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Blood Ties

by JD Nixon
Copyright JD Nixon 2011
Smashwords Edition
Smashwords Edition, Licence Notes
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This book is a work of fi#tion! 'll #hara#trs and lo#ations in this publi#ation ar
fi#titious and any rsmblan# to ral prsons$ li&ing or dad$ or ral lo#ations$ is
purly #oin#idntal! Th poli# for# and (usti# systm and thir oprations and
pro#durs dpi#td in this book ar purly th produ#t of th author)s imagination
and ar not basd on any ral (urisdi#tion!
JD Nixon is an 'ustralian author and 'ustralian English and splling ha& bn
usd in this book!
Discover other titles by JD Nixon at
Heller series
*llr +fr book,-
*llr)s .&ng
*llr)s /irlfrind
*llr)s 0unishmnt
*llr)s D#ision +du 2012-
Little Town series
1lood Tis +fr book,-
1lood Sport
1lood 2ud +du 2012-
Co&r dsign by 3nfinity .ain
2ind hr on 2a#book
444444 555555 444444
Cttin!s "rom my scra#boo$ . . .
Wattling Bay Messenger$ Tusday$ 6 'pril$ 1777
%an lynched by an!ry crowd a"ter terrible mrder
.sidnts of th small township nstld at th foot of 8ount 1ig wr sho#kd
last wk whn two timbr%gttrs stumbld o&r th body of 8rs Eli9abth 2ullr$
agd 21 yars! Th murdrd woman was found in a paddo#k off to th sid of th
road lading to th township! 3t appard that sh had bn outragd bfor bing
brutally batn about th had with a larg ro#k that was found in nar proximity!
8rs 2ullr$ ds#ribd by th townsfolk as a &ry #omly woman$ had bn on hr
way to lnd assistan# to hr husband)s sistr during hr first #onfinmnt!
Suspi#ion for th hinous #rim fll immdiatly on bullo#k dri&r$ 8r Nd
1y#raft$ agd 60 yars! * was sn by th timbr%gttrs with bloodid hands
running wildly from th paddo#k shortly bfor thir most grusom of dis#o&ris!
'##ording to th timbr%gttrs$ 8r 1y#raft had publi#ly thratnd to do &iolnt
harm to 8rs 2ullr on s&ral o##asions for rightly r(#ting his insistnt and
unwantd attntions! Th husband of th murdrd woman$ 8r Clm 2ullr$ also a
timbr%gttr$ had rportdly #om to physi#al blows at last twi# with 8r 1y#raft
o&r his unsmly bha&iour towards 8rs 2ullr!
'n angry #rowd of lo#al mn +on of whom is bli&d to ha& bn 8r 2ullr-
ran 8r 1y#raft to th ground bfor hanging him to his dath from th bran#hs of a
narby tr!
Constabl Dougal Tigh from th :attling 1ay #onstabulary was ordrd to th
8ount 1ig township to in&stigat both daths! 1ut aftr r#i&ing no #o%opration
in his n;uiris from th lo#al townsfolk$ Constabl Tigh ad&isd this rportr that
thr would b no furthr in&stigations undrtakn into this mattr!
Nd 1y#raft)s oldr brothr$ 8r 1ill 1y#raft$ told this rportr that his brothr
was inno#nt of any #rim and had a#tually himslf bn running for hlp aftr
dis#o&ring 8rs 2ullr)s body whn h was noti#d by th two timbr%gttrs! *
furthr thratnd that thr would b a dadly r#koning on thos rsponsibl for
killing his brothr$ parti#ularly on th 2ullr family!
8r 2ullr told this rportr that (usti# had bn dli&rd for th dradful
outrag and murdr of his wif and that h did not rgrt th #ir#umstan#s of 8r
1y#raft)s dath! * would not admit to bing a parti#ipant in th lyn#hing though!
8rs 2ullr was burid on 2riday in a small but wll%attndd sr&i#! Sh is
sur&i&d by hr husband and two young #hildrn!
8r Nd 1y#raft is sur&i&d by a wif and s&n #hildrn!
Wattling Bay Messenger$ :dnsday$ 22 January 1<7=
Li"e sentence "or &de#raved' mrder o" yon! mm
.obrt John 1y#raft +known as 1obby-$ 2<$ sasonal fruit%pi#kr of 8ount 1ig
Town$ was today found guilty and gi&n a lif sntn# in th Suprm Court for
th &i#ious murdr of young mothr$ >oni 8ary 2ullr$ 2?! 1y#raft showd no
motion as Justi# >onard 8a#Enro told th #ourt that th murdr was on of th
most dpra&d #rims h had &r prsidd o&r in his twnty yars on th bn#h!
8rs 2ullr was atta#kd in hr hous in 8ount 1ig Town by 1y#raft in Jun
last yar! Sh was half%strangld bfor bing rapd and stabbd rpatdly$ with
su#h sa&agry that th blad of th knif brok off insid hr body!
8rs 2ullr)s daughtr$ who was only two at th tim$ was also atta#kd during
th &iolnt #rim$ sustaining s&ral srious knif wounds to hr arms and torso!
0oli# bli& that th young #hild may ha& witnssd hr mothr)s brutal murdr!
Th littl girl was un#ons#ious from blood loss whn dis#o&rd by hr distraught
fathr! Sh was found lying undrnath hr parnts) bd$ whr it is bli&d that
8rs 2ullr pushd hr to sa& hr from th murdrous frn9y! Th #ourt hard
during th trial that 8rs 2ullr suffrd xtnsi& dfn# wounds during th atta#k
trying to prot#t hr daughtr and hrslf! 8rs 2ullr was thr months prgnant at
th tim of hr dath!
8rs 2ullr)s frinds and family$ in#luding hr husband and parnts$ wr in
#ourt for th sntn#ing and wr abusd by rlati&s of 1y#raft$ som of whom had
to b for#ibly rmo&d from th #ourthous by #ourt s#urity!
' spoksman for th 2ullr family$ 8r 'bl Stormly$ latr thankd th
:attling 1ay dt#ti&s for thir rlntlss fforts to sol& th #rim and bring
1y#raft to (usti#! Th family also xtndd thanks to th #ommunity at 8ount 1ig
Town for thir support during th family)s traumati# xprin#!
1y#raft is xp#td to appal his #on&i#tion!
Wattling Bay Messenger$ :dnsday$ 16 8ay 1<<7
%an "ond !ilty o" assaltin! teens
.dmond Christophr 1y#raft$ 22$ unmployd of 8ount 1ig Town$ was today
found guilty in th :attling 1ay Distri#t Court of two #ounts of assault o##asioning
bodily harm and on #ount of attmptd abdu#tion aftr h atta#kd two tnagrs
in 8ount 1ig Town in mid%2bruary!
Th #ourt hard that 1y#raft dlibratly ran his #ar into th two tnagrs$ a
fmal agd 1@ and a mal agd 1=$ as thy #y#ld to th ba#h arly on Saturday
morning! Th mal tn was kno#kd un#ons#ious in th atta#k and 1y#raft thn
attmptd to drag th in(urd fmal tn into his #ar$ but sh was abl to fight him
off! 1y#raft suffrd a knif wound during th assault and fld th s#n blding!
3t was #laimd by th dfn# during th trial that 1y#raft had bn drinking
ha&ily and smoking mari(uana th &ning bfor th assault and had a##idntly
run into th pair! 3t was furthr maintaind that th fmal tn was mistakn in hr
#laims that 1y#raft had trid to abdu#t hr and that h had bn mrly trying to
assist hr$ a #ontntion r(#td by th (ury!
Th (udg #ommndd th tn on hr #alm thinking and slf%dfn# skills$
stating that th out#om #ould ha& bn mu#h wors had sh not bn so skilld!
Sh r#ommndd that it was important for all tnag girls to nsur that thy
#ould dfnd thmsl&s in similar #ir#umstan#s!
1y#raft was sntn#d to two yars dtntion! 3t was r&ald aftr th &rdi#t
that h had pr&iously sr&d a thr yar sntn# for th sxual assault of a
sixtn%yar%old tnag girl aftr mting hr in a night#lub in :attling 1ay in
Wattling Bay Messenger$ Saturday$ 12 D#mbr 200<
(emale co# slashed drin! dis#te
' fmal poli# offi#r r;uird stit#hs to hr arm aftr bing slashd with a
knif ystrday as sh attndd a domsti# disput in 8ount 1ig Town! ' man was
latr #hargd with assault and takn to th :attling 1ay wat#h hous!
Wattling Bay Messenger$ 8onday$ @ July 2010
Co# car rn o"" road by stolen vehicle
' fmal poli# offi#r sustaind minor in(uris in 8ount 1ig Town last night
whn hr patrol #ar was rammd and for#d off th Coastal .ang *ighway during
a pursuit of a stoln &hi#l!
' witnss said it was a mira#l th offi#r wasn)t sriously in(urd or killd in
th a##idnt that lft th patrol #ar badly damagd!
Two youths wr takn into #ustody and wr #hargd with dangrous
opration of a &hi#l whil undr th influn#! Thy will fa# th :attling 1ay
Childrn)s Court today!
In my dream Im always running. Not the steady comfortable jog of my usual
morning exercise, but a desperate sprint. My legs are burning and my heart
pounding, a painful stitch down one side, sweat stinging my eyes. I draw in huge
ragged breaths, my throat dry and raspy. single!minded imperati"e #eeps dri"ing
me forward, determinedly placing one foot in front of the other despite my utter
exhaustion. I ha"e to get to my house to sa"e my mothers life.
But there is a Bycraft hunting me down as I run and I throw fre$uent frightened
glances o"er my shoulder, praying hes not getting any closer. %e will #ill me if he
catches me. I #now that as sure as I #now my own name.
&ometimes in my dream Im surrounded by bushland as I run, on an isolated
road so long and straight that I can see it con"erging to a disappearing point in the
distance. My house is at the end of that road and my mother is in the house,
screaming for help in terror. But no matter how fast or hard I run, I ne"er get any
closer to the end of that road. It just #eeps rolling out in front of me, as far as my
eye can see.
'ther times Im in an unfamiliar building and cant find my way out. (he
building is large, filled with identical white corridors that lead into and away from
each other in a confusing warren. I run in a wild panic, bouncing into walls, going
around in circles, butting up against dead ends, all the while searching for the exit.
&ome of those corridors terminate with a window and I press my forehead against
the glass to see my house on the other side of the road and hear my mothers
agonised cries of fear and pain. )urious and frustrated, I bang and #ic# and ram
the glass with my shoulder, shouting, but it ne"er brea#s. (hen I start running
again, loo#ing o"er my shoulder as I loo# for the exit.
I cant stop for a minute because of that Bycraft chasing me relentlessly down
that road or around those corridors. Its usually *ed whos pursuing me, a
malicious grin across his face. But sometimes its +raig or (ommy or Bobby
Bycraft himself, a ra,or!sharp #nife hidden behind his bac#. 'nce or twice it is e"en
My dream always ends the same way. &omehow I ha"e finished running and
find myself standing on the "eranda of my family home. (he front door is ajar and I
cautiously push it fully open, creeping down the central hallway into the silent
house. (he bloody handprints on the walls and splatters on the pastel apricot carpet
fill me with apprehension. I ignore the o"erturned furniture in the lounge room and
step o"er the bro#en remnants of my mothers fa"ourite lamp. My stomach is a tight
ball of fear as I slowly ma#e my way to the #itchen at the bac# of the house.
My mother is lying huddled up against the blood!smeared bac# door as if she
had been trying to escape through it when she finally fell. bro#en #nife protrudes
from her bac#, its handle tossed carelessly to the floor. %er face is turned away
from me, co"ered by her long dar#!blonde hair, now stic#y and matted. %er pretty
yellow dress is stained orange with all the red. &he is barefoot, her blood!sprayed
legs arched gracefully, feet pointed, her toenails painted a bright magenta that
clashes with the dar# crimson of her spilled blood.
I drop to my #nees in a la#e of her blood. (enderly, I sweep her bloodied hair
from her forehead, loo#ing down at her young, beautiful face, my mouth stretched
in a silent wail of anguished denial. (ears flood my eyes and flow down my chee#s,
dripping to the floor. I am too late to sa"e her.
Im always too late to sa"e her.
Cha#ter *
3t was #hilling to har! 2rom th opn front windows of th hous an unnr&ing
symphony of suffring rupturd th night%tim pa#! 2ranti# s#raming #lashd
brutally with guttural grunts$ loud dp thuds and what soundd alarmingly lik a
#hainsaw! /oosbumps bristld down my arms and 3 pausd a momnt to doubl
#h#k my ;uipmnt$ rassuringly patting a#h pi# as 3 wnt through my mntal
sto#ktak A gun$ BC spray$ baton$ hand#uffs! Stling myslf with a dp brath$ 3
#limbd th spongy$ rotting timbr stairs to th &randa! Dspit th lingring hat
of th lat summr night$ th nighbours had prudntly slammd thir windows and
doors shut! Th strt was dsrtd$ but prying ys stard out at m from bhind
&ry #urtain!
3 bangd on th front door$ dislodging pling flaks of ugly mud%brown paint!
Thr was no rspons! 1ut thn th s#raming stoppd suddnly with a last spin%
tingling yowl$ th instant siln# that rpla#d it wl#om$ but ri! 3 took
ad&antag of th unxp#td lull to thump hardr on th door with my fist! Th
s#raming r#ommn#d$ &n loudr than bfor$ but 3)d finally bn hard and it
was #ut off abruptly mid%#ry! (han# the hea"ens$ 3 thought with rlif! Two o)#lo#k
in th morning was no tim to b playing dath mtal musi#! Esp#ially whn it was
blastd so loudly that it mad your bons &ibrat and your ars fl lik thy wr
Th &randa light swit#hd on and .d 1y#raft flung opn th door$ his ys
widning in dlight whn h saw it was m standing at his thrshold! * was bar%
#hstd and barfoot$ drssd only in fadd low%slung (ans that show#asd his
hony%brown skin$ tattoos$ mus#ld arms and six%pa#k! >ik all th 1y#rafts$ h was
tall$ wll%built and bautiful$ with th goldn #olouring #ommon in his family! *
was also troubl! 1ig tim!
C:ll$ wll$ wll! 3f it isn)t th lo&ly Tssi 2ullr standing right bfor m in
th flsh$D h drawld$ laning against th doorfram and #rossing his arms and
ankls$ snak%lik yllow ys roaming my body! C'nd what mouth%watring flsh
it is too!D * fli#kd out his tongu and ran it slowly around his lips with offnsi&
3 didn)t ra#t!
* took a stp #losr to m$ laning down until his fa# was mr #ntimtrs
away and his ys drilld into min! *is &oi# droppd to an intimat whispr$
almost #arssing! C3 #an)t wait for th day 3 gt to tast it! To bruis it! To bit it!
/t to for# myslf insid it!D
Th al#ohol fums on his brath mad my nos twit#h! 3 rsistd th suddn
strong urg to stp ba#kwards$ instad rturning his star stadily and making &ry
ffort not to show (ust how mu#h h mad my skin #rawl! * wasn)t going to
intimidat m A not now$ not &r! 1for answring$ 3 dlibratly$ #onspi#uously$
traild my ys down th (aggd tn #ntimtr s#ar running down his n#k that 3)d
gi&n him whn 3 was fiftn!
C: both know that day)s n&r going to happn$ don)t w$ .dED 3 rmindd
him #oldly!
* smild with la9y mna# and shiftd &n #losr! 3 #aught th mas#ulin
s#nt of his undrarm swat$ not ntirly maskd by th musky dodorant h wor!
Th day had bn stiflingF th &ning not mu#h #oolr!
* #ontinud to whispr! C3 disagr$ Tssi! 3 think w both know that day will
dfinitly happn! : ha& unfinishd businss$ you and m! 'nd 3 ha& su#h a
hard%on for you!D
* grippd his #rot#h and bard his tth with a hiss!
3 rfusd to ntrtain him by ra#ting to his #rud taunting$ maintaining my
profssionally stony dmanour! * poutd at m for spoiling his fun and ran his
hands through his longish wa&y goldn hair$ his #hst mus#ls tnsing nti#ingly as
h did! * was a man bastard of a man but h sur did #om in a good%looking
C:hat #an 3 do for you tonight$ lo&ly pigltED 0iglt was th Gpt) nam th
1y#raft family had for m! 3 hatd it$ whi#h of #ours only nsurd that thy usd it
as oftn as possibl! C1#aus 3 #an think of a hundrd things you #ould do for m!D
ll of them sadistically carnal too, I bet$ 3 thought!
*is hand shot out to glid his indx fingr along my (awlin to my #hin$ thn
upwards to my mouth$ trying to thrust his fingr btwn my lips! 3 flin#hd at his
tou#h$ immdiatly batting his hand away and ra#hing for my BC spray$ ys fixd
on his! * laughd with mali#ious satisfa#tion at finally prising a rspons from m!
3 rlaxd my right hand$ but kpt it in #los a##ss to th spray! * knw 3 wouldn)t
hsitat to us it if 3 flt thratnd nough! 3)d alrady sprayd him on# sin# h)d
rturnd hom from (ail! Druggd up and off his fa# on staming hot January
aftrnoon$ h)d #om at m with a #ri#kt bat in his front yard whn 3)d turnd up to
in&stigat yt anothr #omplaint! 3)d lo&d &ry s#ond of wat#hing him #rash to
th ground$ writhing in agony in th dirt$ howling and rubbing his tar%drn#hd
ys! 3n fa#t$ it had bn th highlight of my wk!
C3)& had a rport of a disturban# hr tonight$D 3 told him in my impassi& #op
* shruggd asily$ indiffrnt! C3 was (ust #hilling to som musi# in my own
hom! No nd to gt you in&ol&d!D * smild with d#pti& frindlinss!
3 didn)t smil ba#k!
C:ho rang youED h askd #asually$ as if h wouldn)t sk immdiat and
&iolnt rtribution on that bra& nighbour!
'gain 3 rmaind silnt$ unblinking!
* sighd dramati#ally and said with insin#r #ontrition$ C'll right! 3 promis
3)ll turn th stro down!D
C3t)s not about th musi#$ .d! 3t)s about th shouting arlir in th night! 3s
&rything okay hrED
CE&rything)s (ust pa#hy$ thanks for asking$ Bffi#r Tss$D h mo#kd!
3 prsistd! C3 want to #h#k on Sharn!D
C:as it hr old bit#h of a mothr who rang youED h dmandd$ losing som of
his #ool$ his mouth tightning unattra#ti&ly! *is ys shiftd from my fa#$ past my
shouldr into th darknss of th night! Sharn)s mothr and two sistrs li&d
dir#tly a#ross th road!
3 didn)t answr!
CSharn)s aslp!D * mo&d to slam th door in my fa#! 3 stu#k my boot out
to pr&nt him!
3t was my turn to look o&r his shouldr! CNo$ sh isn)t! 3 #an s hr mo&ing
around in th kit#hn bhind you!D
'ngr swpt a#ross his fa# as h turnd around to shout into th hous$ C3 told
you to gt off to bd$ you stupid fu#king slag, "ou bttr fu#king wll do what 3 tll
you to nxt tim if you know what)s good for you!D
CNo nd for that kind of languag! 'sk Sharn to #om to th door! :hn 3)m
satisfid sh)s all right$ 3)ll b on my way! 'nd mak it snappy! 3)m &ry busy
: fa#d off for a momnt bfor h ba#kd down! C&harnee. /t your fat$
ugly ars out hr so that piglt #an s you)r okay!D
Sh s#uttld to th door and pokd hr had around timidly$ looking up at .d
with an ;ual mixtur of far and d&otion in hr soft brown ys! Sharn >butt
was only thirty and had on# bn a prtty woman$ but hard yars of lif with .d
as his on%again$ off%again girlfrind$ #asual pun#hing bag and th mothr of thr of
his fi& #hildrn$ had marrd hr prttinss with prmatur wrinkls and a
prmannt xprssion of anxious dspair! :hy sh lt him rturn to hr again and
again was byond m! * was an un#aring fathr to thir kids and an unfaithful
spongr who tratd hr lik dirt! :hat san woman would want that in hr lifE
0rhaps sh had n&r gi&n up hr dram that h would marry hrE E&ryon in
town knw that)s all it would &r b for hr though A a dram! .d$ lik most of
th 1y#rafts$ was not th sttling down typ! 'nd h)d pro&n that to Sharn
thoroughly by also kno#king up two of hr thr sistrs!
't thirty%fi&$ h was th oldst of th 1y#raft gnration 3)d grown up with$
and in my opinion h was th worst of a &ry bad bun#h! * had only bn rlasd
on parol a fw months ago aftr sr&ing four yars for th aggra&atd sxual
assault of a fiftn%yar%old girl! 3t was his fourth stint in th slammr for similar
#rims and you #ould tll from (ust looking at him that h was alrady planning his
nxt atta#k on som unsusp#ting &ulnrabl young woman h)d pi#k up at a
night#lub! 8ost of his assaults wr n&r rportd$ and any woman #ouragous
nough to mak a #omplaint against him usually withdrw it soon aftr$ in far of
hr lif aftr bing prsonally thratnd by him! Th only rason h hadn)t gon
down for longr aftr his last atta#k was b#aus his poor littl traumatisd &i#tim
had flatly rfusd to gi& &idn# against him in #ourt!
C"ou okay$ SharnE :hat happnd hr tonightED 3 askd hr with #on#rn!
C:hat happnd$ lo&ly piglt$D buttd in .d$ not gi&ing hr a #han# to spak$
Cis that w had a tiny disagrmnt o&r th fa#t that th uslss bit#h didn)t ha&
nough rum and smoks in th hous for m tonight! 3 might ha& raisd my &oi# a
littl and gi&n hr a light slap on th wrist to rmind hr of hr dutis to m$ but
that)s all! Nothing mor!D
More li#e a fist in the face than a slap on the wrist$ 3 thought$ turning to th
silnt woman! CSharnEH
CThat)s right$ Bffi#r Tss! Just lik .d said$D sh #onfirmd softly$ wat#hing
him with wary ys!
C>t m s you proprly!D
*r ys still fixd on .d$ sh unwillingly stppd out from bhind him into
th &randa light!
C3s that bruising around your right yED
CN%no$ Bffi#r Tss!H
C"s it is$ you stupid #ow$D hissd .d impatintly$ prodding hr ungntly with
his lbow! CDon)t you rmmbrE Bn of th kids opnd th bathroom door
suddnly and th doorknob hit you in th fa#!D
CThat)s right! 3 forgot! Thanks .d!D Sh lookd up at him again$ #larly afraid!
C:hi#h kidED 3 askd$ glan#ing from on to th othr$ not bli&ing a word 3
was haring!
CIyl$D Sharn said!
Simultanously$ .d said$ CTagan!H
C3 mant Tagan$D Sharn #orr#td instantly$ flustrd! C3 meant Tagan!
Silly$ stupid m, 3 #an)t gt anything right ths days!D Sh smild wakly at m$
not ;uit mting my ys! CE&rything hr)s fin$ Bffi#r Tss! Now if you don)t
mind$ 3)d lik to do what .d told m to and go to bd! 3t)s &ry lat and 3 ha& to
gt up for th kids in th morning!D
Sh hurridly dartd ba#k insid$ la&ing .d smiling at m$ slyly triumphant!
C3 don)t want to har of any mor disturban#s hr tonight$ undrstandE 'nd
that in#luds th musi#$D 3 warnd him and rlu#tantly hadd ba#k to th patrol #ar!
3 hatd la&ing Sharn with him b#aus h would probably rough hr up again
th s#ond 3 lft! 1ut thr was nothing 3 #ould do if sh rfusd to #omplain about
him! 'nd sh was inxpli#ably loyal to him$ dspit &rything h did to hr$ so 3
had no ral hop that sh would &r #omplain! Esp#ially to m!
C1y for now$ lo&ly!D .d stood on th &randa and wat#hd m gt into th
patrol #ar$ kissing th air in my dir#tion and grabbing his #rot#h again whn 3
lookd up at him$ an arrogant smirk #rasing his faturs!
3 muttrd to myslf about him 3 swit#hd on th ignition and nosd away from
th #urb!
1ut as 3 did$ musi# blard out at ar%shattring &olum from his hous again! 3
(rkd th string whl and pulld th patrol #ar ba#k to th #urb$ swit#hing on its
rooftop flashing rd and blu lights to warn him that my patin# was waring wafr
thin! 3 hadn)t bn (oking whn 3)d said 3 was busy tonight! 3 waitd for a minut!
*is silhoutt filld th front window$ #h#king that 3)d noti#d his dfian#$ and
whn h saw 3 had$ th musi# abruptly stoppd on# mor! .d was only dli&ring
his usual Cfu#k youD in farwll$ but bing on parol h #ouldn)t afford to pro&ok
m too far! 3 waitd for anothr minut of blissful siln# to mak sur that h)d
bha& himslf$ wat#hing as th lights in his hous wr xtinguishd on by on$
bfor dri&ing off again!
3 hadn)t &n drawn a brath though whn 3 r#i&d a phon #all from 'b
Stormly$ ownr of th town)s only pub$ Th 2lying 0igs! * wantd to know whn
3 was rturning$ b#aus Cw ha& a situation with DsD! 2i& minuts latr$ ba#k at
th pub$ 3 was #onfrontd with an unplasant sp#ta#l!
CDs$ for th last tim$D 3 said patintly$ Cif you want m to gi& you a lift
hom$ you ha& to put som #loths on!D 3 pausd a bat$ looking him up and down!
C't last put your pants ba#k on! 3 #an)t ha& you bar%arsd in th patrol #ar! 3t)s
Ds swayd in front of m trying to fo#us$ thn without a word opnd his
mouth and pro(#td a stram of &omit that landd lik a homing missil right on
my boots!
C'w shit$D 3 #omplaind mildly$ glan#ing down at th mss! C3 (ust #land
thos this morning!D
CSorry Tssi$ lo&! "ou s$ it)s lik this ! ! !D h slurrd$ indx fingr up to
mak his point! Thn h slowly dissol&d in front of m until h was lying #ollapsd
in an unattra#ti& nakd hap on th sti#ky #arpt!
3 rubbd th ba#k of my n#k with tirdnss and xhald ha&ily whil 3
thought! 3 nudgd him with my soild boot a fw tims! * didn)t mo&! 3 didn)t
want to pi#k him up! * was starkrs for on thing and not a lightwight anymor$
for anothr! Thr wr parts of my (ob 3 rally hatd somtims A usually thy
in&ol&d th 1y#rafts$ but tonight was an x#ption!
CDos anyon know whr Ds)s #loths arED 3 shoutd out at th happy%drunk
#rowd milling around m$ bnding down to gi& my boots a prfun#tory wip with
som papr napkins 3 pin#hd off th narst tabl! ' fw of th #rowd pointd
hlpfully o&r at a far #ornr of th room! Bthrs pointd to th opposit far #ornr!
3 liftd my ys to th #iling in silnt suppli#ation$ sighd again and hadd
towards th first #ornr!
C'nyon sn 8aurnED 3 shoutd again$ o&r my shouldr! Didn)t mattr who
3 dir#td my ;ustion toF thr wr usually half%a%do9n popl willing to listn
and hlp m! Thr was always somon to look out for you in this n#k of th
woods! 8y mothr usd to #all th townsfolk insuffrabl sti#ky%baks! Sh n&r
got usd to #ountry lif! Br so Dad told m!
C8aurn took off about an hour ago$D boomd 'b from th bar whr h was
prf#ting th had on a frsh pint! * was probably th only othr sobr prson in
th room bsids m! CSh wnt hom! Said sh)d had nough of it!D
3 turnd to throw him a gratful glan#! 3 was with 8aurn A 3)d had nough of
it too$ sp#ially at this tim of th night! * winkd at m in sympathy$ but didn)t
&oluntr to hlp m wrstl Ds into his #loths! Thr was a limit to #iti9n
#oopration 3 had found$ sp#ially whn it in&ol&d drunkn nakd mn!
3 &ntually tra#kd down Ds) #loths to whr h had #arlssly dis#ardd
thm in th pub)s fun#tion room! 3 smild for th first tim that &ning as 3 pi#kd
thm up! 3 must ha& missd a doo9y of a sp#h from him! * had bn a la9y #op
and a nglignt boss$ litrally #ounting down th days to his rtirmnt$ #rossing
thm off in rd markr on his wall #alndar a#h day! 3)d don most of th #rim
fighting in th #oupl of yars 3)d bn ba#k in town$ and whil in his fa&our h)d
gi&n m a lot of frdom$ h)d also takn most of th #rdit for any su##sss$
la&ing m to war th blam for any failurs!
3t was hard to b angry with him though b#aus h had kissd th 1larny
Ston whn h was born for sur$ and 3 r#kon h)d b abl to talk undrwatr
burid in a #mnt #offin$ gaggd and following a laryng#tomy! 3)d barly got a
word in th whol tim w)d workd togthr! * had th gift of th gab$ was a ral
#harmr and his sp#h would ha& bn a work of art! :ll$ it should ha& bn
b#aus h)d labourd o&r it &ry day for th last six months instad of doing any
ral work!
3 wish 3)d bn at th pub to har it$ but 3)d bn at old 8iss /r&ill)s hous$
half%hartdly sar#hing hr dark o&rgrown gardn by tor#hlight for th third
pping tom sh)d rportd that fortnight! Sh)d #lut#hd my hand gratfully$ if a
littl shakily$ whn 3)d assurd hr that thr was nobody thr! 3 hadn)t wantd to
rmind hr that if thr was &n th rmotst #han# of a man pking on ladis in
our small town$ h)d b hading straight for th nudist #ommunity whi#h was only a
#oupl of kilomtrs away!
2ailing that$ h had th option of waiting around until ight on a Sunday night
whn$ as rgular as #lo#kwork$ th town)s good%tim girl$ 2oxy Dubois$ ga& an
impromptu fr striptas prforman# in hr loung room aftr spnding th
aftrnoon drinking at 'b)s pub! Thr was always a #rowd at her window on
Sunday nights! 1ut what a pping tom patntly wouldn)t b doing in >ittl Town
how&r$ was wasting his tim spying on 8iss /r&ill$ a ninty%thr yar old
spinstr who had #onfssd to m with brathlss #onfidntiality that sh always
bathd with hr undrwar on$ C(ust in #asD!
Bf #ours 3 had wantd to attnd Ds) rtirmnt bash! *)d bn my boss$ aftr
all$ and 3)d known him for th whol twnty yars h)d li&d hr! 1ut w wr a
two%#op town and whn on #op is th gust of honour at his own party$ th othr
on hasn)t got mu#h #hoi# but to b on duty$ &n if sh)d bn on duty &ry day
for th last month whil hr boss was busy organising th big &nt! Th &ning
hadn)t bn too onrous though 3 had to admit$ with most of th townsfolk$ with th
x#ption of th 1y#rafts$ gathrd at th pub for Ds) snd%off! 8u#h of my
a#ti&ity tonight had bn #onfind to frrying drunk popl ba#k hom!
3 didn)t normally run a blu light taxi with th town)s only patrol #ar$ but it was
a sp#ial o##asion and 3 didn)t want to mak myslf unpopular by booking popl
for bing publi# nuisan#s or for dri&ing undr th influn#! Esp#ially aftr 3)d
spnt th morning manning th radar gun on th highway approa#hing town from
th south! That was whr th long mountainous #limb finally l&lld out and
popl lt thir spd rip (ust as thy #am to a sixty 9on! ' lot of intrstat
dri&rs$ as wll as a fw lo#als$ would r#i& an unwl#om pnalty noti# for
spding in th mail soon! Th lo#als should ha& known bttr though! Thr was
always th #han# that 3)d b lurking bhind that thi#kt of o&rgrown olandrs on
th sid of th road (ust past th G:l#om to 8ount 1ig Town) sign$ b#aus that)s
whr 3 always pr#hd doing radar duty on that sid of town! So 3 spard no
sympathy for thos townsfolk who 3)d #lo#kd o&r th spd limit today$ but
tonight 3 #on&nintly lookd th othr way and lnt a hlping hand whr 3 #ould!
3 had warnd Ds about running an opn bar until midnight at Th 2lying 0igs$
and as usual h)d listnd #ourtously to my ad&i# and thn pattd m on th had
as if 3 was his mu#h%lo&d goldn >abrador$ 8r Sparkls! 1ut soon aftr our #hat h
had lft th station with his mobil phon #lampd to his ar$ loudly arranging for
'b to ha& br$ win and spirits gnrously on tap until th strok of twl& for
all his gusts and aftr that th Cfu#king frloadrsD #ould pay for thir own$ h
laughd uproariously into th phon! 3 didn)t gt mad at him for bing so
patronising though$ b#aus whn 3 thought about it 3)d rathr that h tratd m
lik 8r Sparkls than lik his long%suffring and mu#h%ignord wif$ 8aurn! 't
last Ds pretended to listn to m! 'nd thr was th pat on th had$ aftr all! Th
rumour around town was that h hadn)t tou#hd 8aurn for fiftn yars!
1ut right now 3 had a drunk$ un#ons#ious and nakd formr boss on my hands!
:ith a grat dal of disagrabl +and hopfully forgttabl- ffort$ 3 managd at
last to gt Ds pantd up$ #ommando%styl admittdly$ but as long as his bar butt
wasn)t tou#hing any of my patrol #ar sats$ 3 was satisfid! :ith th hlp of som of
th mor sobr gusts$ 3 walkd Ds to th #ar$ manhandld him into th ba#ksat
and s#urd him! * lur#hd immdiatly to th sid$ hld only in pla# with th
satblt! 3 rally hopd h wasn)t going to throw up again!
3 dro& off slowly$ but bfor 3 #ould drop off Ds$ 3 had to dli&r a fw of th
othr gusts who had opportunisti#ally (umpd in for a fr rid aftr hlping m gt
Ds to th #ar! Som of thm li&d a fair way out of town$ on th small%holding
farms that formd th bulk of >ittl Town)s outlying population! 3 was bing takn
ad&antag of 3 ralisd$ but as 3 said bfor$ it was a sp#ial o##asion so 3 didn)t
ki#k up too mu#h of a stink about it! 3 turnd onto th Coastal .ang *ighway and
hadd out of town!
:hn 3 finally rturnd to town and ra#hd th hous whr Ds and 8aurn
li&d$ nighbouring th town)s poli# station$ it was in total darknss! 3 prsumd
that mant 8aurn was in a ma(or snit with him! Bn th do9ns of tims 3)d
s#ortd Ds hom aftr a night out with th boys$ sh had usually lft th &randa
light on for him at last! *)d probably forgottn to mntion hr in his sp#h
tonight$ was my guss! 3 was willing to bt that 8r Sparkls had r#i&d a numbr
of lo&ing rfrn#s though!
Spaking of Ds) adord and spoild pt$ 8r Sparkls lt out on irritatd bark
at bing wokn up and waddld down th front stairs o&r to m$ sniffing at my
#rot#h in his usual disrsp#tful mannr!
CStop doing that$D 3 ob(#td$ pushing him away! C"ou know it)s m$ Sparkls!D
* lookd up at m with his gorgous brown ys$ #o#kd a lg and pissd on
th ba#k tyr of th patrol #ar! 3t was a dlibrat a#t! * knw it was my (ob to
wash th #ar!
3 lt out an impatint sigh! CNo nd to b lik that! 3)& told you a million tims
that 3 (ust don)t lik you sniffing m thr! 3t)s nothing prsonal A 3)d say th sam
to any dog!D
* shot m a #ontmptuous look and thn pissd on th front tyr as wll! Th
dog sur knw how to mak a statmnt! * sniffd at Ds$ flin#hing in disgust at
th al#ohol &apours #oming off him$ bfor waddling ba#k up th stairs to his #omfy
bd on th wid front &randa!
:ith no hlprs$ and only 8r Sparkls as my la9ily amusd audin#$ 3
prformd an awkward dan# with Ds trying to gt him up th stairs and into bd!
: staggrd on way$ haltd$ ttring on th dg of tumbling o&r togthr$ thn
rightd oursl&s and staggrd th othr way! * was a wighty man and was &ry
drunk and it was th longst twnty mtrs 3)& &r tra&rsd!
8aurn had lo#kd th front door in hr tmpr$ but lu#kily 3 knw whr th
spar ky was kpt! So did th rst of th town! ' larg grn #rami# frog with a
#omi#ally wid mouth and th words Gspar ky hr) ngra&d on its #hst$
probably wasn)t th smartst pla# for anyon$ lt alon a #op$ to hid thir xtra
hous ky! 3 rtri&d th ky from th frog)s mouth and insrtd it into th kyhol$
opnd th door and w staggrd togthr towards his bdroom$ kno#king o&r at
last four of 8aurn)s ta#ky #hina kni#k%kna#ks as w did! Thy filld th hous to
#apa#ity$ pr#hd pr#ariously on &ry hori9ontal &antag point! Thir hous was a
nightmar for anyon who likd to gstur wildly as thy spok!
3 &ntually managd to manou&r Ds onto his marital bd$ ltting go of him
gratfully as h fll ha&ily onto th mattrss!
CThank /od$D 3 muttrd to myslf as 3 strt#hd my agonisd mus#ls!
CDon)t you dar tak our >ord)s nam in &ain$ Trsa 2ullr,D snappd an angry
&oi# from th othr sid of th bd! 8aurn was &ry rligious and$ apparntly$
&ry awak!
CSorry 8aurn! 8y dpst apologis$D 3 said insin#rly$ strt#hing again!
-esus. 3 thought rotating my shouldrs! 3t was going to tak m an ag to r#o&r
from this!
CDid you kno#k o&r any of my trasursE 3 hard a lot of strang noiss as you
#am in$D sh askd suspi#iously!
CNo 8aurn$D 3 lid! Thy wr mo&ing out o&r th wknd to th #ity to b
#losr to thir #hildrn and grand#hildrn in thir rtirmnt$ so 3 figurd 3 #ould b
loos with th truth with hr! 1sids$ sh)d ob&iously forgottn th bit in th 1ibl
about looking aftr your own damn husband!
3 mad a hasty rtrat and #losd and lo#kd thir front door$ rpla#ing th spar
ky in th frog)s mouth! 3 #ould alrady har Ds snoring from out on th &randa!
8aurn was in for a noisy night by th sound of it! 8r Sparkls ga& a half%hartd
bark and mad mo&s as if h was gtting up to sniff m intimatly again!
CDon)t &n think about it Sparkls$ you pr&rt$D 3 warnd! * sttld ba#k on
his bd again and glard at m with undisguisd hostility as 3 mad my way down
th stairs! 3 yawnd hugly$ strt#hd again and opnd th #ar door to an
inds#ribably obnoxious smll! 3 lt my nos guid my way to th ba#k sat!
CBh no$D 3 moand ;uitly in disgust b#aus th r&olting odour was #oming
from a larg stain on th sat whr Ds had bn sitting! 3 didn)t want to
in&stigat any furthr that &ning$ but wound down &ry window as 3 dro& ba#k
to th pub$ trying not to ha&! 3t would r;uir som intnsi& #ar #laning th nxt
morning$ but not tonight A 3 was way too tird!
8ost of th gusts had gon by th tim 3 rturnd to Th 2lying 0igs! 'b)s
stp%sistr$ a prtty sixtn%yar%old$ was #oll#ting mpty glasss and wiping down
C*y .omi$D 3 #alld to hr as 3 hadd o&r to talk to 'b!
C*y Tssi$D sh rplid aff#tionatly$ flashing m hr d&astating smil! Sh
was a smart$ lo&ly girl and a ral hartbrakr$ with big sky blu ys and light
blond hair! Sh had li&d with 'b for th last tn yars sin# thir fathr$ 'bl$
and his s#ond wif +.omi)s mothr-$ wr killd in a had%on a##idnt with a smi%
trailr as thy dro& to th #ity to spnd a wknd away for thir wdding
anni&rsary! *r dram was to had off to th #ity hrslf in a fw yars to study
law at uni&rsity and 3 knw that 'b would miss hr a lot! So would th tnag
boys in town$ although non of thm had &r had a #han# with hr b#aus 'b
wat#hd o&r hr lik a hawk! 'nd you wouldn)t willingly tangl with him! * was
six ft of hard mus#l from all th ha&y lifting h did in his (ob$ with a sha&d
had$ motional dark ys$ dp growly &oi#$ #raggy faturs and had a rputation
as a hard fightr! "ou #ouldn)t run a #ountry pub without bing abl to sort out
drunk$ aggrssi& patrons whn you ndd to! * was a good man to ha& on your
* was busy at th bar rsto#king bottls in th fridgs and rpla#ing glasss
frshly #land from th dishwashr rady for th nxt day$ whn h finally noti#d
CTrsa$ you)r ba#k$D h smild warmly!
C3 am$ 'braham!D 3 land on th bar$ not bothring to hid my hug yawn!
: wr old frinds and had gon to s#hool togthr! *)d bn my first
boyfrind but had dumpd m towards th nd of l&nth grad whn h)d bn
sdu#d by Carol Smyth! Sh was in th yar abo& m at s#hool$ th sam yar as
'b$ and had d#idd that his wll%mus#ld physi;u was &ry mu#h to hr liking! 3
still hatd hr for that! Thy)d had a hot and ha&y roman# o&r th summr and
thn sh)d brokn 'b)s hart in turn whn sh had lft for Sydny$ bragging to all
of us that bfor long sh)d b a top modl and w)d s hr fa# on th #o&r of all
th maga9ins! Non of us had &r hard a word about hr sin#$ though 3 bli&
hr parnts r#i&d a phon #all from hr now and thn!
'b had mo&d on from hr$ but h had stayd in town and whn his fathr was
killd in that trribl a##idnt$ had takn o&r his pub and also takn up
guardianship of his littl stp%sistr! 3t was a lot of rsponsibility for an ightn%
yar%old to bar$ but 'b had always bn a pragmati# kind of guy and didn)t wast
any nrgy in bmoaning his fat in lif!
That sam yar h had mt his wif$ 8ar#ll$ as sh ba#kpa#kd through town
from hr own littl &illag in 2ran#$ ntran#d by our narby tra#hrous mountain
and its bautiful lak! Thy knw thy wr mad for a#h othr th s#ond thir
ys mt a#ross th bar whn sh)d pr#hd on a bar stool in front of him$ fli#king
hr shiny bla#k hair bhind hr shouldrs and showing off hr long tannd lgs!
Sh)d tasingly askd him for a 0rnod in hr sxy a##ntd English$ not sriously
xp#ting a #ountry pub to ha& any! *)d swallowd hard and rolld his tongu
ba#k up into his had$ but was abl to produ# it with a flourish and a d&astating
smil$ #hkily tlling hr h)d bn waiting for&r for somon to ask for on!
'b lo&d forign spirits and w had our fair shar of intrnational tourists in town
throughout th yar$ so h took a risk and sto#kd up! 'ny that didn)t sll wr
n(oyd by him and m whn 3 (oind him for rgular dinnrs in his flat on th
uppr floor of th pub! :)d tra&lld around th world togthr through xoti#
8ar#ll had bn #harmd and thy ndd up spnding th night togthr! Sh
stayd in town and soon aftr that first mting 'b and 8ar#ll had d#idd to
marry$ both still (ust ightn at th tim! Thy marrid out nar th lak in a small
but tou#hing #rmony$ with m as thir bridsmaid and on of 'b)s s#hool mats
as th bst man! Thy had #alld thir only #hild 'ntointt$ a lo&ly 2rn#h nam$
but it had in&itably bn shortnd to Toni by &ryon in town sin# sh was
born! Sh was now tn and at this tim of th night was fast aslp upstairs in 'b)s
8ar#ll had slippd into lif as a #ountry publi#an)s wif with rmarkabl as
and thir marriag had bn truly happy and fulfilling! 1ut tragi#ally sh had did
thr yars ago in #ir#umstan#s that wr wrn#hingly hartbraking for both 'b
and m! 3)d lo&d hr lik a sistr and missd hr &ry day! 3 also flt an in#rdibl
wight of guilt about hr dath that 3 would n&r b abl to shak off! 3)m no
strangr to anguish$ bli& m$ but hr dath absolutly rippd m apart! To my
stunnd disblif$ lif had gon on aftrwards$ and w)d all had to pi#k up th
pi#s of our shattrd li&s and #arry on! 8onths latr$ 3)d flt disloyal and
hartlss th first tim 3)d smild again aftr hr funral! 3 oftn wondrd if 'b
had flt th sam way$ but 8ar#ll)s murdr was a topi# that w n&r broa#hd! 3t
was still too raw for both of us$ &n aftr this passag of tim!
C'ny mor troubl or #an 3 had off homED 3 askd him$ barly supprssing yt
anothr yawn!
C3t)s all good! /o hom$ swtnss! "ou look tird$D h said!
C3 sur am$D 3 admittd! C3t)s bn a long day! Do you want m to #h#k on Toni
bfor 3 goED
C.omi #h#kd on hr fi& minuts ago! Bff hom with you$ Tssi! "our bd)s
waiting for you!D *is smil was poignant as h said that!
* hadn)t datd mu#h sin# 8ar#ll)s dath and part of th rason for that was
b#aus my arri&al ba#k in town a #oupl of yars ago had rkindld his amorous
flings for m! * dfinitly wouldn)t kno#k ba#k an in&itation to (oin m in my
bd$ but h wasn)t going to gt on! *)d had his #han# with m in high s#hool and
3 hadn)t forgottn th misrabl tars 3)d ;uitly spilld into my pillow &ry night
for thr months aftr h dumpd m so #rully! 8ayb 3 would ha& got o&r him
fastr if 3 didn)t ha& to #at#h th sam bus as him and Carol Smyth to and from
s#hool &ry day$ prtnding 3 didn)t #ar whil thy nthusiasti#ally tastd a#h
othr)s tonsils in th ba#ksat! So for now$ 3 was #ontnt to kp him as a frind
only$ &n though 3)d b th first to say that 3 #ard a grat dal for him!
3 mad on last #h#k around th pub$ roundd up a #oupl of stragglrs and
dro& thm hom$ ignoring thir ungratful #omplaints about th smll in th #ar!
That don$ 3 finally$ happily$ dro& south out of town to my own hom! 3 kpt th
patrol #ar with m at hom and was rsponsibl for dtailing it &ry wk!
Bffi#ially$ it should ha& stayd with th snior offi#r at th poli# station$ but w
wr a bit sla#k about proto#ol around hr$ and Ds had mad it abundantly #lar
that h had mor important things to do with his tim than wash #ars! 3)d n&r
workd out what thos important things wr$ but thy smd to r;uir an
inordinat amount of tim spnt at th pub!
3 lft th windows down in th patrol #ar aftr 3 parkd in my front yard! 3)d
worry about that awful stain in th morning$ but hopfully th frsh air would mo&
th odour on during th night! 3 was tird! 3)d bn on duty sin# ight on 2riday
morning and now it was thr in th morning on Saturday! That was a long shift for
3 ki#kd off my disgusting boots at th wl#om mat$ #arfully and ;uitly
opnd th front door and tiptod down th hall towards th bathroom!
CTssi lo&ED a &oi# #alld from th front%fa#ing loung room! 3 dtourd to
th lft immdiatly!
CDad$D 3 rmonstratd$ going o&r to kiss him on th forhad! C:hat ar you
doing up so latE 3 told you 3 wasn)t going to b hom for ags tonight!D
C3 #ouldn)t slp$D h said and #lut#hd my hand! * was now whl#hair%
bound and was th whol rason 3)d #hu#kd in my promising #ity #op #arr to
rturn hom! 3 was lu#ky that th (unior offi#r &a#an#y had #om up in town at that
tim and was gratful &ry day for th #han# to b hr with him$ hlping him
whn h lt m$ arning th both of us som mony to gt by! 3t was th main
rason 3 put up with so mu#h from #rtain popl in town!
CDid th party go wllED *)d bn in&itd but hadn)t flt up to going!
CDs took all his #loths off and thrw up on my boots$D 3 told him$ flopping
down on our saggy old loung and pulling my hair from its tight bun! C3 think h lft
m a Gprsnt) in th ba#k sat of th #ar too$ but 3)m too kna#krd to #ar about
that right now!D
* laughd! C8ust ha& bn a hll of a party! *ow was his sp#hED
CCan you bli& that 3 missd itE 8iss / #alld m out again!D
C'nothr pprED
CSh only wishs$D 3 smild tirdly! * smild too$ but thr wr lins of pain
and warinss in his fa#! 3 stood up! CCom on$ lt)s gt you off to bd$D 3 insistd!
* only stayd up b#aus h worrid about m$ &n in this ;uit mountain town
whr w)d both bn born! 1ut h had good rason to worry$ not that w &r
spok about it mu#h!
Dad had bn a sasonal mixd farmr in his prim$ dli&ring ;uality produ#
to th narby farmrsJ markts and to th 1ig Town rstaurants! * had pra#tisd
organi# farming$ had bn mti#ulous with his soil impro&mnt and his planting$
frtilising$ #ulti&ating and har&sting$ but had to gi& it away whn h)d bn
diagnosd with a rar form of fatal lymphati# #an#r o&r two yars ago! 3)d bn
on th brink of braking it big in th #ity whn 3)d hard th awful nws$ but
droppd &rything to #om ba#k to th small town 3 #ouldn)t wait to s#ap from
to look aftr him! * was th world to m! Nothing ls mattrd! Nobody mattrd
mor! * was my only family!
* wa&d away my hlp as usual$ bing a proud and indpndnt man$ and
whld himslf off to bd in our modifid hous! 3 spnt a fw momnts in th
bathroom$ splashing my fa#$ running a #omb through my long$ straight dark%blond
hair and brushing and flossing my tth! 0ring in th mirror$ 3 frownd whn 3
noti#d th purpl smudgs of tirdnss undr my dark gray ys! 3 was in dsprat
nd of a solid ight hours slp! :arily$ 3 #hangd into th longish 0owrpuff
/irls t%shirt that 3 wor as a nighti! .omi had gi&n it to m for Christmas last yar
as a (ok b#aus 3 was always banging on about girl powr to hr! Thn 3 strappd
onto my right thigh th lathr shath holding th &i#iously sharp hunting knif that
3 #arrid with m &rywhr whn 3 didn)t ha& my gun on m!
3 prfrrd to b armd at all tims!
3 was on%#all day and night$ whi#h was part of th trad%off for th supposdly
;uit #ountry lif$ so 3 hung a frsh uniform #los by$ s#urd my /lo#k and utility
blt within asy ra#h$ lft my phon in its #hargr on a loud rington$ st out a
#lan pair of boots and so#ks and fll into bd$ groaning with happinss as my had
hit th pillow! 3 soon fll into a dp slp$ uttrly xhaustd!
' stalthy nois wok m lss than an hour latr! 3 sprung upright in bd on full
alrt$ my ars straining into th darknss$ holding my brath!
3 hard it again A a soft #run#hing sound from th front of th hous$ drifting
through my opn bdroom window! Somon was approa#hing up th gra&l
dri&way! Thy wr trying to b ;uit$ but 3 was finly tund to th hous)s myriad
noiss$ as you would xp#t ha&ing li&d in it most of my lif! 3t #ould (ust b
Dnny 1y#raft spying on m as usual$ 3 rationalisd to myslf! Br it #ould b .d
1y#raft$ brooding o&r our arlir n#ountr and d#iding that h wasn)t finishd
with m for th night! 3t wouldn)t b th first tim that had happnd! 'll things
#onsidrd$ 3)d mu#h rathr it was Dnny!
3 pattd my knif and slid out of bd$ slipping my poli# utility blt around my
hips as wll! 3 didn)t bothr wasting tim #hanging out of my nighti or to don
shos! 3 mo&d silntly$ not wanting to wak Dad! * had probably takn a slping
tablt$ as h did most nights now$ but somtims thy didn)t work! * didn)t gt a
lot of slp anymor so 3 was &ry prot#ti& of th littl h had!
't my bdroom window 3 listnd intntly again! Nothing! :ho&r my
mystrious no#turnal intrudr was$ thy)d stoppd momntarily! ' minut latr$ th
footstps startd again$ lss pr#ptibl this tim as th intrudr lft th dri&way
and walkd a#ross our pat#hy lawn! Thy wr hading down th sid of th hous$
past th loung room towards my bdroom window!
CBh no$ you don)t$ sunshin$D 3 promisd undr my brath and tiptod out of my
room$ down th hall to th front door! Slowly 3 opnd it and stppd out onto th
front &randa!
' rfrshing o#an br9 had sprung up sin# 3)d rturnd hom and th
surrounding gum trs rustld gntly! ' smi%trailr hauling ptrol$ its lights bla9ing
in th darknss$ flw fastr than th spd limit along th Coastal .ang *ighway
that frontd my proprty$ bfor snaking its way through town! 3t lit up th yard
brilliantly for a fw s#onds and 3 #ould s that my intrudr had dfinitly lft th
front yard and had mo&d down th sid of th hous!
3 ran down th stairs lightly and #rpt to th #ornr$ not minding th #ool
dampnss of th dw on my bar ft! 3 prd #autiously around th sid of th
hous! ' silhoutt was in th distan#$ disapparing around th ba#k of th hous!
Damn, Thy wr mo&ing fastr than 3 had xp#td!
3 pi#kd my way #arfully down th sid$ using th bright moonlight to a&oid all
th rusty$ brokn farm ma#hinry and pils of timbr that Dad had dumpd thr
o&r th yars! Bn day 3)d gt around to hauling it away!
:hn 3 ra#hd th ba#k$ again 3 prd around th #ornr! 8y intrudr was
standing in th yard$ hands on his hips$ staring at th hous! 3 #ouldn)t s any of his
faturs as th moonlight was highlighting him from bhind$ but #ould tll it was a
man from his broad shouldrs and narrowr hips$ and his hight$ whi#h was
dfinitly o&r six ft! Thr was on thing 3 was positi& about though A h sur
wasn)t a 1y#raft!
So who th hll was hE
* mo&d towards th hous$ stalking up th ramp and tsting th ba#k door
handl! 2inding it lo#kd$ h turnd and hadd for th othr sid of th hous! That
instantly angrd m! :hat mad this #omplt strangr think h was ntitld to
loitr around my proprty in th middl of th night$ trying to brak inE 3f h was
som lout from 1ig Town thinking that my humbl hom smd a likly pla# to
burgl$ thn h #ould think again! %ed sure pic#ed the wrong woman to mess
around with tonight$ 3 thought$ nragd! 3 had a &ry low tolran# for trspassrs!
Silntly$ b#aus 3 was barfoot$ 3 rushd up bhind him and thrw myslf on
him in a fir# ta#kl$ my arms tight around his lowr body! * fll ha&ily$ his
arms flung out in wild pani#$ grunting whn h landd as my momntum for#d th
air from his lungs!
C:hat th ! ! !D h spluttrd as 3 straddld his lgs and drw out my hand#uffs!
C:ho th fu#k ar youE /t off m,D * struggld against m$ trying to bu#k m
off his ba#k!
C0oli#, Don)t mo&,D 3 instru#td in my loud #op &oi#!
C>ik hll you)r th poli#,D * groand as 3 grabbd his lft arm and twistd
it unkindly bhind his ba#k so 3 #ould #lap on th hand#uffs! * immdiatly flaild
his arm about to s#ap my hold! C3 know how #ops oprat and that)s not AD
CBh$ 3 bt you know how #ops oprat$D 3 intrruptd hatdly$ labouring to
maintain my grip on his arm! * was strong! C' #rp lik you who snaks around
popl)s houss at night is bound to #om into #onta#t with thm all th tim!D
* mo&d his right hand to ra#h around to his ba#k po#kt! C3 #an AD h startd
to say$ &n as h ar#hd his ba#k again in an attmpt to throw m off!
C3 said don)t mo&,D 2or all 3 knw$ h had a wapon in his po#kt! 8ayb &n
a gun! 3 pulld out my knif and ground his fa# into th dirt with my forarm
a#ross th ba#k of his n#k! *is rsulting moan was muffld by th soil! CIp
still,D 3 shoutd$ tou#hing th blad of my knif to his n#k! C3 ha& a knif at your
throat and you bttr bli& that 3 won)t think twi# bfor using it!D
C2or /od)s sak$D h mumbld into th arth$ ignoring my thrat and thrashing
his body around$ trying to fr his fa#! 3 had to ;ui#kly r%shath my knif$ not
wanting to a##idntly stab him or$ &n wors$ myslf! 3t was all 3 #ould do to stay
on top of him! * ra#hd for his ba#k po#kt again$ so 3 pushd his fa# furthr
into th ground$ &irtually lying on top of him in an attmpt to subdu him!
CStop mo&ing,D 3 ylld in his ar! 3t was impossibl to #uff him whil h was
struggling so mu#h!
C3 #an)t brath$D h gaspd$ trying to twist his fa# to th sid!
C3)m not falling for that on$ buddy!D
3 managd to #lamp on hand#uff around his lft wrist and &ainly ra#hd for
his right! *is body twistd$ #ur&d and bowd in a franti# last%dit#h ffort to
dislodg m from his ba#k! 3t workd!
C/t off m$D h snarld$ showing tth as h flung m off him! *is &oi#
soundd smothrd$ lik h did ha& a throat full of dirt!
* staggrd to his ft$ #oughing$ and mad a run for th sid of th hous!
C*y,D 3 shoutd and lapt from a #rou#hing position to grasp him around his
#al&s$ bringing him down again! 3 s#rabbld to mo& up his body$ strt#hing my
fingrs out to #lut#h at his arm!
* grabbd my shouldrs and flippd m on my ba#k$ looming o&r m in th
darknss! C'r you #ra9y or somthingE /i& m a #han# to AD
CEs#apE 3 don)t think so$ maty!D
3 #lut#hd his uppr arms and nda&ourd to roll him onto his stoma#h again
so 3 #ould finish hand#uffing him! 1ut h wasn)t intrstd in that plan and pinnd
m to th ground by my shouldrs! 3n a flash$ 3 raisd my kns to my #hst and
proplld him ba#kwards with my ft! Surprisd by my suddn mo&$ h tumbld$
losing his balan#! 3 sprang up and pushd him pron to th ground with my foot
btwn his shouldr blads$ his fa# ba#k in th dirt! 3 droppd to my kns onto
his ba#k$ #ausing him to yll in pain$ and ra#hd for his right arm$ yanking it
ungntly bhind$ fully #uffing him!
C8y ys, Thy)r full of dirt! 3 #an)t s,D h #alld out$ #oughing and
#hoking! C:atr, 2or /od)s sak$ gt m som watr,D
3 #limbd off him and hauld him to his ft! Stumbling togthr$ 3 for#d him
towards th hous$ roughly smushing his fa# up against its wathrboards! *
turnd his fa# to th sid and 3 saw that his ys wr straming$ grit%indu#d tars
flooding his #hks! 3 pattd him down ;ui#kly$ sar#hing for any #on#ald
wapons! * was #lan!
C:ho th hll ar you and what ar you doing #rping around my housED 3
ylld into his ar$ furious and pumping with adrnalin! C3)m arrsting you for
susp#td brak and ntr!D
* gaspd for oxygn$ #oughing som mor and sniffing loudly! *is nos was
running frly by now! Swallowing a pil of dirt #ouldn)t b #onsidrd a dignifid
xprin# for anyon!
C8y nam)s 2inn 8aguir! 3)m th nw offi#r%in%#harg at th poli# station$D
h was abl to spluttr aftr a fw furthr minuts of #hoking! CCh#k my wallt!
.ar right trousr po#kt!D Th po#kt h)d bn ra#hing for whn 3)d stoppd
him! CThn gt m som watr! 0las, 2or th lo& of /od!D
' ha&y knot of drad sttld in my stoma#h! 3 slid my hand into his po#kt and
pulld out his wallt$ flipping it opn! Knfortunatly$ h wasn)t lying! Th
unsmiling fa# of Srgant 2intan >iam 8aguir stard ba#k at m from both his
poli# idntifi#ation #ard and his dri&r)s li#n#! 3 stppd ba#kwards away from
him$ rlasing his arms$ appalld at this unpromising turn of &nts!
Bh dar!
3)d (ust trid to arrst my nw boss!
Cha#ter +
: didn)t spak for th nxt tn minuts! *urridly$ 3 un#uffd him and
marshalld him into my hous to th bathroom whr h stood at th &anity basin
splashing his ys librally$ with no rgard for th xpnsi& tailord shirt h was
waring! 3 wat#hd him silntly$ guiltily$ handing him a larg glass of #hilld watr
that h gulpd down without brathing!
* thrust th glass ba#k at m without looking my way$ busy splashing!
C8or$D h dmandd!
3 brought him anothr glass that h also draind in on gulp$ la&ing th mpty
glass on th #ountr! :hn h had washd all th dirt from his ys$ h gntly
pattd down his fa# with th #lan towl 3 handd him aftr anothr brus;u
dmand$ and trid to mop up his wt shirt as wll! *anging up th towl natly
aftrwards$ h finally turnd his sor$ rd%rimmd ys to m$ gi&ing m a slow
*is ys widnd as h took in my short nighti$ bar ft and tousld bd hair!
*is ys grw &n largr whn h noti#d th utility blt 3 still had slung around
my hips and th knif strappd to my thigh$ bfor rturning to my fa#$ #arfully
#onsidring my &ry fatur as if h ndd to mmoris m for a futur idntikit
pi#tur! 3 ndurd his s#rutiny with in#rasing dginss$ bginning to fidgt$ but
rmindd myslf that h had no ida who 3 was and a good #op always yballd a
suspi#ious strangr!
C3 thought #ountry popl wr supposd to b frindly$D h said finally$ in a
snid ton! * had a posh &oi#$ typi#al of th graduats of on of th #ity)s lit
pri&at s#hools!
C3)m sorry that 3 rstraind you$D 3 said sin#rly! C1ut 3 did warn you not to
mo&! ' numbr of tims!D 'nd that was as apologti# as 3 was going to gt! *
#ould tak it or la& it! * was th trspassr aftr all$ and as a #op himslf$ h
should ha& known bttr than to disrgard a poli# dir#ti&!
* rgardd m silntly for a momnt$ bfor frowning and pulling out a torn
s#rap of papr from his po#kt! C3 was looking for Snior Constabl 2ullr! 3 was
told h li&s at this addrss!D
C>ooking for him in my ba#kyard in th middl of th night$ wr youE Thought
h might b in my kit#hn$ did youED 3 askd tartly$ not #aring for his automati#
assumption that his nw work partnr was a man! /od only knows who h thought 3
was in that #as$ running around barfoot in th darknss with a gun and a knif$
ta#kling mn! Som kind of &igilant wild womanE
* had th gra# to rddn slightly! C3 was told that h)d gon hom not so long
ago$ so 3 was hoping to find a room with a light still on bfor 3 wok up th whol
3 put my hands on my hips and drw myslf up to my full hight$ a rsp#tabl
fi&%ight +and a ;uartr-$ noti#ing as 3 did that h was #onsidrably tallr A mayb
&n six%thr or six%four!
CIm Snior Constabl 2ullr$D 3 nlightnd him!
* stard at m som mor$ #onfusd$ thn frownd again! *)d b gi&ing
himslf wrinkls soon if h kpt that up! C3 was told 3 was looking for a Trn#
2ullr!D 'nd h hld out th s#rap of papr! ' nam and addrss was s#rawld on it
in 8aurn)s notoriously illgibl handwriting!
C3)m (eresa 2ullr! Tss for short$D 3 informd him$ with a littl lss a#id!
8aurn)s GTrsa) did look a lot lik GTrn#)!
CBh$D was all h managd to say! 3 hopd h wasn)t on of thos mn who ha&
a problm working with womn$ b#aus h smd at a loss for words at that nws$
still staring at m rudly! "ou would ha& thought that h)d larnt bttr mannrs at
that fan#y s#hool of his! 3 hadn)t at my humbl publi# s#hool though$ so 3 stard
* wasn)t parti#ularly good%looking$ but h had a #ommanding prsn#
nhan#d by his hight$ mus#ular body and imp##abl grooming! *is hair was
bla#k and #urling and his ybrows ;ually bla#k and ni#ly ar#hd! *is ylashs
wr long and lush and his ys a lo&ly but moody dark blu$ dpr than an
o#an! * had a patri#ian nos$ a shaply but srious mouth and a dtrmind (aw$
his #hin ha&ing on of thos #ut #lfts in th middl! 1ut o&rall$ his faturs
#ombind into a formidabl xprssion that was probably intimidating to a lot of
popl! * didn)t look as though h was going to b a lot of fun to work with! *
was lgantly drssd$ but now appard tird$ s#uffd and xtrmly pissd off!
C3 wasn)t xp#ting you until nxt wk$D 3 said$ wondring if 3 should offr to
shak his hand or whthr it was now too lat for su#h ni#tis! :hat on arth was
th propr ti;utt whn you)d (ust mistaknly ta#kld somonE Nana 2ullr had
n&r gi&n m any ad&i# about that sp#ifi# so#ial situation!
C3t sms thr was a mis#ommuni#ation somwhr! 3 was assurd that th
poli# hous would b rady for m to mo& into today!D
C1ut Ds and 8aurn ar still thr! Thy)r not mo&ing out until Sunday!D
CSo 3 was told by th &ry angry woman who flw out to atta#k m whn 3
opnd th door to th hous fiftn minuts ago! :hn 3 finally managd to #alm
hr down and #on&in# hr not to #all th poli# ! ! !D * stoppd! C:hi#h would b
you$ 3 prsumE Sh ndd up dir#ting m to your pla# anyway! So$ on way or
anothr w wr dstind to mt tonight$ Snior Constabl!D *is lips #omprssd
with displasur! C3 (ust didn)t xp#t it to b in su#h prsonally painful
3 rmaind ;uit! 3 had no intntion of apologising to him again!
C'nd 3 don)t know what pro#dur manual you wr working from tonight$D h
rprimandd$ Cbut it wasn)t th on that 3)m usd to! : don)t thratn susp#ts
with kni&s in th #ity!D
3 #ontinud to rgard him silntly! 3 had good rasons for bing so aggrssi&
with somon #rping around my hous at night$ but 3 wasn)t going to tll him on
our short a#;uaintan#!
Suddnly 3 ralisd that h was bon%wary and had probably dri&n from th
#ity straight aftr work that aftrnoon$ a good s&n hours dri&!
C"ou)r wl#om to stay hr until thy la&$D 3 offrd! * took a whil to
rspond$ gi&ing it som thought!
C3f you don)t mind$ 3)d appr#iat it$D h said rlu#tantly! CThr don)t sm to
b many a##ommodation options in this pla# and &rything is bookd out!D
CThr was a big party in town tonight$D 3 xplaind! C2or Ds$ who (ust rtird!
"ou)r his rpla#mnt!D
: both trid unsu##ssfully to supprss a yawn!
C2ollow m$D 3 said without any furthr #on&rsation! 3 (ust wantd to gt ba#k
into bd!
3 showd him to our spar bdroom that was dir#tly a#ross th hall from min!
3t wasn)t luxurious or modrn$ but it was #lan and mu#h mor #omfortabl than
slping in his #ar! *is ga9 wandrd around th room$ taking in th timbr
hardwood floorboards$ #ram%#olourd LJ walls$ sash windows$ high #iling and
ornat #orni#s! 3t was simply furnishd with a #ast%iron doubl bd #o&rd by a
whit broderie anglaise bdsprad$ two bdsid tabls with lamps$ a #ombind
drssr%wardrob$ a plain timbr #hair and a thradbar rug that had bn in th
family for yonks! :hil h brought in his luggag$ 3 stowd my /lo#k and blt
away again! :hn h was don$ 3 unwisly askd him if h was hungry! *
admittd that h was!
3 subdud my sigh! 3)d had a load of pra#ti# in patin# sin# 3)d rturnd
hom! 3 ld him to th kit#hn and usd th mi#rowa& to hat him up som of th
food 3)d lft for Dad that &ning! :hn 3 ralisd that Dad hadn)t &n tou#hd his
mal$ 3 dtrmindly swallowd my distrss at that unwl#om pi# of
information! * was ating lss and lss a#h wk! 3)d sp#ially mad his
fa&ourit lamb #assrol to tmpt him$ but instad 3 fd it to th strangr sitting at
my old$ battrd kit#hn tabl!
3 sat thr for a whil to kp him #ompany$ had proppd up on my hand$
dspit th fa#t that h didn)t spak a word to m$ busy forking up th food at
doubl rat! * must ha& bn star&ing! 3 think that my ys #losd and my had
droopd$ b#aus h suddnly spok sharply to m$ shaking my arm as my had
nudgd towards th tabl! 3 sat up$ instantly alrt$ blinking furiously!
C/o to bd$ Snior Constabl! "ou don)t ha& to wait up with m!D
CSorry Sarg$D 3 said$ yawning! C3)& had a long day! Don)t worry about th
plats! 3)ll wash thm up tomorrow morning!D 'nd 3 stumbld ba#k to my bd and
fll aslp as soon as my had hit th pillow! 3 didn)t stir until my alarm wnt off at
Knwillingly$ 3 for#d myslf out of bd$ whi#h 3 rally didn)t want to do$ but if 3
slpt in any longr it would s#rw up my biorhythms! Th hous was silnt and 3
gussd that both mn wr still aslp! 's 3 paddd to th fridg to pour myslf a
glass of (ui# 3 noti#d that th dishs th Sarg had usd last night had bn natly
washd and lft to drain!
Dad wasn)t somon to b alarmd by th suddn apparan# of a strangr$ so 3
d#idd not to wak him to tll him about our &isitor! 3 hit th road for my
#ustomary morning (og$ admiring th #ut midnight%blu sporty 18: now parkd
in our dri&way nxt to th patrol #ar as 3 walkd down th stairs! 8y nw boss
tra&lld in styl!
3 hadd off on my fa&ourit rout that took m past th s#rt biki rtrat and
nudist #ommunity to th ba#h #o& that was ra#hd by a st of stp stairs lading
down from th road! Th morning air was alrady warming up and 3 soon fll into a
ni# rhythm (ogging along th road$ wa&ing to th surprising numbr of popl up
and about at this tim on a Saturday morning! 3t was always rassuring to s popl
around whn 3 (oggd by myslf b#aus it mad m fl safr! 2or that sam
rason$ 3 n&r listnd to musi# whn 3 (oggd! 3 ngotiatd th stairs down to th
sand and ran on th ba#h for a #oupl of kilomtrs$ som of it in th soft sand
b#aus 3 lik to tortur myslf somtims$ bfor turning ba#k!
3 was in training for an ight kilomtr fun run that would b hld in th #ity in
lss than a month)s tim! 3 was part of a four%prson tam$ #omposd of all th
fmal #ops in th &i#inity 3 was abl to round up and for# to parti#ipat! Thr
was m$ slf%appointd tam #aptainF 2iona$ a &tran dt#ti& of thirty yars who
smokd two pa#kts a day and had a huskir &oi# than a phon%sx opratorF
Jnny$ a probationary #onstabl uniform who was o&r%kn to do anything to lift
hr profil with hr #ollagusF and Eli9a$ a snior #onstabl uniform$ who was
battling a wight problm aftr ha&ing hr third baby and thought doing a fun run
would b th moti&ation sh ndd to finally start shifting thos unwantd twnty
kilos! Th thr of thm workd togthr in 1ig Town$ a ninty minut dri& away
from m$ so w hadn)t had th #han# to train as a tam yt$ and to b honst$ 3
wasn)t #on&in#d that any of thm wr doing any training at all!
:)d agrd to #all our tam G1abs in 1lu) and plannd on waring dark blu
shorts$ light blu t%shirts and a dark blu #ap as a homag to our poli# uniform!
Jnny had wantd to #all us GTh 2ast 2u99)$ but 2iona immdiatly &tod that
ida$ #omplaining that it mad us sound lik twnty%dollar hookrs offring ;ui#kis
in a dirty ally! Sh was prtty big on girl powr hrslf!
3 didn)t hold any hops for us stting a r#ord tim in th run$ or &n finishing
as a tam$ but it was a fun run 3 parti#ipatd in &ry yar in mmory of 8ar#ll$
and 3 was hoping to do a prsonal bst! .omi was going to run with us as wll$ but
as an indi&idual (unior #omptitor$ not as part of our tam! Sh oftn (oind m for
my arly morning (og$ but had ob&iously d#idd to ha& a slp%in this morning
aftr hr lat night working in th pub for 'b!
1a#k hom$ 3 #limbd th front stairs$ fa# flushd$ swating up a storm$ lgs
burning with ffort$ only to mt th Sarg at th top! * was drssd with #asual
styl in dsignr (ans and an xpnsi& t%shirt$ and didn)t appar plasd to s m
at all$ (udging by his unhappy xprssion! 3 mo&d past him$ gi&ing him a ;ui#k nod
in grting and did a fw strt#hs on th &randa to warm down and rli& th
tightnss of my mus#ls!
C"ou lft th patrol #ar unlo#kd and its windows down all night$D h a##usd!
/ood morning to you too$ 3 thought$ but said #almly$ C3 know! 1ut thr)s a
rason for that! 3 wouldn)t do it normally!D
C3t #ould ha& bn stoln! 3t #ould ha& bn takn on a (oyrid!D
3 stoppd in th middl of a #alf strt#h and lookd at him! CSarg$ 3 know &ry
young prson in this town! 3f th #ar had gon missing$ it would ha& takn lss than
an hour to find out who was rsponsibl$D 3 argud rasonably! CSomon would
ring m th s#ond thy saw thm dri&ing th #ar!D
3t rality it would probably tak &n lss than fi& minuts$ my thoughts
straight away honing in on Chad 1y#raft$ a notorious (oyridr! "ou n&r lft your
#ar unlo#kd whn you &isitd th 1y#raft family! To do so only rsultd in an
in#on&nint trip out to th mountain lak$ >ak 1ig$ to rtri& your &hi#l from
its publi# #arpark whr it had bn abandond! Not to mntion th bill for
rmo&ing th stains lft bhind on th sats from th marathon drinking and sx
sssions Chad had hld in it whil h had th #han#! 3)d larnd all that from bittr
prsonal xprin# in my first wk ba#k in town! :hn 3)d lft town to go to
uni&rsity$ Chad hadn)t bn old nough to dri&! * still wasn)t whn 3 rturnd$
but had ob&iously pi#kd up som skills during thos yars!
Th whol 1y#raft family wr bad nws A in (ail$ on parol or hading towards
(ail at a fast #lip$ lik Chad! Thr was only on 1y#raft 3 had any tim for and that
was Jak$ oldr #ousin to Chad$ youngr brothr to .d! * workd as a prison
offi#r at th narby low s#urity prison and was a ral hony of a man A good%
looking$ asy%going$ lo&ing$ kind and rsp#tabl$ with a grat body! * was also
my boyfrind$ mu#h to th horrifid disblif of &rybody 3 knw! 3 tasd him
ndlssly that h must ha& bn swit#hd at birth b#aus h was so diffrnt to all
of his numrous brothrs$ sistrs$ #ousins$ aunts and un#ls! :hat th 1y#rafts lost
by bing disrputabl$ thy mad up for by bing ridi#ulously frtil! Th town was
o&rrun with 1y#rafts! : had a plagu of 1y#rafts in >ittl Town!
Ndlss to say$ b#aus of my #arr #hoi#$ 3 wasn)t wl#om in th 1y#raft
family as Jak)s girlfrind! That didn)t stop m from flaunting my rlationship with
him in front of thm now and thn though$ b#aus 3 got pr&rs n(oymnt out of
making thm all un#omfortabl! 'nd /od only knows that thy)d mad my lif a
nightmar o&r th yars!
C2ullr$ it)s not about if th #ar wnt missing$D th Sarg argud$ snapping m
out of my r&ri! C3t)s about pr&nting th #ar going missing in th first pla#!
"ou)& bn #arlss with go&rnmnt proprty!D
3 wantd to bit ba#k at him$ but rstraind myslf! CSorry Sarg$D 3 said mildly$
not maning it at all! 3 d#idd thn that 3 likd him bttr whn h wasn)t talking! 3
9ond out his furthr ranting$ bnding down to unstrap from my thigh th lathr
holstr whi#h shathd th knif that Dad had had mad sp#ially for m! 3 had
thr holstrs A two for wrapping around my thigh$ my fa&ourit and a spar$ and
on for slinging around my hips! :hi#h on 3 put on dpndd on what 3 was
waring that day! ' girl nds to ha& a #hoi# in hr slf%dfn# fashion!
* stoppd l#turing and wat#hd m in surpris! CDo you kp that knif with
you all th timED
C"s$ x#pt whn 3)m in uniform!D
C3s th town that dangrousED h askd$ s#pti#ism mixd with #uriosity!
C2or som popl it is$D 3 rplid #urtly and hadd towards th door!
*is xprssion rfl#td his #on#rn that h)d bn landd with a partnr who
was paranoid$ mayb &n #ra9y! 'nd last night)s s#apad wouldn)t b dissuading
him of ithr$ 3 figurd with rsignation! 3)& grown usd to popl (udging m
without knowing anything about my #ir#umstan#s though$ so 3 didn)t dwll on it
for too long! 'nd 3 rally #ouldn)t blam him for thinking that way$ b#aus on first
apparan#s >ittl Town did sm to b a pa#ful bu#oli# idal whr #hildrn
froli#kd in th strt and popl lft thir doors unlo#kd! 'nd it would ha& bn
as wll$ if it wasn)t for th 1y#raft family!
* stoppd m at th door as 3 was hading for th showr$ my knif dangling
from my hand! C'ftr brakfast$ 3 want you to tak m for a r#onnaissan# of th
town and gi& m a tour of th station$D h ordrd!
3 was about to ob(#t b#aus 3)d bn on duty for o&r thirty days straight and 3
ndd a day off$ but my #omplaint did a ;ui#k dath whn 3 saw his fa#! 3
swallowd my annoyan# and noddd in agrmnt! 3 would probably b ba#k
hom in half an hour$ 3 rasond to myslf$ trying to s th bright sid! ' tour of
th station would tak fi& minuts$ tops! 3t only had two rooms! Th town would
probably tak tn minuts$ all up! : lo#als didn)t #all this pla# G>ittl Town) for
3 s;u9d past him and ntrd th bathroom to showr$ drssing #asually
myslf aftrwards in dnim shorts and a sky%blu t%shirt$ la&ing my hair out long
and loos! 3 slippd my knif holstr ba#k around my thigh$ rgardlss of what th
Sarg thought! Dad was awak by thn and 3 introdu#d him to my nw boss and
lft th two mn to gt to know a#h othr whil 3 #ookd a hot brakfast for us all!
Dad offrd to #lan up aftrwards$ so 3 lt him! * likd to hlp out around th
hous as mu#h as possibl$ but was growing in#rasingly in#apabl of doing #rtain
things! :ashing up was still doabl for him sin# w)d had th dishwashr installd
last yar! 3t had #land out our bank a##ount$ but 3 thought it was worth it!
:hat&r Dad wantd$ 3 was dtrmind that Dad would ha&!
C>t)s had off now$ 2ullr$D th Sarg dmandd whn 3 finishd!
C:hy don)t you #all m TssED 3 suggstd$ looking up at him! C:)r going to
b working #losly togthr aftr all!D Ds had always #alld m Tss and 3)d
always #alld him Ds! >ittl Town was that kind of pla#! 3 was starting to miss
Ds and his rlaxd ways alrady$ whi#h surprisd m!
* blinkd down at m for a momnt$ not n#ouraging my attmpts at
frindlinss on littl bit! CCan w had off nowED
Thinking of th smlly stain on th ba#k sat$ 3 trid to dlay! CCan you gi& m
thirty minutsE 3 ha& to AD
C3 want to go now$D h insistd!
C1ut first 3 (ust nd to AD
C3 said now$ 2ullr!D * glard at m!
3 snat#hd up th kys to th patrol #ar and stormd out th front door! 3)d
larnd a fw things about my nw boss this morning A h didn)t lik to listn and
h wantd things don his way! :ll$ h ndd to larn that 3 likd things don my
way$ th right way$ (ust as mu#h!
3 thrw myslf into th dri&r)s sat and startd th patrol #ar! * sat in th
passngr sat and did up his satblt! :ith an &il glam in my hart$ 3 wound up
all th windows! 3 r&rsd spdily and spun th #ar around to had out of th gats
onto th highway! : dro& twnty mtrs down th road whn h spok up$ his
nos s#run#hd in disgust!
C:hat th fu#k is that smllED
CSomon had an a##idnt in th ba#k sat last night! 3 was going to #lan it up
this morning$ but 3 didn)t gt th #han#$D 3 xplaind$ rgarding him with inno#nt
CTurn around now$D h dmandd$ winding down his window! Smothring my
smil$ 3 prformd a spdy thr%point turn and dro& ba#k up to th hous$
s#r#hing to a stop nxt to his sports #ar! * (umpd out bfor 3)d &n stoppd
C>t m know whn you)r finishd$D h said$ slamming th door and stalking
off ba#k to th hous! 0ounding up th stairs$ h startld Dad who)d whld
himslf out to th &randa to s who had arri&d! 'nd 3 know it)s ptty and wrong$
but 3 hummd happily to myslf th whol tim 3 #land that r&olting stain off th
Twnty minuts latr$ w spd off again$ windows down$ th unplasant odour
rpla#d by th slightly lss unplasant odour of disinf#tant and fabri# dodorisr!
Th Sarg smd to b in a bad mood so 3 didn)t bothr #hatting to him as w
dro&! 3 was out of th habit of talking mu#h whil 3 workd anyway$ ithr bing
by myslf or not abl to #ompt against Ds) ndlss stram of #hattr on th rar
o##asions w had workd togthr!
: dro& th fi& kilomtrs north on th Coastal .ang *ighway into town
without x#hanging a word! 3 turnd off th highway into th poli# station)s small
gra&l #arpark! Th station was an old r#tangular timbr building paintd an
institutional puk%grn #olour$ with a rusting tin roof! 3t was st on low timbr
stumps with a &randa running along a#h of th short sids of th r#tangl$
a##ssd by a small st of stairs! 's a tiny nod to modrn tims$ a slippry mtal
ramp had bn installd at th nd of th front &randa for whl#hairs and prams$
whi#h on a wt day pro&d impassabl for both!
Th front door of th station ld to a small r#ption ara$ paintd a pling dull
#ram #olour with a sash window at ithr nd! ' #orkboard on th wall hld a
fadd r#ruitmnt postr and old flyrs about Crim Stopprs! 'n un#omfortabl
hardwood bn#h sat and small mat#hing timbr tabl slottd into th #ornr$ both
boltd to th floor! ' display ra#k sat on th tabl$ #rammd full of unpopular and
dusty pamphlts on Nighbourhood :at#h$ prsonal safty for womn and s#uring
your hom against burglary! To my knowldg$ nobody had &r takn on to rad!
Th townsfolk had no intrst in bing told how to kp saf A thy)d bn looking
aftr thmsl&s for gnrations!
' battrd and s#arrd hardwood timbr #ountr ran th lngth of th tiny room$
ff#ti&ly #utting it in two! 3 unlo#kd and liftd up its hat#h and ushrd th Sarg
bhind th #ountr!
CThis is th front #ountr and waiting ara$D 3 xplaind$ rathr unn#ssarily!
CThr)s no safty s#rn installdED
3 glan#d at him in surpris! CNo!D
C:hat do you do if somon thratns you with a waponED
CDu#kED 3 suggstd$ shrugging my shouldrs!
* #ut m a hard look and said flatly$ C3)m bing srious$ 2ullr!D
3 was bginning to think h)d ha& troubl bing anything but srious!
*urridly$ 3 prssd on with th tour!
CKndrnath th #ountr hr ar all our forms$D 3 pointd out and also brought
th #ountr bll to his noti#! CTh #ountr is n&r staffd b#aus whn 3)m hr$
3)m usually out th ba#k$ so w nd th bll to lt us know whn w ha& a
That)s all thr was to s in th front room$ so 3 took him through th doorway
to th ba#k room$ whi#h was paintd th sam fadd #ram #olour!
CThat)s my dsk!D 3 wa&d my hand in th gnral dir#tion of my workstation$
ngulfd in a sa of paprwork that was spilling o&r onto th floor! C'nd that on
will b yours$D 3 addd$ pointing to th pristinly #lan dsk situatd nxt to it!
1oth dsks wr #o&rd in th graffiti of gnrations of bord offi#rs$ som of
th drawings M%ratd$ all #ar&d into th &arnishd timbr! 3 was th first fmal
offi#r to sr& in >ittl Town and on long hot summr aftrnoon last yar$ 3)d
addd my own initials$ a #hsy lo&hart and th dat$ using my mani#ur s#issors!
3t ti#kld m bing part of that kind of history! 3 glan#d at th Sarg bfor
d#iding that h dfinitly wasn)t th graffiti kind of guy! 3 doubt h)d la& his
mark bhind!
Th dsks had a light and airy position with a ni# &iw out th ba#k of th
station of th rising mountain rang! Ea#h was situatd undrnath a sash window$
nithr of whi#h 3 #ould gt to opn dspit all my fforts! 'n an#int #omputr sat
on top of a#h dsk and an ;ually anti;uatd tlphon and printrNfax rstd
btwn thm! ' row of rusty and d#rpit filing #abints filld th opposit wall
btwn th windows$ som of th mor ldrly ons laning alarmingly to th sid!
' tiny kit#hntt was at th far nd of th room! 3 showd him whr th ta$
#off$ sugar and milk wr kpt! Thn 3 unlo#kd th ba#k door and ld him out to
th ba#k &randa whr th bathroom took up on nd!
C'nd that)s prtty mu#h it$D 3 #on#ludd! 3 was right A th whol tour had takn
lss than fi& minuts!
C:hr)s th wat#h housED h askd$ looking around him without mu#h
C: don)t ha& on! : only ha& a lo#kup!D %mm, this was going to be
aw#ward$ 3 thought! C3t)s$ um$ out th ba#k!D
CShow m!D
.lu#tantly$ my hart sinking$ 3 ld him up a #mnt path to a small$
frstanding timbr building on low stumps with a tiny &randa$ also paintd puk%
grn! 3t had two #lls$ both with barrd windows and sturdy barrd iron doors$
#urrntly standing opn! * stood for a momnt taking in th s#n bfor turning
to m!
C:hat)s thisED
C3t)s a #hi#kn!D
C"s$ 3 know it)s a #hi#kn$ 2ullr! 3)m not #ompltly ignorant about th
#ountry! 3 man$ what is th #hi#kn doing in th lo#kupE 3n fa#t$ what ar all ths !
! ! two$ four ! ! ! :hat ar all ths fi& #hi#kns doing in th lo#kupED
3 didn)t want to answr him! 3 rubbd th ba#k of my n#k! 3 glan#d up at th
sky hoping to find inspiration for a bli&abl story$ thn 3 glan#d down at th
ground$ s#uffing my ft! Thr was nothing for it but th truth! C:ll$ thy kind of
li& hr!D
C"ou)& turnd th lo#kup into a #hi#kn #oopED *is ys burnd into m$ but
his &oi# was insultingly slow and patint!
C"s$D 3 admittd$ grabbing a handful of fd from th narby bin and s#attring
it on th ground for my girls! 3 rfilld thir watr #ontainr and #oll#td fi& ggs$
holding out thr of thm to him! CDs and 3 usually split thm!D
* stard down at th ggs$ but didn)t tak thm! CTh #hi#kns ha& to go!D
C1ut w n&r us th lo#kup!D
3n#rdulous$ h askd$ C:hat do you do whn you arrst somonED
C3 try not to arrst popl hr mu#h$D 3 #onfssd!
