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Mariposa monarca

The monarch butterfly sanctuary, is located between the states of Mexico and Michoacan. This
place is considered between the four natural beauty.
because it is a beautiful place to visit with family and have a great experience with nature and
meet the butterflies found in this place.
selva lacandona
Lacandona Jungle is a beautiful and amazing place to visit where you can have contact with nature
and do different activities for example expeditions and tours. know the different cultures that live
there. in Lacandona live different animals for example jaguar, spider monkey, and different species
of birds.
Lacandona is located in the state of Chiapas.

mazamitla is a magical town, located in the state of Guadalajara. Mazamitla is a perfect place to
relax and enjoy nature. in this place you can perform different activities for example horse riding,
rent ATV and perform extreme sports.
Mazamitla is really a beautiful and magical place.
where you live an incredible experience.

Selva la candona
Selva Lacandona es un lugar hermoso y maravilloso para visitar donde se puede tener contacto
con la naturaleza y realizar diferentes actividades, por ejemplo, expediciones y tours. conocer las
diferentes culturas que viven all. en Lacandona viven diferentes animales, por ejemplo, el jaguar,
el mono araa, y diferentes especies de aves.
Lacandona se encuentra en el estado de Chiapas.

Mazamitla es un pueblo mgico ubicado en el estado de Guadalajara. Mazamitla es un lugar
perfecto para relajarse y disfrutar de la naturaleza en este lugar se pueden realizar diferentes
actividades como paseos a caballo, alquiler de ATV y realizar deportes extremos.
Mazamitla es realmente un lugar hermoso y mgico.
donde usted vive una experiencia increble.

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