bV c%c c=a th/n b4i (body paragraph!
Ngo4i vigc )5a ra con sV c% th* cho FW do> b@n ctn cN th* s8 d%ng nh$ng pronounaadverb of #uantity nh5O many>
severaF> a number of> a Fot of.
ZDO for many reasons>...
BKi khi> trong topic s7 cN nh$ng c/u hui nhLn Dt c=a b@n v2 m<t sU vigc n4o )N> n-u sU vigc )N theo ( ki-n c=a
b@n cN c. m:t tVt Fln m:t D1u> thesis statement c=a b@n s7 khKng )5a ra vG FW do gG> m4 th56ng hay vi-t nh5 sauO
In my opinion> watching PM has advantages but it aFso incFudes disavantages.
Sau )N> body paragraph c=a b@n th56ng cN )o@n> 1 F4 v2 advantages v4 ctn F@i F4 v2 disavantages.
Phesis statement ctn cN th* vi-t nh5 sauO
- I think> k> d and E are " main reasons...
trong )N O k> d v4 E ph.i theo c1u trCc song song> nghra F4 k> d v4 E ho:c F4 ccng F4 oanh t&> ho:c F4 ccng F4
m<t c%m )<ng t& ng{n.
- Phere are three main reasons why peopFe Fike smoking> in terms ofa naming k> d and E. ZDO Eho topic nh5 sau
Qhy do you think peopFe attend coFFege or universityH
Sau )/y F4 cAc thesis statement khAc nhau c=a nh$ng ng56i khAc nhauO
- In my opinion> there are three main reasons why peopFe attend coFFege or universityO to be more independent>
to get more eDperience and to widen knowFedge. - Phere are many reasons why peopFe attend coFFege or
university> in my opinion there are three main ones which are shown beFow. Sau )/y F4 m<t sV mlu paragraphO
- Qhy do peope need to attend coFFege or universityH oifferent pepFe have different answers to this #uestion. I
beFieve that the three most common reasons are to prepare for a career> to have new eDperiences> and to increase
their knowFedge of themseFves and the worFd around them.
- Nowadays> more and more peopFe are trying to attend coFFege or university. oifferent peopFe do so for
different reasons. Some typicaF reasons are new eDperiences> career preparation and increased knowFedge. In my
opinion> it is the fast deveFopment> aFmost eDpFosion that make peopFe consider to attend coFFege or university.
TSy th8 tLp F4m m<t )o@n introductory paragraph c=a nh$ng topic sau )/yO
1> Qhy do you think peopFe attend coFFege or universityH
> oo you agree or disagreeO parents are the best teacherH
"> If you couFd change one important thing about you hometown> what wouFd you changeH
Basic Faragrap" Structure
$"e $opic Sentence.
hor eDampFe> suppose that you want to write a paragraph about the naturaF Fandmarks of your hometown.
Phe first part of your paragraph might Fook Fike thisO
;y hometown is famous for severaF amaing naturaF
features. hirst> it is noted for the Qheaton River> which is very
wide and beautifuF. kFso> on the other side of the town is
Qheaton TiFF> which is unusuaF because it is very steep.
(Notice how the first sentence begins with ;y hometown... a few spaces to the right of the paragraph
edge. Phis is an indentation. kFF paragraphs in ZngFish ;SP begin with an indentation.!
Note how the first sentence> My hometown Jheaton is famo#s for several amaOing geographi"al
feat#resis the most general statement. Phis sentence is different from the two sentences that foFFow it>
since the second and third sentences mention specific detaiFs about the towns geography> and are not
generaF statements.
Tere are some eDampFes of sentences that cannot be used as topic sentences. Ean you figure out why they
are inappropriateH

1. ;y hometown is famous because it is Focated by
Qheaton River> which is very wide> and because it is
buiFt near an unusuaFFy steep hiFF caFFed Qheaton TiFF.
. Phere are two reasons why some peopFe Fike to buy cars
with automatic transmission and two reasons why others
Fike cars with manuaF transmission.
". EFouds are white.
Phe probFem with sentence 1 is that it contains too many detaiFs. Popic sentences are generaF> and detaiFs
shouFd appear Fater in the paragraph. k better topic sentence wouFd be Fike the one mentioned above> My
hometown is famo#s for several amaOing geographi"al feat#res.
Sentence is not appropriate as a topic sentence because it mentions two topics> not [ust one. \aragraphs
are usuaFFy about one main thing and so their topic sentences shouFd aFso be about onFy one main thing.
Phe probFem with sentence " is that it is toogeneraF. It is aFso very boring QouFd you Fike to read a
paragraph with this topic sentenceH ;ost peopFe wouFd not.
Qe can rewrite sentences and " in the foFFowing ways to make it betterO

Phere are two reasons why some peopFe Fike to buy cars
with automatic transmission.
iR (in a different paragraph!O
Phere are two reasons why some peopFe Fike cars with
manuaF transmission.