* blw out an angry stram of air! CExplain yourslf!D
C3t)s #ompli#atd$D 3 mumbld$ turning ba#k to th #hi#kns$ hoping that h)d
a##pt that as a rspons! * wouldn)t!
C3)m prf#tly #apabl of undrstanding #ompli#atd situations$ 2ullr!D 3
almost got a brain fr9 from th i#inss of his &oi#!
3 sighd! C3 usually gi& popl a warning or a pnalty noti# for minor
infringmnts and for ma(or infringmnts 3 tak thm to 1ig Town to b
pro#ssd!D 3 suddnly wishd 3 was anywhr in th world but hr ha&ing this
#on&rsation with him!
* #ln#hd his (aw and liftd his ys to th sky! C1ig TownED
CThat)s what w lo#als #all :attling 1ay$ th narst rgional #ntr! 3t)s about
a ninty minut dri& north%ast to th #oast! Thy)& a propr wat#h hous thr
and th prsonnl to staff it twnty%four hours a day! 3t)s not pra#ti#al for us to kp
popl hr! : don)t ha& th rsour#s!D ' s;uabbl among th #hi#kns for th
fd drw his attntion ba#k to thm! 3 pladd with him! CTh #hi#kns ar usd to
li&ing in th lo#kup$ Sarg! Thy)& li&d hr thir whol li&s! 3t would b
traumati# for thm to mo&!D
CTh #hi#kns ar going$D h rpatd$ making it ;uit #lar by his ton of &oi#
that h wouldn)t tak any nonsns from m today$ or any othr day for that mattr!
CEithr you mo& thm or 3 will at thm! Bn by on!D
3 stard at him rblliously! C"ou wouldn)t do that!D 3t was a barbari# thrat A
thy wr my pts!
C3 ha& a whol #ookbook full of dli#ious #hi#kn r#ips$ 2ullr!D *is dark
blu ys bla9d with intnt!
2ury robbd m of sp#h!
C*mm$D h prtndd to pondr$ Cthat on will b th first$ 3 think! 8ayb &n
tonight! 3 ha& a suddn dsir for co$ au "in for dinnr!D *)d pointd right at my
fa&ourit hn$ 8iss Chooky! Sh was th prttist$ th bst layr and had th
strongst prsonality!
C3)ll mo& thm$D 3 spat out$ burning up with in#rdibl angr at th thought of
him ating my littl 8iss Chooky in a win and mushroom sau#! C3)ll nd a fw
days to organis things!D
CBkay$D h agrd$ pla#id now that h had his own way! 3 loathd him intnsly
at that momnt and spun around to stalk ba#k to th station! 3 was going to walk
hom! * #ould find out about th town by himslf! 3 had bttr things to do with
my Saturday than hang around with him A lik #laning th toilt$ for xampl! *
grabbd m by th arm and spun m ba#k around! 3 shook off his arm angrily! 3
#ouldn)t stand popl 3 didn)t know tou#hing m!
CNow you nd to show m th town$D h said in a #ool &oi#! 3 struggld for
slf%#ontrol$ wanting dspratly to slog him on A h had thratnd my pr#ious
girls! Exprssionlss himslf$ h wat#hd th motions flying a#ross my fa# in
;ui#k su##ssion$ my hands #ln#hing and un#ln#hing by my sid! 3 took a dp
brath$ #losd my ys and willd myslf to #alm down!
:hn 3 opnd thm$ 3 was tran;uil again! C3 want to mak sur Ds pulld up
all right this morning$ first$D was what 3 finally said and dtourd off up th #mnt
path lading to th poli# hous at doubl pa#$ la&ing him in my dust!
Cha#ter ,
3 ran up th front stairs$ impatintly fndd off 8r Sparkls) imprtinnt nos
and kno#kd politly on th door! 8aurn opnd it and ga& m hr Gfrindly)
smil$ whi#h was fakr than a #ountrfit 8ona >isa fingr%paintd by prs#hoolrs!
CTss$ my dar$ thank you so mu#h for bringing Ds hom last night$D sh
gushd and #lut#hing my arm$ draggd m insid th hous! Sh shut th door
bhind hr$ but wasn)t abl to fully #los it$ an obsta#l in th way! Confusd$ sh
lt go of m and again slammd th door shut hard! ' shout of pain soundd from
th othr sid! Cautiously$ 8aurn opnd th door to th Sarg$ his foot (ammd
in th doorway$ agony imprintd on his fa#$ 8r Sparkls) nos burid in his pri&at
C-esus. /t this bloody animal away from m,D h shoutd and pushd 8r
Sparkls away roughly bfor shouldring th door! * sho&d it opn until it
slammd against th wall and for#d himslf insid!
C: do not tak th >ord)s nam in &ain in this hous,D 8aurn shrikd in
fury and #ommn#d swatting him on th arm with both hands! 8r Sparkls barkd
loudly in sympathy! C'nd w #rtainly do not us #urs words in this hous$ ithr,D
Ds ga& immdiat li to that statmnt by staggring out of th bdroom$ still
in his staind pants$ his gray hair a fri99y halo around his had$ his fa# as wrinkld
as an lphant)s butt! C:hat th fu#k is going on out hrE Can)t a man gt som
slp around this pla# without all this fu#king noisED
8aurn shrikd again and abandond th Sarg to start on hr husband who
was in no shap to dfnd himslf! Sparkls uppd th ant on th barking a #oupl
of not#hs!
CBi,D 3 shoutd into th ml! Nobody listnd!
CE&rybody$ shut up.D bllowd th Sarg! Thr was immdiat siln#$ Ds
and 8aurn as still as status! E&n 8r Sparkls #oopratd! * had a rally loud
&oi#! 3 was imprssd$ dspit myslf!
CChrist,D h shook his had and said unwisly into th siln#$ b#aus h
instantly st 8aurn off again and sh flw at him$ hr hands flapping away$
slapping him &rywhr sh #ould ra#h!
C"ou)r a hathn, "ou tak th >ord)s nam in &ain and you kno#kd o&r
four of my Jsus figurins last night whn you trid to burgl us! "ou brok th
had and on of th arms off my fa&ourit figurin! "ou brok Jsus, "ou)ll burn in
hll for all trnity for that,D
8r Sparkls startd barking again!
C2or /od)s sak ! ! !D h trid$ but that only thrw ptrol onto th fir of
8aurn)s rligious rag!
Ds and 3 x#hangd glan#s! * snakd off to th bathroom$ away from th
fray$ and 3 thought about hading for th front door! *ow&r$ 3 flt a rlu#tant
obligation to look aftr my nw boss on his first day in town &n though h was
pig%hadd and unfrindly and h)d thratnd to at my fa&ourit pt and dsr&d
&rything h got as far as 3 was #on#rnd!
C3)m going to arrst you if you don)t stop hitting m right now,D h thratnd
8aurn$ struggling against hr furious onslaught!
CBh yahE "ou (ust try,D sh s#ramd at him$ slapping him a#ross th fa# and
aiming to kn him in th groin! 8aurn had a ral tmpr on hr A sh was truly
/od)s littl warrior! Knfortunatly at that point$ 8r Sparkls b#am o&r%arousd
by all of th x#itmnt and rard up to start humping th Sarg)s lg$ #lut#hing
him around th hips with his paws$ barking x#itdly all th whil!
C-esus +hrist.D h shoutd as h trid to push th amorous dog away$ whi#h
proplld 8aurn into an in#rasd frn9y of angr!
3 didn)t intnd to$ but it was so funny that 3 startd laughing and on# 3 startd 3
#ouldn)t stop! Th Sarg shot m a poisonous look that promisd m a slow and
painful immolation if 3 didn)t do somthing and do it soon! 3 wantd to hlp him$
but 3 hadn)t laughd lik that for yars and it took a whil to #ontrol myslf! 2inally
though$ with only a fw rngad snorts of laughtr rmaining$ 3 thrw myslf into
th ml! 3 grabbd 8aurn gntly around th n#k with th #rook of my arm and
draggd hr off th Sarg$ pushing hr down into on of th loung #hairs!
3 pointd my fingr at hr! CStay thr and ;uitn down or 3)ll tll Ds about
th bottl of gin at th ba#k of th pantry$ bhind th tinnd tomatos!D Sh pald$
hr ys widnd and sh shrunk ba#k into th #hair$ suddnly afraid and instantly
silnt! Sh rlid ha&ily on hr pity for supriority in hr rlationship with Ds!
1ing dis#o&rd as a s#rt soak would #ast a &ry long shadow o&r that$ in hr
3 mo&d o&r to Sparkls and glard him in th y! C>t him go now$ dog$D 3
dmandd in a low$ man &oi#! * ignord m$ his fa# filld with #stasy as h
kpt rutting$ lips wid in a happy grin$ tongu lolling$ ys rolling ba#k in his had!
3 ra#hd down and grabbd 8r Sparkls by his tsti#ls and s;u9d thm tightly!
3 immdiatly had his attntion! * ylpd in pain!
C1a#k away$ Sparkls$ or 3)ll gt my knif out and #ut thm off right now$D 3
thratnd and s;u9d thm &n hardr! * stard at m and 3 stard at him$ and
thn h lt go of th Sarg$ fll ba#k on four paws$ whind pitifully and limpd ba#k
to his bd! 3 turnd around$ brathing ha&ily$ wiping my doggy%ball hands on my
shorts and s#r#hd with ar%splitting shrillnss$ C0es1D Th Sarg (umpd in
fright bsid m!
' shpish Ds mrgd from th bathroom$ #lanly bathd$ wrappd in a
bathrob but wors for war$ ob&iously #arrying a massi& hango&r and trrifid of
m! C"s Tssi$ lo&ED h askd in a pla#ating &oi#!
C/t pa#king, This poor man$D and 3 noddd my had o&r my shouldr at th
Sarg$ Cwants to mo& in! "ou ha& to b out tomorrow! KndrstandED
C"s Tssi$D h agrd immdiatly!
3 turnd to his wif! C8aurnE 3s that doablED
C"s Tssi$D sh said$ s#ard stiff!
3 rlaxd and smild$ my good humour rstord! CEx#llnt! E&rybody)s
happy! Could you both plas x#us mE Now 3 know that you)r okay$ Ds$ 3
ha& to show th Sarg around th town! S you latr!D 3 walkd to th door and
turnd! C1y th way 8aurn$ you ow th Sarg an apology! 3t was Ds who brok
your Jsus figurin!D
'nd knowing that 3)d (ust dtonatd :orld :ar 333 in that houshold$ 3
hummd happily to myslf$ pushd past th Sarg who appard rathr traumatisd
aftr his ordal$ and ran down th stairs! 8r Sparkls) mal&olnt glar followd
m! 3 washd my hands thoroughly in th station bathroom$ s#urd th building A
th station wasn)t opn on th wknd A and (umpd in th dri&r)s sat of th
patrol #ar to (oin th Sarg$ who was waiting patintly and ;uitly in th passngr)s
* glan#d at m$ his fa# xprssing a multitud of motions$ but ob&iously
non h flt abl to put into words at this stag! 3 r&&d th ngin$ r&rsd lik a
hoon and s;uald out of th parking lot$ skidding and spraying gra&l &rywhr$
bfor slowing down to th spd limit whn 3 hit th strt$ lik a modl #iti9n!
C2ullr,D h shoutd in alarm$ #linging onto th door)s armrst!
CJust my bit of fun$ Sarg$D 3 said$ grinning to myslf! C3 lo& that gra&l
* shook his had and turnd away to look out of th window! * was probably
#al#ulating how long it would tak him to dri& ba#k to th #ity if h lft right now!
3 dro& down th Coastal .ang *ighway! 3t had bn an a#t of unwarrantd
gnrosity by th stat)s founding fathrs to ga9tt this pla# as a town way ba#k in
177<! To b brutally honst$ it wasn)t up to s#rat#h as a &illag and barly &n
passd mustr as a hamlt! 3f prssd$ 3 would probably rfr to us as a #lustr!
>ittl Town was nothing but a tiny dot in th lo#al .frdx and a mr fly
sp#k on th stat road map! 3t was th kind of pla# that popl dro& through to
gt somwhr ls$ ;ui#kly! 1ut th town had a fw things going for it A it was
situatd at th bas of 8ount 1ig$ with asy a##ss to th good angling at >ak 1igF
thr was a##ss to th dlights of th 0a#ifi# B#an &ia its shltrd ba#h #o&F
and it also had x#ptionally frtil soil! Bthrwis$ &ryon would ha& driftd
away &ntually and th town would ha& did a natural dath lik so many othr
littl towns! 1ut th tourists$ th go&rnmnt fa#ilitis narby and th in#rasing
numbrs of small sasonal farmrs kpt th town)s puls ali&! 3n fa#t$ w wr on
of th fw small rural #ommunitis in th stat to ha& grown in population from th
last #nsus! 3t was (ust a pity that nithr th town)s poli# for# nor its budgt had
grown along with it!
3 bgan th tour$ knowing that it wouldn)t tak &ry long! CThis town was built
on a #rossroads! Th road to th north lads down th .ang to th prison and to 1ig
Town! "ou #am in that way whn you arri&d from th #ity! "ou would ha&
passd th turnoff!D
* noddd in mmory of passing th prison and th turnoff to :attling 1ay!
CTh road to th south lads down th .ang to th hippy #ommun and th
mntal halth #lini#! Th road to th ast lads past th s#rt biki rtrat and th
nudist #ommunity$ thn hads down to th ba#h! 'nd th road to th wst lads up
to 8ount 1ig and >ak 1ig!D
C8ount BigED h #riti#isd! CThat)s not &ry imaginati&!D
3 shruggd! C3 guss all th good nams wr alrady takn by th tim th
xplorrs ra#hd hr! 3t is prtty big though A s#ond largst mountain in th stat
and largst mountain in th Coastal .ang! 0opl gt lost on it all th tim! *op
you lik bushwalking b#aus you)ll b doing a spot of it now and thn!D 3 smild!
C3n th worst possibl wathr$ of #ours!D
But th window 3 spottd a woman talking on hr mobil$ pa#ing ba#k and forth
in agitation outsid th post offi#Nnwsagn#y$ gsturing wildly with hr fr hand!
3t was Sta#y 2lhorn and sh was ithr arguing with hr bst frind Dorri >butt$
Sharn)s youngr sistr$ or with hr boyfrind .i#k 1y#raft$ Jak)s oldr brothr!
Sh was always falling out with on or th othr$ somtims with &iolnt rsults that
r;uird my intr&ntion! 8ayb sh)d (ust dis#o&rd what &ryon in town
alrady knw A that .i#k and Dorri had bn snaking around togthr bhind hr
ba#k for months! 3 #ontinud to talk absnt%minddly as 3 wat#hd hr! CThat)s why
this town is namd 8ount 1ig Town! 1ut w lo#als all #all it >ittl Town!D
CBkay$ you)r doing my had in$D th Sarg #omplaind! 3 turnd my attntion
ba#k to him! C>t m try to gt this straight! This town is rally #alld 8ount 1ig
Town b#aus it sits at th bas of 8ount 1ig$ but you all #all it >ittl Town and
you all #all :attling 1ay G1ig Town) b#aus it)s th biggst town #los by!D 3
noddd! CThat)s &ry #onfusing!D
C3t)s a lo#al thing$ whi#h is why 3)m gi&ing you th hads%up$D 3 said! C3t)s not
that diffi#ult to undrstand! This is >ittl Town! :attling 1ay is 1ig Town! Easy
* glan#d at m$ rlu#tantly #urious! CThat dog arlirE Did you rally s;u9
its AD
C"s$D 3 #ut in$ mattr%of%fa#t! C'nd it)s not th first tim 3)& had to ithr! 3t
sms #rul$ but h won)t rspond to anything ls whn h gts himslf into that
stat!D 3 laughd! C8r Sparkls is a ral publi# nuisan#! Ds should ha& had him
sn to yars ago! *)s as horny as a bun#h of politi#ians at a showgirl #onfrn#!D
Th Sarg raisd his ybrows in surpris! CSparkls$ that is$ not Ds!D
* studid m for a fw momnts! CThanks! 3 appr#iat it!D
CNo worris!D 8y ys rmaind straight ahad$ but 3 smild to myslf! :
dro& in siln# for a whil!
CSo with all thos lo#al nams for &rything$ what do you #all th #ityED h
CTh #ity! :hy$ what do you #all itED 3 smild to myslf again! * shot m a
withring glan#!
8y mobil rang and 3 answrd it$ spaking whil 3 dro&!
C8iss /r&ill AD 3 startd and thn listnd som mor! C.allyE 'nothr
onED 3 supprssd a sigh! CBkay$ 3)ll b right o&r! Ip your doors and windows
lo#kd! 3)ll b thr soon!D
3 pulld a u%turn in th main strt and spd off to 8iss /)s hous on 0in
Strt$ filling in th Sarg as 3 did! * frownd at m$ not listning!
C0oli# should lad by xampl in th #ommunity$D h said$ butting in to my
xplanation about 8iss / and hr imaginary pprs!
C*uhED 3 askd stupidly$ my mind on 8iss /! *is words sunk in! CBh yah$
that)s so right$ Sarg! 3 totally agr with you!D
CThat mans poli# obying th law thmsl&s!D
C'bsolutly! 3f w don)t$ who willED 3 agrd absntly$ kping my y on
som of th youngr 1y#raft kids ra#ing along th road on biks$ without hlmts!
Thr was no point trying to pull thm o&r to rprimand thm! Thy)d only s#attr
to th four winds and 3)d b lft looking lik tn kinds of a fool trying to #has thm
down in &ry dir#tion! 3)d larnd that from prsonal xprin# as wll!
C'nd that mans not talking on a mobil whil you)r dri&ing or doing u%turns
o&r unbrokn doubl lins$D h #ontinud in a pointdly #old &oi#!
* #aught my attntion thn! CBh$D 3 said un#omfortably! C"ou)r talking about
m$ arn)t youED
C"s 3 am$ Snior Constabl!D
'h brother$ 3 thought$ barly stifling a massi& y roll! This guy was going to
b a barrl of laughs to work with! 2ortunatly for th both of us at that point$ 3
arri&d at 8iss /r&ill)s hous and rattld up hr pothol%po#kd dri&way!
*r hous was typi#al of th oldst houss in town A timbr built$ timbr
stumps$ tin roof$ &randas on all four sids$ lo&ly wrought%iron dtails on th
railings$ #ram%#olourd paint and dp grn trim$ pling with ag and wathr!
: #limbd th front stairs$ m warning him about th final$ rottn third trad! 3
kno#kd on th door$ loudly announ#ing our arri&al so as not to alarm hr! Sh was
a (ittry bun#h of nr&s by th tim sh answrd th door$ whi#h wasn)t lik hr!
Sh startd in alarm whn sh saw a strang man at hr thrshold!
C8iss /$ this is Srgant 8aguir! *)s Ds) rpla#mnt! 3 was (ust showing
him around town whn you #alld m$D 3 xplaind ;ui#kly!
*r ys lit up whn sh hard that! CBh$ Srgant 8aguir, :l#om to >ittl
Town$D sh trilld$ forgtting hr far in th x#itmnt at taking in his tall
mus#ularity and ni# ys! * was ;uit th #hang from Ds$ who hadn)t &isitd
hr or anyon mu#h prsonally for yars! 3)d don all th running around and all th
#ommunity sr&i# in town sin# 3)d rturnd! Sh was ob&iously imprssd to ha&
th town)s snior poli# offi#r attnding to hr in hr hour of nd!
3 took hr to th kit#hn and mad us all a #up of ta$ making sur that hrs had
plnty of sugar and lading hr gntly to hr wll%s#rubbd kit#hn tabl to drink it!
Sh told us in hr #lar and lu#id mannr that sh)d risn at s&n$ had a
lisurly brakfast and rad th 1ig Town papr$ th Wattling Bay Messenger$
slowly! Sh had #land up hr brakfast dishs and gon to hr bdroom to #hang
out of hr nighti$ whn sh saw a man pking in hr window! 3t had gi&n hr
su#h a fright that sh)d takn a full half%hour to sttl bfor sh flt abl to #all m!
E&ryon in town knw that 3 had th station phon prmanntly rdir#td to my
mobil b#aus 3 was rarly at th station$ bing busy in th fild most of th day!
Ds had n&r answrd th phon on th fw tims h)d &r showd his fa# in
th station!
C:)ll tak a look around outsid for you$D 3 soothd and th Sarg and 3 spnt
th nxt tn minuts fruitlssly sar#hing hr larg unkmpt yard for any signs of
th phantom intrudr!
CDos sh ha& any familyED h askd$ his #hk blding whr h)d bn
s#rat#hd by an o&rgrown ros bush! 3 rprssd a strong urg to ra#h up and wip
away th tri#kl of blood!
CNo$ sh)s th last of th /r&ills$D 3 said$ dragging my ys away from him!
C8ayb sh)s doing this to gt som attntionED h suggstd! 3 glan#d ba#k at
him! Nop$ no good! 3 still wantd to wip th tri#kl away!
CSh)s not rally that typ of prson! Sh)s fairly snsibl$D 3 said instad! To
s#ap bfor 3 mbarrassd myslf$ 3 d#idd to tak a ;ui#k look undr 8iss /)s
bdroom window and for#d my way through th wild growth$ pring down at th
ground! 3 turnd ba#k to him! CSargE :hat do you mak of thsED
* pushd his way through as wll to xamin what 3)d found! 3n th bar dirt
dir#tly undrnath th window wr a #oupl of s#uffd footprints! : stard at
a#h othr!
C>ooks lik w got oursl&s a ppr$ aftr all$D h said!
: sar#hd around th othr windows$ but didn)t find any mor &idn# of
somon pping on 8iss /!
CThat)s th only window that has dirt undrnath it! 3s this th first tim sh)s
rportd him at hr bdroom windowED
3 noddd! C* was at th loung room window twi# and at th kit#hn window
C'nyon in town known to b a pprE Somon w #an talk to nowED
CThr)s only on that 3 know of$ but h)s my own prsonal ppr! * dosn)t
bothr anyon ls!D * raisd an ybrow at that and 3 #ontinud$ C'nyway$
nobody nds to pp in >ittl Town! 3t)s mu#h asir to had down to th nudist
#ommunity and #limb th mango tr nxt to th fn#! "ou #op a ral yful from
thr!D 1oth ybrows wr raisd now! CSo 3)& hard$D 3 addd hastily!
C8ayb our ppr prfrs th mor matur womanED h suggstd!
CEww, Sarg,D 3 protstd! C8iss /)s ninty%thr!D
C3t taks all typs$ 2ullr! "ou should know that by now!D
CDosn)t man it)s right though!D 3 strod away from him towards th hous
again$ thinking hard! 3 stoppd suddnly! * ran sma#k bang into m kno#king m
off balan#$ h was following m so #losly!
CSorry$D h said$ slightly shpish$ his hands brifly on my uppr arms righting
m! C:hat)s upED
CThr)s a pattrn$D 3 answrd hsitantly$ looking up at th wid blu sky for
inspiration! C>ast wk h ppd on a 2riday night and a Saturday! This wk$ it
was a 2riday night ! ! ! and now a Saturday again!D 3 turnd to him! C3t)s a pattrn$
but what dos it manED
C:hat do you think of whn you think about 2riday nights and SaturdaysED h
pondrd! CNothing springs to mind!D
CBnly somon who works$D 3 said automati#ally$ spaking as a working
woman with rsponsibilitis! C3t)s th only tim you gt to ha& any fr tim!D
:ll$ ob&iously 3 mant &ry othr working prson in th world x#pt for m
b#aus hr 3 was on a Saturday$ working again$ aftr also ha&ing workd on th
pr#ding 2riday night!
CSo$D h said! C8ayb somon who works full%tim and has d#idd to us
2riday nights and Saturdays to ppE 3t)s not mu#h of a hobby!D
C8ayb thy)r not pping$ but s#opingED
C'nything worth staling in thrED h askd$ rgarding th hous doubtfully! 3
had to admit that it had sn bttr days$ th paint pling$ roof rusting badly and
timbr warping in many pla#s! 1ut it had bn a bautiful #olonial homstad in its
CTh /r&ills wr th original sttlrs in ths parts!D 2ollowd #losly by th
2ullrs! CThy built up a hug fortun at on point from forstry and thn shp
farming!D Knlik th 2ullrs$ unfortunatly! CDon)t know how mu#h is lft now
though!D 8y fingrs twit#hd whn 3 saw that blood still tri#kling down his fa#! *
finally noti#d it himslf though and swipd at it impatintly$ surprisd whn h
pulld his hand away to r&al blood! * wipd it again #arlssly and turnd his
attntion ba#k to m!
C:hat)s th rumour in townED h askd$ a ;ustion that 3 ga& him a lot of
#rdit for A town talk was in&aluabl in lo#al in&stigations!
CTh rumour in town is that thr)s a pil of mony hiddn somwhr in this
hous! 1ut &ryon in >ittl Town knows that)s a bun#h of hooy$ b#aus old 8r
/r&ill$ 8iss /)s fathr$ was th town drunk and blw it all on whoring and
boo9ing!D 3 smild dryly! C3 man h blw what was lft aftr his an#stors mad
som x#dingly bad land in&stmnts! Thos folk from 1ig Town though$ wll$
thy)r grdy and thy probably bli& th story! 3t)s bound to b somon from
thr$ 3 guarant!D
3 rmmbrd old 8r /r&ill from whn 3 was a kid! 3)d &isit th pub with Dad
and Nana 2ullr for th #hap Sunday roast lun#h! That was a ral trat$ always
mu#h bttr than what Nana 2ullr #ould mak b#aus$ not to b disrsp#tful to
hr mmory$ sh)d bn a bloody awful #ook! 'nd thr 8r /r&ill would b$
proppd up in a #ornr$ stinking of his pip$ boo9 and piss! *)d bn a s#ary
figur for a littl kid and 3)d somtims ha& nightmars about him #hasing m$ his
grasy long gray hair flying bhind him$ toothlss mouth gaping at m$ dirty #law%
lik fingrnails out rady to snat#h m! Br stab m! 3 ga& an in&oluntary shuddr at
th mmory! 3 hadn)t thought about him for yars!
C"ou mntiond that th family mad bad land in&stmnts! :as that lo#allyE
1#aus to m it sms as though thr)s a lot of intrst in land around ths parts!
3 man$ you ha& two big go&rnmnt #omplxs hr alrady A th prison and th
mntal halth #lini#!D
8y ys rstd on his fa#$ imprssd again! C"ou)r right$ Sarg! : ha& a
lot of folk wanting to st up bas around hr$ sp#ially th go&rnmnt! Can you
imagin th fuss thr would ha& bn if thy trid to build a prison or mntal
halth #lini# anywhr nar th #ityE >ittl Town is prf#t for thos kinds of
things! :)& th spa# and w)r glad for th (obs! Knfortunatly for th singls
though$ th xtra mn and womn around usually #hoos to li& in 1ig Town$ not
hr! 'nd thy don)t mingl mu#h with us in town!D >ittl Town was not a
mat#hmakr)s paradis and 3 thought h might b intrstd in that bit of
information$ not ha&ing a #lu about his rlationship status! CThr #ould b
somthing in thos rumours aftr all!D
CThis will r;uir som nw%fashiond poli# work$ 2ullr! Computrs$
#omputrs$ #omputrs$D h said dryly!
C: might nd to &isit 1ig Town thn$ b#aus our #omputrs ar an#int!
8in)s bn buggrd for wks!D
C:hat kind of intrnt do w ha& hrED
C3ntrmittnt slowst broadband spd on a good day! :)r a long way from
th x#hang$D 3 ad&isd$ noting with a smil th dismay #rossing his fa#!
C:l#om to th #ountry$ Sarg!D
* bit ba#k what h was going to say whn 8iss /r&ill pokd hr had out
from th ba#k door and askd us if &rything was all right! 3 turnd to th Sarg
thn and smild again!
C: don)t nd a #omputr! : ha& 8iss /!D
Cha#ter -
:hn w ad&isd 8iss / that w ndd to spak to hr furthr$ sh in&itd us
to shar hr lun#h! 3 insistd that sh sit down whil 3 ;ui#kly mad us all som
sandwi#hs with th brad$ sandwi#h mat$ mustard$ #hs$ onion$ tinnd btroot$
lttu# and tomato 3 found in hr pantry and fridg! Th thr of us sat around th
kit#hn tabl to at$ th Sarg dis#rtly s#rwing up his nos at th whit brad$
#hap mat and plasti# #hs! : at th sandwi#hs$ brwd and drank anothr
pot of ta and thn w got down to businss! 1y ta#it agrmnt$ 3 spok for th two
of us!
C8iss /$ thr ha& always bn rumours #ir#ulating around town about a big
fortun hiddn in this hous$D 3 bgan!
Sh giggld #harmingly! CTss$ my dar$ 3)& spnt o&r ighty yars looking
for that fortun! 1ut do 3 look as though 3)m roaringly ri#hED
3 smild with hr! No$ it #rtainly did not look as though sh was li&ing th high
lif! *r #loths wr pat#hd$ hr food plain and hr furnishings wr &ry old$
probably th original pi#s hr family had shippd o&r from Dar Bld 1lighty in
th arly 1770s!
CDid you &r think about any land holdings that th /r&ills might still ownED
3 #oaxd!
That took hr by surpris and hr sharp blu ys nlargd bhind hr
sp#ta#ls! C:ll$ 3 don)t know$ dar! 3 wouldn)t think w had any lft$ but you)d
ha& to spak to th family lawyrs about that! 8ur#hison and 8ur#hison! 3n 1ig
Town!D Sh thought for a fw momnts! C: ha& sold off bits of land o&r th
yars to &arious folk$ but 3)& no ida what happnd to that mony! 3 la& all th
dtails of that sort of businss to my lawyr$ 8r 8ur#hison!D
Th Sarg and 3 glan#d at a#h othr!
CDo you know whr th /r&ills ownd land around ths partsED 3 askd!
Sh pushd ba#k hr #hair and stood shakily! C3 don)t$ but 3)m sur it)s all in th
library$ Tss dar!D
Th Sarg and 3 stood as wll and 3 indi#atd to him with a nod that h should
follow 8iss / to th library whil 3 washd up th plats! 3 #ould n&r la& an
ldrly lady with any dirty dishs or mss aftr my &isit! 2ir# Nana 2ullr$ an
absolut /orgon for good mannrs$ would n&r ha& forgi&n m if 3 had! 'nd tn
minuts latr$ #ro#kry and #utlry #arfully washd$ drid and put away$ th
bn#hs and tabl wipd down and th #hairs natly pushd ba#k in$ 3 (oind thm
in th library! 3t was a dim and dusty room$ #rammd with o&rsi9d #hairs$ tabls
and books! No on had bn insid for yars (udging by th thi#k dust sttld on
&ry hori9ontal surfa#! 1oxs of do#umnts wr sta#kd almost to th #iling!
Th Sarg$ #o&rd in dust himslf aftr mo&ing a fw to pr insid$ was rgarding
thm with rsignd unhappinss!
C:hat was that you said about nw%fashiond poli# workED 3 tasd$ brushing
at th sl& of his xpnsi& t%shirt$ sn9ing thr tims in a row whn th dust
wnt up my nos!
* turnd to m$ handd m his handkr#hif and pulld a fa#! C:)r going
to ha& to tak &rything ba#k to th station and go through it!D
3 blw my nos noisily and sho&d his monogrammd linn hanki in my
po#kt! 3t was my turn to pull a fa#! CBr w #ould (ust ring 8ur#hison and
8ur#hison$D 3 suggstd! C3 know! :hy don)t w ha& a ra#E "ou go through all
of this and 3)ll ring th lawyrs and w)ll s who #oms up with som information
firstED 3 dard to flash him a #hky smil!
C/ood thinking$ 2ullr! Ex#pt Ill do th ringing and you #an do th sifting!D
'nd h flashd m a smil in rturn that #ompltly transformd his fa# into
somthing almost handsom! 1ut th smil was gon as soon as it #am!
8iss / laid hr gnarld$ wrinkld hand on my arm! CTss dar$ was thr
somon at my windowED
3 x#hangd a ;ui#k glan# with th Sarg and d#idd to b honst with hr!
Sh was a snsibl woman! C: found som &idn# that shows that thr may
ha& bn somon standing undrnath your bdroom window$ 8iss /! Just to b
#arful$ #an you stay for a fw days with 1ssiED 8iss / and 1ssi /oodwill had
bn bst frinds sin# thy wr fi&%yars%old$ whi#h was a long tim ago for both
of thm!
C1ssi li&s with hr girl in 1ig Town now$D 8iss / rmindd m!
CThat)s right!D 1ssi)s Ggirl) was o&r s&nty hrslf! C:)d b happy to
dri& you to 1ssi)s daughtr)s pla#$ and w #ould go and spak to your lawyr
whil w)r at it! :ith your prmission of #ours$ 8iss /!D
Sh lookd at m shrwdly! C"ou think this has somthing to do with th
/r&ill family)s Gs#rt trasur)$ don)t you$ Bffi#r TssED
C3t)s (ust a possibility$ 8iss /r&ill$D th Sarg rassurd! C1ut w would
prfr if you #ould stay with your frind for a whil!D
Sh fixd hr ga9d on him$ thn noddd and wnt off to ring 1ssi and pa#k!
:hil sh was o##upid sorting hr n#ssitis$ th Sarg usd th phon to ring hr
lawyrs$ but it was Saturday and thr was no answr at th offi#!
C/uss it will ha& to wait until 8onday$D 3 shruggd! CDo you want m to drop
you ba#k at my pla# or at th stationE No point you wasting your Saturday #oming
to 1ig Town too (ust to drop off 8iss /!D
C3)ll tag along$D h insistd and 3 shruggd again$ not #aring on way or th
othr! Whate"er floats his boat$ 3 thought!
:hn 8iss / was rady$ w #arfully lo#kd up hr hous and th Sarg ga&
hr his arm to hlp hr down th stairs and into th patrol #ar$ whi#h was thoughtful
of him! * stowd hr bag in th boot whil 3 sttld hr in th ba#ksat$ on th
othr sid to th still damp stain$ and nsurd hr satblt was s#urly fastnd!
C3t)s so lo&ly to b fussd o&r$D sh twittrd happily! 3 smild at hr in th
rar&iw mirror and dro& down hr bumpy dri& to th strt!
3 kpt hr o##upid during th ninty minut dri& by ;ustioning hr about
what >ittl Town had bn lik whn sh was growing up! 3t surprisd$ and
dprssd$ m (ust how littl th town had #hangd sin# thn! 8ost of th town)s
buildings datd from its stablishmnt as a timbr town$ in#luding most of th
pri&at houss as wll as th poli# station$ lo#kup and poli# hous! :hn th
timbr ran out$ th townsfolk had mo&d th shp in to rpla# it! Ths days
though$ small sasonal organi# farmrs dominatd th lo#al agri#ultural s#n!
8ount 1ig was an an#int &ol#ani# plug and th surrounding soil was xtrmly
frtil$ whi#h was grat for us lo#als b#aus w n(oyd #hap$ frsh fruit and
&gtabls all yar round! That was sp#ially fortunat for Dad and m on our
limitd in#om!
: dro& into 1ig Town$ a plasant #oastal urban #ntr with a population
nudging twnty%fi& thousand! 3t sprawld around a dp bay that pro&idd good
#ommr#ial and r#rational fishing! :hn 3 was a kid$ Dad had oftn takn m
fishing thr with a #los frind of his who possssd a larg boat and an &n
largr family +s&n kids-! That &ning w)d ha& a ba#h barb;u of frsh fish$
whi#h mad a ni# #hang from all th lamb and mutton Dad and 3 normally at! 3
had warm mmoris of dri&ing ba#k hom at th nd of th day$ slpy$ happy aftr
running around madly with all of thos othr kids$ a bit sunburnt and windswpt$ th
smll of fish prmating his old >and .o&r!
: droppd 8iss / off at 1ssi)s hous and 3 #ruisd past 8iss /)s lawyrs)
offi# (ust in #as somon was working today &n if thy wrn)t answring th
phon! 1ut th pla# was in darknss! 1for 3 turnd to had ba#k hom$ 3 mad a
dtour to th bay to th fishrmn)s markt! Th Sarg ga& m a look that spok
&olums of what h thought about #ops who did thir prsonal shopping in th
patrol #ar!
C3 won)t b a s#$D 3 #a(old! C"ou want som frsh safood for dinnr$ don)t
*is disappro&al wa&rd at th mntion of frsh safood$ so 3 took ad&antag of
his waknss and ran off to th markt without a s#ond glan#! Bf #ours all th
good stuff was gon by that tim of th day$ but 3 still managd to s;u9 out of
my fa&ourit fishrman som d#nt grn king prawns that h)d bn hoarding for
his own family! Tru$ 3 had to kiss his fishy$ salty and stubbly #hk to win o&r that
fa&our and thn listn to a lot of good%naturd and (alous ribbing from th othrs
about that$ but 3 didn)t mind! Th oldr guys had all known m sin# 3 was a kid!
Dad and his frind had always shpishly bought our dinnr from th markt on th
many o##asions w)d rturnd unsu##ssful aftr our own fishing xpditions!
:a&ing goodby to thm$ thir bst wishs for Dad ringing in my ars$ 3 was
ba#k in th #ar bfor th Sarg #ould #hang his mind ba#k to disappro&al! 3 spd
off hom towards >ittl Town! 3 thought 3)d don ;uit nough unpaid o&rtim for
th day and plannd on hading straight hom$ whthr h wantd to or not! 's w
approa#hd >ittl Town though$ 3 noti#d somthing that 3 #ouldn)t ignor!
CShit$D 3 muttrd undr my brath$ thn mor loudly to th Sarg$ C*old on,D
3 fli#kd on th sirn and lights and plantd my foot$ swr&ing around othr #ars
on th road$ my ys firmly fixd on th small frog%grn hat#hba#k in th distan#
ahad of us! 3t didn)t try to outrun m or a&oid m$ (ust kpt dri&ing along at a
stady spd on th road that wound its way up th lowr ra#hs of th Coastal
.ang! 3t was only whn 3 was right up its ba#ksid and w)d ra#hd th flatnss of
>ittl Town that th dri&r$ with a plasd xprssion that 3 #ould #larly s in th
#ar)s rar&iw mirror$ noti#d us and hastily pulld o&r to th sid of th road! 3
pulld o&r too and turnd off th sirn$ but not th lights!
C:hat)s going onED th Sarg dmandd to know!
CStoln &hi#l$D 3 said!
C*ow #an you b so surED 3 rally hatd popl ;ustioning my (udgmnt$
sp#ially othr #ops$ but hld my rsntmnt in with som rstraint! 3 rplid with
patin# tmprd through grittd tth!
C1#aus 3 know for a fa#t that th prson dri&ing that #ar dosn)t ha& a
li#n# or a #ar! *)s also unprdi#tabl and #an b &ry &olatil! 3 wish 3 had my
gar with m! 3 might nd #uffs and spray! Can you look in th glo& box to s if
thr ar any ;ui#k rstraints in thrE 3 think 3 thrw som in a whil ago$ (ust in
* opnd th glo& box$ dug through th mss$ handd a pair to m and
slippd a pair into his own (ans po#kt!
CTa! Th dri&r is 8artin Clin$ a patint at th mntal halth #lini# and th #ar
blongs to on of th psy#hiatrists who work thr! 3)& told hr to stop la&ing th
damn #ar unlo#kd so many tims now that 3)& lost #ount! 8artin)s a rgular
s#ap and h liks to dri&! 2or som rason$ h lo&s that #ar and tnds to stal it
mor than any of th othrs$ but that)s probably b#aus th stupid woman kps
la&ing it unlo#kd all th tim! Normally h dosn)t #aus any problms! *
usually (ust gos for a littl 9oom around town thn ba#k to th #lini#$ but &ry
now and again h b#oms &ry aggrssi&$ dri&s rrati#ally$ tris to run popl
o&r! 3 n&r know what mood h)s going to b in!D
C3)ll dal with this$D h d#idd$ opning his door!
CNo$ 8artin)s usd to m! "ou)ll (ust s#ar him!D
3 opnd my door and #limbd out$ approa#hing th #ar slowly! * appard to
b #alm$ sitting ;uitly in th dri&r)s sat with his hands on th string whl$
waiting for m! 3)d long thought that bing pulld o&r by m was a #riti#al part of
his fun and h lo&d th x#itmnt of bing #aught by th poli#! :hn 3 hadn)t
sn him for a whil$ or h)d gottn away with on of his littl dri&s without bing
#aught$ h always mad sur th nxt tim that h dro& around town for long
nough that 3 would ithr noti# him myslf or somon would ring m to tll m
h was on th loos again! Jak liks to tas m that 8artin is in lo& with m and
whil 3 s#off at him$ h might ha& a point b#aus 8artin dos try to run down
Jak &ry tim h ss him!
3 ra#hd th dri&r)s door and 8artin wound down th window!
C*llo$ Bffi#r Tss! "ou look rally prtty today with your hair loos lik that!
1ut you)r not in uniform!D * was disappointd!
CNo$ it)s th wknd$ 8artin! 3 don)t li& in my uniform$ you know!D
* laughd in an inappropriatly loud and rau#ous way that far x#dd any
humour in my #ommnt! 'h dear$ 3 thought!
C"ou going to stp out of th #ar for m so 3 #an tak you ba#k homED 3 askd!
C:ho)s that man with youED
CThat)s Srgant 8aguir! *)s th rpla#mnt for Ds!D
C:hy ar you hanging around with him on th wknd in your normal #lothsE
'r you on a datED Slightly p&ish ton!
CNo 8artin$ w)r not on a dat! : had som poli# businss in 1ig Town to
attnd to! 3 was (ust showing him around town! "ou)r not hlping to #rat a &ry
good first imprssion of th town dri&ing around in a stoln #ar$ ar youED
* was hurt! CBffi#r Tss$ it)s not stolen$ it)s (ust borrowd! 3)m going to tak
it ba#k!D
C3 know you ar! 1ut you took it without prmission and that)s wrong$
rmmbrE That)s staling! :)& had this talk a million tims bfor!D
' sulky xprssion sttld on his fa#! C'r you still sing that Jak 1y#raftE
Th 1y#rafts ar nothing but s#um!D
3 land down to look at him mor #losly! Somtims 3 #ould tll by his ys
how dangrous h was going to b! C3t)s non of your businss who 3)m sing$
8artin! /t out of th #ar plas!D
C3 don)t lik your attitud today$ Bffi#r Tss! "ou)r bing man to m!D
'h brother$ 3 thought$ here we go$ and lookd o&r at th Sarg$ who was
standing by th patrol #ar wat#hing th a#tion knly! 3 hopd h was good at
rading minds b#aus w hadn)t had a #han# to d&lop any signals for a#h othr
and 3 wantd him o&r hr! 2ast!
1ut bfor h #ould mo&$ 8artin thrw opn th front door of th #ar onto m$
#at#hing m by surpris and kno#king m flying! * sprintd from th #ar and
hadd off down th strt lik lightning! * was a fast runnr and a rgular gold
mdallist for th sprint ra#s at th #lini#)s annual athlti# gams! 3 was up on my
ft and pounding aftr him bfor 3 #ould &n gathr my thoughts$ ignoring my
bruisd butt and as angry as hll! 3 didn)t want my prawns to spoil sitting thr in
th sun!
* ran to a t%(un#tion$ flippd his had lft$ thn right and shot off to th right$
running a#ross th road without &n #h#king if it was #lar! ' battrd ut
s#r#hd to a halt$ narrowly missing him$ its horn blaring angrily! 3 hld up my
palm to stop th ut taking off and ran a#ross in front of it as wll! 3 was running
8artin down$ not bing too shabby in th sprinting dpartmnt myslf$ whn 3 hard
th sirn sound narby and turnd to s th Sarg in th patrol #ar! 3 (umpd in th
passngr sat and pointd down th strt whr w #ould s 8artin running for
his lif!
'lthough th roads lading into it ar rasonably stp and windy$ >ittl Town
itslf is built on a platau so is flat with strts mad wid to allow bullo#k trains
hauling timbr to do a full u%turn! 3t isn)t full of small allys$ ba#k lans and traffi#
lik a #ity$ so in trms of tailing somon$ it)s a dram #om tru! : #ruisd
bhind 8artin$ asily following him with th lights flashing$ but sirn turnd off
:hn 8artin appard to flag$ th Sarg pulld o&r and w both (umpd out!
C>o#k th #ar,D 3 ylld o&r my shouldr! CBthrwis on of thos 1y#raft
bastards will stal it!D
: ran aftr 8artin and soon had him #ornrd in th town)s only dad nd
strt$ imaginati&ly #alld Dad End Strt! 3t was th only strt in town not
namd aftr a tr and it trminatd with th old #mtry! 3)d oftn wondrd if th
town fathrs had dlibratly plannd it that way as a subtl statmnt on human
Th #mtry was full of ornat and pr#ariously laning hadstons from th
town)s arlist sttlmnt days! ' lot of my an#stors wr burid thrF som of
thm wll bfor thir tim$ in#luding my mothr! 3t was #losd now x#pt for
family plots! Th nw lawn #mtry that rpla#d it was lo#atd two kilomtrs out
of town on th #ornr of th Coastal .ang *ighway and 8ountain .oad$ th road
that ld up to 8ount 1ig!
8artin was &ry suprstitious and would n&r st foot in th #mtry$ so for
him to run down this strt told m a lot about his strong nd to b #apturd and
rturnd to safty! 3)d n&r askd$ but 3)d always assumd that h had som kind of
authority #omplx$ whi#h was probably why h ndd his rgular n#ountrs with
CTak it asy on him$D 3 said in a low &oi# as th Sarg ffi#intly pushd
8artin to th ground and snappd th ;ui#k rstraints around his wrists$ hauling him
to his ft gntly! 8artin bgan to #ry and 3 don)t man a fw tokn tars tri#kling
out of his ys to mak us fl sorry for him$ but hug gut%wrn#hing sobs that
shook his whol body and #hod down th strt! *is ys and thn &ntually his
nos stramd with li;uid!
C3%3 (%(%(ust w%wantd to g%g%g%go for a dr%dr%dri&$D h waild$ hypr&ntilating$
almost in#omprhnsi& with motion! * wipd his nos on th sl& of his t%
shirt$ la&ing a disgusting smar bhind!
C3 know$ 8artin$D 3 said kindly$ patting him on th shouldr! C1ut you)r not
allowd to dri&! "ou don)t ha& a li#n#! 3t)s not saf for you to dri&! Not for
you or for othr popl!D
* ga& a watry snort and appard pu99ld whn 3 mntiond othr popl! 3
wasn)t a psy#hiatrist$ but &n 3 #ould tll that 8artin had grat diffi#ulty in
mpathising with othr folk! *is ntir world #onsistd of him and his nds and
dsirs alon! Thr was probably som fan#y trm to ds#rib that$ but 3 didn)t
know what it was!
: ld him to th patrol #ar and pushd him gntly into th ba#k sat! 3 handd
him a bun#h of tissus and #limbd into th dri&r)s sat again and th Sarg into
th passngr sat!
C:)d bttr s#ur th stoln #ar first$D 3 said and h noddd agrmnt!
C1orrowd$D insistd 8artin from th ba#k with anothr watry snort! 3 ignord
him$ did a u%turn and dro& ba#k to whr 8artin had abandond th littl grn #ar!
3t was gon!
C1loody 1y#rafts$D 3 muttrd to myslf and spd off in angr th fiftn
kilomtrs to th south of town whr th mntal halth #lini# was situatd! 3 thrw
th Sarg my mobil and askd him to ring th #lini# to lt thm know w wr
bringing 8artin ba#k$ mindful of his ti#king off arlir this morning about using th
phon whil dri&ing! 3 had th numbr to th #lini# on spd%dial!
* spok for a fw momnts and not long aftrwards w turnd into th tall
gats of th #lini# and handd o&r 8artin to its rli&d and mbarrassd dir#tor!
Th Sarg ga& him a hard%fa#d rprimand about allowing a patint to s#ap so
fr;untly and bluntly suggstd that h r&iw th #lini#)s s#urity arrangmnts
immdiatly! Th dir#tor noddd th ntir tim$ his fa# a strang mix of fawning
dis#omfit! %ed ne"er loo#ed li#e that when Id gi"en him a ser"e about Martin$ 3
thought sourly! 3n fa#t$ h)d always had a smutty smirk on his fa# as h listnd$
his ys dropping #ontinuously from my fa# to my boobs$ on# &n wolf%
whistling undr his brath whn 3 walkd to th door! 3 ;uitly rsntd it whn
popl took a mal #op mor sriously than m!
8artin safly rturnd$ w dro& off ba#k towards town again! 3 spd past my
hom though$ instad taking th turnoff for 8ountain .oad$ th Sarg raising his
ybrows at m in ;ustion! : dro& up th mountain in siln#! 's 3 susp#td$
sitting forlornly abandond in th publi# #arpark ad(a#nt to >ak 1ig was th littl
grn #ar$ doors wid opn and kys in th ignition! 3t was a littl s#rapd on th
front bumpr and wors for war insid$ but mostly okay!
C*ow did you know it would b hrED th Sarg askd$ looking at m with
guardd rsp#t!
CThis is whr th 1y#rafts abandon all thir stoln #ars$D 3 told him$ instantly
displling his mrging imag of m as a wondr%#op! CThy)r #raturs of routin!
'nd knowing thm$ thy)& probably had an orgy in th #ar as wll!D 3 smild at
him brightly! CSo whi#h on do you want to dri& ba#k to my pla#ED
3 wasn)t too surprisd whn h ki#kd m out of th patrol #ar and dro& off!
Thr was a r&olting stain on th dri&r)s sat of th littl #ar that 3 didn)t #ar
to xamin too #losly! 3 lookd around for somthing to #o&r it and found a
bautiful and xpnsi& pal lila# #ashmr (umpr #arlssly thrown onto th ba#k
sat! (hat silly psychiatrist$ 3 tuttd to myslf! 3t lookd as though somon had
wipd somthing disgusting on it$ mayb &n a fw tims$ that 3 also didn)t #ar to
xamin! 3 drapd th (umpr #arfully o&r th stain and dro& th littl #ar ba#k to
my hous! Th patrol #ar was alrady parkd whn 3 rturnd$ but 3 noti#d
immdiatly that th Sarg)s 1mr was gon!
3 trudgd up th stairs warily as 3 rang th #lini# to lt th psy#hiatrist know
sh #ould pi#k up hr #ar from my hous! 3t had bn su#h a long day! 3 hadn)t had
mu#h slp th night bfor and 3 was fast running out of puff! 3 hadn)t &n had a
#han# to think about gtting my #hi#kns out of th lo#kup$ and wondrd if th
Sarg would rally start ating thm if 3 didn)t mo& thm out fast nough!
3n th loung room$ 3 kissd Dad on th forhad and floppd onto th loung$
#losing my ys! C:hat a day,D
CTird$ lo&ED
C1yond tird$ Dad! 1yond xhaustd! /tting prilously #los to xpiration! 3
swar 3 will n&r mo& from this loung again!D
CJaky rang! *)s #oming o&r tonight$D h told m with a sly smil!
3 sat up immdiatly! CBh goodi, 3 bttr go ha& a showr!D 3 (umpd to my
ft and hustld my butt to th bathroom with th sound of Dad)s #hu#kls ringing
in my ars!
Cha#ter .
's 3 stood undr th showr$ 3 thought about Jak! Thr was a rason 3 #alld
him my hony%boy A h had hony%brown skin$ wa&y goldn hair$ in#rdibl ambr
ys and was as swt as hony! >ik all th 1y#rafts h was &ry good%looking and
kpt himslf in top shap! * was mostly &n%tmprd and good%naturd and was
smart$ th only on in his xtnsi& xtndd family so far to work out that #rim
dosn)t pay$ not that h was an angl by any mans!
3n my ys$ h was almost prf#t and had only on flaw$ but it was a biggi A
h was a 1y#raft! 'nd h was a loyal 1y#raft! :)d had a million argumnts o&r
his awful family$ but h would dfnd thm with his lif! Dp in my hart$
although 3 lo&d him intnsly$ 3 a#knowldgd that w had no long%trm futur
togthr b#aus of his family!
3 loathd th 1y#raftsF it was as simpl as that! 3n fa#t$ thr hadn)t &n bn a
word #oind yt to ds#rib th l&l of hatrd 3 had for th 1y#rafts! 3 would n&r
marry into his family of dmons! 3 would rathr di than b#om a 1y#raft! 8y
fathr would rathr kill m than lt m b#om a 1y#raft! 3f 3 marrid a 1y#raft h
wouldn)t go to my wdding! 3 susp#t that h would n&r spak to m again! *
had bn upst and furious whn 3)d startd going out with Jak in th first pla#!
1ut all that was somthing to worry about in th futur! 3 #rtainly had no
thoughts of gtting marrid yt$ &n though 3)d turnd twnty%s&n on Christmas
E& last yar! Jak$ a yar oldr than m$ wasn)t thinking of gtting marrid ithr!
1ut that was b#aus h was alrady marrid!
*)d marrid whn h was twnty to Chantll >butt +Sharn and Dorri)s
sistr-$ and prmanntly sparatd from hr aftr narly two yars of unstabl and
hot%bloodd wddd Gbliss)$ with a grat dal of wild sx$ shouting$ thratning and
#hating on both sids! *)d n&r got around to di&or#ing Chantll and whn 3
askd him about it on day$ h muttrd som un#on&in#ing answr that lft m
wondring if h was using his marital status to distan# himslf from womn$
in#luding m! Nobody #ould xp#t him to gt marrid if h was alrady marrid$
#ould thyE
3 think h also flt som obligation towards Chantll$ a lss%than%#harming
woman who)d boastd about ha&ing G2roperty of -a#ey) tattood on hr ars during
th first flush of marrid lo&! 3 bt sh)d rgrttd that on# or twi# aftrwards! 3n
th six yars sin# thy)d sparatd$ sh)d had four kids to four diffrnt fathrs and
sta#kd on fifty kilograms$ all of whi#h sh blamd on Jak for walking out on hr!
*r four kids) fathrs wr Jak)s oldr brothrs .d$ Iarl and .i#k and his
youngr brothr Dnny! Jak didn)t sm to mind though! 3t was that kind of family!
Thy shard!
* was th only 1y#raft who hadn)t imprgnatd any womn growing up! This
was du to his fanati#al us of birth #ontrol from th momnt h was first sxually
a#ti& at s#hool$ &n during his tim with his wif! Th rumour was that thy)d
brokn up b#aus h wouldn)t gt Chantll prgnant so sh #ould #oll#t th
go&rnmnt)s baby bonus to go on a holiday to th /old Coast with hr sistr
Dorri! * rally was th smart on in th family!
:hn sh)d trid to blam th first of hr kids on him$ dspit th fa#t that
thy)d sparatd l&n months pr&iously$ h)d dmandd a DN' tst straight
away! Sh had baulkd at that and hadn)t trid it on again! 'ny othr womn o&r
th yars who)d insistd that h was th fathr of hr #hild r#i&d th sam
tratmnt! * was almost obsssi& about nsuring that h didn)t b#om a fathr! 3t
was psy#hologi#al A probably somthing to do with th fa#t that his own fathr had
spnt most of Jak)s lif in (ail and his mothr wasn)t xa#tly th patint$ faithful$
matrnal typ! 3t hadn)t bn a grat #hildhood! 1ut all that was okay with m too$
b#aus 3 wasn)t rady to b#om a mothr yt and 3 would n&r forgi& myslf if 3
was rsponsibl for bringing yt anothr 1y#raft brat into th world! /od knows
thr wr nough of th littl monstrs running around alrady!
3 drid myslf off and drssd in a short skirt and body%hugging t%shirt$ la&ing
my hair loos! 3 sprayd myslf sparingly with my fa&ourit prfum$ a ruinously
pri#y dli#at floral s#nt that Jak had bought m for my last birthday and whi#h 3
was trying to mak do for th ntir yar! 3 thn addd that glamorous final tou#h as
3 did with all my outfits A my hunting knif! 3 probably didn)t nd too$ rasonably
sur that 3 was saf whn Jak was nar m$ but old habits di hard and 3)d bn
waring it for so long that 3 &irtually flt nakd whn 3 was unarmd!
3 wnt to th kit#hn and prpard th prawns for dinnr$ ripping off thir hads
and shlling thm$ gratful that th Sarg had rmmbrd to bring thm in from th
#ar! Th familiar sound of Jak)s prid and (oy$ his distin#ti& gold%#olourd
doubl%#abind ut dri&ing into th yard driftd up th sid of th hous through th
opn kit#hn windows! 2or Christmas last yar 3)d bought him a prsonalisd
numbr plat for it that radO J/0E12B! * lo&d it!
1for long 3 hard him #om in th front door to spnd a fw minuts #hatting
to Dad! 3 was ngrossd in th r#ip$ #arfully #hopping hom%grown rd #hillis$
#oriandr and mint$ whn strong$ brown arms snakd around my waist$ hands
mo&ing up to #arss my brasts and hot lips prssd thmsl&s against my n#k! 3
thrw down my knif #arlssly and land ba#k against my hony%boy$ ys #losd
in bliss$ surrndring myslf to his magi#al wandring hands!
C*llo Tssi$ my darling! "ou smll fantasti#! 3 lo& that prfum! :hat)s for
C*llo Jaky! ' prawn stir fry$D 3 said turning$ sliding my arms up around his
n#k and kissing him proprly!
* lookd down at m with his gorgous ys! CSounds dli#ious! :hat about
C3)m for dssrt$D 3 smild up at him!
C8y fa&ourit$D h smild ba#k! * had a bautiful smil! * ran his hands
through my hair$ thn down my ba#k to rst on my butt$ pulling my hips #los
against his! C3 missd you! 3)& bn thinking about you all wk!D * oftn workd
wk%long shifts$ so w didn)t s a#h rgularly!
C8 too$D 3 said$ although in truth 3)d bn too busy to think about him x#pt
for fi& minuts lying in bd bfor 3 fll aslp a#h night! * pushd m up
against th bn#h and w kissd slowly and dply for a whil$ a lot of tongu
in&ol&d$ hands gtting &ry naughty$ ni# forplay! 3 was burning for him alrady!
CBh$ 3)m sorry$D said a &oi# from th doorway! C3 didn)t ralis you had
#ompany!D : sprang apart$ surprisd! Th Sarg stood at th door$ a bottl of
whit win in a#h hand$ his ys #oolly assssing Jak$ fli#king o&r m$ thn o&r
th dinnr prparations bfor rturning to m! * hld up th bottls! C3 thought 3)d
buy som win to go with th prawns$D h said and walkd past us to put th bottls
in th fridg!
3 ad(ustd my #lothing and smoothd down my hair! 3 wasn)t a prson to b
asily mbarrassd$ but 3 #ould fl my #hks pinkn as 3 thankd him and
introdu#d th two mn!
Jak lookd him up and down! CSo you)r th man my Tssi)s bn running
around with all dayED h askd as h shook th Sarg)s hand hartily! * turnd to
m with a mis#hi&ous grin! C3)& had twnty%ight phon #alls so far today from
popl tlling m that my girlfrind)s bn out and about with anothr man!D *is
mobil trilld from his po#kt! * rtri&d it and lookd at th s#rn$ pulling a
fa#! C8ak that twnty%nin! That)s Lalri! 3)m not answring!D
3 smirkd to myslf! Lalri 1y#raft was Jak)s aunt%by%marriag and on of th
a#knowldgd prmir busybodis of >ittl Town! CSh)s lat with th nws! Th
Sarg and 3 ha& bn ba#k for ags! That will b killing hr$ not bing th first to
tll you!D
* laughd and kissd my forhad! C3)m off for a showr$ bab! 3)& got tim$
ha&n)t 3ED * was still in his prison offi#r uniform A whit polo shirt with th
dpartmnt)s logo on th po#kt$ bla#k #argo pants$ bla#k boots and bla#k logod
#ap A #oming straight hr from work$ and although h lookd grat in that$ h
lookd &n bttr in his (ans!
CSur you ha&$ hony%boy$D 3 rplid and wnt ba#k to work$ humming to
myslf happily$ thinking about sx$ lots and lots of sx tonight! 3 #ouldn)t wait! Sx$
sx$ sx! 0lnty of hot$ swaty$ sp#ta#ular sx with my gorgous man! 3t was (ust
what 3 ndd!
CCan 3 hlp with anythingED askd a ;uit &oi# bhind m! Startld$ my ys
flw up! 3)d forgottn about th Sarg th s#ond that Jak had lft th room! Bh
#rap, Sx whil my nw boss was in th room dir#tly a#ross th hall A probably
o&rharing &rything! 3 shid at th thought$ and thn knw it (ust wasn)t going to
happn tonight! Not whil h was staying hr! 8y whol &ning was ruind in
on s#ond!
CNo thanks$D 3 said in a sulky &oi#$ d&ining th prawns with a mountain of
CCan 3 pour you a glass of win at lastED h prsistd! 3 lookd up at him again
and rlntd in my bad tmpr! 3t wasn)t his fault h had to stay with m and 3 was
th on who)d offrd th hospitality in th first pla#! 3 rmmbrd my mannrs!
CThank you$ Sarg! That would b lo&ly!D
* smild slightly! C8y plasur!D * pausd a bat! CTss!D
3 smild ba#k! C'nd mayb you #ould #hop som &gis for th stir fryE Bnly if
you don)t mindED
CBf #ours!D 3 dir#td him to our s#ant #oll#tion of un#hippd win glasss
and h pourd us both a glass bfor #hopping mushrooms$ rd #apsi#um$ snowpas
and shallots as ffi#intly as h smd to do &rything! * was a man usd to
looking aftr himslf$ that was ob&ious! 3 wondrd again about his rlationship
status! SinglE Di&or#dE /ayE * didn)t war a wdding ring$ so 3 prsumd h
wasn)t #urrntly marrid$ but othrwis it was impossibl to tll!
CThis win is wondrful$ Sarg$D 3 mar&lld aftr a fw sips! C3 fl as though
th graps ar bursting on my tongu! :hat is itED 3 wasn)t mu#h of a drinkr and
didn)t know anything about win$ but th win h)d #hosn was simply glorious!
0lasd$ h ga& m a brif rundown of him approa#hing 'b at th tiny bottl
shop atta#hd to th pub$ sking a good win to mat#h th safood! * #ommntd
on how hlpful 'b had bn in hunting down th prf#t win for dinnr$ a #risp
sau&ignon blan# from th 8argart .i&r rgion in th #ountry)s wst!
C'b would ha& lo&d that$D 3 told him happily! * didn)t gt mu#h
opportunity to find a #onnoissur in >ittl Town! 'nd by #onnoissur$ 3 mant
anybody who had th rmotst intrst in whthr th fla&our of th win mat#hd
th fla&our of th food$ and wasn)t (ust aftr an al#ohol bu99! 3t appard as though
w had somthing of a gntlman on our hands in 2inn 8aguir!
Jak burst ba#k into th kit#hn$ hair damp and looking insanly wondrful! *
#ast sharp ys o&r th two of us$ took a hug gulp of my win$ grima#d
#omi#ally$ snat#hd a snowpa from th pil of prpard &gtabls arning him a
frown from th Sarg$ and wnt to th fridg for a br! * poppd th lid and took
a long swig$ laning his #ut butt against th kit#hn bn#h and draping his arm
around my shouldrs!
C"ou from th #ity$ 2innED h askd plasantly!
C"s$D th Sarg rplid minimally$ busy #hopping!
C:hat brings you to Dulls&illED
Th Sarg glan#d up at him brifly! C0rsonal rasons!D That was probably
mant to shut Jak up$ but it pi;ud my intrst straight away!
C"ou &r li&d in th #ountry bforED
' brif drisi& laugh! CNo!D
CSo why nowED
C0rsonal rasons$D h rpatd!
CJaky$ do you know that th Sarg told m h was going to at my #hi#kns
on by on if 3 didn)t mo& thm from th lo#kupED 3 poutd indignantly$ glaring
o&r at my nw boss!
Jak laughd out loud$ C/ood for you$ mat! Th way Tssi gos on about
thos bloody #hi#kns$ you)d think thy wr hr kids!D
CThy ar my girls! * thratnd to at 8iss Chooky first,D 3 insistd$ poking
Jak in his wll%mus#ld sid$ b#oming hatd again as 3 rmmbrd!
* land down to kiss m and laughd &n loudr! C/ood$ 3 hat that
#hi#kn, 'nd sh hats mn! :at#h out$ 2inn$ that)s all 3 #an say! Sh)ll gt hr
C8iss Chooky or TssED askd th Sarg in a #ool &oi#!
Jak laughd again! C:ho knowsE 0robably both! 8y ad&i# is to wat#h your
3 rolld my ys and loosnd up th hokkin noodls in som warm watr!
C3)ll dal with ithr as thy #om! 3)m not sur that Tss has bn wll%
supr&isd at work r#ntly$D th Sarg said and pausd$ his ys sliding o&r to m!
C'nd mayb hr hns also nd a roostr!D
Jak almost burst a kidny laughing at that! 3 was rady to bust som kidnys
myslf too$ but 3 wouldn)t b laughing whil 3 did it! 3 didn)t appr#iat th
impli#ation that 3 ndd a man to rul o&r m$ &n if th Sarg was (oking! That
was if h was (oking A it was hard to tll from his straight fa#!
CSh hasn)t bn supr&isd at all$D agrd Jak$ twirling my hair around his
fingrs! 3 bggd him with my ys to not say anothr word$ but h prssd on! CDs
was wors than uslss$ la&ing Tssi to do &rything! 3t wasn)t fair! Sh #an)t run
a two%prson station by hrslf! Sh)s xhaustd!D * lookd at m so lo&ingly as h
said it though that 3 didn)t ki#k him lik 3 wantd to! 3nstad 3 put my arm around
his waist and land against him! * kissd th top of my had!
CTssED askd my nw boss!
C*)s th on #omplaining$ not m$D 3 said$ and lt Jak go$ busying myslf
with frying th prawns$ &gtabls$ noodls and adding th sau#s at th right tim!
:hn 3 finishd 3 busid myslf furthr by gtting out th bowls$ #hopsti#ks and
#utlry$ sr&ing dinnr$ pouring th Sarg and m mor win and Dad and Jak
som br!
B&r dinnr whi#h w at #asually at th kit#hn tabl$ Jak askd m about th
n#ountr with 8artin! 3 ga& th Sarg a rsignd look!
CS what it)s lik li&ing in th #ountryE Thr ar no s#rts in this pla#!D
C:as h &iolnt againED askd Dad ;uitly!
CNo$D 3 assurd$ frowning as 3 struggld with th #hopsti#ks to pi#k up th last
fw noodls in my bowl! 3 ga& up and pi#kd thm up with my fingrs instad$
popping thm into my mouth and li#king my fingrs #lan aftrwards! "um, 3
#aught th Sarg)s ys on m and flushd slightly$ ashamd of my bad tabl
mannrs! 3 hurridly answrd! C8artin was mor motional than anything ls! 3
was glad h wasn)t &iolnt b#aus 3 didn)t ha& my #uffs or my spray on m!
>u#kily thr wr som plasti# rstraints in th glo& box! Th Sarg brought him
down and ga& th dir#tor a right raming at th #lini# about thir s#urity
aftrwards!D 3 addd dryly$ C3 think th dir#tor might &n listn this tim! 't last
h paid attntion to th Sarg!D
Jak took my hand and s;u9d! C8ust b ni# to know you finally ha& a
partnr who)s willing to hlpED
3 glan#d o&r at th Sarg and noddd! CBh yah$ that)s a good fling!D
Jak #ontinud indignantly! CDo you know that la9y formr boss of hrs lft hr
to go out to th s#rt biki rtrat to sr& a Coun#il ordrE 1y hrslfE 3 wnt
ballisti# whn 3 hard about it!D Jak wasn)t a big fan of Ds! C8y littl girl #oppr
alon with a bun#h of bikis!D
* got an ungntl lbow in th sid for that sxist #ommnt! CJaky$ 3)&
xplaind to you a hundrd tims that Ds wasn)t &n at th station whn th
Coun#il workr #am in and askd on of us to sr& th ordr for him b#aus h
was too s#ard to$D 3 rmindd him$ but not rally wanting to sti#k up for Ds! 3t had
bn ;uit a thratning xprin#! C* was at 2oxy)s pla#$ in&stigating an
allgd brak%in!D
Jak and my Dad both ga& laborat y rolls!
C.ight$D drawld Jak sar#asti#ally! CTh only prson in town Ds &r
bothrd prsonally &isiting whn thy rportd a #rim! 'nd in fa#t$ wrn)t you
sp#ifi#ally told not to &r in&stigat any rportd brak%ins at 2oxy)s hous$ but
rfr thm to Ds immdiatlyED
C"s$D 3 admittd rlu#tantly! 3 was a loyal kind of prson and didn)t lik to
bad%mouth a boss$ &n whn h)d bn as bad as Ds!
CSo whil h was banging 2oxy$ you wr lft with th dangrous workED Jak
was building up a had of stam!
C3t wasn)t that bad$D 3 lid$ smiling at him and gntly s;u9ing his hand! C3)m
still hr$ arn)t 3ED
3n fa#t 3 had bn s&rly harassd by th six or so bikis prsnt at th tim!
Thy)d mad inappropriat sxual #ommnts and told m in &ulgar dtail what thy
wr planning on doing to m! 3 stard thm down and trid not to ra#t to thm$ but
kpt my distan# and had my hand rady to ra#h for my gun th whol tim 3 was
thr! Th worst part had bn whn 3 lft and had to turn my ba#k on thm as 3
walkd down th long path ba#k to th patrol #ar! Thr was no way 3 was going to
gi& thm th satisfa#tion of sing m turn around to #h#k on thm$ but 3 #ould
fl thir ys on m th whol way$ thir #rud #at#alls ringing in my ars!
3)d had a ral go at Ds o&r it whn h finally rturnd from 2oxy)s pla#$ but
as usual h)d (ust brushd it asid as Gwoman)s nr&s) and &n mad a fw (oks
about it! 3t had takn m a whil to #ool down aftr that littl in#idnt!
Th Sarg appard thoughtful! CThat won)t happn again$ Tss! 3)m a big
bli&r in tam work!D Thn h #hangd th sub(#t! C:hy do you all #all it th
secret biki rtratE Clarly &rybody knows about it! 3t hardly sounds lik a
3 laughd! CThy try to kp it s#rt$ but it)s a bit hard for us to ignor thirty
biks rumbling through town in th middl of th night &ry #oupl of months!
Thy usually kp to thmsl&s and don)t #aus mu#h of a nuisan#$ surprisingly!
1ut /od only know what thy)r doing insid that pla#!D
: finishd dinnr and Dad &oluntrd himslf and th Sarg to wash up$
la&ing Jak and m fr! 3 took his hand whn h offrd and lt him lad m from
th kit#hn!
C"our room or minED h (okd$ pinning m to th hall wall with his body! *
r#i&d fr bd%and%board at th prison in x#hang for bing on%#all whn&r
thr was an mrgn#y lik a fir or an attmptd s#ap! /usts$ sp#ially
womn$ wr dfinitly not allowd! 3)d n&r stayd o&rnight in his room!
CNo, Not with th Sarg hr! 3 don)t want my nw boss to har us gtting it on$
Jaky! *)s right a#ross th hall! *)ll har &rything! 'nd w)r not xa#tly
C1aby doll$ plas don)t tas m$D h groand$ kissing my n#k and prssing
himslf up against m! C3 nd you! 3)& bn thinking about you all wk!D
C3 #an s that$ hony%boy$D 3 gaspd$ fling his hardnss through his (ans!
'nd that was th last thing 3 got to say for a whil as his mouth$ tongu and hands
got busy again!
8y Jak was a wondrful sdu#r! E&rything h did flt lik forplay to m!
.inging m up to ask m if 3 wantd him to pi#k up som milk and brad snt a
warm thrill down my spin! Complaining that h was too tird to lo& m only built
up my anti#ipation for th nxt tim! 3 li&d in a #onstant stat of hightnd sxual
awarnss whn 3 was around him!
3n bd$ h was dynamit! * was only th s#ond lo&r 3)d had in my lif$ but
&n 3 #ould tll h was had and shouldrs o&r most othr mn whn it #am to
sx! 'ftr a night spnt with him$ 3 wnt around th nxt day with a silly smil on
my fa# that nothing #ould budg! 1ing a 1y#raft$ h had b#om sxually a#ti&
as soon as h hit pubrty! 1ing so good%looking and mu#h mor #harismati# and
ni#r than th a&rag 1y#raft$ h)d had a lin of girls willing to xprimnt with
him! 3 hadn)t bn on of thm! * had n&r paid any attntion to m anyway$
bing a yar ahad of m at s#hool! 3nstad 3)d bn houndd rlntlssly by his
youngr brothr$ Dnny$ who had bn in th sam grad as m!
3 hatd Dnny 1y#raft! * had bn a pst to m during primary s#hool and was
my #hif tormntr all through high s#hool$ prsisting in his stupid blif that if h
harassd and insultd m nough$ 3 would slp with him! Not bloody likly, Th
ninty minut bus trip to and from high s#hool at 1ig Town a#h s#hool day was
hll on arth for m! * sprad rumours about m$ tlling &ryon 3)d put out for
him$ whi#h nobody bli&d anyway! 3t was wll%known that Dad and Nana 2ullr
both kpt a fanati#ally #los and #arful y on m$ knowing xa#tly whr 3 was
and who 3 was with$ twnty%four hours a day!
To my ndlss mbarrassmnt$ &rybody in th whol high s#hool knw that 3
was a &irgin! 'nd th fa#t that Dnny kpt haranguing m #onstantly lt &ryon
know that h hadn)t su##dd in his attmpts to gt m into bd +or mor likly
into a stoln #ar for a ;ui#ki up at th lak #arpark$ whi#h was as romanti# as a
1y#raft boy normally got-! * didn)t kp his mssag #onsistnt ithr$ on day
tlling &ryon in a loud &oi# that Trsa 2ullr was a stu#k%up frigid bit#h who
thought sh was too good for &ry boy in >ittl Town$ and th nxt tlling
&ryon that Trsa 2ullr was a dirty whor who would slp with anyon for
mony$ &n othr girls$ &n shp$ &n hr own fathr! "ah$ Dnny 1y#raft was
a ral #harmr!
3 #ompltly ignord Dnny$ didn)t spak to him$ didn)t look at him and didn)t
a#knowldg his prsn# in any way! 3 stard out th bus window or rad #almly as
h shoutd out hurtful things about m$ blanking him on th strt if our paths &r
#rossd! That mad him &n mor obsssd with m$ b#aus h was a good%
looking boy too and #ouldn)t bli& that 3 was indiffrnt to his 1y#raft G#harm)
whn &ry othr girl in my yar fll for it! 3 b#am som unobtainabl holy grail
for him and h wasn)t going to stop until h brok m down or for#d m to agr to
slp with him$ nithr of whi#h was &r going to happn!
Thr wr thr things that asd his harassmnt$ non of thm prmanntly
though! Bn night at th nd of ighth grad$ strssd at bing in th middl of
xams and aftr a parti#ularly &irulnt atta#k from him on th bus rid hom$ 3
sobbd out to Nana 2ullr for th first tim what had bn happning for most of th
yar! Sh instantly took m &ry sriously! Th nxt aftrnoon as Dnny 1y#raft
stppd off th bus whn it droppd us ba#k at >ittl Town$ my fro#ious Nana A
who stood barly fi& ft tall in hr good hls but who was wll%a##ptd as th
most trrifying woman in town with th sharpst tongu you &r hard A was
waiting for him! Sh ga& him su#h an ar bashing about his disgra#ful bha&iour
that sh &ntually mad him #ry in front of th othr kids! Thn sh mar#hd to his
hous$ dragging him thr by th ar$ and ga& his mothr an ;ually brutal tongu
lashing$ pointing out hr many flaws as a parntal figur in #lar and un#rtain
trms$ brating hr for hr dmon #hildrn$ and &ntually mad hr #ry too! 3t was
th talk of th town for th nxt two months b#aus th 1y#rafts wr a hard
family and thy didn)t brak asily! 8y Nana was th hro of >ittl Town! Sh was
my hro too!
Th s#ond in#idnt that mad Dnny ba#k off for a whil was th bating 3
ga& him in ninth grad! Bn aftrnoon$ moody with 08S$ 3 snappd aftr h trid
to trip m as 3 got off th bus right aftr h)d mad that #ra#k about m slping
with my dad! 3 grabbd him by his shirt with my lft hand and so#kd him on on
th nos with my right fist! Thn w wr on in arnst$ #ir#ling around a#h othr$
th blood from his nos dripping onto his #rumpld whit s#hool shirt! 'll th kids
surroundd us$ #hring and ylling out G2ight, 2ight, 2ight,) in that primiti& 3ord
of the )lies way that kids ha&! Not many popl knw$ but from whn 3 was a tiny
#hild my fathr$ with th full support of th normally ladylik and propr Nana
2ullr$ had dspratly and dtrmindly mad sur that 3 #ould dfnd myslf!
E&n ba#k thn whn 3 was only fourtn$ 3 was a #omptnt sparrr$ had larnd
som martial arts$ was a #ra#k shot and #arrid my knif with m &rywhr! So
whn othr girls wnt to ballt$ gymnasti#s or hors riding$ 3 was at th rifl rang
or in th gym in 1ig Town$ pun#hing and ki#king bags$ larning slf%dfn#! 3
wasn)t afraid to tak on Dnny 1y#raft in a fight!
1y th look on his fa#$ 3 #ould tll with disgust that th thought of fighting
with m$ of physi#ally tou#hing m$ was turning him on shamfully! * playfully
dartd around in front of m$ fists up$ smirking with #onfidn#! :hil h r&lld
in my attntion and #alld out smart%ars #ommnts$ ggd on by his rlati&s$ 3 was
silnt$ dadly srious and fo#ussd! :hn h turnd his had to diss m to Jak or
.i#k or somon$ 3 suddnly fignd anothr right hook making him dodg in pani#$
but instad 3 liftd my right lg and dro& my foot hard into his stoma#h! 's h
doubld o&r in pain$ 3 raisd my kn and smashd it into his fa#$ #ra#king his
nos! * fll to th ground$ groaning and blding$ and (ust for good masur 3
ki#kd him hard in th nuts! 3t was all finishd that ;ui#kly! 3 stppd o&r him
#ontmptuously$ not sparing him a s#ond glan#$ not saying a word to him th
whol tim! 3 walkd proudly to th spot whr 3 normally waitd for Nana 2ullr to
pi#k m up$ nursing my fist$ whi#h was bruising up! 8y girlfrinds #rowdd around
m$ talking a million mils a s#ond in high%pit#hd x#itmnt and admiration!
3 was in big troubl that aftrnoon from both Nana 2ullr and Dad for s#rapping
on th strt lik a #ommon prson$ but 3 knw that thy wr both s#rtly bursting
with prid in my ability to look aftr myslf! Dnny missd th nxt thr days of
s#hool and whn h #am ba#k$ his nos s&rly bruisd$ h #ontinud to wat#h m
but h didn)t spak to m for a long tim aftrwards!
Th last thing that lssnd Dnny)s #ampaign of trror was whn 3 startd
going out with 'b! 'b$ who was in th sam yar as Jak$ on yar ahad of m$
was #arfully &ttd by Dad and Nana 2ullr and appro&d to b#om my first
boyfrind! Bur familis had known a#h othr sin# w wr born$ and growing up
w oftn at at 'b)s parnts) pub$ whi#h h now ownd! 3 likd him a lot$ admiring
his mus#ls of #ours$ but also b#aus h had gallantly #om to my rs#u many a
tim on th bus rid from hll whn Dnny b#am too obnoxious! *is rgular offr
to for#fully xpl Dnny from th bus whil it was mo&ing had always mad m
look up at him and smil in gratitud$ whi#h only mad Dnny &n maddr! *
hatd 'b$ but as 3 said bfor$ you)d think twi# bfor you tangld with him$ &n
whn h was a tnagr!
*ow&r$ aftr ightn months of dating$ 'b)s and my rlationship hadn)t
progrssd byond handholding and kissing! 'nd that)s th main rason h dumpd
m for Carol Smyth who was rumourd +and latr #onfirmd by both Jak and
'b- to slp around willingly and fr;untly! 3)d dspratly wantd to ha& sx
with 'b and 3)d wantd him to tou#h m &rywhr$ a simmring &ol#ano of
tnag hormons myslf! 1ut 3 knw that Nana 2ullr would b brokn%hartd
and #rushd with disappointmnt if 3 b#am what sh #alld Gon of thos girls)$ so
3)d pushd him away and kpt my kns primly #lampd togthr whn&r his
hands wnt wandring! 'b hadn)t bn willing to rsp#t that or to wait patintly
for m to b rady!
3 didn)t ha& anothr boyfrind at s#hool aftr 'b$ so by th nd of high s#hool
&rybody knw that 3 was still a &irgin! 8y #onstant warinss$ #ombind with m
#arrying my knif &rywhr$ #ausd th mal tnagrs in town to kp thir
distan#! 3)d gon to th nd%of%s#hool formal by myslf$ th only girl not to find
&n som spotty$ maladroit$ misfit boy dsprat nough to tak m as a last rsort!
'gainst my plading wishs$ Dad and Nana 2ullr had for#d m to go anyway$ not
wanting m to miss what thy thought was an important rit of passag! 3 wor a
prtty drss that Nana 2ullr had spnt a long tim making for m$ my knif
#arfully #on#ald undrnath! 1for h dro& m to 1ig Town$ Dad told m 3
lookd bautiful$ his &oi# braking with motion$ and Nana 2ullr #ouldn)t spak$
tars in hr ys! 0rsonally$ 3)d flt so si#k with drad that 3 thought 3)d throw up!
3t had bn on of th worst xprin#s of my lif! 3 still burn with humiliation
tn yars latr rmmbring standing by myslf in that hug fsti& s#hool hall$
abandond by my own #los girlfrinds and thir dats! Th musi# thumpd loudly$
&ry prson milling around m with a partnr$ x#itd and laughing$ tribal and
#onn#td for on &ning! 'ftr th third wll%maning ta#hr$ noti#ing how
misrabl 3 lookd$ askd m kindly whr my dat was$ 3)d turnd and fld! 3)d
spnt th rst of th night sitting on a hard bn#h outsid th hall! 3n th lonly
darknss$ 3)d listnd to th loud #hattr$ laughtr and musi# insid$ wanting mor
than anything to b a part of it$ battling slf%pitying tars! 1ut that was th story of
my lif A my diffi#ult prsonal #ir#umstan#s had always mad m fl lik an
3)d plastrd on a bright smil whn Dad pi#kd m up though$ #laiming 3 was
too tird from all th fun and dan#ing to &n spak whn h wantd to know th
dtails about th &ning! 3)d prtndd to slp th ntir dri& hom to >ittl
Town$ but 3 don)t think 3 foold him for a s#ond! Nithr h nor Nana 2ullr &r
mntiond th formal again! 3)d s#rtly rippd up &ry unsmiling photo that Dad
had takn of m that night and sho&d that prtty drss to th ba#k of my #upboard$
n&r wanting to st ys on it again! Bn day 3 noti#d that it had disappard$ but
3 n&r askd Dad or Nana 2ullr what had happnd to it and thy n&r
&oluntrd any information ithr! 3)d litrally (umpd for (oy whn 3 was a##ptd
into th #ity)s prmir uni&rsity a fw wks latr$ knowing that 3 finally had a
#omplling rason to mo& to th #ity and away from this town for&r!
3)d bn glad to s#ap to th anonymity of th #ity and gt away from th
#laustrophobi# #onfins of >ittl Town! 'nd from Dnny 1y#raft who had stoppd
o&rtly haranguing m$ but who instad bgan following m &rywhr 3 wnt
around town! 3 lo&d th fa#t that in th #ity popl only knw what 3 #hos to shar
about myslf and didn)t know &rything about m bfor 3 &n opnd my mouth!
'nd yt hr 3 was$ ba#k in >ittl Town again$ willingly tongu%kissing a
1y#raft boy and ltting him put his hand up my top! 3t was funny how lif workd
out somtims!
CJaky$ no,D 3 said firmly$ pushing him away as his hands wandrd undr my
skirt! C: #an mak up for it tomorrow night whn th Sarg is gon! 1ut not
* swor undr his brath and lookd down at his (ans$ whi#h wr bulging
unmistakably at th front! C'nd what th hll am 3 supposd to do with thisED
CSorry hony$D 3 giggld rgrtfully$ looking down as wll! C' #old showrED
* s;uirmd$ hands on his #rot#h$ trying to rarrang &rything mor
#omfortably$ grumbling all th whil undr his brath!
3 wat#hd him for a momnt$ my nos s#rwd up! C3)m glad 3)m a woman
without all thos mssy dangly bits$D 3 laughd$ and la&ing him grappling with
himslf$ 3 wnt into th li&ing room and floppd down on th loung$ yawning!
*a&ing sortd &rything out to his satisfa#tion$ Jak thrw himslf down nxt to
m and put his arm around m$ pulling m #los to him!
C3f you)r not going to mak swt musi# with m in th bdroom$ thn lt)s
mak it somwhr ls$D h suggstd$ grinning!
3 groand$ knowing what h was rfrring to! CNo Jaky! Not tonight! 3)m too
* stood up and pulld m to my ft by my hands! CCom on$ la9ybons!
"ou)ll n&r impro& if you don)t kp pra#ti#ing!D
C3 do kp pra#ti#ing and 3 n&r impro&$D 3 moand$ but lt him lad m by
th hand out of th loung room to th dining room that w n&r at in$ always
taking our mals at th kit#hn tabl! 3nstad$ 3)d #on&rtd it into a musi# room and
it was whr our old upright piano was lo#atd as wll as a #oupl of guitars that
blongd to Jak! * was a skilld guitarist! 3$ on th othr hand$ was absolut
rubbish at it$ but h prsistd in trying to ta#h m to play! Currntly$ w wr
#on#ntrating on th bass guitar$ whi#h 3 was failing misrably to mastr!
CBkay$ w)ll try G:alking on th 8oon) again$D h instru#td$ slinging his
guitar)s strap o&r his shouldr$ rfrring to th 0oli# song h)d bn trying to
ta#h m for wks! 3t had an asy littl bass riff that Jak was #on&in#d 3 #ould
larn to play! So far$ 3 wasn)t pro&ing him right!
C3t)s too fast for m$D 3 #omplaind$ rlu#tantly pi#king up th bass guitar!
C1ab! 3t)s th slowst musi# 3 #ould find! /i& it anothr try$D h #oaxd with a
winning smil!
3 #ouldn)t rsist that$ so 3 ga& it anothr try$ thn anothr and thn anothr$
Jak growing in#rasingly frustratd with my la#k of #omptn#! Bn my fourth
attmpt 3 stuffd up th bginning again$ too slow to #om in!
C3 am,D 3 snappd ba#k at him$ rady to ;uit!
CBn mor tim$D h dmandd!
3 managd to gt my timing right on th fifth attmpt$ but thn hit th wrong
strings$ making Jak #ring! : sur wrn)t making bautiful musi# togthr
tonight! 3 lookd up at that point and noti#d both Dad and th Sarg #rowding th
doorway$ wat#hing us! 'h great$ 3 thought #rossly$ an unwantd audin# to my
uttr humiliation!
C*ow did that soundED 3 askd thm hopfully whn w)d finishd$ not rally
wanting to har thir rsponss!
CTrribl$D rplid Dad honstly!
Th Sarg agrd! CCa#ophonous!D
Jak glan#d o&r at m! C3s that goodED h askd$ un#rtain!
3 laughd$ my humour rstord! CNo Jaky$ that)s not good! * mans w$ or
m at last$ sound bloody awful! 'nd h)s right!D
CEnough for tonight thn$D h d#idd and gratfully 3 pla#d th guitar ba#k on
its stand$ taking a sat at th piano instad! 3 liftd th lid and startd playing th
introdu#tion to a song that Jak and 3 both lo&d! 3 stoppd suddnly$ noti#ing him
about to (oin in on th guitar! 3 grabbd th tambourin off th top of th piano and
twistd on th sat$ holding it out to Dad$ smiling!
C2l lik a song$ DadED 3 askd him$ shaking th tambourin tmptingly! *
smild ba#k as h took it from m! Jak and 3 #ommuni#atd with our ys and
startd playing togthr$ Dad gi&ing us a bit of bat with th tambourin! :)d all
playd this song togthr a hundrd tims bfor$ slipping asily into its lo&ly
rhythm! 3 sang th lyri#s$ with Jak and Dad$ who both had plasing &oi#s$ (oining
in with th #horus! : ndd with a flourish!
Th Sarg ga& us a polit #lap! C3 hadn)t ralisd 3)d stumbld upon a modrn
day 0artridg 2amily$D h said dryly! C:hat a bautiful song that was! 3)m not
familiar with it!D
Jak answrd! C3t)s G/rn) by 'lx >loyd! Bn of Tssi)s and my
fa&ourits!D : smild at a#h othr! 3 had bn playing it on my small bdroom
stro whn w had first slpt togthr!
Th Sarg)s dp blu ys rgardd us all thoughtfully on by on$ bfor
rsting on m! C"ou ha& a lo&ly &oi#$ Tss! 'nd you #rtainly play th piano
mu#h bttr than you do th guitar!D ' faint smil took th sting out of his words!
CTssi didn)t ha& mu#h #hoi# in th mattr$D laughd Dad! C8y mothr was
a singing and piano ta#hr! 3t was lu#ky for Tssi that sh had som natural talnt
for my mothr to build on$ othrwis hr #hildhood would ha& bn #ompltly
misrabl!D Th Sarg raisd an ybrow! C8y mothr was dtrmind to ta#h hr
to sing and play to hr &ry xa#ting standards! 8y poor littl girl had to spnd
hours larning and pra#ti#ing!D
C3 didn)t mind$D 3 #hidd mildly$ pulling down th lid on th piano and standing
up! C3t was a pri&ilg to larn with Nana 2ullr! Sh was &ry talntd!D Not to
mntion that it was th sol spark of #ultur in my rlntlss timtabl of s#hooling
and slf%dfn# training! 3)d grown up usd to a rigorous routin$ whi#h was
probably why 3)d flt at hom at th poli# a#admy whn othr mor fr%li&ing
r#ruits had struggld with th stri#tnss!
CTh 2ullrs ha& always bn a musi#al family$D xplaind Dad! CTssi)s
mothr sang lik an angl! 1ttr than Tssi &n!D
C'nd Dad plays th &iolin lik a ro#k god$D 3 tasd fondly!
CKsd to play$ lo&$D h rmindd m sadly! * wasn)t nimbl nough to play
anymor! 3 land o&r to kiss him on th forhad #onsolingly and took th
tambourin from him$ stowing it ba#k on top of th piano!
CThat)s why 3 don)t undrstand why you #an)t larn th guitar bttr$ bab$D
pu99ld Jak! C"ou play th piano so wll$ why not th guitarED
3 shruggd! C3 dunno$ Jaky! 3 guss 3)m only good at sp#ifi# things! 3t)s lik
whn you trid to ta#h m to surf$ rmmbrE 3)m a strong swimmr$ but #ouldn)t
larn to surf for lo& or mony,D 3 pausd dlibratly! C1ut thr ar plnty of
things 3)m &ry good at$ arn)t thr$ hony%boyED 'nd our ys lo#kd in on of
thos loadd s#rt #oupl glan#s that mak &ryon ls in a fifty mtr &i#inity
gag un#ontrollably!
CThr sur ar$ baby doll$D h agrd$ his nostrils flaring and pupils dilating$
and thn rpatd mindlssly$ CThr sur ar!D 3nstant but unsatisfid sxual dsir
#ra#kld around th room$ as li& as l#tri#ity! 'h, for an hour alone with my
honey!boy in my bedroom right now$ 3 thought longingly! S#rap that$ all 3)d nd
would b twnty minuts with him on th loung! *ll$ 3)d &n sttl for tn
minuts on th floor$ hr in this room$ with both our phons ringing and somon
kno#king on th door!
.lu#tantly dragging my fo#us away from blow my blt$ 3 suddnly
rmmbrd that w wrn)t alon! 3 glan#d o&r at th Sarg! Thankfully h)d
managd to hold his dinnr down but was rgarding m silntly again with thos
unfathomabl ys!
C: rally nd anothr guitarist or a drummr! :)r for&r ha&ing to adapt
songs to #ompnsat! 3 don)t suppos you play th drums$ do youED 3 askd him
C3)m afraid not$D h said$ not ntirly rgrtful!
CThank /od for that$D x#laimd Dad undr his brath$ making m giggl!
Th Sarg #ontinud! CKnfortunatly my musi#al gn must b df#ti&! 3)&
no talnt for any instrumnt at all! 'nd nithr do my parnts$ as far as 3 know!D
CN&r mind$D 3 soothd! C"ou)r probably &ry good at somthing that non of
us ar! 1sids guitar playing and surfing$ 3)m also #ompltly hoplss at
C"ou sur ar$D agrd Jak$ grinning! Dad noddd his had in tasing
#on#urrn#$ grinning hugly as wll! CSh)s mbarrassingly bad at dan#ing! E&ry
tim 3 s hr dan# 3 think of Elain in that &einfeld pisod!D
3 thumpd him gntly$ rmmbring that pisod and Elain)s awkward$ (rky
mo&mnts! C3)m not that bad,D
Jak mrly grinnd again and 3 spnt th nxt fi& minuts trying to ti#kl him
into a rtra#tion$ both of us laughing madly! .alising that w wr alon$ th othr
two drifting away during our high%(inks$ 3 mouldd myslf against Jak$ looking up
at him!
CDo you want to stay th night anyway$ hony%boyED
C1ttr not$ bautiful! Bthrwis you)ll wak up in th middl of th night to
find m on top of you and insid of you!D * kissd th top of my had!
CThat sounds lik a good plan for tomorrow night$D 3 smild up at him! C:hr
will you stayED
C3)ll go to 8um)s pla#! 3 ha&n)t sn hr for a whil! 3t)ll b ni# to #at#h up
with &ryon!D
3 didn)t #ommnt$ mo&ing away from him! Thr was nothing 3 #ould say about
his family that wouldn)t start an argumnt! E&n if 3 said somthing inno#uous lik
asking him to gi& his mothr my rgards$ it would only mak him a##us m of
bing a sar#asti# bit#h! *)d b right too! 3 hatd his mothr and th fling was
mutual! 3t was bst to stay silnt somtims!
: (oind Dad and th Sarg in th loung room and spnt a plasantly ;uit
&ning wat#hing a poli# pro#dural on TL that mad th Sarg and m #hu#kl
with amusmnt! 0oli# offi#rs and dt#ti&s on TL wr always so glamorous A
it was far rmo&d from my rality! Non of th #hara#trs on that show &r had
somon throw up on thir boots or had to fnd off randy dogs! 3 was kn to s
th nd of th improbabl plot$ whr th #rim #onfssd asily whn #onfrontd
with th #on&olutd$ high%t#h fornsi# &idn#! 1ut th la#k of slp th night
bfor and th two glasss of win #aught up with m! Comfortabl laning against
Jak$ inhaling his familiar mas#ulin s#nt and n(oying his gntl stroking of my
hair$ 3 fll aslp at a ridi#ulously arly hour$ sprawld gra#lssly a#ross th
3 struggld to #ons#iousnss som tim latr$ Jak gntly shaking m and #alling
my nam! C:ak up$ Tssi! Tim for bd! 3)m going now!D
C3 wasn)t slping$D 3 mumbld in protst! C3 was (ust rsting my ys for a
CSur you wr$ bab! Com on! Kp you gt!D 'nd h hauld m up into his
arms! 3 land against him and #losd my ys again! * ld m to th front door$
ys still shut and proppd m up against th hall wall$ kissing m awak in
C3)ll s you tomorrow$ JakyED 3 said slpily!
CCours you will$ Tssi darling! Swt drams$ bab!D
3 didn)t &n wait to wa& him goodby$ but stumbld to th bathroom and
brushd my tth with my ys shut$ laning against th wall! 3 for#d my ys opn
to rins$ spit and gargl$ and noti#d th Sarg rfl#td in th mirror$ patintly
waiting at th door for his turn! * #ourtously mo&d to on sid to lt m xit$
grabbing m gntly by th arm as 3 passd him! 3 stoppd and lookd up at him in
wary surpris!
C"our boyfrind told m you)& bn working for o&r a month straight! 3s that
Damn Jak! 3 sighd warily! C"ah! Ds was kind of o##upid!D
CThat won)t happn again ithr$D h said sriously$ thn rlasd m! : stood
thr for a momnt$ our ys fixd on a#h othr! 3 didn)t know what to think! 3t
soundd too good to b tru!
CThanks Sarg$D 3 said finally and s#apd! 3 kissd Dad goodnight and slippd
into my nighti bfor falling into bd$ patting my knif #omfortingly and slping
solidly until s&n th nxt morning!
Cha#ter 3
3 had a grat slp and wok up rfrshd and looking forward to my (og! 3t flt
disloyal$ but 3 was s#rtly glad that Jak hadn)t stayd o&r b#aus 3 n&r got
mu#h slp whn h was sharing my bd$ &n if h did la& m with a smil on
my fa# that lastd all th nxt day! 3 pulld on my (ogging #loths and runnrs and
hadd off down th stairs only to find th Sarg strt#hing$ rady for a morning run
himslf! 3 did th polit thing and in&itd him to (oin m$ d#iding that morning to
had away from th ba#h towards 8ount 1ig! 3t was longr$ hardr (og than 1a#h
.oad$ uphill for a signifi#ant proportion$ but 3 d#idd that 3 ndd th ffort! That
fun run was drawing #losr!
Thinking of that$ as w walkd towards th gat 3 ga& th Sarg ad&an#d
warning that 3 ndd to tak th wknd of th fun run off and xplaind to him
why! * agrd$ rminding himslf that h wantd to dis#uss rostrs with m at
som point soon! *osters. 3 thought hopfully! That sur soundd mor promising
than m bing on duty &ry singl day!
3 thrw his 18: a lingring #o&tous glan# as w walkd past it! CNi# #ar$D 3
* lookd o&r at it in surpris$ as if h barly &n noti#d it anymor! C3t gts
m from ' to 1!D
C3)ll n&r rfus an offr to tak m for a spin in it on day$D 3 hintd! C3n fa#t$
3)m positi&ly drooling at th thought! "ou might &n lt m dri&!D
CNot a #han#! Esp#ially with th way 3 saw you spin out th patrol #ar
ystrday!D * soundd srious as h said that and 3 #ut him a sharp look to s if h
was (oking or not! Bn# again$ 3 #ouldn)t tll! * had a grat pokr fa#!
.omi was waiting patintly for m at th front gat! 3 introdu#d hr to th
Sarg and hid my smil as sh fll instantly into a massi& tnag #rush! 3 glan#d
up at him! 3 guss h was sort of handsom in a brooding dark way$ not lik my
Jak)s asy goldn bauty! .omi was a kn radr and was studying .omanti#
litratur at s#hool at th momnt! * was probably >ord 1yron$ *ath#liff and 8r
Dar#y all rolld into on for hr!
: (oggd off and by th tim w rturnd w wr all ntirly kna#krd! Th
in#lin on 8ountain .oad was stpr than 3 rmmbrd and my #al&s wr
#omplaining loudly!
CTssi$ 3 lik 1a#h .oad bttr$D gaspd .omi$ hanging o&r th stair railing!
3 had #ollapsd on th grass$ my #hst ha&ing with ffort! Th Sarg was swating
up a storm$ but was still upright$ doing som aftr%strt#hs!
C3 think th plant)s mo&d or somthing$D 3 #omplaind brathlssly!
C8ountain .oad n&r usd to b that stp bfor$ 3)m sur! 3t must b #limat
CThis fun runED pantd th Sarg! C3s it an nduran# &nt by any #han#ED
3 spard som oxygn to laugh$ staring up at th bautiful blu sky$ n(oying th
#ool dampnss of th dw on my ba#k! CNo! 3t)s an asy ight kays on flat trrain! 3
(ust want to bat my last tim!D
C*ow ar th rst of th tam goingED askd .omi$ doing som strt#hs too$
wat#hing and imitating th Sarg!
C:ho knowsE 3 don)t think thy)r wll%prpard! 3 might b th only on who
finishs$D 3 laughd again! 'ftr a whil$ 3 managd to sit up and in&itd .omi to
brakfast! Sh a##ptd ;ui#kly$ hr ys on th Sarg th whol tim! * finally
noti#d hr!
C"ou did wll to kp up with that sla& dri&r$D h said$ #omplimnting hr
and insulting m!
Sh blushd and thankd him prttily! * lookd down at hr with a ni# smil!
' gnuin$ frindly smil that lastd longr than a s#ond! 3 was annoyd about that
for som rason and stood up suddnly$ stalking off up th stairs to th hous!
: lt .omi ha& th first showr! Sh always brought along som #loths to
#hang into$ usually staying to ha& brakfast with Dad and m! :hil sh
showrd$ 3 busid myslf in th kit#hn! 3 had plannd on making omltts for
brakfast and was busy #hopping up mushrooms$ ham$ onion and parsly!
CCan 3 hlpED askd a ;uit &oi# from th kit#hn door!
C"ou #an (ump into th showr aftr .omi$D 3 said #hrfully to th Sarg$
di#ing onion with a passion! CThn 3 #an ha& a showr and w #an gt th omltt
station mo&ing! 3)m star&ing!D
C8 too! That girl is taking a long tim in th showr$D h rplid$ strt#hing his
arms o&r his had! *is running shirt ros up and 3 #aught a glimps of his taut
stoma#h! 3 was immdiatly distra#td by that flash of mas#ulin skin and #ut my
CShit,D 3 #rid out$ win#ing with pain as onion (ui# spd into th #ut$
dropping my knif! Th blood spurtd from my wound! * lookd o&r at m$
;ustioningly! CCut myslf$D 3 xplaind brifly!
3 rushd to th bathroom and bangd on th door! C/t out$ .omi, 3 nd som
first aid$D 3 ylld! Sh xitd th bathroom hastily$ fully drssd$ hairdryr in hand!
C2inish your hair in my bdroom$D 3 dir#td as 3 rushd past hr and rummagd
through th bathroom #abint until 3 found th plastrs! 3 grabbd on and rinsd my
wound undr th tap$ thn usd a tissu to mop up$ bfor wha#king on th plastr!
Thn as if nothing had happnd$ 3 wnt ba#k to #hopping$ not bfor pushing th
Sarg towards th showr! 3n my own hom$ 3 was an absolut di#tator!
.omi and 3 #hattd whil sh sat at th kit#hn tabl and applid som makup
at ight%thirty on a Sunday morning$ hr hair frshly washd and bautifully styld
to fall in loos #urls around hr shouldrs! 3 flt swaty and dish&lld nar hr$ but
my hart wrn#hd at th troubl sh was taking with hr apparan#! Tnag
#rushs A 3 rmmbrd how simultanously xhilarating and d&astating thy wr!
Dad rolld into th kit#hn thn and offrd to kp #hopping whil 3 had a
showr on# th Sarg was don! 3 think my o&rwhlming body odour was making
it asy for him to b so gnrous with his hlp! To gi& th Sarg #rdit$ h was
spdy in th showr but still lookd wll%s#rubbd$ his hair damp and th s#nt of
an intriguing dodorant or #ologn lingring bhind him in th bathroom! 3 likd it A
it was mas#ulin but lgant$ a word 3 didn)t gt to us a lot around ths parts! 3 flt
a bit diminishd that 3 didn)t r#ognis th s#nt! 3t was probably somthing famous
and popular! Somthing dsignr! * smd kn on dsignr brands$ (udging from
his #loths at last!
Tn minuts latr 3 was #lan and drssd in a dark blu ankl%lngth floaty
#otton skirt and tight bla#k singlt top$ barfoot and hair loos$ with my knif snug
in th blt around my hips! 3 mad my way to th kit#hn$ only to find absolut
#haos! 3 #losd my ys brifly in tmpr bfor opning thm again$ not bfor
#at#hing th obsr&ant y of th Sarg!
C:hat ar you two up toED 3 askd Dad and .omi in a frindly &oi#$ wading
into th middl of th mss! Thr wr ggs &rywhr$ a whol do9n in th
bowl$ drn#hd in frsh hrbs! 3 took a dp brath! CBkay$ this is what w)r going
to do! .omi$ you)r going to b rsponsibl for #off and ta! Start boiling th
kttl! Dad$ you)r going to st th tabl! Now would b good! Sarg$ you)r going
to n(oy bing a gust and sit at th tabl waiting patintly for brakfast! "ou #an
&n bang your #utlry on th tabl if you)r in#lind to b obnoxious!D 3 ga& him
a half%smil o&r my shouldr whn 3 said that$ but if h did as 3 suggstd 3)d
probably fling my knif into his skull! 3 guss h rad that in my fa# too b#aus h
sat at th tabl obdintly$ hands in his lap$ wat#hing m #arfully with thos lo&ly
3 turnd all my attntion to sorting out th mss of ha&ing twl& half%batn
ggs to turn into four omltts! 1y th nd of thirty minuts$ 3 thought 3Jd a#;uittd
myslf prtty wll and finally sank into a #hair$ th last omltt bfor m! 3t was
tasty$ light and fluffy A 3)d don a good (ob aftr all! 1ut 3 was so hungry by thn 3
would ha& atn a #ardboard #utout of an omltt and n(oyd it as mu#h! :hn
finishd$ 3 #arrid my dirty dishs to th sink and startd #laning up$ Dad and .omi
long distra#td by a #hss gam in th loung room! ' hand landd on my shouldr!
3n a split s#ond$ bfor 3 #ould &n think$ 3 spun around$ my hart thumping! 3
prssd my lft forarm a#ross his throat$ pushing him ba#kwards for#fully
towards th narst wall$ my knif out and nudging his stoma#h$ lips snarling and
ys fir#! 3t was (ust th Sarg$ 3 finally rgistrd$ his ys hug with alarm$ his
palms up in a signal of un#onditional surrndr! Exhaling ha&ily with rlif$ 3
rlaxd and lt him go$ r%shathing my knif!
C1st not to startl m$D 3 warnd!
CBkay$D h said$ rgarding m with wary #uriosity!
C3)ll n&r gt usd to you bing hr$D 3 admittd$ shaking my had and
laughing at my own o&r%ra#tion$ turning ba#k to th washing up!
C"ou won)t ha& to! 3 should b mo&ing into th poli# hous tonight$D h
rplid$ his &oi# #arfully nutral! Diplomati#ally$ h didnJt #ommnt on what had
(ust happnd btwn us$ but his ys btrayd his dsir for an xplanation of my
unxp#td aggrssi& bha&iour! 3 wasn)t in th habit of xplaining myslf to
anyon though$ and 3 wasnJt going to start now!
C>ook$ if it dosn)t go to plan$ thn you)r &ry wl#om to kp staying hr$D
3 offrd ni#ly$ th prf#t hostss$ as if 3 hadn)t (ust trid to knif him in my own
C3 know! Thank you$D h rspondd with an admirabl l&l of politnss! But
who would want to stay at a cra,y, paranoid womans house one second longer
than necessary$ 3 thought to myslf dryly! 3nstad of running s#raming for th front
door though$ h sho&d on of my shouldrs gntly with his palm! C/o (oin your
fathr! 3)ll wash up!D
CBkay$D 3 agrd immdiatly and s#ootd! 3 didn)t wat#h th gam though$ but
hadd outsid to gi& th patrol #ar its wkly wash! 'nd 3 had to #lan my
disgusting boots as wll! 'nd 3 wantd to &isit Ds and 8aurn bfor thy finally
lft >ittl Town for good! 'nd thr wr all thos boxs at 8iss /)s pla# to think
about! 3t was going to b a busy Sunday$ 3 sighd with rsignation! Thr was
nothing for it but to st to work! Somtims it smd as though my lif was
nothing but work$ work and mor work!
1y th tim th Sarg had finishd in th kit#hn and ralisd that 3 hadn)t don
what h)d suggstd$ 3 was #hamoising th patrol #ar$ wiping th last strak of watr
from its shiny surfa#! 3)d &irtually #land th insid th day bfor$ so ga& it only
s#ant attntion this morning! 3 turnd whn h #lattrd down th stairs and smild
at him!
CThr you go$ Sarg! Bn sparkling #lan patrol #ar for you! 3 guss you)ll b
looking aftr it from now onED
C"ou gussd #orr#tly!D
C3)ll miss it$D 3 said rgrtfully$ glan#ing o&r at its shining whitnss! C3 #an)t
do burnouts in Dad)s >and .o&r!D
* #ut m a s#athing look!
C3)m (oking,D 3 assurd him!
3 tippd th dirty watr onto th lawn and put &rything away natly! Thn it
was tim to ta#kl my &omit%#o&rd boots! 4uc#. (han#s for nothing, 0es. 3 wnt
to th front door whr 3 had lft thm$ only to find thm gon! 0u99ld$ 3 pkd in
my room whr thy wr s#rubbd #lan and buffd to a ni# shin$ sitting natly
in my #upboard! 3n#rdibly gratful$ 3 wnt into th loung room to kiss Dad on th
top of his had and fondly ruffl his thinning dark brown hair$ thanking him for
bing so swt! 3t was a (ob 3 hadn)t bn looking forward to at all!
3 pulld up a #hair and wat#hd Dad and .omi play #hss for a whil! Dad was
going asy on hr$ ta#hing hr how to play proprly! Sh was a &ry smart girl and
a fast larnr and it wouldn)t b long bfor th studnt out%mastrd th ta#hr!
:hn th Sarg also #am in to wat#h though$ hr gam fll apart and sh b#am
flustrd and distra#td! Dad and 3 winkd at a#h othr o&r hr had and h bat
hr asily aftr that!
To o&r#om hr dismay at failing in front of hr nw hro$ 3 suggstd w go
down to Ds and 8aurn)s pla# and wat#h thm mo& out! 3t was a big &nt
b#aus Ds had bn th town)s srgant for o&r twnty yars and half th town
would turn up to wat#h th sp#ta#l of him mo&ing on! Th Sarg offrd to dri&
us thr in his #ar and both .omi)s and my ys lit up at th thought! 1ut 3 had to
turn him down!
CSorry Sarg$D 3 told him$ gnuinly rgrtful$ Cbut 3 ha& to tak th >and
.o&r! 3 don)t think Dad)s #hair would fit in your littl #ar!D 3 noti#d .omi smil to
hrslf in s#rt dlight! Sh was ob&iously thinking that sh)d b alon with him!
C"ou #an #om with Dad and m$ .omi!D
CThanks Tssi$ but 3)ll dri& with 2inn$D sh said$ turning to smil up at him
CNo$ you)ll #om with m$D 3 insistd firmly! C'b wouldn)t b happy to larn
that you wr dri&ing around with a man by yourslf!D 3 lookd o&r to my boss!
CNo offn#$ Sarg!D
.omi)s lips tightnd and sh opnd hr mouth to protst$ but th Sarg spok
up first! CNon takn! 3)ll (ust #at#h a lift with you as wll$ Tss$ if you don)t mind!
: #an go for a spin in my #ar anothr day!D
CNo problms! :)ll had off soon$ will wED 3 said to him thankfully$ plasd
to a&oid a tnag tantrum$ no mattr how mild and wll%mannrd it would b!
.omi r#o&rd hr normal good tmpr whn sh ralisd that sh)d b sitting
in th ba#k sat with th Sarg! %mm, this crush could pro"e to be problematic$ 3
thought to myslf! 3)d ha& to ha& a ;uit word with 'b about th situation whn
3 had th #han#!
Th >and .o&r was usually parkd out th ba#k of th hous$ nar th ramp
that w)d had installd for Dad$ rpla#ing th ba#k stairs! * whld down th
ramp$ positiond himslf nxt to th opn passngr door and slowly hoistd
himslf up into th sat! 3t was gtting hardr for him to do that$ but h was too
proud to a##pt any hlp! "t!
3 pushd his #hair ba#k insid th kit#hn$ lo#kd th hous and (umpd in th
dri&r)s sat! 't th Sarg)s ;ustioning look$ 3 told him that w kpt a fold%up #hair
in th ba#k of th &hi#l for outings! 3t wasn)t as #omfortabl for Dad and h
#ouldn)t sit in it for long priods of tim$ but it was handy and mor portabl than
his prmannt #hair!
3 dro& #arfully into town A 3 n&r hoond whn Dad was with m! "ou
#ouldn)t hoon in th >and .o&r anyway! 3t was an#int and lik a tank! Thr was
no su#h thing as a thr%point turn in th old bast! 3t hadn)t bn nw whn Dad
had bought it fiftn yars ago$ but it was rliabl and a good work hors! 'nd now
that th Sarg was taking th patrol #ar away from m$ it was my only st of whls!
Th #ut littl sil&r Toyota hat#hba#k 3)d pr&iously ownd had bn stoln about
two months aftr 3 rturnd to town and dri&n into th watr%filld abandond
;uarry up nar 1ig Town! Th #rim rmaind unsol&d$ but 3 knw it was on of
th 1y#rafts$ most probably Chad! :ho lsE
8y insuran# #ompany had &ntually #oughd up th mony to rpla# it$ but
3)d n&r found th tim to buy a nw &hi#l$ instad using th patrol #ar for all my
prsonal nds #ontrary to &ry offi#ial dir#ti&! /uss 3 should go #ar shopping
soon! Bnly problm was that 3)d alrady spnt th insuran# mony on rpla#ing
som of th hous)s rottn timbr stumps and buying th dishwashr! 3)d also
bought a nw fridg aftr th anti;uatd on that Dad)s parnts had bought him as a
wdding prsnt finally did! :)d had to li& without a fridg for s&n wks
during th hottst part of th yar bfor that godsnd insuran# lump sum was
dpositd into my bank a##ount! 'nd 3 hadn)t flt th slightst bit guilty using a lot
of that mony to rpla# th fridg$ (ust so 3 #ould ha& a glass of #hilld watr
Th brutal truth was that 3 didn)t ha& &n on #nt to buy a nw #ar! That was
probably a blssing in disguis though$ b#aus th 1y#rafts would only (ust stal
any nw #ar that 3 did buy anyway! Br &andalis it! Thy sp#ially lo&d to s#rat#h
obs#n words into th paintwork of any &hi#l 3 ownd! Th >and .o&r had
mor graphi# graffiti on it than a publi# bathroom at a train station! 1ut thr was no
way 3 was going to wast good mony to gt it rsprayd though$ so Dad and 3 had
littl #hoi# but to put up with it! 'nd aftr a whil w)d grown indiffrnt to
dri&ing around town in a profanity%riddn &hi#l$ #omplt with M%ratd t#hings!
Th townsfolk now (okingly rfrrd to th >and .o&r as th G2u#k%Bff%2ullr
:agon)! 3 noti#d th Sarg)s ybrows lowring as h took in th graffiti whn h
#limbd into th ba#k sat nxt to .omi$ but h didn)t say anything!
.omi$ on th othr hand$ had &rything in th world to say and #hattd and
giggld x#itdly non%stop th ntir dri& to th poli# station! : all silntly
brathd a sigh of rlif whn 3 pulld into th station #arpark! 3t was full$ &n th
on parking spa# rsr&d for th disabld takn! That mad m angry$ sp#ially
whn 3 saw that th #ar hogging that spa# was ownd by somon whos only
disability was that h)d bn born a 1y#raft! 3 lft our &hi#l idling and (umpd out
of th dri&r)s sat$ stalking o&r to th gang of 1y#rafts la9ily lounging against th
wir fn#$ smoking$ swaring$ a fw &n drinking dspit th arly hour! 8y Jak
was sma#k bang in th middl of thm!
CBi,D 3 shoutd at thm$ #arful not to gt too #los! C.i#k 1y#raft, /t your
ars o&r hr right now and mo& your rust%bu#kt or 3)ll book you for parking in a
disabld spot!D
C"ou wouldn)t dar$ piglt$D h swaggrd in front of his family! Thy all
C:anna btED 3 said$ fuming! No 1y#raft #alld my bluff! 3 turnd around$
(ogging up to th >and .o&r$ laning o&r Dad and rummaging in th untidy glo&
box for a ti#kt pad! 3 stood nxt to .i#k)s #ar and #ommn#d writing out a pnalty
noti#! Th Sarg #limbd out and stood bsid m in support$ arms #rossd$
wat#hing with intrst! 3 appr#iatd that! 3t was good to ha& somon on my sid
for on#! Esp#ially somon so big and mus#ular!
C'll right$ all right$D .i#k grumbld$ sauntring o&r$ hit#hing up his (ans! *
#ouldn)t afford to gt a ti#kt$ bing as dirt poor as th rst of his family! C"ou)r
su#h a sour bit#h$ piglt! 3 dunno what our Jaky ss in you!D
CShut your #akhol and mo& this pi# of shit now$D 3 ordrd #oldly!
* slowly #limbd into his #ar$ staring at m insolntly th whol way! *
r&&d th ngin loudly a fw tims$ spinning his tyrs$ ki#king up gra&l all o&r
th Sarg and m$ r&rsd with a skid$ barly missing our >and .o&r and
fishtaild out th gats$ flipping m his middl fingr out th dri&r)s window! *is
family #hrd and hootd him in n#ouragmnt! 'nd ys$ that in#ludd my Jak!
3 (umpd ba#k in th >and .o&r and ;ui#kly parkd it$ pulling th whl#hair
out of th ba#k$ opning it and positioning it for Dad to manou&r himslf into! *
whld himslf o&r to th poli# hous on th #mnt path that ran btwn it and
th station$ hading towards a group of his frinds$ .omi at his sid rady to hlp if
C:ho ar thyED th Sarg askd m ;uitly$ looking o&r at th 1y#rafts!
CThat)s th 1y#raft family$ th town outlaws! 'nytim thr)s a #rim in town$
think of thm first and formost$D 3 informd him$ unsmiling!
C3sn)t that your boyfrind with thmED
C"s$ h)s a 1y#raft! Th only d#nt on in th whol bun#h! 8ayb on of th
only fw d#nt 1y#rafts &r!D
CThat must mak your rlationship intrsting$D h #ommntd nutrally!
3 ga& a short$ bittr laugh! C"ou #an say that again!D
C:ith that goldn #olouring thy all ha&$ thy look lik a prid of lions$D h
said thoughtfully! 3 glan#d up at him with an admiring smil!
CThat)s &ry good$ Sarg! 3 lik that! "ou)& put your fingr right on it! Thy)r
as la9y as lions too$ but (ust as dangrous whn thy strik!D
Th 1y#rafts (rd th two of us whn thy noti#d us staring at thm!
C:ho)s your nw boyfrind$ pigltED ylld out Tra#y 1y#raft$ Jak)s #ousin!
Sh had a baby on hr hip$ a #igartt in hr othr hand and a toddlr #lut#hing hr
lg$ #rying! Sh was only ightn and ha&ily prgnant with hr third kid! 1ut sh
didn)t lt an in#on&nin# su#h as that intrfr with hr drinking$ smoking or hr
#arr as a shopliftr! C*)s kinda #ut! 3)d lt him pork m!D
C*)d b th only man in town who hasn)t$ Tra#y 1y#raft$D 3 ylld ba#k at hr
as 3 stalkd up to Ds) hous! Thy all h#kld m thn and 3 slyly ga& thm th
fingr as 3 prtndd to s#rat#h my nos! Jak didn)t (oin in th h#kling of #ours$
but h didn)t try to stop it ithr! That was th rlationship w had A h would n&r
gt in th way of his family)s /od%gi&n right to harass m!
C0igltED ;urid th Sarg$ #at#hing up to m!
CThat)s what thy #all m! 'dorabl$ isn)t itED 3 said sar#asti#ally! CTh
1y#rafts and 3 ha& a lo&%hat rlationship! 3 hat thm$ thy hat m and w all
lo& to hat a#h othr!D 3 glan#d at him! C' word of ad&i#$ Sarg! Do not b
tmptd by a 1y#raft woman! Thy ar bautiful and wild$ but thy ar wit#hs!
'nd frtil! "ou only ha& to look at thm and thy gt kno#kd up! "ou don)t want
on of thm to sink hr talons into you! "ou)ll b paying #hild support for th rst
of your lif!D
C'd&i# notd$ thanks!D
C'nd it wouldn)t go down wll with th townsfolk for you to b in&ol&d with a
1y#raft ithr! Thy ar a on%family #rim wa& and plnty of popl in this town
ha& suffrd b#aus of thm$ in#luding my family! Thr)r a lot of folk in town
who don)t lik th fa#t that Jak is my boyfrind and thy)r not shy about tlling
C'nyon ls 3 should a&oidE Not that 3)m looking for anyon!D
CStay away from 2oxy Dubois too!D
C*r ral nam is 1arbara :hit! Sh took 2oxy as hr stag nam! Sh usd to
b a strippr in 1ig Town ! ! ! Bh sorry$ sh prfrs th trm Gxoti# dan#r)! Sh)ll
ha& hr y on you in no tim!D
CSh)s th on your formr srgant$ r$ Gin&stigatd) fr;untlyED
3 laughd! CBh yah! Ds Gin&stigatd) hr at last on# a wk!D
Spaking of th d&il$ w noti#d Ds standing on th &randa$ barking ordrs
to th rmo&alists from 1ig Town who wr ba&ring away$ loading furnitur into
th tru#k that had bn ba#kd up to th stairs! : pushd our way through th
#rowd that had gathrd to wat#h and dodgd th brawny rmo&al mn as w ran up
th stairs!
C*ow)s it going$ DsED 3 askd! 8r Sparkls waddld o&r to m$ #arnal intnt
#lar in his ys! CDon)t &n think about it$ Sparkls$D 3 warnd him in a man
&oi#! * barkd at m with irritation and #hangd dir#tion$ hading towards th
Sarg instad! CSparkls, 3)ll sll you off to b turnd into #at food$D 3 thratnd
and h ga& m a surly look bfor rtrating ba#k to a #ornr of th &randa$
glaring at us rsntfully!
CTh mo&)s going wll$ Tssi lo&! Narly finishd! Th guys #am arly in
th morning and you #an s that thy)r hard workrs!D * lookd up at th Sarg
and had to kp looking a long way as Ds was somwhat shortr than m! CTh
hous will b rady for you lat this aftrnoon$ mat! 8aurn and hr hlprs ar
#laning it as a#h room is mptid!D
CThos 1y#rafts gi&ing you any grifED 3 askd him!
CCaught on of thm young buggrs trying to stal on of 8aurn)s Jsus
figurins from out th tru#k th s#ond my ba#k was turnd! Can you bli& itE
/a& him a right ki#k up th bum!D
C:ho was itED
CChad or Timmy or 8ikyE 3 don)t know! Thy all look th bloody sam to m!
:hy th fu#k would h want a Jsus figurinED
C3 think thy (ust do it for th thrill half th tim$D 3 rplid$ looking ba#k o&r at
lounging 1y#rafts! 3 sadly notd Jak happily sharing a laugh with his oldst
brothr$ th r&olting .d$ puffing on a #igartt &n though h normally didn)t
smok$ rlaxd and #omfortabl in th middl of that nst of &iprs! * b#am a
diffrnt prson whn h was with his family$ and not on that 3 likd too mu#h!
3 would n&r ha& gon out with him if 3)d mt him again in th #ompany of
his family or on his own$ but h had approa#hd m with his two bst mats A who
wrn)t bad bloks A at a night#lub a fw wks aftr 3 rturnd to >ittl Town from
th #ity! 3 had bn in 1ig Town for a hn)s party for on of th fmal #ops thr
and w)d all gon out to th night#lub aftrwards! Th thr of thm #am up to m$
mad thmsl&s known again and bggd m to rmmbr thm$ whi#h of #ours 3
did! 3 hadn)t bn away from town that long! 'nd as if 3)d &r forgt a 1y#raft!
Thy in&itd thmsl&s to (oin m and my frinds and offrd to buy m a
drink! 3 rfusd th offr$ always #arful to buy my own drinks whn 3 wnt out$
wary of drink%spiking! *ad Jak a##ostd m on his own at th night#lub that night$
3 probably would ha& stabbd him with my knif! 1ut in th #ompany of his two
mats who 3 didn)t mind$ 3 found him far lss thratning! 3n fa#t$ his aff#tionat
bantring with thm$ funny asids and frindly$ appaling #harm hlpd m s a
sid of him that 3 would n&r ha& othrwis bn #los nough to him to noti#!
So instad of tlling thm to sho& off lik 3 should ha&$ 3 #hattd to thm for th
rst of th &ning$ n(oying thir gntl tasing of m and ob&ious and #omptiti&
attmpts at flirting!
:hr his mats wr happy to flirt with any of th girls in my group$ Jak
didn)t bothr to hid his #lar intrst in m nor his gnuin disappointmnt whn 3
rfusd$ s&ral tims$ to dan# with him! Puit a fw of my girlfrinds wr trying
to #at#h his y$ but all of his attntion that &ning was on m! :hn 3 wnt to th
bathroom or up to th bar for anothr drink$ his ys followd m all th way thr
and all th way ba#k! :hn 3 rturnd from on trk to th bar$ h had swappd
pla#s with his frind and was now sitting right nxt to m$ th sulky look on his
frind)s fa# tlling m that it hadn)t bn a &oluntary mo&!
That typ of intns attntion from a 1y#raft should ha& swit#hd my snss to
rd alrt$ but rathr than sming #rpy and thratning$ 3 found it somhow
ndaring instad! 0rhaps it was th sin#rity 3 snsd from him that mad th
diffrn#! 'nd thn again$ prhaps it was (ust th al#ohol 3)d drunk or th fa#t that
3 hadn)t had any sx for o&r a yar that did th tri#k!
Jak and 3 hadn)t sn a#h othr for mor than tn yars$ not sin# h lft high
s#hool aftr tnth grad and mo&d first to 1ig Town and thn to th #ity! * had
only mo&d ba#k to >ittl Town to tak a (ob at th prison about six months bfor 3
mo&d ba#k hom myslf! 3)d forgottn how good%looking h was and how
bautiful his ambr ys wr! *is d&astatingly gorgous smil and asy%going
#harisma waknd my dfn#s and managd to o&r#om my natural abhorrn#
of all things 1y#raft!
1y th nd of that &ning$ aftr 3)d had a fw drinks and ggd on by my
girlfrinds who)d bn trying to find m a boyfrind sin# 3)d rturnd$ 3 agrd to
lt him &isit m ba#k hom in town th following day! *is tou#hing gratitud at that
small indulgn# mad m fl lik a prin#ss! *)d grabbd my hand and s;u9d
it$ smiling at m happily whn 3 lft th night#lub with my girlfrinds to #at#h a taxi
ba#k to thir pla# whr 3 was #rashing for th night! :)d giggld about him th
whol way hom!
Sobr$ 3)d rgrttd my offr th nxt day though$ b#aus a 1y#raft had only
&r st foot in th 2ullr family hom on# bfor$ with #atastrophi# rsults! 3 was
trrifid about what Dad would say to m and had worrid about it all th dri& ba#k
to >ittl Town! 3 was right to b anxious b#aus Dad wnt #ompltly ballisti#
whn 3 told him about th in&itation 3)d gi&n! * did somthing that h)d n&r
don bfor in my ntir lif A h ylld at m angrily until 3 #rid! 3 would ha&
rung Jak up right thn and withdrawn my in&itation$ fling wors than trribl
about upstting Dad so mu#h$ but 3)d stubbornly rfusd to tak his phon numbr
th &ning bfor or to gi& him min!
So Jak #am o&r to our hous that aftrnoon$ nr&ously #lut#hing a glorious
bou;ut of flowrs$ whi#h 3 thought was swtly old%fashiond! * was polit and
rsp#tful towards us both$ ta#tfully o&rlooking my rd ys and subdud mannr!
1ut h #ouldn)t fail to noti# Dad)s undisguisd and silnt hostility towards him nor
th shotgun that Dad had lant up against his whl#hair that h kpt his hand on th
ntir tim that Jak was thr!
Surprisingly not dis#ouragd by that unpromising first &isit to th 2ullr
rsidn#$ Jak #ontinud to pursu m #ourtously but rlntlssly aftrwards! 3
kpt pushing him away$ and not ni#ly most of th tim 3)ll admit$ unabl to
undrstand why h was so kn on m whn h had n&r &n noti#d m at s#hool
and #ould surly ha& his pi#k of womn! 'nd whn 3 was a 2ullr and h was a
CTrsa 2ullr$ don)t you &r look in a mirrorED h)d rspondd on# with
impatin# as w sat togthr on my loung on aftrnoon! * had his arm strt#hd
out bhind m on th ba#k of th loung$ but didn)t ;uit dar to put it around my
shouldrs as h knw that 3)d only immdiatly shrug it off! C"ou)& grown to b
th most bautiful woman 3)& &r sn! 3 fll in lo& th s#ond 3 laid ys on you
again at that night#lub so of course 3)m intrstd in you! So ar all th othr singl
mn in town and probably most of th marrid ons as wll!D * pausd to strok
my hair$ whi#h 3 lt him do b#aus 3 rally n(oyd that parti#ular #arss and th
gntlnss of his fingrs!
C1ab$D h #ontinud with fond xaspration$ Cyou don)t sm to ralis that
you)r an in#rdibly stunning woman! Don)t you noti# mn staring at you all th
timE 1#aus 3 do!D Bullshit alert$ 3 told myslf #yni#ally! 3 had noti#d mn
staring m all th tim$ but that was b#aus 3 was a wha#ko with a knif! 3 wantd
to roll my ys$ but his lo&ly ys had min trappd in stillnss! * stoppd talking
long nough to lan towards m in an attmpt to kiss m! 3 dodgd his lips as usual
and his shouldrs slumpd in frustration as usual! C'nd 3 did noti# you at s#hool$
but you wr always Dnny)s girl!D
C3 bloody wll was not,D 3 insistd hotly$ (umping up suddnly and stalking
away a fw pa#s! 3 turnd ba#k! CDon)t you dar say that, * mad my lif
CSorry Tssi! 3 mant that h was obsssd with you A still is obsssd with
you! * wouldn)t ha& takn it wll for m to show any intrst in you! *)s ! ! !D h
hsitatd for a momnt$ glan#ing up at m un#rtainly! C*)s not ;uit right in th
had$ our Dnny!D
0uh. 3 thought!
C"ou wr su#h a prtty littl thing at s#hool$ so srious and with thos big gray
ys$D h wnt on$ smiling at th mmory! C3 rally admird how you handld
Dnny bing a di#k all th tim! "ou wr always so #ool and #alm$ so dignifid$
&n that day you bat th shit out of him! "ou didn)t &n spak to him on#
during th whol fight! /od$ you whoopd his ars without &n braking a swat,D
* laughd to himslf! C: all thought you wr a stu#k%up bit#h though! "ou
wouldn)t gi& a 1y#raft th tim of day!D
I still wouldnt$ 3 thought!
C"ou dro& Dnny #ra9y by ignoring him$ poor buggr! : kpt tlling him to
forgt about you$ find som othr girl$ but h rfusd! * (ust wasn)t intrstd in
anyon but you! 3 #ouldn)t undrstand it at th tim but now 3 do$ b#aus 3)m not
intrstd in anyon any mor ithr$D h said sin#rly$ ra#hing out to gntly #lasp
my hand$ blasting m again with thos bautiful ys! 3 flt myslf wakn$ but 3
ushrd him to th front door thn$ (ust as 3 always did!
No mattr how mu#h 3 told Jak to gt lost and that h only was wasting his
tim$ h #ontinud to ring and &isit m for months! Bn day 3 ralisd that 3 hadn)t
sn him or hard from him for narly a wk and 3 flt an a#hing mptinss in my
hart that sho#kd m! 3 knw thn that 3 gnuinly missd him and his gntl
tasing! 3 wantd$ &n ndd$ to s him again! So for th first tim 3 rang him$ my
hand shaking as 3 pun#hd in his numbr! What if he hung up on me or laughed at
me$ 3 thought with trror! 3)d had a d&astating xprin# in my pr&ious
rlationship that had shattrd my slf%#onfidn# with mn$ not that 3)d &r had
that mu#h to bgin with!
1ut whn 3 hard how o&r(oyd and gratful Jak was that 3 had rung$ wll$
that was that and w startd going out$ dspit strongly xprssd opposition from
Dad! : kpt our rlationship &ry ;uit for th first fw months$ knowing that
ra#tion to th nws was likly to b intnsly ngati&! : spnt that tim gtting
to know a#h othr bttr$ motionally and physi#ally! :hn w wr #omfortabl
in th dpth of our flings for a#h othr and #rtain that our rlationship was
strong and stabl$ w mad our first publi# apparan# as a #oupl at th annual
primary s#hool ft$ arms around a#h othr)s waists!
Disappointingly$ th ra#tion from th townsfolk was as w xp#td A
whisprd disgust$ sho#kd disblif and opn angr$ sp#ially from Jak)s family
and my frinds! 'b$ in parti#ular$ took it &ry badly and #ausd an ugly publi#
s#n that almost ndd in a fight btwn him and Jak! 3t was only m litrally
stpping in btwn th two mn that stoppd th altr#ation going any furthr!
E&ntually though$ th furor about us did down$ b#aus out of all th 1y#rafts$
&rybody in town unanimously agrd that Jak was th only d#nt on A h was
honst$ industrious$ #hrful and frindly! 1ing my boyfrind raisd his profil
with th bttr popl in town$ and thy all bgrudgingly admittd that h was a
prtty ni# guy$ all things #onsidrd!
* workd o&rtim to #harm &ryon and 3 appr#iatd th ffort h mad on
my bhalf! * #ra&d a##ptan# as my boyfrind and put up with a lot of shit from
popl along th way! 8y hart brok for him at a#h snid #ommnt and 1y#raft
(ok mad at his xpns$ but his dtrmination to stay #alm and positi& in &ry
#ir#umstan# (ust mad m lo& him &n mor$ and drw him rlu#tant rsp#t
from th townsfolk! : wrn)t ;uit thr yt with widsprad a##ptan# &n
aftr two yars togthr$ but Jak had won Dad o&r aftr an intns #harm
#ampaign and that was th most important thing to m! Dad)s a##ptan# also
hlpd sway othr important popl in my lif$ lik 'b and 2iona$ o&r to our sid!
3 hadn)t mad any hadway into bing a##ptd by his family though! 3 guss
th history was too dp btwn our familis$ and also th fa#t that 3 kpt arrsting
1y#rafts didn)t hlp my #aus$ but to tll th truth$ 3)d gi&n up #aring!
:hn w first wnt publi#$ th 1y#rafts thought thy had m in thir po#kt A
thir own littl tam girl #op smittn with thir Jaky! Thy wr sadly mistakn!
:hn th first on approa#hd m$ asking m to mak a spding ti#kt disappar$ 3
told him bluntly to piss off! 'nd 3 said th sam to th nxt on and th nxt on$
until thy got it through thir #oll#ti&ly thi#k hads that 3 wouldn)t b doing thm
any fa&ours at all! Not &n a littl on! Not now and not in th futur! 'nd whn 3
arrstd Tra#y 1y#raft soon aftrwards for po#kting thr lipsti#ks in th
pharma#y$ aftr four pr&ious #autions for similar offn#s in th sam stor$ 3 was
as popular with th 1y#rafts as dog shit on a sho! 'nd nothing had #hangd sin#
Cha#ter 4
Bn# 3 had assurd myslf that Ds and 8aurn wr truly on th mo&$ 3 had
no intrst in wat#hing thir furnitur shift from th hous to th tru#k$ unlik half
th town! 3 lft Dad bhind gasbagging with som of his mats and runitd .omi
with 'b and Toni! 'b promisd to dri& Dad hom for m and 3 kissd him on th
#hk for that kindnss$ prtnding not to noti# th longing glan# h thrw m in
3 askd th Sarg what h was planning on doing for th rst of th day! * told
m that his furnitur wasn)t arri&ing until th following day and wanting to ha&
tim to unpa#k thn$ h thought h might do som work today! * plannd on going
to 8iss /)s pla# to start sar#hing through th boxs! 3 offrd to drop him off$ not
&oluntring to hlp though b#aus 3 wantd to go to 1ig Town to do som gro#ry
shopping! 3f 3 didn)t do it today$ 3 might not gt th #han# for th rst of th wk!
3 snsd h was disappointd that 3 didn)t offr to (oin him$ but 3 had to ha&
som tim to do ordinary things now and thn! 3 also had plans to #at#h up with a
#oupl of th womn in my running tam for lun#h and 3 ndd to #h#k on thir
progrss$ or mor likly$ thir la#k of progrss!
3 ;ui#kly du#kd up th ba#k of th station to fd and watr my girls and th
Sarg and 3 walkd ba#k to th >and .o&r$ ignoring th 1y#rafts who wr still
#alling out insults and harassing m as thy did &ry tim thy saw m! 3 glan#d
o&r at Jak who was sitting on th fn#$ goldn hair glinting in th sunlight$ whit
tth bright in his brown fa# as h laughd! Dorri >butt was hanging off his arm
and his &ry word! 1it#h! Jak had dallid with &ry woman in town at som
point in his lif and thr wr mor than a fw who wouldn)t mind anothr #han#
with him$ girlfrind or not!
* lookd up$ noti#d m and our ys lo#kd togthr! * ga& m a bautiful
smil$ took out his phon and txtd busily! Thn h wnt ba#k to his family
bonding and 3 #limbd into th >and .o&r with th Sarg! 8y phon bpd a
s#ond latr! 3 rtri&d it from my handbag and rad th mssag! 3t was from Jak!
*imO u loo# beautiful. i lu" u. what u doing 5day1 hanging with sgt serious1
8O i lu" u 5. on my own 5day. big town 5 shop 6 lunch with girls
*imO dri"e safe. c u 5nite. cant w7
8O me 5. whats dorrie want1
*imO me.
8O ill run the bitch o"er if she dsnt get away from u right now
* laughd whn h rad my txt and rplidO i rlly want 5 c that.
8O i rlly want 5 do it. bye honeyboy. c u 5nite
3 put my phon away and did up my satblt! 's 3 dro& through th gats to th
strt$ passing #los to th 1y#rafts$ 3 tootd th horn at Jak and r#i&d a frindly
wa& ba#k from him and an intrsting rang of &ulgar hand and fingr gsturs
from th rst of thm!
CThy rally lo& you$ don)t thyED th Sarg said dryly!
3 smild to myslf! C's long as th on and only important 1y#raft lo&s m$ 3
don)t rally gi& a toss what th othrs think about m!D
* #hangd th sub(#t! C3 want to tak you and your fathr out to dinnr
tonight to thank you for gi&ing m somwhr to stay and for fding m! :hr)s
th ni#st pla# in town to atED
CThanks Sarg! That would b lo&ly!D 3 was gnuinly gratful at his
thoughtfulnss! 3 hadn)t xp#td to b thankd for ordinary #ountry hospitality$
sp#ially aftr our inauspi#ious first mting! Dad and 3 didn)t at out &ry oftn
and it would b a rar trat for th both of us! CThr ar only two options hr in
>ittl Town! Thr)s th Chins rstaurant$ but it mostly dos takways! Thy do
ha& a small dining room atta#hd$ but it)s &ry plain and #asual and not rally
somwhr you)d want to tak popl! Th only othr pla# is 'b)s pub! * runs a
bistro that)s ;uit ni#! 3t)s not fi&%star dining or anything$ but offrs good frsh
pub%styl #ooking! Thr ar a #oupl of ni# rstaurants in 1ig Town$ but w
usually only go to thos for &ry sp#ial o##asions!D
CSounds lik th bistro thn!D
3 was x#itd thinking about going out to dinnr and spnt th rst of th dri&
to 8iss /)s pla# d#iding on what to war! 3 didn)t gt mu#h opportunity to drss
up around hr! 1umping up 8iss /)s dri& though$ all thos thoughts wr dri&n
from my mind whn w both noti#d at th sam tim that th door to th hous was
wid opn! : x#hangd glan#s as 3 pulld to a stop nar th stairs! Damn,
'nothr tim whn w wr without any of our normal safty ;uipmnt!
* was about to gt out of th >and .o&r whn 3 put a hand on his arm and
pulld out my mobil phon! 3 rang 8iss /)s numbr and listnd whil it rang out!
: #ould har hr phon trilling through th opn door$ unanswrd!
CJust wantd to #h#k if sh #am ba#k hom arly$D 3 xplaind! CSh might
ha& falln out with 1ssi or somthing! Didn)t want to gi& hr a s#ar by barging
in unannoun#d!D
CDosn)t sound as though anyon)s hom$D h said and lookd down at my
hand$ whi#h was still holding his arm! Embarrassd$ 3 withdrw it ;ui#kly! C>t)s go
: hadd for th stairs$ #arfully a&oiding th rottn third trad! 's w
approa#hd th opn door$ th Sarg hld m ba#k bhind him with a rstraining
arm$ #autiously going in first! ' thousand motions swpt a#ross m at that small
a#tion and 3 wasn)t sur how to fl about it! :as h bing prot#ti&$ dominring$
patronising or ;ustioning of my abilityE 3 guss 3 was out of th habit of working
with a partnr! 1y myslf 3 would ha& (ust bargd straight in A all 3 #ould think
about was 8iss /)s safty!
C0oli#,D h ylld in his loud &oi#$ not tou#hing th door with his hands! *
did a ;ui#k r##y of th ntry$ thn pro#dd down th hall$ m snapping at his
hls! C0oli#,D h #alld out again! : stoppd brifly$ listning for any s#uffling
or hurrid footstps trying to s#ap! Thr was nothing$ (ust th loud bu99ing of
#ri#kts in th hat of th morning outsid in th gardn!
: sar#hd th whol hous mthodi#ally and slowly$ finding nothing out of
th ordinary until w ra#hd th library! 3t was #haos A boxs thrown &rywhr$
do#umnts #arlssly dis#ardd o&r &ry #ntimtr of floor$ forming a nw
CSomon mo&d in fast$D said th Sarg ;uitly! C:)r dfinitly not talking
about a ppr anymor!D
3 flt si#k whn 3 saw th mss! CThank /od 8iss / wasn)t hr whn this
* lookd at m sharply! C*old on$ lt)s think about this! :as it an
opportunisti# brak%inE Doubtful$ #onsidring th library)s bn trashd but nothing
ls sms to b takn! Br was somon wat#hing whn w lft with 8iss /r&ill
and took ad&antag of hr absn# to go through hr thingsED * nudgd a hap of
paprs with his wll%shod foot! C.athr mssily too!D
CSo it)s somon in townED
CNot n#ssarily! Bur ppr was hr on Saturday! * might ha& hiddn
somwhr$ wat#hing us whil w sar#hd th yard and mo&d in as soon as w all
C3 hat th ida of bing wat#hd lik that,D 3 said$ with mor hat than th
situation probably warrantd!
* rgardd m thoughtfully for a momnt! C:ho)s pping on you$ TssED
3 was mbarrassd at my outburst$ so (ust shruggd non#ommittally! 3 wishd 3
had n&r mntiond my own sp#ial ppr to him! C3t)s nothing! 3t)s prsonal! 3
#an)t stop it$ so 3 (ust try to ignor it!D
C:hy #an)t you stop itE Tll m who it is! :)ll arrst him and mak him stop!
"ou shouldn)t ha& to put up with that!D
CCan w talk about it latrE : ha& a (ob to do now$D 3 said irritably$ pushing
past him to th hall and into th loung room! 3 didn)t want to dis#uss my pri&at
lif with him!
3 stoppd suddnly whn 3 ra#hd th door of th loung room! 3t had bn
trashd! Thoroughly! 2urnitur had bn smashd$ paintings pulld from th walls$
drawrs pulld opn and flung away$ thir #ontnts strwn a#ross th floor$ th
loungs slashd opn$ thir filling spilling out! 0ear /od$ 3 thought looking around$
"andals1 Br somon ha&ing a tmpr tantrum whn thy didn)t find what thy
wr aftrE
CSargE >oung room$D 3 shoutd! * #am (ogging in!
CBkay$D h said$ aftr ;ui#kly assssing th dstru#tion! CSo w ha& a brak%in$
but only two rooms hit! Th rst of th hous appars as it did ystrday! Somon
looking for somthingED
C"ah$ 3 guss$D 3 #on#dd! C1ut whatE Thr)s nothing hr to stal! Sh)s not
wll%off! E&rybody knows that!D
CSombody dosn)t! "ou said sh has no dir#t family$ but what about mor
distant rlati&sED * pausd! CSh)s ldrly! :hat happns whn sh disED
3 shruggd! C3 dunno! 3 think w urgntly nd to spak to hr lawyrs!D
C"ou)r right! .ing thm! 2ind thir hom numbrs! 3 want us to spak to thm
today$D h ordrd!
3 wantd to #omplain to him b#aus 3 had plannd to shop and to ha& lun#h
with my girlfrinds in 1ig Town! 3 didn)t want to work today! 3 ndd a brak!
3nstad$ 3 bit it ba#k and managd to find 8iss /)s addrss book in th mss and
lookd up 8ur#hison! Thr wr two numbrs for a Stanly 8ur#hison! 3 dialld
both! 't on 3 got th businss &oi#mail for 8ur#hison and 8ur#hison$ ad&ising of
offi# hours and in&iting m to la& a short mssag! 3 hung up and rang th othr!
C*lloED askd a suspi#ious and #rot#hty ldrly &oi#$ as if &ryon phoning
him was automati#ally going to r;ust som impossibl fa&our from him!
C3s that 8r Stanly 8ur#hisonED
C"s! :ho is thisED
CThis is Snior Constabl Tss 2ullr from >ittl Town! Bh$ pardon m$ from
8ount 1ig Town$ 3 man!D
* #hu#kld! C3 know about >ittl Town and 1ig Town$ Snior Constabl!
:hat #an 3 do for youED 8y small stumbl had brokn th i# for him$ making him
fl instantly suprior$ whi#h was xa#tly how 1ig Town folk usually prfrrd to
fl towards thos of us who li&d up in th mountains!
C8y partnr and 3 ar at 8iss 8abl /r&ill)s hom and sh)s bn
xprin#ing som problms with intrudrs and now a brak%in!D That pi# of nws
promptd a flurry of #on&rsation from th othr nd! CNo$ no$ sh)s saf$ 8r
8ur#hison! Sh)s with 1ssi /oodwill in 1ig ! ! ! r$ in :attling 1ay as w spak!D
* spok again! C"s$ that)s right! : took hr thr ystrday! : think this is all
somthing to do with th /r&ill proprtis and fortun and 8iss / suggstd w
spak to you about th dtails! : wr hoping you might find som tim to s us
today$ if you don)t mindE 3t is urgnt!D
Th Sarg frownd at my politnss! 3 gathrd h would ha& dmandd that
th lawyr find tim for us today rgardlss$ but 3 (ust #ouldn)t do that! 3t flt right
to b approa#hing 8r 8ur#hison my way! 3 #ould tll from spaking to him that h
was an old%fashiond man!
* talkd for a whil and 3 laughd as 3 listnd! CBh 8r 8ur#hison$ stop it
plas, "ou)r flattring m! 3)m mu#h oldr than you)r thinking! 1ut ys$
Srgant 8aguir will b with m! *)s th snior offi#r ! ! ! That)s right!
8aguir!D 3 splld out both our nams and lookd up at th Sarg$ smiling brifly!
8r 8ur#hison was bing a right old sxist git$ but 3 suppos that was his gnration$
aftr all! :omn poli# offi#rs had bn th ta%makrs$ s#rtaris and prim
#omfortrs in his day$ and n&r had th #han# to b mu#h mor! CBkay$ that
would b wondrful! Thank you so mu#h$ 8r 8ur#hison! :)ll s you soon!
/oodby!D 3 hung up and turnd to th Sarg! C3 think w nd to gt into uniform!
This guy)s old%styl!D
: had (ust o&r ninty minuts to gt to 8r 8ur#hison)s pla# and it took
ninty minuts to dri& to 1ig Town! : didn)t wast any tim but s#urd 8iss
/)s hous and s#ootd ba#k to my hous whr w s#rabbld into our uniforms! Th
Sarg)s had bn s#run#hd up in his luggag$ so 3 ;ui#kly irond it for him whil
h sortd out his utility blt and huntd through his #loths for his so#ks$ #ap and
C3 hat rushing lik this$D h #omplaind grumpily$ slipping on his still%hot shirt$
#ursing undr his brath as it hit his skin and fastning th buttons ;ui#kly! 3 was
momntarily transfixd by th sight of his bar torso whn h thrw off his t%shirt!
* had grat mus#ls! * had to prompt m twi# to wak m up and gt m
mo&ing again! 3 finishd gtting rady at warp spd to hid my mbarrassmnt$
tying my la#s spdily$ twisting up my hair and fixing on my utility blt!
:ith a minut to spar w (umpd down th stairs to th patrol #ar whr both
of us hadd for th dri&r)s door! 'wkward momnt! 3 was usd to dri&ing
C3)ll dri& today$ Snior Constabl$D h said offi#iously$ pulling rank!
CBf #ours$ Sarg! "our prrogati& as th snior offi#r$D 3 rplid #oolly$
#limbing into th passngr sat$ but not happy about it! 3 likd dri&ing th patrol
#ar and knw th roads bttr than him! *is ys slid in my dir#tion as h turnd
th #ar on and w dro& off in siln#!
3 d#idd to spnd th trip on my phon! 2irst 3 rang 2iona and thn Eli9a to
#an#l our lun#h dat and harangu thm about thir training for th fun run! That
took up forty%fi& minuts by th tim thy told m all of thir nws! Thn 3 rang
Jak and told him that th Sarg was taking Dad and m to dinnr$ in&iting him to
mt us at th bistro latr this &ning!
* was naughty and flirty on th phon! 3 susp#td h)d had a fw drinks with
his rpulsi& brothrs$ but h was so #harming and amusing that 3 giggld for a good
fiftn minuts talking to him! 3 was dspratly awar that th Sarg #ould
o&rhar &ry word 3 said and was prtty sur that h was gtting th gnral ida
that Jak and 3 wr indulging in som phon forplay!
CJaky$D 3 #omplaind rlu#tantly! CStop it, 3 ha& to go now! 3)m working ! ! !
Stop it, 3)m going! "ou)r bing so #hky ! ! ! No, 3)m not saying that! Not right
now, 3)m not alon! 3 ha& to go$ 3)m working ! ! ! Jaky, No, /od$ 3)m going to
ha& to sort you out tonight$ my hony%boy$ arn)t 3ED 3 listnd and laughd! C3n
your drams ! ! ! Bkay ! ! ! "s ! ! ! 3 know! 8 too ! ! ! >o& you! S you tonight!D
3 hung up with a dramy smil on my fa#$ humming happily for th rst of th
dri&! Jak always had that ff#t on m$ but ob&iously not on th Sarg though
b#aus his fa# was grim and humourlss!
CCan you stop that bloody hummingE 3t)s dri&ing m insan$D h said$ &oi# as
#old and sharp as a snowstorm! C3 was hoping w #ould talk about stratgy for our
mting with 8ur#hison during this dri& instad of you spnding th tim
gossiping on your phon!D
C3)m not supposd to b working today$D 3 rmindd him snippily! C3 had plans!
3 ndd to sort thm out!D 3 pausd$ looking out th window! C3)m sorry 3 ha& a
C3 don)t appr#iat th attitud$ 2ullr! : all mak sa#rifi#s for th (ob$D h
snappd in an x#dingly snooty &oi#!
&crew you. 3 thought angrily$ arms #rossd$ staring stonily ahad out th
winds#rn! : didn)t spak for th rst of th dri&!
* was lost as soon as h hit 1ig Town and 3 rfusd to guid him until h was
for#d to ask for my hlp$ swallowing his annoyan# and his prid! 3 thn barkd
out dir#tions until w pulld up in front of a stunning ar#hit#turally%dsignd
hous$ pr#hd on th hadland o&rlooking th bay!
3 flung myslf out of th #ar$ slamming th door and hadd dtrmindly to th
front door$ prssing on th doorbll with unn#ssary &ioln#! ' dismbodid
&oi# spaking through a hiddn intr#om mad m (ump in fright! C"sED 3
#ouldn)t tll whr it was #oming from!
C8r 8ur#hison$ it)s Snior Constabl 2ullr and Srgant 8aguir to talk to
you about 8iss /r&ill$D 3 spok up into th air$ wa&ing around my badg$ not
knowing whi#h dir#tion to spak to!
C"ou)r right on tim! Com in! 3)m in th study$D h said$ and thr was a
bu99! Th front door #li#kd opn and 3 turnd th knob$ stpping insid$ th Sarg
#los bhind! : found oursl&s in a grand ntry room$ doubl%storid in hight$
light straming in through larg windows that ra#hd up to th #iling! Th
furnitur appard to b anti;u and &aluabl$ th rugs opulnt and original oil
paintings and watr#olours filld th walls! 3 ga9d around$ imprssd at th
rstraind ostntatiousnss that positi&ly s#ramd that w wr daling with a
&ry walthy indi&idual!
: walkd down th hall looking into &ry room until w found th study and
8r 8ur#hison! 3 noti#d two things about him immdiatly! Th first was that h
was formally drssd in a thr%pi# pin%stripd suit at hom on a SundayF th
s#ond was that h was in a whl#hair!
CBh$D 3 said$ without thinking! CNi# #hair, 3 bt it)s got &rything on it! Just
look at it,D
Th Sarg glard at m sharply$ silntly brating m for my unprofssionalism$
but 8r 8ur#hison grinnd proudly and did a littl dan# with his #hair to show off!
C3t)s top of th rang$D h boastd!
C3 #an s that! :ow, That must ha& #ost a bundl$D 3 x#laimd! C3 would
lo& to gt somthing lik that for my fathr!D
'ftr that littl #onfssion$ w dis#ussd #hairs for a whil and 3 told him about
Dad and h told m about his 8S$ whi#h had b#om stadily wors as h had agd$
finally rndring him unabl to walk! Th Sarg stood to on sid$ fuming about th
wast of tim! 3 glan#d o&r at him and noti#d his thundrous faturs!
C3)m sorry$ 8r 8ur#hison$ hr 3 am rabbiting on and taking up your &aluabl
wknd tim whn Srgant 8aguir wantd to ask you about th /r&ill
family$D 3 said #on#iliatorily!
8r 8ur#hison flappd away my #on#rns with his hand$ said somthing ni#
about his plasur in #hatting to a prtty young girl and sttld himslf bhind his
dsk again$ his srious fa# rturnd! 'nd in a &oi# that was on hundrd pr#nt
lawyr$ h in&itd us to sit down! : sat nxt to a#h othr on a dark grn lathr
loung that was as hard as a ro#k! 3 pulld out my notbook and a pn and fli#kd to
a blank pag!
C*ow #an 3 hlp you$ Srgant 8aguirED h askd in that supr#ilious ton 3
found #ommon in 1ig Town folk! 'nd lawyrs! 3 hatd it$ but sing it wasn)t
dir#td at m for on#$ 3 didn)t bothr to bristl! 1ut 3 #ould tll that 8r 8ur#hison
got up th Sarg)s nos straight away$ though h prsntd an &n%tmprd
profssional fa#!
C:)r aftr any information you might b abl to gi& us about why sombody
would b pping on 8iss /r&ill and taking ad&antag of hr absn# to sar#h
hr loung room and library$D th Sarg xplaind to th ldrly lawyr!
8r 8ur#hison didn)t spak for a whil$ (ust mad a tmpl with his fingrs and
pursd his lips$ #asting his ys to th #iling! CThr ar long%standing rumours of
a hiddn stash of trasur in th hous AD h startd #autiously!
C' rumour that 8iss /r&ill assurs us is fals$D th Sarg brok in! C'nd that
th Snior Constabl assurs m &ryon in 8ount 1ig Town knows is fals$
ha&ing known 8iss /r&ill)s fathr and his spndthrift ways!D
C*mm$ that)s probably #orr#t$D h #on#dd$ gi&ing m a patronising smil! 3
think if 3)d bn anywhr nar him$ h)d ha& bstowd a pat on my had as wll!
C3t)s possibl that somon from :attling 1ay is rsponsibl$ but 3 assum you)&
in&stigatd all th lo#al mn known to ha& a pro#li&ity for &oyurismED
3 wasn)t sur if h was trying to psy#h us out by using big words$ but prsonally
3 was #apabl of handling words of mor than on syllabl and$ from his posh &oi#$
3 bli&d th Sarg had bn wll%du#atd as wll! : both blinkd at him
C3t)s unlikly that 8iss /r&ill would b a targt for a ppr with th nudist
#ommunity (ust down th road$D assrtd th Sarg$ #utting m a ;ui#k glan# to lt
m know that h hadn)t forgottn that had bn my argumnt!
CTru$D th lawyr #on#dd again! 3 ralisd thn that h wasn)t bing &ry
hlpful to us at all! Th Sarg and 3 hadn)t had any tim to dfin our working styl$
but 3 hopd h wasn)t on of thos #ops who xp#td thir (unior offi#r to kp
C8r 8ur#hison$D 3 said bluntly! C3t)s #larly not a ppr$ so lt)s not wast any
mor tim on that lin of thought! 8iss /)s hous was brokn into and tossd!
Sombody was sar#hing for somthing! Do you ha& any ida what that #ould b$
b#aus 8iss / dosn)t!D
3 wasn)t prpard to wast my Sunday on somon who wasn)t going to pro&
usful to us! Th Sarg glan#d at m #oolly$ his faturs nutral! 3t was hard to tll
what h was thinking from his xprssion!
8ur#hison turnd his ys on m and his formr frindlinss &aporatd
instantly! C3 ha& no ida$ Snior Constabl$D h said #oldly!
3 prsistd! C8iss / wasn)t abl to tll us about th /r&ill family)s #urrnt
land holdings around >ittl Town! Sh knw that som land had bn sold off o&r
th yars$ but wasn)t sur what has happnd to th mony! Can you fill us in on th
dtails of that$ plasED
* whld himslf out from bhind his dsk and o&r to a hug pi#tur
window whi#h o&rlookd th bay! 3t was a bautiful &iw A &ry #alming and
tran;uil! * didn)t appar to b taking it in at all! CTh mony r#i&d from slling
th rmaindr of th /r&ill family)s holdings has bn pla#d into a trust that pays
8iss /r&ill a small annuity!D * spun around to fa# us again! C3t)s what sh li&s
CDos th family still ha& any holdings lft to sllED
CNo! Th last on was sold in th lat 1<<0s to th go&rnmnt for th
d&lopmnt of th prison! :ith #arful in&stmnt$ that mony should b nough
to pay 8iss /r&ill an in#om until hr$ r$ passing!D
CSo you)r saying thr)s no hiddn trasur$ no land holdings and 8iss /
sur&i&s on a small pnsion from a trust that your firm administrs!D * noddd in
agrmnt! CThn why would somon ha& brokn into hr housE Thy wr
dfinitly looking for somthing! 'nd (udging by whr thy lookd$ it was a
do#umnt of som typ!D
* stard at m blankly! C's 3 said bfor$ Snior Constabl$ 3 ha& no ida!D
C3s it possibl that thr #ould b furthr land holdings or othr &aluabls that
you don)t know aboutE :ith anothr law firm maybED
C'bsolutly not,D h spok up angrily! C8ur#hison and 8ur#hison has sr&d
th /r&ill family sin# thy arri&d to sttl at th foot of 8ount 1ig! Thr has
ne"er bn anothr law firm for thm!D
CSorry 8r 8ur#hison$ no offn# mant! 3 was only throwing around thoughts$D
3 rtratd!
C: won)t tak up mu#h mor of your tim$ 8r 8ur#hison$D th Sarg stppd
in! C' fw mor ;ustions! :ho in your firm is rsponsibl for managing th trust
that pro&ids 8iss /r&ill with hr in#omED
* pausd for a momnt as if thinking about how to answr! CThat is m
prsonally$ Srgant$D h said$ not without a small tou#h of prid! C3)& bn
managing that trust for o&r forty yars now!D
C'nd it)s all proprly auditd as r;uird$ 3 prsumED th Sarg askd!
8r 8ur#hison took grat affront to that ;ustion! C"s$ it is, *ow dar you
insinuat othrwisED
3 was glad it was th Sarg who askd that ;ustion$ not m$ b#aus h #oppd
a &itrioli# fi& minut spray on th inffi#in#is of modrn poli#ing$ th
uslssnss and stupidity of poli# offi#rs in gnral and s&ral prsonal atta#ks
on th Sarg)s own intllign# and moral fibr! * listnd politly thn stood up
whn 8ur#hison$ his fa# rd from angr$ stoppd for a mu#h ndd brath!
C:)ll show oursl&s out$ 8r 8ur#hison! Thanks for your tim today$D h said
i#ily and w took our la&!
Cha#ter 5
C1oy$ was h mad at you,D 3 laughd as w mad our way ba#k to th patrol #ar!
C* #rtainly was! 3ntrsting$ isn)t itE So mu#h hat o&r what is surly a &ry
simpl ;ustion$D h musd in rply!
C"ou think h)s fiddling th booksE Dudding 8iss / out of hr fortunED
* shruggd! C:ho knowsE Can w sar#h th Titls Bffi# from th station
C0robably! Thy ha& all th databass on tap hr! 1ig Town #ops ar spoild
rottn$D 3 said with undisguisd rsntmnt! 3 didn)t &n ha& a #omputr that
3 ga& him dir#tions to th larg and modrn :attling 1ay poli# station$
lo#atd (ust outsid of its C1D! 3t was a four%story bri#k building$ all glass and
lands#aping$ with a flash r#ption ara and stylishly furbishd offi#s! : parkd
th #ar in on of th &isitor spa#s and hadd insid! 1ing mid%Sunday$ it was
rasonably ;uit$ so w wr noti#d by th #ountr staff straight away!
C:ll$ looky hr, Lisitors from th #ountry$D drawld th duty srgant$ a
#hubby idiot with an ugly straggly mousta#h$ in a loud &oi# that drw &ryon)s
attntion to us! C*ow)s it going$ bumpkinsE 2ound somwhr to park your
C1low m$ 0hil$D 3 suggstd$ mo&ing to th #ountr!
CTssi my bauty$ anywhr$ anytim$ and that)s a promis! :ho)s your nw
manE 3s h your #ousinE "ou gonna marry himED
3 rolld my ys and turnd to th Sarg! CS what 3 ha& to put up with from
ths moronsED 3 introdu#d th two mn and thy noddd at a#h othr!
C*as Tss bn showing you all th rnownd lo#al sights in that hillbilly
ha&n whr sh li&sE Th #hi#kns in th lo#kup$ th 1y#rafts$ umm ! ! !D *
prtndd to think! CNop$ #an)t think of anything ls!D
CSho& it$ 0hil$ or 3)ll tll your wif what you got up to with 2oxy Dubois at
Ds) rtirmnt party!D 3 was (ust bluffing with that thrat$ but whn h pald and
glard at m$ looking around nr&ously to s if anyon had hard what 3)d said$ 3
smild &illy to myslf!
CNo nd to do that$ Tssi lo&! 3 was (ust hlping hr with a littl problm sh
was ha&ing! 3t was all &ry inno#nt!D * stard at m! CDid sh say diffrntlyED
3 raisd my ybrows and smild at him$ laning #losr to him and lowring my
&oi# to a #onfidntial whispr$ C"our s#rt)s saf with m but only if you lt us
us a #omputr for an hour or so! : nd som info and #an)t b bothrd going
ba#k to >ittl Town for it!D
CComputrs brokn again$ huhED h snrd$ but opnd th door to th #ountr
and lt us out th ba#k! * dir#td us to a &a#ant dsk whr an almost nw
#omputr sat$ unusd and ngl#td! 3t &n had a #obwb strt#hd btwn th
monitor and hard dri&! 3 immdiatly bgan plotting how 3 #ould stal it without
anybody noti#ing!
3 plonkd down in th #hair looking up at th Sarg who pr#hd himslf on th
dg of th dsk! C:hat ar w looking up$ SargED
C3 want a list of all /r&ill proprtis sold sin# r#ords startd! :)ll run it
past 8iss /r&ill and s if sh noti#s any anomalis!D
CSounds lik a plan!D 3 #alld up th Titls Bffi# databas!
C"ou don)t mind thratning popl to gt your own way$ do youED h askd$
looking down at m ;ui99i#ally!
3 shruggd on shouldr and kpt tapping on th kyboard! C' girl)s got to do
what a girl)s got to do! 3 gt si#k of bing patronisd all th tim! ' bit of r&ng
gts m through th day!D
3 typd for a whil!
C3)m surprisd how #omfortabl you ar using th #omputr$D h #ommntd
#asually$ wat#hing! C"ou know$ for a #ountry #op!D
3 stard up at him$ my fingrs fro9n on th kyboard! C:hat did 3 (ust say
about how si#k 3 am of bing patronisd all th timED
* rddnd! CSorry Tss! 3 didn)t man to!D
C*ow about a word of ad&i#$ SargE E&ry tim you want to say somthing
about m that)s going to nd in th words Cyou know$ for a #ountry #opD$ thn don)t
say it! 3t)s guarantd to b patronising!D 3 smild at him to tak th sting out of th
words$ but 3 mant thm!
C0oint takn! 3)ll nda&our to rmmbr that in th futur!D
3 turnd ba#k to th s#rn$ finishd typing in my instru#tions and waitd whil
it sar#hd th databas! Th data it finally spat out ran for a #oupl of pags$ and
w had a ;ui#k s;ui9 at it on th s#rn bfor 3 snt it to th printr$ whr four
pags glidd out silntly and ffortlssly! So diffrnt to th printr ba#k at our
station$ whi#h took a full fi& minuts to think about a#h and &ry pag it printd$
bfor s#r#hing and groaning as it for#d out th pags$ &ry s#ond on dog%
ard and smudgd and &ry do9n pags thr would b a papr (am! 3)d usd
&ry swar word 3 knw on that printr in th two yars 3)d li&d with it and &n
mad up a fw nw ons in its honour! E&ry tim 3)d #omplaind about it though$
Ds (ust said that you #ouldn)t hurry things in th #ountry! 3)d n&r bn ntirly
#on&in#d h &n knw what a printr was!
C'nything ls you want m to look up whil w)r hrED 3 askd! C:hat
about a /oogl sar#h of /r&ill proprtis or of Stanly 8ur#hison himslfED
C/ood thinking$D h said and 3 #alld up th /oogl hompag! 3 trid G/r&ill
8ount 1ig Town) and had a fw hits$ mostly rports from th Wattling Bay
Messenger$ rporting on sals of proprtis to &arious bodis! 3 printd all of thos
out as wll! Thn 3 typd in G8ur#hison and 8ur#hison) and got a fw hits$ th first
on dir#ting m to th law firm)s own wbsit! 2inally 3 typd in GStanly
8ur#hison) and r#i&d a fw hits as wll$ mor storis from th Wattling Bay
Messenger about his #harity work and som about a #oupl of his su##ssful and
nwsworthy trials in his youngr$ mor mobil days! 3ntrstingly$ thr wr a fw
arti#ls about &arious d&lopmnts h)d bn in&ol&d in o&r th yars! 3 printd
off thos storis as wll!
Thn (ust for th hll of it$ 3 sar#hd th poli# databas for Stanly 8ur#hison
and was surprisd whn it #alld up his nam in rlation to a ma(or fraud #as that
had bn in&stigatd by th 1ig Town dt#ti&s about fi& yars pr&iously! *
had bn intr&iwd as th lawyr to a #ompany a##usd of a#ting fraudulntly$ but
hadn)t bn a##usd of bha&ing unlawfully himslf! 3 printd off what 3 #ould from
that #as$ and gathrd all our paprwork!
C>t)s gt som lun#h! 3)m star&ing$D 3 said to th Sarg and w s#roungd up a
plasti# wallt for our print%offs! : wr on our way out whn 3 was a##ostd!
C3f it isn)t littl Constabl Tssi #om &isitingE :hat an honour$D #alld a
&oi# from bhind m! 3 pulld a fa# and groand out loud whn 3 hard it! C"ou
#om all th way to th big smok (ust to moo#h som stationry off us$ ha& youE
:hy don)t you hold a #ak stall to rais som mony for your #rappy littl stationE
' prtty girl lik you would b good in th kit#hn! 's wll as som othr rooms$ 3
bt!D Said with a lr!
C"ou)r n&r likly to find out$ ar you$ 1umED 3 snappd!
Thr h was$ largr than lif! 'nd h was prtty larg A an normous man$ an
obsssi& bodybuildr with trrifying and unattra#ti& mus#ularity$ an
o&rwhlming mistakn blif in his fatal magntism to womn and an obnoxiously
thi#k and swaggring prsonality! Dt#ti& Constabl 1urn /runion$ or 1um
1union as w all #alld him to his n&r%nding #hagrin! "ou)d think aftr bing
#alld somthing your whol working lif$ you)d &ntually b#om rsignd to th
fa#t that popl wr going to #all you that whthr you likd it or not! Not 1um
1union though! :hat h lost in intllign#$ h mor than mad up for in
3 didn)t #all him on th #onstabl #ra#k A h knw prf#tly wll that 3 was a
snior #onstabl! * (ust likd to gt a ris from m! * (ust likd to gt any
ra#tion from m$ bing a bit lik Dnny 1y#raft in that rsp#t! 3n fa#t$ h was (ust
as annoying as a bunion on your bum would b$ so h was wll%ni#knamd!
Knfortunatly$ w had known a#h othr a whil$ sin# w studid togthr at th
poli# a#admy whr 3 had bstd him in &ry sub(#t! 'nd 3 was promotd
bfor him as wll!
C3 ga& your littl frind Jnny a rid sh won)t forgt th othr night$D h
boastd loudly!
3 grima#d! 4uc#. :hat th hll was Jnny thinkingE Sh must ha& bn drunk
out of hr brain! 3 would ha& to ha& a strn talk to hr! No woman was &r that
dsprat and 3 wantd hr pouring hr #arnal urgs into hr running training!
1sids$ th gossip from th fmal #ops in 1ig Town was that 1um 1union was all
talk and littl a#tion! 'nd his ;uipmnt didn)t li& up to his #on#itd promiss
C0oor Jnny$D was all 3 said$ bfor 3 turnd away and #ontinud hading to th
xit! 3 was rally hungry!
CDon)t turn your nos up at m$ Tssi 2ullr, "ou)d b bttr off shagging a
d#nt #op lik m than on of thos 1y#raft bastards,D h shoutd aftr m! Thr
was a gnral murmur of agrmnt around th room! /9$ that mad m angry, 3t
was nobody)s damn businss who 3 slpt with!
CNobody wants to shag you$ you ugly$ knu#kl%dragging$ small%di#kd
mathad! Now fu#k off and do som work for on#$D shoutd a husky$ sxy &oi#
from th stairs! 1um s#ootd away without a word$ trror on his fa#! Thn th
&oi# turnd its fury on m! CTrsa 2ullr$ whr th hll do you think you)r
going$ you 1y#raft%fu#king whorE /t ba#k hr now,D
Th Sarg tnsd$ ys wary$ rady to (ump in and dfnd m physi#ally$ if
n#ssary! That was surprising!
3 spun around again! C'lways #harming as &r$ ma)am$D 3 laughd and ga&
hr a hug hug! 3 hadn)t sn hr for a whil!
Sh lookd up at m! C"ou lying littl bit#h! "ou tll m you #an)t mak lun#h
today b#aus you ha& to work$ so 3 agr to fill in for that uslss turdball Jrry!
* says h)s got a bad ba#k from gardning$ but &rybody knows that h hurt it
waring out his di#k in a marathon wanking sssion last night! 'nd now 3 find you
walt9ing around town with fu#king ! ! !D Sh took a brath and turnd to s#rutinis
th Sarg! *r dmanour didn)t #hang$ &n whn sh glan#d o&r his tallnss$
wll%balan#d mus#ularity and ni# ys! Sh wasn)t asily imprssd! *r ys
fli#kd ba#k to m! C:ho th fu#k is thisED
CThis is my nw srgant$ 2inn 8aguir! Sarg$ you may b surprisd to larn
that this prson is my frind$ th foul%mouthd harridan bttr known as Dt#ti&
3nsp#tor 2iona 8iddn! Sh)s also on my running tam$ if sh)s managd to fit in
any pra#ti# btwn all of hr #igartt braks!D
C2u#k off,D sh laughd! CJsus$ you)r su#h a di#tator! "ou)ll b growing a
mousta#h and making us all goosstp togthr nxt! 'nyway$ 3 smok whil 3
train$ don)t 3ED
3 don)t know how old 2iona was xa#tly A in hr mid%fiftis was my guss$ sh
wouldn)t tll m A but hr skin was so lathry and brown from yars of smoking
and sunbaking that sh lookd lik a wll%lo&d handbag that your grandma ownd!
Sh was small and rail%thin with a sho#k of short blond hair and an ugly%prtty
pixi fa# with a pointd #hin$ #ut littl nos and sharp pal blu ys!
Knxp#tdly$ sh was ;uit a good runnr and was a mu#h bttr bt for finishing
th ight kilomtr ra# than ithr Jnny or Eli9a who wr mu#h youngr than
hr! 3t wouldn)t surpris m in th slightst if sh smokd through th whol ra#
though$ sh was su#h a ni#otin addi#t!
C:ll$ kp up th good work and 3)ll talk to you soon! Tak #ar and gi& my
lo& to .onni$D 3 said! 's 3 ra#hd th door$ 3 turnd around to hr! C/t thos
othr two moti&atd as wll! :)& only got a fw wks to go!D
C:hat do 3 look likED sh shoutd at m o&r hr shouldr as sh startd
#limbing th stairs again$ loud nough to mak &rybody on th ntir floor$
in#luding mmbrs of th publi#$ turn and listn! C' fu#king lif #oa#hE Do it
yourslf$ you la9y slut! 3)& got to work for a li&ing! 'nd 3 don)t ha& hot 1y#raft
#o#k to #om hom to lik som lu#ky bit#hs!D
'nd whil that instantly drid up &ryon)s #riti#isms of my rlationship with
Jak$ 3 #ringd with mbarrassmnt at hr blunt talking as w lft th building!