Phe shapes of cFouds are determined by various factors.
Supporting Sentences
Eonsider again the above-mentioned> short paragraphO

;y hometown> Qheaton> is famous for severaF amaing
naturaF features. hirst> it is noted for the Qheaton River> which
is very wide and beautifuF. kFso> on the other side of the town is
Qheaton TiFF> which is unusuaF because it is very steep.
(kgain> note how this paragraph is indented on the first Fine> about five or seven spaces in from the Feft-
hand edge of the paragraph. kFways remember to indent your paragraphs!
Qhen a reader reads a topic sentence> such as My hometown Jheaton is famo#s for several amaOing
nat#ral feat#resa -uestion shouFd usuaFFy appear in the readers mind. In this case> the #uestion shouFd be
Fike> Qhat are the naturaF features that make Qheaton famousH Phe reader shouFd then eDpect that the
rest of the paragraph wiFF give ananswer to this #uestion.
Now Fook at the sentences after the topic sentence. Qe can see that the second sentence in the
paragraph> First it is noted for the Jheaton Uiver whi"h is very wide and bea#tif#lindeed gives an
answer to this #uestion. Phat is> the second sentence gives some eDpFanation for the fact that Qheaton is a
famous town. SimiFarFy> we can see that the third sentence aFso gives some eDpFanation for the fact that
Qheaton is famous by giving another eDampFe of an amaing naturaF feature> in this case> Qheaton TiFF.
Phe second and third sentences are caFFed supporting sentences. Phey are caFFed supporting because
they support> or eDpFain> the idea eDpressed in the topic sentence. if course> paragraphs in ZngFish
often have more than two supporting ideas. Phe paragraph above is actuaFFy a very short paragraph. At
minimum@ you s"ould "ae at leastfie to seen sentences in your paragrap". Tere we can see our
paragraph about Qheaton with a few more supporting sentences in &old fontO
;y hometown is famous for severaF amaing naturaF
features. hirst> it is noted for the Qheaton River> which is very
wide and beautifuF. kFso> on the other side of the town is
Qheaton TiFF> which is unusuaF because it is very steep. $"e
t"ird amaing feature is t"e Big Nld $ree. $"is tree stands
t!o "undred feet tall and is pro&a&ly a&out six "undred
years old.
$"e Concluding Sentence
In formaF paragraphs you wiFF sometimes see a sentence at the end of the paragraph which summaries the
information that has been presented. Phis is the concFuding sentence. ou can think of a concFuding
sentence as a sort of topic sentence in reverse.
ou can understand concFuding sentences with this eDampFe. Eonsider a hamburger that you can buy at a
fast-food restaurant.y k hamburger has a top bun (a kind of bread!> meat> cheese> Fettuce> and other
eFements in the middFe of the hamburger> and a bottom bun. Note how the top bun and the bottom bun are
very simiFar. Phe top bun> in a way> is Fike a topic sentence> and the bottom bun is Fike the concFuding
sentence. doth buns hoFd the meat> onions> and so on. SimiFarFy> the topic sentence and concFuding
sentence hoFd the supporting sentences in the paragraph. jets see how a concFuding sentence
(in &old font! might Fook in our sampFe paragraph about QheatonO

;y hometown is famous for severaF amaing naturaF
features. hirst> it is noted for the Qheaton River> which is very
wide and beautifuF. kFso> on the other side of the town is
Qheaton TiFF> which is unusuaF because it is very steep. Phe
third amaing feature is the dig iFd Pree. Phis tree stands two
hundred feet taFF and is probabFy about siD hundred years
oFd. $"ese t"ree landmar(s are truly amaing and ma(e my
"ometo!n a famous place.
Notice how the concFuding sentence> These three landmarks are tr#ly amaOing and make my hometown a
famo#s pla"esummaries the information in the paragraph. Notice aFso how the concFuding sentence is
simiFar to> but not eDactFy the same as> the topic sentence.
Not aFF academic paragraphs contain concFuding sentences> especiaFFy if the paragraph is very short.
Towever> if your paragraph is very Fong> it is a good idea to use a concFuding sentence.
^etails in Faragrap"s
Phe short paragraph in this Fesson is a fairFy compFete paragraph> but it Facks detaiFs. Qhenever possibFe>
you shouFd incFude enough detaiFs in your paragraphs to heFp your reader understand eDactFy what you are
writing about. In the paragraph about Qheaton> three naturaF Fandmarks are mentioned> but we do not
know very much about them. hor eDampFe> we couFd add a sentence or two about Qheaton river
concerning TiQ wide it is or QT it is beautifuF. Eonsider this revision (and note the additionaF detaiFs
;y hometown is famous for severaF amaing naturaF
features. hirst> it is noted for the Qheaton River> which is very
wide and beautifuF. Nn eit"er side of t"is rier@ !"ic" is 1fU
feet !ide@ are many !illo! trees !"ic" "ae long &ranc"es
t"at can moe gracefully in t"e !ind. In autumn t"e leaes
of t"ese trees fall and coer t"e rier&an(s li(e golden
sno!. kFso> on the other side of the town is Qheaton TiFF>
which is unusuaF because it is very steep. Een t"oug" it is
steep@ clim&ing t"is "ill is not dangerous@ &ecause t"ere are
some firm roc(s along t"e sides t"at can &e used as stairs.
$"ere are no trees around t"is "ill@ so it stands clearly
against t"e s(y and can &e seen from many miles a!ay. Phe
third amaing feature is the dig iFd Pree. Phis tree stands two
hundred feet taFF and is probabFy about siD hundred years oFd.
Phese three Fandmarks are truFy amaing and make my
hometown a famous pFace.

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