1a#k in th #ar$ th Sarg turnd to m! CBkay$ she is abrasi&$ with a ral
mouth on hr!D
3 laughd! CThat)s what most popl say whn thy first mt hr! 3)m usd to
hr though$ ha&ing known hr most of my lif! Sh)s bn a ral mntor to m!D
* turnd his had to m in disblif! C.allyED
C"s$ rally! Sh)s th insp#tor in #harg of th dt#ti& tam in 1ig Town$ as
tough as a #ommando and sh dosn)t tak any rubbish from anybody! Th mal
#ops ar trrifid of hr$ susp#ts #onfss aftr fi& minuts with hr$ and w fmal
#ops lo& hr to bits! Sh)s a hard#or rol modl$ and dosn)t #ar what anyon
thinks! Sh)s on of th main rasons 3 d#idd to b#om a #op in th first pla#!D
3 lookd out th window for a momnt only to s 8ark 1y#raft walking down
th strt$ his arm around Dorri >butt! Thy stoppd and x#hangd spit for a
whil$ his hand up hr top$ hrs down th front of his (ans$ ignoring th disgustd
glan#s from th d#nt #iti9ns s#urrying past thm! %oly hell, 0orrie was playing
with fire. Sing .i#k$ sing his #ousin 8ark and trying to #om on to my Jak$ all
at th sam tim! 3 don)t know what sh was playing at$ but it was going to nd in
tars! Br wors! 8ark and Dorri must ha& assumd thy wr saf from prying
ys up hr in 1ig Town!
3 told th Sarg what 3)d (ust sn$ in #as it turnd ugly latr on ba#k hom! 3
wasn)t th only prson who &isitd 1ig Town on a rgular basis$ and 8ark and
Dorri wrn)t xa#tly bing dis#rt! .i#k would find out soon nough! 'nd thn
his girlfrind$ Sta#y$ would find out about him and Dorri! Thr would b blood
spilld in >ittl Town in th nar futur! 'nd truth b told$ thr was nothing s#arir
than 1y#raft &rsus 1y#raft! Thy usually stu#k togthr in tims of troubl$ but
thy fought on anothr lik wild animals whn thy #rossd a#h othr! 3 only
hopd that Jak didn)t b#om in&ol&d! * would b ba#king his brothr .i#k o&r
his #ousin 8ark any day!
Th Sarg took it in but didn)t say mu#h$ as usual! C3)m thinking that >ittl
Town runs a lot dpr than 3 &r xp#td!D
C"ou thought you wr bing for#d to go to a ;uit #ountry dtail whr you
would di of bordom$ didn)t youED
* smild faintly$ but didn)t answr! 2robably didnt want to incriminate
himself$ 3 thought!
CCan w ha& som lun#h soonE 3)m star&ing! 8y day off)s not going th way 3
plannd!D 3 didn)t man to sound whiny$ but 3)m prtty sur that)s how it #am
a#ross! 1ut instad of hading into th narst fast food pla# for a ;ui#k fd lik 3
would ha& don$ h pulld into th #arpark of a small 8xi#an rstaurant!
3 wasn)t thrilld! C3 nd to at fast$ Sarg! 3)m fading away$D 3 hintd! C2rid
#hi#kn or burgrs ar fast!D
CNo Tss! "ou shouldn)t at food lik that! : #an gt som ;ui#k halthy food
Sullnly 3 followd him into th rstaurant$ sur 3 would b waiting an hour to
b fd$ whn &ry #ll in my body was s#raming at m to at right now. : wr
satd immdiatly and our ordr was also takn ;ui#kly! 3 was #on&in#d it was th
uniform that spd &rything along! 3n my xprin#$ #ops ating somwhr in
uniform always pro&okd on of two rsponss A ithr th rstauratur was thrilld
to ha& us thr and la&ishd us with attntion$ or thy #ouldn)t wait to gt rid of us$
trying not to #aus any offn#$ but rushing us through th mal! This flt lik a rush
(ob$ but that (ust might ha& bn b#aus th rstaurant was busy in th lun#htim
pak hour and th staff wr rushing &ryon!
: spnt th tim btwn ordring and th food arri&ing r%rading th
information w)d printd out$ but it wasn)t long bfor our mals turnd up! To my
sham$ 3 gobbld min down lik a hyna at a frsh antlop kill! 3t was dli#ious
but didn)t rally fill m up! 3)d gon for th #hapst thing on th mnu$ a ban
n#hilada with a small sid of frsh salad$ his #ontmpt for fast food #hoing in my
ars! *)d gon for a hug plattr himslf that in#ludd a ta#o$ a burrito and ri# and
salad sids! Thn 3 ralisd that mayb h)d bn as hungry as m! :)d had ;uit a
(og that morning and h wasn)t a small man! 8ayb 3 should b gratful h was
looking out for m by kping m away from (unk foodE 3 wishd 3 knw mor
about him!
:hn th bill #am$ h mad mo&s to pay for it whn 3 stoppd him
&hmntly! 3 insistd that w a#h pay for our own mals$ sp#ially as h had
offrd to tak Dad and m out to dinnr that &ry night! 3 would ha& offrd to
pay for both of us$ but 3 knw that 3 didn)t ha& nough on m to #o&r th ntir
mal! Knfortunatly$ 3 hadn)t xp#td to at out today$ thinking 3)d b lun#hing at
2iona)s hous$ and whn 3)d #hangd into my uniform at th last s#ond in a rush
3)d forgottn my purs! 3 had to drdg up &ry dollar #oin and &ry fifty$ twnty$
tn and fi& #nt pi# 3 had at th bottom of th small monybag 3 stashd in th
patrol #ar for mrgn#is! 3 was dspratly mbarrassd$ but dtrmind to pay for
my own mal! 3 (ust managd to s#rap nough togthr! Just! :ll$ to b honst$ h
had to throw in a #oupl of dollars for m in th nd!
*is ys wr s#athing as h s#oopd up th mountain of loos #hang 3)d
pla#d on th tabl and hadd off to th #ashir to pay! 3 wat#hd as h sho&d that
#oinag into his po#kts and paid th bill with his #rdit #ard! :hn h rturnd to
th #ar$ h pulld out all my #oins from his po#kt and thrw thm into th holdall
btwn th front sats!
C3)ll pay you proprly whn w gt ba#k hom$D 3 insistd$ s;uirming with
dis#omfort at th #linking of th small #hang falling into th holdall!
C"ou)& paid m$ Snior Constabl! This is now my mony$ 3 bli&$D h said
dismissi&ly! C3)ll d#id what 3 do with it$ thanks!D
2ling as though 3)d bn firmly put ba#k in my box aftr that xprin#$ w
hadd to 1ssi)s daughtr)s hous to #h#k on 8iss / and to drop off th list of
proprtis! Thy wrn)t hom$ so 3 s#ribbld a mssag on th paprs asking hr to
lt us know if sh noti#d anything out of th ordinary$ sho&d thm undr th front
door and w bu#kld up and spd off ba#k to >ittl Town!
Cha#ter 6
1a#k hom$ w droppd in at th station$ making it (ust in tim to wat#h th
rmo&alist &an pull out of th dri&way of th poli# hous! 3t was followd by Ds
and 8aurn)s #ar$ th ba#k sat #rammd with possssions too pr#ious to trust to
th rmo&alists! Thr wr parts of Jsus poking out of &ry window$ whi#h 3
#ouldn)t hlp but fl was a littl irr&rnt! Th Sarg parkd in th station #arpark
and w sauntrd up to th hous$ wa&ing goodby to thm as thy lft! 8ost of th
sightsrs wr long dpartd$ but thr wr still a fw stragglrs lft bhind$
nothing in thir dull li&s a mat#h for th rsp#tabl bordom of Ds and
8aurn)s dpartur!
3 was surprisd to s .i#k 1y#raft still around$ sitting on th ground$ laning
up against th fn#! * was slugging on a stubby of br$ surroundd by what
smd to b a whol #arton of mptis$ tird and &ry drunk by th look of him!
'll th adult 1y#rafts had dsrtd him and thr wr only a fw of th
whipprsnapprs around to kp him #ompany!
3 pointd him out to th Sarg!
C* #ouldn)t ha& found out alrady about that woman and his #ousin$ #ould
C/od only knows! Nws tra&ls fast around hr!D
3 dtourd o&r to him! 3n my ys h was on of th last ob(#tionabl
1y#rafts and Jak was &ry #los to him as thy wr only a yar apart in ag$ so 3
didn)t loath him as mu#h as 3 did som of th othrs! :hn 3 #rou#hd down nxt
to him$ 3 #ould s that h was &n drunkr than 3 susp#td and had bn #rying$
his fa# strakd with tars! Thr was a faint smll of &omit manating from him!
C.i#k$D 3 said gntly$ Chow you goingED
* rolld drary$ bloodshot ys towards m! C2u#k off$ piglt!D * didn)t
sound too frindly!
C*ow about Srgant 8aguir and 3 tak you hom to your mumED
C3 said to fu#k off!D
3 x#hangd a glan# with th Sarg and trid again! C.i#k$ w)ll tak you to
>ola)s pla# and sh #an look aftr you tonight$ okayED
C)uc# off, you nosy bitch.D h s#ramd suddnly$ lur#hing up and grabbing m
around th n#k! * was an angry man$ had a &i#ious grip and h)d takn m by
surpris$ so 3 was #hoking for air straight away! :hn you)r in that position$ you
gt ral proprital about oxygn$ bli& m! 3 lashd out at him in th stoma#h with
my foot in a fir# sid ki#k$ throwing him &iolntly ba#kwards! * hit th fn#
hard and slumpd drunknly$ bfor turning on his sid to &omit! Th 1y#raft
minors stood in an intrstd smi%#ir#l around us$ filming .i#k)s atta#k and dfat
on thir stoln smart phons! Non of thm offrd to hlp m or him! 3 wouldn)t
ha& xp#td it!
Th Sarg didn)t wast a momnt though! * pushd through th audin# to
(oin th fray immdiatly$ but it was all o&r by th tim h got thr!
C:hat ar w going to do with himED th Sarg askd$ rmmbring th
#hi#kns in th lo#kup!
CTak him hom! >t his family dal with him$D 3 r#ommndd$ rubbing my
poor throat! 3 hopd it wouldn)t bruis!
Nodding agrmnt$ h manhandld .i#k into th ba#k of th patrol #ar$
stopping to lt him &omit again$ whil 3 followd$ shooing away th young ons!
Th 1y#raft minors ylld out insulting #ommnts to us bfor (umping on thir
stoln biks and riding off to warn .i#k)s mothr about our imminnt arri&al!
: dro& in siln#$ th only #on&rsation m dir#ting him to Jarrah Strt
whr th 1y#raft family lair was situatd! :hn w pulld up outsid th unkmpt
timbr hous$ a #o&n of 1y#raft womn$ tippd off by th young ons$ swarmd
outsid to th #urb$ #rowding th patrol #ar$ banging on its roof and swaring at us!
Th Sarg opnd th door and told thm all to stand ba#k in his loud$ authoritati&
&oi#! Thy obyd$ whi#h frankly stunnd m! Th 1y#raft womn mad it a point
to n&r lt mn tll thm what to do A unlss it was to opn thir lgs and thn thy
wr all ars$ so to spak!
: pulld .i#k out of th ba#k of th #ar$ d#iddly wors for war! Th
womn immdiatly #rowdd around again and a##usd us of roughing him up and
mistrating him! 3 wantd to yll ba#k at thm that w wr trying to help him$ but it
was pointlss! Thy)d n&r listn to m and 3)d only b wasting my brath &n
trying to xplain!
C1a#k off,D 3 warnd .osi 1y#raft$ .i#k)s and Jak)s oldr sistr$ who was
sho&ing against m and gtting in my fa#!
C8ak m$ piglt bit#h$D sh snrd$ trying to grab .i#k)s arm off m! 3
pushd hr o&rly%gnrous #hst ba#kwards with my opn palm a fw tims to
for# hr to mo& away from m and thought longingly of my baton! Thr would
b nothing that would mak my day brightr at that momnt than #ra#king a fw
1y#raft skulls!
.osi took x#ption to my gntl pushs though$ and without warning rammd
into m$ kno#king m off balan#! 3 fll ha&ily$ bringing down both .i#k and th
Sarg with m! .i#k landd on m and was far too drunk to ha& spdy rflxs$ so
h thrashd around on top of m with littl ff#t x#pt grinding m painfully
furthr into th dirt! 3 gaggd at th smll of his &omit brath on my fa#!
Th Sarg struggld to his ft and hauld .i#k to his$ but wasn)t fast nough to
stop th onslaught of 1y#raft ft opportunisti#ally making #onta#t with my body as
3 lay pron on th ground! * battld to hold up .i#k$ whos bons had smingly
turnd to (lly$ whil th 1y#raft womn rpatdly ki#kd at m so &i#iously that 3
#urld up into as small a mass as possibl and dspratly ra#hd for my baton! 3
swung it wildly as 3 lay on th ground$ wha#king thm hard and indis#riminatly on
thir shins and #al&s as thir ft hadd towards m! 3 was #ausing thm
signifi#ant pain too$ (udging by th #urss raining down on my had!
Th Sarg lt .i#k fall to th ground in ordr to gt out his baton$ wading into
th ml and ylling at th 1y#raft womn to ba#k away! 1twn th two of us
w managd to gi& m nough brathing spa# to staggr to my ft! 0anting and
hurting$ 3 hld th baton up$ on palm out in warning$ rady to smash in somon)s
had gi&n th slightst pro&o#ation!
Th Sarg mo&d in #los$ pushing m bhind him again with on hand and
swapping his baton for his BC spray in th othr! Stupid .osi 1y#raft took a stp
towards m$ blindd by hr own hatrd$ wanting to tak anothr swing at m! *
warnd hr to stp ba#k! Sh ignord him and so #oppd a full blast of th spray in
hr fa#$ rndring hr instantly hlplss! Sh #ursd th Sarg with languag that
would ha& mad m blush if 3 hadn)t hard it all bfor out of hr own kids)
mouths towards m! Sh shuffld insid hr mothr)s hous$ #rying$ a##ompanid
by hr sistr and #ousins to wash out hr ys!
C1ring out this man)s mothr now,D th Sarg bllowd aftr thm! ' minut
latr$ tiny >ola 1y#raft$ spawnr of numrous &il 1y#rafts as wll as my bautiful
Jak$ rlu#tantly #am down th stairs! Sh was moaning about bing torn away
from 'prah rpats$ a #igartt dangling from th sid of hr mouth! 3)d n&r sn
hr without on!
C:hat did you do to my .osi$ pig%bit#hED sh dmandd abrasi&ly$ hr
#igartt (iggling up and down as sh spok!
CSh got what sh dsr&d!D
Sh shruggd thn b#aus$ dspit ha&ing tn kids$ sh didn)t rally #ar about
most of thm$ only a fw! .d was hr fa&ourit$ bing hr first born! Jak was
anothr fa&ourit$ b#aus &ryon in th family adord him! Sh lookd down at
on of th unlu#ky ons$ lying on th ground$ sni&lling in front of us all! C:hat
about my .i#kyE :hat did you do to himED sh askd automati#ally$ without mu#h
fling! 1ut 3 still saw rd at hr attitud!
C:)& brought him hom for his own damn safty$ you old bat! : found him
drunk and #rying at th poli# hous! Nxt tim 3 won)t bothr! 3)ll (ust #hu#k him
in th lo#kup until h sobrs up$D 3 spat out at hr!
C*)s not a fu#king #hi#kn$ piglt$D sh s#ornd$ blowing an awful fugu of
#igartt smok o&r m!
3 turnd and addrssd th Sarg$ C>t)s gt away from this ungratful bun#h of
arshols! >ast tim 3 do any of thm a fa&our!D
CTh only fa&our you #ould do for m is dying$ bit#h$D rtortd >ola &i#iously!
C'nd th soonr th bttr!D
3 stalkd ba#k to th patrol #ar in a right tmpr as th Sarg hauld .i#k to his
ft again! 3 was fling sor from whr that pa#k of wit#hs had atta#kd m! 3n a
fair world$ w would ha& arrstd all of thm for assaulting a poli# offi#r$ but
with nowhr to put thm and no way of transporting so many of thm to 1ig Town$
thr wasn)t mu#h w #ould do x#pt walk away! 'gain!
CSta#y)s brokn up with m$ 8um$D .i#k #rid pitifully$ laning drunknly on
>ola)s shouldrs and sobbing! CSh found out about m and Dorri! Sh)s ki#kd
m out of hr hous!D
CThr$ thr$ poor .i#ky$D >ola soothd$ patting him absntly on th ba#k as
sh took a long draw on hr #iggi$ shooting &nom at m o&r his shouldr!
CSta#y 2lhorn)s an ugly$ fat slut anyway! "ou #an do bttr than hr! "ou sti#k
with that Dorri! Sh knows how to look aftr a man!D Sh flippd m th fingr as
w dro& away and took out hr #igartt to yll out at m$ CStay away from my
Jaky$ you mothrfu#king pig%arsd whor,D
Knprofssionally$ 3 flippd th middl fingrs of both hands right ba#k at hr
through th window! Bh yah$ 3 #ould totally s hr as my mothr%in%law!
CThat family is nothing but a pa#k of obs#n animals$D said th Sarg in
disgust! C3)& only bn hr two days and 3 hat thm alrady!D
3 laughd brifly! C:l#om to my world! 3 grw up with thm!D
C3 know it)s non of my businss$ but 3 (ust #an)t undrstand why you would go
out with on of thm! Esp#ially with th way thy trat you!D
3 rplid &nly$ C"ou)r right$ it)s non of your businss!D
C3 undrstand why thy hat th poli#$ but it sms to b almost prsonal with
you$D h prsistd!
C3 guss it)s (ust my #harming prsonality$D 3 said and smild at him with a fak
sin#rity usually rsr&d for #ampaigning politi#ians! 3)d probably tll him on day
about m and th 1y#rafts but it was too arly in our partnrship to do so (ust yt!
That)s assuming h stu#k around long nough to rmain my partnr! 'ftr
witnssing th 1y#rafts at thir worst$ that s#nario probably (ust b#am a lot lss
CBkay$D h sighd! C3 #an tll whn 3)m bing fobbd off! 3)ll tak you hom!
'nd my ad&i#E Tak a bath! "ou)r going to bruis up!D
3 shruggd non#halantly$ but 3 was sur h was right! 3 would b in a whol
world of pain tomorrow! 3 was fling it alrady! * dro& up my dri&way$
#onsidratly parking nar th stairs so 3 didn)t ha& to walk too far! 's 3 was about
to stp out$ h put his hand on my arm to stop m!
CTss$ you nd to gt thos #hi#kns out of th lo#kup! 3 want thos #lls
a&ailabl for holding popl! 3 don)t want thos 1y#rafts to think that thy #an gt
away with trating you lik that anymor! : ha& to bring som ordr to this
3 rgardd him gra&ly and noddd! 3 was #oming around to his point of &iw
that w did nd a lo#kup in town! C's soon as 3 #an! *y$ #an you do m a fa&our
and #h#k to s if Ds took his old #hi#kn run with himE 3t was in th ba#kyard!
3t)s a bit of a ruin$ but it would sa& m buying a nw on! 3 #ould gt Jak to hlp
m fix it up if it)s still thr!D
* noddd! CDon)t forgt about dinnr! 3)ll pi#k you and your fathr up at about
s&n! BkayED
3 smild! Somthing to look forward to$ for on#! 1ut 3 trid not to sound too
nthusiasti#$ rturning with a #ool$ CSur$ thanks!D
* was about to lt go of my arm$ whn suddnly h pulld it #losr to him$
pring down at it intntly! * grabbd my othr arm and lookd at that as wll!
CTssED h ;ustiond$ running a gntl fingr down th long (aggd s#ar 3 had
on my lft innr forarm and th shortr on on my right! C:hat ar ths fromE
Thy look as though thy wr srious wounds!D
3 snat#hd my arms out of his hold and #rossd thm dfnsi&ly! CThy wr! 3
got thm whn 3 was a littl kid$ so 3 don)t rmmbr anything about thm!D 3 was
dlibratly bing &asi& and s#rambld out of th #ar to a&oid any furthr
;ustions! CS you tonight$ Sarg!D
Dad was rading in th loung room and 3 rudly intrruptd his #on#ntration
whn 3 burst into th room and di&d onto th loung$ loudly #omplaining about my
day all th way! * didn)t mind though$ putting his book asid$ listning with
patint gra#iousnss and ra#ting with hart%warming angr whn 3 admittd$ not
without a littl humiliation$ that 3 had lt myslf bn ki#kd by th 1y#raft bimbos!
1ut whn 3 told him that th Sarg was taking us out for dinnr tonight$ h rmindd
m that it was his turn to host his rgular footy group$ whi#h mant a #oupl of his
frinds wr #oming o&r to wat#h th gam on tlly and sink som brs with him!
3 sat up! CBh Dad$ 3 forgot! 3)m so sorry! 3)ll ring th Sarg right now and
#an#l!D 3 staggrd to my ft$ hading for th phon! C8ayb h might offr to
tak us anothr nightED
CDon)t #an#l$ Tssi lo&$D Dad said immdiatly! 3 stoppd and turnd to him$
fingr poisd to prss th spd%dial button to th poli# hous$ ybrows raisd!
C"ou go with him! 3 don)t mind! 'nd h might not offr again! "ou n&r go out
mu#h and it will b good for th both of you to gt to know a#h othr on a #asual
dat a bit bttr! 3)ll (ust b in th way!D
C"ou)d n&r b in th way!D 3 thought about what h said and addd$ C'nd it)s
not a dat!D
* smild! C3sn)t itED
CNo$ it isn)t$D 3 insistd$ frowning!
C' man and a woman drssing up and going out to dinnr togthrE Sounds lik
a dat to m$D h tasd!
C:ll$ it isn)t$D and with his #hu#kls ringing in my ars$ 3 took myslf off to
th bathroom to ha& a &ry long bath$ hoping to rlax my alrady a#hing mus#ls
in th hot watr! :hil 3 soakd in bubbls$ 3 studid th s#ars on my arms
pnsi&ly! 3 hadn)t thought about thm for ags$ or th on on my ba#k or th on
on my #hst ithr! 3 hadn)t lid to th Sarg rally$ b#aus 3 didnt rmmbr
anything about bing woundd$ but of #ours 3 knw &ry last dtail about what
had happnd that awful day! 3 #ould ha& told him about it$ but 3 (ust didn)t want
to! 3t was too prsonal and 3 usually found that it also mad popl un#omfortabl
around m on# thy knw!
3 took som #ar prparing for dinnr! 3 #hos on of my prttist drsss$ a
fminin floaty littl summr numbr in sil&ry%blu that flashd a bit of boob$ but
not an ind#nt amount$ that 3 mat#hd with a fri&olous pair of strappy$ high%hld
sandals! 'ftr spnding most days in uniform or (ans$ 3 likd to rmind myslf now
and thn that 3 was a woman! 3 lft my hair loos$ gi&ing it a light boun# with my
#urling wand$ applid my makup and ga& myslf a gnrous spray of that dli#at
floral prfum! 3 was fixing my knif to my thigh undrnath my prtty drss$ whn
3 hard a #ar pull up outsid! 3 lookd at my wat#h! * was right on tim!
3 opnd th door promptly to lt him in! * was #asually lgant in a dark gray
suit with a midnight blu shirt with no ti! *is #loths lookd xpnsi& and fittd
him lik thy)d bn mad sp#ially for him! *is shirt probably #ost mor than my
whol outfit$ in#luding pantis$ shos$ handbag and (wllry! *is suit probably #ost
mor than my ntir wardrob of #loths! 3 suddnly flt awkward and out of my
lagu and wishd that 3 hadn)t agrd to go out to dinnr with him! 3 was hoplss
in so#ial situations$ sp#ially with popl 3 didn)t know wll!
:hn 3 xplaind to him that Dad wouldn)t b (oining us$ thr was no #hang
in his xprssion! * wasn)t disappointd to b dining alon with m and h wasn)t
x#itd ithr! /ood! Eithr motion would ha& mad m fl &n mor
3 stppd into th loung room to say goodby to Dad$ gi&ing him a kiss on th
C"ou look simply stunning tonight$ Tssi$D h #omplimntd$ s;u9ing my
hand! CDosn)t sh$ 2innED
C"s$ sh dos$D h said politly! :ll$ what ls was th poor guy going to say$
put on th spot lik thatE
3 shot Dad a poisonous glar to lt him know 3 was wll awar of his littl tas!
* smild at m inno#ntly in rturn! 3 s#rwd my fa# up in mo#k%angr$ but aftr
a momnt 3 smild ba#k! *is #harm was #onsidrabl and irrsistibl! 3t was no
strt#h to imagin how h had swt%talkd my #ity%li&ing mothr into gi&ing up
&rything to marry him and #om to li& as a farmr)s wif in this boring littl
town! * was still a fin%looking man &n now whn h was oldr and mu#h
dbilitatd by bad halth!
C"ou bha& yourslf tonight$ Dad$D 3 warnd$ kissing him again on th
forhad! C3 won)t b too lat!D 'nd th Sarg and 3 lft$ #losing th front door
;uitly bhind us!
C3 thought w)d b dri&ing in th >and .o&r for your fathr)s sak$ but as h)s
not #oming$ would you lik to rid in my #ar instadED h offrd$ as w walkd
down th &randa stairs!
CBf #ours 3 would, Do you rally nd to askED 3 rplid agrly! CCan 3
CNo$D h said simply$ and opnd th passngr door for m and #losd it on# 3
was satd$ whi#h 3 #ouldn)t rmmbr anybody &r doing for m bfor! 3t was a
lo&ly #ar with a luxurious intrior$ in#luding gnuin lathr sats! 3 wondrd
whr his mony #am from! 3 knw how mu#h a srgant was paid and it wasn)t
nough to afford a #ar lik this!
Soft$ swt musi# floatd from th #ar spakrs$ a##ompanid by a husky%
&oi#d fmal singr! 3 was suddnly shy and tongu%tid$ torturing myslf to think
of somthing funny or witty or intrsting to say! Nop! 8y mind was a #omplt
blank! >u#kily h stppd up to th plat!
CTh #hi#kn #oop)s still thr in th ba#kyard$ but it)s in trribl #ondition! 3t
will tak a lot of work to gt it up to th high standards your #hi#kns ha& #om to
3 laughd and immdiatly flt mor rlaxd! C3 don)t ha& mu#h #hoi#! 3 #an)t
afford to buy a nw on!D
C3)ll gi& you a hand fixing it up! 3)m a rasonabl handyman! 8y tools will b
turning up with my furnitur tomorrow!D
C"ou don)t ha& to do that! 3 #an ask Jak to hlp m! *)s &ry handy
himslf!D In more ways than one$ 3 thought to myslf$ smiling!
C3 insist! 3 lik a #hallng and it will as my guilt at bing th &illain who
&i#td your #hi#kns in th first pla#!D
C"ou)r not rally fling guilty about it$D 3 a##usd!
CNo$ not rally$D h admittd$ with that brif smil! C1ut 3 will hlp!D
C3 suppos 3 #ould pi#k up th #oop tomorrow and bring it ba#k hom to start
working on straight away! 3t)ll nd to b rpaird and rpaintd!D
CSur$D h agrd!
CThis will b kind of fun! 3)m going to mak it th bst #hi#kn #oop in >ittl
Town!D 3 sat ba#k in th sat$ smiling happily to myslf$ planning busily in my
CSo you)& forgi&n m for &i#ting thmE "ou wr prtty angry with m! 3
thought you wr going to blt m on at on stag!D
C3 wasn)t that angry$D 3 lid! C' littl angry mayb$ but 3 #an s your point
about th lo#kup! 3 would ha& lo&d to sho& .osi 1y#raft in on of thos #lls
today and lft hr thr to rot for&r!D
C:hi#h on was shED
CTh on with th dragon tattoo on hr n#k and th fak boobs! Th on you
CBh$ hr! "s! Sh was ! ! ! r ! ! ! &ry noti#abl!D
C"p! *r boobs ar giganti#$ arn)t thyE Sh kps ha&ing thm mad biggr
and biggr &ry yar! Th talk around town is that sh uss th #hild support from
hr x%partnr to pay for it! 8y bt is that by th middl of nxt yar thy)ll b so
big that thy)ll spontanously xplod on day!D 3 giggld wi#kdly at th thought!
C*opfully taking out a fw 1y#rafts whn thy do!D
CTss$D h rpro&d in an amusd &oi# as h pulld into th #arpark of Th
2lying 0igs! 3 had opnd my door and stppd out bfor h &n had a #han# to
hustl his butt to my sid of th #ar$ but hy$ wl#om to th twnty%first #ntury$
2inn 8aguir!
: walkd into th ntran# of th pub whr thr wr four #hoi#s of
dir#tion A straight ahad was th garish gaming room$ full of loud$ da99ling pokisF
to th lft was th publi# bar and to th right was th ni#r loung bar whi#h ld
onto th bistro and th pub)s sol fun#tion room! Th stair#as took you up to th
s#ond floor whr thr wr thr rasonably pri#d nsuitd rooms a&ailabl for
bookings and 'b)s own li&ing ;uartrs!
.ight at that momnt$ 2oxy Dubois #am ttring out from th publi# bar$ hr
bla#h blond hair pild with sxy #arlssnss on top of hr had$ lips plastrd
with startlingly rd lipsti#k! 2oxy was forty%somthing and likd to prtnd sh was
now a bttr typ of woman$ but sh spnt &ry Sunday aftrnoon and &ning
gtting so99ld in th publi# bar bfor hr striptas in hr own loung room a#h
Sunday night! 3t was th highlight of th wk for many of th oldr$ unmarrid
mal rsidnts of >ittl Town$ and som of th marrid ons as wll! Sh spottd th
Sarg and #am to a staggring halt$ bautiful grn ys wid$ an intrstd and
#al#ulating smil sprading a#ross hr lips!
CKh%oh$D 3 whisprd to him$ smiling! C"ou)& bn noti#d by 2oxy!D
CTssi 2ullr$D sh slurrd$ #oming up to throw hr arm around my shouldr$
laning on m ha&ily! C:ho is this incredibly lgant man you)& bn hiding
from mED
3 shrank ba#k$ o&rwhlmd by th gin fums on hr brath! C3 ha&n)t bn
hiding him$ 2oxy! * only arri&d in town ystrday! This is Srgant 2inn
8aguir$ Ds) rpla#mnt! Sarg$ this lo&ly lady$D and 3 grabbd hr arm to stop
hr falling off hr hls as sh suddnly stumbld to th right$ Cis 2oxy Dubois!D
Sh hld out hr rd%naild hand to th Sarg and h took it rlu#tantly! * was
right to b hsitant$ b#aus sh grippd his hand and for#fully yankd him
towards hr$ planting hr lips onto his and #lamping hr othr hand around th ba#k
of his n#k to stop him from s#aping!
C)oxy.D 3 rprimandd sharply$ prising hr fingrs off his n#k! C>t go of th
Sarg now, That)s "ery rud bha&iour from you, "ou ought to b ashamd!D
* pulld ba#k$ ys round with sho#k$ hand to his mouth$ his lips smard with
hr bright lipsti#k!
C:l#om to >ittl Town$ Srgant 2inn 8aguir$ you gorgous hunk of man$D
2oxy trilld$ not in th last bit rmorsful! Sh swung hr hips in an xaggratd
mo&mnt as sh hadd for th door$ wa&ing non#halantly! CToodl%oo,D
Th Sarg stard aftr hr$ an inds#ribabl xprssion on his fa#!
C3 think sh liks you$D 3 laughd!
* s#rubbd at his lips furiously! CSh had hr tongu in my mouth, :hr)s
th bathroomED
3 pointd him in th right dir#tion and told him 3)d b in th loung bar
waiting! Sunday night was on of th bistro)s busy nights so 'b was tnding th
loung bar$ la&ing his staff to barkp in th rowdir publi# bar! 3 stoppd to
x#hang plasantris with an oldr #oupl who li&d nar Dad and m and bfor
long th Sarg had (oind m$ mor #omposd$ and 3 introdu#d him to thm as
C*y bautiful, >ook at you,D 'b ylld from th bar$ thn wolf%whistld
loudly$ making &rybody in th ntir room look at m! Thr would b gossip
flying all o&r town tonight! Jak would #op an arful! 3 wa&d at 'b and followd
th Sarg o&r to th bar!
C"ou two ha& mt alrady$ ha&n)t youED 3 askd$ rmmbring that 'b had
gi&n th Sarg ad&i# on buying th win th pr&ious &ning! 1oth mn agrd
that$ ys$ thy had indd alrady mt! Th Sarg and 'b thn pro#dd to ha& a
frindly dis#ussion about win whil 3 idly lookd around th room$ noting th
#urious and sp#ulati& glan#s th good #iti9ns of >ittl Town wr dis#rtly and
not%so%dis#rtly throwing thir two poli# offi#rs! 3 suddnly wishd that Dad was
hr with us to displ any silly notions that w wr on a dat or somthing! 8ayb
3 shouldn)t ha& worn this drssE 8ayb it was too flirtyE
CTssE TssED 3 turnd$ ralising that th Sarg was #alling my nam!
CSorry$ 3 was daydraming$D 3 smild$ mbarrassd! * #arrid two glasss of
win o&r to a low tabl and w mad oursl&s #omfortabl on th plush
C3 ha& on rul for tonight$D h said in a srious &oi#! CNo talking shop$
Crap, *)d (ust rmo&d th only topi# of #on&rsation 3 flt #omfortabl with
initiating! 3 wasn)t sur if w had mu#h ls in #ommon$ but 3 guss if w did$ now
was th prf#t tim to find out! 1ut again$ as 3 struggld to think of somthing to
say$ h #am to th rs#u!
CTll m about th fun run and your tam$D h said$ and w talkd about that
until 'b (oind us for a whil$ taking a brak from th bar! Soon nough w had
both finishd our win and it was tim to at!
CDo you want to #om for anothr (og with m tomorrow morning$ SargED 3
tasd as 'b showd us to a tabl in th bistro$ sur h wouldn)t b intrstd aftr
th flogging 3 had gi&n him this morning!
CStop #alling m Sarg all th tim! :)r not at work$D h said sharply as h
hld out my #hair for m! 3 parkd my rar nd and took th mnu that 'b was
CSorry$ it)s (ust habit! 2inn!D 3 flt un#omfortabl #alling him that A 3 think 3
prfrrd Sarg! 3 waitd until h was satd as wll! CSo 2inn)s short for 2intanED
* didn)t sm to want to answr m$ probably b#aus it was a stupid
;ustion! 3)d alrady sn his dri&r)s li#n# and w both knw it! C"s!D
C2intan 8aguir$D 3 said xprimntally! CThat sounds 3rish!D
C3t is!D
CDo you ha& 3rish an#stryED
C*a& you &r &isitd 3rlandED
C3 was born thr!D
C"ou don)t sound 3rish!D
C3 lft thr a long tim ago!D * ob&iously didn)t lik talking about himslf and
3 lt it go b#aus 3 #ould undrstand that A 3 didn)t ithr! * #hangd th sub(#t!
C3 might want to (og with you! :hat tim do you normally had offED
CBn wkdays 3 st off at six$ on wknds at s&n! 3f you want to run with
m$ mt m at my gat by thn! .omi usually runs with m a #oupl of tims a
wk$ othrwis 3 (ust run by myslf!D
: ordrd and if 3 had bn worrid about it bing an awkward &ning$ thn 3
ndn)t ha& bothrd$ b#aus w barly got a s#ond alon anyway! .omi$ who
wasn)t working that &ning$ must ha& hard that th Sarg was around b#aus
sh #am haring downstairs and sat with us whil w at$ ga9ing at him a&idly$ hr
#hin on hr palm! 'b #hasd hr ba#k upstairs to finish hr homwork$ apologising
for hr bothring us! Thn$ without any slf%awarnss of th apparnt irony$ h
(oind us at th tabl himslf until Jak arri&d! * #hrfully grtd 'b and th
Sarg$ plonking himslf down nxt to m!
C:ow$ Tssi, "ou ar si99ling hot tonight$ baby doll, 3 lo"e that drss$D h
said with undisguisd admiration$ staring opnly at my boobs! * kissd m on th
mouth$ thn on th n#k! C8mm$ you smll wondrful too! 3)& had o&r fifty phon
#alls about you drssd to kill$ out on a dat with your nw boss!D
C3t)s not a dat$D 3 insistd$ glan#ing o&r at th Sarg$ mbarrassd! C1sids$
'b)s bn #haproning m th whol tim$ ha&n)t you$ swtiED 3 winkd at 'b
who lookd mbarrassd himslf that h)d bn #aught out bing so ob&ious!
Jak laughd and slid his arm around my shouldrs! 3 land against him$ on
hand rsting on his thigh! * stol th spoon from my othr hand and wolfd down
th rst of my dssrt!
CThis is good$D h said to 'b$ his mouth full! CTll th #hf 3 gi& it two
thumbs up!D Thn h drank my #off and at th #ho#olat mint that #am with it$
bfor mun#hing on som of our unatn bradsti#ks! Th Sarg rgardd him
silntly$ his fa# xprssionlss!
C:hat ha& you bn doing today bsids wat#hing Ds and 8aurn mo&
outED 3 askd Jak$ ra#hing up to wip som #rumbs from th sid of his mouth! *
grabbd my hand in his$ brought it to his lips and kissd it$ smiling at m!
C3)& bn hanging with Two Dogs and *arry$ bab! *arry was off%rostr and
Two Dogs took a si#ki!D *is bst frinds sin# primary s#hool$ th mats h)d gon
to th night#lub with on that night w had mt again! Two Dogs$ so namd b#aus
whn h was a kid h had two idnti#al pt dogs that only h #ould tll apart$ was
tubby and balding and workd for th Coun#il in th payroll s#tion! *arry was tall$
lanky and fr#kly and workd at th prison with Jak! 's 3 said bfor$ thy wr
both rally ni# guys and Jak was a rar #ratur in th 1y#raft family for ha&ing
frinds who wrn)t also his rlati&s! C: wnt for a surf and playd a fw gams
of so##r with som of th young ons! Thn 3 had dinnr at 8um)s! *ard th girls
ga& you a hard tim today! "ou okayED
C3)ll li&$D 3 rplid$ a littl frosty!
C1ab$D h rmonstratd mildly$ running his fingrs through my hair! 3 almost
purrd with happinss! CDon)t b lik that! 3)& got no #ontrol o&r thos girls$ you
know that! 1sids$ you should s thir lgs! 1ruiss #oming up &rywhr whr
you wha#kd thm!D
C/ood! 3 hop thy)r in a lot of pain! 3)m going to b #o&rd in bruiss
tomorrow too whr thy ki#kd m! 'nd whr .i#k trid to strangl m!D
* land in #los to m$ gntly brushd my hair asid and whisprd in my
ar$ C3)ll kiss all thos bruiss bttr tonight$ my bautiful Tssi! :ill that hlpED
* kissd m on th n#k again! * hld my ys and 3 noddd$ my puls suddnly
shooting up to th sky!
'bruptly rmmbring that w wr not alon$ 3 #hangd th sub(#t and told
him that th Sarg and 3 wr planning on fixing up Ds) old #hook hous! *
CNo nd to bothr somon ls with that kind of stuff! 3)ll do it for you! 3)&
got tomorrow off$ rmmbrE 3)ll pi#k it up in my ut and ha& it fixd and paintd
for you by th nd of th day! "our dad #an hlp m!D
CThanks Jaky$D 3 smild up at him lo&ingly!
C3t was no imposition$D th Sarg said ;uitly! C3 was glad to hlp!D
CThanks anyway$ 2inn$D Jak said$ frindly but firmly$ looking a#ross th tabl
at him! C1ut it)s my (ob to sort out my girlfrind)s problms! That)s on of th
rasons a woman kps a man around$ wouldn)t you agrED
CBf #ours$D th Sarg rplid$ impassi&! 3 guss h took th hint A Jak wasn)t
xa#tly bing subtl!
C/rat, 3)ll #om by &ry arly tomorrow morning to gt it$ if you don)t mind!
That will gi& m all day to work on it!D
Th Sarg said$ C*lp yourslf!D
CThanks!D * stood up! C3)d bttr gt this lo&ly on hom! Sh)ll nd a good
rst aftr taking on my rlati&s by hrslf$D Jak said$ looking at m with thos
striking ys in a way that lft m in no doubt that a good rst was th last thing 3)d
b gtting tonight! ' thrill shot up my spin!
C3 wasn)t by myslf$D 3 rmindd him as 3 stood up too! CTh Sarg was thr!
* ga& .osi a fa# full of spray!D 3 laughd at th mmory!
C3 know! 3 hard all about it$ bli& m!D * turnd to th Sarg! C"ou bttr
wat#h your ba#k whn sh)s around$ mat! .osi)s gunning for you now!D
Th Sarg shruggd his broad shouldrs! CSh #an bring it on! 3)m rady!D
C't last it might tak hr mind off trying to kill Tssi for a whil$D h laughd
and hld out his hand to th Sarg! CThanks for taking #ar of my girlfrind tonight$
2inn! 3 bt sh had a grat tim!D
C3 did$D 3 #onfirmd! CThanks so mu#h for th lo&ly dinnr$ Sarg! Sorry to run
off on you!D
* stood up and shook Jak)s hand! CDon)t worry about it! 3 should hit th sa#k
arly anyway! Th rmo&alist &an will b at th hous first thing tomorrow
' thought hit m! CSarg$ what ar you going to slp on tonightE "ou don)t
ha& any furnitur! 8ayb you should #om ba#k to my housE 't last thr)s a
bd for you thr!D
* smild at m and it stayd on his lips a fw s#onds longr than normal! Jak
was s;u9ing my shouldr tightly in a silnt s#ram of dspair$ sing his #han#
of som good lo&ing &aporating for th s#ond night in a row!
C3 ha& a blow%up mattrss and a slping bag to do m! 3)ll b right! Thanks for
th offr though$ Tss! 3 appr#iat it$D h said finally$ and Jak rlaxd his iron grip
on my shouldr! Jak shook hands with 'b and 3 ga& 'b a ;ui#k p#k on th
#hk for looking aftr m and hand%in%hand w lft th pub for th dri& ba#k to
my pla# in his ut!
Dad and his mats wr still going strong whn w arri&d hom$ loudly
swapping fishing storis so full of bullshit 3 #ould ha& frtilisd my hrb gardn for
a yar with thm! 'ftr a ;ui#k hllo to thm and a warning to Dad about not
staying up too lat that h brushd off s#ornfully$ Jak and 3 rtird to my bdroom
for th night! 'nd from th momnt 3 shut th door and turnd to fa# him until w
both finally fll aslp hours latr A nakd$ ntwind in a#h othr)s arms$ uttrly
xhaustd$ our bodis pulsing with o&r%satiation A &ry thought about anything
x#pt him and m was for#fully dri&n out of my mind with th shr plasur of
his wondrful lo&making!
Cha#ter *7
3 slpt ha&ily and only wok up whn Jak bgan stroking my brasts and
kissing my n#k! 3 rolld o&r to fa# him and kissd him slpily! * kissd m
ba#k$ his tongu snaking its way into my mouth! 3 ra#hd down to find him as hard
as a stl rod again!
CDidn)t 3 war that out last nightED 3 tasd as 3 kissd his shouldr!
C"s$ you did$D h murmurd$ his mouth busy with my brasts! C1ut this is a
nw on! 3 always bring a #oupl with m whn 3 stay o&r at your pla# b#aus 3
know how grdy you ar!D
3 giggld and lt him ha& his wi#kd way with m on# mor! 2inishd$ w lay
on our ba#ks$ #lasping hands$ panting!
* sat up to pr down sadly at his dflating slf! CBh no$ look! "ou)& brokn
anothr on!D
3 giggld again and hit him with my pillow! * hit m ba#k with his pillow and
w wrstld on th bd togthr for a whil$ laughing! * soon o&rpowrd m and
3 was trappd undrnath him as h sat on my lgs$ holding my arms down!
C3)ll only lt you go if you answr thr ;ustions$D h said$ trying to kp his
fa# srious!
CBkay$D 3 agrd$ smiling with rlaxd satisfa#tion!
C2irst ;ustionO who is th bst%looking man you)& &r mtED
8y smil widnd! C"ou$ Jaky!D
CCorr#t answr! "ou)r rady to mo& on to th s#ond ;ustion! :ho is th
bst lo&r you)& &r had in your whol lifED
3 giggld! C"ou again$ Jaky! *ands down! Br pants down$ mayb!D
* laughd and land down to kiss m slowly! C'nothr #orr#t answr! :hat
a #l&r girl you ar, Now you)r rady to mo& on to th third and final ;ustion!
'r you radyED
C"s$D 3 said$ trying to look solmn$ but failing misrably!
C:ho is th man you lo& mor than anybodyED
CThat)s an asy on$D 3 smild! CDad!D
* ti#kld m pitilssly until 3 s;uald for mr#y! CThat)s not right! Try
C:hat was th ;ustion againED 3 laughd!
C:ho is th man you lo& mor than anybodyED
CBh$ 3 know! That rally #ut guy in that TL show about th do#tors ! ! ! you
know$ what)s%his%nam! 3)m #ompltly in lo& him!D
CThat)s not th right answr ithr,D h thundrd and 3 had to suffr through
anothr ti#kling$ giggling un#ontrollably and narly s;uirming myslf off th bd!
C3)m going to ask you on mor tim! :ho is th man you lo& mor than
C3s it you$ JakyED 3 laughd! * land down so that our noss wr tou#hing!
C3 don)t know$ Tssi darling! 3s it mED h askd$ srious all of a suddn!
C"s$ it)s you$ you goos$D 3 said and kissd th tip of his nos! * rolld off m
and lay ba#k nxt to m on th bd$ smirking smugly!
3 land on his smooth$ mus#ular #hst and tra#d around th intri#at phonix
tattoo that sprad a#ross his #hst and stoma#h with my fingr! *)d had that don
(ust bfor w mt up again a #oupl of yars ago! 3 always hopd it symbolisd his
dp dsir to rid himslf of his 1y#raft hritag$ rising up to la& it prmanntly
bhind in a nw lif! 1ut mayb that was wishful thinking on my part b#aus h)d
profssd ignoran# of its mythologi#al importan#$ only &r admitting to m that
h)d likd th dsign whn h)d sn it in th tattooist)s artbook!
*is on othr tattoo was th word G>31E.T") inkd a#ross his shouldr blads
in gothi# s#ript! *)d had that don straight aftr h)d walkd out on his wif for
good and you sur didn)t nd to b a psy#hologist to work that on out! :hn 3)d
first sn it$ h)d told m with a #rookd slf%dpr#ating smil that th tattooist had
suggstd th word$ ta#tfully noting that th word h)d originally wantd A G2.EE)
A might indi#at to th world that h was a #hap root! 3)d laughd at his story$ but
3)d also flt dp sadnss insid A this wasn)t a man who wantd to b tid down
again anytim soon! Esp#ially as h)d gon to th bothr of prmanntly marking
his skin with his philosophy!
C3)m hurting &rywhr b#aus of your awful rlati&s$D 3 #omplaind$ sitting
up in pain at a twing in my sid!
C0oor baby! Show Dr Jaky!D 3 pointd out whr my gratst hurtings wr$
and h #onfirmd that 3 was bruising up ni#ly o&r my torso! * took th tim to
kiss thm all bttr! C"ou)r su#h a tough #ooki$ arn)t you$ my littl TssiED h
sympathisd proudly and w kissd la9ily for a whil bfor sparating! 3 lay on my
ba#k$ my hands bhind my had$ on lg thrown #arlssly o&r his and yawnd!
C"ou wrn)t &ry subtl with th Sarg last night$ wr youE * was only
trying to hlp!D
C3 don)t want him gtting any idas about you! 3t must b frustrating for him to
#om hr and find that h)ll b working with su#h a smart and bautiful woman$
only to larn that sh)s alrady takn!D * land o&r to kiss m! C'nd takn by
somon who lo&s hr madly and thinks that sh)s th bst thing that &r
happnd to him and will n&r lt hr go!D
CThat)s so swt$ but you)r on th wrong tra#k #ompltly! * thinks 3)m a
yokl$D and 3 told him about th Sarg)s surpris at my profi#in#y on th #omputr!
CThat was a stupid thing for him to say! E&rybody uss #omputrs ths days!D
* pausd a bat! CE&n yokls lik you$D (umping out of bd bfor 3 #ould thump
* always lordd o&r m that h)d bn born in th #ity$ not >ittl Town$ his
mum going into arly labour with him whil sh was &isiting hr husband in th
maximum%s#urity #ity (ail! Cons;untly$ Jak was th only 1y#raft not born in
>ittl Town and 3)d somtims wondrd if that littl a##idnt of birth was what
mad him so diffrnt to &rybody ls in his family!
's 3 sat up yawning again$ noting it was tim to gt rady for my run$ 3 saw a
shadow at my window! Jak noti#d th lin of my glan# and saw th shadow too!
* stalkd o&r to th window angrily and pulld th blind up! Thr was th
unmistakabl sound of somon pushing through th foliag$ thir ft #run#hing on
th gra&l 3)d dlibratly laid undr &ry window in our hous so 3 #ould har
anyon trying to brak in!
C2iss off, 0enny. 3 won)t tll you again to stop looking through Tssi)s
window, 3)m going to thump th Christ out of you if 3 #at#h you again$D h shoutd
out th window as his youngr brothr mad his hurrid s#ap down th sid of my
hous! CJsus$ that shits m,D h fumd! C*ow many fu#king tims do 3 ha& to tll
CDo you think h saw anythingED 3 askd$ dis#on#rtd$ arms a#ross my brasts$
fling &ulnrabl! 3 didn)t want anyon$ lt alon a 1y#raft$ wat#hing Jak and m
during our pri&at tim togthr! * turnd to m and his angr disappard! *
#am o&r and put his arms around m$ drawing m tightly to him!
CNo$D h said soothingly$ stroking my hair! CTh blind was down! 3)m prtty
sur h only got thr too! * might ha& hard us talking! That)s all!D
C3 wish your family would la& m alon$D 3 mumbld into his shouldr!
C: don)t sm to b abl to$D h said with a sad smil! CThr)s (ust
somthing about you that gts all our blood boiling$ on way or anothr$ for good or
bad!D 'nd h tou#hd his lips on min$ and w kissd slowly for a long tim until 3
flt bttr about &rything!
Nding oxygn$ 3 pushd him away! C3)m going for a (og! Do you want to
CNah$ 3 might go around to 2inn)s pla# and #oll#t th #oop! Now 3)m awak$ 3
might as wll mak an arly start on it!D
CBkay$ 3)ll mak you som brakfast whn 3 gt ba#k from my run!D 3 turnd to
start gathring my running gar!
CTssi$D h said$ srious again!
3 lookd up$ C*mmED
CTak your spray or &n your gun with you today!D
C3 #an)t run with that stuff on,D 3 s#offd! C3)m not s#ard of Dnny! *)s n&r
trid to hurt m bfor! 'nd 3)ll ha& my knif with m as usual!D
C't last tak your mobil! 0las Tssi!D
3 sighd and humourd him! C3 always do$ hony%boy! Thr)s no nd for you
to worry! .omi will probably (oin m and th Sarg said h might too!D
C:hatED * was immdiatly rild! C3)m gtting si#k of that man alrady! 3t)s
bad nough that 'b)s always sniffing around you! 3 don)t want anothr man doing
th sam$D h #omplaind$ pulling on his (ans!
CDon)t b stupid$ Jak! That)s a horribl xprssion! *)s not Gsniffing) around
m! *)s (ust #oming for a (og$D 3 said irritably$ twisting myslf into my sports bra!
'ngr rising$ h said$ CDon)t you #all m stupid!D * was &ry ins#ur about
what popl thought of his intllign#$ and 3 guss that popl did tnd to dismiss
him b#aus of his grat bauty and b#aus h was a 1y#raft! 3t was a sor point
with him that 3)d bn to uni&rsity and h had droppd out of high s#hool aftr
grad tn to start a #arpntry apprnti#ship that h)d n&r finishd! C'nd don)t
you gt too frindly with him$ Tss$D h warnd!
CDon)t you start tlling m who 3 #an and #an)t b frinds with$ Ja#ob 1y#raft$D
3 rtortd$ instantly in fin fttl!
CBh$ you)r going to b lik that$ ar youED h snappd!
C"s$ 3 am$D 3 snappd right ba#k at him!
C:ll$ mayb you #an fix th fu#king #hi#kn #oop yourslf thn!D
C'll right$ 3 will! 3 don)t nd your hlp$D 3 said dfiantly$ and to twist th knif
som mor 3 addd$ C3)ll ask th Sarg to hlp m instad!D
* glard at m$ hurt by my #ommnt$ thrw on his t%shirt and stalkd out of th
bdroom and th hous$ slamming th front door bhind him! Th sound of his ut
r&&ing up brok th morning pa# and h roard off down th dri&way!
Men. 3 thought angrily as 3 did up my shola#s! 'ftr a ;ui#k &isit to th
bathroom and a drink of (ui#$ 3 (oggd slowly down to my gat and spnt th nxt
fw minuts strt#hing whil 3 waitd! 3 had a lot of pain from my bruising and
didn)t think that th (og was going to b plasant! 3 wat#hd as th Sarg)s #ar #am
dri&ing down th long straight road$ but 3 #ould s that h wasn)t alon! .omi was
sitting in th front sat$ a hug$ #stati#ally happy smil on hr fa#! 3f it had bn
any widr$ hr had probably would ha& split in two!
* turnd into my proprty and parkd off th main dri&way on th pat#hy$
ngl#td lawn! .omi rushd o&r to m$ floating on air! C8y bik got a flat tyr
and 3 thought 3)d ha& to push it all th way to your pla# and thn 2inn #am along
lik a whit knight and rs#ud m and ga& m a lift hr and th 18: is so ni#
and did you know that th sats ar ral lathr and h listns to som rally #ool
musi# and w passd Jaky on th way and h lookd rally angry whn h saw us
and h didn)t &n wa& ba#k at m and ! ! !D Sh finally pausd for a brath$
su#king in som mu#h ndd oxygn!
CThat)s ni#$D 3 said dismissi&ly$ in a stroppy mood! C"ou rady to goED 3
grtd th Sarg trsly$ unfairly fling that h was to blam for my fight with
Jak! 3 (oggd off straight away ba#k towards th intrs#tion for 1a#h .oad!
Normally 3 was a so#iabl (oggr$ happy to #hat or mor typi#ally mrly listn
to th ndlss stram of slf%absorbd tnag #ons#iousnss that issud from
.omi)s mouth! This morning though$ 3 fr&ntly wishd that 3 was by myslf so 3
(oggd hardr than th othr two$ pulling ahad$ la&ing th poor Sarg to #op th
whol arful of .omi)s starry%yd #hattr! Sh was a bautiful girl and 3 lo&d hr
lik a littl sistr$ but sh was an idalist with o&rly romanti# &iws of lif and
popl! Sh thought Jak and 3 wr .omo and Julit! 'nd this morning 3 #ould
ha& #hrfully strangld hr!
E&idntly th Sarg thought so too b#aus aftr a whil with hr$ h also
a##lratd! Though 3 trid to run &n fastr to gt away from him$ 3 was a#hing
&rywhr from th bruising and was suffring a grat dal of pain to run at all$ lt
alon at th rat 3 was pounding th strt! * finally #aught up to m!
C*ow ar you fling todayED h pantd!
C3)ll li&$D 3 said$ trying to spd up again$ but 3 #ouldn)t! .omi$ fulld by hr
tnag #rush$ had #aught up to th both of us and non of us talkd for a whil
b#aus 3 was stting su#h a #ra#king pa#!
Th ba#h part was tough and 3 ran on th soft sand &n mor than usual to th
groans and #omplaints of th othrs! 3 ignord thm both and bnt on pushing all my
motional angst into physi#al pain$ 3 dro& myslf to braking point! Th othrs
didn)t ha& to follow m! 3 wasn)t making thm!
:hn w rturnd to my hous$ w wr all xhaustd!
CTssi$ you)r lik a dmon today! :hat)s th mattr with youED askd .omi
C3 didn)t for# you to #om with m,D 3 turnd on hr! Sh flin#hd at my
unxp#td angr$ whi#h mad m fl lik a monstr! 3 rubbd my fa# with my
hands$ walkd o&r to hr and huggd hr tightly! CSorry swti$ 3 didn)t man to
yll at you! 3 had a fight with Jak this morning$D 3 whisprd in hr ar$ girl%to%girl$
no on ls to know!
CBh Tssi$ you two will work it out! :hat did you fight aboutED sh x#laimd
in a &ry loud &oi# whi#h th Sarg was sur to har! Now 3 wantd to strangl hr
&n mor! Sh ob&iously didn)t undrstand th #on#pt of girl%to%girl! 3 was going
to ha& to ha& anothr long dis#ussion with hr! 'b was an admirabl guardian$
but h was nowhr nar a mothr figur!
1ut instad 3 plastrd on my bright fa# and offrd to mak thm brakfast!
Thy both a##ptd and on automati#$ 3 wnt to th kit#hn to mak a fruit salad and
pils of toast! 3 had run out of ggs$ whi#h mad m think of my littl #hooks!
:hi#h mad m think of th #hi#kn #oop! :hi#h mad m think of Jak again!
3 wasn)t sur if h was #oming ba#k but plannd on making nough for him
anyway! .omi wnt off for hr showr whil th Sarg offrd to hlp in th
kit#hn! 3 st him to #hopping fruit whil 3 thought about th angry words Jak and 3
had x#hangd! 3 #ouldn)t tll you if th Sarg spok to m on# thn b#aus 3 was
totally lost in my own thoughts! Jak and 3 didn)t fight mu#h and it wasn)t lik him
to gt angry so asily! Ksually h was th #alm$ asy%going on of th two of us! 3
(ust #ouldn)t work out what had mad him so hatd so ;ui#kly! 3 flt si#k in my
stoma#h with motion and wasn)t sur if 3 #ould &n at!
:hn 3 hard Jak)s ut dri&ing up around th ba#k and his familiar stps
walking up th ramp to th kit#hn door$ 3 abandond my prparations$ flinging my
knif #arlssly on th bn#h and ran to th ba#k door to throw it opn! * stoppd
in th middl of th ramp and 3 stood at th door! * smild up at m!
3 rlasd my hld brath and #losing th door bhind m$ mt him on th ramp
whr 3 huggd him fir#ly! C3 didn)t know if you wr #oming ba#k$ hony%boy!D
* pulld away and lookd at m! CBf #ours 3 #am ba#k! 3)m sorry! 3 didn)t
man to upst you$ bab! "ou wr right$ 3 was bing stupid! Did you ha& a good
C3 workd .omi and th Sarg lik sla&s! Thy both hat m now!D
CThat)s my girl!D * ga& m a mis#hi&ous smil! C/uss what 3)& got in th
ba#k of my utED
CTh #hook hous,D
CJust as 3 promisd! 'nd by th tim you gt hom tonight$ it will b rady for
your girls to mo& in!D
C3t has to b th bst #hi#kn run in th whol of >ittl Town$ Jaky! 'nd 1ig
Town too$D 3 insistd!
* sighd patintly! C"s Tssi! 3)ll mak sur! "ou know how mu#h 3 lo&
8iss Chooky!D
CThat)s what 3)m worrid about! 3f 3 lft it to you to find th prf#t
a##ommodation for hr$ sh would nd up in a #o&rd pot simmring on th sto&
with som onions and #arrots!D * smild$ but didn)t dny it! 3 rlntd! CBkay thn$
#om for brakfast! "ou must b hungry!D
CNot yt$D h said and pulld m off th ramp$ (amming m up against th wall
of th hous and kissing m hard! : wr thr for a whil and &ntually 3
mustrd up th willpowr to push him away! C3 lo& you$ Tssi$D h said
sriously$ his ambr ys burning into my gray ons!
C3 lo& you too$ bab$D 3 said lightly$ kissing him on th nos and smiling! C3)m
supposd to b making brakfast now!D 3 rushd ba#k to th kit#hn to find th fruit
salad bautifully #hoppd and assmbld in a bowl in th fridg and th brad burnt
to #harrd s;uars sitting in th toastr! CSorry &ryon$D 3 said shpishly and
thrw th #har#oal in th bin$ put mor brad in th toastr$ for#d .omi to mak ta
and #off and askd a frshly wokn and badly hungo&r Dad to gt out th buttr
and sprads!
C>ots of #off for Dad plas$ .omi$D 3 tasd$ kissing him on his forhad!
CThos old bastards wouldn)t go hom last night$D h #omplaind$ win#ing in
th morning light! CThy kpt making m ha& anothr drink$ thn anothr and
'musd$ 3 askd$ CBh$ so thy for#d you to drink too mu#h$ huhED * was
adamant that thy had and that without thir &il prsn# h would ha& rtird th
pr&ious &ning at a &irtuously arly hour$ lik th saintly #ratur that h was! 3
didn)t bothr to smothr my disrsp#tful snort!
Jak gobbld his brakfast$ in dangr of #hoking$ not spaking to anyon$
wanting to gt startd on th #oop straight away! * askd Dad if h wantd to hlp$
slightly hsitant! Thir rlationship still rmaind somwhat tntati&$ though thy
wr growing #losr &ry month! 'lthough my fathr dspisd th 1y#rafts$ and
with good #aus$ h had admittd to m on mor than on o##asion that h likd
Jak prsonally and a#knowldgd that h was a good man and a lo&ing boyfrind
who mad m &ry happy! 'nd rally$ thr #ouldn)t b a prson on arth who
wouldn)t grow to lo& Jak th mor thy knw him A h was (ust that kind of guy!
Dad agrd willingly! CSur$ Jaky! 3t might hlp tak my mind off my
pounding had!D Jak bamd at him with happinss!
C0oor Dad$D 3 sympathisd and ft#hd a #oupl of para#tamol tablts for him
to tak with his #off! : both knw that h shouldn)t b o&rindulging at this
stag of his #an#r$ but it was fatal and 3 oftn thought$ what the hell, let the poor
guy ha"e some fun while he still could!
Th Sarg had bn ;uit all morning and took his la& thn$ politly offring
to gi& .omi and hr bik a lift hom$ an offr that of #ours sh happily a##ptd!
* turnd to m and raisd his ybrows in ;ustion$ #h#king if that was okay with
m$ and 3 noddd to him in agrmnt! 3 was sur 'b wouldn)t mind now that h)d
spnt som tim with th Sarg and knw him a bit bttr! 0rsonally$ 3 had no
problm with him gi&ing .omi a lift$ instin#ti&ly trusting him for som rason that
3 #ouldn)t undrstand b#aus 3 usually found it took m a long tim to start trusting
popl! 3 promisd to dri& th patrol #ar to th station$ thn ;ui#kly #lard up and
(umpd in th showr$ groaning with dismay whn 3 saw th purplish marks
apparing o&r my torso! 3 hopd 3 would b hald by th tim of th fun run!
>atr$ drssd in my uniform and rady to had off to work$ 3 poppd out th
ba#k to say goodby to th two busy mn! 3 stoppd for a minut to wat#h thm
first$ taking plasur in witnssing thir #amaradri and mutual rsp#t as thy
workd togthr! Jak had n&r had a d#nt fathr figur in his lif! 3 think h
n(oyd tim spnt with Dad and was always dfrntial and hlpful! 3n rturn$ Dad
had a tast of what it would ha& bn lik to ha& a son! * took grat (oy in
instru#ting and guiding him$ Jak rsp#ting his lif xprin# and #arfully
soaking up all his ad&i#! Somtims 3 thought 3 snsd a dp hungr in Jak for
som kind of a mntor and worrid in my lss slf%#onfidnt momnts if h &alud
Dad)s #ompany and opinion mor than min! Dad was possibly th first adult mal
in >ittl Town who had ngagd him for any lngth of tim in #on&rsation without
instin#ti&ly tlling him to #lar off simply b#aus h was a 1y#raft!
C3)m going to work now$ guys! *a& fun today$D 3 smild$ kissing Jak on th
lips! C'nd don)t you work too hard$ Dad!D 3 kissd him on th forhad and with a
last wa&$ hadd off to work!
Cha#ter **
'ftr parking th patrol #ar$ 3 slippd around th ba#k of th station to th
lo#kup to fd and watr my #hooks! 3 had tn ggs$ in#luding th ons 3)d st asid
from th pr&ious day and #arrid thm #arfully up to th poli# hous! 3t was a
rlif to walk up th stairs without ha&ing to worry about 8r Sparkls) lustful
3 kno#kd on th door and waitd! Th Sarg opnd th door$ surprisd to s
m again so soon$ his hair still damp from his showr! * wasn)t in uniform$ but
waring anothr xpnsi& looking t%shirt and (ans!
C3 brought you a hous%warming prsnt$ Sarg$D 3 said$ offring him th ggs!
C*a& you atn many frsh%laid ggsED
CBnly th ons you)& #ookd for m$D h admittd!
CThy)r so mu#h tastir than th stor%bought ons$ arn)t thyED
* rgardd m with his dark blu ys! CThanks Tss! That)s rally ni# of
you$ sp#ially #onsidring that 3 thratnd to at your #hi#kns!D
C3 knw you wr (ust bluffing$D 3 lid!
C:as 3E 'r you surE 3 do lik #hi#kn!D
C"s$D 3 said$ lss #rtainly! C'nyway$ 3 hop you n(oy thm!D
C3)ll only tak a #oupl! Thr)r too many for m! Tak th rst of thm hom
for your fathr!D
CBkay$D 3 agrd without arguing and pushd past him without bing in&itd$
la&ing th fi& frshst ggs for him on th bn#h in th bar kit#hn! :ith
rprhnsibl nosinss$ 3 lookd in a#h room of th mpty hous as 3 dpartd$
noting his slping bag on th floor of th main bdroom and his toiltris in th
bathroom! C3t)s so wird sing th hous without Ds and 8aurn)s furnitur and
all of hr Jsus things &rywhr! :hat tim ar th rmo&alists #omingED
's 3 spok w both hard th rumbl of a big tru#k ngotiating its way up th
CNowED h smild brifly and hadd out to supr&is and dir#t!
3 lft him to it and wnt to opn up th station! 3 usually trid to b in th offi#
on 8onday mornings to dal with things that had to b don in prson$ su#h as th
fw lo#als out on parol who had to rport in on a wkly basis! Thn thr wr
popl who ndd &arious do#umnts #rtifid and th old%fashiond kind of folk
who wantd to submit appli#ations for things su#h as gun li#n#s in prson$ ithr
not trusting or not owning #omputrs!
'nd thn thr was "oung Inny! 3 don)t know how old "oung Inny a#tually
was$ but his wrinkld fa#$ almost toothlss mouth and sho#k of whit hair mad
him look positi&ly prhistori#! *is long%dad fathr had bn known as Bld Inny
so h had naturally bn known as "oung Inny his ntir lif! * was th town)s
only homlss prson! * didn)t nd to b homlss b#aus his ni# and hr
husband li&d in a #omfortabl hous on 0in Strt$ nar 8iss /r&ill$ and wr
mor than willing to a##ommodat him$ but h #hos to b homlss for what&r
E&ry 8onday h would #om to th station and sit in th #ountr ara for th
morning until 3 #losd up! 3 always mad him a fw #ups of ta and ga& him thr
plain sugard bis#uits at morning ta tim! 3)d trid to gi& him diffrnt bis#uits a
fw tims$ &n som #ho#olat bis#uits on#$ but h had lft thm on his plat
untou#hd and shot m a rproa#hful glan# whn h shuffld away$ making m
fl bad for th rst of th wk! So 3 always mad sur 3 had his fa&ourit kind on
hand A 'rnott)s Ni# bis#uits! 3)d substitutd hom%brand sugard bis#uits a fw
tims whn 3 was totally skint and h)d atn thm politly$ but gi&n m a
sorrowful look as h lft!
* n&r wantd anything and rarly spok to m$ but smd #ontnt to sit on
th bn#h for th morning$ wat#hing th #omings and goings of th townsfolk! *
n&r #am any othr day$ but was thr without fail &ry 8onday! 3 didn)t mind
and it was now at th point whr 3 would ha& missd him and worrid about him
if h didn)t turn up on 8onday morning! * was ;uit and didn)t disturb anyon so
thr was no harm to him at all!
*is only problm was that h was rathr stinky! * didn)t sm to bath mu#h$
bing homlss$ and was always waring th sam #loths A muddy brown pants
shiny at th kns$ a dirty grn and whit plaid shirt and a disrputabl and filthy
gry o&r#oat that h wor #onstantly$ &n during th worst hat of summr! 3
usually had to opn all th doors and windows of th station to air it out aftr h)d
bn &isiting for th morning! :hn 3 say that$ 3 man th windows that would
a#tually opn of #ours$ whi#h ruld out about half of thm straight away!
3 had barly opnd th station door whn "oung Inny #am shuffling up th
ramp$ his odour pr#ding him!
C8orning$ "oung Inny$D 3 said #hrfully! C3t)s a lo&ly day today$ isn)t itE
'lthough 3 r#kon it)s going to gt ral hot in an hour or so!D
* noddd at m$ not making y #onta#t$ and shuffld insid to sttl himslf
#omfortably on th woodn bn#h sat! 3 wnt bhind th #ountr$ lo#king th hat#h
bhind m$ and into th ba#k room whr 3 filld up th kttl and fli#kd it on!
:hil th watr was boiling 3 fird up th an#int #omputr sitting on th Sarg)s
dsk$ knowing that it would tak at last fiftn minuts to load! 't last his still
workd though A min had gi&n up th ghost a whil ago! 3 didn)t know anyon
who #ould fix it and w had no budgt to buy a nw on for m!
3)d ha& to do somthing humiliating lik go to th primary s#hool or th
Coun#il and ask if thy had any old ons thy wr gtting rid of that thy #ould
donat! Th two #omputrs w wr #urrntly blssd with had #om from th
prison$ #ourtsy of Jak! Thy had bn usd by th prisonrs for study and
r#ration but had bn rpla#d with brand nw shiny #omputrs! Jak had sa&d
thm from th s#raphap for m to us$ and no$ th irony of that whol situation was
not lost on m!
Th kttl announ#d it was finishd boiling th watr with a loud ting so 3
mad "oung Inny and m a #up of ta a#h and thought about what task 3 should
start with this morning! Th mountain of paprwork on my dsk was an ob&ious
#hoi#$ but 3 r(#td it! That was a (ob that ndd a good ;uit day to sort through$
and 3)d n&r had su#h a day th whol tim 3)d bn working in >ittl Town!
3 splashd milk into th mugs$ (iggld and dis#ardd th ta bags and #arrid
"oung Inny)s ta out for him! 3 had bought him his own mug aftr Ds had
rfusd to drink out of any of th mugs that "oung Inny had usd$ #omplaining
that h #ould tast "oung Inny in his ta aftrwards! So th nxt tim 3 was in 1ig
Town 3 managd to find a brown mug that had 8enny writtn on it in gold lttrs!
Th glorious toothlss smil that "oung Inny had gi&n m whn h saw it mad
m glad that 3)d gon to th troubl!
This was th first #up of ta that 3 mad him$ but 3 also mad him anothr on
around tn%thirty or so whn 3 ga& him th bis#uits! 3 put th mug on th #ountr
and lft it thr for him$ rturning ba#k to th #omputr! Still loading! Sighing$ 3
rifld through th paprs and was about to mak a rlu#tant start on at last sorting
thm into a#tion pils$ whn th #ountr bll rang!
&a"ed by the bell$ 3 thought gratfully and wnt out to find on of my rgular
rports patintly waiting!
C8orning$ Da&$D 3 said!
C8orning$ Bffi#r Tss$D h said$ as 3 ra#hd undr th #ountr to pull out th
tattrd an#int attndan# book! 3 turnd to th #urrnt pag and wrot th dat$
tim and Da&)s nam down and turnd it around for him to sign!
C1n bha&ing yourslf sin# last wkED
C"s$ Bffi#r Tss! 3 had a ral ;uit wk! 8um)s bn a bit #rook!D
C'w$ that)s no good! :hat)s th mattr with hrED
CJust hr angina playing up on hr again!D
3 signd th book as wll and (ottd down a brif #ommnt about his bha&iour
during th wk! Bf #ours 3 didn)t tak his word for it that h)d bn bha&ing$ but
3 hadn)t hard anything to th #ontrary$ and th townsfolk did tnd to kp thir y
on th parols and th ons on probation lik Da&! Somon would ha& told m
if h)d don anything out of th ordinary! Not that Da& &r did!
* was a ;uit strawbrry farmr who li&d with his ldrly mothr on a
proprty down south nar th mntal halth #lini#! *)d bn #aught on aftrnoon
by a parnt with his pants down and his wangr out in th park nxt to th primary
s#hool! 3)d immdiatly takn him into #ustody du to th sriousnss of th
situation and for his own safty$ #onsidring th mob of angry parnts gathrd who
would ha& happily lyn#hd him on th spot$ gi&n half th #han#!
* was #larly drunk and in a tarful intr&iw 3 had with him ba#k at th
station$ told m that h)d bn drinking in Th 2lying 0igs all aftrnoon b#aus it
was his birthday! * was walking a#ross th park to go to his frind)s pla# whr
h was planning on #rashing for th &ning$ whn h)d bn stru#k by a suddn
nd to p! * had (ust finishd his businss bhind a tr whn h)d bn ta#kld
to th ground by th &igilant mothr who)d spottd his wangr from on hundrd
mtrs away!
3 bli&d him b#aus you #ouldn)t fak th l&l of mortifi#ation h was
showing at popl thinking h was som kind of kiddi pr&rt! *)d bn #hargd
with ind#nt xposur and had gon to #ourt in 1ig Town$ dying a thousand daths
whn th lo#al nws tam showd up to film his poor ldrly mothr ntring th
#ourthous on th day of his haring! Bb&iously th (udg had bli&d his story
too$ taking into a##ount his guilty pla and his spotlss r#ord and th tstimonials
from som of th lading #iti9ns in >ittl Town$ in#luding 'b! *)d slappd a
twl&%month probation priod on Da&$ with th r;uirmnt that h rport in to
th lo#al poli# &ry wk! Da& hadn)t missd a wk and would b finishd his
probation in a fw months! Knfortunatly though$ his rputation might n&r
CBkay thn$ Da&! :)r all don hr today! /i& your mothr my bst wishs
and 3 hop sh)s fling bttr soon!D
CThanks$ Bffi#r Tss! 'nd gi& my rgards to your dad! S you nxt wk!
1y$ "oung Inny!D "oung Inny noddd farwll!
3 rpla#d th attndan# book undr th #ountr! 0opl lik Da& mad my
lif asy! 3 wishd thr wr mor lik him$ but unfortunatly th othr thr
#urrnt rports w had wr all on parol and wr all 1y#rafts! Thy wr mu#h
mor #asual about turning up$ &n though it had a dtrimntal ff#t on thm if
thy didn)t! 3n fa#t$ 3 was mant to go arrst thm if thy faild to show! 3 #ouldn)t
#ount th numbr of tims 3)d had to ring thm or go to thir houss to rmind thm
to attnd! Bf #ours non of thm &r thankd m for my ffort and 3 rally don)t
know why 3 bothrd! 3t was probably som dp%satd nd to somhow mak
thm a bttr family for Jak)s sak!
3 wnt ba#k to th #omputr! 3t was still loading! 1loody hll, 't this rat it
would b midnight bfor 3 #ould start writing my rports on 8artin and 8iss /!
Th phon rang! 3t was a wrong numbr$ th prson on th othr nd hurridly
hanging up whn 3 hlpfully told thm thy)d ra#hd th 8ount 1ig Town poli#
station! 1y som ;uirk of fat w had th sam phon numbr$ x#pt for two
transposd digits$ as an illgal brothl in 1ig Town! : wr for&r r#i&ing
phon #alls for thm and it rally frakd popl out to ring a brothl and ra#h a
poli# station instad! 3 guss th r&rs applid as wll and thy probably r#i&d
a fw of our phon #alls too!
3 lookd around m again and ga& a hug sigh! Thr was nothing for it A 3 was
going to ha& to ta#kl th paprwork! Th bll wnt again$ but (ust thn th log in
s#rn for th #omputr #am up!
C3)ll b thr in a s#$D 3 ylld out unprofssionally and took th tim to log
into th #omputr! That authnti#ation pro#ss always took a good fi& minuts and
3 wantd to b rady to start working whn 3)d sortd out my nw #ustomr!
3 wnt out to find .i#k 1y#raft and Dorri >butt! Sh was sitting on th
#ountr$ lgs sprad widF h was standing btwn thm and sh had hr lgs
wrappd around him! Thy had thir tongus down a#h othr)s throats and h was
dry%humping hr$ his hand up hr top! Thy wr obli&ious to "oung Inny who
was wat#hing thm with wid%yd intrst!
C"u#k, Sa& it for th bdroom$ you two$D 3 said in disgust! C'nd gt your butt
off my #ountr$ now!D
Thy rlu#tantly sparatd and Dorri sullnly slid off th #ountr$ rgarding
m with #old$ hard ys! :)d bn good frinds at s#hool on# but thn sh)d
startd slping with Dnny 1y#raft and had #hangd bfor my ys$ buying into
th 1y#raft hatrd of m and shunning m! 'ftr a whil$ sh b#am on of my
biggst tormntrs hrslf! Sin# thn sh)d hung around th frings of th 1y#raft
#lan$ slping with all th 1y#raft mn sh #ould$ in#luding my Jak and &n .d$
hr own sistr Sharn)s boyfrind! Sh)d &n had a kid with him a #oupl of yars
ago$ whi#h undrstandably had straind th rlationship btwn th two sistrs for
a whil!
.i#k was on of my rports$ out on parol for armd robbry! * and his
#ousin /rg had hld up a Q%El&n in 1ig Town aftr a massi& drinking sssion
on aftrnoon$ armd with a #rowbar and a shifting spannr! Thy wr arrstd
immdiatly$ .i#k stupidly and drunknly #rashing his #ar into a low bri#k fn# a
mr hundrd mtrs away trying to s#ap! Thir grand haul was fi& family%si9
fruit and nut #ho#olat bars$ two pa#kts of salt and &ingar #hips and th prin#ly
sum of R1?=!Q@! 3t had #ost .i#k six tims as mu#h as that to rpair his #ar! 'll of us
#ops had laughd our arss off about that for wks aftrwards!
/rg was lt off with #ommunity sr&i# as it was his first offn# +wll$ th
first on h)d bn #aught for anyway-$ but .i#k had alrady bn on parol at th
tim for a bot#hd bottl%shop holdup and was sntn#d to on yar)s (ail! * had
only bn rlasd on parol again a month ago!
3 hauld out th attndan# book and wrot th dtails in ;ui#kly$ turning it
around to gt him to pro&id his illgibl s#rawld signatur! 3 turnd it around and
#ountrsignd it!
C3)m going to writ in hr that you assaultd m ystrday$D 3 said stadily$
looking up at him!
C3f you don)t want m to also writ that you)& usd offnsi& languag$ thn
you bst b kping your mouth shut$D 3 suggstd #oldly!
CSlut$D said Dorri$ taking up th sla#k!
C/od$ looks who)s talking$D 3 shot ba#k! C3s thr anyon in town you ha&n)t
slpt withED
C0iglt whor$D sh #ontinud$ rgarding m with hatrd!
C"ou kp that up and 3)ll b for#d to tll &ryon what 3 saw in 1ig Town
ystrday$D 3 thratnd!
Sh stard at m$ totally still$ and pald! Sh grabbd .i#k)s hand and pulld
him towards th door! >u#kily for hr$ h was too thi#k to pi#k up on anything lss
subtl than a sldghammr blow to th had! C>t)s go$ .i#k! 3t stinks in hr of
ba#on and old man piss!D
"oung Inny lookd up at that$ offndd!
3 put th book ba#k in its pla# and was (ust about to go ba#k to th #omputr
whn thr was a ru#kus from th #arpark! 3 lookd out th window to s .i#k and
Dorri running hadlong into Sta#y 2lhorn who had (ust arri&d in hr twnty%
yar%old #lappd%out burnt orang Toyota!
Sta#y flw out of hr #ar to #onfront Dorri and thr was an immdiat hatd
x#hang of words! ' fw #hoi# xprssions flw around$ turning th air blu! To
his #rdit$ .i#k trid to drag Dorri away into hr old #lunkr$ but sh was ha&ing
non of that! Sh was right in Sta#y)s fa#$ taunting hr about th hot sx .i#k and
hr wr ha&ing and how .i#k had #omplaind to hr that slping with Sta#y was
lik s#rwing a #orps! Sta#y rspondd with a stram of obs#nitis and pushd
Dorri in th #hst! Thn it turnd into a fr%for%all!
3 opnd and #losd th #ountr hat#h and ran outsid$ down th stps$ my baton
out rady for a#tion!
C*y, "ou ar not doing this in my #arpark,D 3 shoutd! C"ou #an piss off
somwhr ls to ha& your s#rag%fight!D
3 for#fully pushd myslf into th middl of th two fighting womn and
#oppd a s#rat#h on th #hk from Sta#y)s in#h%long talons and a bit on th
shouldr from Dorri)s bard tth!
C.i#k, Sort your woman out or 3)ll arrst hr$D 3 shoutd$ appaling to th mal
1y#raft prid +totally dlusional- in bing abl to #ontrol thir womn! * shot m a
look of pur hatrd$ but that triggr n&r faild to hit th right button with a 1y#raft
man and h grabbd Dorri by hr arm and draggd hr ba#kwards! Sh rsistd
him all th way$ ki#king$ pun#hing and s#raming!
3 had Sta#y in front of m$ and with my palm out and baton up$ 3 ordrd hr to
#alm down immdiatly! To my surpris sh did$ and thn starting #rying$
#ollapsing against th bonnt of hr #ar!
C3 lo"ed you$ .i#k! 3 ga& my whol hart to you! "ou told m w wr going
to b togthr for&r! 3 had your nam tattood on my tit$ for fu#k)s sak,D sh
sobbd$ ys and nos running$ mas#ara smard all o&r hr #hks!
'h /od$ 3 thought warily! What was worse 9 "iolence or hysteria1
C:ll$ that)s (ust too bad$D tauntd Dorri$ Cb#aus h)s n&r lo&d you! *
was only using you so h had somwhr to stay! * lo&s m, :)& bn fu#king
a#h othr for months!D
'll that (ust promptd anothr round of wailing from Sta#y! 3)d had nough of
th whol soap opra! C.i#k and Dorri$ 3 suggst you gt in your #ar and gt out of
hr now!D
Sta#y was a right mss by thn! Sh ra#hd into hr o&rsi9d fak lathr
handbag for a tissu$ but instad sh pulld out a littl gun and wa&d it around in a
dangrously #arlss way! 3t probably wasn)t loadd$ 3 rasond to myslf$ but whn
Dorri mad a run for it to hr #ar$ Sta#y s;u9d th triggr! 2ortunatly sh
aimd widly$ th bullt smashing into th sid of Dorri)s #ar$ la&ing a hol in th
mtal! Dorri stoppd in hr tra#ks$ fa# whit with far!
CSta#y$ you ar not going to fir that wapon again, :hat you)r going to do is
pla# it gntly on th ground$ turn around and put your hands bhind your n#k! Do
you undrstand mED 3 dir#td in a loud$ #lar &oi#!
Sh turnd to m and th gun followd that mo&mnt$ so it was now aimd in
my dir#tion!
C0ont point that gun at me.D 3 shoutd at hr! Kpst$ sh turnd ba#k to Dorri$
who was #owring against .i#k! 'nd h was looking as though h wishd h was
somwhr ls! 'nywhr!
Surrptitiously$ 3 rpla#d my baton and rmo&d my own gun from its holstr!
-ust perfect for a Monday morning$ 3 thought sourly$ a showdown in the carpar#.
Sta#y was floundring$ with no #lu about what to do nxt$ ha&ing s#alatd
mattrs to this alarming situation without any forthought or plan!
C0ut th gun down$ Sta#y$ bfor anything happns! "ou don)t want m to
arrst you! Think about your kids!D 3 #o&rd hr with my /lo#k! C:ho)s going to
look aftr thm if you)r in (ailED
Sh wa&rd and was on th brink of obying$ whn Dorri opnd hr big
obnoxious mouth again!
CSh hasn)t got th balls to shoot anyon$D sh mo#kd!
CDorri, Shut your mouth right now,D 3 ylld at hr$ o&r my shouldr! Sta#y
straightnd up and hld hr gun up again! Sh had a small tussl in hr mind o&r
who to shoot A *ic# or 0orrie1 *ic# or 0orrie1 A bfor d#iding on Dorri! 3
#ouldn)t fault hr logi#! 3 wantd to shoot Dorri too!
Sh was #on#ntrating hard on what sh was doing and wasn)t paying any
attntion to m$ so without any warning$ 3 rushd hr and kno#kd hr flying (ust at
th momnt that sh pulld th triggr! Th bullt flw wild and smashd through
th poli# station window$ narrowly missing "oung Inny who was pring out!
3 sat on Sta#y)s lgs$ #uffd hr hands bhind hr and rtri&d hr wapon!
Th Sarg and th rmo&alists wr on th &randa of his hous$ wat#hing with
#on#rn! 3 wa&d abo& my had to lt him know that it was okay and &rything
was undr #ontrol!
3 hauld Sta#y to hr ft and pushd hr towards th station! Sh #ould #ool
down in thr for a whil! Dorri r&&d hr #ar and gra&l sprayd up &rywhr
as sh ;ui#kly r&rsd! /ood$ 3 thought as 3 mar#hd Sta#y to th stairs! 3 was
glad thy wr finally taking my ad&i# and la&ing!
3 hard th mn shouting at m from th &randa of th poli# hous$ saw th
Sarg sprinting down th stairs and spun around to s Dorri)s #ar hading straight
for us! 3 (ust had tim to push Sta#y to th sid and (ump asid myslf$ bfor th
front of th #ar #lippd m on my right hip$ snding m flying$ sprawling into th
gra&l! Dorri ;ui#kly r&rsd all th way out of th #arpark through th gats to
th road and spd off!
Sta#y struggld to hr ft and mad a run for it! Th Sarg dtourd from m
to bring hr down$ firmly holding on to th #uffs! Th two rmo&alists #rou#hd
down nxt to m! 3 was windd and sho#kd$ and my body (ust flat%out rfusd to
mo&! 8y hip was s#raming with pain$ and 3 fr&ntly hopd it was okay$ b#aus
3 had that bloody fun run #oming up!
Cautiously$ #arfully$ 3 pushd myslf up to my hands and kns and$ with th
hlp of th two burly mn$ managd to gt to my ft$ tsting &rything to mak
sur it all still workd!
CSh dlibratly trid to run you o&r,D x#laimd on of th mn in disblif!
C3)& n&r sn anything lik it in my lif!D Th othr man shook his had in
stunnd agrmnt!
C*appns all th tim$D 3 said #asually$ win#ing as 3 took a fw stps! CThy
usually miss m though!D 3 lookd up at th window to s "oung Inny still
wat#hing and turnd to th thr sho#kd mn! C3 rally nd a #up of ta!D
Cha#ter *+
3 limpd towards th station$ shaking th gra&l out of my uniform and dusting
myslf down! Th Sarg followd$ pushing Sta#y in front of him! 3 glan#d up at
th poli# hous!
CSarg$ thr)r som 1y#raft boys trying to stal your furnitur!D
Th thr mn raisd thir hads to s two young 1y#rafts A Chad and 8iky
by th looks of thm A (umping down from th rmo&alist tru#k$ #arrying a sid
tabl btwn thm!
Th Sarg stard in disblif! CBh$ for fu#k)s sak, :)& only bn gon a
minut!D * bllowd in his loud &oi#$ C*y$ you boys$ put that down! Now,D Th
two rmo&alists ran towards th tru#k$ shouting at th boys who droppd th tabl
#arlssly and lggd it down th dri&way!
:alking up th stairs was painful and 3 win#d all th way$ #linging onto th
handrail for xtra support! 3nsid th station$ th Sarg was surprisd by "oung
Inny)s prsn#$ his nos twit#hing as h #aught his unplasant odour!
C:hat ar w going to do with hrED h askd$ pushing Sta#y through th opn
#ountr hat#h!
C3)m going to mak hr a #up of ta$ sh)s going to sit hr ;uitly until sh)s
#alm and thn 3)m going to lt hr go!D
CThank you$ Bffi#r Tss$D sh said$ almost inaudibl! 3 didn)t mind Sta#y A
sh wasn)t a bad prson and was mu#h ni#r to m than most of th othr womn
who hung around th 1y#rafts! 3t wasn)t hr fault that sh had trustd a 1y#raft with
hr hart!
C3)m #onfis#ating your gun though! 3 bt you don)t &n ha& a li#n# for it!D
Sh shook hr hanging had$ staring wofully at th floor!
C"ou #ould ha& killd somon today$ Sta#y$D 3 l#turd! C"ou only (ust
missd poor "oung Inny! *ow would you ha& flt if you killd himED
Sh #rid gntly$ fat tars plopping onto hr (ans! 3 turnd to th Sarg! C"ou
#an un#uff hr$ Sarg! Sh)s not going to do anything stupid!D
3 filld up th kttl and flippd it on$ thn wnt to th small saf and pla#d
Sta#y)s gun insid! 3 wrot hr a r#ipt for it that sh sho&d indiffrntly into hr
handbag whil rummaging for a tissu! Silntly 3 handd hr th box that was sitting
on top of th filing #abints! :hil sh blw hr nos noisily$ 3 limpd out to th
#ountr to ft#h "oung Inny)s mug$ only to find him sitting on th bn#h in
forlorn tars$ th shattrd rmains of his mug #arfully #oll#td and natly pla#d
on th #ountr!
C'w$ "oung Inny$D 3 sympathisd! C"ou droppd your mugED Th bullt had
probably frightnd him!
* shook his had and pointd to th littl bullt%si9d hol in th window!
CTh bullt smashd itED
* noddd$ tars straming down his fa#! 3 handd him som tissus from th
box 3 kpt out th front and pattd him on th shouldr!
C3)ll (ust ha& to buy you a nw on$ okayED
* noddd again! 3 #hu#kd th pi#s in th bin and limpd ba#k to mak som
C"ou brok "oung Inny)s sp#ial mug with that stray bullt$ Sta#y! *)s out
thr #rying about it!D That only mad hr #ry &n mor! 3 stu#k th knif in
dpr! C3 don)t know if 3)m going to b abl to find a rpla#mnt for it ithr!D
CSorry$ Bffi#r Tss$D sh sobbd!
3 twistd th knif hard! CDon)t say sorry to m! "ou bttr say it to "oung
Inny instad! *)s n&r hurt anybody in his lif and now th only thing h had of
his own is smashd b#aus of you!D Sh stumbld out to th #ountr$ sobbing$ to
apologis to th old man!
C"ou nd a do#tor! :ho do you go toED askd th Sarg!
C:hn 3 nd to$ 3 s a do#tor in 1ig Town and sh dosn)t do hous%#alls!
Thr)s nobody hr in town!D
C>t m look at your hip thn!D
3 glan#d at him with sardoni# amusmnt! CEx#us m$ Srgant 8aguir$ but
did you (ust ask your (unior offi#r to drop hr trousrs in front of youE 1#aus
sh)s not going to!D
* rddnd! C3 wasn)t asking for any prurint rason!D
CThat)s your story$D 3 rtortd$ bfor softning! CDo you want a #up of taED
CNo$ 3 bttr gt ba#k to my hous if you)r sur &rything is okay hr!D 3
noddd! C'nd who #an 3 #all to #om and look at youE "ou nd to b #h#kd$
Tss! 2or /od)s sak$ you wr (ust hit by a #ar,D
C3)ll li&$D 3 dismissd! C3t was only a #lip! 3 #an walk! 3)ll gt Jak to tak m to
th do#tor at th prison tonight!D 3 ga& a humourlss laugh! CThy know m wll
CBkay$ but 3)ll tak you thr this aftrnoon whn 3)m don with th
rmo&alists! Thn w)ll b paying a &isit to our hit%and%run dri&r! Sh)ll b
spnding th night in #ustody!D
* took off and Sta#y rturnd to th ba#k offi# and sat down ;uitly! 3 mad
thr #ups of ta$ pla#ing thr Ni# bis#uits on a plat for "oung Inny$ and
#arrid his morning ta out to him! 3 thn asd painfully down onto my #hair to
drink my ta$ offring Sta#y a Tim Tam from my pr#ious pa#kt!
1ut bfor 3 #ould &n tak a sip of my ta$ th bll rang! 1rathing in dply
and gripping th armrsts tightly$ 3 pushd myslf up from th #hair$ grima#ing in
pain! 't th #ountr was 8rs Lillirs$ th town)s rprsntati& on th distri#t)s
supr%Coun#il that was basd in 1ig Town! Sh was fir# and stout with an
imprssi& ships%brow bosom$ a#h strand of hr blond hair always prf#tly
sprayd into pla# in a 8argart That#hr hairstyl!
Sh was waring a royal blu linn skirt suit with a pristin whit blous and a
twin st of prf#t #ulturd parls! *r lgant nos wrinkld whn sh smlt "oung
Inny! ' ;ui#k turn of hr had #onfirmd hr worst suspi#ions!
CKgh,D sh said xprssi&ly and stard at m with hr protubrant pal blu
ys! C"ou)r blding$ Snior Constabl!D 3 prd into th littl mirror 3 kpt
undr th #ountr and noti#d that thr was blood tri#kling from whr Sta#y had
s#rat#hd m!
C*ad a littl altr#ation this morning$D 3 xplaind$ taking a tissu from th box
on th #ountr and wiping off th blood!
C3 hard that Dorri >butt trid to kill you by hitting you with hr #ar!D
CSh did!D 3 didn)t &n wondr that word had sprad so ;ui#kly! 3t was that
kind of town!
Sh rakd m up and down with hr ys! C"ou look all right to m!D
CSh didn)t su##d$ ob&iously$D 3 said dryly! CNow how #an 3 hlp you$
C3 wish to rport a ! ! !D sh was dis#omfortd$ a strang xprssion for su#h a
#onfidnt woman! C3 wish to rport a pping tom!D
C.allyED 3 askd with undiplomati# disblif!
C"s$ Snior Constabl! 3 don)t dally at th poli# station for laughs$ you
know$D sh said in a huff!
C3)m sorry$ 8rs Lillirs! 3 (ust mant that yours is not th first #omplaint w)&
had! 3)m surprisd w ha& a ppr in town with th nudist #ommunity so #los
3 rally shouldn)t ha& brought up th nudists b#aus sh hld &ry
#onsr&ati& &iws and 3 had to listn to a fi& minut diatrib on th &ils of nudity
in modrn lif! :hil sh srmonisd$ 3 lt my mind wandr ba#k to my pr&ious
night of immnsly satisfying nudity with Jak!
CSnior Constabl 2ullr$ wr you listning to mE 1#aus you ha& a silly
smil on your fa#$D sh a##usd!
3 pulld myslf ba#k to th hr and now! CBf #ours 3 was$ Coun#illor!D
CThn why wrn)t you taking any notsED
C8odrn poli#ing$ ma)am$D 3 lid! C:)r now n#ouragd to kp it all in our
hads! To sa& on papr! 3t)s a nw n&ironmntal initiati& of th 0oli#
Commissionr!D Sh wasn)t sur whthr to bli& m or not! 3 #ontinud$ C:hn
th nw srgant is fr$ w)ll #om to your pla# and in&stigat! 3s that
CThank you$D sh said$ mollifid by th mntion of th Sarg and took hrslf
off with an air of importan# about hr$ #asting hr ys disparagingly in "oung
Inny)s dir#tion as sh did!
3 wnt ba#k to my #up of ta and had it to my mouth about to tak my first sip
whn th phon rang! Sighing$ 3 put th #up down and ra#hd o&r to th phon!
C8ount 1ig Town poli# station!D
CTssi$ what)s this 3)m haring about Dorri >butt trying to kill you with hr
#ar and Sta#y 2lhorn trying to shoot youE :hat th hll)s bn going on o&r
thr this morningE 'r you okayED
C3)m okay$ Jaky! ' bit sor$ that)s all! Th Sarg is going to tak m to Dr
2nn latr for a #h#k up!D 3 ;ui#kly filld him in on what had happnd!
* swor undr his brath! C3)m going to kill that woman nxt tim 3 s hr!D
* was sthing with angr$ whi#h wasn)t lik him! C'nd whr th hll was
Srgant Srious whn all this was going onED
C* was mo&ing in his furnitur!D
CSo mu#h for him ha&ing your ba#k!D
CThat)s unfair$ Jak! Th s#ond h turnd his ba#k$ your littl brothr and
#ousin wr trying to stal his stuff!D
* n&r likd m pointing out in#on&nint truths about his family$ so w
hung up and 3 rturnd to my ta! 3t was lukwarm by thn and 3 ndd up throwing
half of it out! :hn Sta#y had finishd hr ta$ stoppd #rying and was #ompltly
#alm again$ 3 told hr sh #ould go hom! To my surpris$ sh ga& m a ;ui#k hug
and thankd m for pushing hr to safty whn Dorri dro& at us! 'nd it was
ama9ing how mu#h a rar and simpl a#t of gratitud lik that #ould lift my spirits$
sp#ially in this town! 1ut whn 3 wnt to rturn th Tim Tams to th fridg$ 3
noti#d that sh had atn all of thm x#pt on$ and it had bn a full pa#kt! Th
grdy bit#h,
Th rst of th morning passd un&ntfully! 3 rang th two no%show rports
and lft mssags gntly suggsting that thy bttr gt thir butts down to th
station by noon or 3)d b r#ording thm as absnt! *ow hard was it for thm to tak
tn minuts from thir busy days of drinking$ fighting$ s#rwing around and playing
#omputr gams to #h#k in with m on# a wkE 3t wasn)t as though ithr of
thm &n had a (ob!
3 pottrd around$ spnt anothr ag waiting for th #omputr to log in again
aftr it had gon into slp mod$ answrd a fw wrong numbrs for th brothl
and trid to ignor th s#raming pain from my hip!
Th bll rang and 3 wnt out to th #ountr! 3t was my two rports$ arri&ing
togthr$ as #o#ky and disrsp#tful as usual!
C/ntlmn! /ood to finally s you$D 3 lid and pulld out th attndan#
book! 3 lookd at th first on$ Jak)s #ousin /arth 1y#raft$ barly twnty$ on parol
aftr ightn months in (ail for brak%and%ntr and dstru#tion of publi# proprty!
*)d brokn a window at th primary s#hool in a drug%fulld frn9y$ #limbd in$
spray%paintd th walls with obs#n graffiti and whi99d o&r all th library books$
bfor smashing th #omputrs to pi#s! 3 hadn)t hard anything bad about him this
wk$ so ga& him a ti#k for bha&iour$ #oll#td his signatur and thn turnd my
attntion to th othr man A th loathsom .d$ my absolutly last fa&ourit
* land on th #ountr and smild at m with la9y insoln#$ his ys
dlibratly dropping down to my boobs! *is tongu fli#kd out and slowly li#kd
along his top lip! 3 rsistd th urg to #ross my arms!
CBffi#r Tss$D h drawld$ Cdon)t you look simply dibl todayED Thos
mna#ing snak ys on my fa# again!
3 stard at him$ fa# stonir than a gra&l path!
* smild! C"ou still showing our Jaky a good timED
C:hat ha& you bn up to during th wk$ .dE 'part from roughing up
C"ou still su#king our Jaky off hard$ Bffi#r TssE Still fu#king him goodE *
told m you)r th swtst$ tightst littl pussy h)s &r had and our Jaky)s trid
a lot of pussis!D * was lying A Jak would n&r dis#uss our sx lif with anyon$
sp#ially .d! C3 bli& him too$ b#aus you ar on hot littl whor! :hn our
Jaky gts bord with you$ h)s promisd to hand you on to m!D 'nothr li! C3t)s
not fair if h)s th only on who gts to play with su#h #hoi# pussy! 'nd you know
bttr than anyon how mu#h 1y#rafts lo& 2ullr pussy mor than any othr!D
3 #ln#hd my tth togthr but othrwis rmaind srn$ ignoring his #rud
and #rul taunting! C3)m r#ording that you)r using offnsi& languag towards m$
.d$ (ust lik 3 writ &ry wk! 3)m also writing that you wr drunk and
disordrly on Tusday and :dnsday &nings and had to b for#ibly (#td from
th pub both tims! 3)m also writing that you wr in&ol&d in an altr#ation with
your sistr .osi in publi# on 2riday$ whr you physi#ally assaultd hr and that 3
was #alld to your pla# Saturday morning! 'nything ls you want to #onfssED
CBnly my ndlss longing for you$ lo&ly! 3 #an)t wait for you for&r!D *
liftd his fa# and sniffd th air dramati#ally a #oupl of tims! C3 #an smll that
swt pussy from hr! So tantalising!D
CSign hr$D 3 insistd #oldly! * took th pn from m$ making sur to brush
my hand as h did! 3 trid hard not to ra#t$ but #ouldn)t #ompltly rprss th
shuddr of r&ulsion that swpt o&r m at his tou#h! * laughd and suddnly
grabbd my hand$ lifting it to his mouth and running his tongu along th lngth of
th ba#k of my hand$ from fingrtip to wrist!
CDamn you tast good$ Tssi! Just maks m want som mor!D
3 snat#hd my hand ba#k in disgust and h laughd again loudly as h sauntrd
from th station$ /arth in tow$ sniggring at my dis#omfort! 3 put th book away and
wnt straight to th bathroom to s#rub my hands thr tims$ wondring yt again
how that rpulsi& family had managd to produ# somon as wondrful as Jak!
Th rumbl of th mpty rmo&alist &an ngotiating down th poli# hous
dri&way driftd in through an opn window and tn minuts latr th Sarg turnd
up at th station in uniform! * stoppd in surpris whn h saw that "oung Inny
was still sitting in th front ara$ prsumably thinking that 3 was bing sla#k in
sr&ing th #ustomrs!
CSarg$ this is "oung Inny! * liks to kp m #ompany &ry 8onday
morning! "oung Inny$ this is Ds) rpla#mnt$ Srgant 8aguir!D "oung
Inny lookd up at him$ noddd and lookd down again!
Th Sarg #am out th ba#k with m! C:hat)s th numbr for th prisonE 3
want to ring thm to lt thm know w)r #oming o&r!D 3 rattld it off and h
dialld th numbr!
Th bll rang and a booming bariton &oi# announ#d$ C8ail!D
3 wnt out to th #ountr to tak th mail and land on it #hatting for a whil
with th town)s mailprson$ a frindly woman who always mad a point of bringing
th station)s mail up to m instad of la&ing it in th lttrbox! Sh and hr
husband ran th town)s small post offi#Nnwsagn#y and had th #ontra#t to dli&r
th town)s mail as wll!
CTh do#tor #an fit you in but w ha& to la& right away and AD said th
Sarg$ stopping both talking and walking whn h got to th #ountr!
3 turnd to smil! CSarg$ this is our mail%lady$ Joanna! Joanna$ this is Ds)
rpla#mnt$ Srgant 2inn 8aguir!D
CNi# to mt you$ Srgant! :l#om to >ittl Town$D Joanna said hartily$
holding out hr hug bfy hand! Th Sarg took it warily$ his ys not la&ing
Joanna x#pt to #ut to m for a startld s#ond! 3 suppos that 3 was usd to hr
now$ but 3 guss Joanna would #om as a sho#k if you wrn)t xp#ting to s a
six%foot%fi&$ larg$ unusually hairy woman waring a prtty yllow summr drss
#omplt with whit straw hat and whit sandals$ in full makup$ dli&ring your
mail! 't first glan#$ sh did look awfully lik a man in drag!
Joanna had unfortunatly bn born with th o&rly%mus#ular physi;u and
mannr of a pro%wrstlr$ tamd with an ultra%fminin fashion sns! Dspit
bing a big strapping woman$ happily marrid with four big sons of hr own$ sh
fa&ourd dainty$ lady%lik apparl that would ha& suitd a ptit Southrn bll far
bttr than hr own hulking mass! Th mor unkind popl in town hintd that
prhaps sh hadn)t bn born with hr two M #hromosoms and that sh probably
&n lft th toilt sat up! 1ut of #ours nobody &r said that to hr fa#! "ou
wouldn)t dar!
C: ha& to go$D th Sarg insistd$ ;ui#kly r#o&ring from his sho#k!
C3 ha& to s th do#tor$D 3 xplaind to Joanna!
C1#aus Dorri >butt trid to kill you with hr #arED sh askd
sympathti#ally! 3 noddd rufully! CSh)s a wild on$ that girl! "ou should arrst
hr! "ou (ust #an)t go around running o&r th poli#! 3t)s not right!D
3 agrd! C"ou #an say that again!D
C3 don)t know who is wors somtims A thos 1y#raft bastards or th brainlss
womn who run around with thm! Thy)r all nothing but a pa#k of stupid and
&i#ious animals!D
3 laughd whn sh said that! Sh twiggd to what sh)d a#tually said and
blushd a dp$ unb#oming rd! CSorry Tss! 3 didn)t man you and Jak$ of
C3 sur hop nobody)s lumping Dorri and m togthr in sam #atgory$D 3 said
lightly bfor #hasing both Joanna and "oung Inny from th station and lo#king
up! 't th patrol #ar$ 3 asd my a#hing body down onto th passngr sat and did
up th satblt!
3 spnt th dri& to th prison filling th Sarg in on my morning! : pu99ld
o&r 8rs Lillirs) ppr$ wondring if it was #onn#td to 8iss /)s ppr!
: turnd into th prison! 3t was a #omplx for low%risk prisonrs who wr
naring th nd of thir trms and had displayd xmplary bha&iour throughout
thir sntn#! >ss wll known was that it was also th #ushy pla# that politi#ians$
sports starts$ TL stars$ anyon famous$ spnt any in#ar#ration tim that thir
xpnsi& lawyrs wrn)t abl to mak disappar with thir fan#y wasl words!
2or a prison it was a &ry agrabl pla#$ with modrn buildings$ lands#apd
gardns$ a sports #omplx with a pool and wll%;uippd gym$ spa#ious$ wll%
appointd #lls and d#nt #atring! Jak lo&d li&ing and working thr! 3t was
hard for somon lik m not to look at it all without a tou#h of bittrnss$ thinking
of our small$ #rampd station and an#int t#hnology!
3 was wll%known around th pla#$ bing Jak)s girlfrind and turning up as
oftn as 3 #ould to wat#h th rgular prisonrs &rsus prison offi#rs footy mat#hs$
as Jak was #aptain of th offi#rs) tam! * was a popular #ollagu$ bing good%
naturd and frindly and always willing to assist by taking o&r a shift or gi&ing a
hlping hand whn sombody mo&d! 8y Jak was a grat guy lik that!
: flippd our 3Ds at th r#ption ara$ th dsk staff not &n bothring to
glan# at thm! 3 introdu#d th Sarg to th staff$ stopping for a minut to lan on
th #ountr for a frindly #hat! Thy ;ustiond m about Dorri)s hit%and%run$ and
th Sarg mar&lld at how ;ui#kly nws sprad in th town!
C:)& got phons out hr$ Srgant$D tasd on of th dsk staff!
C.allyED h rspondd$ dadpan! C3 thought it was all don with mors #od
and #arrir pigons in ths parts!D
>a&ing thm unsur of whthr or not h was (oking$ 3 ld th two of us down
th familiar rout to th mdi#al #ntr! 's w waitd in th #onsulting room$ a
#oupl of Jak)s workmats poppd thir hads in to say hllo to m! : wr
#hatting whn Dr 2nn arri&d$ an oldr man with wild stl%gray hair and a
#ontrasting wll%groomd gray mousta#h! * had a gruff mannr$ probably th
rsult of yars of daling with malingring prisonrs! * noddd at m brus;uly!
Th prison nurs$ a tall$ thin man with natly plaitd waist%lngth brown hair$
ntrd th room bhind th do#tor! CTss$ ha&n)t sn you hr for a whil! *ard
you)& bn auditioning as a hood ornamnt$D h said!
C*a ha$ >indsy$D 3 said unappr#iati&ly! CStill as big a smartars as &r$ 3
* smirkd in rspons and pulld out my thi#k fil from th #abint! *
#lappd his hands togthr$ an anti#ipatory xprssion on his fa#! C.ighto Tssi$
gt your gar off thn and lt th Do# and m ha& a s;ui9 at you!D
3 glan#d around th xamination room! Thr wr fi& mn in thr with m$
all of thm wat#hing m a&idly! Thy didn)t s a lot of womn out hr!
C3 want &ryon to la& x#pt Dr 2nn! 'nd that mans you too$ >indsy! 3
don)t nd a nurs!D Thy all groand$ x#pt th Sarg$ but dutifully turnd to
la&! C'nd 3)m turning that s#urity #amra off as wll!D Thy groand &n
loudr$ thir ntrtainmnt #rully snat#hd from thm! 3 had no doubt that any
footag of m in my bra and pantis bing xamind by th do#tor would ha& bn
#ir#ulatd widly among th prison offi#rs and probably &n th prisonrs as wll!
3 wat#hd #arfully whil th do#tor turnd off th s#urity #amra$ #h#king
myslf that it was off bfor 3 strippd down to my undrthings!
* tuttd in disappro&al! CTss$ you ha& bruiss all o&r you!D
CJak)s fmal rlati&s gangd up and ki#kd th hll out of m ystrday$D 3
told him!
C.ight! 'nd thn Dorri >butt hit you with hr #ar today! "ou)r popular in
town$ arn)t youED
3 shruggd! CThat)s what happns whn you try to bring som law and ordr to
a bun#h of thugs!D
* ;ui#kly xamind my bruising and my hip! C>u#kily for you it)s (ust soft
tissu damag! 3t)s bruising alrady and you)ll b &ry stiff and sor for wks$ but
you wr lu#ky! Sh #ould ha& brokn your hip or your lg! 3)m sur you wouldn)t
want to go through that again!D
3 shook my had swiftly A 3 sur wouldn)t! * was rfrring to anothr hit%and%
run 3)d bn in&ol&d in about four yars ago whn 3)d bn hom &isiting from th
#ity! 3)d ndd up with a badly brokn lg$ but that had bn th last traumati#
#ons;un# of that a##idnt for m! Bf #ours it had bn a 1y#raft bhind th
whl and 3 rmindd myslf with grim satisfa#tion that h was #urrntly sr&ing
som tim for it up in th maximum%s#urity (ail nar th #ity!
Th do#tor had #ontinud spaking$ unawar that 3)d bn daydraming! CA and
3 hop you)r going to throw hr in (ail! 0opl #an)t gt away with doing that to
law nfor#mnt offi#rs!D * handd m som strong painkillrs!
C:)r going to go and arrst hr now! Can you tak som photos of m for
&idn# plasED 3 indi#atd th old film%basd #amra w kpt in th patrol #ar
that 3)d brought in with m and pla#d on his dsk!
* turnd his nos up as h pi#kd it up and xamind it unnthusiasti#ally!
C:hy don)t you (ust lt m us th digital #amra w)& got hrE This thing must
b a hundrd yars old$D h #omplaind!
C3t probably is that old! 1ut if 3 lt you tak photos of m with a digital #amra$
thn 3 (ust know that thos photos ar going to nd up in &rybody)s mail inbox
about two minuts aftr thy)r takn$ and 3)m not ha&ing photos of m in my
undrwar #ir#ulating around town!D
* grumbld som mor but finishd off th rl of film! Thn h promisd to
writ up his rport on my in(uris and mail it to m also for &idntial purposs! 3
spdily drssd and thankd him bfor #oll#ting th Sarg from th waiting room
and limping off ba#k to th #ar!
C*y$ don)t lt Jak forgt h)s ba#k on duty tomorrow$D on of his workmats
ylld aftr us!
C* knows$D 3 shoutd o&r my shouldr! C*)ll b ba#k tomorrow morning! 3
want to kp him for on mor night though! 3 ha& som things 3 nd him to do
for m!D
CThings you nd him to do to you$ mor likly$D ylld on wit in rspons$
and 3 smild #hkily at th hoots and #at#alls that #ommnt pro&okd$ winking
ba#k at thm! 2oor -a#e$ 3 thought #hrfully! * was going to #op it from his
workmats tomorrow!
Cha#ter *,
C:hat did th do#tor sayED askd th Sarg$ nosing th patrol #ar out onto th
highway again!
CExa#tly what 3 thought! >ots of bruising and pain$ but nothing)s brokn! 3
askd him to tak som photos for &idn#$ but this #amra)s so old and h didn)t
look &ry #onfidnt taking thm! 3)m worrid thy won)t turn out!D
C3 ha& an x#llnt digital #amra! 3 #ould tak som for you$D h suggstd!
3 was torn! 3 did want to ha& photos for &idn#$ but 3 didn)t want th Sarg to
s m in my undis!
C8ayb$D 3 rplid$ non#ommittally! 3 wasn)t a prud and a#knowldgd with
slf%mo#kry that 3)d probably parad around in front of him at th ba#h in my
bikini without thinking twi#$ but it was my undies for ha&n)s sak$ up #los and
prsonal! 3t was all about th #ontxt$ 3 #on&in#d myslf! 3 d#idd thn that 3
wouldn)t tak up his offr$ no mattr how mu#h goodwill h)d shown in making it!
1a#k in >ittl Town$ 3 dir#td him to th #rampd hous on Iwila Strt that
Dorri shard with hr mothr Chryl$ hr youngr sistr Iym$ and thir fi& young
kids! 3 found it hard to rmmbr somtims who th mothr of a#h kid was$ but 3
was prtty sur that thr of thm wr Dorri)s and th othr two wr Iym)s! Th
kids all lookd th sam$ with th unmistakabl goldn faturs of 1y#raft brats!
3 #h#kd my utility blt A gun$ spray$ baton and #uffs all rady for a#tion! 2or
th millionth tim 3 wishd 3 had a tasr as wll$ but thr was 1u#kly)s #han# of
th good offi#rs of >ittl Town &r bing issud with that xpnsi& and #arfully
rationd pi# of ;uipmnt! Thy only had a handful of thm in 1ig Town to go
around and w wrn)t &n on th priority list$ lt alon #los to th top! 3 took off
around th ba#k of th hous whil th Sarg walkd up th front stairs and bangd
on th door loudly!
C0oli#,D h #alld out! 't th rar of th hous 3 #ould har s#uffling insid and
pani#kd &oi#s! Th ba#k door was flung opn suddnly and Dorri mad a run for
it straight into my arms! 3 #laspd hr in a bar hug but sh was struggling lik a
dmon to s#ap$ ki#king out at m wildly! *r mothr and sistr wat#hd
impassi&ly from th ba#k door$ not offring to hlp ithr of us! Dorri wasn)t
anyon)s fa&ourit daughtr or sistr!
CSarg, 'round th ba#k,D 3 ylld in my loudst &oi# and #ould har him
pounding up th sid!
Dorri struggld mor fir#ly and turnd to bit m on my innr arm! 3t hurt!
C3)& had nough of you today$ bit#h$D 3 hissd in hr ar and pushd hr
forward towards th hous$ up against on of its xtrnal walls$ flattning hr to th
wall with my body! 3 ra#hd around and pulld out my #uffs and slappd thm
around on of hr wrists and aftr an intns tussl$ around th othr!
E&n thn sh trid to s#ap from m$ but 3 had a good grip on th #uffs and
sh was only hurting hrslf by struggling against thm so mu#h! Th Sarg took
#harg thn$ tlling hr why sh was bing arrstd as h mar#hd hr towards th
#ar$ pushing hr ungntly into th ba#k sat! Sh fought and rsistd him all th
C/t in th ba#k with hr so sh dosn)t hurt hrslf$D h ordrd m!
C3)m not gtting in th ba#k with hr$D 3 rfusd flatly! :as h out of his mindE
Ninty minuts of Dorri >butt trying to bit$ pun#h and s#rat#h mE No thanks,
CSh trid to kill m today and sh (ust bit m!D 3 showd him hr tth marks in my
arm! C3)m not going anywhr nar hr!D
Sighing with impatin#$ h thrw m th ky and slid in th ba#k with Dorri!
'nd it was an &n longr dri& to 1ig Town than usual$ th poor Sarg trying to
fnd off a wildly angry Dorri and hr tth$ nails and fists!
C2or /od)s sak,D h shoutd$ his patin# long gon$ pushing hr ba#k into hr
pla#$ doing up hr satblt again! C3)m going to bat you un#ons#ious in a minut if
you don)t shut th fu#k up and sit thr ;uitly,D
C0oli# brutality,D sh s#r#hd immdiatly! C3)m going to rport you,D
C3 didn)t har anything$D 3 said$ slowing down and indi#ating right for th turn%
off to 1ig Town! CThat)s two against on$ Dorri!D 'nd 3 smild at hr in th
rar&iw mirror!
C2u#k you$ Trsa 2ullr, "ou)r nothing but a toff%nosd bit#h! >a&ing us
all bhind$ thinking you)r going to mak somthing of yourslf! 1ut look at you!
"ou)r ba#k hr in >ittl Town$ li&ing with your uslss &gtabl of a dad!
"ou)r fu#king a 1y#raft$ (ust lik th rst of us and 3 bt you wr still a &irgin
whn poor Jaky had to brak you in! "ou work in a #rappy pointlss undrpaid (ob
trying to tam a bun#h of popl who want to kill you! "ou)& #om so far$ ha&n)t
you$ Trsa 2ullrE "ou)r no bttr than th rst of us$ but you think that you ar$D
sh spat out!
Sh managd to push &ry button 3 had with that tirad and that was Dorri)s
sp#ial talnt! Sh knw how to annoy &rybody sh &r #am in #onta#t with!
Sh had bn a disrsp#tful studnt$ a bit#hy frind$ a purs%robbing daughtr$ a
boyfrind%staling sistr$ a ngl#tful mothr$ an unfaithful partnr$ but by /od sh
was good at finding popl)s soft spots! 3 shot hr su#h a murdrous glar in th
mirror that th Sarg flt in#lind to intr&n!
CIp dri&ing$ Snior Constabl! Don)t worry about this pi# of rubbish in th
ba#k$D h said$ #almr! C3)m looking aftr it now!D
3 fli#kd on th lights and sirn$ plantd my foot on th a##lrator and spd to
1ig Town$ twnty kilomtrs o&r th spd limit$ dangrously swr&ing around
slowr$ mor lgal$ &hi#ls! Thr was absolutly no rason on arth to ha& th
lights and sirn onF thr was no mrgn#y! 1ut 3 was pissd off big tim and it (ust
mad m fl bttr! 3 a##idntly mt th Sarg)s ys in th mirror on#! 3 didn)t
want to mt thm again$ his xprssion was so furious! 3 knw 3 was du for a
raming o&r this$ but at last h didn)t rprimand m in front of Dorri!
:hn 3 ra#hd th poli# station at 1ig Town$ dri&ing around to th ba#k
ntran# whr th wat#h hous was lo#atd$ 3 s#r#hd on th braks$ skidding
slightly as 3 parkd! 3 (umpd out$ slammd my door and opnd th ba#k door$
roughly pulling Dorri from th sat$ making sur sh bangd hr had hard on th
door as sh xitd!
C2u#k,D sh ylld loudly in pain! Two uniforms who wr strolling out from
th station to thir own patrol #ar$ laughing togthr$ turnd towards us in surpris!
Sh appald to thm! C"ou saw that, This slut dlibratly bangd my had on th
door!D Thy rgardd hr with disintrst bfor gtting into thir #ar and dri&ing
:ith m #lut#hing on of hr arms and th Sarg th othr$ w frogmar#hd
Dorri into th booking room of th station)s wat#h hous$ whr th holding #lls
wr situatd! Sh was pro#ssd and put into a #ll to await intr&iwing$
s#raming all th whil! 3 wouldn)t b #ondu#ting th in&stigation into th mattr$
ha&ing an ob&ious #onfli#t of intrst$ but ga& my statmnt to th &tran
dt#ti&$ /il$ who was assignd my #as! Th Sarg ga& his statmnt and handd
o&r th #onta#t dtails of th two rmo&alist mn who had also witnssd th hit%
and%run! 3 told him how to #onta#t Sta#y as wll!
That took th rmaindr of th day and th sun was stting by th tim w lft
th station!
CDon)t &r do that again$ 2ullr$D th Sarg warnd m in a #hilly$ #utting ton
on# w wr ba#k in th #ar again! 3 knw what h was talking about straight away
and 3 supposd 3 should b gratful that h)d waitd until w wr alon bfor
taring strips off m! Not all bosss would b so #onsidrat! 0roblm was though
that 3 wasn)t fling parti#ularly gratful at that momnt! 8y hip was hurting and 3
ndd mor painkillrs!
CSh mad m angry$D 3 rspondd sulkily as w dro& out of th #arpark! 3t
wasn)t mu#h of a dfn# A sh)d mad m angry a million tims!
'pparntly$ h agrd! CThat)s no x#us for dri&ing so r#klssly! "ou
ndangrd not (ust us$ but &ryon ls on th road$D h rprimandd harshly!
CTh patrol #ar is not your plaything and you #an)t lt your prsonal motions
intrfr with your profssionalism! That)s basi# poli#ing that you should ha&
larnt at th a#admy! 3)m bginning to wondr what ls you)& forgottn about
bing a good offi#r!D
/o screw yourself$ 3 thought ptulantly$ staring out th window$ &n though
dp down 3 knw that h was right and 3 dsr&d it! : didn)t spak for a long
whil and 3 took th tim to think hard about what h)d (ust said! * was a srgant
aftr all$ and had mor xprin# than m and 3 should rsp#t that! Th truth was
that 3 had b#om rngad working by myslf in >ittl Town for so long! * was
probably a blssing in disguis for th sak of my futur poli# #arr with his by%
th%books philosophy! 3 mad a suprhuman ffort to appr#iat that fa#t!
CSorry Sarg$D 3 said &ntually$ but probably with lss #ontrition than a
gnuin apology ought to ha&!
* #ut m a ;ui#k glan# and noddd silntly a fw tims in a##ptan#$ but 3
was prtty sur that h)d noti#d my failur to promis not to do it again!
3 offrd &n mor of an oli& bran#h! C:hy don)t w drop in on 8iss / to s
if sh)s had a #han# to look at that list of proprtis$D 3 suggstd$ so w dtourd
o&r to 1ssi /oodwill)s daughtr)s pla#$ only to find nobody hom again!
CThy might ha& gon to th #ity to &isit 1ssi)s othr daughtr$D 3 thought
out loud as w #limbd ba#k into th patrol #ar!
CDosn)t mattr$ that)s nough for today anyway$D h d#idd$ r#o&ring from
his angr! C"ou nd to rst!D
3 appr#iatd his #on#rn$ #onsidring his undrwhlming opinion of m!
C3 promisd 8rs Lillirs that w)d drop by hr pla# today to in&stigat hr
ppr$D 3 told him rgrtfully! 3 wouldn)t mind going hom and (ust forgtting all
about today! CSh)s not somon you want to upst by ignoring!D
CBkay$ w)ll go to 8rs Lillirs) pla# and thn w #all it a day$D h sighd as
w spd off ba#k to >ittl Town!
Thr wr two parts to >ittl Town! Th ni# part whr th mor rsp#tabl
townsfolk li&d was situatd to th north of th town$ around 0in$ 3ronbark$ Silky
Bak and 1la#kbutt Strts! Th houss thr wr larg$ wll%kpt timbr homs
with wid surrounding &randas$ high #ilings$ ornat ironwork and bautifully
tndd gardns! Th not%so%ni# part was whr th 1y#rafts and thir offsidrs
#lustrd$ around Cyprss$ Jarrah and Iwila Strts! Th houss thr wr
dilapidatd and unkmpt$ th yards ithr wild with o&rgrowth or total dust bowls
brft of any &gtation at all$ gra&yards to rusting (unk haps and dis#ardd$
brokn kids biks and swings!
8rs Lillirs li&d in a statly old hom on Silky Bak Strt! 3t was th grandst
hom in town$ boasting fi& bdrooms and thr bathrooms! Sh li&d thr with
hr mk littl husband Lrn$ who had n&r uttrd a word to my knowldg$ and
hr four spoilt and obnoxious 0rsian #ats A Carri$ 8iranda$ Charlott and
3 limpd up th path bhind th Sarg and w #limbd th stps to th broad
front &randa! Lrn answrd th door with a silnt nod and shyly showd us into a
spa#ious$ wll%appointd study whr 8rs Lillirs was frowning o&r som
paprwork$ hr glasss firmly pr#hd on hr nos! Carri and Charlott +3 think-
laid indolntly on hr tabl$ ying us mal&olntly$ thir tails wa&ing la9ily!
C'h$ offi#rs$D sh said$ looking up! C"ou)& #aught m trying to mak sns of
th Coun#il)s finan#ial statmnts!D
3 apologisd for th intrruption$ whi#h sh brushd asid ad&ising us sh was
mor than glad to ha& a brak b#aus who&r had prpard th statmnts was an
innumrat buffoon and sh would b tlling thm so in no un#rtain trms th
following day! 2ling sorry for th poor Coun#il a##ountant who would b #opping
that spray$ 3 introdu#d hr to th Sarg! Sh was instantly imprssd with him$
probably thinking that h lookd mu#h mor lik hr idal snior offi#r than Ds
&r had!
Ds and 8rs Lillirs had shard a mutual loathing! * thought sh was sour and
prtntious and sh thought h was la9y and in#omptnt$ and thy wr both right!
Sh had n&r missd an opportunity to opin that his sla#k poli#ing was dir#tly
rsponsibl for th G1y#raft problm) that blightd >ittl Town$ although sh did
#onds#ndingly a#knowldg my futil fforts to maintain som law and ordr!
Sh was partially #orr#t in that thought$ but th #omplt la#k of rsour#s didn)t
hlp ithr$ and whr sh #ould ha& bn a powrful ad&o#at for gtting bttr
rsour#ing for th poli# station$ hr o&rwhlming hatrd of Ds stoppd hr from
&n trying! 1ut prhaps now that th Sarg was in #harg$ sh might b#om mor
intrstd in ptitioning for bttr rsour#s for th tiny >ittl Town poli# for#! Br
so 3 hopd!
Sh dir#td us to th window in hr study whr sh had spottd th ppr$
and xplaind that sh had bn working th pr&ious &ning whn sh)d hard a
nois at th window and glan#d up in surpris to s a man)s fa# pking in! Not
bing on to sho#k asily$ sh hadn)t s#ramd but had instantly stood up and
mar#hd o&r to th window whr sh)d shoutd at th man who had (umpd down
and bat a hasty rtrat! .grtfully$ sh hadn)t #aught a glimps of his fa#ial
: wnt around th sid with our tor#hs out and #ould s som footprints in
th soft soil of th gardn undr th window!
C>ook at ths$D 3 #ommntd! C:hol footprints! 3t)s &ry ob&ious that
somon was standing hr! 3t)s as though h wasn)t &n trying to hid his
prsn# this tim!D
Th Sarg musd$ C8ayb h wants us to know that h)s doing it!D
3 lookd up at th window! C*)d ha& to #limb onto th battning to b abl to
s into th window b#aus th hous is so far off th ground! * might ha& lft
som fingrprints on th windowsill!D
* lookd up as wll! C/ood thinking! *ow long would it tak to gt som
#rim s#n t#hs out hrED
3 took out my phon and rang th had of th t#hs in 1ig Town$ a no%nonsns
&tran fortunatly working lat tonight$ who informd m in hr flat monoton
&oi# that th arlist would b lat tomorrow or arly th following day! 3 ga& hr
8rs Lillirs) addrss and th addrss for 8iss /)s ransa#kd pla# as wll$ and sh
loggd both (obs for m!
: wnt ba#k upstairs to tll 8rs Lillirs that th t#hs would b #oming out
&ntually to xamin th windowsill and th gardn bd and to kp away from
both until thy wr abl to #omplt thir in&stigation! 'nd with nothing mor
that w #ould do$ w dro& ba#k to th station! Jak)s ut was in th parking lot!
Som fruity languag was drifting to us from th ba#k of th station! /i&ing
a#h othr a #urious glan#$ th Sarg and 3 wnt around th ba#k to find Jak
swaring with irritation$ trying to #or# 8iss Chooky from th lo#kup into a big
#ag! But of my fi& #hi#kns$ h had two in th #ag and thr still running loos
in a pani#!
C3f you don)t #om hr right now$ thn 3 am going to brak your s#rawny n#k
and roast you up with som potatos$D h thratnd as h mad anothr grab for
hr! Sh s;uawkd in alarm and p#kd him fro#iously on th hand$ making him
shout out loud in pain!
C*y Jaky! *ow)s it goingED 3 askd and ruffld his hair! * spun in surpris
and stood up$ strt#hing$ laning down to kiss m!
CThs birds will not oby m! 'll 3 want is for thm to #om out of th lo#kup
and gt in th bloody #ag so 3 #an transport thm to thir nw hom! Dos that
sound unrasonabl to youED
CNo$D 3 laughd!
CThn why won)t thy listn to mE That 8iss Chooky has p#kd m four
tims alrady! Dosn)t sh ralis 3)m trying to hlp hrED
CNo$D 3 laughd again$ kissing his blding hand! CSh)s (ust a #hi#kn! Thy)r
not th smartst #raturs around!D
CSh)s not a #hi#kn$ sh)s a dmon$D h insistd!
3 pushd him to on sid! C>t m ha& a go! Thy)r usd to m!D Jak had
unsttld thm though$ so it took a good fiftn minuts to gt #los nough to th
rmaining thr to poun# on thm and manhandl +hnhandlE- thm into th #ag!
Th Sarg wat#hd for a littl whil but was soon bord and abandond us to go into
th station!
2inally all th girls wr safly s#urd in th #ag! 3 pi#kd a stray fathr out
of Jak)s hair and took th opportunity to smoo#h with him for a plasant minut!
That important task #ompltd$ 3 grabbd hold of on sid of th #ag whil h
grabbd th othr and w hauld th #ag out th front to th #arpark to put on th
ba#k of his ut!
C3)ll b ba#k hom soon$ hony%boy$D 3 promisd as h #limbd into th dri&r)s
sat! C3 #an)t wait to s th nw #hook hous! 3 bt you did a grat (ob!D
C3 did$D h admittd immodstly$ a #ut splash of paint on his nos! 3 rubbd at
it without hlping and land in th window to kiss him again! C'r you going to b
long$ TssiE "ou nd to tak it asy aftr what happnd to you today!D
C:on)t b too long! S you soon!D
* dro& off$ tooting his horn at m as h did! 3 wa&d and mad my slow$
painful progrss up th stairs insid th station! Th Sarg was sitting in front of th
#omputr$ (igging his lg up and down and tapping his fingrs impatintly on th
C3)& bn waiting o&r tn minuts for this stupid thing to start$D h
#omplaind$ annoyan# stampd onto his faturs! C*ow long dos it normally
C2iftn minuts to gt to th log in s#rn and thn anothr fi& to a#tually log
in$D 3 rplid$ pulling up my #hair to (oin him!
* stard at m in disblif! C"ou)r kidding mED 3 shook my had! C:hat
about th othr #omputrED
C3 told you A it)s bn brokn for wks! 3t dosn)t work at all anymor!D
* muttrd to himslf$ CThis pla# is unbli&abl!D Th phon rang and h
pi#kd it up! C8ount 1ig Town poli# station!D * listnd for a momnt$ thn
x#laimd in a surprisd &oi#! CNo$ it)s not th Sau#y Sirns /ntlmn)s Club!D
* listnd again! C:ll$ it)s not! 3t)s th 8ount 1ig Town poli# station!D *
listnd again! CDo 3 sound lik a sau#y sirn to youE ! ! ! No$ 3 didn)t think so!
"ou)& got th wrong numbr$ mat!D 'nd h hung up!
Th #omputr flashd brifly as if it was about to gi& him th log in s#rn$ but
thn th s#rn wnt blu!
CBh no, :hat did you do to itED 3 groand in dismay! C"ou)& mad it blu%
* was dfnsi&! C3 didn)t do anything! 3 (ust turnd it on!D
CShit, Now w ha&n)t got any #omputrs! 3)m going to ha& to go s#rounging
to s if somon in town has an old on thy #an gi& us!D
CThis pla# is byond a (ok! 3t)s lik th ston ag hr$D h said$ banging his
fist on th sid of th monitor! 3t didn)t hlp A th s#rn was still blu! Th phon
rang again!
C8ount 1ig Town poli# station$D h said #rankily! CNo$ it)s not th Sau#y
Sirns /ntlmn)s Club! 3t)s th poli# station at 8ount 1ig Town! "ou)& got th
wrong numbr!D * slammd th phon ba#k onto th #radl!
1for it #ould ring again$ 3 pi#kd up th phon and dialld 'b)s mobil!
C*llo poli# station$D h answrd!
C*llo pub$D 3 rspondd!
CE&rything okay$ TssiED
C3 was wondring if you still ha& .omi)s old #omputr that 3 borrowd last
yarED .omi had rpla#d it with th flash nw laptop 'b had bought hr for hr
CSur! Do you nd to borrow it againED
C3f you don)t mind$ 'b! Th Sarg has (ust brokn our last working #omputr!D
C3 didn)t brak it$D th Sarg insistd in th ba#kground!
C* brok it whn h turnd it on$D 3 said to 'b!
C3 didn)t brak it,D th Sarg rpatd!
C*ow about 3 drop it o&r tomorrow morningED 'b suggstd!
CSounds grat! "ou)r a lifsa&r$ thanks 'b! S you thn!D 3 hung up! Th
phon rang immdiatly$ so 3 pi#kd it up!
C8ount 1ig Town poli# station!D 3 listnd! CNo$ it)s not! "ou ha& th wrong
numbr ! ! ! No$ 3)m not! 3)m a poli# offi#r ! ! ! No$ of #ours 3 don)t do strip
shows in my uniform ! ! ! That)s a disgusting suggstion! "ou should b ashamd of
yourslf! Dos your mothr know you talk lik thatE ! ! ! 3f you don)t stop talking to
m lik that$ 3)m going to tra#k you down and arrst you ! ! ! "s$ 3 would ha& my
hand#uffs and baton with m! :hyE ! ! ! No, 3 wouldn)t b willing to do that with
thm$ you si#k pr&rt!D 3 hung up on him!
C'r ths wrong numbrs a rgular thingED h askd!
C3)m afraid so$D 3 said and xplaind about th almost idnti#al phon numbr to
th brothl!
* xhald noisily and lookd up at th #iling! C"ou know$ if somon had
told m about this town 3 wouldn)t ha& bli&d thm for a s#ond! 3 #an s#ar#ly
&n bli& it bing right hr$ li&ing through it!D
3 pattd him on th shouldr$ #onsolingly! CN&r mind$ Sarg! "ou)ll gt usd
to it! Br mor likly$ you)ll (ust gt (a#k of th pla#$ run away and find anothr
posting somwhr san and la& m bhind!D
C:hy do you stay$ TssED
3 rgardd him stadily$ mting his dark blus$ #hoosing to b brutally honst
with him for on#! C8y fathr! *)s too si#k to b put through th trauma of a
mo&! 'nd ! ! !D 3 turnd away so h #ouldn)t s my fa#! C* wants to di in this
town and b burid hr$ nxt to my mothr! 3 #an)t dny him that last wish!D 3
wouldn)t dny Dad anything$ no mattr what it #ost m! :hn 3 thought 3)d
mastrd my motions$ 3 turnd ba#k to him brightly! C3f you don)t nd m
anymor$ 3 think 3)ll had off! 3t)s bn ;uit a day$ &n for this pla#!D
CBkay thn! 3)ll s you tomorrow$D h said ;uitly!
3 lft him$ mad it to th #arpark and ralisd 3 didn)t ha& a lift! Damn, 3 was
for#d to ask him to gi& m a lift hom$ whi#h h did without #omplaining! 3 flt
obligd to in&it him to dinnr$ but h d#lind saying h had a lot of unpa#king to
do$ gi&ing m a toot on th horn as h dro& off!
Cha#ter *-
Th #hi#kns wr sttling ni#ly into thir nw hom! Jak and Dad had don a
wondrful (ob and th #oop was mndd$ frshly paintd and spa#ious! During th
day my #hi#kns would b fr%rang and #ould wandr our yard at thir whim! 3t
was only at night that 3)d lo#k thm away in thir #oop! Thr wr always foxs
and fral #ats to worry about around ths parts!
3 mad th mn dinnr$ ga& Dad a big hug and kiss in appr#iation of his hlp
and thankd Jak hartily for all his hard work latr in th pri&a#y of my bdroom!
Th fa#t that h had to b up arly th nxt morning to gt himslf off ba#k to work
at th prison and 3 was in a grat dal of pain rstri#td our no#turnal a#ti&itis! :
didn)t o&r%indulg as w had th night bfor$ but shard nough good lo&ing to
snd us both off to slp as soon as w had finishd with a#h othr!
3 lo&d it whn h stayd o&r$ lo&d slping in his arms$ lo&d waking up with
him lying nxt to m in my bd! 3 had suggstd on# that h think about mo&ing in
with Dad and m$ but #ould tll that h wasn)t kn on th ida! * n(oyd his
#arfr singl lifstyl$ sing m oftn nough to satisfy his motional and #arnal
nds$ but not nough to suffo#at him! * had a strong #as of #ommitmnt%
phobia! That was okay with m at th momnt$ but it would b#om an issu
btwn us soonr or latr! 3 didn)t know what would happn whn it did rar its
ugly had! >ik most womn$ 3 harbourd drams of on day marrying a good man$
sttling down with him and ha&ing som kids! 1ut 3 was prtty sur that it wasn)t
going to b Jak that 3)d b sttling down with$ no mattr how strong our flings
wr for a#h othr! 'nd that unwl#om truth o&rwhlmd m with sadnss
whn&r 3 thought about it$ so 3 trid not to think about it &ry oftn!
3n th morning bfor h rushd off to work$ 3 askd Jak to tak som photos
of m for &idn# using his own digital #amra! * was on of th fw popl 3
#ould trust not to snd thm around to &ryon! 3 was sur 3 #ould also trust th
Sarg not to do that$ but 3 still didn)t want him to s m in my undrwar$ so 3
wouldn)t r#onsidr my d#ision not to ask him! 8y body was looking a right mss
with th bruising on my torso from th ki#kings and my hip alrady turning an ugly
dark rd #olour! That was going to b a sp#ta#ular bruis! No bi#inis for me for a
while$ 3 thought with rsignation!
3 kissd Jak goodby as h hadd off to work! 3 knw that Dr 2nn would
probably ad&is against it$ but 3 d#idd to go for a (og anyway! Nithr th Sarg
nor .omi turnd up that morning$ probably assuming that 3 would wisly d#id not
to (og aftr bing hit by a #ar th pr&ious day! Thy ob&iously had a highr opinion
of my intllign# than was warrantd!
3t ;ui#kly b#am apparnt that going for a (og was an xtraordinarily bad ida!
1ut 3 flt as though 3 was #a&ing in to my wak body to stop$ so 3 kpt pushing
myslf furthr and furthr$ disrgarding th s#raming pain #oming from my hip!
E&ntually though$ 3 (ust #ouldn)t #ontinu and limpd to walking pa#! Th
problm was that 3)d #om so far that it was going to kill m to turn around and
walk ba#k hom!
2ling sorry for myslf$ 3 turnd around and startd th long walk hom!
:rappd in my own slf%pitying thoughts$ 3 narly (umpd out of my skin whn a
#ar tootd from bhind m! 3 spun around$ ys wid with fright$ my knif out$
rady to run or fight for my lif!
3t was only th Sarg! * pulld up nxt to m! C/t in$D h ordrd!
3 didn)t argu but opnd th door and asd into th passngr sat gratfully!
*is hair was wt and h smlld of th sa$ so 3 prsumd h)d bn for an arly
morning swim in th surf!
C"ou s#ard th hll out of m! 3 thought for sur that you wr going to b a
1y#raft!D 3 land ba#k in th sat and #losd my ys$ trying to gt my hartbat
ba#k to normal!
C:hat in /od)s nam ar you doingED *is ys lingrd on my knif$ whi#h 3
still #lut#hd tightly in my hand! Noti#ing his intrst$ 3 r%shathd it!
C3 thought 3)d b abl to (og$ but 3 #an)t! 3t (ust hurts too mu#h$D 3 answrd
* stard at m for a momnt! C3 #ould ha& told you that! ' prs#hoolr #ould
ha& told you that! 3n fa#t$ on of your #hi#kns #ould ha& told you that$D h said in
3 laughd! C3 didn)t think to ask my girls for thir ad&i# first!D
* 9oomd off and it wasn)t too long bfor h was dropping m off ba#k
hom! 3 offrd to mak him brakfast and h agrd$ but admittd fling guilty
about it!
C3)& had brakfast at your pla# &ry day 3)& bn in this town$D h said!
C0opl will start gossiping$D 3 smild$ only half%(oking!
CThy probably alrady ar$D h rplid! CDo you mindED
3 shruggd! C0opl will always gossip about somthing$D thn #hangd th
sub(#t! C*a& you trid your ggs ytED
CNo$ b#aus you kp making m brakfast all th tim! 3 ha&n)t had a
C:ll$ lt)s s what my lo&ly girls ha& laid! Th disruption to thir li&ing
;uartrs might ha& put thm off!D 3 limpd around th ba#k and h followd m$
rmarking in surpris at th rno&atd #hook hous!
CJak did a good (ob on it in su#h a short priod of tim$D h said sin#rly$
C"ah$ my Jaky)s a grat guy$D 3 said fondly$ managing to find four ggs$ only
on lss than normal! 8iss Chooky was probably th non%parti#ipant$ disliking
bing disturbd in any way! Sh was sulking this morning$ probably still annoyd at
bing manhandld last night$ turning hr ba#k to m and rfusing to fa# m! 3 ga&
thm frsh watr and thrw som fd down for thm$ whi#h for#d 8iss Chooky to
forgt hr huff in th usual frn9y for food! 's th dominant hn$ it was important
for hr to ha& th finst s#rat#hings and 3 laughd as 3 wat#hd hr abandon hr
dignity and s#rabbl with th othrs for th fd!
3 still had a #oupl of ggs lft o&r from th pr&ious day$ so mad us a ;ui#k
omltt$ som toast and #off! : at togthr at th kit#hn tabl$ in&itably
talking shop! 3 rmindd him that 'b was dropping off his spar #omputr this
C3 want us to work togthr most of th tim$D h said$ pi#king up his last pi#
of omltt! 3 land forward$ all ars! CSo 8onday to 2riday w)ll both work
during th day and w)ll tak it in turns$ wk by wk$ to b on%#all for &ning
and wknd work! 3 want &ryon to s and to know that w)r a tam! *ow
dos that soundED
CSo 3)d a#tually gt &ry s#ond wknd offED * noddd! C3 lo& it$ Sarg!
That would b grat!D
C'lso$ 3 want us to b mor of a prsn# in town! ' #oupl of tims a wk$ 3
want us to do som foot patrols around th main strts! "ou know$ walk around$ lt
popl know that th town has #ops$ talk to popl! >t th kids in th town s us$
gt to know us! Start larning som rsp#t for th law! Start building strongr
#ommunity rlationships!D
3 noddd! CSounds good!D
C'nd w)ll start using th lo#kup too! >t thos 1y#rafts know that thir days of
trrorising you ar o&r!D
CThat would mak my lif bttr$ for sur!D 3 lookd at him with un#on#ald
appr#iation! 3 #ould ha& huggd him right thn! CThanks Sarg! 3t)s so grat to
ha& som support for on#! 3t)s bn a long two yars hr! 3 #ouldn)t #ount th
numbr of tims 3)& bn spat on or abusd!D
* smild brifly! CNo worris$ partnr!D
: x#hangd a long glan#! CThanks partnr$D 3 said finally$ smiling! 3t flt
good to say that! 3 was bginning to think that 2inn 8aguir was a grat guy
3 was in th pro#ss of #oll#ting our plats and taking thm to th sink whn
Dad warily whld himslf in! * lookd pally tird and$ 3 hatd to &n think it$
C*y Dad! *ow)d you slpED 3 askd$ not abl to stop myslf from fussing
o&r him! * wakly flappd m away with his hand in irritation!
CNot good$ lo&$D h said! C8orning 2inn!D
C8orning Tr&$D th Sarg said politly$ thn to hlp tak Dad)s mind off his
pain! CDid you know your daughtr trid to go for a (og this morningED
CTssi$D Dad rmonstratd$ looking up at m with tird ys! C"ou must b in
tn kinds of pain today!D
C3 pi#kd hr up on 1a#h .oad$ looking &ry sorry for hrslf and wishing sh
hadn)t st out in th first pla#!D
C*)s xaggrating! 3 was fin$D 3 lid with bra&ado! C3 (ust d#idd to tak it
slow for a littl whil!D Nobody bli&d m!
:hn th Sarg lft$ 3 #land up and #on&in#d Dad to go ba#k to bd$ worrid
about la&ing him alon for th day! 3 rang up a fw of his frinds until 3 found on
fr to #om o&r to sit with him for th rst of th day$ bgging him not to tll Dad
that 3)d organisd th &isit! 3t wasn)t th first tim 3)d don that and to gi& thm
du #rdit$ his frinds wr wondrful in rallying around whn thy #ould!
3 showrd and drssd in my oldst (ans and t%shirt$ #arfully pa#king my
uniform in a bag and ;uitly lft th hous$ dri&ing th >and .o&r to th station! 3
turnd up bfor th Sarg but instad of opning th station$ 3 dtourd around to
th ba#k and bgan th tdious and mssy (ob of mu#king out th lo#kup! 1y th
tim th Sarg arri&d at work and wnt hunting for m$ noti#ing my &hi#l in th
#arpark$ 3 had #lard out all th straw and was on my hands and kns s#rubbing
down th floor and walls with a bla#h solution! 3 didn)t want anyon a##using us of
gi&ing thm an a&ian disas from bing kpt in on of th #lls!
CDon)t w ha& anyon to #lan th station and do that kind of routin stuff for
usED h askd$ laning on th railing!
3 lookd up at him$ dripping s#rubbing brush in my hand! C"ou)r (oking$
* didn)t offr to hlp$ instad rolling his ys and muttring somthing undr
his brath that soundd to my ars lik a (udgmntal #ommnt about Cfu#king on%
hors townsD!
2inally finishd #laning$ 3 lft th doors to th #lls opn to air out th bla#h
smll and lookd at thm with satisfa#tion$ plasd at how #lan thy wr! 'lmost
rady for what undoubtdly would b a stady stram of 1y#rafts n(oying a brif
so(ourn insid! 3 had a ;ui#k wash down in th basin of th bathroom and donnd
my uniform!
:hn 3 (oind th Sarg$ h and 'b wr in th pro#ss of installing th
#omputr that 'b had brought down to th station$ as promisd!
C*y 'b$D 3 grtd #asually! C'nyon want a #up of taED Thy both did$ so 3
put th kttl on and st out th #ups and ta bags$ humming happily to myslf as 3
did! 3t was ni# to ha& othr popl in th station with m! 3)d b#om usd to
bing hr by myslf a lot! Ds had spnt most of his tim in his hous Gwriting
rports) +napping-$ at th pub Gtalking to informants) +drinking br and wat#hing
sport on 'b)s satllit pay%TL- or Gin&stigating) at 2oxy Dubois) pla#
+shagging-! * hadn)t gra#d th station mu#h with his prsn# in th tim 3)d
workd with him!
Th #ountr bll rang and 3 abandond th ta%making to answr it$ to find
Lalma Iilroy standing thr$ a battrd hardshll suit#as #arfully pla#d on th
C*i Lalma! 3 ha&n)t sn you around for a whil! *ow ha& you bnE *ow
ar thos grat kids of yoursED
C/ood morning$ Tss! Josh is doing grat! *)s in third yar now! Bn mor
yar aftr that thn h)s finishd his dgr! Th first on in our family!D
CEx#llnt! 3 bt h)s bn doing wll at uni&rsity! * was always a smart
C3 don)t want to boast$ but h is doing rally wll$D sh said proudly! C'nd
w)r all still so gratful you took th tim to talk to him about sur&i&ing uni&rsity
and li&ing in th #ity!D
CThat)s okay$ Lalma$ it was my plasur$D 3 said$ mbarrassd! Sh had
alrady thankd m about a thousand tims for what was ssntially nothing! :hat
sh was rally trying to thank m for though$ was #on&in#ing hr husband to lt
thir only son go to uni&rsity in th first pla#! * had bn dad st against it$
wanting Josh to tak o&r th family a&o#ado farm! 1ut it was mor than ob&ious to
&ryon$ x#pt him$ that Josh was a &ry intllignt boy with an o&rriding
passion for nginring and that his daughtr$ Tina$ was th mad kn budding
farmr in th family! 3t had him takn a whil to rad(ust his prhistori# thinking
about gndr rols$ but h #am around &ntually! Now Josh was happy at
uni&rsity whil Tina was thri&ing as a larnr farmr as wll as finishing high
C'nd TinaED
C"ou know Tina! Taks &rything in hr strid! ' grat littl troopr!D Sh was
;ually proud of hr strong #apabl daughtr! .omi and Tina wr bst frinds and 3
#ouldn)t tll you how mu#h it warmd my hart to s so many promising young
popl bing born and raisd in >ittl Town! 3t kind of mad up for all th young
1y#rafts! Iind of!
C:hat #an 3 do for you$ LalmaED 3 promptd gntly!
Sh rousd hrslf! CSorry Tss! Km$ 3 was out with th dogs this morning$
#h#king on th rar fn#$ whn 3 found this!D 'nd sh put hr hand on th
suit#as! C>upin wnt #hasing off down th hill into th nighbouring proprty aftr
a rabbit and it took m an ag to gt him ba#k on his #ollar!D *r dog >upin was
hug$ disobdint and in#rdibly stupid! C*)d run into a littl lan%to hut that was
o&rgrown with &gtation! 3 didn)t &n noti# it at first! 1ut insid th hut 3 found
this!D Sh pattd th suit#as!
C3t)s kind of battrd$ Lalma! 3t was probably dumpd! 3)m not sur anyon
would want it rturnd$D 3 said ta#tfully! 3t was an ugly old suit#as$ slightly watr
damagd! 3 #ould faintly mak out a monogram in fadd gold lttringO :/! 3 was
surprisd sh)d bothrd to dri& into town to hand this in! 3 would ha& #hu#kd it
straight in th bin!
CBh$ 3)m prtty sur thy)d want this suit#as rturnd$D sh insistd and hr
ton of &oi# mad m turn th suit#as around and pop th #at#hs! 3 liftd th lid
and my ys narly poppd out in surpris!
CBloody hell.D 3 ylpd unprofssionally$ taking in th pils and pils of #ash
sitting insid it! 3)d n&r sn so mu#h mony!
CThat)s th first thing 3 said whn 3 opnd it up too, /rry and 3 didn)t know
what to do$ so h suggstd 3 bring it down to you straight away! So hr 3 am!D
C/ood #all$D 3 turnd to th ba#k and bllowd inlgantly$ C&arge.D
* #am out$ #urious$ but #larly not appr#iating bing b#kond in su#h a
summary fashion! 1ut h forgot his irritation as soon as h st ys on th grat wad
of #ash!
CSarg$ this is Lalma Iilroy$ and sh)s (ust found a whol pil of mony in
this suit#as!D : ran through th story for him!
CSo it wasn)t found on your proprtyED h #larifid$ and Lalma honstly but
somwhat rgrtfully admittd that was #orr#t! CDo you know who owns that
proprtyE :)ll ha& to #onta#t thm!D
C3t)s go&rnmnt land$ 3 bli&! Nobody)s &r li&d on it as far as 3 know!
'nd this mony must ha& bn thr for a whil$ b#aus ths ar papr nots and
look$D sh pointd at som brown and grn #olourd bills$ Cthr ar on and two
dollar nots in thr as wll!D
3 glan#d at th Sarg with un#rtainty! C3s this papr mony still worth
anythingE :)& had th polymr nots and th on and two dollar #oins for ags!D
C3t sur is$D h assurd us and #ommn#d (otting down som dtails on an
in#idnt rport form$ whil 3 #ountd th mony and issud Lalma a r#ipt for th
whopping sum of R10?$676 and on hidous an#int brown hardshll suit#as! 3
thankd hr profusly for bing so honst$ and hopfully that displld any lingring
doubts sh might ha& had about th wisdom of rlin;uishing so mu#h dosh to th
Th Sarg and 'b formally witnssd m putting th #ash into th small floor
saf in th ba#k room$ whr Sta#y)s gun was still sitting!
C3t barly all fits in$D 3 #omplaind$ (amming th mony into &ry a&ailabl
gap! 3t was only a small saf and it was a lot of #ash! 3 lookd up at th Sarg and
'b! C3)& n&r sn so mu#h mony in my lif! :hr do you think it #am
'b shruggd his shouldrs and th Sarg frownd$ prplxd! Nothing had
bn robbd$ no ri#h misr had did$ nobody had #om forward #omplaining that
thir lif sa&ings had bn mispla#d! *ow #ould somon not miss all that monyE
3t was a ral mystry!
C:)ll ha& to tak th mony to th 1ig Town station! : #an)t kp it hr!
:)& got no propr s#urity$D th Sarg fumd! C/od$ this station isn)t st up to
handl anything! 3)m going to gt som mony spnt around hr to gt us up to
C3 know whr w #an find an asy hundrd grand$D 3 said with a #hky grin$
slamming th door to th saf #losd to tmptation! CThat #ould buy us a #oupl of
nw #omputrs and som Tim Tams for morning ta &ry day!D
C'r thy th only impro&mnts you)d makED h askd with a half%smil$
rlu#tantly pulld from his rant!
C"ah$ prtty mu#h$D 3 said$ ga9ing around! CBh$ and a nw mug for "oung
Inny$ of #ours!D
Th Sarg turnd to 'b$ CSh)s #ut$ isn)t shED
CSh sur is$D h agrd$ rgarding m wistfully!
3 protstd! C3)m not in th slightst bit #ut! 3)m tough and man! *a&n)t you
sn m ki#king 1y#raft buttsED
C3)& sn th 1y#rafts ki#king your butt plnty sin# 3 got hr$ but not so
mu#h th r&rs!D
CSarg,D 3 rproa#hd! C3 thought you wr on my sid!D
* smild! C3 am Tss$ and that)s why 3)m bing so honst with you!D 3 blw a
raspbrry at him and turnd ba#k to th ta%making!
'b laughd$ lookd at his wat#h and prpard to mak tra#ks! C3)d bttr had
off! 3 ha& a big dli&ry #oming soon! S you latr guys!D
C1y 'b and thanks again for th #omputr$D said th Sarg! C: appr#iat
it!D 'b wa&d off th thanks! * likd to hlp! * sp#ially likd to hlp m!
CSur you don)t want to stay for a #up of taED 3 tmptd$ dangling th ta bag
btwn my fingrs$ smiling!
* was torn$ hsitating for a s#ond! C1ttr not$ Tssi! 3f 3)m not thr whn
th dli&ry tru#k arri&s$ thos 1y#rafts will b swarming o&r it lik ants! >ast
tim 3 was on th phon whn it turnd up and 3 lost thr #artons of br and a
whol box of bourbon in (ust four minuts! 1loody 1y#rafts! Thy #ost m mony
&ry tim thy #om nar m!D
C>ast thy don)t bat you up &ry tim thy #om nar you$D 3 rplid$ fling
sorry for myslf again as 3 xprin#d a painful twing in my hip!
C3)d lik to s thm try$D h said grimly$ his massi& arm mus#ls rippling as
h #ln#hd his fists! *)d probably n(oy th #han# to tak on a fw 1y#rafts! So
would 3$ in a fair fight for on#$ without bing outnumbrd or ambushd! * ga&
us a last wa& goodby and lft!
3 handd th Sarg his mug of ta and h #arrid it ba#k to th borrowd
#omputr that was loading twnty tims mor ;ui#kly than th blu%s#rnr! *
took a sip and grima#d$ running to th sink to spit out his mouthful!
C:hat)s th mattrED 3 askd$ offndd by his xprssion! 3)d bn making #ups
of ta sin# 3 was twl&%yars%old and 3)d n&r had anyon look lik that aftr
tasting on 3)d mad! Ex#pt on#$ 3 suddnly rmmbrd! CBh$D 3 said awkwardly$
worrying my bottom lip with my tth! C3 think 3 ga& you th mug "oung Inny
usd ystrday aftr his brok!D
* rinsd and spat! C3 #ould a#tually taste him, Kn%b%li&%abl!D
CThat)s what Ds said too! Sorry Sarg! 3)ll mak you a frsh #uppa!D
C'r thr any saf mugsED
C*r$ you ha& min and 3)ll mak myslf a nw on! 3 ha&n)t tou#hd it! "ou
won)t gt any grms from m!D
C"our grms 3 #ould li& with! %is grms ar anothr mattr altogthr$D h said
&hmntly$ and took my mug with a dolful look!
CSorry$D 3 rpatd ab(#tly! 3 flt awful! 3 trid to mak it up to him by offring
th last Tim Tam in th pa#kt$ a hug #on#ssion from m b#aus thy wr my
fa&ourit trat and Sta#y had atn mor than hr fair shar ystrday! *
#onsidrd m gra&ly with thos fathomlss dark blu ys as 3 hld th pa#kt out
to him! 'nd whn 3 thought h was about to rfus$ h ra#hd out$ snat#hd it from
th pa#kt and dmolishd it in two bits!
CSarg,D 3 protstd$ sho#kd! CTh Tim Tam should b sa&ourd$ n&r
* grinnd wi#kdly as h #run#hd th bis#uit btwn his tth and turnd
ba#k to th #omputr$ tapping in his usrnam and password!
C3 don)t &n lik Tim Tams$D h #onfssd$ his mouth full!
* brok my hart whn h said that$ b#aus 3 didn)t ha& nough mony to
buy myslf any mor for a whil! 'nd ys$ 3 did buy all th kit#hn supplis for th
station a#h wk A ta$ #off$ milk$ sugar and bis#uits! 'nd 3 also had to mak
sur 3 had "oung Inny)s fa&ourit bis#uits on hand as wll!
3 stood thr and stard at him sadly! * lookd up but 3 turnd away not
wanting to witnss any mor gloating from him!
'nd 3 don)t know why$ but somhow that stupid bis#uit suddnly rprsntd
&rything that was wrong with my lif at that momntO Dad$ my only family in th
whol world$ was dyingF 3 was li&ing a stiltd and ndangrd lif in a town 3
#ouldn)t wait to s#ap fromF th man 3 lo&d #am from a family of bruts who
would #hr as 3 didF my #omputr was dadF my #hi#kns had bn &i#td from
thir homF my bank balan# was prilousF my whls had bn takn away by a
man who alrady ownd an xpnsi& #arF my hip hurt to hll and ba#kF my priod
was du N0 somon who didn)t lik Tim Tams had (ust atn my last Tim Tam!
'll at on# it smd too mu#h$ so 3 s#apd to th ba#k &randa! 3 sat on th
stairs for a brathr$ mug of ta #los by$ #hin in my palms$ lbows rsting on my
kns$ glumly looking o&r at th sparkling #lan lo#kup! 3t mad m fl bttr
thinking about >ola 1y#raft lo#kd in thr o&rnight$ hr rau#ous &oi# s#r#hing
into th lonly darknss for somon to gt hr Ca fu#king #igartt$ for fu#k)s
sakD! 3n fa#t$ that &n mad m smil! Not that it would &r happn b#aus 3)d
ne"er lo#k up >ola 1y#raft! That would b a &ry unwis thing to do!
C:hat)s so funnyED askd th Sarg$ &nturing out to th &randa and #oming
o&r to sit nxt to m$ probably wondring why 3 was sla#king off!
CNothing$D 3 said$ and took a sip of ta!
C:hat)s th mattr$ TssED
3 lookd at him! C3 ndd to ha& a pri&at pity party for a momnt$D 3 hintd
lightly! CNow and thn &rything (ust gts a bit too mu#h! "ou know how it is!D %e
probably didnt #now how it was at all$ 3 thought to myslf$ not without a small
tou#h of bittrnss!
Knfortunatly$ h didn)t tak th hint but glan#d down frowning and nudgd a
btl off th stp with his boot! 3t fll to th ground$ struggling on its ba#k! 3 land
down to flip it o&r onto its lgs$ wat#hing it s#uttl franti#ally to safty! *
frownd again! C3 shouldn)t ha& atn that last Tim Tam$ should 3ED
' laugh burst from m unxp#tdly and my good humour rturnd in a rush!
CNo$ you shouldn)t ha&$ Sarg! Som days it)s all 3 ha& to look forward to!D
Th phon rang! C"our turn to talk to th ni# mn wanting a sau#y sirn$D h
said$ gi&ing m a gntl nudg with his lbow! C"ou)r mor what thy)r aftr than
3 am!D
3 sighd and stood up slowly and painfully$ dustd off my pants and wnt ba#k
insid$ #arrying my mug! C8ount 1ig Town poli# station$D 3 answrd politly and
listnd! C"ou ha& th wrong numbr$ 3)m afraid ! ! ! That)s right$ this is a poli#
station!D Thn listnd to som rathr lwd rmarks about what a hot poli# bab
#ould do for a man)s libido! 3 hung up on him in disgust!
C3n your drams$ losr$D 3 muttrd to myslf and (umpd on to th abandond
#omputr$ logging in with my 3D! 3 #alld up my poli# mail a##ount and groand
softly whn 3 saw th hundrds of mails 3 hadn)t had th ;uipmnt or tim to
a##ss! 3 isolatd on$ th rport on my in(uris from Dr 2nn$ and snt it to th
printr! 3t would tak ags to print! :hil th printr thought about whthr or not it
was in th mood to a#tion my r;ust$ 3 snt a ;ui#k mail ba#k to th do#tor
thanking him ni#ly and answrd anothr wrong numbr!
3 washd th thr mugs$ gi&ing th on that "oung Inny had usd an xtra
hard s#rub! 3 put it to on sid so 3 was sur not to us it again for anyon ls! Th
#ountr bll rang! 3 wnt out to answr to find th two 1ig Town dt#ti&s who)d
bn gi&n my hit%and%run #as$ looking around thm disparagingly! Thy wr
both old hands that 3 knw &ry wll!
CNi# digs you)& got hr$ Tss$D said /il$ th oldr on$ a dark%skinnd man
with short bla#k hair and li;uid #ho#olat ys! * smirkd!
CNow don)t b nasty$D 3 admonishd as 3 opnd th #ountr for thm! C3t)s
hom swt hom for som of us! :hat #an 3 do for you gntlmnED
* sighd with ha&y rsignation! CTh 3nsp#tor)s snt us ba#k hr to
intr&iw you again about your hit%and%run! 'nd to tak down som nots about th
lo#ation! "ou know$ all th routin stuff that sh insists on!D * soundd bord!
3 in&itd thm out th ba#k and wnt to sat thm$ but w only had nough
#hairs for thr popl! 8y dsk was #o&rd in papr$ so 3 had to pr#h on th
Sarg)s dsk! 3t was hard for him to do any work with my butt in th way A not that
h was #omplaining$ 3 noti#d!
Th dt#ti&s again wnt o&r th &nts that had transpird th pr&ious day$
thn intr&iwd th Sarg again! 3 handd o&r th do#tor)s rport on my in(ury
that had finally finishd printing and promisd to mail thm th photos Jak had
takn as wll! Thy had a #ursory look around th #arpark$ asking a #oupl of xtra
;ustions and (otting down a fw nots!
C:)ll probably want you at >butt)s #ommittal haring! :)ll lt you know
whn it)s s#hduld!D
CBkay$ thanks guys! S you latr!D 3 walkd thm to thir unmarkd and
wat#hd thm dri& away!
Cha#ter *.
C>t)s go walk th bat$D th Sarg d#idd whn 3 rturnd! CBh and Tss$ 3
want you to start waring your radio from now on!D
CSorry Sarg$D 3 said$ suitably rprimandd yt again$ and grabbd it out of th
drawr whr it had bn languishing for two yars$ slinging it into pla# o&r my
shouldr! Thr was no point waring a radio if thr was no on to #onta#t on th
othr nd$ 3)d rasond to myslf whn 3)d takn it off for good soon aftr 3 startd
working hr! 3t was pointlss radioing th station b#aus$ of #ours$ nobody was
&r thr! 3)d trid to radio 1ig Town in my first fw wks$ but th disparaging
rspons 3)d r#i&d$ th fw tims 3 &n r#i&d a rspons$ had dissuadd m
from #ontinuing! That was whn 3)d ralisd that nobody x#pt m #ard two hoots
about what happnd in >ittl Town$ not &n Ds! 1ut now thr was somon
thr for m on th othr nd of th radio!
3 thought about that for a momnt A it was a good fling! 3 had dradd a nw
boss$ but 3 was now glad that th Sarg had #om to >ittl Town$ no mattr if 3 likd
him or not!
: strolld around th #ntral shopping ara of town! 3t was #lustrd into two
strts$ th main thoroughfar$ Timbr Strt$ whi#h was th part of th Coastal
.ang *ighway that ran through th #ntr of townF and /um Strt$ whi#h ran
#rossroads to it! Dspit bing a slpy and tiny rural #ommunity$ b#aus of th
proximity of 8ount 1ig and >ak 1ig$ >ittl Town)s population swlld during
long wknds and s#hool holidays! 's a rsult of that w had a rasonabl rang of
shops$ nothing fan#y$ but bttr than you)d xp#t in a on%hors town! 'nd by that
3 mant that w had a pharma#y$ th Chins takaway$ th post offi#Nnwsagn#y$
a #raft stor show#asing lo#al artists$ a small xorbitant suprmarkt$ a dodgy
Ganti;u) shop and a bakryN#off shop that sr&d ral$ d#nt #off and gourmt
lun#h mals! 's wll w had th xp#td ptrol stationNmilk bar and pub that &ry
small touristy town had!
Th Sarg was a hit out on th bat! * was &irtually mobbd by #urious shop
ownrs and shopprs$ &ry #iti9n in >ittl Town out on a Tusday morning agr
to mt thir nw poli# offi#r! Br mayb it was (ust shr surpris that >ittl
Town finally had a snior offi#r who showd his had outsid th pub and was
willing to mingl with th townsfolk!
3 stood ba#k and lt &ryon introdu# thmsl&s to him! 3 was glad that h
was finally xprin#ing th ni#r part of town$ not a 1y#raft in sight$ no on
wanting to atta#k us or run us o&r$ (ust good$ honst townsfolk trying to mak a
li&ing! 3 had a fair fw sympathti# #ommnts about my in(uris$ dark murmurings
o&r th 1y#rafts and th silly womn who ran with thm$ bfor th in&itabl
mbarrassd ba#k downs and rtra#tions on# thy rmmbrd that 3 was on of
thos silly womn!
Som didn)t &n spak to m at all b#aus of my rlationship with a 1y#raft! 3
somtims wondrd if 3 should find myslf a nw boyfrind$ but whn 3 thought
about how mu#h 3 lo&d Jak$ his hot kisss and snsational lo&making$ that
thought flw straight out of my mind! 3 didn)t &n wa& it goodby! ' snsibl
girl)s not going to gi& up on lo&ing that fin too ;ui#kly!
CSnior ConstablE TssED Th Sarg)s sharp &oi# pir#d my #ons#iousnss
and 3 turnd to him$ a goofy smil on my fa#!
C"ou)r blo#king th path$D h whisprd fir#ly! 3 turnd to s >a&inia
Inowls$ th largst lady 3)d &r mt in my lif$ trying to s;u9 past m on th
footpath! *r flsh spilld o&r hr giant%si9d bla#k muu muu printd with sil&r
suns$ stars and moons$ showing an impolit amount of #la&ag$ and as usual$ sh)d
applid hr fa# with a makup #annon! Sh #laimd to b a psy#hi#$ running a
small G#onfrral #ntr) abo& th #off shop for th last thr yars! E&rybody 3
knw had #onsultd hr at som point$ &n Jak$ but 3 had always rsistd! 3 sur as
hll didn)t want to know my futur$ bing rathr nr&ous about it! 1ut th
maningful glan#s sh always aff#td to throw m whn&r sh saw m turnd
m off as wll!
CTrsa 2ullr! Su#h a fas#inatingly tragi# lif$D sh purrd$ running hr long
bla#k fingrnails up and down my arm #arssingly! 3 flin#hd at hr tou#h! Sh
noti#d$ smiling with a hint of mali#iousnss! CDon)t you want to know what your
futur isE 3 #ould tll you so mu#h that you nd to know!D
CNo thanks$ >a&inia$D 3 said$ for#ing a smil on my fa#$ making a grat ffort
to maintain my politnss! C3)m struggling to #op with th prsnt$ to b honst!D
C&ome 2ullr womn would ha& appr#iatd th opportunity to r#i&
ad&an#d warning of thir futurs$ don)t you thinkED
3t was all 3 #ould do not to slog hr on at that thoughtlss #ommnt! 3 battld to
#ontain my tmpr! 8y mothr and my grandmothr had bn two of thos 2ullr
womn! Bbli&ious to my angr though$ sh prssd on!
C'nd who is thisED sh askd$ hr las#i&ious ys landing on th poor Sarg!
CThis is Srgant 8aguir$ Ds) rpla#mnt$D 3 xplaind i#ily$ glad to ha&
hr ys away from m!
CDari m$D sh said$ ys widning with intrst$ smiling! CMm mm. Thank
th >ord for Ds) rtirmnt on bhalf of all th singl girls in town!D Th Sarg
shuffld his ft$ #larly un#omfortabl with hr intns attntion! C"ou are fr$
arn)t you$ Srgant 8aguirE 2lease say ys! 3)m not sing a wdding ring!D
CNo$ 3)m not fr a#tually$D h shot ba#k with ind#nt hast! C3)m ngagd!D
That took all of us by surpris!
C'r you rallyED 3 blurtd out in astonishmnt! * hadn)t mntiond anything
about it so far!
* glan#d at m! C"s$ 3 am!D
C:ill your fian# b (oining you hr in >ittl Town soonED askd >a&inia$
#o&ring up hr disappointmnt at that unwl#om nws!
C3 hop so$D h rplid$ with an xprssion suggsting that h wasn)t prpard to
dis#uss his prsonal lif on s#ond longr with anyon!
3 shouldn)t ha& bn so surprisd A h was a man in his arly thirtis$ a tim
whn a lot of popl start thinking of sttling down! 1ut 3 pondrd o&r his odd
rspons as w kpt strolling! 3t soundd as though h didn)t know whthr or not
his fian# was going to (oin him but hopd that sh would$ and that stru#k m as
strang! 3f Jak and 3 had bn ngagd and h had mo&d town for work rasons$
3)d want to b with him without a doubt! 3 was dying to ask th Sarg a million
;ustions about his fian#$ but that formidabl look on his fa# warnd m not to
&n try!
Inowing that 3 wouldn)t ha& any (oy probing into his prsonal lif$ 3 turnd
my thoughts to th /r&ill problm instad as w walkd! Could th suit#as full
of mony ha& anything to do with 8iss /)s pprE 1ut what about 8rs Lillirs)
pprE :r thy #onn#td or did w ha& two mn who likd to pp on oldr
womn on our hands in this townE 'nd why hadn)t anyon rportd su#h a big stash
of mony bing lost or stolnE 'nd how did it gt into that hutE :hat did th Sarg
man about gtting som mony spnt around th stationE *ow was h abl to say
that with su#h #onfidn#E :hy wasn)t his fian# (oining him th s#ond sh
#ouldE 'nd thn 3 ralisd that 3 was thinking about hr again! 0amn.
:hil h was bing arbashd by th ownr of th #raft stor$ /wn Singh$ 3
#ast my y o&r th strts#ap! Th hair on th ba#k of my n#k suddnly stood
up and 3 knw thr wr 1y#rafts in th nar &i#inity! Th young ons! 3t was a
Tusday morning A thy should b at high s#hool in 1ig Town! 1ut instad$ thr
thy wr$ strutting down th middl of /um Strt in thir skinny (ans$ thir
horribl musi# blaring from thir stoln i0ods! Inowing thm as 3 did$ thy wr
planning on a shoplifting xtra&agan9a that morning! Th sight of th Sarg and m
mad thm pull up sharply$ unhappy xprssions #rowding out th usual #o#ky$
bord looks thy sportd! Thy stoppd and huddld togthr$ ha&ing a ;ui#k
dis#ussion bfor #ontinuing on thir way towards us! Thy)d d#idd thy #ould
handl th two of us!
CSarg$D 3 warnd$ dis#rtly but firmly butting into /wn)s monologu$
Ctroubl hading our way!D
* turnd to s th 1y#raft poss #oming towards us!
CDon)t ra#t to thm$ Tss$D h ordrd! CNo mattr what thy say or do to
:asy for him to say$ 3 thought sourly! * wasn)t th targt of thir #onstant
Thr wr s&n of thm A Chad$ Timmy$ Iristy$ Jad and San +all Jak)s
youngr #ousins- and >arissa and 8iky +Jak)s youngr siblings-! 'nd 3 know it)s
tragi#$ but 3)m th world)s xprt on 1y#rafts! Jak himslf #ould barly rmmbr
th nams of his numrous #ousins or tll thm apart$ but 3 #ould without fail! 3
&irtually had a do#torat in 1y#raftology!
Th tnagrs all had that unmistakabl 1y#raft look A hony%brown skin$ hair
ranging from blond to dark goldn brown$ ys ranging from light yllow to dark
yllow%brown! Thy wr tall$ bautiful and arrogant! Thy bli&d that thy ruld
th town and thy wr right!
Th shop ownrs withdrw thir frindly fa#s ba#k into thir shops to prot#t
thir mr#handis from th plundring that th 1y#raft (uniors wr planning! >ik
m$ thy)d larnd from bittr xprin# about th 1y#rafts$ and whil thy
rsp#td my ddi#ation$ thy had a#knowldgd a long tim ago that on #op was
no mat#h for th whol immns 1y#raft #lan! Nobody in >ittl Town rlid on m
to stop ptty pilfring in thir shop! That #ut m to th #or!
Th poss drw l&l with us and thrw us hostil glan#s$ standing with what 3
thought was som unstadinss!
C:hy arn)t you kids at s#hoolED dmandd th Sarg!
C3t)s a holiday$D drawld Chad!
Jad sniggrd! C"ah$ a 1y#raft holiday!D
C*a& you kids bn drinkingED 3 askd thm!
CNon of your fu#king businss$ piglt$D snrd >arissa!
Th Sarg shot hr a stly star and turnd to m! CSnior Constabl$ #an you
plas ring th parnts of ths kids and lt thm know that thy ar truant!D
3 noddd$ pulld out my mobil and rang >ola 1y#raft$ smiling swtly at th
#omplaining tnagrs! 's soon as sh hard my &oi# though$ sh hung up on m! 3
rdialld but didn)t &n gt two words into my xplanation of why 3 was ringing
whn sh lt loos a stram of in&#ti&nss so loud that 3 had to hold th phon
from my ar! Thn sh hung up on m again!
CBn 1y#raft mothr #larly dosn)t #ar what hr offspring ar doing! 8ayb 3
should ring Jaky instadED 3 thratnd! Jak ga& >arissa and 8iky som po#kt
mony &ry wk to stay at s#hool and finish twlfth grad! 3t was a &ry gnrous
thing for him to do b#aus h wasn)t all that wll paid as a prison offi#r and had a
hug bank loan on his ut to pay off$ not that his brothr and sistr &r showd any
gratitud! Thy would miss his #ash though if h withdrw his offr!
C2u#king bit#h$D said 8iky &i#iously!
Th Sarg stppd up #los to him$ towring o&r him and pokd him in th
#hst$ laning down to spak right in his fa#! C3 don)t want to har any of you
talking to Snior Constabl 2ullr lik that again! "ou)ll #all hr Snior Constabl
or Bffi#r 2ullr and nothing ls! "ou)r going to start trating th poli# offi#rs
in this town with som rsp#t! KndrstandED
CBr whatED 8iky askd insolntly$ but took a tlling stp ba#kwards! Th
Sarg stppd forward again!
CBr you)ll spnd som tim in th lo#kup!D
C"ou #an)t lo#k up kids$D >arissa spat out! C:)& got fu#king rights!D
C:ho)s going to stop m$ girliED askd th Sarg in a nasty &oi#! * turnd to
m! CSnior ConstablED
CCrtainly not m$D 3 said mildly$ shaking my had!
C'nyon ls in townED
CDoubt it$D 3 rspondd$ smiling! Thy)d probably applaud him$ gi&n half th
:hil thy stard at him in silnt$ sulln rag$ 3 took that tim to ring Jak! *
pi#kd up straight away!
C*y$ Tssi darling! .inging to thank m again for last night$ ar you$ babED 3
#ould har th #on#itd smil in his &oi#!
3 laughd! CNo$ 3 think 3 thankd you nough alrady$ 8r Ego! 1ut now that you
mntion it$ whn will 3 s you againED
CNot for a whil$ unfortunatly! 3)m rostrd on for th nxt two wknds! 'nd
bfor you #omplain$ that)s so 3 #an ha& th wknd aftr that off to tak you to
th #ity for your fun run!D
C3 know$ Jaky! Thank you! >ook$ 3)d lo& to #hat all day$ but 3 did ring you for
a rason!D 'nd 3 lookd o&r to his rbllious siblings! CTh Sarg and 3 ha&
>arissa and 8iky with us as 3 spak and fi& of your #ousins too! Thy #am
wandring down /um Strt a fw minuts ago!D
* swor and dmandd that 3 pass th phon to on of thm! 3 #hos >arissa$
b#aus sh was mor arti#ulat and snsibl than 8iky$ whi#h to b honst wasn)t
too diffi#ult! 8y #hi#kns wr mor arti#ulat and snsibl than 8iky and had
gratr brainpowr as wll!
C*llo Jaky$D >arissa whdld swtly! 3 #ould har his angry &oi# in
rspons from whr 3 was standing! Sh rolld hr ys drisi&ly at what&r Jak
was saying to hr!
C3t)s sports day! 3t dosn)t fu#king mattr if 8iky and 3 ar thr or not!D Sh
sulkily listnd to his angry &oi# again! C2u#k off$ Jaky, >ik you n&r waggd
s#hool! "ou)r su#h a fu#king hypo#rit$D sh said angrily and w all hard his
&oi# b#oming loudr in fury! C"ou)r su#h fu#king slf%rightous pri#k now!
"ou)& bn hanging around that bit#h piglt too long!D Sh hung up on him$
slipping my phon in hr po#kt!
C/i& m my phon ba#k now$D 3 said impatintly$ holding my hand out!
Sh snat#hd it from hr po#kt and almost thrw it at m in disdain! C>ik 3
want to kp that an#int pi# of shit anyway!D
CBkay$D said th Sarg$ gtting out his notbook! C3 want your nams! "ou
first!D * pointd to >arissa!
C>ady /aga$D sh said with a smirk! Th othrs sniggrd!
C>arissa 1y#raft$ s&ntn%yars%old! Sh)s Jak)s sistr$D 3 told him$ ignoring
hr glar! * wrot it down and thn pointd to 8iky!
C*arry 0ottr$D h said! Thy sniggrd again!
3 sighd warily! CThat)s 8i#hal 1y#raft$ known as 8iky! Jak)s brothr$
fiftn%yars%old!D * pointd again!
1for any of th rst of thm #ould gt a smartars rspons in$ 3 namd
Timothy +Timmy$ fiftn-$ Iristy +fourtn-$ San +fourtn- and Jad +thirtn-!
C'nd that$D 3 said$ pointing to Chad$ Cis Chadwi#k 1y#raft$ Jak)s #ousin$ sixtn%
CChad$D h insistd sullnly! 3t was my turn to smirk b#aus 3 knw how mu#h
h hatd bing #alld by his full nam! * #ut m a look bursting with hatrd! 3 was
almost positi& that h was th on who had stoln my littl #ar and dri&n it into
th ;uarry lak! 3n th normal s#hm of things$ it should b m who hatd him$ not
th r&rs!
C.ight$D said th Sarg$ finishing writing! C3 suggst you kids ithr gt
yoursl&s off to s#hool or gt hom straight away! 3)ll b ringing your prin#ipal to
rport your truan#y and &isiting your mothrs to rmind thm of thir lgal
rsponsibility to snd you to s#hool!D * rgardd thm all #oolly$ on by on!
C:hat 3 don)t want to s is any of you on th strt again today! Now s#ram!D
Thy all stard ba#k at him$ non of thm mo&ing!
C"ou hard m! Mo"e it.D h bllowd suddnly$ making thm +and m- (ump
in fright! 'nd with insolnt slownss thy &ntually slou#hd away$ ba#k in th
dir#tion from whi#h thy #am! : stood and wat#hd th ntir way! Thy turnd
around a fw tims$ but kpt going$ and thr was not &n on flippd fingr in
rspons from any of thm! 0rogrss,
:hn thy had disappard from &iw$ 3 turnd to him and #ouldn)t hid my
appro&al! CLry imprssi&$ Sarg!D
* flashd m his hr%and%gon smil! C'lways plasd to imprss a lady!D
C3)m in#rdibly glad to har that$ Srgant$D purrd >a&inia$ silntly sliding up
to him$ furthr into his prsonal 9on than h prfrrd! C3$ for on$ am always rady
to b imprssd by a handsom man!D
* was unasy at hr intrst and not sur how to rspond$ so 3 immdiatly
stppd up for him! C>a&inia$ ba#k off! Th Sarg dosn)t want to imprss any of us
ladis hr in town! *)s ngagd$ rmmbrED
CSu#h a pity$D sh said$ but stppd out of his prsonal spa#! C1ut mayb th
Srgant would lik to shar a #up of #off with m upstairs in my lair and 3)ll fill
him in on th psychic atmosphr in th town! 3t)s incredibly important to b awar
of that in a town full of so mu#h tragdy and motion!D Sh pausd for an impolitly
long momnt$ bfor throwing out indiffrntly with a shrug$ CBh$ and you too$
CThat)s a kind offr$D 3 said insin#rly! Sh mad th worst #off 3)d &r
tastd in my lif! C1ut w ha& to go &isiting som 1y#raft mothrs to ad&is thm
of thir #hildrn)s absn# from s#hool! >t)s go$ Sarg!D 'nd h followd aftr m
to th patrol #ar$ laning ba#k on th dri&r)s sat with a big sigh!
CThat woman s#ars m$D h admittd!
3 giggld guiltily! CSh s#ars m too! 'll that psy#hi# rubbish! 3t)s so #ra9y!D
* smild at m! CNot a bli&r in th suprnaturalED
C3)m not sur! >t)s (ust say whn it #oms to th suprnatural$ 3 nd mor
proof$D 3 rplid! C>ik prsonally sing a ghost or bing warnd about a 1y#raft
atta#k by >a&inia wll in ad&an#!D
CSh)s n&r xr#isd hr Gsp#ial powrs) to hlp you that wayED
CN&r! Sh (ust wants to tll m in grusom dtail about my horribl$ &iolnt
dath at th hands of a 1y#raft!D
CTss, Don)t say that,D h protstd$ gnuinly sho#kd!
3 laughd at th xprssion on his fa#! C:hy notE 3t)s tru! Sh)s obsssd with
th 2ullr family! Sh)s bn prdi#ting my murdr sin# sh got hr! Sh)s hoping
to b pro&n right &ntually and mak hr rputation! 1ut 3 rfus to play along
and 3 won)t lt hr rad my fortun!D
* rgardd m gra&ly for a long whil! 3t was warming up un#omfortably in
th #ar in th day)s hat! Just whn 3 #ould fl swat tri#kling down my ba#k and
was about to #ra#k opn a window$ h startd th patrol #ar and th air #on blastd
out a wl#om wa& of i#inss! 1ut h didn)t dri& off!
C:hat ar you afraid of haring if sh did gi& you a radingED
3 laughd again! CThat 3)m going to mt a horribl$ &iolnt dath at th hands
of a 1y#raft! :hat lsED
* was lost for words at that and nosd th #ar silntly into th strt! : didn)t
ngag in any furthr #hat x#pt for m rminding him whr >ola 1y#raft li&d
with hr youngst #hildrn! Bftn sh had othr popl li&ing thr as wll$ assortd
family mmbrs who ndd somwhr to kip for a whil$ and usually on or two
of hr oldst #hildrn who had brokn up with thir partnrs or who had (ust bn
rlasd from (ail! Somtims thr #ould b fiftn popl li&ing in that rundown
thr bdroom$ on bathroom hous! Jak n&r #omplaind to m about th
#rampd #onditions during th odd tims h stayd thr o&rnight$ #ontnt to find
any spar #ornr of th hous to bunk down in! 'nd that only sr&d to #on&in# m
furthr that th 1y#raft family was mor a pa#k of wild animals than humans!
Th s&n tns had rturnd thr$ hanging around on th front &randa$
smoking and hastily hiding a bottl of somthing as w parkd! : stppd out of
th patrol #ar slowly and 3 rmindd th Sarg to lo#k it! 'ftr all$ Chad 1y#raft was
only six mtrs away!
: sauntrd up th path and th tns snarld silntly at us!
C0ut out thos #igartts and hand o&r th bottl$ Iristy$D 3 dir#td$ holding
out my hand! Th Sarg lookd at m in surpris! * mustn)t ha& noti#d thir
furti& mo&mnts!
C:hat bottl$ pigltED sh askd with a snr!
C:hat did 3 tll you about addrssing th Snior ConstablED ylld th Sarg$
startling both thm and m again! C"ou want to b th first in th lo#kup$ littl
girlED Sh turnd hr mal&oln# from m to him!
CDon)t you fu#king #all m that, 3)m not little$D sh said$ pro&o#ati&ly pushing
out hr #hst$ making hrslf staggr in th pro#ss! Th othrs giggld$ stupidly
drunk! Sh lookd up at him$ hr lips pouting! C"ou want a fl of my titsE Bnly
#ost you fi& bu#ks! Thirty for a had%(ob!D
C/i& m th bottl$ Iristy$D 3 rpatd patintly$ ignoring hr &ulgarity! C'nd
don)t go offring to sll yourslf to a man again! "ou)r bttr than that!D
3 don)t know why 3 trid$ but it rally bothrd m to s yt anothr gnration
of 1y#raft girls hading down th sam slutty path! Surly on of thm #ould ris
abo& hr birth #urs$ ha& a #arr$ mayb &n go to T'2E or uni&rsity$ and not
gt kno#kd up whn sh was fiftn$ li&ing off wlfar for th rst of hr long$
frtil lif! 3 had high hops for >arissa! Sh was in hr last yar of s#hool$ doing
okay in hr studis dspit hr rpatd truan#y$ and had ra#hd th ad&an#d agd
of s&ntn without b#oming prgnant! "t!
Iristy$ only fourtn$ was #onfusd by my supporti&nss$ not xprin#ing
mu#h of it in hr short lif! Dspit th protsts and s#ornful swaring of th othrs$
sh ra#hd bhind th smlly$ mouldy loung that had sat on Jak)s family hom)s
&randa sin# h was born$ and hld out th half%mpty bottl of bourbon to m!
C:ho ni#kd this off 'b StormlyE 'nd what happnd to th rst of th
bourbon and th brED 3 askd$ taking it from hr!
C: fu#king drank it$ didn)t wED slurrd 8iky and laughd so hard that h
fll off th loung! Th othrs raggd him and ki#kd him gntly as h rolld on th
&randa$ laughing!
Th Sarg stppd o&r him$ disgust on his fa#$ and bangd his fist on th
door! C8rs 1y#raft! 0oli#$D h ylld!
'ftr a long wait$ >ola 1y#raft opnd th door a #ra#k and prd around$ th
smok from th #igartt #lampd btwn hr lips obs#uring hr fa#!
C:hat th fu#k you wantED sh dmandd! C8y shows ar on!D
CStp outsid plas! 3 want to talk to you about your truant #hildrn! 'nd th
fa#t that thy)r all #larly intoxi#atd$D th Sarg said firmly! :hn sh hsitatd
for on momnt too long$ h grabbd hr by hr s#rawny$ sun%spottd arm and
draggd hr outsid!
C/t your fu#king hands off m$ arshol,D sh s#r#hd$ struggling franti#ally
against him!
3n a flash$ h had hr up against th hous$ bnding hr arms bhind hr$ for#ing
hr to drop hr #igartt or risk ha&ing it sho&d down hr throat as hr fa# prssd
up against hr wall! * ylld in hr ar loud nough not (ust for hr #hildrn and
ni#s and nphws to har$ but th ntir nighbourhood to har! C'ddrss m lik
that again and you)ll spnd th rst of th day in th lo#kup! "ou #all m Srgant
and nothing ls! /ot itED
Sh noddd and so h lt hr go$ thinking h had subdud hr! *is mistak$
b#aus th harridan immdiatly turnd on him and spat a glob of sali&a into his
C3)ll #all you what&r 3 want$ &ergeant 'rs%li#king Shit%su#king
8othrfu#kr$D sh s#ramd at him$ in#nsd at bing #hallngd! *r offspring
and rlati&s showd thir support with ar%splitting nthusiasm!
* was instantly furious himslf$ his nostrils flaring$ lips pin#hd togthr until
thy wr thin and bloodlss$ taking &rything too prsonally! * grabbd hr
&i#iously by hr arm again$ wiping hr spittl off with his sl&$ his fa# a study in
raw angr! * slappd on his #uffs and pushd hr down th stairs!
CBpn th #ar,D h ylld at m and 3 hurridly ra#hd in my po#kt to unpop
th lo#ks$ thinking that this was a rally bad ida! * roughly sho&d >ola into th
ba#k of th #ar$ slammd th door hard nough to mak th #ar shak and thrw
himslf into th dri&r)s sat!
Th tnagrs stoppd #hring and bgan ylling at us$ pi#king up what&r
thy #ould gt thir hands on to throw$ >arissa and 8iky running down to bang on
th patrol #ar!
C>t 8um out,D >arissa s#ramd$ pounding hr fist on th dri&r)s window of
th patrol #ar! 8iky pi#kd up a brokn loos bri#k lying in a pil$ th dtritus of a
long%abandond handyman (ob$ and smashd it against th sid! 3 ran to th #ar!
C>t my mum go$ you fu#king pigs,D h shoutd$ dnting th patrol #ar
C/t in,D th Sarg bllowd at m$ and 3 (umpd in th passngr sat and w
s#r#hd away$ th bri#k that 8iky thrw aftr us landing with a thump on th
C"ou)r dead$ piglt,D h s#ramd aftr us and 3 didn)t doubt that for a s#ond!
CSarg$D 3 startd in a low &oi# so that >ola #ouldn)t har in th ba#k! Not that
sh)d har anything o&r hr angry s#raming and frnti# sat ki#king! CThis isn)t a
good ida! "ou #an)t lo#k up >ola! Thr will b trribl #ons;un#s!D :specially
for me$ 3 thought dspratly!
CNobody talks to m lik that$ Snior Constabl,D h roard at m! C'nd may 3
rmind you that I am th snior offi#r and I will mak th d#isions around hr!
'nd you ought to know that spitting on a poli# offi#r is srious assault!D
CSarg AD 3 kpt trying to pun#tur through his in#rdibl rag to ra#h his
#ommonsns! Th 1y#rafts wr tribal! No mattr how mu#h damag thir mothr
had infli#td on thm psy#hologi#ally$ motionally and physi#ally as thy grw up$
thy would dfnd hr with thir li&s!
CShut up$ 2ullr, "ou)& bn too soft with this bun#h of sa&ags! 3)m not
intrstd in what you ha& to say$D h dismissd$ fa# hard$ ys fixd on th road!
* s;uald around a #ornr$ frightning poor 2rda Johansson who was about to
stp out onto th road to #ross with hr baby in a pram and hr toddlr #lut#hing hr
(hat certainly put me in my place$ 3 thought unhappily and land ba#k against
th sat$ my stoma#h #hurning with drad! 8ayb 3 didn)t know mu#h in lif$ but 3
knw without a doubt that this wasn)t going to nd wll!
Cha#ter *3
3t took both of us to manhandl >ola 1y#raft to th #ll! 2or a tiny woman$ sh
had th fury and strngth of a titan! :hil h struggld to rstrain hr$ 3 ;ui#kly
rushd around to find th mattrss for th bd! : wrn)t wll prpard for
somon to o##upy on of th #lls so ;ui#kly aftr 3 had #land thm out! >u#kily
though$ th smll of bla#h had dissipatd in th frsh air$ not that >ola #ould
probably smll anything aftr so many yars of smoking!
Th lo#kup)s two #lls wr &ry basi#$ r#td in th lat 1770s whn th
station itslf was built and nothing x#pt th lighting and a primiti& alarm bu99r
had bn modrnisd in thm sin#! 'nd th lighting mrly #onsistd of th
addition of glaring fluors#nt tubs that dangld from th #iling by rusting #hains
and fli#krd annoyingly$ thir wiring inxprtly ta#kd to th timbr walls and
paintd o&r at last twnty tims sin# thn! Th wiring ld out to two round and
#lunky #ra#kd 1aklit swit#hs lo#atd outsid on th &randa! Th #lls
thmsl&s wr bar s;uars$ furnishd with only a mtal bunk bd firmly boltd to
th wall and floor$ normally #o&rd by a thin$ lumpy an#int mattrss!
Bn of thos mattrsss was possibly &n th sam bdding lain on by th
lo#kup)s most notabl inmat$ roguish Thodor 1y#raft$ a lo#al boy turnd
bushrangr of som infamy$ who on# trrorisd th road from hr to 1ig Town!
* was known as 8ountain Td b#aus of his rgular and notoriously slippry
s#aps from th poli# into th thi#k bush and ruggd ground of 8ount 1ig!
Td had n(oyd an o&rnight stay in on of th lo#kup)s #lls in 17<? aftr
bing #apturd by >ittl Town)s sol #onstabl whil nakd$ drunk and aslp at his
tmporary #amp at th bas of 8ount 1ig! *umiliatingly$ th #onstabl)s own
young wif had bn happily and firmly #laspd in Td)s arms at th tim of his
arrst$ also nakd$ drunk and aslp$ hr ptti#oats strwn around his #ampsit with
sho#king abandon!
Somhow$ 8ountain Td had managd to s#ap from #ustody th nxt day! 3)d
rad th station)s obsr&ation book in whi#h th poor #onstabl had notd nothing in
his laborat s#ript that &ry day but th forlorn wordsO Bycraft 9 disappeared
again! *)d mo&d on himslf from >ittl Town soon aftr$ so thr was no r#ord
of how his marriag had fard! 1ut out of #uriosity 3)d rsar#hd th good
#onstabl and his wif on th intrnt and dis#o&rd on a go&rnmnt databas that
thy)d had s&n #hildrn togthr aftr thy lft town$ so 3 guss thy soon mad
up from hr indis#rtion!
E&ntually$ 8ountain Td was r#apturd and hangd for his many #rims in
1ig Town in 17<Q! *is x#ution drw th biggst #rowd &r do#umntd for a
publi# hanging in ths parts! 'll th #ontmporary a##ounts of his dath by mal
(ournalists not only notd th xtraordinary numbr of wping womn in
attndan#$ but also rlu#tantly admird him for th shr #o#kinss h showd at
mting his dath! *is final words to th publi# wr allgdly shoutd in a loud$
ringing &oi#O I dont regret one moment of my life and I than# you well for the fine
ad"entures, my good ladies! *)d r#i&d a dafning o&ation from th #rowd as
his n#k had brokn on th hanging rop$ but had lft a lot of husbands ying thir
wi&s with unhappy sp#ulation aftrwards!
3n a #ompilation book of bushrangrs$ 3 had on# sn a photograph of
8ountain Td$ takn by an a##ompli# or family mmbr! * was posd in on of
his #ampsits$ ft sprad wid$ a pistol in a#h hand rady for a#tion! ' slf%
#onfidnt grin showd his whit tth! 2raming his bautiful fa# wr th wild
wa&s of his goldn hair$ #omplt with mutton%#hop sidburns and an imprssi&
mousta#h! * was waring wll%filld br#hs and a homspun &st o&r a loos
#otton shirt that showd an nti#ing glimps of his hard #hst mus#ls! 3)d noti#d
with an unnr&ing (olt th first tim 3)d sn th photo that h had bn th spitting
imag of his ds#ndnt$ .d 1y#raft!
'nd that$ >a&inia Inowls$ was truly spooky!
Thr wr som blankts for th bds stord somwhr as wll$ but w didn)t
#urrntly nd thm in this warm wathr! Thr wr no othr fa#ilitis in th #lls!
'ny toilt braks th prisonr ndd in&ol&d on of us s#orting thm to th
station bathroom on th ba#k &randa! Thr was nowhr for thm to bath x#pt
up at th Sarg)s hous! Not idal #onditions by any mans! 3 don)t know if th
Sarg had rally thought it through$ but on of us would ha& to b prsnt at th
station at all tims whil w had somon in th lo#kup$ to #h#k on thm rgularly!
That #ut our #rim fighting for# in half straight away!
: pushd >ola up th stairs and h flung hr into th narst #ll$ slamming
th door bhind hr! Sh immdiatly bangd on th barrd door$ s#raming
obs#nitis at him in hr shrill$ rau#ous &oi#!
CSh)ll go insan without #igartts$D 3 warnd him as w walkd through th
ba#k door of th station!
C3 #ouldn)t gi& a fu#k$D h said$ still angry$ knling down in front of th saf!
C3)m going to transport this mony to 1ig Town! 3 don)t fl #omfortabl with it
bing in this station with no ral s#urity! Esp#ially with all ths 1y#rafts around!
"ou #an stay hr$ do th paprwork and look aftr her!D : listnd for a momnt
to >ola)s s#r#hing! C'nd whil 3)m in 1ig Town 3)ll #h#k to s if 8iss /r&ill
has rturnd yt and thn go talk to th prin#ipal of th high s#hool about ha&ing so
many truants!D
CSarg$ 3)m worrid about hr family! 3t #ould gt &iolnt! 0las don)t la& AD
3 didn)t gt to say anything ls!
C2ullr$D h said unplasantly$ standing up to towr o&r m in an intimidating
way$ his ys flashing$ Cmayb you got away with disrsp#ting th ordrs of your
snior offi#r in th past$ but that was thn and this is now! "ou)ll do what 3 tll you
to without #ontradi#ting m or talking ba#k! Do you undrstandED
C"s Sarg$D 3 said$ and &n to my own ars 3 soundd &ry bit as rbllious
and sulln as any on of thos 1y#raft tnagrs!
* #ontinud$ his &oi# growing &n #oldr$ his ys a darkr stormy blu as
thy rakd o&r m #riti#ally! CE&r sin# 3 arri&d hr$ you)& bn nothing but
insubordinat to m! 8ay 3 rmind you that you ar not th offi#r%in%#harg and
thr)s a &ry good rason for thatED
(a#e another cheap shot, you bastard, 3 dard in my thoughts$ staring ba#k at
him with hatrd!
* didn)t noti#$ o&rwhlmd by his own angr! CIm th snior offi#r and
you)d do wll to rmmbr that in futur!D
C"s Sarg!D 8y &oi# mat#hd his for frostinss!
C/ood! *lp m rpa#k this mony and gi& m all th paprwork for it$D h
ordrd! : workd in i#y siln# until th battrd old suit#as was full with #ash
again! 3 signd a witnss form that thr was R10?$676 in th suit#as whn th
Sarg totd it to th patrol #ar! * dro& off with som attitud$ spinning th tyrs in
th gra&l!
3 pulld a bottl of watr from th fridg and wnt outsid to th lo#kup to
>ola)s #ll to hand hr th bottl through th bars on th door!
C*r you go$D 3 said nutrally$ ignoring hr #ris of #omplaints! Thn sh did
somthing that mad m si#k to my stoma#h A sh trid to b ni# to m!
CTssi$ you know 3)& always thought of you as on of my daughtrs$D sh
CNo >ola$ you)r &ry mistakn about that! :hat 3 do know is that you hat m
and wishd 3 was dad! "ou)& told m so to my fa# on hundrds of o##asions$D 3
rmindd hr$ mattr%of%fa#t!
CThat)s (ust my littl (ok$ lo&$ you know that! Now show m how mu#h you
lo& my Jaky by ltting m go! Jaky will b upst whn h hars that his mum is
in th #link! 3 know it)s not you who)s put m in hr$ but that fu#kwit of a srgant
you)& bn landd with$ and 3 don)t blam you for it! "ou would n&r do that to
m$ 3 know! : ha& an agrmnt!D Sh &n smild at m$ a hidous ri#tus grin
that did nothing but mak m nausous!
CNo$ w don)t >ola$ so you (ust shut up and b a good girl!D 3 walkd away!
CCom ba#k hr$ you pig%fa#d whor,D sh s#ramd aftr m!
&o much for the family lo"ing$ 3 thought with rsignation! 3 ignord hr #ris and
wnt ba#k to th Sarg)s dsk to fill in th #harg sht and th lo#kup obsr&ation
log$ noting th dtails of whn >ola ntrd th #ll and whn 3 took hr th watr
and had a #on&rsation with hr! Th last ntry bfor today was datd 1<<Q! 3t had
bn a whil sin# somon had bn lo#kd up in >ittl Town!
That don$ 3 turnd on th #omputr and thought 3)d spnd th tim until th
Sarg rturnd trying to #at#h up on all of th rports 3 had to writ$ most of whi#h
wr o&rdu! 3 had th fling that th Sarg would b a sti#klr for paprwork! 3
brifly #onsidrd lo#king th doors$ but wasn)t sur 3)d har anyon kno#king on
th front door if 3 did! 'lso$ it didn)t sm right to lo#k out th rst of th >ittl
Town #iti9ns from thir own poli# station (ust b#aus of th 1y#rafts! So 3 wnt
to work and soon 3 was ngrossd in writing about Dorri >butt and th hit%and%
run$ blo#king out >ola)s s#rams! 'ftr about an hour$ 3 raisd my had brifly to
ralis that sh had stoppd shouting at som point! That should ha& mad m
suspi#ious straight away$ but 3 was busy pounding th kyboard$ gtting th fa#ts
onto th s#rn$ th prosp#t of a#tually finishing som paprwork for on# dri&ing
m on!
3 had ra#hd th part whr Dorri r&rsd out of th #arpark whn th front
and ba#k doors to th station flung opn simultanously! Two thumps soundd from
th front room as sombody landd on th timbr floor aftr (umping o&r th
#ountr! 3 sprang up and spun around ;ui#kly$ shltring bhind th Sarg)s offi#
#hair$ to dis#o&r that 3 was n#ir#ld by 1y#rafts! Thy)d mo&d with su#h spd
and stalth that 3 didn)t ha& a #han# to pull out my gun!
Thr wr only four of thm$ but it was th worst four$ th oldr ons! Jak)s
brothrs$ s#ary .d and th ;ually &il Iarl$ had #om through th ba#k door!
Thy must ha& first spnt a fw minuts ltting thir mothr know that thy wr
hr$ whi#h was why sh had shut up so abruptly! /ra and 'l$ Jak)s #ousins$ had
#om in from th front! 1ad nws for m A 3 had history with .d$ Iarl and 'l!
/ra was th only on who hadn)t sr&d som tim in th past for assaulting m!
.d snarld at m$ his fa# distortd with an ugly angr that mad his s#ar stand
out starkly pal against th hony%brown skin of his n#k! C/t my mum out of that
fu#king dogbox now or you ar going to rgrt it mightily$ piglt whor!D
3 didn)t doubt him for a s#ond about that$ but rplid with a bra&ado 3 wasn)t
;uit fling! 3 pushd my #hin out and lookd him in th y! CNot going to
happn! >ola)s ha&ing a slpo&r with us tonight$ so you #an all (ust turn around
and piss off hom!D
's 3 spok though$ 3 ba#kd up against th dsk$ on high alrt! 3 was trappd
and surroundd$ my ys fli#king #ontinuously btwn th four of thm! *olding
onto th ba#k of my #hair$ 3 assssd my situation #arfully$ my hand in#hing
towards my gun!
.d shook his had slowly$ a #rully amusd smil #rping a#ross his lips! C3
don)t think you undrstood m$ lo&ly bit#h!D *is fist shot out suddnly and
#onn#td hard with th right sid of my nos! 3nstant pain flowrd a#ross my fa#!
3 put my hand up to my nos in sho#k$ tou#hing th warm wtnss of my own blood
as it tri#kld into my mouth! C3 mant gt hr out now,D
Th hurting ga& m th imptus 3 ndd to a#t! 1ut 3 didn)t do what thy
3nstad$ without a word or any warning$ 3 pushd th #hair &iolntly towards
/ra$ th smallst of th four! 3t r#klssly rolld a#ross th floorboards bfor
#olliding painfully with his kns making him staggr! 3 took ad&antag of his
momntary inattntion and bargd through th smi%#ir#l thy)d mad around m$
btwn /ra and 'l! 3 pushd /ra off balan# as 3 did and ki#kd out at 'l at th
sam tim!
8y goal was th front door and 3 was #limbing o&r th #ountr whn .d
hauld m ba#k by th waistband of my #argo pants! 3 ki#kd out bhind m
furiously$ my boot hitting his #hin as 3 s#rabbld to hold onto th #ountr with my
fingrs! * gruntd in pain and yankd m ba#kwards$ thr of my fingrnails
braking as 3 flaild dspratly on th battrd surfa# for pur#has! 3 fll to th
floor in a hap on th wrong sid$ s#rambling to my ft straight away!
1for 3 #ould ra#h for my spray$ his fist smashd into my nos again! 8y
had flung ba#kwards and pain #rossd my &ision lik firworks$ multi#olourd
di99ying xplosions! Th tri#kl of blood b#am a spurt!
C/t my mothr out of thr$D h hissd$ &oi# as #old as a fro9n hll! CNow.D
* draggd m into th ba#k room by th s#ruff of my shirt and 3 ki#kd out at him
furiously until h lt m go!
3 loosly #rossd my arms up in front of m in dfn#$ nin(a styl$ no dsk to
hid bhind anymor$ rady to lash out lft or right! 8y ys shiftd from on man
to th nxt$ trying to wat#h thir mo&mnts whil 3 #onsidrd my options!
CTh Sarg will b ba#k in a s#ond$D 3 bluffd$ trying not to pani#$ turning to
spit out som blood that had run into my mouth! 3 dgd to on sid$ lifting my right
kn up suddnly to blo#k 'l from trying to rmo& my utility blt! B&r my dad
body would thy gt thir hands on my gun! 'nd that)s what 3)d b too A a dad
body A if thy &r did!
CBullshit. : saw him dri& off towards 1ig Town! *)ll b hours$D said .d
&i#iously$ mo&ing to ba#khand m a#ross th fa#! 3 raisd my arm to dfl#t and h
wha#kd into my forarm instad! 1ut as 3 did that thr was anothr pun#h from
th lft$ /ra 3 thought$ that #aught m in th y$ snding m rling! 's 3 rightd
myslf$ 'l)s fist also shot out from th lft hitting m in my mouth$ splitting my lip!
3 #ould tast nothing but th mtalli# tang of my own blood!
3 stood bfor th four mn$ panting hard$ my fa# burning with pain! Thr was
no way 3 was going to hand o&r th kys to th lo#kup$ thinking of thm safly
s#urd in on of th multitud of po#kts in my #argo pants! 1ut 3 didn)t rally
know how far thy)d go to gt thir hands on thos kys$ although a brutal frn9y
that ndd in my agonising dath aftr a sadisti# gang rap would not surpris m! 3
ndd hlp! 'b sprang instantly to mind! * #ould asily assmbl a group of
lo#al mn to dri& th 1y#rafts away! 3 ndd to s#ap th station so 3 #ould ring
him! 3 yd my mobil phon$ sitting on th Sarg)s dsk$ pluggd into th wall$
#harging! If only it was in my poc#et$ 3 thought with bittr rgrt!
C3 am simply lo&ing this$ Tssi 2ullr$D .d said with a pitilss laugh$ running
a fingr painfully a#ross th blood on my lip! * brought it to his own lips$ li#king it
off with orgasmi# rlish! * grabbd my hand and prssd it firmly against his
#rot#h! CCan you fl what a hard%on 3)& got for hurting youED
* wasn)t lying! 3 snat#hd my hand away in disgust$ and as 3 did 3 turnd it
into a fist and dro& it straight ba#k into .d)s fa#$ smashing into his nos! Thn 3
swiftly raisd my lft lg to th othr sid and ki#kd /ra)s alrady in(urd
kn#ap as hard as 3 #ould$ making him stumbl! >ifting my arm in front of my
fa#$ lbow out$ 3 rammd through th four of thm again$ lbowing .d in his
in(urd fa#$ fling for th ba#k door this tim!
3 didn)t rally know what 3 was thinking! 3 had no plan at all! 0rhaps 3 #ould
ra#h my >and .o&r$ x#pt 3 didn)t ha& th kys on m$ 3 ralisd! Thy wr
sitting in th top drawr of my dsk! 8ayb 3 should had for th Sarg)s hous
whr 3 #ould barri#ad myslf and ring 'b$ x#pt 3 didn)t ha& any kys to gt
insid! 3)d (ust ha& to had to th strt and run until 3 found somon willing to
shltr m and ring 'b for m$ x#pt 3 was too sor to run anywhr at th
Iarl brought m down to th floor of th station with a ta#kl! * was a ;uit
man who n&r said mu#h$ ltting .d do all th talking$ but that didn)t mak him
any lss of a monstr! 3 hit my had abo& th right y on th station)s old mtal
doorstoppr$ narly kno#king myslf out #old! 'n immdiat warm gush of blood
into my right y rdu#d my &ision!
Iarl hld my ankls tightly$ so 3 twistd around$ rolling o&r$ managing to
wriggl on foot fr of his grip! * ra#hd for my ankl again and 3 ki#kd him in
th fa# with my boot! * lt go of m$ s#raming in pain! 'nd thn for good
masur$ 3 ki#kd him again$ possibly braking his nos from th sound of his #ris
and th amount of blood that flowd from his nostrils! 3 (umpd to my ft and
stood wat#hing th othrs warily$ arms up in dfn# again$ dspratly trying to
hid th fa#t that 3 was woo9y from th hit to th had! 3mpatintly$ 3 wipd blood
from my y with th ba#k of my hand$ smaring it a#ross my #hk and hair$
blinking furiously to #lar my &ision!
8y ba#k was prssd to th rar door and 3 was brathing ha&ily from far$
pain and adrnalin! 8y mind was dspratly ra#ing through &ry s#nario 3
#ould think of to gt away from thm! Iarl was out of th pi#tur for a whil$
moaning on th floor$ #lut#hing his nos$ but th othr thr wr now in#nsd and
si#kly x#itd as wll by th thought of o&rpowring$ humiliating and hurting m!
C"ou ar on hot littl pussy$D grinnd .d$ blood from his nos dripping down
off his #hin onto th floor! * fli#kd his tongu out to li#k at it! C3s this what Jaky
has to go through &ry tim h wants to fu#k youE /od knows 3 lo& a bit#h that
puts up a fight$ but 3 am looking forward to ta#hing you som mannrs$ lo&ly! 3)m
planning on finishing th (ob that Kn#l 1obby and Craig lft undon!D * laughd$
his snak ys wid and glinting in anti#ipation! CTh things 3)m going to do to you
today$ Tssi 2ullr!D
Th &ry mntion of 1obby and Craig 1y#raft sho&d stl into my spin! CTh
only thing you)r going to do to m today$ .d 1y#raft$ is kiss my ars$D 3 said
dfiantly but awkwardly through my bustd lip$ blood spraying &rywhr whn 3
'l lur#hd forward to #law at my uniform shirt! 3 grabbd him by his throat and
dug my sur&i&ing nails into his 'dam)s appl until h startd gagging and at th
sam tim$ ki#kd up and out fro#iously towards /ra who ad&an#d from th
othr sid$ #at#hing him solidly in th #hst and kno#king him flying a#ross th
Sarg)s dsk! 'b)s #omputr #rashd to th floor at th impa#t! 3 managd to pull
out my BC spray and s;uirtd 'l at #los ;uartrs$ thn also #ra#kd him a#ross his
nos with my lbow in a #rul ba#kwards mo&$ (ust to b sur! * droppd to th
floor howling in pain!
3 turnd and s;uirtd Iarl in th ys as wll to subdu him and kp him down
and out$ bfor .d #hoppd at my arm to snd th spray flying out of my hand! 3t
rolld undr th fridg$ out of th ra#h of both of us!
/ra stirrd to my lft and stood up groggily$ staggring towards m! 3 ki#kd
up at him blindly whil 3 kpt my y on .d! 3 hit /ra in th #hin$ slamming his
bottom (aw against th othr$ his tth pushing into his uppr lip! 1lood flowd
from his mouth and h fll ba#kwards$ #rying in agony!
That lft .d and m fa#ing a#h othr! 3 fumbld at my utility blt and pulld
out my gun$ pointing it at him!
C"ou bttr piss off and tak your rlati&s with you bfor 3 shoot you$D 3
warnd$ only a small trmor in my &oi# btraying my far! 3 raisd my lft hand to
wip th blood fr of my right y again!
C"ou think 3)m s#ard of your littl girl #op gun$ TssiED h laughd$
ad&an#ing on m! C"ou #ouldn)t shoot Jaky)s fa&ourit brothr$ #ould you$
C"ou)r right$D 3 said$ shouldrs sinking$ th lif su#kd out of m! C:hat was 3
3 mad as if to r%holstr my gun$ thn ;ui#kly raisd it again and dlibratly
shot him in th uppr lft arm! * s#ramd in pain$ #lut#hing th blding wound$
and without anothr word$ 3 #hargd him$ lbow out in front$ had down! 3 kno#kd
him ba#kwards but not o&r$ and h smashd into th filing #abints$ for#ing th nd
on$ whi#h had alrady bn laning pr#ariously$ to tumbl sidways #rashing into
th wall! * laun#hd ba#k at m and thumpd th gun from my hand whr it hit
th wall and landd in th #ornr$ bhind th falln #abint! : both trid to stop
th othr on going for it$ grasping a#h othr)s uppr arms and struggling
dspratly ba#k and forth! 3 lt go with on hand brifly to ra#h for my baton$ but
h kno#kd it out of my hand with his fist th s#ond 3 frd it from my blt!
: might ha& s#uffld lik that togthr for th rst of th day$ ys lo#kd in
battl! 3 lt go of on of his arms to fr my hand to &i#iously pok my indx fingr
into th bullt wound on his uppr lft arm! * s#ramd in agony and ra#hd for
my throat with his fr hand! 3 #hokd whil h s#ramd!
Th #ountr bll wnt off! C8ail$D ylld a booming and &ry wl#om &oi#!
C-oanna.D 3 s#ramd out in dspration! C/o for hlp, 3 nd hlp, /t 'b,D
CTssiE 'r you okayED sh ylld ba#k with #on#rn!
CNo ! ! !D 3 spluttrd! Disgustd at myslf$ 3 wiggld my fingr around in .d)s
bullt wound$ #ausing him maximum pain! *owling lik a woundd animal$ h trid
to sho& m out of th way and s#rabbl for my gun! 3 pushd his had down
towards th floor with my hand on th ba#k of his had and raisd my kn to
smash into his #hin!
CTssED #alld out Joanna again anxiously! C:hat)s going on ba#k thrED
C2u#king bit#h$D .d groand and pushd m hardr ba#kwards until 3 stumbld
o&r th falln #omputr$ taking th both of us down! : wr making su#h a ra#kt
that Joanna #limbd o&r th #ountr to in&stigat!
Sh was a sight for sor ys in a lo&ly pal blu twin st and #risp whit
blous with si9 twl& na&y blu #ourt shos! 'll this was toppd with a strand of
parls$ a littl straind by th girth of Joanna)s mus#ular n#k$ for sur$ but still
tastful! 3 wondrd brifly &n as 3 struggld against .d if sh was dlibratly
mimi#king 8rs Lillirs) drss sns!
C/t off hr$D Joanna said in a #old &oi#!
C8ak m$ frak$D .d wh9d with xrtion as 3 #lut#hd my hands around
his n#k and h fbly pun#hd m in th stoma#h with his blding arm! So Joanna
did$ with a hard right hook to th #hin that sortd out a waknd .d straight away!
* fll to th floor$ whil 3 lungd to s#ur my gun! 3 #o&rd th four 1y#rafts
with my wapon and thy #ut thir losss$ .d)s thr in(urd rlati&s dragging
him out th ba#k door! 3 ran o&r to lo#k it immdiatly whn thy lft$ running to
th front to lo#k that door as wll! 3 rturnd to th ba#k room and huggd Joanna
fir#ly$ not abl to spak with motion!
CBh Tssi$ look at you$ lo&! Thy)& gon to town on you$D sh said with
sho#kd sympathy! C:hr)s Srgant 8aguirED
C1ig Town$D 3 managd to say through my bustd lip! 3 was fling &ry fragil
and ndd to sit down suddnly$ my lgs too wobbly to support m! Knwillingly$ 3
saggd against Joanna and sh kindly hlpd m to my #hair!
C3)m going to ring him$D Joanna said$ taking out hr phon and shaking hr
had! C/9$ whn 3 think what might ha& happnd if 3 hadn)t turnd up whn 3
CNo.D 3 shoutd in agitation$ startling hr! C0las don)t ring th Sarg$ Joanna!
0las! * had things h wantd to do in 1ig Town and 3)m all right now! *)s
alrady angry with m! 3 don)t want to disturb him! Thy won)t #om ba#k now!D
C:hat happnd$ TssiED
C>ola 1y#raft)s in th lo#kup!D
C:hat th hllE :hy would you do somthing so ! ! ! inflammatoryED Th look
on hr fa# xprssd all of my arlir misgi&ings!
3 didn)t want to #omplain about th Sarg! * was trying to build a solid poli#
tam in th town and my bit#hing about his d#isions to othrs would b disloyal
and disunitd! So 3 lookd down at my bruisd$ blood%splattrd knu#kls and
rmaind silnt!
*ow&r$ Joanna was a smart woman! C3 bt it wasn)t your d#ision$ Tssi!
"ou know bttr than that!D
3 didn)t rspond!
Sh ga& up! C"ou nd a do#tor! >t m tak you to th prison! Jak will want
to know what)s happnd too!D
C3 #an)t la& >ola!D
CSt hr fr$D sh suggstd! C"ou nd to s a do#tor!D
CNo$ 3)ll wait until th Sarg gts ba#k and thn 3)ll go!D 3 rmmbrd th
Sarg)s biting words about my insubordination! C3 don)t want to lt >ola out without
his prmission! *)ll b ba#k soon$D 3 assurd! C1ut thanks so mu#h$ Joanna$ for
&rything today! 3)ll n&r forgt your hlp!D 3 huggd hr again!
C't last lt m hlp pat#h you up$D sh offrd$ #on#rn on hr fa# as my
blood drippd gntly down onto my shirt$ staining its pal blu purpl! CDid thy
in(ur you on your stoma#h or ba#k or anywhr to #aus any intrnal damagED
CNo$ it)s all on my fa#! 3)ll b right! "ou)& got your rounds to do! 0opl will
b wanting thir mail! Bff you go$D 3 insistd firmly and ushrd hr from th
station$ suddnly nding to b alon! 'nd whn sh had rlu#tantly dpartd$ 3
rlo#kd th front door #arfully$ #ompulsi&ly #h#king both front and ba#k doors
thr tims bfor 3 #ould rlas th in#rdibl tnsion in my shouldrs!
3 flw to th sink and thrw up rpatdly until 3 had nothing lft in my stoma#h
and 3 was pal$ brathlss and shaking! 3 sat at th Sarg)s dsk with my #ompa#t
mirror opn$ half%hartdly trying to wip th blood away with som wt tissus! 3
was a wr#k$ physi#ally and motionally! 3 ndd ! ! !E 3 didn)t know what 3 ndd
right thn! ' do#torE ' stiff drinkE ' big hugE ' nw (obE ' Tim TamE To gt th
hll out of this town as soon as 3 #ould pa#kE
'll of th abo&E
3 sat thr doing nothing$ slumpd in his #hair$ staring out of th window
without sing th &iw and listning to >ola 1y#raft s#raming out ndlss
obs#nitis without rgistring anything sh said! Th station phon rang thr tims
but 3 didn)t answr! 8y mobil rang four tims but 3 didn)t answr that ithr! 3 was
probably in sho#k whn 3 look ba#k at it$ and that was how th Sarg found m
whn h &ntually rturnd!
* #am storming ba#k into th station$ slamming th front door and rousing
m from my stupor! * was in a foul mood from not finding 8iss / or th prin#ipal
a&ailabl to s him$ brating m loudly as soon as h st foot insid for ha&ing th
door lo#kd and for not answring th phon! 1anging th #ountr hat#h #losd
bhind him$ h stampd into th ba#k room in th middl of furiously ;ustioning
my profssionalism yt again$ only to pull up in horror whn h saw m and th
stat of th offi#!
CBh shit!D * stood staring in disblif! CTss! 'r you all rightE :hat)s
happndED * #am o&r and hsitantly rstd his hand on my shouldr!
CTh 1y#rafts #am for >ola$D 3 said #arfully$ shrugging off his hand and
standing up shakily$ a&oiding any y #onta#t! C'nd no$ 3)m not all right! 3)m going
CDid thy gt hrED
3 did look at him thn$ y%to%y$ unabl to hid my in#rdibl hurt and disgust
at that ;ustion! :as that all th #old%hartd bastard #ard aboutE
CNo$ thy didn)t gt hr,D 3 spat out$ spraying my blood o&r him$ angrir than 3
#ould &r rmmbr bing in my lif! C3s that what you think of mE That 3)d (ust
roll o&r and gi& th 1y#rafts what thy want b#aus thy roughd m upE
1#aus 3)m slping with on of thmE 1#aus 3)m unprofessionalED
'nd 3 was so angry that 3 &i#iously ki#kd o&r my #hair and swpt a pot plant
off th windowsill with my arm$ its #rami# plantr smashing whn it landd$
potting mix spilling out o&r th floor! That wasn)t nough A 3 was still furious! So 3
ki#kd on of th fw good filing #abints$ la&ing bhind a dnt so dp that it
for&r rndrd that drawr unabl to b opnd!
CTss ! ! !D
3 stood to%to%to with him and s#ramd right up into his fa#! C(hey didnt get
her. re you happy1D
* drw ba#k! C/od$ 3)m so sorry! 3 didn)t man ! ! !D * faltrd$ unsur what
to say nxt$ stunnd and pitying! 1ut 3 didn)t want or nd his pity and with
unbridld fury sho&d past him to th front room! * si9d my arm!
CTss$ you ha& to s a do#tor!D *is words wr gntl$ but his grip on my arm
was iron%fast! C"ou nd stit#hs in your forhad! 3t)s blding a lot! 3)ll tak you
to th prison now!D
3 struggld wildly to fr myslf$ hurting myslf all o&r again! 1ut 3 didn)t
#ar! 3 #ouldn)t bar for him to tou#h m! C/t your hands off m, 3)ll dri& myslf!
"ou #an stay and wat#h >ola!D
* lt go of my arm immdiatly$ afraid 3 would brak somthing as 3 shook
him off so &iolntly! C"ou #an)t dri& yourslf! "ou)r too upst!D
C0ont you dare tell me what I am.D 3 s#ramd at him again and thn ralisd
that 3 soundd hystri#al! 3 took a #oupl of dp braths$ blinkd away th tars
that wr thratning to brim o&r and wipd mor blood from my y with my
palm$ smaring it a#ross my fa# and hair again! C3)ll ring 'b and ask him to tak
m$D 3 d#idd$ mor #almly!
CNo$ you won)t! 3)ll tak you! 3)ll lt 1y#raft out now!D
CThn thy)& won$ ha&n)t thyED 3 said bittrly! C'nd th nxt tim w bring
hr in$ thy)ll #om and do th sam to m!D
*is (aw was diamond%hard$ his fa# unforgi&ing! CNo$ thy won)t! Thy won)t
gt th #han#!D
* turnd on his hl and strod out to th lo#kup! 3 took th opportunity of his
absn# to rtri& my mobil and my kys from my dsk drawr and lft th
station$ hading to th #arpark! 3 would dri& myslf to th do#tor! 3 #ouldn)t
tolrat bing in his prsn# for on s#ond longr!
3t took thr attmpts to unlo#k th >and .o&r! Bn my last try$ with th
support of my othr hand$ 3 finally managd to n#ourag my shaking hand to insrt
th ky proprly and opn th door! 's 3 did$ >ola 1y#raft stompd down th sid of
th station$ swaring up a storm at bing for#d to walk hom! Sh stoppd whn
sh saw m and stood in front of m$ tiny$ sun%spottd$ straw%haird$ wrinkld hands
on hr s#rawny hips$ laughing so mu#h for a #oupl of minuts that sh #ouldn)t
brath! Th tars ploppd off hr fa#$ splashing th gra&l bnath us!
C8y boys ha& don m proud today$D sh gaspd btwn laughs! CEx#pt
thy should ha& killd you for lo#king m up$ pig%bit#h! Don)t &r think about
doing it again or you won)t gt off so fu#king lightly nxt tim!D 'nd sh spat on
my boot and strod off down th dri& towards th strt! 't th gat$ sh turnd
around to yll$ C'nd 3 hop thy all took turns to fu#k you till you bggd thm to
kill you!D
CThy didn)t &n gt #los$ >ola 1y#raft$ you maggoty old bit#h$D 3 ylld
aftr hr$ dspit th pain it #ausd m! C3 bat th shit out of thm and 3)ll bat th
shit out of th nxt bun#h to #om to gt you too! 'nd you know it,D
Sh ga& m th fingr with a#h hand$ but didn)t turn around!
3 #limbd into th dri&r)s sat$ th kys falling from my trmbling fingrs
down onto th gra&l! 3 land my forhad #arfully against th string whl and
bgan to #ry silntly$ shouldrs shaking! 3 was in so mu#h pain that 3 wasn)t sur
how 3 was going to dri& anywhr or do anything! Th tars droppd onto my
#argo pants$ la&ing small watry bloodstains on th dark blu matrial!
' gntl hand took my arm and ld m down out of th >and .o&r and anothr
hand in th middl of my ba#k pulld m up against a hard$ warm$ saf body! 3
didn)t rally #ar who it blongd to$ 3 land against it gratfully and lt my tars
finish thir ;uit #ours! Th Sarg pulld m in #losr$ both arms around m$
rubbing my ba#k soothingly and murmuring som #omforting words in my ar$
non of whi#h 3 #ould rmmbr whn 3 thought ba#k on th momnt!
:hn 3 had finishd #rying$ la&ing smard blood all o&r his now soggy shirt$
h ld m o&r to th patrol #ar and pushd m down into th passngr sat$ did up
my satblt and offrd m th box of tissus 3 always kpt insid! 3 took two
handfuls and usd thm to mop up my ys$ nos and blood$ thn land ba#k
against th sat and #losd my ys$ holding frsh tissus to th gash on my
forhad! : sat in siln# for a long tim until 3 opnd my ys again!
C3)m sorry$D 3 mumbld down at my lap$ too mbarrassd at my loss of
#omposur A first th angr$ thn th tars A to &n look at him! 3 #arfully swipd
away mor traitorous tars! *)d surly ha& mor hatd words to say about my
la#k of profssionalism now!
1ut of #ours h didn)t! 3nstad$ his &oi# was soft$ but straind! CTss$ plas
don)t say that! "ou ha& nothing to b sorry about! 3t)s m who)s sorry for
&rything! 3 #an s that 3)& fu#kd up this whol situation badly!D
3 wasn)t going to argu with him! * waitd patintly until 3 grabbd anothr
handful of tissus and moppd up som mor! 3 was fast running out of tissus!
C*ow many of thm wr thrED h askd whn 3)d finishd$ starting th #ar!
3 brathd in a dp gasp of air and rlasd it in a hug unstady draught$
wanting only to forgt what had (ust happnd! C2our! .d$ Iarl$ 'l and /ra! Th
oldr ons! Th worst ons!D 3 skt#hd out for him what had happnd as w spd
off towards th mdi#al #lini# at th prison again$ prssing mor tissus against my
forhad! 3t wouldn)t stop blding! 3 was proud that my &oi# trmbld only a
smidg as 3 spok!
C"ou fought off four mn by yourslfED h askd with un#on#ald
C3 #an look aftr myslf$D 3 said #oldly$ not appr#iating his #onds#nding
C3 #an s that$D h #ommntd &nly! C1ut still ! ! ! four mnED
C3 told you$ Joanna #am along at th right tim too!D 3 pausd for a momnt!
C3)ll b in troubl! 3 shot .d 1y#raft in th arm! 3)& n&r shot anyon bfor!D
C:ho)s h going to #omplain toED
3 lookd out th window! C3 should ha& shot him in th had! Thy would ha&
all rapd m if thy)d had th #han#! Esp#ially him!D
CTss ! ! !D * was at a loss as to what to say! : dro& in siln# for a whil!
3 finally mad y #onta#t with him$ my ys s#ouring his profil$ all th hop
that h)d brought into my lif &aporatd! C"ou said w wr going to b a tam$
but you wouldn)t listn to m whn 3 told you it was a bad ida to arrst >ola! 'nd
you lft m alon to dal with th 1y#rafts whn 3 trid to tll you that 3 was
worrid about thm sking r&ng! Thy told m that thy wat#hd you la&
bfor thy poun#d! Thy wouldn)t ha& trid it on if you)d bn thr!D
* said nothing$ only tightning his (aw in rspons! : kpt dri&ing!
3 stard at him a##usingly! 3 #ouldn)t hid th dpth of btrayal 3 was fling at
that momnt! 3t hurt almost as mu#h as th physi#al pain 3 was xprin#ing! 3)d
trustd him and h)d lt m down! C3 gnuinly bli&d &rything you said to m
about bing a tam! 1ut you know whatE 3)& hard all that #rap bfor! Ds ga&
m th sam rubbish whn 3 startd working with him$ so you #an sa& your brath
in th futur!D
Nothing but siln# from him as h strd th whl and prssd th pdals
automati#ally$ but th motional l#tri#ity in th air #ould ha& powrd a small
&illag for a fw wks!
3 didn)t hold ba#k and lashd out at him fir#ly! CNow 3 know you)r (ust on
of thos popl who only talk th talk! Th kind of hypo#rit that tlls m off for
ltting my motions aff#t my profssionalism and thn dos xa#tly th sam thing
himslf! 1ut 3 guss that)s th rason you)r th offi#r%in%#harg and 3)m not!
1#aus you)r th big #ity #op who knows &rything about this town aftr li&ing
hr for a whol fi& minuts and 3)m (ust th thi#k hillbilly who dosn)t know shit!
:ll$ you know whatE 3)m a bttr #op than you)ll &r gi& m #rdit for!D 3 stard
out th window$ stonily$ on hand prssing th tissus against my forhad!
' wrt#hd look #rossd his fa#! C3 dsr& &ry word of that and 3)m rally
sorry$ Tss$ bli& m! 3 #ompltly mis(udgd th whol situation! "ou)r right! 3
was so angry at >ola 1y#raft that 3 lt my motions tak o&r my thinking! 3 won)t
mak that mistak again$ 3 promis!D
3 turnd to him with s#orn! C3f you do$ you)ll ha& to work out what happnd
to m from th fornsi#s!D 3 lt that sink in for a momnt! C1#aus 3 won)t b ali&
to tll you!D
*is (aw #ln#hd and un#ln#hd at fw tims at my bluntnss! C3)m going to
gt us mor rsour#s$ Tss! :)r a tam now! :)r going to bat thos 1y#rafts$
togthr! "ou)r not alon anymor$D h said arnstly!
C'rn)t 3ED 3 ;ustiond with bittrnss$ thinking that$ /od hlp m$ 3 did want
to bli& him! Thn 3 bratd myslf! Was there no end to my gullibility$ 3 askd$
rminding myslf that whn 3)d ndd him most$ h hadn)t bn thr for m! Just
lik Ds!
Cha#ter *4
: wr sa&d from any furthr un#omfortabl dis#ussion by my phon
ringing! 3t was Dad and 3 assurd him that 3 hadn)t bn shot as h)d hard and that$
ys$ 3 had bn in(urd but was wll and truly ali& and on my way to th do#tor!
Thn 'b rang and 3 wnt through th sam routin$ but this tim assuring him that
Joanna and 3 hadn)t shot fi& 1y#rafts dad as h)d hard$ though 3 #onfssd that 3
wishd w had!
Th nxt #all was from Jak! * was at boiling point with angry distrss! CTss$
what th fu#k)s going onE 3)m haring all sorts of things A that you)& bn shot$
that you)& killd my mothr$ that you)& bn assaultd by my brothrs! Talk to
m$ bab!D
3 didn)t fl lik going through it again whil th Sarg was listning$ so told
him 3 was okay$ was on my way to th prison as w spok and would tll him
&rything whn 3 arri&d! Thn 3 hung up and turnd off my phon$ not wanting to
talk to anybody ls! 3 #losd my ys and trid to go o&r &ry a#tion that had
happnd during thos trrifying minuts$ thinking about th rport 3)d ha& to writ
:hn w pulld into th #arpark of th prison$ Jak was waiting for m! 's was
&ry othr prison offi#r on a brak! 3 wasn)t happy about that$ not parti#ularly
wanting to ha& an audin#! Jak rushd o&r to m th s#ond 3 gingrly stppd
out of th #ar$ pulling up short whn h saw my fa#! Th rspons from his work
mats rangd from sympathti# murmurings to angry disgust +at th 1y#rafts$ not
m$ 3 hopd-!
CBh Tssi! 1ab$D h whisprd in dismay and gathrd m to his #hst$
#rushing m in his arms! : stayd lik that for a whil$ but thr wr no mor
tars from m! 3)d #rid myslf out all o&r th Sarg)s shirt alrady! Jak pulld
ba#k to look down at m! 3 mt his ys stadily$ not flin#hing from his intns
ga9$ &n though 3 knw 3 lookd byond trribl!
C:ho did itED h askd with supprssd angr$ stroking my hair! C3)m going to
kill thm!D
3 loosnd on hand from his tight grip and pointd to my blding nos! CThis
was .d! Twi#! 'nd this was /ra$D 3 said pointing to my bla#kning y! C'nd
this$D rfrring to my split lip$ Cwas 'l!D
C:hat about thisED h askd softly$ kissing my forhad nar th ugly gash!
3 ga& a sour laugh and wipd away mor blood! CThat was whr 3 hit my had
on th doorstop aftr Iarl ta#kld m!D
C'nd what about ! ! !D h hsitatd$ not knowing how to phras on of his
gratst fars!
CNo$ thy didn)t gt th #han#! 1ut .d thratnd to and your mothr told m
that sh hopd thy had!D 3 wasn)t sugar%#oating th truth for him!
C"ou shouldn)t ha& arrstd hr$D h said dfnsi&ly!
CSh swor at th Sarg and spat on him! :)r not putting up with that rubbish
anymor$ Jak$D 3 said$ dfnding th Sarg! 3 wondrd brifly why 3 bothrd!
C"our family has to start bha&ing thmsl&s lik #i&ilisd human bings!D
* #hangd th sub(#t$ whi#h h always did whn th talk about his family
b#am too pri#kly for him$ nding to dir#t his immns rag somwhr ls
bsids thm! Th Sarg mad an asy and ob&ious targt! Jak lookd o&r at him
waiting impatintly$ wanting to tak m to th do#tor as soon as possibl!
C:hr th hll wr you whn all this was happning to Tssi$ 8aguirE
"ou)r supposd to b a tam!D *is ton was unmistakably hostil!
Th Sarg bristld immdiatly! C3 had othr dutis to s to that took m from
th station!D
CDid you know that your #l&r d#ision to lo#k up my mothr would pro&ok
my familyE 3)m sur that Tssi told you it was a bad ida! Did you listn to hr or
ar you too mu#h of a hotshot #ity #op to listn to a lo#al yoklED Th xprssion on
th Sarg)s fa# apparntly told him &rything h ndd to know! Jak shook his
had with pur loathing! C:hat)s happnd to Tssi is all your fault$D h said
CNo$ it)s not,D th Sarg shoutd suddnly! C3t)s your family)s fault$ 1y#raft!
Thy)r th sa&ags who gangd up on your girlfrind and bat hr up! 'nd 3 hop
you)r proud of thm!D
Jak stalkd o&r and stood nos%to%nos with th Sarg! Thy wr of a similar
hight and build$ th Sarg marginally tallr and bulkir!
C"our bad (udgmnt is hurting Tssi$D Jak snarld!
CThat pa#k of animals you #all a family is hurting Tss$D th Sarg snarld
C3)m going to sort thm out$D Jak told him!
CNo$ you won)t$D th Sarg insistd #oldly! C"ou won)t intrfr with poli#
Jak buttd up &n #losr to him! 3f th two mn had horns$ thy would ha&
bn lo#kd togthr by now! CDon)t you fu#king tll m what to do$ 8aguir! This
is my girlfrind and my family w)r talking about!D
CDon)t you disoby a dir#ti& from a poli# offi#r$D warnd th Sarg
offi#iously$ Cor you)ll find yourslf in th lo#kup as wll! "ou stay away from your
family$ and 3)ll tak #ar of Tss!D
C"ou ha&n)t don a good (ob of that so far$ ha& youE Ds lookd aftr hr
bttr than you$D snrd Jak! C"ou bttr (ust stay th fu#k away from hr if you
know what)s good for you!D
8y ys mo&d from Jak to th Sarg$ unimprssd with ithr! 3 rotatd and
pushing through th #rowd of prison offi#rs ngrossd by th mn)s #onfrontation$
stalkd into th prison by myslf$ straight past th r#ption ara! Knlik my usual
pra#ti#$ today 3 didn)t stop to talk to any of th #urious staff$ who (umpd to opn
all th s#urity doors for m down th hall to th #lini#! :hn h saw my fa#$
>indsy hustld th #urrnt patint out of th #onsulting room to a prison offi#r and
took m in ahad of th waiting prisonrs$ ignoring thir loud moans about th
unfairnss of my priority tratmnt!
Dr 2nn took on look at m and mad m sit down$ tlling >indsy to ft#h m
som warm swt ta immdiatly! 3 fll into th #hair and startd trmbling
un#ontrollably$ tars pooling in my ys again at thir kindnss and #on#rn! Th
do#tor hld my hands tightly and rassurd m with a #omposd authority 3 found
#omforting that 3 was suffring from dlayd sho#k! * informd m it was a
prf#tly normal physi#al ra#tion to any &nt that had #ausd th produ#tion of a
lot of adrnalin in th body! 'nd whil 3 sippd on th swt lukwarm ta and
#almd myslf$ h and >indsy pat#hd m up$ stit#hing th gash abo& my
ybrow and #laning up my split lip$ xamining my nos! 3 told thm &rything
that had happnd to m whil thy workd!
CTssi$D sympathisd th Do#$ pausing with a blood%drn#hd #otton swab in
his hand$ Cyou #an)t #ontinu lik this! "our body)s takn a ral bating o&r th
last fw days! "ou nd som tim off and mayb start thinking about la&ing town!
Br finding a nw (ob!D
C3)m not going to lt thos 1y#rafts bat m$D 3 insistd stubbornly! CThy)&
alrady don nough damag to my family! 3)m not ltting thm dri& Dad and m
out of th hom that w wr both born in$ or th town that our family has li&d in
sin# th &ry bginning! Esp#ially with Dad in th shap h is!D
CTssi$ you know that 3 admir your spirit$ but thos 1y#raft animals ar
#larly gunning for you! 'nd you)r not going to b any good to your fathr if
you)r dad$ ar youED
CDo# ! ! !D 3 startd$ sho#kd by his brutal franknss! 1ut bfor 3 #ould say
anothr word$ thr was a soft kno#k on th door and Jak pokd his had around$
un#rtain of his wl#om!
C:)r still #onsulting hr$ Bffi#r 1y#raft! :ait outsid plas$D th do#tor
dmandd with i#y sharpnss! Jak withdrw without a fuss!
Th do#tor took a syring out of its pa#kt! C3)m gi&ing you a shot of morphin!
"ou)ll fl th ff#ts immdiatly! "ou must b in a grat dal of pain with ths
nw in(uris on top of your old ons!D
3 admittd that 3 was and bra#d for th in(#tion! 3 wasn)t a big fan of ndls
or of drugs in gnral$ but h was right! 3 flt th strong pain fading into th
ba#kground aftr only a fw minuts! 3 #ould ha& kissd him!
* took photos of my fa# for &idn#$ with #los%ups of a#h wound$ and
promisd again to mail m his rport as soon as possibl! 's 3 stood up$ h prssd
&n mor painkillrs into my hands! C"ou)r going to nd ths latr! Thy)r
&ry strong so tak thm sparingly and stri#tly a##ording to dir#tions!D
CThanks Do#! 3 bttr lt you gt ba#k to your othr patints$D 3 said as 3 ga&
both th do#tor and >indsy a spontanous hug! C'nd thanks &ry mu#h again for
hlping m out so oftn!D
Dr 2nn smild sadly! CTss$ 3)m &ry fond of you$ but 3)d b happy n&r to
s you hr again!D >indsy noddd in wry agrmnt!
3 ga& thm th bst half%smil 3 #ould manag$ a bit tarful again and agrd$
la&ing th room and ;uitly #losing th door bhind m!
Jak and th Sarg wr sprawld on th plasti# waiting%room sats$ bord$
sitting #onspi#uously apart! Thy both (umpd up whn 3 #am out and both walkd
towards m! 3 wnt to Jak and stppd into his arms again! * huggd m tightly
and it was ha&n to lan against him$ saf and lo&d again!
CTssi$ 3)m so sorry about what my family ha& don to you! 3 want to go and
sort thm out myslf$ but Srgant Shithad o&r thr kps thratning to arrst
m if 3 go nar thm$D h whisprd in my ar$ kissing m gntly on th lips! 3
r#oild strongly ba#kwards in pain!
CDon)t do that, 3t hurts$D 3 snappd$ pushing him away! C"ou bttr listn to th
Sarg$ Jaky! 3 don)t want him to arrst you!D 3 yawnd! Now that th adrnalin
had fadd$ 3 suddnly flt totally xhaustd! C3)m going hom! 3 nd to rst!D
CBf #ours you do! 3)ll dri& you hom$D h said$ taking my hand!
CNo$ it)s okay! "ou go ba#k to work! 3 don)t want you to los any pay b#aus
of m! 3)ll ask th Sarg to dri& m hom! 3t)s th last h #an do for m!D
C"ou sur$ baby dollED 3 assurd him 3 was! CBkay! 3)ll #all you latr! 3 lo&
you!D 'nd h kissd m tndrly on my forhad$ away from my nw stit#hs!
3 lookd up at him and huggd him tightly! C3 lo& you too$ Jaky!D 3 walkd
o&r to whr th Sarg was waiting$ wat#hing us with d#pti& aloofnss$ his
arms #rossd!
C>t)s go$ Tss$D h dmandd and 3 noddd agrmnt$ #arfully yawning
again! * slid his arm around my shouldrs and lookd down at m$ his ys
showing his gnuin #on#rn! C'r you okayE :hat did th do#tor sayED
C3)ll li&$D 3 said flatly! 3 didn)t want to talk to him! 3 turnd and wa&d to Jak$
sighing at th dark xprssion on his fa# at th Sarg)s familiarity! 3 slippd out
from undr th Sarg)s arm and hadd off to th patrol #ar by myslf! 3nsid$ 3
slumpd in th passngr sat$ #losing my ys to dis#ourag any #on&rsation on
th way ba#k!
CTss$D h bgan$ dspit my unmistakabl hint that 3 had no wish to spak!
C3)& organisd a for# from 1ig Town to mt m so w #an arrst all four 1y#rafts
at on#! That)s why 3 didn)t want your boyfrind to b in town whn it happns! 3t
will probably gt ugly!D
C3 want to b thr too$D 3 insistd$ opning my ys and sitting up with intrst!
CNo$D h said firmly! C3 don)t want you xposd to any mor &ioln# today!D
C3)m a #op in this town! 3t)s my (ob, "ou #an)t (ust AD
* was rsolut$ intrrupting m! CDon)t mak m gi& you an ordr about this$
Tss! 3 want th 1y#rafts to stop asso#iating &ry poli#ing a#ti&ity that happns in
this town with you! "ou)r not going to b in&ol&d in this bust! 3f thr)s going to
b any rtribution$ 3 want it to b on my had this tim$ not yours!D
3 said nothing$ silntly fuming!
C3 know you think 3)m not listning to you again$ but #an you plas try to
undrstand my rasoning about thisED
3 didn)t rspond$ staring straight ahad at th road flying towards us$ (aw st$ not
mting his ys! 8y thoughts wr spinning! 3)d always bn in th middl of
e"ery poli# a#tion in >ittl Town sin# 3)d bn postd hr! 3 #ouldn)t imagin
stpping ba#k from a 1y#raft raid!
CTssED h askd again! C0lasED
3 rmaind silnt$ staring ahad! Couldn)t &n imagin it!
C0las TssED h bggd$ with so mu#h honst motion that 3 rlntd a littl!
1ut 3 didn)t answr him straight away!
CBkay$D 3 said finally and ;uitly$ all th fight dsrting m in a swift flow! Th
morphin was kno#king m out$ 3 ralisd rlu#tantly! 'nd 3)d had nough of th
1y#rafts for on day anyway!
CThank you$D h said$ ;ually ;uit$ as w pulld into my dri&way! * insistd
on a##ompanying m upstairs to xplain &rything to Dad$ m instantly shaking off
his hlping hand whn 3 painfully #limbd th front stairs! 3nsid$ h fa#d th sam
angry s#pti#ism about his (udgmnt from Dad that Jak had dishd out to him! 3
didn)t dfnd him! :hil h listnd to Dad #almly and patintly$ not trying to
(ustify himslf or blam anyon ls$ 3 wrot down th usual hom addrsss of th
four 1y#rafts who)d atta#kd m! 'ftr tn solid minuts of Dad brating him$ th
Sarg lookd at his wat#h and x#usd himslf as it was tim to mt th tam from
1ig Town at th station! 3 walkd him to th door!
C3 wish 3 was going to b thr with you all$D 3 #omplaind unhappily$ laning
with warinss against th doorfram!
C3 know you do! 1ut it)s bttr if you)r not in&ol&d!D * land on th
doorfram as wll$ standing too #los to m$ his dark blu ys looking down into
min intnsly! *is hand ra#hd up to rst on my shouldr$ s;u9ing it tightly$
sin#r rgrt on his fa#! CToday)s th last tim 3)m &r going to lt you down$
Tss! Do you bli& mED
3 wantd to du#k out from undr his hand$ but was too msmrisd by his ys
to mo&$ lost in thir dpths! C3 want to bli& you$ but 3 ! ! ! it)s (ust ! ! ! 3 ! ! !D 3
sighd dply! C3 don)t know!D
C3)ll pro& it to you$ 3 promis$D h said in a low srious &oi# and w sar#hd
a#h othr)s ys$ #apturd by th motion of th momnt! * snappd out of it
first$ looking away with a ha&y sigh! C:ll$ okay$ 3 bttr gt mo&ing$ 3 suppos!
3)ll drop by aftr it)s o&r! S you$ Tss!D
C/ood lu#k! Tak #ar!D * walkd away! CBh$ and Sarg$D 3 #alld out aftr
him! * turnd! CIi#k a fw hads in for m! Esp#ially .d)s!D * smild brifly! 3
didn)t smil ba#k! * (oggd down th stairs to th #ar! * tootd th horn as h
dro& off and 3 wa&d and land against th door until 3 #ouldn)t s th #ar
' fw minuts latr$ 3 was standing undr th showr$ th stram of hot watr
;ually painful and thraputi# as it washd away th drid blood! 3 drssd in a
loos skirt and t%shirt and #arfully a&oidd looking at my poor damagd fa# in th
mirror as 3 #ombd my wt hair! :hn 3 #am out 3 found Dad soaking my uniform
in stain rmo&r!
Dad mad m lun#h$ but 3 wasn)t abl to #hok down &n a bit of it! 3t was
only as 3 sttld down nxt to him$ his hand softly and soothingly stroking my hair$
to wat#h som mind%numbing aftrnoon TL that 3 rmmbrd that 3)d turnd off
my phon! 3 turnd it ba#k on to s that 3)d had missd a numbr of phon #alls
sin# thn! Th only on 3 was intrstd in was Jak$ so 3 rang him ba#k$ but h
must ha& bn working b#aus it wnt straight to his &oi#mail! 3 lft him a ;ui#k
mssag ltting him know that 3 was saf at hom and thn turnd my phon off
again! Somtims you (ust don)t want to talk to anybody!
Th banality of th TL show and th strong shot of painkillr th do#tor had
gi&n m mad m drowsy! 3 #urld up on th loung and fll aslp! :hn 3 wok
up$ groggily rousd by th sound of raisd &oi#s$ 3 was alon in th room and th
lat aftrnoon sun was straming through th window! 3 sat up and rubbd my ys$
win#ing with pain whn 3 blatdly rmmbrd that on of thm was now bruisd!
Th &oi#s wr #oming from th kit#hn$ but 3 didn)t go in&stigat! 8y brain was
too fluffy with painkillr and slp to gi& my body any dir#tions$ so 3 rmaind
slumpd on th loung blinking blarily at th blank TL!
Th &oi#s #am #losr until a blond%haird pixi pokd hr fa# around th
doorway and a familiar husky$ sxy &oi# assaild m! CThank Christ, Slping
1auty)s finally wokn up$ and sh didn)t &n ha& to kiss a fugly toad lik 1um
hr to do it!D 3t was 2iona$ and standing bhind$ towring o&r hr$ was 1um
CBh no$ what)s h doing in my housED 3 #omplaind tirdly$ listing to my right!
3 #losd my ys again!
2iona turnd hr had and ylld to somon in th hall! C*y 8aguir$ gt
your ars in hr and #om prop up your littl partnr! Sh)s as loos as a 1y#raft%
fu#king slut! Bh that)s right$ 3 almost forgot$ sh is a 1y#raft%fu#king slut!D
3 waitd for Dad to yll out to hr to wat#h hr mouth b#aus that was his
daughtr sh was talking about$ but h didn)t!
C:hr)s DadED 3 murmurd$ anxity braking through my grogginss!
CBn of his rprobat frinds took him down to th pub for a fw hours$D sh
rassurd m! CThy)r playing th pokis! * didn)t want to go$ but 3 told him
w)d kp you busy whil h was gon! 'nd Christ knows th poor blok dsr&s
a fu#king brak now and thn! Esp#ially with you as a daughtr and all th troubl
you #aus!D
Th Sarg ntrd th room$ shooting th 3nsp#tor a dirty look at hr languag$
and sat nxt to m on th loung$ hauling m upright with his arm around my
shouldr! Too groggy to #ar$ 3 land o&r until 3 was #omfortably supportd on his
shouldr$ rfusing to opn my ys! * kpt his arm around m! 3 surprisd myslf
by thinking how ni# it was!
CTssi$ you ar on lu#ky bit#h$D 2iona said$ sttling hrslf in an arm#hair$
1um in th othr! 3 opnd my good y brifly and glard at hr! 3 was not abl to
think of a singl way in whi#h my situation #ould possibly b #onsidrd as Glu#ky)!
C"ou ha& th 3nsp#tor hrslf #oming out to this horribl hors%fu#king
shitpil of a town to in&stigat your assault! Talk about ta#hr)s pt!D Sh #ast a
s#ornful y on 1um! C3 #ouldn)t trust any othr of th dumbshits 3 ha& to work
with to look aftr my Tssi proprly! Couldn)t &n find thir own arss with a
map and a /0S!D 1um ignord hr #almly$ wll usd to hr diatribs!
3 sat up$ instantly alrt$ and twistd to look up at th Sarg! *is uniform was
s#uffd$ his hair mor mussd than usual$ h had a bruis d&loping on his #hk
and a small #ut on his bottom lip! C:hat happndE Did you gt thm allED
C'll four ar in #ustody$ on thir way to 1ig Town right now$D h told m$ with
an xaltd smil! C: had to gt mdi#al attntion for all of thm$ sp#ially .d!
"ou did a good (ob of bating thm up$ Tss! :hn w brok th door down to
.d)s pla#$ his mothr and his girlfrind wr trying to stit#h up his arm with
nothing but som Dttol$ #otton balls and fishing lin! Thy wrn)t &ry happy
about him bing arrstd and it b#am &iolnt at on point! 1ut h)d had a half%
bottl of rum to numb th pain by th tim w turnd up and was as drunk as all
hll! * #ouldn)t &n stand up straight and didn)t put up mu#h of a fight! *is
mothr was a diffrnt story though! Sh fought us lik a dmon! /od$ that woman
is th d&il)s #onsort!D * frownd! C:hat 3 don)t undrstand is why non of th
mn mad a run for it aftr thy lft th poli# station! Thy had at last a thr hour
had start o&r us!D
2iona answrd! CToo fu#king usd to gtting away with &rything! Think
thy)r abo& th law!D Sh laughd$ a hard barking nois! C: showd thos
s#rots who)s in #harg around hr today$ that)s for sur!D
8y hand flw up to my mouth$ not abl to spak$ suddnly o&rwhlmd by
motion again$ glad that somon bsids m was finally doing something about th
1y#rafts for on#! 3 furiously blinkd ba#k th unwl#om tars that sprang into my
ys! Nobody #rid in front of Dt#ti& 3nsp#tor 2iona 8iddn!
C'w Jsus$ don)t turn on th watrworks$ Tssi$D 2iona sighd with impatint
disgust! C3t dosn)t #ut any i# with m b#aus 3 know that you)r rally as tough
as drid bull)s balls! 1sids$ you)ll (ust gi& ths two &n mor of a horn for you
with thos hlplss littl girl tars! 'nd thy don)t nd any mor n#ouragmnt$
bli& m! >ook at this on$D and sh indi#atd th Sarg$ Cwith his fu#king hands
all o&r you lik a 1raill%rading o#topus! 'nd this on$D nodding towards 1um$
Chas bn pr&ing at your pantis sin# w got hr!D
Thos #ommnts had th immdiat ff#t of drying up my thratnd tars$ but
lft th thr of us fling un#omfortabl! 3 lookd down and saw with
mbarrassmnt that 3 was flashing an ind#nt amount of thigh$ and ys$ probably
som pantis! 3 hastily pulld my skirt down o&r my lgs from whr it had riddn
up as 3 slpt! Th Sarg lt go of my shouldr and 3 promptly shiftd away from him
to th opposit nd of th loung$ #rossing my lgs and arms prot#ti&ly$ not
making any y #onta#t with ithr man! Th Sarg)s fa# was stony and 1um
s;uirmd in his #hair$ his ys firmly fixd on th #arpt$ pink flushing his #hks!
C/ood$D said 2iona$ plasd with th rspons! CNow that th mn ar fo#ussd
and got thir minds off thir di#ks for on#$ lt)s gt down to businss! 3 ha&n)t got
all day and 3)m gagging on th stink of #ow shit alrady!D
CThr)s only a handful of #ows around hr$ ma)am$D 3 pointd out politly!
C8ust b thos 1y#rafts 3 #an smll thn! :hat&r! 3t fu#king rks in this
town!D Sh turnd to 1um! C/t your notpad out$ dipshit, 3 want you to gt your
had out of your ars and do som work for on#!D
C"s ma)am!D * s#rambld to opn his notbook and ha& his pn poisd$
rady to writ! 3 almost flt sorry for him ha&ing to work so #losly with 2iona$ day
in$ day out! 'lmost!
Sh skilfully took us through th day)s &nts from whn w bgan our
#ommunity bat! :hn w ra#hd th part about taking >ola 1y#raft to th lo#kup$
sh stoppd hr ;ustioning$ an in#rdulous xprssion on hr fa#!
C'nd whi#h on of you numb%nuts thought that was a good idaED sh
dmandd$ hr sharp blu ys s#or#hing first th Sarg$ thn m! 3t was a tst of
sorts$ b#aus sh knw it wouldn)t ha& bn m!
3 stayd silnt$ looking down at my bar ft$ possibly th on part of m that
#urrntly wasn)t bruisd! Th Sarg spok up without hsitation! CThat was m$
Sh shook hr had sadly! CJsus, 3t)s always th fu#king sam A th bttr%
looking thy ar$ th dumbr thy ar! 'nd you$ 8aguir$ ar as dumb as a box of
ro#ks! Tss,D Sh mad m (ump! C:hy didn)t you tll Srgant Shit%for%brains
hr that it was a stupid ida to lo#k up that old bit#h%hagED
3 didn)t want to answr b#aus that would b disloyal!
Th Sarg (umpd in again! CSh did$ ma)am$ but 3 wouldn)t listn to hr! 3 was
angry that 8rs 1y#raft spat on m!D : x#hangd a glan# and h ga& m a small
rmorsful smil! 3 ga& him a smallr on in rturn! 3 also ga& him ma(or points
for owning up to a s#rw%up in front of 2iona and not blaming m for anything! *
#ouldn)t ha& bn mor diffrnt to Ds at that momnt if h)d trid!
C2u#k a du#k, Can you two sa& your lo&fst for latr in th ba#ksat of your
patrol #ar lik th rst of usE Just answr th ;ustions so 3 #an gt th fu#k out of
this ba#kwards shithol bfor 3 start wanting to root a goat and marry my own
C"our brothr)s prtty #ut$D 3 rmindd hr$ ying hr stadily! C'nd w)&
got som ral talntd goats around ths parts$ if you know what 3 man! "ou
#ould do a lot wors$ ma)am!D
2iona)s mouth slammd shut and a rar$ bautiful smil #rossd hr fa#$
lighting up hr faturs$ making hr look twnty yars youngr and swtly prtty!
Sh turnd to th two mn! C'nd that)s why 3)ll always rsp#t Tssi 2ullr a
hundrd tims mor than 3)ll &r rsp#t any of you swinging%di#ks! Sh maks m
smil$ and thr)s not mu#h in this ars%fu#king world that #an mak m smil
anymor$ but sh #an!D
Sh droppd th smil and #ontinud ;ustioning m! Sh ld m through th
ambush at th station$ &n making m stand up and dmonstrat xa#tly what 3 did
and what thy did$ and that)s why sh was su#h a good dt#ti& A sh was
thorough$ n&r sloppy and n&r missing any information$ no mattr how small or
smingly insignifi#ant! :hn sh)d finishd ;ustioning m at hom$ sh wantd
m go down to th station and r%na#t th assault!
:hn 3 groand in #omplaint$ sh argud ba#k$ banging hr fist on th armrst
of th #hair to strss hr points! C>ook Tss$ 3 want a guarantd SbangT #on&i#tion
on ths arswip SbangT 1y#rafts$ so w)r going to mak sur our fu#king #as
SbangT is absolutly solid SbangT and tightr than .d 1y#raft)s arshol whn h
stps ba#k into prison Stwo bangs for xtra mphasisT!D
Sh sat ba#k and fixd m with thos bright ys! C3 rally want to s .d
1y#raft lo#kd up prmanntly! *)s a #old%bloodd prdator and 3 want him off th
strts of :attling 1ay as soon as possibl bfor h atta#ks again! Jsus fu#king
Christ$ Tss, 3f you)d sn th in(uris h lft on that young girl! Sh)s s#arrd for
lif$ physi#ally and mntally! Sh)ll n&r b abl to trust a man again!D Sh glard
at th Sarg and 1um a##usingly as if thy wr both rapists%in%waiting and shook
hr had in gnuin sorrow at .d)s last &i#tim! Th last &i#tim h was lo#kd up
for$ anyway! 0oor Sharn didn)t #ount offi#ially!
Thr was no way 3 #ould argu with that$ so th four of us troopd out of my
hous only to mt Jak walking up th front stairs$ still in his uniform$ his
o&rnight bag slung o&r his shouldr! Th Sarg and 1um tnsd$ shooting him
o&rtly hostil glan#s that h rturnd doublfold$ whil 2iona rgardd thm all$
hands on hr hips$ #yni#ally amusd half%smil on hr lips! *r blu ys wr
bright with mis#hif! 8in was th only wl#oming fa# for him$ but &n thn 3
s#rtly wishd h hadn)t #om!
C2u#k m,D 2iona said loudly! CSmll th tstostron spraying out around hr$
Tssi! Th stn#h is unbarabl! 3 r#kon w)ll s a #o#kfight o&r you if w hang
around long nough$ thr)s so mu#h #omptition for biggst di#k dominan# going
on right now! Somon bttr #all Da&id 'ttnborough fast! 3t)s fas#inating animal
CStop it$ ma)am,D 3 rmonstratd with sharp mbarrassmnt$ bfor turning to
Jak! C:hat ar you doing hr$ hony%boyE 3 wasn)t xp#ting you!D
CTh boss lt m swap my shift so 3 #ould b hr for you tonight$ Tssi!D *
put his arm around m and gntly kissd m on th #hk$ his ga9 swping o&r
th othr thr with non of his usual frindlinss! 3 guss h)d hard from his
family about th arrsts!
C3 ha& to go down to th station with 2iona and 1um! 3)m bing intr&iwd!D
C3)ll #om with you!D
CNo$ you won)t$D said 2iona straight away!
That ruffld his fathrs! C:hy th hll notE Tssi nds my support right now
and 3)m going to gi& hr that!D
Sh turnd to m and shook hr had in mo#k bwildrmnt! C'nothr on
who)s too hot for words$ but almost too stupid to brath!D Thn sh turnd ba#k to
him! C1#aus Jak A and 3)ll try to say this in words of on syllabl or lss (ust for
your bnfit b#aus you)r a 1y#raft A this is an offi#ial in&stigation into an
assault against our Tssi by four of your fu#king rpulsi& rlati&s$ who ar now$
thank Christ$ safly in #ustody so thy #an)t hurt hr &n mor! "ou ar not
wl#om to (oin in th in&stigation! 'nd fu#king forgi& m if 3 ;ustion your
moti&s for wanting to (oin us in th first pla#!D Sh stampd off down th stairs$
un#aring of how offndd h was by hr insinuation rgarding his intnt or hr
#ommnt on his intllign#! Sh turnd ba#k to th rst of us! CCom on, /t your
arss in th #ar! 'nd 3 don)t man tomorrow!D
Th Sarg and 1um rushd to oby$ both shooting Jak toxi# glan#s as thy
did! 3 didn)t rush off$ but stayd to hug him! C3 ha& to go with thm! :hat ar you
going to do$ JakyED
C3)ll wait hr for you and kp Tr& #ompany!D
CDad)s not hr right now! *)s at th pub!D
CBkay$D h sighd! C3)ll pottr around thn and mak you dinnr!D * lookd
down at m and tndrly brushd my hair away from th stit#hs on my forhad$
undilutd lo& shining in his ys! C3s that all right$ my bautiful girlE Br do you
think 3)m trying to spy on th in&stigation for my family tooED
CTh thought n&r #rossd my mind$D 3 said honstly! 1um blard th horn and
mad us both (ump! C3 gotta go$ but plas stay with m tonight$ Jaky! 3 rally$
rally nd somon to hug!D
CCours 3 will! 3 lo& you!D 3 smild up at him$ huggd him fir#ly$ and limpd
down th stairs as fast as 3 was abl$ bfor #lamouring into th ba#ksat of th
patrol #ar nxt to th Sarg! Jak wat#hd pnsi&ly from th &randa as w dro&
down th dri&way out onto th highway! 3 wa&d at him as w lft$ but 3 was th
only on who did!
Cha#ter *5
C:hy do you go out with a 1y#raft anyway$ TssiE Thy)r nothing but
animals$D askd 1um$ mting my ys in th rar&iw mirror!
C1#aus Jak)s not an animal and h)s fu#king hot$ you dildo$D rplid 2iona
for m$ looking out th window with bordom! Sh hatd th #ountry! C*a&n)t you
sn Tssi)s fa# aftr a night with himE *)s ob&iously a smoking hot s#rw$
unlik you$ you limp%di#kd arly%s;uirtr! *)s gi&ing our Tssi th rid of hr
lif and h trats hr lik a prin#ss to boot! 'nd$ bsids$ &rybody knows th
1y#rafts ar all hung lik horss!D
CCan w please stop talking about my pri&at lifE 3t)s nobody)s businss who 3
go out with or why$D 3 insistd$ annoyd that popl still flt my rlationship with
Jak was a topi# for #asual #on&rsation! 1um dsistd$ but #ontinud to muttr
about it undr his brath all th way to th station$ shooting m glan#s in th
:hn w pulld into th #arpark and alightd from th #ar$ 2iona lookd up at
th station and groand!
CBh Jsus, 3)d forgottn what a third%world ho&l this pla# is! "ou still got
thos Sunday%roasts%on%lgs li&ing in th lo#kup$ TssiED
CNo ma)am$ th Sarg mad m mo& my girls out! Thy)r li&ing at hom
C/ood for you$ 8aguir! Th only tim 3 lik animals is whn thy)r on my
plat$ swimming in gra&y$D sh said$ stalking up to th front door$ tapping hr foot
impatintly whil th Sarg unlo#kd it!
C/od$D sh x#laimd drisi&ly as sh took in th simpl surroundings of th
#ountr ara!
: took thm to th ba#k room that was in th sam stat of disarray as w)d
lft it arlir in th day!
CThy rally mad a mal of you$ didn)t thy TssiED 1um said angrily$
looking around at th upturnd furnitur!
That was gnuinly ni# of him and 3 appr#iatd his mpathy$ but 3 was
mbarrassd! CTh #hair and th pot plant wr m$D 3 #onfssd$ &ryon)s ys
on m! C'nd that dnt in th filing #abint too! 3 had a tmpr tantrum aftrwards!D
C'ngr)s good$D said 2iona mildly! C1ttr than tars!D
CThr wr thos too!D
CN&r mind$ you)r only human$D sh said$ disappointd! CNow run m
through th whol story again!D
So 3 did$ prforming for thm a strang typ of dan#$ #horographd by far
and pain$ as 3 r%na#td my fight with thos four mn as bst as 3 #ould rmmbr!
Sh shot ;ustions at m th whol tim$ hlping m r#all &n th smallst dtails$
barking at 1um to writ down this or that! Th Sarg stood ;uitly to th sid$
laning on th wall$ arms and ankls #rossd$ wat#hing m th ntir tim with an
unradabl and #losd xprssion on his fa#!
:hn 3 ra#hd th part whr 3 shot .d$ 3 stoppd! C8a)am$ 3)m worrid
about gtting into troubl for shooting .d 1y#raft in th arm!D
C"ou should b worrid! "ou)r in troubl with m about it alrady$D sh
snappd out!
3 lookd at hr anxiously$ waiting for a raming or to b told 3 was going to b
in&stigatd by th poli# intgrity unit! Thr would b an in&stigation of #ours$
as thr was aftr &ry poli# shooting$ but 3)d hopd it would b don #los to
hom and not by anyon in th #ity who didn)t undrstand th lo#al 1y#raft
2iona #ontinud$ C"ou should ha& shot him in th di#k instad whil you had
th #han#! No$ bttr still$ in th fu#king had! 3 know you)r a good shot$ Tssi$
so nxt tim don)t miss$ okayED
3 brathd out ha&ily in rlif$ my ys #losd! Sh #am o&r to m$ sliding
hr arm around my shouldr!
C"ou wrn)t rally worrid about it$ wr youED 3 simply noddd$ not abl to
spak$ #los to thos traitorous tars again! Sh noti#d$ as sh would! CThr isn)t a
#op in :attling 1ay who wouldn)t want to plug a bullt into .d 1y#raft)s skull if
thy had th opportunity and #ould mak it look lik an a##idnt!D Sh ga9d into
my fa# and a flting aff#tionat xprssion #rossd hr faturs! CTssi$ you did
a good (ob hr today$ and w)r all &ry proud of you! Bn# again$ you showd
thos 1y#rafts that you)r not going to li down and di lik thy xp#t! :)r
going to mak sur thos bastards gt what thy dsr&! 'nd don)t worry$ 3)ll b
doing th in&stigation into th shooting and 3)& alrady d#idd that you ha& no
#as to answr to!D
0p talk o&r$ sh hardnd up and #ommn#d intrrogating m again! 1ut by
th s#ond hour 3 was flagging badly! Th painkillr th do#tor ga& m had worn
off a long tim ago and 3 was in grat nd of som dinnr$ mor painkillrs and a
hug from somon! 8y had thumpd badly and 3 #ouldn)t stop thinking about
Jaky$ hoping dspratly that h)d still b thr whn 3 finally rturnd hom! 3
rightd th #hair 3)d ki#kd o&r that morning and plonkd myslf down in it$
propping up my wary had with on hand$ whil 2iona mad sur sh had &ry
littl dtail straight!
3 would n&r dram of tlling hr that 3 was xhaustd! "ou didn)t admit to
human waknss around 2iona! Sh #ouldn)t b furthr rmo&d from a
sympathti#$ matrnal$ lo&ing woman$ but 3 found hr ndlssly supporti& of m$
an inspiring mntor and a rlntlss #hampion! 2or som rason sh)d takn a shin
to m from th s#ond w)d mt whn 3 was a #riti#ally in(urd toddlr and sh was
a frsh%fa#d dt#ti& #onstabl thrown into hr first murdr in&stigation A that of
my mothr)s! 1ing #hildlss$ mayb saw m as som kind of daughtr%figur! 'nd
mayb$ ha&ing bn mothrlss myslf almost my whol lif$ 3 saw som wll%
hiddn hint of mothrlinss in hr that 3 rspondd to! :hat&r! 3t workd for us
and 3)d always found hr ntrtaining and n(oyd hr #ompany immnsly! 'nd 3
sp#ially lo&d wat#hing hr dish it out to mn! 1ing a young woman myslf$ 3)d
#oppd my fair shar of #hau&inisti# bha&iour sin# 3)d (oind th for#$ as 3)m
sur sh had also at my ag! To s hr put arrogant mn in thir pla# with a fw
sharp words was pri#lss! 3 n&r grw tird of it!
1ut &ntually &n 2iona had askd &ry ;ustion sh ndd to! 1y thn 3
had laid my had in my arms on th tabl and #losd my ys$ warily mumbling
answrs to hr!
C3nsp#tor$D spok up th Sarg finally! CTss has had a traumati# day and sh)s
xhaustd! 3 think 3 should tak hr hom to bd!D
2iona stiffnd and spun around to fa# him! CEx#us m$ 8aguirE Did 3 (ust
har you #orr#tlyE 2u#k m$ but you)r bold, Tssi$ wak up,D
3 sprang up$ ys wid! C3)m awak, 3 wasn)t slping$ 3 swar!D
CThis man$D and sh pointd at th Sarg$ mu#h to his surpris$ Cis talking about
gtting you into bd! 3 swar to Christ that)s all h thinks about whn h)s nar
CWhat1D th Sarg and 3 said simultanously$ glan#ing at a#h othr askan#!
C* didn)t say AD 3 startd!
C3 didn)t man AD h startd!
CTh Sarg is ngagd$D 3 told hr$ as if that rsol&d th mattr ntirly!
2iona dir#td hr trrifying ga9 on him! C:ngaged1 :ho th fu#k bothrs
gtting ngagd ths daysE 3t)s lik bing half%prgnant! Eithr you)r marrid or
you)r not! Non of this Gngagd) shit! 8y .onni and 3 mt at a night#lub$ bangd
a#h othr)s brains out th ntir wknd and got marrid four wks latr! 1n
marrid for o&r twnty yars of happinss now! :hn ar you gtting marridED
C: ha&n)t sttld on a dat yt$D h said dgily$ #larly not wishing to dis#uss
his prsonal lif!
C:hy notE *ow long ha& you bn ngagdED
C:ith all rsp#t$ ma)am$ 3 think that)s my businss$ not yours$D h said$
displasd with hr aggrssi& in;uisiti&nss! * straightnd up and was about to
b#om bolshi with hr$ 3 #ould tll from his antagonisti# stan#!
3 stood up and yawnd$ strt#hing as mu#h as 3 #ould with all of my in(uris! C3
rally do nd to go to bd$ 2iona! 3)m wha#kd! 'nd Jaky)s waiting for m at
3t did th tri#k and sh turnd hr attntion ba#k to m and away from him$
#oming o&r to m and hugging m tightly! Th Sarg shot m a gratful glan#$
#ons#ious of my di&rsionary ta#ti#s! CBf #ours you)r wha#kd$ swthart!D Sh
lt m go and turnd to th Sarg! C8aguir$ tak Tssi hom now! 'nd don)t you
fu#king try anything on with hr or you)ll ha& m to answr to$ got itED
C"s ma)am! Clar as glass$D h said$ his ton bordring on insolnt! Thy
x#hangd an i#y star$ shr dislik in hr ys! * rturnd it twi# o&r! Sh lt it
go$ although 3 knw that sh had mad a mntal not of his attitud!
Sh turnd ba#k to m! CTssi$ 3)ll b in tou#h! To tak your mind off this
shitars day youJ& had$ you go hom and gt Jak to fu#k you so hard that you
s#ram! 'nd not (ust on#! 8ak him gt it up it a #oupl of tims! "ou won)t &n
b abl to rmmbr your own nam aftrwards$ lt alon what you)& bn
through! 'lways works for m!D
3t was x#llnt ad&i#$ but 3 was #ringing with mbarrassmnt yt again about
how blunt sh was bing in front of th two mn! 3 didn)t want thm thinking about
m bing intimat with Jak! 3 didn)t dar look at ithr of thm$ snsing that thy
wr both ying m sp#ulati&ly$ 1um o&rtly$ th Sarg mor dis#rtly! Thy
wr probably wondring how Jak was going to go about su#h an nrgti# a#ti&ity
with su#h an in(urd woman!
Th 3nsp#tor spok again and w all (umpd to attntion! CCom on$ 1um,
8o& your ars! 3 want to gt ba#k to fu#king #i&ilisation bfor thy gt th ban(os
out! ' high%maintnan# prtty boy lik you isn)t going to last long out hr in
&ur"i"or%land surroundd by sx%star&d mouth%brathrs!D
C: ha& shops hr you know$ ma)am$D 3 rmindd hr! C: &n ha& a
s#hool! 3t)s hardly &ur"i"or trritory!D
Sh snortd with s#orn and thy (umpd into thir unmarkd and spd off into
th night ba#k to 1ig Town!
C>t)s tak my old bomb hom$D 3 said to th Sarg! CThn you #an pi#k up th
patrol #ar!D 3 stoppd suddnly in alarm and h ran into th ba#k of m$ grabbing my
arms to stop m stumbling forward! C8y kys, 3 don)t know whr thy ar, 3
droppd thm arlir!D
C3 ha& thm$D h said$ rummaging in his po#kt! C3)ll dri&!D
CThanks Sarg!D 0ainfully slow$ 3 #limbd up into th passngr sat and w
dro& off as wll!
C3 nd a showr aftr bing with th 3nsp#tor for so long$D h #onfssd in a
rar momnt of opnnss! CSh mad &rything 3 did and said sm so sordid$ lik
my lif goal was trying to gt you into bd with m!D * glan#d o&r$ ob&iously
fling awkward! C3 hop you don)t think ! ! !D
CNo$ of #ours not$ Sarg!D 3 rassurd! C"ou)r ngagd!D 'nd as if any man
would b intrstd in sdu#ing m$ #onsidring my #urrnt apparan#! C1ut that)s
(ust hr way! Sh)s &ry prot#ti& of m!D
C3)& noti#d$D h rplid dryly!
: dro& in siln# for a whil! C:hr did you larn to fight lik thatED h
askd$ s#r#hing to a suddn halt to lt a mothr du#k and hr four littl du#klings
#ross th highway! 3 smild as bst 3 #ould as 3 wat#hd th littl family safly ra#h
th shltr of th othr sid of th road and ignord th Sarg)s ;ustion$ hoping
h)d forgt that h)d askd$ distra#td by th #ut s#n!
* didn)t and askd m again whn w startd dri&ing! C:hr did you larn to
fight so wllED
C2rom a littl motion #alld dspration$D 3 said lightly!
C1ullshit$D h said mildly$ shaking his had! C"ou)r a lot toughr than you
prtnd to b and a lot mor modst than you ought to b!D
CThat sounds lik #onfusing big #ity talk to m! 3)m (ust a simpl #ountry girl$
trying to do hr (ob and gt by!D
* snortd rudly! : dro& in siln# again for a whil! C"ou don)t lik to
gi& in to th 1y#rafts$ do youED
CNot normally$ but 3)m prpard to gi& in to Jaky now and thn! 3t stops him
fling mas#ulatd!D
* sighd with frustration! C"ou)r not going to talk to m about any of this
sriously$ ar youED
CNop$D 3 admittd! C3)& (ust bn grilld for hours and 3)m don with bing
srious for th day! 3 want som food$ som painkillrs and som good lo&ing$ that)s
all$ and mayb not &n in that ordr!D
C3 don)t ha& any painkillrs on m and 3)m too afraid of th 3nsp#tor to &n
dar to offr you good lo&ing$ but 3 #an pi#k up som food if you lik!D * thrw
m his ;ui#k smil! C2l lik Chins takawayED
CTakawayE That dosn)t sound halthy nough for you$ Sarg$D 3 tasd
CTss$ tonight 3)d happily at thr dp%frid tripl ba#on and #hs burgrs if
it mad you fl bttr!D Th xprssion on his fa# was too far from light%hartd
for m to rturn$ so 3 busid myslf studying my nails! Dspit my showr$ thr
was still drid blood mbddd undr thm!
C3)m sur you)d rgrt ating thos$ but thanks for th offr anyway! Jaky said
h)d mak somthing for m! "ou)r wl#om to (oin us$D 3 said into my lap$
;uitly polit$ hoping h)d d#lin! 3)d had nough of him for on day!
C3 bttr not! 3 don)t think h)s too kn on m at th momnt! 3 (ust arrangd
th arrst of four of his rlati&s!D
'nothr siln#!
C:hn w arrstd .d 1y#raft$ h had his shirt off!D
3 knw what h was going to say and #ontinud to sit silntly!
C* has a tattoo!D
C* has a lot of tattoos$D 3 said with no motion!
CThis on)s on his stoma#h! 3t)s unbli&ably obs#n! ' man who is th
spitting imag of 1y#raft himslf sms to b raping a woman whil h stabs hr in
th #hst with on hand and strangls hr with th othr!D
3 glan#d out th window at th darknss and #rossd my arms dfnsi&ly! 3
saw my own fa# rfl#td ba#k at m in th glass! 3 stard at myslf sadly!
CTss$ th woman looks xa#tly lik you!D 3n th window rfl#tion his ys
wr on m$ ybrows furrowd! C'nd sh)s smiling whil h dos it!D * shook
his had in disgust! C&miling$ for /od)s sak,D
3 didn)t spak for a whil! C3 know$D 3 sighd! C*)s tauntd m with it nough
CThat kind of obsssion is in#rdibly disturbing!D
' humourlss laugh ruptd from m! CDon)t worry$ Sarg! "ou)ll b saf!
*)s not intrstd in you!D
'nd that was th last thing 3 said to him bfor h pulld into my dri&way! 3
(umpd out as soon as possibl! * walkd o&r to th patrol #ar and dro& off
whil 3 mad my slow way up th stairs! * honkd th horn$ but 3 was too tird to
wa& ba#k at him!
3 wnt into th loung room to gi& Dad$ who had rturnd and was wat#hing
th nws$ a kiss and followd my nos to th kit#hn whr Jak was #ooking! 3t
was an a#ti&ity for him that in&ol&d mu#h swaring$ misrading of th r#ip and
mor dirty pots$ pans and utnsils than #ould &r possibly b warrantd by th nd
produ#t! 1ut damn$ h lookd hot whil h did it, * was waring Nana 2ullr)s
hug frilly flowrd apron to prot#t his whit t%shirt from th tomato sau# h was
making for th pasta! :hn 3 silntly ntrd th kit#hn h was laning down$ his
lbows on th mssy bn#h$ frowning in pu99lmnt o&r on of my food%splattrd
#ookbooks$ his #ut butt sti#king out$ a smar of tomato past a#ross his #hk!
3 wnt up bhind him$ s;u9d his butt and thn huggd him tightly$ moulding
my body against his$ nu99ling his n#k! C3 lo& to s a man #ooking in my kit#hn!
3t)s so sxy$D 3 murmurd in his ar!
* turnd around smiling and mo&d to kiss m$ thn rmmbrd at th last
s#ond that h #ouldn)t! * mad a sad fa#! C3 n&r ralisd that 3)d miss kissing
you so mu#h$ Tssi! Damn thos 1y#rafts$D h said with a sad smil as 3 ra#hd
up to wip th past off his fa#! * kissd m on th forhad instad and turnd
ba#k to his r#ip!
3t was lu#ky 3 arri&d whn 3 did b#aus h was about to add a bun#h of
#oriandr to th pasta sau# instad of th flat%laf parsly that th r#ip #alld for$
&n though 3)d told him at last twnty tims about th diffrn#s btwn th two
hrbs! 'ftr tasing him mr#ilssly$ 3 wnt outsid to my hrb gardn to snip som
parsly for him! 3t was a bautiful night$ #lar and warm$ th (asmin that grw wild
up th sid of th hous rdolnt with prfum$ th sky bright with stars! 3 had to
admit that th mar&llous night sky was somthing 3)d missd a lot whn 3)d mo&d
to th #ity! "ou (ust #ouldn)t s th stars proprly in th glar of th #ity)s lights!
3 took a minut to brath in th #alm darknss$ a momnt of pa#$ to rmind
myslf that 3 was still ali&$ still fighting! 2or now at last! 3 lookd up at th stars$
idntifying th Southrn Cross$ 'lpha and 1ta Cntauri and bright Lnus$ th
plant of lo&! 3 hopd thr would b lo& for m tonight and mu#h lo& into th
futur! 'nd 3 hopd 3 would b hr to xprin# it! 3 mo&d o&r to my wll%
tndd hrb gardn and was laning o&r th raisd gardn bd$ whn a larg shap
rustld nar m! 3 shrikd in fright$ dropping my s#aturs and startling my
slping #hi#kns$ who #lu#kd loudly in alarm! Th shap poundd away down th
sid of th hous! 3 was nragd byond blif!
C2iss off, 0enny Bycraft.D 3 s#ramd aftr him as h ran off! CStop bloody
spying on m,D
Jak ran out to s what th mattr was and found m standing in th yard$ my
hands #o&ring my fa#$ trying to #ontrol myslf$ on th &rg of tars again$ my
hart thumping! I dont cry$ 3 rmindd myslf$ my old mantra from sin# 3 was a
kid! I dont cry!
* #lut#hd m to him! C:hat)s wrong$ baby dollED
3 took a dp brath and ga& him a fak watry smil! C3)m fin$ Jaky! 3t was
only Dnny! * startld m$ that)s all!D
CShit, Bf all th nights to #om hr$ h had to pi#k tonight!D * huggd m
tightly! C* only wantd to s for himslf that you wr okay$ you know that!D
C3 know$ but 3)m a bit fragil at th momnt! 3 don)t nd any xtra adrnalin
in my lif$D 3 laughd wakly!
C"ou don)t nd 1y#rafts in your lif$ is what you man to say$ isn)t itED *
soundd as bittr as 3)d &r hard him!
3 lookd up at him! * lookd down at m! * was &ry srious for on#! So
was 3!
C3 rally nd on 1y#raft in my lif$ that)s all! Th rst #an rot in hll!D
CThis is my family w)r talking about$ Tssi!D
CThis is my lif w)r talking about$ Jaky!D
: sar#hd a#h othr)s ys for a long tim in th luminosity from th
ba#kyard spotlights! Thn h sighd and lt m go! 'nd on# again w a&oidd th
most important and sti#ky ;ustion btwn us A how #ould a 1y#raft and a 2ullr
&r possibly ha& a long%trm$ lo&ing rlationshipE 3 had no doubt at all that w
lo&d a#h othr sin#rly and dply$ but it was still an intra#tabl$ and mayb
&n unanswrabl$ ;ustion! Thr was too mu#h history$ too mu#h bad fling
btwn th two familis!
C:hi#h is th parsly againED h askd lightly$ #hanging th sub(#t! C3 thought
3)d mmorisd th hrb gardn last tim you l#turd m on whr &rything was$
but thr w go A w almost ndd up with 'sian%fla&ourd spag bog!D
CThat would ha& bn intrsting$D 3 #ommntd$ ;ually light$ laning o&r to
rtri& my s#aturs and #ut a bun#h of parsly for him! C3 n&r know what 3)m
going to gt for dinnr whn 3 st you loos in th kit#hn!D
C3)m not that bad$ bab$D h poutd$ his arm around my shouldr$ th parsly in
his hand$ gntly but dtrmindly lading m ba#k to th bright light of th kit#hn!
3 lt myslf b ld$ 3 lt myslf b fd$ 3 took th painkillrs Jak ga& m$ 3 lt
Dad wash up$ 3 lt Jak lad m to th bathroom to brush my tth and thn to my
bdroom whr h undrssd m and undrssd himslf! : lay on my bd$ nakd$
fa#%to%fa#$ our ys lo#kd togthr! 3 mad him turn th light off b#aus 3 didn)t
want him to look at my damagd fa# a s#ond longr!
C3 want to kiss you$ Tssi$ but 3)m afraid to$D h whisprd! C3 don)t want to
hurt you!D * tndrly kissd my #hk and my arlob!
C>owr$D 3 dmandd! * kissd my #hin and my n#k and my shouldrs!
C>owr$D 3 dmandd! * kissd my #ollar blads and my brasts!
C>owr$D 3 dmandd! * kissd my stoma#h and my bruisd hips!
C>owr$D 3 dmandd! * mo&d down &n lowr!
C3s this whr you want m to kiss you$ baby dollED h askd$ gntly pushing
my bruisd thighs apart and fli#king out his tongu!
CBh /od, "s,D 3 gaspd! C"s$ that)s th pla#$ Jaky!D
'nd 3 #ouldn)t think or talk for a whil! 'nd whn h had finishd down thr
and my body was throbbing with unadultratd satisfa#tion$ h pushd himslf
insid m and 3 wasn)t abl to think or talk again$ hading for anothr ha&nly
xprin# at his xprt hands! 'ftrwards$ w slpt for a #oupl of hours in a#h
othr)s arms until 3 wok him up and mad him do it to m all o&r again$ my ys
rolling ba#k in my had with #omplt and absolut plasur! 8y bons and my
brain flt lik (lly whn w)d finishd!
: slpt for th rst of th night$ ntwind$ blissful$ xhaustd! 'nd th last
thought in my mind bfor 3 ga& into slp was that 2iona had bn right A good
lo&ing was th antidot to all th horribl things in th world! 3 had bn afraid 3
was going to ha& nightmars about .d 1y#raft tonight$ but his brothr Jak had
dri&n all of thm away with his un#onditional lo&$ and that smd &ry fitting to
m! 3 #losd my ys and fll aslp ;ui#kly$ saf in his arms!
Cha#ter *6
:hn 3 wok up$ fling fantasti# as 3 always did aftr a night with Jak$ h was
alrady gon! 3n rturn for staying th night with m$ h)d agrd to pull a doubl
shift today and had to b at th prison rady for th six '8 morning shift
#hango&r! 2oor baby$ 3 thought! 3)d workd him hard last night! *)d b shattrd
by th tim h finally got to bd this &ning!
3 strt#hd$ all my in(uris protsting at th motion! 3 had to kp mo&ing or 3)d
si9 up$ so 3 for#d myslf out of bd to at last go for a walk! 3 had my usual glass
of (ui# and dis#o&rd a not on th kit#hn bn#h addrssd to m in Jak)s
#arful s#rawl! Sitting on top of th not in a glass of watr was a frsh%pi#kd
goldn hibis#us from my mothr)s long%ngl#td flowr gardn!
(essie my darling
4our so beautiful when you sleep. I lo"e you. I wont see you for wee#s, but Ill
be thin#ing about you all the time. 0ont forget to ring me 6 email me, e"ery day...
I lo"e you. I #now I alreddy wrote that.
3ots and lots of lo"e -a#e xxxx
3 smild as 3 rad that not$ splling mistaks and all$ sp#ially lo&ing th
hand%drawn lo&harts surrounding it! 3 #lut#hd it to my #hst as 3 opnd th ba#k
door to look outsid! 3t was a bautiful morning A th sun was shining$ th sky was a
brilliant #loudlss blu$ th kookaburras wr going insan with laughtr in th
narby gum trs$ th magpis wr warbling on th ground sar#hing for grubs and
th #hooks wr #lu#king #ontntdly! 3 wnt out and #oll#td th fi& ggs$ fd
and watrd my girls$ st thm fr from thir #oop$ thn wnt insid again and
drssd in my running gar! :hn 3 limpd to my gat$ .omi was thr$ but not th
CBh Tssi$ you look so trribl,D sh huggd m tightly$ sobbing$ fat luxuriant
tars rolling down hr #hks whn sh saw m$ not thinking for a momnt about
th ff#t that might ha& on my slf%stm! C'b had to tll m tn tims that you
wr okay bfor 3 #ould bli& him$ b#aus thos 1y#raft kids wr tlling
&ryon at s#hool that .d 1y#raft had killd you! 3 was #rying so mu#h that thy
had to ring 'b to #om and #oll#t m!D
CNo swti$D 3 rplid #almly$ tou#hd! C*r 3 am$ still ali&! .d 1y#raft
didn)t kill m!D
: st off togthr$ and 3 warnd hr that 3 #ould only walk$ but assurd that 3
was still dtrmind to mak th fun run$ rgardlss of &rything! : walkd
briskly$ dspit my #ontinuing pain and #omplaining mus#ls! 3 was slf%#ons#ious$
fling th ys of th fw popl who dro& past us lingring on my fa#ial in(uris$
sympathti# but #urious! 3 wasn)t sur if 3 was going to go to work today! 3 was
ntitld to som si#k la&$ surly!
To hid my ins#urity$ 3 listnd attnti&ly to .omi all th way as sh #onfidd
&rything about hr lif$ hr thoughts and hr #urrnt idols$ on of who was still
#larly th Sarg! Sh brought him up in #on&rsation &ry #oupl of minuts!
C.omi$D 3 said$ not wanting to do it$ but it was bst that sh found out from m
and th soonr th bttr by th sound of it! CTh Sarg told m somthing &ry
intrsting about himslf ystrday!D /od, was it only yesterday1 3 thought to
myslf in surpris!
C:hatED sh askd brathlssly$ prtty blu ys hug! 3 had hr undi&idd
attntion as w walkd!
C*)s ngagd to b marrid$D 3 told hr and flt lik a monstr as 3 wat#hd hr
fa# instantly #rumpl in a study of intns motional tnag pain! 'nd hating
myslf$ 3 mbllishd furthr$ hopfully #rushing thos flings for&r! C* #an)t
wait for hr to (oin him hr in town! 8ayb thy)ll gt marrid hrE :ouldn)t that
b romanti#ED
C"s$D was all sh said$ in a small$ ;uit &oi#! Sh didn)t spak mu#h for th
rst of our walk! : partd at my gat and sh rod off on hr bik$ hr shouldrs
slumpd in d(#tion$ for on# politly d#lining to (oin m for brakfast! 2oor little
thing$ 3 thought$ laning on my gat wat#hing aftr hr! 1ing a romanti# tnagr
#ould b so hard somtims$ sp#ially li&ing in a small town whr you wr
usually bord with th boys you)d grown up with and wr longing for somon
nw and x#iting to #om along! 3t was a blow to all th singl womn in th town
to ha& an ligibl man lik th Sarg (oin th #ommunity and thn to larn that h
wasn)t fr! 8or than a fw drams would b #rushd by that bit of nws$ 3
3 had a showr and an asy brakfast of :t%1ix and a glass of orang (ui#! 3
still hadn)t d#idd whthr 3)d go to work today and was mulling o&r th pros and
#ons$ sipping th (ui# #arfully through my sor lips$ whn th phon rang! 3
mo&d as ;ui#kly as was possibl for m to gt to it bfor it wok Dad up!
3t was th Sarg$ #h#king that 3 was #oming into work!
C3 #an)t mak up my mind$D 3 admittd! C3)m so battrd that 3 should probably
gi& my poor body a rst and stay hom for a fw days! Th do#tor told m to tak it
asy for a whil!D
C3f anyon dsr&s som tim off$ it)s #rtainly you$D h agrd!
.ar &anity o&r#am my bttr sns and 3 blurtd$ C0lus$ 3 look so awful! 3
don)t want anyon to s m! E&ryon was staring at m this morning whn .omi
and 3 wnt for a walk!D
C"ou don)t want thos 1y#rafts to think that thy ha& you batn though$ do
youED h askd slyly!
3 knw 3 was bing manipulatd$ but 3 #ouldn)t stop th tid of rbllion that
washd o&r m at his words! CBf #ours 3 don)t$ but AD
C"ou don)t want thm to think thy ha& you too s#ard to show your fa#
around town$ do youED
3 rplid hatdly$ C3)m not s#ard of thm!D
C"ou bttr #om to work thn and show thm that you)r not!D
C3 know you)r using psy#hology on m$D 3 said angrily! C'nd 3 hat th fa#t
that it)s working!D
* laughd$ a plasant warm #hu#kl down th lin into my ar! CS you soon$
3 was drssd$ kittd up and rady to had out th door whn Dad awok! *
rolld up to m in dismay$ taking my hand and s;u9ing hard!
C"ou)r not going to work ar you$ Tssi lo&E "ou nd to r#uprat$D h
protstd! CStay hom and lt m look aftr you$ for on#!D
CDad$ if 3 don)t gt ba#k on th hors$ &ryon will think 3)& lost my nr&! 3
won)t lt thos 1y#rafts think for on s#ond that thy)& got th bttr of m$D 3
answrd$ grabbing th kys to th >and .o&r and planting a kiss on his forhad!
* knw thr was no point arguing with m on# 3)d mad up my mind! 3 was a lot
lik him in that rsp#t$ h)d a#knowldgd rufully on day! Knhappily$ h rolld
onto th &randa to wat#h m la& and his furrowd fa# full of worry was th last
thing 3 saw in th rar&iw mirror as 3 dro& out of th gats$ wa&ing!
:hn 3 arri&d at th station$ th Sarg wasn)t &n thr 3 notd with
indignation! * had hurrid m into work$ but thn d#idd to dawdl himslf!
:hn 3 walkd into th ba#k room$ 3 stoppd! Somon had bn in thr aftr w)d
lft last night A th ba#k door was wid opn! 3 knw w)d lo#kd it whn w)d all
dpartd th pr&ious &ning$ b#aus 3)d wat#hd th Sarg #h#king it!
:arily 3 s#annd th tiny offi#$ gun out$ almost xp#ting a 1y#raft to (ump
out at m at any s#ond from thin air! 3 didn)t s anything astray until 3 #ast my
ys o&r th saf! 3t was opn$ th door hanging #rookdly from its hings! Thr
was a faint smll of somthing unfamiliar$ mtalli#$ in th air! 3 #rou#hd down in
front of th saf$ #arful not to tou#h anything and noti#d that on hing and th
lo#king m#hanism wr now damagd! 3n#on#i&abl as it smd$ somon had
blown our saf and 3 was rasonably sur that it wasn)t a #oin#idn# it had
happnd th sam day a &ry larg amount of mony had bn handd into th
Th Sarg would turn up at any minut$ so 3 didn)t bothr ringing him! 3)d show
him whn h arri&d! 3t wasn)t as if th saf#ra#kr had got away with anything$
b#aus th Sarg had takn th mony and Sta#y)s littl gun to 1ig Town
ystrday for safr kping and thr had bn nothing ls insid! So 3 put my gun
ba#k in my blt and spnt tn minuts righting th room and swping up th
potting mix mss on th floor 3)d mad! 2inishd$ 3 wnt to th kit#hntt to mak
som ta$ not &n sur if 3)d b abl to sip a hot drink through my bustd lip!
Today it flt tn tims biggr than normal! Closing th ba#k door$ 3 #aught a
glimps of myslf in th ag%spottd mirror fixd to th rar of th door! 3t wasn)t a
prtty sight and 3 rgrttd #oming into work! 3t would ha& bn smartr to hid
undr my bd for a #oupl of wks until 3 lookd bttr!
3 filld up th kttl and swit#hd it on! :hn 3 opnd th #upboard for a ta
bag$ 3 was grtd with a mar&llous surpris! Th whol top shlf was now
#rammd with pa#kts of Tim Tams! Thr must ha& bn thirty pa#kts in thr at
last$ &ry &arity known to humans A th doubl #ho#olat$ th ro#ky road$ th
mint$ th #araml$ th whit #ho#olat$ th hony#omb$ as wll as th &ry dli#ious
and prf#t original! >aughtr xplodd from m and 3 #ouldn)t stop for ags &n
though it mad &ry sor part of my body #omplain! 3 land hlplssly on th
sink$ tars rolling down my #hks$ my body a#hing badly with a#h laugh!
C:hat)s so funnyED a &oi# askd from bhind m! 3 (umpd in fright$ my
laughtr drying up immdiatly and spun around$ gun out bfor 3 #ould &n think!
3 hadn)t hard anyon #oming in$ whi#h 3 rmindd myslf$ was xa#tly how 3 was
ambushd ystrday!
3t was (ust th Sarg! 3 land ba#k on th sink ha&ily in rlif$ my hand up to
my thudding hart! CDon)t snak up on m lik that,D 3 snappd at him angrily!
C"ou s#ard m half to dath! 3 narly shot you!D 3 r%holstrd my gun!
C3)m sorry$ Tss$D h said$ hands up in appasmnt$ ralising how mu#h h)d
frightnd m! C3 wasn)t snaking around 3 promis$ but you wr laughing so hard
3 don)t think you hard m #om in!D
C3 didn)t man to bit your had off$D 3 apologisd! C3)m a bit (umpy at th
CKndrstandabl$D h said$ laning on th sink nxt to m!
C3 was laughing about th Tim Tams!D 3 turnd ba#k to look at thm again!
CThanks Sarg! That)s so ni# of you!D
C3 flt guilty about ating your last on!D
CSo you bought m thirty pa#kts to mak up for itED 3 smild! CThat)s a bit of
o&rkill$ wouldn)t you sayED
* shruggd and sho&d his hands into his po#kts! CBnly smd fair! 3t was
th last on$ aftr all!D
C"ou must ha& #land out th suprmarkt!D
C3 n&r do things by hal&s!D * lowrd his &oi# to a #onfidntial whispr$
his ys shifting from sid to sid! C1ut 3)& hard on th grap&in that thr is
now an offi#ial Tim Tam drought in >ittl Town!D
3 giggld at his unxp#td sillinss and h smild at m warmly as if plasd
that h)d lightnd my lif for a small momnt! 3 appr#iatd th ffort and flt a
tiny #ra#k forming in th thi#k 'ntar#ti# i# sht of our rlationship! 3 wondrd if
h flt it too!
3f so$ h didn)t show it$ so 3 pushd asid my fan#iful thoughts and told him
about th saf! : #rou#hd down togthr to xamin it and h rang up th 1ig
Town fornsi#s ladr and askd a tam to #om and dust th door and saf for
prints! Sh #ouldn)t tll us whn a tam would b a&ailabl but promisd to log th
(ob straight away$ piggyba#king on th othr two (obs w)d alrady loggd!
C"ou did th right thing taking th mony to 1ig Town ystrday$ othrwis it
would ha& bn stoln$D 3 said to him!
CNo$ 3 didn)t$D h argud$ with that sam strang$ #losd xprssion on his fa#
h)d had last night! C3 lft you alon whn 3 should ha& stayd! 3f 3 had a #hoi#$ it
would ha& bn for th mony to b stoln rathr than you bing atta#kd!D
:ithout any warning$ h stppd in #losr to m and grabbd my #hin in his
hand$ ga9ing intntly into my fa#! 3 was startld and dis#on#rtd by his intimat
tou#h! 3 was about to push him away &iolntly and tll him in no un#rtain trms
that h #ould bloody wll kp his hands to himslf$ thawing i# sht or not$ whn
h turnd my had on way thn th othr$ pring #losly with dta#hmnt th
whol tim! * lt m go and stppd ba#kwards!
C"ou)r bruising up ni#ly around th y and nos! "ou)ll look lik a rainbow
CBh (oy$D 3 said sar#asti#ally! CE&ry woman)s dram!D
* was about to mo& away whn h stoppd and turnd ba#k towards m$
pring #losly at m again! * slid th #ollar of my shirt asid slightly$ his fingrs
warm on my skin$ and frownd!
CTss$ you didn)t tll th 3nsp#tor that on of thm grabbd you around th
C"s$ 3 did! .d trid to throttl m!D
CNo$ 3 #an s thos bruiss A thy)r fingr%shapd! This is lowr! "ou ha& a
sris of littl bruiss on th bottom of your n#k! Thy must b from ystrday!
"ou didn)t ha& thm arlir!D
8y #hks pinknd! 0ear /od$ 3 thought$ how embarrassing.
CThy must b from th fight$D h prsistd! C: should ring up th 3nsp#tor
to tll hr! 3)ll tak som photos for &idn#!D
3 wishd th ground would swallow m up and sa& m from this awkward
CSarg ! ! !D 3 bgan! * stard at m xp#tantly! CNo nd to ring! Thy)r not
from th 1y#rafts! Km ! ! ! #rap$ that)s not ;uit tru! Thy)r from on 1y#raft! Bh
/od$ this is so mbarrassing!D 3 took a dp brath! CJak stayd o&r at my pla#
last night!D
* lookd at m blankly!
C3 took th 3nsp#tor)s ad&i#!D
* frownd in pu99lmnt! * wasn)t making this asy for m!
C*r ad&i# about taking my mind off what had happnd to m ystrdayED 3
rmindd him dspratly! CJak was a littl ! ! ! um ! ! ! o&r%passionat!D
Comprhnsion dawnd slowly on his fa#$ swiftly followd by mbarrassmnt
and anothr #oupl of motions 3 #ouldn)t d#iphr!
CBh$D h said! 3 #ould fl my #hks flaming! CSorry!D : stood thr ill at
as with a#h othr for a momnt! C/uss you don)t want m to tak any photosED
3 giggld un#omfortably and turnd to mak us both a #up of ta$ ki#king myslf
for not #h#king my n#k bfor 3 #am to work! 3f 3)d noti#d that Jak)s littl
lo&%nips had lft m with bruiss$ 3)d ha& applid som #on#aling makup! 3
hop that Jak had noti#d if h had any littl bruiss from m bfor his workmats
did! Thy wouldn)t b mbarrassd and drop it lik th Sarg A thy would tormnt
him mr#ilssly about his wild sx lif!
To a&oid th whol awkward situation$ th Sarg strod o&r to 'b)s #omputr
that was still lying on th floor whr it had landd ystrday morning! 3 pla#d his
mug of ta on his dsk and took min o&r to my dsk$ #laring a small spot to
dposit it safly!
3t wasn)t right for on of th town)s poli# offi#rs to b parading around with
hi#kys on hr n#k$ so 3 took my littl makup bag to th bathroom and #o&rd up
thos bruiss with my #on#alr and prssd powdr! 3 thought brifly about trying
to do th sam with th ons on my fa#$ but d#idd that it wouldn)t b subtl
nough and would only draw &n mor attntion to thm! 3 would probably nd
thr tru#kloads of makup to do it proprly anyway!
Th Sarg had mo&d th #omputr ba#k up on to his dsk again and was
r#onn#ting it! 's 3 sat down$ his ys lingrd for a momnt on my nwly #o&rd
n#k bruiss$ but h didn)t say anything!
* turnd th #omputr on! Nothing! * swor undr his brath$ #h#kd all th
#abls and turnd it on again! Still nothing! 3 sippd my ta #arfully$ wat#hing him!
C3s it broknED 3 n;uird$ a ;ustion that his withring glan# told m was an
annoyingly stupid on for m to ask! * pulld all th #abls out and r#onn#td
thm again$ thn fli#kd th swit#h! Nothing!
C2or fu#k)s sak$D h muttrd undr his brath! Th #ountr bll rang! 3 didn)t
mo&! * lookd o&r at m xp#tantly!
CTssE Th #ountrED *is &oi# was stroppy!
C3 don)t want to go out thr! 3)m ugly!D
* stoppd to smil at m brifly! C"ou)r not ugly$ but it dosn)t mattr what
you look lik anyway! "ou wrn)t mployd to b bautiful$ but you wr
mployd to sr& th publi#$ so off you go!D
C3 #an)t!D
C"s$ you #an! /o on! "ou)r not going to hid away! :)r not going to lt
thos 1y#rafts win!D
:asy for him to say$ 3 thought$ rlu#tantly dragging myslf out to th #ountr$
only to find .i#k and .osi 1y#raft! Just brilliant, 's soon as thy saw m$ thy
both laughd!
C:hat do you two wantED 3 askd with a l&l of hostility that probably wasn)t
txtbook for bst pra#ti# #lint%fo#usd sr&i#!
CNothing$D said .osi #rully! C: (ust wantd to laugh at you!D
3 lookd #oldly from on to th othr! CBkay$ you)& had your laugh so you #an
piss off now!D
C.d and th othr boys did a good old (ob on you$D snrd .i#k! CThat)ll
fu#king ta#h you for lo#king up our mum$ piglt!D 'nd thy laughd at m again!
C3)ll lo#k hr up again today if 3 ha& to$D 3 told thm!
CThn you)ll fu#king gt th sam tratmnt again$ won)t you$ you dumb slagED
.osi thratnd s#ornfully$ laning o&r th #ountr$ hr horribl o&rlarg plasti#
boobs almost spilling out of hr 1arbi%pink tank top! C'nd 3)m #oming for you
nxt tim!D
C0robably$ but thn w)ll arrst you and who&r #oms for m! 'nd whn 3
lo#k up >ola th following day too$ w)ll arrst who&r #oms for m thn as wll!
'nd aftr a fw wks of that$ thr won)t b on 1y#raft lft in >ittl Town! "ou)ll
all b in th wat#h hous up in 1ig Town!D 3 smild at thm both swtly! C'nd
that)s what 3 #all a happy nding!D
C"ou)r fu#king #ra9y$D spat .osi in disgust!
C3t sur hlps around hr$D 3 said$ smiling again!
CE&rything okay$ Snior ConstablED th Sarg askd from th doorway! 3
didn)t &n bothr turning around!
CSur Sarg! .osi and .i#k (ust poppd in to wish m a spdy r#o&ry and to
apologis for thir family mmbrs) rprhnsibl bha&iour!D
C2u#k you$ piglt$D .i#k snrd!
3n a blink$ th Sarg &aultd th #ountr and pinnd .i#k to th wall with his
baton a#ross his n#k! C"ou don)t talk to th Snior Constabl lik that again$
undrstandED h hissd into .i#k)s fa#!
Kppr lip snarld ba#k nough to show tth$ .i#k stard dfiantly at th Sarg
until in#rasing prssur on his windpip from th baton n#ouragd him to ba#k
down! C"s$D h said sullnly$ and th Sarg lt him go! .i#k rubbd his throat
rsntfully! * and .osi lft$ throwing both of us aggrssi& ba#kwards glan#s as
thy did!
CLry athlti# of you$ Sarg$D 3 #omplimntd and opnd th hat#h in th
#ountr for him to rturn!
* flashd m his transint smil! C:hat did thy wantED
CTo laugh at m!D
* stoppd and stard at m! CSriouslyED
CBf #ours! That)s on of th 1y#raft family)s fa&ourit past%tims! S#ond only
to #ausing m pain!D * shook his had in disblif!
8y mobil rang! 3t was /il$ th lad dt#ti& from my hit%and%run #as$ tlling
m that 3 wouldn)t b ndd in #ourt today aftr all! 1oth sids had agrd to a full
handup #ommittal haring$ so witnsss wrn)t ndd at this stag! * warnd m
that th pros#utor wouldn)t oppos a bail undrtaking for Dorri b#aus sh had
small #hildrn to look aftr!
C"ou)ll probably s hr ba#k in your town this aftrnoon$D h ad&isd!
C's long as sh stays away from m!D
CSh)d b stupid to go anywhr nar you$ or sh)ll find hrslf ba#k in
#ustody! Nobody)s that stupid!D
3 laughd! C*a& you a#tually mt hr ytED
CTss$ sh)s gnuinly sorry! Sh hasn)t stoppd #rying th whol tim sh)s
bn in th wat#h hous!D
3 snortd in disblif! CSh)s (ust sorry sh got #aught! Sh)s not sorry sh did
it!D : mad our farwlls$ and h promisd to lt m know what happnd in
CThn 3 think w)ll walk th bat again for a whil this morning$D th Sarg said
as w sat ba#k at our dsks! 3 took a sip of my ta and grima#d! 3t had #oold
down$ but still stung on my bustd lip!
C3 don)t want to go out in publi#$D 3 #omplaind!
* sighd impatintly! CTss$ you ha& to show your fa# so th 1y#rafts s
how tough you ar! "ou handld thos two thn rally wll! Lry #alm$ not fa9d in
th slightst!D
CE&ryon will star at m!D 3 knw 3 soundd whiny!
CNobody)s going to star at you! Com on$ finish your ta and w)ll had off!D
C3t)s too arly to do th bat$ Sarg! :)d b bttr off doing it lat morning or
arly aftrnoon! Thr will b mor popl around thn! 8ayb &n som 1y#rafts$
for gratr #ommunity impa#t! 3f that)s what you)r aftr!D
CTss, 3 said 3 wantd ! ! !D * stoppd and glan#d o&r at m! : dulld with
our ys for a momnt$ dp blu &rss dark gray! Stormy o#an battling stormy
sky! * #a&d first! C8ayb it)s bttr to go latr whn thr ar mor popl
3n my mind$ 3 pun#hd th air in &i#tory! 3n ral lif$ 3 plastrd on my blandly
inno#nt fa#! C/ood ida$ Sarg$D 3 #hirpd$ swtr than #araml!
C"ou #an spnd th tim until thn gtting all that paprwork on your dsk
sortd out$D h ordrd$ ignoring my Bs#ar%worthy groan! 8y ys roamd o&r th
small mountain of do#umnts without nthusiasm! 3t would tak hours and hours to
gt through it! 3 draggd my ft o&r to my dsk and pi#kd up th first sht! 3t
was a #ir#ular mmo from th Commissionr about uniforms that had bn issud
o&r six months ago! 3 thrw it in th shrdding pil without rading it! Well, that
was one piece of paper down$ 3 told myslf with for#d #hrfulnss! Bnly thr
billion to go!
Th phon rang! 3 sprang o&r to answr it with unpr#dntd agrnss$
arning myslf a surprisd glan# from th Sarg!
C/ood morning$ 8ount 1ig Town poli# station$D 3 said politly$ xp#ting
anothr Sau#y Sirns #all!
CBffi#r Tss$ it)s 8abl /r&ill spaking!D
C8iss /, *ow ar youED
C3)m wll$ dar$ but how ar youE Somon told m that .d 1y#raft shot you
dad! 3 knw that #ouldn)t b tru! "ou)d n&r lt that happn!D
CNo$ 8iss /! 3)m still hr$ but 3 did ha& som troubl with th family
ystrday! : took >ola 1y#raft into #ustody and hr family wrn)t happy about
C/oodnss m, That was a foolish thing to do! 3t would ha& bn that
handsom nw srgant of yours who mad that d#ision 3 think$ not you$ dar! "ou
know bttr than that!D
3 #ouldn)t rspond to that with th Sarg in th sam room and so #hangd th
sub(#t! CNow$ 8iss / whr ha& you bnE :)& bn trying to #onta#t you
sin# Sunday! "our hous was brokn into! 3t)s a bit mssy$ but nothing has bn
takn as far as th Sarg and 3 #ould tll! 3t was as if th intrudr was looking for
somthing! Do you ha& any ida what that #ould bED
CNo ida$ Bffi#r Tss$ as 3 told you bfor! 3 li& a simpl lif with no s#rts!D
Thr was mor than a hint of rgrt in hr &oi# about that! C1ut 3 rang you to tll
you that 3 lookd o&r that list of /r&ill proprtis that ha& bn sold off and
thr wr a #oupl that 3 simply don)t rmmbr! 3 know that 3)m gtting on$ but 3
prid myslf on my x#llnt mmory and 3 (ust #an)t rmmbr signing any
paprwork for thos two proprtis!D
CThis might b important! Can th Sarg and 3 #om to &isit you today to talk
about itED
CCrtainly dar$ w)r now ba#k in 1ig Town! : had a lo&ly littl trip to th
#ity to &isit 1ssi)s othr daughtr! : wnt shopping and took in a mar&llous
show at th thatr! 3 had a wondrful mal at a "ery fan#y rstaurant aftrwards!
Th waitrs wor whit glo&s, *a& you &r hard of su#h a thingE :hit glo&s,
Bn &n rushd o&r to put th sugar #ub into my #off bfor 3 was abl to pi#k
up th sugar tongs, 'nd th maitr d) s;u9d my hand as w lft!D Sh giggld
prttily! C' &ry handsom 3talian man too, /oodnss$ this has bn an x#iting
tim in my lif,D Sh took a dp happy brath bfor snsibly #alming hrslf
down! 3 #hu#kld dis#rtly to myslf at how swt it was for somon to find su#h
(oy in th littl things in lif! C1for you #om to s m$ Tss dar$ 3 wondr if
you #ould do m a fa&ourED
CBf #ours$ 8iss /!D
C3 kp a daily diary and 3 writ down &rything that 3 do or s in it! 3)& kpt
it sin# 3 was young$ so all th proprty sals 3 signd off on will b r#ordd in on
of th &olums! 3 (ust nd to rfrsh my mmory A prhaps 3)& forgottn on or
two! Could you bring my diaris to m plas$ darE 3 kp thm in my bdroom! 3n
th bottom drawr of my wardrob thr)s a fals #ompartmnt$ and all my diaris
ar stord in thr!D Sh giggld again$ su#h a youthful$ light%hartd tinkling sound!
C3 had to hid thm from my mothr! Thr ar som &ry prsonal thoughts and
wishs in thm and sh was an absolut dragon about proprity! E&n wors than
your Nana 2ullr$D sh #onfssd$ sighing!
CThat)s tough$D 3 sympathisd! :)d &idntly shard a similar upbringing and
my hart warmd to hr &n mor! C:)ll had off now$ first to your hous and
thn to 1ig Town! S you in a #oupl of hours$ 8iss /!D
C1y Bffi#r Tss!D
CBh$ 8iss /ED
C"s darED
C0las don)t b distrssd whn w mt! Th 1y#rafts wr &ry rough with
Sh pausd for a momnt and hr &oi# was full of warm kindnss whn sh
#ontinud! C3)m so sorry$ Tss dar! "ou don)t dsr& that!D
C3 don)t think so ithr$ but thanks for saying that$ 8iss /! 3 #an)t tll you how
ni# it is to ha& popl on my sid in >ittl Town!D
Cha#ter +7
3n th #ar on our way to 8iss /)s hous$ th Sarg mad m go o&r my
#on&rsation with hr again!
CSo mayb th intrudr was a#tually sar#hing for 8iss /r&ill)s diarisED h
musd as h dro&!
CSomon who didn)t want hr looking o&r hr own r#ords of th proprty
salsED 3 thought out loud! C1ut that mans it has to b somon who knows sh
kps a diary! That ruls out a #asual thif!D
* noddd in agrmnt! C'nd whr dos th hundrd grand #om into it
thoughE 3f it)s rlatd$ that is!D
C3 don)t know! Th land it was found on is go&rnmnt land and 3 don)t know
how it tis into th /r&ills$ but 3 gt th fling that it dos! 3 think w)r going to
b &isiting 8r 8ur#hison again aftr w)& sn 8iss /!D
CDfinitly! * nds to start answring som ;ustions for us!D
* bumpd up 8iss /)s dri&way and parkd th #ar! 't last it didn)t look as
though thr had bn any furthr brak%ins at th hous and w ;ui#kly lo#atd th
hiddn diaris! Thr wr about fiftn &olums$ fi& yars to a &olum$ all
o&rflowing with 8iss /)s tiny$ spidry handwriting! 3 #ouldn)t b bothrd sorting
thm out$ so grabbd all of thm$ sho&ing thm into a #an&as bag 3 found in 8iss
/)s #upboard! 3 figurd that if sh wrot in hr diary &ry day$ sh)d ha& hr
#urrnt &olum with hr in 1ig Town! Th Sarg #arrid th bag to th #ar for m
and pla#d it in th boot$ and w hadd off to 1ig Town!
:hn w pulld up outsid 1ssi)s daughtr)s hous$ 8iss / and 1ssi wr
sitting on th &randa waiting for us! Th two ldrly womn (umpd sprightly to
thir ft as w walkd up th front path and rushd down th stairs to #rowd m$
fussing and tutting o&r my in(uris$ bfor ushring us up th stairs! Th Sarg
#arrid th bag of diaris into th hous and dutifully dli&rd thm to th bdroom
8iss / was using during hr stay!
1for 8iss / would lt us talk to hr$ w wr for#d into th stuffy Gparlour)
to ha& som morning ta with thm! Th thr womn had #larly gon to a lot of
troubl for th o##asion$ th #off tabl bautifully st with 1ssi)s bst #hina! :
wr both pourd ta and had a &arity of hommad goods prssd on us A small
i#d #aks$ smokd salmon fingr sandwi#hs and ptit bis#uits! 3 tu#kd in with
agrnss and #on&rsd happily with th womn$ but #ould sns th Sarg
b#oming fidgty aftr a whil$ furti&ly #h#king his wat#h as tim ti#kd by! *
rfusd a top%up on his ta and thn d#lind anothr #ak$ anothr bis#uit and
anothr sandwi#h as th thr ladis took turns in urging him to ha& mor!
E&ntually though$ w ran out of ta and had polishd off most of th goodis$
and th Sarg was abl to prsuad 8iss / to fo#us on th mattr at hand whil
1ssi and hr daughtr #lard up around us! Sh pulld out th #omputr printout
that w)d lft for hr and prd down hr glasss at th nots sh)d writtn bsid
a#h transa#tion! Thr wr two that sh)d markd with a yllow highlightr pn!
CNow$ it)s ths two that 3)m ha&ing diffi#ulty r#alling! Th most r#nt$D sh
ad&isd$ hr mouth pursd in #on#ntration as sh stabbd th papr with hr
gnarld indx fingr! 3 pulld th sht around for th Sarg and m to rad!
Th first proprty sh)d highlightd was a larg tra#t of land on th south sid of
>ittl Town$ ad(a#nt to th mntal halth #lini#! 3t had bn sold two yars ago to a
#ompany #alld Traumlbn 0ty >td for R10!
CThat #an)t b right$D 3 x#laimd in surpris$ glan#ing at th Sarg! CTn
dollarsE 3 know that bit of land and it would b worth a lot mor than tn dollars!
'ny si9d blo#k of land around >ittl Town would b worth mor than that,D
Th s#ond proprty was an ;ually larg plot ad(a#nt to th prison whr Jak
workd! 3t had bn sold to Traumlbn 0ty >td also for R10 four yars ago! 3t must
ha& bn on%sold to th go&rnmnt sin# thn though$ b#aus #onstru#tion had
alrady #ommn#d on an xtnsion to th prison on that parti#ular pi# of land!
C8iss /r&ill$ you don)t r#all signing any paprs rlating to ths two salsED
#larifid th Sarg!
Sh shook hr had$ CNo$ 3 don)t! That)s why 3 was so surprisd to s thm on
th list! 'nd 3 #rtainly don)t ha& any r#oll#tion of daling with a #ompany
#alld ! ! ! :hat was its nam again$ darED
CTraumlbn 0ty >td$D 3 told hr$ and splld it for hr!
Sh shook hr had again! C3t (ust dosn)t sound familiar at all$ but 3)ll go
through my diaris for two and four yars ago and s if 3)d (ottd down anything
about thos sals!D Sh ga& us a ruful smil! C3 #rtainly hop 3 ha&n)t forgottn
thm! 3)& always pridd myslf on my good mmory!D
: both stood up! C>t us know whn you)& had a #han# to do that$ #ould
you plas$ 8iss /r&illED r;ustd th Sarg and sh walkd us out$ hr hand
tu#kd into th #rook of my arm!
Sh ga& m a p#k on my #hk at th door and pattd my arm$ tutting o&r
my poor fa# again!
CSrgant 8aguir$ 3 hop you)r going to look aftr Bffi#r Tss bttr in th
futur$D sh s#oldd gntly! CSh)s th bst poli# offi#r w)& &r had in >ittl
Town and 3 should know! 3)& sn mor than my fair shar of thm! 'nd 3 don)t
mind tlling you that most of thm wr #omplt fools! Tss is dfinitly not a fool
and th townsfolk ar going to b &ry upst whn thy s what)s happnd to
C8iss / ! ! !D 3 bgan to rmonstrat that$ whil 3 appr#iatd th sntimnt$ 3
didn)t nd anyon looking aftr m! Esp#ially th Sarg!
* didn)t sm to agr though! C3)ll #rtainly do &rything in my powr to
mak sur nothing lik this &r happns to Tss again$D h rspondd gra&ly$
#arfully a&oiding y #onta#t with m! Sh smild up at him in satisfa#tion$
s;u9d my arm again and lt us go!
: dro& in siln# for a whil! CThat was a big promis you mad to 8iss /
ba#k thr$ Sarg$D 3 rmarkd nutrally! C*ow do you plan on kping m safE
8ak m ;uitED
* smild brilliantly for a momnt$ his fa# lighting up attra#ti&ly! C3f that)s
what it taks!D
3 lookd away! C3)m not rally traind for anothr profssion!D
C"ou #ould marry your boyfrind and b#om a houswif!D * laughd! C8rs
Tss 1y#raft!D
3 pulld a fa# at him! CNo thanks, Dad would kill m if 3 marrid a 1y#raft!
'nyway 3 #ouldn)t marry Jak$ &n if 3 wantd to! *)s alrady marrid!D
C3s hED Thr was a disappro&ing siln#! C"ou don)t strik m as th kind of
woman who)d ha& a rlationship with a marrid man!D
CDon)t b (udgmntal$ Sarg$D 3 rprimandd him mildly! C3)m not that kind of
woman$ but Jak)s marrid status is no s#rt! E&rybody knows about it! :)r not
snaking around bhind anyon)s ba#k! * marrid whn h was &ry young and it
only lastd a #oupl of yars! *)s bn prmanntly sparatd from Chantll for
o&r six yars now$ wll bfor w startd our rlationship! * (ust hasn)t got
around to gtting a di&or#! Sh wll and truly mo&d on aftr him too$ bli& m!
Sh li&s hr in 1ig Town with hr many #hildrn! Non of thm ar Jak)s$ but
thy all blong to his brothrs!D
3 don)t know why 3 flt th nd to xplain my situation to him$ but 3 suppos 3
didn)t want him thinking that 3 was som kind of hom%wr#king tart!
CSo h)s un#l to his own wif)s kidsED 3 noddd! CStrang family!D
3 laughd for a s#ond! CNot to mntion that hr kids) fathrs ar un#ls to thir
kids) half%siblings!D
C/od$ what a gnalogi#al mss!D * thought on that for a momnt$ thn askd$
naturally in;uisiti&$ C:hy dosn)t Jak gt a di&or#E *)s ob&iously not planning
on r#on#iling with his wif!D
CNot a #han#$D 3 laughd$ thinking of Chantll and hr smi%wild brood$ but
a&oiding his ;ustion!
C1ut that mans that you two #an)t gt marrid$D h pointd out!
3 shruggd and smild! CCan you imagin >ola 1y#raft as my mothr%in%lawED 3
(okd light%hartdly$ a&oiding answring again! CTh Christmas lun#hs would b
hll on arth! 3f 3 sur&i&d thm,D
* #ut m a look that lt m know that h was wll awar of my &asi& ta#ti#s$
but 3 didn)t s why h thought h #ould third%dgr m about my prsonal lif$ but
xp#t his own to rmain stri#tly pri&at!
: pulld into th #arpark of th 1ig Town poli# station! 3 glan#d o&r at
him$ s#rwing up my nos! C8or r#ord sar#hingED
C'fraid so!D
: approa#hd th station! Thr dt#ti&s wr #hatting nar th ntran#$
a#h #lut#hing a #off! Thy stard at m$ opnly #urious$ as w walkd towards
CTss$D thy grtd$ nodding$ ys assssing my in(uris!
3 noddd gnrally to thm in rturn$ but didn)t stop to #hat! C/uys!D 3 #ould
fl thir ys on m as w walkd through th doorway!
C:ll$ wll$ Tssi 2ullr! "ou)r looking ral prtty today! 3 lo& what you)&
don with your makup$D ylld 0hil from th #ountr$ nsuring that &ryon in th
nar &i#inity turnd to glan# at m! Thr wr a &arity of xprssions on thir
fa#s as thy did$ ranging from sho#k to pity!
CCram it$ 0hil$D 3 suggstd with irritation! 3 wasn)t sking any mor attntion!
CCom to &isit your in%laws$ ha& youE Though thy)r mor lik outlaws$ 3
r#kon$D h said and laughd rau#ously at his own lam (ok!
CThy)r no rlati&s of min$D 3 insistd firmly!
C8ight as wll b$ you)& bn going out with that Jak 1y#raft for so long!D
3 ignord him! C: nd to us a #omputr again$ plas!D
* opnd th door to th #ountr ara and lt us us th sam #omputr w had
usd last tim! 3t still had th sam #obwb strt#hd a#ross it$ so ob&iously nobody
had tou#hd it sin# Sunday! 3 plonkd down in th sat and th Sarg sat on th
dsk again$ his foot rsting #asually on th sat of my #hair$ his boot poking
painfully into my thigh! 3 shiftd o&r A it was on of my bruisd bits!
C"ou distra#t thm whil 3 smuggl th #omputr out undr my shirt$D h said in
a low &oi#$ laning down to m! Knfortunatly 3 ga& a loud giggl at that whi#h
drw &ryon)s noti# to us! CTss$D h rproa#hd!
CSorry Sarg! Spoild your plan$D 3 said shpishly and #alld up th log in
s#rn! :ithout any instru#tions from him$ 3 wnt ba#k onto th land titl databas
and lookd up all transa#tions rlating to Traumlbn 0ty >td!
Thr wr two xtrmly intrsting sals in th last two yars #on#rning that
CSarg$ look at this$D 3 said$ pointing at th s#rn! CTraumlbn 0ty >td sold
th blo#k of land nxt to th prison it bought from 8iss /r&ill to th go&rnmnt
two yars ago for R2@0$000! 'nd thn it also sold th land nxt to th mntal halth
#lini# to th go&rnmnt for R660$@00 on yar ago! That)s ;uit a profit margin
from two tn dollar in&stmnts$ wouldn)t you sayED
C3t sur is! Can you go onto th 'S3C wbsit to s who)s bhind Traumlbn
0ty >tdED
CNo worris!D 3 printd off th proprty rport and tappd on th kyboard
again$ #alling up th 'S3C dir#tor databas$ intrrogating it about Traumlbn 0ty
>td! 3t told us that th sol dir#tor of th #ompany was 8r >ionl 8undy of @
'#a#ia Court$ :attling 1ay!
C' lo#al man! This gts mor intrsting &ry s#ond$D h said$ running his
fingrs o&r his wll%sha&n #hin in thought! C:ill w go &isit 8r >ionl 8undy of
@ '#a#ia CourtE Br should w &isit Stanly 8ur#hison firstED
3 land ba#k in th #hair and lookd up at him! C>t)s go mt >ionl$ Sarg!
3)m a (unki for x#itmnt!D
CBkay thn$ lt)s go mt >ionl!D * stood up$ waiting patintly whil 3
printd off th dir#tor rport as wll! : #lut#hd our printouts and walkd out of
th station ba#k to th #ar$ kping our hads down$ trying not to attra#t any mor
attntion! 3t workd$ all th othr #ops distra#td by an hystri#al woman who burst
into th station #rying and shouting that sh had a##idntly lo#kd hr baby in hr
#ar at th suprmarkt a#ross th road and #ould somon plas$ for the lo"e of
/od$ hlp hr, Kniforms wr mobilising lft$ right and #ntr to assist$ and w
managd to s#ap without any furthr smart%arsd #ommnts!
Th Sarg dro& to '#a#ia Court as 3 dir#td him! 3 lookd out th window for
a minut$ spotting Jak)s wif$ Chantll$ hrslf$ on th footpath outsid a fast food
fran#his! 3 pointd hr out to th Sarg$ so h)d know what sh lookd lik!
Sh was slurping a gargantuan #up of #ola and grdily stuffing suprsi9d
frn#h fris into hr mouth$ only stopping long nough to slap on of hr small
#hildrn hard on its bottom! 3t (oind in with th othr thr who wr alrady
#rying$ in#luding th littl rd%fa#d baby in th tattrd pram! 8y hart brok for
thos poor kids! :hat possibl #han# did thy ha& in lif with an ignorant and
nglignt mothr who didn)t ha& th skills or mony to look aftr thm proprly$
multipl fathrs who didn)t #ar at all and a #ommunity sr&i#s dpartmnt that
was too o&rwhlmd to dal with anything x#pt th most dir mrgn#isE Sh
was &n largr than normal and 3 wondrd if sh was prgnant again$ and who to$
if sh wasE 3t was probably on of th 1y#rafts$ knowing hr!
Thr)s a s#rt saying in >ittl Town$ (ust among th womn$ that on# you)&
had 1y#raft$ you wantd 1y#raft for&r! 3 hatd to say it$ but most of th girls and
womn who sampld from th 1y#raft tasting plat did want mor 1y#raft
aftrwards! 8y gratst far was that if Jak and 3 brok up for what&r rason$ 3
would want to start a rlationship with anothr 1y#raft$ addi#td to th passionat
and magnifi#nt lo&making 3)d bn gtting from Jak!
8y bst frind sin# our first day of kindy togthr$ 8ariann$ assurd m that
all th 1y#rafts sh had known intimatly at on tim or anothr growing up in
>ittl Town A .i#k$ Dnny and my Jak A wr all wll%ndowd and good in bd!
Bf #ours$ that was wll bfor sh mo&d to th #ity$ marrid a d#nt man and
startd hr family! Sh)d also #onfssd that Jak was unanimously #onsidrd by
all th girls in town to b th bst of th bun#h b#aus h was mor rsp#tful and
not as rough as th othrs #ould b! 3 was ;uitly #onfidnt that 3)d b th on who
would dispro& that old >ittl Town saying though$ b#aus thr wasn)t anothr
1y#raft bsids him that 3 wantd within twnty mtrs of m! 'n in&oluntary
shuddr at th thought of Dnny 1y#raft or .d 1y#raft in my bd with m pushd
out goosbumps o&r my arms! 'nd not th plasant anti#ipatory kind of
goosbumps ithr! 3 was dtrmind that Jak would b th bginning and nd of
my 1y#raft xprimnt!
Th Sarg shot m a #urious glan# as 3 rubbd my arms and 3 ralisd h)d
bn spaking to m!
C3 said$ w)r hr$D h rpatd patintly! C"ou okayED
C"p$D 3 assurd$ not saying anothr word! Thr was no way 3 was xplaining
to him what 3)d bn thinking about! : pulld up in front of @ '#a#ia Court! Th
nonds#ript #a&ity bri#k and til hous appard un#ard for and uno##upid$ (unk
mail spilling out of th lttrbox and th lawn #alf%high! : stppd out of th #ar
and walkd to th front door! Thr was no bll$ so th Sarg bangd hard on th
door! : waitd a minut! Nothing!
3 automati#ally wnt around th ba#k$ noting th o&rgrown and wd%riddn
sid gardn as 3 did! 3 bangd on th ba#k door! Nothing! 3 bangd again! Still
nothing! Suddnly 3 rmmbrd 3 had my radio$ so #onta#td th Sarg!
CNobody hr$ Sarg!D
3t s;uawkd$ CNo rspons for m ithr$ Tss! Com ba#k!D
CBn my way!D
: mt a#h othr ba#k on th front por#h! CNo >ionl$D notd th Sarg
8y ys roamd th unkmpt proprty! CNo >ionl for ;uit a whil$ it sms!D
But of th #ornr of my y$ 3 spottd a nosy nighbour poking his had o&r
th tall$ straggly hdg that sparatd th two houss! 3t appard h was
dspratly trying to har what w said and tak photos of us with his phon! 1ut h
was too ldrly to su##ssfully manag both th t#hnology and th hdg! 3
snakd o&r to th hdg and th s#ond h pokd his had up again$ 3 (umpd up
too$ frightning him with my s#ary fa#! * shrikd in far as 3 graspd him firmly
by his #ollar!
CSarg,D 3 shoutd! Th Sarg rushd around to th nighbouring proprty to
hlp m subdu what turnd out to b a ;uit fragil$ but xtrmly wriggly$ snior
#iti9n! 3 (oggd o&r to (oin him ;ui#kly!
CDon)t hurt m, Don)t hurt m,D h ylld with far as th Sarg gntly hld
on arm!
C3)m not hurting you$D th Sarg pointd out$ ltting go of him! C:ho ar you
and what ar you doingED
Th man stood in front of us$ smoothing his hair and brushing down his #loths
with old%fashiond dignity! * had an ugly$ wi9nd fa# and with his round
balding had and larg ars$ lookd lik a grumpy goblin! Br mayb /ollum from
3ord of the *ings!
C3)m Lin# 8a#osti# and 3)& li&d in this hous hr for fifty%s&n yars! 3
noti#d you #rping around th 8undy)s pla# and was #h#king you out! 3)ll ha&
you know that this is a Nighbourhood :at#h ara$D h said proudly in an a##ntd
&oi#$ thn muttrd$ C&n though th young ons around hr don)t sm to gi&
two figs for kping th nighbourhood saf!D * glard at us young ons
a##usingly! CBnly thr popl turnd up to th last mting of th :at#h$ you
know!D : didn)t know A how #ould wE C(hree people. 3f this kps up$ nxt yar
3 might as wll (ust book th phon booth instad of th s#hool hall for our
Not knowing how to rspond to that$ th Sarg mrly introdu#d th both of
us! 8r 8a#osti# insistd on sing our idntifi#ation$ b#aus ob&iously th
uniforms$ wapons and th patrol #ar wrn)t &idn# nough for him that w wr
bona fide poli# offi#rs!
C:hat happnd to youED h askd m in that blunt way that many ldrly
popl ha&$ staring at m rudly aftr h #losly xamind my idntifi#ation photo!
3 figurd thy thought thy didn)t ha& nough tim lft on arth to bothr with
mannrs at thir ag! C"ou look lik you)r normally a hll of a bauty!D
Boy, was his eyesight fading$ 3 thought dryly$ and told him$ ;ually blunt$ C3
was batn up by som 1y#rafts!D
CBh$ thm$D h sniffd in disappro&al! C1un#h of yobs$ th lot of thm! Thy)r
for&r in th papr for gtting arrstd or apparing in #ourt! 3)m glad thy don)t
li& hr in :attling 1ay!D
C8r 8a#osti#$ w)r looking for >ionl 8undy$D #ut in th Sarg! CNobody
appars to b hom!D
* #a#kld! C3f you want to find >ionl$ you)ll ha& to go to th #rmatorium!
* did thr yars ago!D
CBh$D said th Sarg$ takn aba#k! CDid h ha& any nxt%of%kinED
C*is wif$ 'nn! Sh mo&d to a rtirmnt &illag in th #ity aftr h did!
*a&n)t hard from hr for ags though! Bh$ and thy had a uslss layabout son$
/raham! Don)t know whr h is! Spnt all his tim playing thos stupid gams on
th #omputr instad of gtting a (ob lik a ral man!D * shook his had! C3)&
n&r undrstood thos gams! :hat th hll)s th attra#tionE 3t)s (ust a bun#h of AD
CDo you ha& an addrss or phon numbr for 8rs 8undyED 3 askd$ butting in!
* shot m a dirty look$ not happy about bing intrruptd during his rant$ and
snappd$ C"s! Com with m!D
: followd him insid his hous$ whi#h was #ool$ dark and spotlssly tidy$ th
faint #itrusy smll of furnitur polish hanging in th air! 3 had a suddn nostalgi#
pang b#aus it rmindd m of th smll of Nana 2ullr)s hous! Sh)d bn a
grat on for polishing hr furnitur! 0rsonally$ 3)d n&r polishd a pi# of
furnitur in my lif and 3 #rtainly didn)t intnd to start now! 8y furnitur was
lu#ky if 3 had tim to gi& it a dust now and thn!
' ;urulous fmal &oi# #alld from anothr room in a diffrnt languag$
3talian 3 think$ and 8r 8a#osti# ylld out a rspons in sam languag! Thr was
a brif x#hang of xprssi& words$ shoutd loudly$ ithr opinions or insults!
:ho #ould tllE
C8y wif$D h xplaind with a ha&y sigh and wnt to a sid tabl in his
loung room! * rummagd in a drawr for a momnt$ pulling out an addrss book!
* took his tim$ #laning and thn popping on som sp#ta#ls bfor slowly
writing down th #onta#t dtails for 8rs 8undy in a notbook in shaky
handwriting! * rippd off th pag and handd it to th Sarg!
CThank you$ 8r 8a#osti#! :)ll s oursl&s out$D th Sarg told him$ but h
followd us to th door anyway and wat#hd as w walkd ba#k to th #ar and
#limbd in!
C:hat nowED 3 askd$ doing up my satblt!
C1a#k to th station to ring 8rs 8undy!D
'nd bfor long w wr pulling into th 1ig Town poli# station #arpark
again! Thr was a diffrnt #rowd in th #ountr ara this tim$ so 3 had to ndur
anothr round of sho#kd and pitying looks$ as wll as mor tasing from 0hil
bfor h lt us out th ba#k to us th phon! This tim 3 sat on th dsk and th
Sarg sat on th #hair and phond 'nn 8undy$ whil 3 listnd in on his sid of th
#on&rsation$ my ft up on his #hair! 3t didn)t sound as though h was ha&ing mu#h
2rowning h hung up! CSh didn)t know anything about a #ompany #alld
Traumlbn 0ty >td! *ad n&r &n hard of it! 'nd sh dnid that hr husband
had &r bn th dir#tor of any #ompany! 'pparntly >ionl 8undy had
'l9himr)s disas for fi& yars bfor h did and was thrfor #ompltly
in#apabl of running a #ompany!D
C3sn)t that strangED
C3t #rtainly is! 'nd whn 3 askd whthr hr son #ould hlp us$ sh was &ry
dismissi&! >ik 8r 8a#osti# said$ h sounds lik a total no%hopr!D
CNon of that)s gtting us anywhr$D 3 #omplaind$ frustratd!
Don)t dspair$D h said$ looking up at m$ smugly plasd$ his hands #laspd
bhind his n#k! * swang on th #hair$ for#ing my lgs to ro#k ba#k and forth
along with it! CSh thought that mayb hr brothr might b abl to b of som
assistan# though$ b#aus h has lookd aftr thir businss affairs for th last forty
yars! *)s a lawyr and h li&s right hr in 1ig Town!D * grinnd up at m!
C'nd ! ! !D
3 lookd down at him impatintly! C'ndED 3 promptd!
C'nd his nam is Stanly 8ur#hison!D
Cha#ter +*
: pulld up in front of 8r 8ur#hison)s lo&ly hom again and #limbd out! 3
prssd th doorbll and w waitd! 'nd waitd! Nothing! 3 prssd it again! 8or
waiting! 8or nothing! 3 lookd up at th windows and #ould ha& sworn that 3 saw
som mo&mnt bhind on of thm! 3 prssd th bll again!
C3 think h)s thr$ Sarg! * (ust dosn)t want to talk to us!D
C: #an)t for# our way in$D h said snsibly! C>t)s go ha& som lun#h and
w)ll #om ba#k again aftrwards! * might b fling mor so#iabl thn!D
* #hos a sandwi#h and (ui# bar and ordrd a tuna salad sandwi#h whil 3
wnt for th #hi#kn salad$ #arfully #ounting out my #hang! 3t was still anothr
wk until payday and 3 was #urrntly skint! Th sulky o&r%pir#d mo #ashir
swpt up my #oins with #ontmpt and dumpd thm into th rgistr$ shooting m
dirty looks th whol tim through ha&ily y%lind ys! Sh wasn)t a fan of th
boys and girls in blu$ 3 d#idd! : sat at on of th small tabls to at$ although 3
was finding th #urious stars of &ryon who #am in and out off%putting aftr a
short whil!
C3)m si#k of &rybody looking at m! 3)m grots;u$D 3 #omplaind$ slumping
down in my #hair!
C"ou)r not at all grots;u! "ou nd to ignor thm$D h ad&isd!
CThat)s asy for you to say! Thy)r not gawking at you!D 8y slf%stm was
taking a blly%di&!
CTss$ it)s good for popl to s su#h a stark rmindr that poli#ing #an b a
&ry dangrous o##upation! 3t)s asy for popl to forgt that$ whn all thy noti#
is us gi&ing thm spding ti#kts and brath tsts!D
C3 suppos$D 3 #on#dd rlu#tantly and w finishd our lun#h in siln#! Bn th
way out$ 3 rmmbrd somthing that 3)d promisd to do!
CSargE Can w mak a dtour bfor w go ba#k to 8ur#hison)s pla#ED
CBkay$ as long as it won)t tak too long!D
CNah! 3)ll b ;ui#k!D 3 ga& him dir#tions to th stor 3 ndd and du#kd in
and out bfor h &n had th #han# to miss m!
C:hat did you buyED h askd$ laning o&r to pr in my bag!
C'rn)t you a nosy srgantE "ou ought to b a dt#ti&$D 3 tasd and pulld
out my pur#has! 3t was anothr brown mug with GInny) writtn on it in gold
C"ou)r a &ry ni# prson$ Tss$D h #ommntd as h dro& off!
CNot rally$D 3 admittd honstly! C1ut 3 promisd "oung Inny 3)d buy him a
nw mug and 3)d b ltting him down if 3 didn)t dli&r!D
C8ost popl wouldn)t #ar if thy didn)t kp a promis to an old homlss
C:ll$ 3 do #ar! 3t mans a lot to him!D
*is ys slid sidways to m! C>ik 3 said$ you)r a ni# prson!D
3 rmaind silnt! * didn)t know th first thing about m!
1a#k at Stanly 8ur#hison)s pla#$ w r#i&d no rspons at th door again!
C:)ll try his offi#$D suggstd th Sarg! : mad our way thr only to b
told by a nr&ous$ fri99y%haird bsp#ta#ld woman$ who #ouldn)t tar hr sho#kd
ys away from my fa#$ that 8r 8ur#hison wasn)t in th offi# today! * was
working from hom!
Th Sarg sighd impatintly! C3 want you to ring 8r 8ur#hison and tll him
that w want to spak to him now!D
Th woman lookd at him$ hr ys hug bhind hr glasss$ and ;ui#kly did as
h askd$ pi#king up th phon and ringing!
C*llo$ 8r 8ur#hison$ this is Didr from th offi#! 3 ha& two poli# offi#rs
hr who wish to spak to you!D Sh listnd for a momnt! CCrtainly ! ! ! "s ! ! !
Thank you$ 8r 8ur#hison!D
Sh hung up! C8r 8ur#hison would b mor than happy to talk to you$
Bffi#rs! Do you know whr h li&sED
C"s$D said th Sarg #urtly$ and stalkd out!
CThanks Didr$D 3 smild and followd him out! 3t didn)t #ost anything to b
ni#! Th Sarg should rmmbr that now and again!
: dro& ba#k to 8ur#hison)s hous and stood at his door$ prssing on his
bu99r again! No rspons!
CThis man is sriously starting to gi& m th shits$D said th Sarg angrily!
C:hat th hll gam is h playing atED
C* #larly dosn)t want to talk to us!D
C3 don)t gi& a flying fu#k what h wants$D h spat out! C3)ll AD *is phon rang$
halting th impnding tirad and h answrd snappily! C8aguir ! ! ! "s ! ! !
/rat ! ! !Bkay$ thanks!D
* turnd to m! CThat was fornsi#s! Thy (ust finishd dusting 8rs Lillirs)
windowsill and managd to lift a #oupl of prints from th window glass!D
CBur pprED
C0ossibly! Thy)r going to run thm through th databas for us! 1ut thy want
us ba#k in >ittl Town straight away so thy #an also do 8iss /r&ill)s hous and
th station for our saf%bustr whil thy)r thr! :)r going to ha& to abandon
8ur#hison for now!D
Th fornsi#s tam was waiting patintly for us on th front &randa of our
poli# station$ ating a lat lun#h of mat pis and Coks from th bakry! : lt
thm insid and wat#hd$ wll out of thir way$ whil thy dustd th saf and ba#k
door for prints! :hn thy)d finishd$ thy promisd to go straight to 8iss
/r&ill)s hous and thn b in tou#h as soon as possibl!
CNow that w)r ba#k in town$ lt)s go walk th bat for a whil$D said th
Sarg$ so w dro& to th main shopping strip and did xa#tly that! :hr h was
mobbd ystrday$ today it was my turn and w progrssd slowly down th strt
as &ry prson 3 #rossd paths with wantd to hug m or #hat to m and
#ommisrat on my in(uris$ tlling m (ust what thy thought of thos 1y#raft
: strolld past th townJs small primary s#hool at th xa#t momnt that
s#hool ndd and th kids stramd out of th gats! Bf #ours thy wr #urious
whn thy saw my fa# and #rowdd around m$ th littl girls holding my hands
and gi&ing m hugs! Th 1y#raft brats slinkd past$ #asting m hostil looks$ whi#h
would mak thm th fourth gnration of 1y#rafts in >ittl Town to prsonally
hat m! 3 #ouldn)t blam th young ons about that today though! 1#aus of m$
som of thir dads wr now in th wat#h hous in 1ig Town!
C:hat happnd$ Bffi#r TssED th kids askd in &arious ways$ thir mothrs
also #oming o&r to talk to m$ or mayb it was to #h#k out th Sarg!
C3 had a fight with som bad guys$D 3 told th kids solmnly!
CDid you winED askd on big%yd littl girl!
C3 sur did! Thy)r all sitting in (ail right now!D
C:as it som 1y#raftsED
C"s$ it was!D
CSomon told m you killd on of thm with your gun$D said on s&nth%
CThat)s not tru!D 3 rspondd ;ui#kly! CThy)r all still ali&!D
'b)s littl daughtr$ Toni$ #am up$ ga& m a big hug and #lut#hd my hand!
C*llo Tssi$D sh said shyly!
C*llo$ #uti%pi$D 3 smild and lant down to drop a kiss on th top of hr had$
sliding my arm around hr shouldr! Sh was a darling littl girl with hr parnts)
dark ys$ a tndr tmpramnt and dark brown hair naturally #urld into th
swtst ringlts 3)d sn sin# 3 wat#hd an old Shirly Tmpl mo&i on TL on
night! C'r you waiting for your dadED
Sh noddd and lookd up at th Sarg in aw! * must ha& smd lik a
giant to hr!
CIids and mums$ this is Srgant 8aguir! *)s th town)s nw poli# offi#r!
*)s my boss now!D Th mothrs smild in a frindly way at him$ whil th kids
rgardd him with all of a #hild)s blunt #uriosity!
CDo you ha& a gun tooED askd on in;uisiti& fourth%gradr!
C"s$ 3 do! 'll poli# offi#rs ha& a gun$ but w try n&r to us thm$D h
said$ looking down at th kids tolrantly!
C*a& you &r shot anybodyED askd th sam #urious kid!
CNo$ but 3 don)t think w should talk about things lik that! 3t)s not a ni# thing
to talk about in front of th littl kids$D h rpro&d gntly! Th #hild)s mothr
grabbd his hand$ mbarrassd by his ;ustions!
CBh Tssi$ look what)s happnd to you$D said a familiar but upst &oi# from
bhind! 3 turnd to find my frind /rtl$ on of th two ta#hrs at th s#hool
ga9ing at m$ aghast! Sh ga& m an awkward hug$ Toni still #linging to m and
som of th othr littl girls hanging off my arm! 3 was a bit of a rol modl to th
young girls in town for som rason! Thy wr always mobbing m! 8ayb it was
th uniformE Br mayb b#aus 3 ga& rgular talks at th s#hool on strangr
dangr$ #rossing th road safly$ fir safty$ bik safty and othr kid%frindly topi#s
and handd out lollis at th nd to th kids who had listnd!
C3)m okay rally$ /rtl! 3t was nothing! Just anothr day at th offi#$D 3
dismissd airily with th bst smil 3 #ould mustr! Sh laughd with m at my
mo#k toughnss and thn noti#d th Sarg standing nxt to m! Th #hang that
swpt o&r hr fa# was mbarrassingly transparnt! 3 think it was lo& at first sight
for hr! 3 guss 3 should b gratful that sh)d noti#d m first$ othrwis 3 don)t
think 3 would ha& got a look%in!
C/rtl$ this is Srgant 2inn 8aguir$ th nw offi#r to rpla# Ds! Sarg$
this is my &ry good frind$ /rtl *ar#ourt! /rtl is on of th two ta#hrs hr
at th primary s#hool!D Thy shook hands politly but /rtl)s ys didn)t la& his
fa# for a s#ond! Sh was #ompltly dumbstru#k and only managd to splurt out
som inan grting in rspons to his that 3 knw sh)d b ki#king hrslf about for
th rst of hr lif!
Bh dar$ anothr hart 3 was going to ha& to shattr by tlling hr that h was
alrady ngagd! Why couldnt men wear an engagement ring li#e women did$ 3
thought in irritation! Thn &rybody would instantly know thy wr takn and
somon lik m wouldn)t ha& to go around braking harts as 3 brok th bad
nws! /rtl was singl$ but lft nobody in any doubt that sh wantd to #hang th
status of that situation as soon as humanly possibl! 1ing a rasonably snsibl
woman though$ and in #los #onta#t with 1y#raft brats &ry work day$ sh rfusd
to ha& anything to do with th 1y#raft mn$ so hr options in >ittl Town wr
signifi#antly limitd! ' man lik th Sarg turning up in town would ha& bn a
dram #om tru for hr! 3f h hadn)t bn takn alrady$ that was!
Th man 3 rally hopd sh would nd up with$ 'b$ #am strolling down th
footpath at that momnt to pi#k up Toni! 3 had trid &rything 3 #ould think of to
gt thos two hookd up$ but it n&r smd to pan out! 3 know thy likd and
rsp#td a#h othr$ and had &n gon on som dats! 'nd from th #oy hints
thy)d both droppd$ 3 think thy)d mayb &n slpt togthr a fw tims$ but thr
didn)t sm to b that spark btwn thm ndd to st a frindship on fir to
somthing hottr!
* stoppd in sho#k whn h saw m and 3 ga& him a ruful half%smil! C8y
/od$ Tssi!D *is fa# grw grim! C3)m going to kill thos fuAD
C'b,D 3 said sharply$ rminding him that w wr surroundd by littl #hildrn
with big ars!
* pulld m into his arms and huggd m tightly! 3 lt him for a minut$ but
thn struggld to fr myslf! 3 was always &ry #ir#umsp#t around him$ knowing
that h had amorous flings for m that 3 wasn)t kn to n#ourag in any way! 1ut
h was a dar frind and a grat support for m and 3 didn)t want to hurt his flings
ithr! 3t was a diffi#ult balan#ing a#t at tims and 3 wasn)t sur that 3 always
managd it wll!
C:hy don)t you and Tr& #om to dinnr at th bistro tonightED h suggstd!
CBn th hous!D
CThanks 'b$ that)s so ni# of you! 1ut 3)d put all your paying #ustomrs off
thir dinnr looking lik this! Can 3 tak a rain#h#k until 3)m mor prsntablED 3t
killd m to turn down a fr mal! Esp#ially whn 3 hadn)t had a #han# to do th
gro#ry shopping for th wk!
CSur Tssi$ if that)s how you fl$ but 3 #ouldn)t #ar lss what othr popl
think! 3t pains m to s you hurt lik this!D
3 was sin#rly tou#hd by th sntimnt and ra#hd up to gi& him a pat on
th #hk! CThanks 'b$ that)s su#h a swt thing to say! 1ut 3)m (ust doing my
CNo you)r not$ Tssi! 'nd w both know that$D h said sriously$ his big palm
aff#tionatly #upping my #hk in rturn! Bur ys mt$ so full of dark motion$
th ghost of 8ar#ll btwn us$ that w both ndd to look away immdiatly!
Thn h dlibratly lightnd up bfor bnding down to Toni$ twaking hr nos$
C>t)s go hom$ littl possum! 3 nd you to st th tabls in th bistro this aftrnoon
for m bfor you do your homwork! : ha& a big group bookd in tonight
#lbrating a wdding anni&rsary!D
CBkay Daddy$D sh smild$ slipping hr hand into his! Thy both ga& m a kiss
on th #hk in farwll and 3 wat#hd thm walk ba#k towards th pub fondly$
hand%in%hand$ wa&ing ba#k at thm whn thy turnd to wa&! * was a grat fathr
and a good man and would mak a lu#ky woman a wondrful partnr! 3 lookd o&r
to /rtl$ hoping sh was paying attntion to his many strling ;ualitis! Sh
wasn)t$ hr #on#ntration and ys firmly fixd on th Sarg! Knfortunatly for hr
though$ h hadn)t noti#d b#aus h was too busy shooting m maningful glan#s
that 3 #orr#tly intrprtd as C#om on$ 3)m bord$ lt)s gt mo&ingD!
3 said goodby to &ryon and th Sarg and 3 hadd off again$ /rtl
wat#hing aftr us as w did! : walkd around for anothr thr%;uartrs of an
hour$ bing stoppd &ry fw minuts by somon who wantd to talk to m!
C"ou)r wll%lo&d in this town$ Tss! 3)& n&r sn a #op huggd and kissd
so mu#h in my lif! Not &n on Nw "ar)s E& in th #ity$ surroundd by drunk
popl$D h #ommntd nutrally!
3 shruggd$ smiling! C3 was born and raisd hr and 3)m not a 1y#raft$ and
that)s prtty mu#h all you nd to do to b wll%lo&d in >ittl Town!D
CThr you go again$ bing modst! "ou)r an outstanding lo#al #ommunity
#op$ but 3)& bn thinking that you should dfinitly #onsidr la&ing >ittl Town
at som point to build up som xprin# in th #ity! 3t would b good for you A
hlp you d&lop profssionally! Tak you out of your #omfort 9on! 8ayb whn 3
rturn to th #ity in a fw yars$ 3 #ould tak you ba#k with mED
3 turnd to him with a thousand%mgawatt smil! C:hat a grat ida$ Sarg!
Thanks for thinking wll nough of m to offr!D
't that$ his ybrows knittd togthr and his ys #hangd #olour to that darkr
stormy blu! 3 barly noti#d though as 3 wat#hd th s#hool bus from 1ig Town
pull up at th bus stop$ rlasing its load of pushy and rowdy tnagrs$ a fair fw of
thm 1y#rafts! : wr on a dir#t #ollision #ours with thm!
3 nudgd him and noddd towards th bus! CSarg$ troubl at twl& o)#lo#k!D
.omi spottd us immdiatly as sh stppd off th bus and forgtting hr
hartbrak from this morning$ ran up to us$ gi&ing m a ;ui#k hug and looking up at
th Sarg adoringly! *r bst frind Tina was in tow$ and was also instantly
#apti&atd by him! 'gain$ unfortunatly for thm$ h was too busy ying off th
1y#raft tns to noti# thm! * n&r smd to pay mu#h attntion to othr
womn and wasn)t on of thos guys who #ompulsi&ly #h#kd out &ry fmal
body h #am a#ross! %is fiancee was a luc#y woman$ 3 thought! * must b dply
in lo& with hr!
Th 1y#raft (uniors #am sauntring past us$ #asting m drisi& and amusd
glan#s$ muttring to and lbowing a#h othr and laughing rudly$ ob&iously at my
xpns! 3 didn)t rally #ar what thy said b#aus thy wr (ust kids$ and hy$
sti#k and stons et cetera! 1ut th Sarg was on full alrt$ hostility bristling from
him$ not prpard to put up with any rubbish from thm today! 3t wasn)t him who
wnt into battl for m though!
CDon)t you dar laugh at Tssi lik that$ you bun#h of ignorant bogans,D .omi
s#ramd at thm unxp#tdly$ hr fists #ln#hd$ looking as though sh was
prpard to laun#h hrslf onto thm at any s#ond!
C/o fu#k yourslf$ pub slut,D ylld ba#k >arissa$ laughing$ and thn thy all
spnt th nxt minut taunting hr$ whi#h mad hr &n angrir!
C"ou kids wat#h your languag,D bllowd th Sarg$ taking a fw stps
towards thm! Thy shut up but thir attitud rmaind aggrssi& and
unprdi#tabl! Knbli&ably$ .omi took a stp forward hrslf!
3 pla#d a #alm$ rstraining hand on hr arm! C3t)s all right$ swti! Don)t
worry about thm! Thy don)t bothr m at all!D Sh lookd up at m un#rtainly$
not ;uit bli&ing m$ but 3 smild to rinfor# my la#k of intrst in what th
1y#raft tns said to m! C'nd 3 don)t want you &r gtting in&ol&d btwn th
1y#rafts and m! 3)m srious$ .omi! KndrstandE 3t)s my businss$ it)s adult
businss and it)s poli# businss! Nothing you #an hlp with! BkayE 0romis m!D
Sh noddd$ hr lo&ly blu ys larg and moistly motional as sh lookd up
at m! CBkay$D sh said ;uitly!
3 pattd hr arm and kissd hr forhad! C"ou bttr run off hom now! 'b)s
got Toni stting th tabls this aftrnoon$ so h might nd your hlp as wll! 'nd
Tina$ isn)t that your dad o&r thr waiting for youE *)s looking a bit impatint!
1ttr gt o&r thr ;ui#k smart! "ou know what h)s lik whn h)s kpt waiting
too long!D
Th two girls obdintly dpartd$ hading off in diffrnt dir#tions$ th
1y#raft tns furthr down th strt in th dir#tion of thir houss$ (ostling and
tasing a#h othr$ not #ausing any furthr troubl for us ithr! 3 rlasd a brath
and turnd to th Sarg$ wondring why h wasn)t mo&ing A w wr fr to kp
walking on# mor!
C:hy do you lt m patronis you$ TssED h askd$ a barly hiddn
undr#urrnt of som strong fling in his &oi#! 'ngrE
C:hat do you manED 3 askd$ ys wid in surpris!
C1for$ whn 3 suggstd you go to th #ity for a whil for som xprin#E
"ou)& alrady don #ity tim$ ha&n)t youED
C"s$D 3 admittd!
* sighd impatintly! CThn why not tll m that 3)m bing a patronising ars
3 shruggd and turnd away$ walking down th strt! * grabbd m roughly
by th arm to turn m around again! 'ngrily 3 (rkd my arm away from his$ my
tmpr flaring!
C3 didn)t fl lik xplaining myslf! 0opl will think what thy want about
m! 3 #an)t stop that! "ou mt m and immdiatly assumd$ probably b#aus 3)m
youngr and fmal and from th #ountry$ that 3 was som kind of #lulss slpy
yokl #op with grass bhind my ars and shp shit on my boots$ and that)s your
prrogati&! 1ut you don)t know th first thing about m and 3 don)t think 3 should
ha& to (ustify myslf to you b#aus of that!D
C*ow #an 3 &r know anything about you if you don)t tll m anythingED h
shoutd and strod off away from m in tmpr! 3 wasn)t sur if h was angry with
himslf or m$ but 3 sur as hll wasn)t going to run aftr him soothing his ruffld
fathrs! 3f h #ouldn)t tak a bit of plain honst spaking$ h had no businss bing
a srgant or a #op! 'nd as for m not tlling him anything$ all 3 had to say to him
was pot mt kttl!
3nstad of worrying about him$ 3 dtourd o&r to th #afNbakry whr th
ownr$ 2ran$ was out th front! Sh was sitting on a bn#h$ taking a smoko$
dragging blissfully and dply on a #igartt$ and probably gawking at all th drama
with th 1y#raft tns and btwn th Sarg and m!
CDon)t go anywhr$ Tss$D sh dmandd$ #rushing hr #igartt out and
ta#tfully not staring at my ruind fa#! Sh du#kd into th bakry and rturnd with
a papr bag that sh prssd into my hands! C3 want you and Tr& to tst this nw
fla&our of fo#a##ia for m! 3t)s oli& and #hori9o with a topping of #aramlisd
#hilli%onion (am and a sprinkl of smokd paprika!D
C"ummo,D 3 said nthusiasti#ally! C1ut 3 don)t think you nd to tst that on
anyon$ 2ranni! 3t sounds lik a sur winnr!D
Sh pushd it on m and 3 knw sh didn)t rally want th fla&our tstd! Sh
was showing hr appr#iation to m$ and whil 3 guss that t#hni#ally it #ould b
#onsidrd as a brib$ 3 oftn had small gifts su#h as this gi&n to m by th
townsfolk! Somon would for&r b at th station dropping off a watrmlon or
som strawbrris or an xtra #ak thy)d (ust mad! 3t would ha& bn
unforgi&ably rud of m to rfus su#h small a#ts of kindnss$ so 3 #losd my ys
to th thi#al #onsidrations of th situation and a##ptd a#h gift with profus
thanks! 8y own dad and Nana 2ullr had oftn don th sam for th lo#al #ops$ so
it wasn)t anything nw in town! 3 also o##asionally a##ptd a fr mal from 'b
or from th lo&ly #oupl from /uangdong who ran th Chins takaway!
C3 nd you to tll m if it)s too spi#y for th normal palat$D 2ran insistd$
kping up th #harad! Sh didn)t lik to admit that sh ga& m gifts$ but 3)d bn
askd to Gtst) som things mor than on# o&r th #oupl of yars 3)d bn ba#k in
town! :hn 3)d pointd out that in#on&nint fa#t to hr$ sh)d always insistd$
rathr un#on&in#ingly$ that sh)d fiddld with th r#ip a bit and that parti#ular
produ#t ndd to b rtstd!
3 thankd hr again and took my tim strolling o&r to whr th Sarg was
waiting for m$ laning against on of th bautiful$ almost #ntury%old fig trs
plantd down Timbr Strt in mmory of &ry lo#al boy killd sr&ing his #ountry
in :orld :ar 3! Thr wr l&n of th trs originally$ although th town had
lost on in a fro#ious storm during th 1<@0s and on had to b #hoppd down by
th Coun#il last yar as it had b#om dangrously unsound with disas! That had
bn a &ry unpopular d#ision and w)d almost had a riot whn th arborists
arri&d from 1ig Town to do th dd! 3)d had to #all in xtra hlp from th 1ig
Town #ops and four lo#als had bn arrstd for publi# disordr$ most of thm from
th narby hippy #ommun! 3)d bn rathr unpopular myslf in town for a whil
aftr that littl in#idnt$ but &ryon &ntually forga& and forgot$ th #ourt%
imposd fins wr paid and lif wnt on as usual! Nobody wnt to (ail o&r it and$
sadly$ th tr was #hoppd down!
C1ribry and #orruption in >ittl Town$ Snior ConstablED h askd m$
fo#ussd on th papr bag 3 was #lasping$ an ybrow raisd$ a faint ironi# smil on
his fa#! * was ob&iously struggling to o&r#om his bad mood! CBr ar you going
to tll m that you)r about to swim a#ross a raging flood%swolln ri&r to hand%
dli&r it to a widow with tn star&ing #hildrn as anothr a#t of th pious small%
town poli# work for whi#h you ar rnownd throughout th statED
3 laughd$ rli&d h was tasing$ not angry! CNo$ 3)m not that saintly, Dad and
3 ar going to at this with dinnr and if you)r ni# to m 3)ll shar som with you
too! 3t)s guarantd to b dli#ious!D 2ranni had n&r mad anything that wasn)t!
: wr spoild with hr li&ing in >ittl Town$ b#aus 3 thought hr food would
kno#k th so#ks off #ity folk! * raisd his ybrow again! C0opl want to gi& m
things$ Sarg! 's long as thy)r fairly insignifi#ant and prishabl 3 a##pt$
othrwis 3)d offnd th townsfolk! 'nd that)s not a good ida in a small town!
"ou)ll b offrd th odd thing now and thn too!D
* didn)t rspond$ but instad turnd to pat th trunk of th tr! CThs trs
ar simply bautiful! /ra#ious$ ldrly ladis!D
CBh Sarg$ that)s so lo&ly! That)s xa#tly what thy ar$D 3 agrd$ imprssd
again by his turn of phras! CThat on you)r laning against was plantd in
mmory of Dad)s grat%un#l$ 'rthur 2ullr$ who did at /allipoli! That on a#ross
th road is for Dad)s grandfathr)s #ousin$ 1rti 2ullr$ killd at 2romlls! That
on nxt to it is for :altr /r&ill$ 8iss /)s un#l$ also killd at 2romlls! 'nd
that parti#ularly lo&ly on on th #ornr thr$ with its own small park around it$ is
for Jak)s rlati&$ Cyril 1y#raft$ killd at 0o9irs!D
' stab of bittr sadnss (oltd through m whn 3 pointd out that sp#ifi# tr$
b#aus it had bn bhind it that 3 had found th body of 8ar#ll$ 'b)s murdrd
wif$ that trribl #old wintr &ning that 3 #ould n&r forgt! 3 pushd that
distrssing thought asid and #ontinud with fak #hrfulnss! CCyril was a ral
hro! 1for h was killd$ h managd to sa& thr othr mn by himslf$
in#luding Dad)s grandfathr$ John 2ullr!D
* #ouldn)t hid his surpris! 3 smild! C3 know! 3t)s unxp#td$ isn)t it$ that a
1y#raft #ould &r do somthing hroi#E 1ut it)s wll known in >ittl Town that
&ry #oupl of gnrations or so$ th 1y#raft family throws up somon who is not
lik th othr 1y#rafts! E&ryon thinks that my Jaky is this gnration)s
GChangling 1y#raft) as w #all thm! 3 think thy)r right b#aus /od knows thr
hasn)t bn on for an ag! Not sin# Cyril$ in fa#t!D
CJak)s a hro too$ lik CyrilED h askd$ mo#kingly s#pti#al!
C"s$ h is$D 3 said simply but proudly$ dtrmind not to b#om rild by his
s#orn! C* would n&r tll you himslf$ but h has an award from th 8inistr for
0oli#$ Corr#ti& and Court Sr&i#s for outstanding bra&ry in th #ours of his
That parti#ular ministr was an attra#ti& oldr woman with dsignr suits and
R600 hair#uts! *r portfolio #o&rd th poli# and th prison and #ourt systms$
in#luding th stat)s publi# pros#utors! 1ut b#aus of that #yni#al xprssion from
him$ 3 didn)t bothr to xplain to th Sarg how Jak had riskd his own lif to sa&
th li&s of two othr prison offi#rs during a &iolnt riot in th maximum%s#urity
prison h)d workd at in th #ity bfor h was transfrrd ba#k to >ittl Town and
th mor #ushy (ob at th low%s#urity prison! Th Sarg was probably imagining
Jak r#i&ing th award for rs#uing som prisonr from drowning in th prison)s
luxurious swimming pool or from gtting a papr #ut in its library or from sli#ing
thmsl&s on a knif during on of thir fr;unt gourmt #ooking #lasss! 'nd 3
took offn# at that on Jak)s bhalf! * was a ral hro!
CBh$ an award from that 8inistrE "ou don)t #om by on of thos asily$D h
snappd unplasantly and stalkd off in th dir#tion of th patrol #ar without
anothr word! 3 stard aftr him in surpris for a momnt$ not sur what 3)d said that
had mad him a#t so rudly!
'ftr a tns and silnt trip$ w rturnd to th station! Thr was a #ornu#opia
of frsh produ# on th &randa waiting for us$ a show of unitd support for th
town)s poli# for# aftr th brutal atta#k by th 1y#rafts ystrday! 3 was tou#hd
by it! Thr wr brris$ frsh grns$ root &gtabls$ stonfruit$ mlons$ muffins$
bis#uits$ hommad #ho#olats and frsh #hs! Th Sarg fli#kd m a #old look
and stalkd into th station$ #onspi#uously stpping o&r and around th produ#! 3
;uitly pi#kd it up and transportd it insid$ gi&ing th gifts th rsp#t thy
dsr&d$ putting what ndd to b rfrigratd into th station)s tiny bar fridg!
CSargED * was so unfrindly at that momnt that 3 didn)t want to$ but my
#ons#in# for#d m to approa#h him hsitantly to tll him that Ds and my normal
pra#ti# had bn to shar &rything$ &n though in rality Ds had don littl to
dsr& any gratuitis! * was aggrssi&ly plugging in and unplugging th #abls
in th ba#k of 'b)s #omputr$ turning it on and off$ an irritabl frown #rasing his
forhad and pulling his mouth downwards!
C:hatED h snappd$ without &n looking at m! 3 almost suggstd thn that
h sho& a swt potato somwhr that would pro& x#ptionally painful for him$
but managd to rstrain myslf! 1ut 3 #ouldn)t #ontain my indignation o&r his
disparaging dismissal of th gifts from th good popl who li&d in this town! 8y
blood boild! 3 #onfrontd him passionatly!
C"ou think ths ar bribs$ but thy)r not! Thy)r a simpl Gthank you) for
what w do for this town! 3f you don)t a##pt$ th townsfolk will start thinking that
you)r (ust hr for anothr rason! >ik gtting som #ountry tim up so you #an
go for a snior srgant position ba#k in th #ity!D 3 pausd signifi#antly! C"ou don)t
want th townsfolk thinking that about you$ othrwis thy)ll ;ustion all your
moti&s! 3f you show thm you ar on hundrd pr #nt bhind th town and thm$
thy)ll b on hundrd pr #nt bhind you! 'nd 3 #an)t tll you how important that
#an b somtims!D
* #ut m an i#y star$ fa# ro#k%hard! CThank you &ry mu#h for your
xtrmly unsubtl mssag$ 2ullr$D h snipd$ turning his ba#k on m$ his
attntion on fiddling with th #omputr again$ trying to #oax it ba#k to lif!
3 didn)t think that 3 dsr&d su#h a l&l of hostility from him! 0rhaps 3)d hit a
raw nr& with th snior srgant (ib!
C3)m going hom$D 3 d#idd$ grabbing my kys!
* spun around! C"ou)ll la& whn 3 tll you to$ 2ullr! "ou)& got a dsk to
sort out$D h said frostily! C3 want that dsk #lard bfor you go hom!D
3 was infuriatd by that imprious ordr$ b#aus w both knw &ry wll that it
would tak m hours$ if not days$ to do that! 3 thought 3 should b gi&n a bit of
#onsidration and lway b#aus of my in(uris! 3 wnt o&r to my dsk and staring
at him angrily th whol tim$ sho&lld up an armful of papr and flung it straight
into my littl bin$ without &n looking at it! Thn 3 wnt ba#k and did anothr
armful$ thn anothr! Th last fw paprs 3 swpt off #arlssly with th ba#k of my
arm until my dsk was #ompltly #lar$ but my bin was flowing o&r$ paprs
toppling and spilling o&r a#h othr$ #o&ring th surrounding floor in an
a&alan#h of do#umnts!
CThr, 8y dsk is #lard, *appyED 3 shoutd at him and grabbd my kys
and as mu#h of th produ# as 3 #ould #arry in my two hands and on ba#kpa#k!
3gnoring his stridnt dmands that 3 #om ba#k and #lan up th mss 3)d mad$ 3
dro& off$ spraying up gra&l in my hast to dpart!
3 blard th radio all th way hom! 1ut it wasn)t any good for rlasing my
angr b#aus it was li&sto#k hour! Thr was mu#h dathly dull dis#ussion of
#attl pri#s and only two old soft pop songs from th sixtis playd to brak up a
monotonous intr&iw with a stud brdr who spok with th slow #onsistn#y of
rfrigratd hony! 3 wantd franti# modrn musi# to sing along with at th top of
my &oi#$ but th >and .o&r didn)t &n ha& a #asstt playr$ lt alon a CD or
806 playr! 3 s#ramd out loud in frustration!
1a#k hom$ Dad was lo&ing$ wl#oming$ kind and wondrful and all th ni#
things 3 ndd to fl bttr again!
C1ad day$ lo&ED h askd sympathti#ally as 3 land down to kiss him on th
C3 hat that stupid man,D 3 said &hmntly$ flinging my #ap #arlssly a#ross
th room lik a frisb$ ripping my hair fr from its bun$ fluffing it out into a
hidous mss and flopping down on th loung$ boots still on!
Dad land o&r to strok my hair gntly ba#k to normality! C0roblms with
3 sat up$ indignant again! C* b#am ridi#ulously angry b#aus th townsfolk
lft m som produ#! 3 man$ how)s h going to sur&i& hr with that attitudE 3
trid to tll him that it)s (ust #ountry kindnss$ but h was so rud to m! 3)m n&r
spaking to him again$D 3 d#lard d#isi&ly!
Th phon rang! Dad$ on his way to th kit#hn with all th produ# 3)d brought
in and dumpd in th doorway$ whld o&r to it and answrd! *is ys fli#kd to
m$ and h hld his hand o&r th mouthpi# to tll m in an xaggratd whispr
that it was th Sarg on th phon for m!
CDad, Tll him 3)m not hom$D 3 instru#td through grittd tth! C3 don)t want
to talk to him!D
Dad told th Sarg 3 wasn)t hom$ thn put his hand o&r th mouthpi# again!
C* said h #ould har you saying that!D
CBh$ for ha&n)s sak,D 3 snat#hd th phon from his hand! C:hat do you
wantED 3 snappd trsly into th r#i&r!
C3 want to say 3)m sorry!D
That thrw m! 3 grappld for a momnt with my in#rdibl angr! C3 nd to
shoot a fw things bfor 3 #an talk to you! 3)ll #all you ba#k! *om or th stationED
CTh station$D h said$ startld! C2or anothr hour or so! 3 want to try to gt this
#omputr working again!D
3 hung up without a farwll and stalkd out to th ba#kyard$ pulling out my
/lo#k! 3 first dtourd to th bottom drawr of th kit#hn #abint to grab som of
my own prsonal ammunition! 3 had a rasonabl shooting gallry st up in th
ba#kyard for my own prsonal pra#ti#$ trying to mimi# th lngth$ if not th
#onditions$ of th profssional ons in th #ity as mu#h as possibl! 3 bought targts
and ammunition onlin for half%pri#! 3 wasn)t ntirly sur that was &n lgal$ but
hy$ thy wr half%pri# and 3 lo&d to shoot$ but it was an xpnsi& hobby!
Th #hi#kns rushd o&r whn thy saw m at th ba#k door$ hoping for a
trat! 3 &ry gntly nudgd thm away with my boot!
C3)m in a shooting mood$ girls! Don)t gt in my way$D 3 warnd thm and
#almd myslf by brathing in and out! Thn 3 loosnd my shouldrs by rotating
thm and #lippd on$ thn hauld out$ a targt on a pully systm that Jak had
riggd up for m! :hn it was at th maximum distan# prs#ribd in poli#
training$ 3 startd shooting!
3t was a rasonably saf opration! 1hind us thr was nothing x#pt th
gntl ris of th lowst part of 8ount 1ig and thr was nobody to ithr sid for
at last an a#r! 3f Dnny 1y#raft poppd up unxp#tdly on day and 3 shot him$
thn th ntir town would stand up to applaud m! /od knows$ 3)d warnd him
nough tims that 3 pra#ti#d shooting in my ba#kyard! 8y only diffi#ulty was th
wathr! 3f it was windy$ 3 had to bail A it was too diffi#ult to shoot at a flailing
targt$ though 3 trid on o##asion to tst my skills!
3 aimd and shot rapidly at th targt$ thn pulld it in towards m! 'lmost
prf#t! 3 was a good shot! No$ lik th Sarg said$ that was bing modst! 3 was an
absolut sharp shootr$ a natural talnt for (udging distan#s$ #onditions and
&lo#ity finding its prf#t mat#h in wapons training! 3n a war situation$ 3)d ha&
mad an idal snipr! 3)d toppd my yar at th poli# a#admy for shooting! 3n fa#t$
3 still hld th r#ord for th highst s#or in shooting for any fmal r#ruit at th
a#admy$ and was rankd third o&rall for all r#ruits in th whol history of th
3 shot at a fw mor targts in th sam #alm$ masurd way and flt #almr and
mor masurd myslf in rspons! Th #on#ntration$ th #ontrol$ th #oolnss
ndd to b a good marksman had always pro&n itslf to b x#llnt thrapy for
m sin# 3)d first startd larning on th rang at twl& yars of ag! 2inishd$ 3
pa#kd &rything away safly and thrw my girls an xtra handful of fd for
s#aring thm with th shots! 'ftr 3)d hustld thm insid thir saf run$ 3 rang th
Sarg ba#k!
* answrd th phon immdiatly$ as if sitting nxt to it waiting for my #all!
CTss$ 3)m sorry! 3 shouldn)t ha& bn so bad%tmprd with you!D ' paus!
CEsp#ially aftr &rything ls! 3t was th last thing you ndd!D
CBkay$ s you tomorrow$D 3 rplid and wnt to hang up!
CTss,D h stoppd m! C:hat wr you shootingE Not your dinnr$ 3 hopED
3 frownd to myslf$ not ;uit o&r it yt! C3)m not sur if you)r making a (ok
or patronising m again!D
C3t was a (ok$D h said! CBr was itED
3 laughd rlu#tantly and offrd an oli& bran#h! 3 had to work with th man$
aftr all! C:hy don)t you #om for dinnr and s if 3 ha& bu#kshot bunny on th
mnu tonightED 3n fa#t$ 3 had plannd a lamb #assrol and 2ran)s lo&ly fo#a##ia!
CThr)s nough for thr!D
CSounds good$D h said doubtfully$ Cbut mayb nxt tim! Thanks anyway!D
3 laughd again! C1y Sarg!D
'nothr paus! CDon)t forgt that you #an #all m 2inn now and thn$D h said$
#on#iliatory! C:hn nobody)s listning and it)s (ust you and m!D
C3 won)t! 1y Sarg$D 3 said dlibratly! CS you tomorrow!D
C"ou)r a &ry hard woman$ Trsa 2ullr!D
Smiling to myslf$ strangly plasd$ 3 hung up on him and wnt to prpar
dinnr$ rgaling Dad with th day)s a#ti&itis! 'ftrwards$ w playd two gams of
#hss$ winning on a#h$ thn h spnt a frustrating hour trying to tutor m on th
guitar bfor w (ointly d#idd to gi& up and #hattd o&r a last #up of ta! 1for
long$ w both startd yawning and hadd to our bds!
Cha#ter ++
I was a soldier in World War I stuc# in the horrible mud somewhere in )rance,
a full battle raging o"er my head and around me. I was sin#ing first to my #nees
then $uic#ly to my stomach and shoulders. :ither side of me, -a#e and the &arge
#nelt on duc#boards and leant down to grab one of my arms, each trying to haul me
out of the morass. But instead of wor#ing together, they were bic#ering so much
about which way to pull me that I was sin#ing lower and lower into the thic#,
cloying, diseased, stin#ing mud. It lapped o"er my chin and began to fill up my
mouth. I called out in alarm to the two men, my "oice smothered, but neither
noticed in the heat of their argument. (he mud clogged my throat and I couldnt
breathe and I couldnt shout out to them to help me anymore. (hen the mud rose
o"er my nostrils and eyes . . .
3 wok up at that point$ (olting upright in bd$ afraid$ wid%awak! 3 was
brathing ha&ily$ #hoking and #oughing as if 3)d rally bn swallowing mud! 8y
ys dartd wildly around my room$ my hart pounding and my hand on my knif!
3 snsd somthing and wnt to my window to fling up th blind and yll at
Dnny 1y#raft! 1ut instad of haring off in a s#ard pani# at bing #aught out lik
Dnny always did$ this prson rmaind prf#tly still$ nothing smingly out of
pla# as 3 prd intntly into th darknss! 3 lft th blind up$ not #on&in#d 3)d
imagind anything! 3 lay down again for tn minuts$ prtnding 3)d falln ba#k to
slp$ listning knly! 3 hard th faintst #run#hing of th gra&l that 3)d
dlibratly lands#apd undr my window and knw that 3)d bn right A 3 had an
unwantd night tim &isitor! 'gain!
3 slippd out of bd$ grabbing my gun and mobil as 3 did! 3 had nowhr to
stow ithr in my short nighti$ so hld th gun in my right hand and thrust my
mobil un#omfortably into th waistband of my pantis for safkping! 3 opnd
th ba#k door and silntly #rpt up on my intrudr from bhind!
3 #ould s him in th luminous bam of th moonlight! Bastard. 3 didn)t
r#ognis him$ so knw h wasn)t a 1y#raft and it dfinitly wasn)t th Sarg this
tim ithr! 8y &isitor was trying to grab onto my windowsill and find a foot
pur#has in th tiny gaps of th timbr latti# battning #o&ring th lowr part of
th hous btwn its stumps!
3 approa#hd him! * didn)t har m b#aus h was swaring undr his brath
in a #ontinuous soft stram of obs#nitis as h hld pr#ariously onto my
windowsill and flaild around for foot grip!
3 pulld out my gun and aimd it at him! Thn 3 smild to myslf! 3 lo&d this
C0oli#! Don)t mo&$D 3 said ;uitly! C3 ha& my gun out and you bttr bli&
that 3 know how to us it!D
* stiffnd so mu#h in fright that h rlasd his grip and fll ba#k onto th
ground$ s#rabbling instantly to his ft! Thn h foolishly mad a run for it!
>u#kily for m$ 3 knw this yard ba#k%to%front and #hasd him until h trippd
o&r th sto#kpil of firwood that Dad had bought half%pri# at Christmas for
wintr this yar and had dumpd in#on&nintly at th sid of th hous! 8y ta#kl
was ;ui#k and painful for both of us! 3 sat$ straddling his ba#k$ my gun traind at his
skull! 3 ra#hd into my pantis$ bringing out my phon and #alling th Sarg!
CTssED h askd slpily! C:hat)s upED
CSarg, 3 nd you at my pla# now! /ot an intrudr$ and for on# it)s not a
1y#raft! Br you!D 3 #ouldn)t rsist$ &n at this hour of th morning! C3)m down th
lft sid of th hous as you fa# it!D
* didn)t &n say goodby bfor hanging up! Tn minuts passd$ during
whi#h th man s;uirmd$ struggld and rsistd th whol tim$ trying to bu#k m
off his ba#k! 3 was sriously #onsidring kno#king him un#ons#ious with a pi# of
firwood whn th Sarg finally arri&d in th patrol #ar$ s;ualing to a stop in th
gra&l dri& and (ogging o&r to m$ puffing slightly! * was waring #rumpld
(ans$ a plain bla#k #otton t%shirt that was probably part of his py(amas$ runnrs with
no so#ks and had a sho#king #as of bd hair that mad him look mu#h youngr$
almost #ut! * had his gun out in on hand$ tor#h in th othr! Tu#king his tor#h in
his armpit$ h hauld th intrudr to his ft$ put away his gun and pulld his #uffs
out of his ba#k po#kt! * #uffd th man$ ad&ising him that h was undr arrst on
suspi#ion of braking and ntring!
C:ho)s thisED h askd m$ as w draggd th shouting guy into th ba#k of th
patrol #ar!
CNo ida$D 3 said$ baffld! : sat in th front sats$ whil th man bangd on
th sparator furiously!
* #h#kd his wat#h! C3t)s thr in th morning! Down to th station or off to
1ig Town with himED h askd$ yawning!
C3f w tak him to th station$ on of us has to stay with him for th rst of th
night! 1ut if w go to 1ig Town$ both of us will b #aught up in paprwork for
hours and hours! >t)s lo#k him up hr$ on of us on guard and thn intr&iw him
in th morning bfor w haul him off to 1ig Town!D
C'r you tird right nowED h askd!
CNot right now$D 3 admittd$ adrnalin pumping through my &ins!
C>t)s intr&iw him now thn$ sin# w)r alrady both awak!D
3 lookd down at my nighti and bar ft! CCan 3 ha& a minut to gt #hangd
firstE 3)m a littl undrdrssd for work!D
* noddd in amusmnt$ so 3 ran up around th ba#k of th hous and ;ui#kly
#hangd into som (ans and a t%shirt$ tid my hair up and grabbd my runnrs$
som so#ks and my utility blt! 3 lft a short not for Dad ltting him know whr 3
was and sprintd down th stairs$ throwing myslf into th front sat! :hil h
dro&$ 3 pulld on my shos and so#ks!
C2ill m in on what happnd$D h said!
3 told him about waking up to har th nois and snaking up on th man!
C1ut you don)t r#ognis him at allED
CN&r sn him bfor!D
C8ayb h)s 8rs Lillirs) ppr$ d#iding to find somon youngr and
prttir to pp on!D
C"oungr and prttir than 8rs LillirsED 3 rpatd with a smil$ pring up at
him from whr 3 was #ontorting myslf to ti up my shola#s! C'w Sarg$ you say
th ni#st things somtims!D
* grinnd for a split%s#ond! CNot that 3)m #on&in#d for a minut that w
ha& two pprs! That)s (ust too mu#h to bli&$ &n for this town!D
CSo mayb this guy in th ba#k hr is our on and only ppr$ making him
also th prson who tossd 8iss /)s pla#! 1ut why would h b #rping around
my pla#ED
C8ayb h was gnuinly pping this timED h suggstd!
3 ga& him a withring glan#! C3 think h)d pi#k somon who lookd a bit
bttr than m to pp on if h was!D
1a#k at th station$ w had som troubl gtting him out of th #ar and h
struggld and fought us th ntir way up th stairs and insid th building! Th
Sarg hand#uffd him to th lg of his dsk$ whr h twistd and thrashd and
swor at us!
CSit down and shut up,D th Sarg ylld at him in frustration$ ha&ing had
nough! C3t)s thr%thirty in th morning and 3 don)t want to b hr$ and my partnr
#rtainly dosn)t want to b hr$ so you)& pissd off both of us straight away! 'nd
that)s not a good start to an intr&iw!D
Th man shut up and sat still$ his ys shifting nr&ously from th Sarg to m
and ba#k again! * had th look of a small furry wild animal #aught in a trap$ th
imag nhan#d by his larg front tth$ big timid brown ys$ trmbling mouth$
bushy unfashionabl sidburns$ pointy ars and o&rall frightnd dmanour!
C/ood$D said th Sarg and pulld up a #hair in front of him! 3 smothrd a
yawn and wnt o&r to th kit#hntt to mak us #off$ plasd to noti# that all
th frsh produ# 3)d lft bhind arlir had bn takn! Th Sarg had d#idd to
#a& into #orruption and bribry in a small town$ aftr all!
Th Sarg politly waitd until 3)d finishd! 3 handd him a #up of #off and
#radling my own$ pulld up a sat nar$ but not too #los to$ th hand#uffd man! *
introdu#d th both of us to th man$ rpatd why h)d bn arrstd$ and told th
man his rights! 3 took out my notbook to r#ord what h told us!
C:hat)s your namED th Sarg askd!
Th man didn)t spak$ (ust glard at both of us dfnsi&ly!
C:hat wr you doing at th Snior Constabl)s pla#ED
C"ou)r not a lo#al$ so whr do you li&E 'r you from :attling 1ayED
No rspons!
Th Sarg turnd to m! C>ooks lik w)& got oursl&s a non%#ommuni#ator
CChu#k him in th lo#kup$ Sarg! 3 #an)t b bothrd trying to gt him to talk$D 3
said in an un#aring &oi#$ thn dlibratly yawnd bfor taking a #arful sip of
#off through my bustd lip!
CSnior Constabl$ that lo#kup is too primiti& to la& a man in for long!
Thr)s nothing in it but a lumpy an#int mattrss on thin mtal! 'nd thr)s
nobody hr whn w both go hom$D h said with fak #on#rn! C:hat about th
wild animalsED
3 shruggd and stood up$ gi&ing our man th on# o&r! C* looks lik a tough
guy$ Sarg$D 3 bluffd! C*)ll #op out thr! Thr)s probably bn nough rain this
summr to pro&id suffi#int food for th foxs! Thy ha&n)t had to start atta#king
humans! :ll$ not yt at last!D
2oxs wouldn)t go nar a human$ but 3 figurd that this guy wouldn)t know that!
* didn)t and 3 #ould s his larg 'dam)s appl bobbing up and down nr&ously!
CBkay$D th Sarg agrd and un#uffd th guy from th dsk$ #lamping th
#uff on his frd wrist and hauling him to his ft! C3 don)t want to hang around hr
all night ithr! :)ll lo#k him up until morning! * might ha& rmmbrd his
nam by thn!D
3 followd thm out th ba#k of th station$ fli#king on th lights as 3 did! :hn
th man spottd th old$ badly lit lo#kup$ h struggld furiously again and 3 rushd
to th Sarg)s othr sid to grab our man)s arm and for#fully propl him forward!
C3)m not going in thr$D h shoutd wildly$ gnuinly frightnd! C3)m
#laustrophobi#! "ou #an)t lo#k m up in a littl room alon in th dark! 3t)s a
&iolation of my human rights,D
C: ha&n)t got a #hoi#$ mat$D th Sarg gruntd$ narrowly dodging an lbow
in th fa#! C:)ll tak you to th wat#h hous in :attling 1ay tomorrow$ but until
thn$ you)ll b slping hr for th rst of tonight!D
CNo,D h s#ramd as if in physi#al pain! C0las, 3 #an)t,D
: didn)t ha& any option but to lo#k him up$ and whn th Sarg had slammd
th #ll door on him$ w mo&d to th bottom of th stairs to #onfr$ ignoring his
trrifid s#rams for a momnt!
CSarg$ h)s not faking$D 3 d#idd! C3)ll stay with him! "ou gt som slp! 3)m
wid awak with adrnalin$ anyway!D
* rubbd his fa# tirdly with his hands! CBkay$ you stay with him until 3
rturn$ thn 3)ll tak him to 1ig Town in th morning!D
CBkay! Night Sarg$D 3 said as h strod away towards his hous!
* turnd! CTss$ you ha& your mobil on you$ rightED
CSur!D 3 hld out my phon for him to s! * #ontinud towards his hom and
turnd around again!
C"ou)ll lo#k th station door whn you)r insidED
C"s Sarg!D
C:hat about whn you go outsid to th #ll to #h#k on himE "ou)ll tak your
gun and your mobil with youE 'nd your sprayED
3 sighd to myslf! C"s Sarg! 3)m waring my utility blt!D 3 pointd to it so
h would noti#!
C8y bdroom window)s (ust o&r thr! "ll rally loudly if you nd m! 3)ll
slp with on ar opn$ okayED
CBkay!D Bloody hell. * was starting to annoy m! 3 #ould tll that h was torn
btwn o&r%ruling m and staying himslf and dspratly wanting to show that
h rsp#td my #omptn# as a #ollagu!
C:ill you b spookd hr by yourslf$ TssED *is &oi# was so full of arnst
anxity that 3 flt my irritation &aporating immdiatly! "ou should n&r b angry
with somon for #aring about your safty!
CNo Sarg$D 3 answrd patintly! C3)& bn hr by myslf a million tims! 3)ll
b fin! /o gt som slp!D
* finally mad it all th way to his hous$ although h did turn around anothr
#oupl of tims! 3 wa&d goodby to him$ wnt into th station$ rtri&d my #off
and took a bottl of watr from th fridg! Thn 3 wnt to th man)s #ll and pushd
th bottl of watr in through th bars! 3 told him 3 would sit right outsid his #ll on
th stairs if h #oopratd! 'nd for th Sarg)s sak$ 3 kpt my utility blt on and
took my phon with m! Not b#aus of our man$ but b#aus thr was a whol
town of 1y#rafts out thr and 3 was in no shap to dal with thm!
CThank you so mu#h$D h whimprd and ga& a watry sniff! 3 flt ashamd$
not liking to bring a man down to th l&l of tars$ but w ndd som answrs
and h had bn &ry un#ooprati& so far!
* lookd at m through th bars with a tar%rddnd fa#$ taking a sip of
watr$ trying to #alm himslf down! C:hat happnd to youED
C3 was batn up by som 1y#rafts!D
CBh$ thm! 3 hat that family! Thy)r nothing but sa&ags! 3 work in a law firm
and w)& rprsntd a fw of thm from tim to tim! Thy n&r pay thir bills
and thy thratn to #hop off your ! ! ! you know$ boy things ! ! ! whn you try to gt
thm to!D 3 prsumd h was spaking from prsonal xprin# as his fa# flushd
a dp rd! * took anothr sip of watr! C:ill you b okayE :hy)d thy bat you
3 shruggd! C3)ll li&! Thy)r all in th wat#h hous in 1ig Town! "ou #an ask
thm yourslf latr this morning!D
CNo, 3 #an)t b lo#kd up with animals lik thm!D * bgan pani#king again!
C:hy notED
C3)m not a #riminal lik thm!D
C3)m not sing mu#h diffrn# btwn you and thm from my point of
C3)m a paralgal$ not a #riminal$D h #onfssd$ laning against his #ll wall in
dspair$ tars springing to his ys on# mor!
C'nd yt again$ at th risk of bing rptiti&$ what)s th diffrn# btwn
you as a law brakr and th 1y#rafts$ rgardlss of your o##upationED 3 askd
#almly as 3 wat#hd th man slowly unra&l in front of m!
CBffi#r$ plas,D h bggd!
C:ho do you work forED 3 askd #oldly!
C3 rfus to spak$D h insistd$ blinking away his tars! C"ou #an)t for# m to!
3t)s a &iolation of my human AD
C'll right$D 3 buttd in! C/ood night!D
CDon)t go,D h s#ramd in far! Th pani# in his &oi# grabbd m by th hart
and s;u9d!
CS that bu99r on th wall! 0rss that and 3)ll #om to s what you want!
Bthrwis$ 3)ll #h#k on you &ry half%hour! *a& a good slp$ 8ystry 8an!D
CNo, Bffi#r, 0las don)t do this, "ou said you)d stay! 0las stay with m,
0las,D h bggd! CDon)t turn out th light!D
C3 said 3)d stay if you #oopratd! "ou don)t want to$ so 3)m going$D 3 said!
C'nyway you nd to slp! 3 don)t want anyon saying that you wr ;ustiond
unrasonably or unlawfully!D
C3)ll turn off th #ll light$ but la& th &randa light on! BkayED
CThank you$D h sniffld unhappily!
3 walkd down th stairs$ blo#king out his sobs of agony! 1a#k in th offi#$ 3
lo#kd th door and sat in th #hair pla#ing my ft on my bar dsk! 3 sippd my
#off and wishd 3)d brought a book with m! 3 lookd o&r at th pil of papr 3)d
bad%tmprdly dumpd arlir in th day!
Th bu99r rang and rang! 3 ignord it!
3 lookd o&r at th pil of papr again and sighd hugly! 3f 3 didn)t ha& th
tim now to ta#kl it proprly thn whn would 3$ 3 rasond with myslf! 3 did hat
mss and it had bothrd m for months! .lu#tantly$ 3 #ommn#d th tirsom
task of sorting it out$ ignoring th bu99r th whol tim!
Ea#h half%hour 3 #h#kd on th man in #ustody$ #arfully writing nots in th
obsr&ation book aftrwards!
C"ou said you)d #om if 3 prssd th bu99r$D h a##usd tarfully at my first
C3 guss it)s bustd$D 3 lid! C:hat)s your nam and who do you work forED
C3 don)t ha& to tll you anything! 3 want a lawyr, "ou)r &iolating my human
3 turnd towards th stairs!
C3 hat you,D h ylld ptulantly!
C3 don)t #ar$D 3 said o&r my shouldr and lft him alon again$ hading ba#k to
my paprwork! 1y th tim th sun pokd its had o&r th hori9on$ 3)d #h#kd on
him and askd him th sam ;ustion fi& tims and had fild or dumpd &ry
pi# of papr! 3 was xtraordinarily proud of myslf as 3 ran th final unwantd
pi# of papr through th station)s an#int shrddr! 8y #hi#kns would ha& nst
linings for ags now!
Th last tim 3 #h#kd on th guy$ h was aslp on th lumpy mattrss$
snoring loudly$ so 3 knw h was still ali&! 'nd that was mor than 3 #ould &ou#h
for myslf$ bing half%aslp at that point! 3 tidid up th station a littl$ dustd$
swpt th floor and #land and rsto#kd th kit#hn and bathroom! 1y th tim 3)d
finishd doing that bit of houskping$ th sun was up$ th dw on th grass was
glistning prttily and a #horus of bird#alls was brightning th morning!
3 was sitting on th ba#k stps of th station$ drinking anothr #off$ yawning
hugly$ whn th Sarg rturnd in uniform! * had a ;ui#k #h#k on our man who
was still slping$ mad himslf a #off and (oind m on th ba#k stps! 2rom a
bag h handd m on of th muffins lft for us ystrday and took out a tub of
yoghurt and a banana a#h as wll!
CThanks Sarg, This is ni#$D 3 said$ appr#iating his thoughtfulnss$ biting into
th muffin! 3t was blubrry and strawbrry$ mad with frsh brris$ and was
dli#ious! : at in siln# and whn 3)d finishd$ 3 stood up and brushd muffin
#rumbs off my (ans$ pi#kd up th rubbish and took it to th bin at th sid of th
Th Sarg stoppd in surpris whn h spottd my workspa#! C:hat happnd
to all thos paprsED
C3 fild th ons w nd to kp and th rst ha& bn shrddd!D
C"ou)& bn busy$D h #ommntd! C/ood work$ Tss!D
C3 had to do somthing to kp m o##upid and awak last night$D 3 shruggd! 3
told him that our gust hadn)t bn &ry forth#oming during th night and th only
thing 3)d larnd was that h was a paralgal with a law firm!
C'nd what)s th bt that h works for a #rtain Stanly 8ur#hisonE That)s on
gntlman w nd to spak to urgntly!D 3 noddd in agrmnt! C/o and wak up
our man! :)ll gi& him som brakfast and tak him to 1ig Town straight away!D
* wasn)t &ry happy to b wokn up$ #omplaining that h)d only (ust got to
slp and was tird! 3 ga& him a muffin and a bottl of orang (ui#! * bggd m
for a #up of #off and as 3 lft to mak it$ h ylld through th bars that h likd a
#af latt mad with frsh mdium%ground 'rabi#a bans$ but not too milky and not
too strong$ with two l&l taspoons of dmrara sugar!
C3)m not a bloody barista$D 3 ylld ba#k o&r my shouldr! C"ou)ll gt it how 3
mak it!D
'nd whil 3 #arlssly dumpd instant #off and whit sugar into a mug and
pourd o&r th boiling watr$ th Sarg s#ortd him to th bathroom and ba#k to
th #ll again! * hld th door of th #ll opn for m to bring in th mug of
#off! 3 ntrd th #ll$ my #on#ntration on th mug that 3)d filld to th brim in
my usual impra#ti#al way! Th man (umpd up from th bd and suddnly lungd at
m$ flipping my hand up so that th hot #off spilld o&r my t%shirt! 's 3 shrikd
in pain$ h sho&d past m &iolntly$ pushing m in th #hst$ for#ing m to stumbl
ba#k against th #ll wall! * mad a run for th door$ shouldring past th Sarg
dspratly as h did!
Th Sarg automati#ally ra#hd out an arm and managd to grasp th man)s t%
shirt$ brutally hauling him ba#kwards$ almost #hoking him in th pro#ss! 3 rightd
myslf and ignoring my s#alding$ grabbd his othr arm and w manhandld him$
struggling and ki#king out at us$ ba#k into th #ll! Th Sarg slammd th door
C"ou)r a &ry stupid man$D h said sharply$ through th bars$ brathing
ha&ily! 3 was holding my burning t%shirt out from my body! * turnd to m and
thrw m his hous kys! CPui#k$ gt up to my hous and gt into a #old showr!D
3 didn)t wait anothr s#ond$ but (oggd as bst 3 #ould to his pla# and hadd
straight into th bathroom$ not &n sparing a s#ond to look around at his furnitur!
3 thrw off my #loths and (umpd into his showr$ ltting th #ool watr play o&r
th rddnd skin on my #hst and stoma#h! 3 stood for a whil until th stinging
wnt away$ thn thought whil 3 was thr 3)d ha& a propr showr using his
xpnsi&$ handmad soap! 3t was lmony and lathrd up with luxurious silky
bubbls! >o&ly! 3 had (ust rinsd off th last of th soap whn thr was a kno#k on
th door! 3 turnd off th taps!
C"ahED 3 askd$ anxiously trying to rmmbr if 3)d lo#kd th door bhind
CThr ar towls in th tall #upboard nxt to th basin$D th Sarg said through
th door!
C3)& lft a #lan t%shirt for you outsid th door! 'r your (ans okayED
C"s! 3t was (ust th shirt that got wt!D
C3)& lft burn #ram with th shirt too!D
CThanks$ but it)s not too bad! Just a bit rd! 3)ll b fin!D
3 stood on th fluffy bath mat and land o&r to th #upboard to grab an &n
fluffir soft whit towl with a labl that told m it was hidously xpnsi&! 1ut$
oh boy$ it flt ni# on my skin! 3 drssd in my pantis$ (ans and shos again$ and
wrapping th towl #arfully around m$ 3 opnd th bathroom door$ lant down
and grabbd th t%shirt and #ram$ and ;ui#kly shut it again! 3 rubbd on som burn
#ram &n though 3 didn)t rally think that 3 ndd it and slippd on his dsignr
t%shirt! 1ut 3 had a littl dilmma that h wouldn)t b abl to hlp m with A my bra
had bn soakd in #off as wll as my t%shirt! 3 was for#d to go bra%lss until 3
#ould go hom to gt anothr on and 3)d bn blssd with a gnrously portiond
pair of boobs$ so it was going to b ;uit noti#abl!
3 was alon in th hous whn 3 opnd th door to th bathroom$ and this tim 3
did gi& myslf som tim to satisfy my #uriosity! 3 prowld around his hous
shamlssly! * had ni# furnitur$ &ry modrn and probably as #ostly as
&rything ls h ownd! 3t would ha& suitd a smart #ity apartmnt mu#h mor
than it did th old timbr poli# hous$ b#aus it lookd out of pla# in ths
modst surroundings! * had th largst wall%mountd flat s#rn tl&ision 3)d &r
sn$ but it wouldn)t b mu#h us out hr b#aus w only r#i&d thr #hannls$
somtims four if th wathr was absolutly #lar and th mountain wasn)t
intrfring with r#ption! Thr wr framd photographs st out on th sid tabl
that th 1y#raft boys had trid to stal! 'nd bing th nosy #ratur that 3 am$ 3 was
in&itably drawn dir#tly to thm lik a shopaholi# to a 8yr sal!
Th first photo was of him and two othr mn$ all &ry young in thir arly
twntis$ and all drssd in uni&rsity robs$ smiling with slf%satisfa#tion towards
th #amra$ arms around a#h othr)s shouldrs! 3 r#ognisd th ba#kground in th
photo as th sam uni&rsity that 3)d attndd$ th stat)s prmir sandston! '
graduation photoE Bn of th othr mn had straight fair hair and was shortr than
th Sarg with an attra#ti& s;uar fa# and ni# smil! Th othr guy was gangly
and &n tallr than th Sarg with fr#kls$ long gingr dradlo#ks and a pat#hy
gingr goati! 0rhaps thy wr his bstisE 3 smild at how young h was in that
photo! * lookd prtty #ut!
Th nxt photo 3 pi#kd up was of him and a handsom oldr man with th
sam dark #urling hair$ nos and #hin as th Sarg! 1ut th oldr man also had an
in#rdibly #hky smil and an unmistakabl twinkl in his y! Thir arms wr
fondly around a#h othr)s shouldrs$ at som kind of #lbration! 3 wondrd who
th man was! Som kind of rlati&$ 3)d bt! Th photo nxt to it was of a bamingly
proud$ o&rdrssd ldrly #oupl$ with th Sarg towring in th middl of thm$ at
what appard to b his poli# a#admy graduation! Thy wr prsumably his
Th last photo was th most intrsting to m and 3 xamind it #losly A it was
of him and a prtty young woman$ arms around a#h othr)s waists$ smiling happily
at th #amra$ with an oldr #oupl standing ithr sid of thm! E&rybody was
drssd formally and 3 wondrd if it had bn takn at his ngagmnt party! 3
prd intntly at th #oupl standing nxt to th Sarg and #ould s a rsmblan#
in th woman$ so thought prhaps it was his parnts! *is mothr lookd &aguly
familiar$ but 3 #ouldn)t put my fingr on it! Th Sarg)s fian# was barly mdium%
hight$ with a roundd figur$ lush$ long dark hair and hug brown ys! Sh lookd
;uit young and 3 wondrd what th ag gap was btwn thm! Thy #rtainly
mad an attra#ti& #oupl$ dspit thir diffrn# in hight! E&ryon in th photo
lookd prf#t A wll groomd and xpnsi&ly drssd! * ob&iously #am from a
monyd ba#kground$ so what on arth was h doing in >ittl TownE 'nd why on
arth was h a #op in th first pla#E 3t wasn)t a #arr that normally appald to th
wll off!
3 put th photo down and kpt prowling! Th poli# hous was st out in an
idnti#al plan to a lot of th houss in town$ in#luding min$ but r&rsd to my
plan! Thr was a hallway that ran from th front door straight through th hous to
th kit#hn with thr bdrooms$ a loung room$ a bathroom and a dining room
dir#tly off th hall! Th kit#hn ran th width of th hous at th ba#k$ allowing for
a gnrous at%in ara! * had st up on of th thr bdrooms as a gym$ and had
an imprssi& array of ;uipmnt$ in#luding a bn#h prss and tradmill! Th othr
bdroom was a spar$ wll furnishd with a ;un%si9d bd and silky oak drssr!
*is bdroom$ on of th larg rooms at th front of th hous$ was stylish with a
king%si9d bd mad up with smart$ mas#ulin shts and #o&r! Th bd$ bdsid
tabls$ drssr and wardrob formd a mat#hing bdroom suit also in silky oak!
Th othr larg room was his loung room! >ik Dad and m$ h)d st up his dining
tabl in th hug kit#hn and was using th dining room$ not as a musi# room as 3
did$ but as an offi#$ with a dsk$ filing #abints and book#as! Not to mntion a
laptop and what lookd lik a brand nw printr!
Th whol hous was nat and #lan$ #alm but with a rsr&d fling$ not
r&aling a grat dal about his prsonality! 2ling guilty about bing su#h a
sti#kybak$ 3 gathrd my dirty #loths$ ga& th bathroom on last #h#k to mak
sur 3)d lft it in pristin #ondition$ hanging my usd towl up natly to dry and
hadd ba#k to th station! 3 #arfully lo#kd th front door of his hous bhind m!
1a#k at th station$ 3 askd if h would mind if first 3 droppd hom bfor w
hadd off to 1ig Town with our man$ kping my arms s#urly a#ross my #hst
th whol tim 3 spok to him!
C:hyE "ou)ll b fin to go as you ar! Com on$ lt)s (ust had off! 3t dosn)t
mattr if you)r in (ans! 3 don)t want to wast any tim!D
CSarg$ please$D 3 implord$ trying to sway him with my ys$ not wanting to b
for#d to xplain myslf!
CTss$ why do you want to go hom so badlyED h dmandd$ impatint!
:hy did h always ha& to mak &rything so damn mbarrassing for mE 3
took a dp brath! C1#aus$ Sarg$ 3 don)t lik to b on duty without a bra! 3t was
soakd in #off too$ okayE 3 nd a rpla#mnt$D 3 rplid bluntly!
CBh!D 'nd almost as if not of thir own &olition$ his ys driftd down to my
#hst taking in my unfttrd boobs$ bfor hurridly mo&ing ba#k up to my fa#
again! *is #hks rddnd slightly!
CThat)s unlss you ha& a spar on you #an lnd mED 3 askd with a half%
That #oaxd a rlu#tant half%smil from him in rturn! CE&n if sh was hr$
my fian# isn)t as AD * stoppd himslf suddnly$ turning away! CNo$ 3 don)t
ha& a spar$ 3)m sorry!D
Cha#ter +,
: xprin#d som troubl for#ing th man into th patrol #ar again!
C"ou)r not lo#king m up with thos 1y#rafts! 3)m not a #riminal, "ou)r
&iolating my human rights,D h shoutd as h s;uirmd$ ki#kd and twistd in our
grip! Just whn w wr both about to los it and 3 was sur that th Sarg was
sriously thinking about kn#apping him$ h stoppd fighting suddnly! * stood
in th #arpark$ staring at m$ blushing an ugly btroot rd! C"ou know$ 3 #an)t
#on#ntrat with your brasts (iggling around lik that! Shouldn)t you war a bra at
workE 3t)s unprofssional of you as a poli# offi#r not to! "our boobs ar &ry
distra#ting! *ow)s a man supposd to fo#usED
C"s$ 3 should b waring on,D 3 snappd at him! C1ut you spilld hot #off
all o&r it! .mmbrED
CBh sorry! 3 didn)t think about that whn 3 did it! 3 should ha& pourd it o&r
him instad!D * noddd towards th Sarg!
3n an ar#ti# ton$ 3 said$ C'nd if you don)t mind$ 3)d prfr it if you would stop
pr&ing at my brasts!D
C:ll$ you bttr tll him that too$D h said dfiantly$ nodding his had towards
th Sarg again! C3)& sn him snaking in a fw looks as wll!D 3 glard o&r at th
C3 ha& not,D h protstd immdiatly$ but anothr rddning of his #hks
blid his words!
CBh$ for /od)s sak,D 3 snappd in disblif and roughly pushd th man into
th ba#k sat!
CNot that you ha&n)t got &ry ni# brasts$ b#aus you ha&$ bli& m$D th
man #ontinud$ his fa# bla9ing rd and a swat braking out a#ross his forhad as
3 lant o&r him to do up his satblt! C'nd normally it would b a ral plasur to
star at thm! 3t)s (ust that 3)m trying to s#ap at th momnt$ and 3 nd to
#on#ntrat and 3 #an)t do that if thr ar (iggly boobs in my lin of sight!D
CWill you shut up about my boobs, you little creep1D 3 shoutd in his fa#$
frightning him! 3 slammd th door$ throwing myslf into th #ar in tmpr! 3
#rossd my arms and slumpd in th sat! C*urry up and tak m hom$D 3 ordrd
th Sarg!
: dro& in siln# all th way$ and 3 susp#td that th Sarg was too afraid to
&n look in my dir#tion in #as 3 a##usd him of pr&ing on m! That almost ld
to us bing t%bond by a spding #ar whn h pulld out onto th highway without
proprly #h#king to his lft b#aus that)s whr 3 was sitting! 1a#k hom$ 3
;ui#kly #hangd into my uniform$ my most pra#ti#al and last sxy bra firmly
fastnd$ pulld my hair up into its #ustomary bun$ ga& Dad a spdy rundown of
th morning$ kissd him goodby and hadd ba#k to th #ar$ fixing on my utility
blt as 3 did!
C"ou)r allowd to look at m now$D 3 said to th Sarg with a frindlir smil!
C3)m all bra%d up again!D
C/lad to har it! 8ayb you should kp a complete st of spar #loths at th
stationED h suggstd!
3t was a good ida A w n&r knw what was going to happn to us from day%
to%day! 3 would bring som #loths in th nxt day! : dro& in siln# for a whil!
C3 mad a &ry tasty pasta and salad dinnr last night$D h told m
#on&rsationally as w spd towards 1ig Town$ both of us ignoring th man ylling
in th ba#k! C3 usd som of that frsh produ# w wr lft! Th &gtabls wr so
#risp and fla&oursom! Nothing lik what 3 usd to buy at th suprmarkt in th
#ity! 'nd 3 thought 3 was buying frsh produ# thn! 1ut thos tomatos ! ! ! :ow,
Thy wr simply dli#ious!D
CSarg,D 3 x#laimd$ dlightd! C:)ll turn you into a grass%#hwing$ wood%
whittling$ ban(o%playing$ sla#k%(awd$ #ousin%marrying yokl lik th rst of us in
no tim!D
CDo 3 gt a #hoi# about thatED h askd$ amusd!
CNot rally$D 3 smild! CTh only #hoi# you gt is whthr you prfr to hold
your potato%sa#k hssian trousrs up with bra#s or a blt mad from string!D
* laughd$ a plasant$ warm #hu#kl! %e should smile and laugh more often$ 3
thought! 3t mad him look mu#h ni#r!
C"ou ha& lo&ly furnitur$ Sarg! Th old poli# hous has n&r lookd so
stylish$D 3 #omplimntd sin#rly!
C8y furnitur dosn)t rally mat#h th hous though$ dos itED
CNo! 1ut your furnitur)s still lo&ly to look at!D
C3 bought it all for my apartmnt! 3t lookd good thr! 8ayb 3 should ha& lft
it bhind for my tnant$D h musd$ almost to himslf!
3 (umpd swiftly on that nw pi# of information! C"ou ha& an apartmntED
C"s! 3n th #ity!D
C"ou)r rnting it out whil you)r hrED
C8ortgags #an b killrs$ #an)t thyED 3 said knowingly$ &n though 3)d n&r
had a mortgag in my lif and (udging by my #urrnt bank balan#$ would n&r b
ligibl for on ithr! 3 undrstand you ha& to ha& a d#nt dposit first bfor
th bank would lnd you any mony and that ruld m out straight away! Dad and 3
prtty mu#h li&d hand%to%mouth$ my pay #oming from th go&rnmnt into our
bank a##ount and thn straight out again to #o&r all th bills!
C3 wouldn)t know$D h said$ smoothly o&rtaking a slow mo&ing &hi#l in front
of us! C3)& n&r had on!D
:hat th hll did that manE * paid cash for a #ity apartmntE :ho on arth
#an afford to do thatE 3 was dying to ask him a million ;ustions$ but 3 didn)t think
h)d answr any mor about his finan#ial situation! So 3 #hangd th sub(#t!
C"ou ha& th softst$ fluffist towls 3)& &r usd!D 3 hopd 3 didn)t sound as
wistful or n&ious as 3 susp#td 3 did! 3 thought 3 #ould gt away with a fw mor
;ustions if 3 kpt thm lss prsonal! C3)m sorry$ but 3)m &ry nosy and my
attntion was #apturd by your photographs bfor 3 lft your hous! 'r th ldrly
#oupl your grandparntsED
C:as that your fian# with you in th group photoED
CSh)s &ry prtty!D
C"s$ sh is!D
C:hat)s hr namED
* smd surprisd by th ;ustion! C8lissa!D
C:r thy your parnts with you in that photoED
C8y mothr and stpfathr!D
/od, s$uee,ing information from him was li#e s$uee,ing a tip out of a
pensioner$ 3 thought in frustration! * should ha& bn a spy$ h was so tight%
C"our mothr looks familiar$ but 3 #an)t think why! :hat dos sh doED
CSh)s (ust a publi# sr&ant$ lik us!D
CBh! 3 #ould ha& sworn 3)& sn hr fa# somwhr bfor$D 3 said! C3t)s a
lo&ly photo though! "ou)r all so happy in it! 3t must ha& bn a &ry happy tim
in your lif!D
CBur ngagmnt party! 'lmost two yars ago!D
1ingo, 3 was a good #op$ 3 #ongratulatd myslf smugly$ doing a small &i#tory
dan# in my mind! Thn what h said stru#k m! (wo years. That was a long
ngagmnt priod! 3 wondrd why thy hadn)t marrid alrady! 3 rally wantd to
ask mor ;ustions$ but 3 snsd h was tiring of my third%dgr alrady! 3 was a
patint woman though$ and lt it go for now!
C: want to intr&iw him oursl&s$ don)t wED 3 askd$ mo&ing away from
his prsonal lif and indi#ating our gust in th ba#ksat!
CDfinitly! :)r not handing this #as o&r to 1ig Town! Thy #an dal with
your 1y#raft assault b#aus thr)s a #onfli#t of intrst in&ol&d with us daling
with it$ but th >ittl Town ppr is all ours!D * glan#d at m! C"ou agrED
C"p! Esp#ially aftr that #off in#idnt! 3 want to nail his butt to th floor$D 3
said and noti#d with intrst his shouldrs rlaxing! %mm, had he started caring
about my opinion1 That might b a promising d&lopmnt!
: pulld into th parking lot of th poli# station in 1ig Town for th
umptnth tim this wk and again w dro& around th ba#k to whr th wat#h
hous ntran# was lo#atd! :hn th Sarg killd th ignition$ our man in th ba#k
d#idd to b diffi#ult again! 's w opnd th door$ h thrashd and fought us
furiously! 3 stoppd fighting against him$ took my hands away and land my
lbows #asually on th roof of th #ar$ wat#hing him! 'ftr a minut th Sarg
noti#d m and did th sam$ so w ndd up with th sp#ta#l of our man
wriggling and fighting nobody! * was loudly s#raming about poli# brutality and
human rights$ wrstling and struggling with himslf$ ys tightly shut! Th Sarg
and 3 both raisd our palms to th ha&ns in a Gwtf) momnt$ mu#h to th
amusmnt of th #urious audin# that had gathrd at th ru#kus!
E&ntually th man opnd his ys and ralisd that nithr th Sarg nor 3 had
our hands on him! * stoppd fighting and s#raming$ looking around him
C0oli# &ioln#$D h #omplaind in a small$ un#on&in#ing &oi#! Th #ops
narby shook thir hads #ontmptuously and mo&d on with thir businss!
C"ou rady to gt out$ Johnny Dpp$ or do you want to finish S#n 2ourED 3
askd sar#asti#ally!
* huffd$ C3)m not an a#tor!D
C: #an tll that$D 3 said unkindly! C1ut your #llmats might n(oy som
CNo, Don)t! 3)ll talk$D h promisd$ as th Sarg draggd him from th #ar!
CBh$ you)ll talk$ sunshin! No mattr what w do to you$D 3 thratnd!
CNo, 0las! Not in th wat#h hous! No 1y#rafts! Thy won)t warm to m! 3)m
not lik thm!D
CSarg$ w ha& a right royal prin# hr! * #an)t b lo#kd up with th
#ommon pprs$ pr&rts and flashrs whr h blongs! *)s sp#ial$D 3 said
C3)m not a pr&rt,D h ylld and struggld again! Two bord uniforms #am
o&r to hlp subdu him and bundl him into th wat#h hous$ glad to ha&
somthing to do! 3 thought rsntfully that w #ould ha& usd th xtra manpowr
ba#k in >ittl Town!
: followd thm into th r#i&ing ara! 3n #harg of th wat#h hous that day
was a uniform that 3 likd A Snior Srgant Daisy "u! 3 introdu#d th Sarg to
C:hat)s h hr for$ TssED sh askd$ indi#ating our man$ fingrs poisd on th
kyboard rady to ntr data!
C2or bing an arshol$ Snior Sarg!D
Sh laughd A a hard$ sharp yap! CThat would #o&r all th mn w know$ darl!
1ut thr)s no law against that$ unfortunatly! Bn day$ lt)s hop!D
C3 #aught him pping on m in my bdroom and h)s rsistd us about four
tims now and thrown hot #off on m! 3)& bn s#aldd and 3 was (ust trying to
b ni# to him, >ook,D 3 dmandd and unfastnd th top two buttons and pulld
my shirt apart to show hr a glimps of my pink #hst skin! 'll th mn narby
land o&r to ha& a good old look too$ in#luding th Sarg!
CThat)s (ust unforgi&abl$D Daisy said as 3 rbuttond$ shaking hr had sadly at
th bad mannrs of #riminals ths days! CDon)t you ha& a mothrED sh snappd
at th man!
CBf #ours 3 do$D h protstd!
CSh)s rolling in hr gra& at your awful dds!D
CSh)s not dad,D h protstd again!
C'r you #ontradi#ting mED sh askd with pra#ti#d mna#!
CNo ma)am$D h said immdiatly$ his &oi# shaking at hr #ontmptuous star$
'dam)s appl boun#ing up and down lik a tnnis ball at :imbldon!
CDon)t #all m ma)am, 3)m not an offi#r and 3 n&r want to b on of thos
butt%kissing brown%nosrs ithr! "our mothr is turning in hr gra& o&r your
trribl #rims! 2irst$ pping on th Snior Constabl hr for a #hap porno thrill!D
C3 n&r AD
CIm tal#ing now.D sh shoutd! * r#oild in far and 3 sriously thought for a
momnt that h)d soon #ough up his 'dam)s appl it ros so high in his throat!
C"ou ppd at th Snior Constabl through hr bdroom window$ am 3 wrongED
CNo! "s! :ll$ 3 was trying to s AD
CDid you har that &rybodyE Condmnd by his own tongu as a pr&rt,D
sh shoutd$ looking around th room$ making sur &rybody in th &i#inity was
listning! 'nd whn Snior Srgant "u shoutd$ you listnd! Bur man flushd a
dark rd again!
Sh #ontinud hr rant$ tapping on th kyboard as sh did! CNot only did you
try to pp on poor$ in(urd Snior Constabl 2ullr$ whn sh was at hr most
&ulnrabl$ you thn rsistd hr and hr partnr trying to arrst you! That)s a
mountain of offn#s$ right thr!D Sh lookd up and pinnd him with hr bla#k
ys! C>t)s gt som dtails on you$ sport! :hat)s your namED
C3)m not saying anything until 3 gt a lawyr!D * #rossd his arms$ his fa# st
in stubborn mod!
CBh /od$D sh groand! C:)& got on of thos$ ha& wED Sh turnd to us!
C*a& you sar#hd him ytED
CNo$D th Sarg admittd$ x#hanging an mbarrassd glan# with m! 3t was
th first thing w should ha& don! 3 blamd th lat hour of his apprhnsion for
our nglign#!
Sh s#aldd us with a s#ornful look that said a lot about what sh thought of th
abilitis and brainpowr of #ountry #ops! CTak him into that room and sar#h him!
* might ha& a dri&r)s li#n# on him or somthing! 3 #an)t pro#ss him without a
Th Sarg grabbd him by th arm and draggd him towards th room!
Th Snior Srgant #alld out aftr us! CThr ar glo&s in th #upboard if
you nd to do a full #a&ity sar#h!D
Th man shoutd out at that and #ontinud to shout th #oupl of minuts that
th Sarg spnt patting him down!
CCan you shut up for a whilED th Sarg askd him$ xaspratd! C"ou)r
gi&ing m a hada#h!D
C"ou)r &iolating my human rights,D th man shoutd at th top of his &oi#! C3
want a lawyr!D
CDon)t b ridi#ulous$D th Sarg rspondd impatintly! C'nyway$ you)r th
on who &iolatd Snior Constabl 2ullr)s rights by pping on hr and s#alding
hr with hot #off!D
* pulld out a wallt from th man)s pants po#kt and thrw it to m!
CThat)s staling, 3 want a lawyr,D h shoutd again!
3 opnd his wallt and lookd insid!
CJa#kpot,D 3 smild triumphantly! CSarg$ this troublsom man)s nam is
/raham 8undy and$ by som strang #oin#idn#$ h li&s at xa#tly th sam
addrss as Stanly 8ur#hison himslf!D
C/raham 8undy$ huhE Son of >ionl 8undy$ nphw of Stanly 8ur#hison!D
C3 want a lawyr$D was all h would say! : took him ba#k to Daisy to b
pro#ssd into #ustody$ ad&isd that h was bing #hargd with unlawful stalking
and assault of a poli# offi#r! : trid again to intr&iw him whn that was don$
but h rfusd to #ooprat without a lawyr prsnt$ so w had to #ool our hls
until a duty lawyr was dug up for him and h had tim to #onsult with hr!
3n th nd$ finding him a lawyr turnd out to b a good thing$ b#aus th
l&l%hadd woman who turnd up in a plain brown twd suit$ snsibl shos and
with a #onsr&ati& brown bob$ #on&in#d /raham 8undy that it was in his bst
intrst to start singing for us! Sh stard at m #uriously as w all sttld into on
of th station)s intr&iw rooms$ probably hoping that hr #lint hadn)t bn
rsponsibl for my in(uris!
'nd on# /raham startd talking$ h #ouldn)t stop$ his nr&ousnss making him
garrulous! : soon larnd that h workd for Stanly 8ur#hison$ who was indd
his matrnal un#l$ as a paralgal &n though h didn)t ha& any formal
;ualifi#ations for th (ob! Kn#l Stanly had instru#td him to find both 8iss /)s
diaris and a parti#ular land titl! * admittd spying on 8iss / on four o##asions
in an attmpt to dtrmin whr sh hid hr diaris with no lu#k$ bing foild by
8iss /)s sharp ys and my subs;unt sar#hs a#h tim! * admittd braking
into and tossing 8iss /)s pla#$ looking for th diaris and th titl!
CTitl to whatED askd th Sarg!
C' proprty on 8ountain .oad!D
C: wr told that all th /r&ill proprtis had bn sold$D 3 #ommntd!
/raham s;uirmd &asi&ly! C3 don)t know anything about that! Kn#l Stanly
looks aftr all that sid of things! *)s th trust for th family!D
C:hy was this titl at 8iss /r&ill)s hous and not in saf storag with your
un#lED 3 askd!
C3 don)t know!D *is ys flittd from th Sarg to m nr&ously and ba#k again!
C3 think you know mor than you)r tlling us$D said th Sarg bluntly$ laning
ba#k with his arms #rossd!
3 prssd him! C"ou must ha& known that pping on a frail ldrly woman
and tossing hr hous whn sh wasn)t thr ar both unlawful a#ti&itis!D 3 frownd
at him! CNot to mntion dspi#abl!D
* flushd$ sighing$ and glan#d dspratly at his lawyr$ who noddd at him
n#ouragingly! * lookd down at his hands that wr twisting togthr anxiously
and sighd again ha&ily as though h had #om to som diffi#ult innr d#ision!
* talkd again! C>ook$ Kn#l Stanly thought h might ha& mispla#d th
titl to th 8ountain .oad proprty and didn)t want to ask 8iss /r&ill dir#tly if
sh had it at hr hous!D 't th Sarg)s raisd ybrow$ h hastnd to xplain!
C1#aus that would b admitting potntially in#omptnt bha&iour$ and you don)t
want that kind of rputation whn you)r a lawyr$ sp#ially an aging on lik
him! So h #am to m with his problm! * suggstd that 3 go to hr hous and
s if 3 #ould find th titl$ without hr knowing anything about it! 1ut sh was
always at hom$ and 3 only got th #han# to go through hr things whn you took
hr away!D
So h had bn wat#hing us!
C'nd you bli&d Kn#l Stanly whn h ga& you that rason for braking
into 8iss /r&ill)s pla# A that h didn)t want to sm in#omptntED 3 askd
s#pti#ally! C"ou didn)t think that soundd rathr wakED
C*)s my un#l! Bf #ours 3 bli&d him$D h dfndd strongly$ but slightly
lss sur now that 3)d raisd th doubt in his mind!
3 pushd on! C'nd what rason did h gi& you for wanting 8iss /r&ill)s
/raham was flustrd by that ;ustion! C* ! ! ! h didn)t rally gi& m on! *
only said h didn)t want to appar in#omptnt!D
CSo did you find th land titlED askd th Sarg!
8y turn again! C:hy did you trash 8iss /r&ill)s loung roomE That wasn)t a
&ry ni# thing to do! "ou lft hr with a trribl mss to #lan up and you ruind
hr furnitur too! Sh)s ninty%thr yars old! "ou should b ashamd of yourslf!D
C3 ! ! ! 3 was frustratd whn 3 #ouldn)t find th titl! 3 didn)t want to lt Kn#l
Stanly down!D * flushd and glan#d sidways at his lawyr! *r ys lowrd to
th lgal pad sh had opn in front of hr$ profssionally #o&ring hr disgust with
him! Th Sarg and 3 didn)t bothr to hid ours!
C:hy did you pp on 8rs Lillirs tooED
C'ftr you #am to s him$ Kn#l Stanly told m to spy on som othr
womn in th town to mak it look as though it was a gnuin pping tom$ not (ust
somon targting 8iss /r&ill in parti#ular!D
CSo that)s why you mad it so ob&ious that you)d bn pping on 8rs
LillirsED Sarg askd! /raham noddd!
3 askd$ C3s that why you ppd on m as wllED
CNo! Kn#l Stanly told m to! * wantd to know if you had 8iss /r&ill)s
diaris at your hous!D
CDo you do &rything that Kn#l Stanly tlls you toED dridd th Sarg!
C*ow old ar youE "ou must b about thirty%fi&! :hy don)t you grow a pair of
your ownED
C*)s bn &ry good to m$D /raham rplid in a small$ slf%#ons#ious &oi#!
C* ga& m a (ob and somwhr to li&! 3 didn)t gt along with my parnts!D
3 askd$ C:hy don)t you li& in your parnts) housE 3t)s standing &a#ant!D
C8y mothr won)t lt m! Sh says 3 nd to grow up and stand on my own two
ft for a #hang$D h said$ (umping up in agitation!
CSit ba#k down again,D barkd th Sarg!
:hn h)d rsttld himslf$ 3 askd him swtly$ C/ot a fw mothr issus$
ha& you$ /rahamED
C3 don)t want to disappoint hr$D h answrd in that small &oi# bfor
b#oming angry again! C3 lo& my mothr, :hat)s wrong with thatE "ou mak it
sound wrong,D
C"our mothr is going to b &ry disappointd in you whn sh finds out what
you)& bn up to!D
C"ou ! ! ! you #an (ust shut up,D h shoutd at m$ half%standing! 3 smild at him
inno#ntly! * lowrd his rar to th #hair again$ #alming down slightly whn his
lawyr pla#d a rstraining hand on his arm! * yd m with loathing! C3 don)t lik
you on littl bit! "ou)r ! ! ! you)r$D h turnd to his lawyr bs#hingly$ bfor
ba#k to m! C"ou)r a ! ! ! a fmal dog,D *is skin mottld rd at his daring!
C'w$ you)& hurt my flings now$ /raham$D 3 mo#kd! C'nd hr 3 was
hoping w #ould b frinds!D
*is lawyr shot m a (add glan# and rstraind /raham again with that hand
on his arm! CCan w plas rturn to ;ustions rl&ant to th mattr at handED sh
r;ustd in a #ool$ ffi#int ton! 3 shut up for a whil$ suitably #hastnd!
Th Sarg #hangd dir#tion! C:hat do you know about a #ompany #alld
Traumlbn 0ty >tdED
/raham lookd at him blankly! CN&r hard of it!D
C"our fathr is listd as th sol dir#tor!D
* snortd with unamusd laughtr! C8y fathr running a #ompanyE Don)t
mak m laugh, * was #ompltly gaga for th last fi& yars of his lif and h)s
bn dad for thr yars$ so sombody)s pulling your lg if thy tll you my fathr
is th dir#tor!D
Th Sarg glan#d o&r at m$ ybrows raisd in surpris! C3 wasn)t awar that
'S3C had su#h a d&ilishly #hky sns of humour$ wr you$ Snior ConstablED
CNo Sarg$ 3 had no ida! "ou li& and larn!D
: didn)t think w)d gt mu#h mor from him aftr that so ndd th intr&iw$
adding anothr #harg of brak and ntr on 8iss /)s pla# to his #harg sht!
CDo you think w)& got nough ammunition to apply for a warrant for
8ur#hison)s arrst on suspi#ion of fraudED 3 askd doubtfully whn w dbrifd
C: ha&n)t got any &idn# that 8ur#hison is th on bhind Traumlbn 0ty
>td! 1ut on thing 3 do know is that th whol story about him wanting that othr
land titl and diaris b#aus h was afraid of bing sn as in#omptnt is a load of
horsshit as far as 3)m #on#rnd! 8ayb /raham 8undy bli&d him$ but 3 sur
as hll don)t!D
C"ah$ /raham dosn)t strik m as th sharpst tool in th shd! *)s &ry
trusting of his #rafty lawyr un#l! 1ut if 8ur#hison)s th on bhind Traumlbn$
thn h probably wants to buy that land #haply and sll it to th go&rnmnt for a
massi& profit as wll!D
C*mm$D h pondrd! C3f you think about it logi#ally$ 8ur#hison has to at last
b fa#ilitating th sals b#aus h)s th on with his hands on th titls and
intimat knowldg of th proprtis! *)s a#ting fraudulntly in som way!D
C>t)s try /oogl again and s if thr is any mntion of a go&rnmnt
dpartmnt bing intrstd in land on 8ountain .oad$D 3 suggstd$ and baggd
th us of on of th r#i&ing ara)s #omputrs for a littl whil$ typing a numbr
of #ombinations of words into th sar#h ngin$ hoping to hit th (a#kpot! 3 wasn)t
that lu#ky but 3 did find an intrsting littl arti#l from th Wattling Bay
CSarg$ look at this! 3t)s an intr&iw with th 8inistr for Dfn# dis#ussing
th go&rnmnt)s intntion to build a nw fild training fa#ility for army r#ruits!
Thr)s a numbr of lo#ations mntiond as bing possibl$ in#luding guss
C' ruggd par#l of land on 8ountain .oad$ nar 8ount 1ig Town$ by any
CNo wondr you)r a srgant,D 3 said #hkily! C"ou)r so #l&r!D
* pulld a fa#! C:hat dat was that intr&iwED
C' #oupl of months ago!D
CSo mayb th sal has #om to th pointy nd$ whi#h is why thr)s bn th
mad s#rambl to find th titl paprED
C"ou think 8ur#hison)s bn ngotiating alrady with Dfn# for Traumlbn
to sll th land whn it dosn)t &n own it ytED
C*)s ithr working for Traumlbn or h is Traumlbn! >t)s ring somon
in Dfn# and s if w #an find out any mor!D
Cha#ter +-
Th Sarg rang th Dfn# mdia ad&isor mntiond at th nd of th arti#l!
'nd aftr mu#h profssd ignoran#$ bing transfrrd$ and rpating of who h was
and what h wantd$ h was finally put through to th haughty had of th
Dpartmnt)s lgal s#tion! That man rfusd to tll him anything b#aus
Cdpartmntal #ontra#tual mattrs ar #ommr#ial%in%#onfidn#$ Srgant!D
C>ook mat$D h said$ gtting stroppy! C3 don)t want to know any #onfidntial
#ontra#tual information! 3 (ust want to know who th Dpartmnt is ngotiating with
in rlation to th land sal nar 8ount 1ig Town! Just a nam$ that)s all! 3t)s publi#
information that this parti#ular pi# of land was bing #onsidrd by th
Dpartmnt for th training #ntr A w (ust rad about it in an onlin nwspapr
from an intr&iw with th 8inistr!D
C:hy do you want to knowED
Th Sarg sighd$ and rplid through grittd tth! C3)& alrady told you tn
tims! 3t)s in rlation to a #urrnt in&stigation!D
C0rodu# a warrant and 3)ll think about it$D th lawyr said and hung up$ and th
Sarg spnt th nxt half%minut pointlssly swaring at th phon!
C"ou)r starting to sound lik th 3nsp#tor$D 3 tasd! :hil h had bn on th
phon$ 3)d intrrogatd th land titls databas again$ a##ssing indi&idual r#ords
for th two land sals that 8iss / didn)t rmmbr! :hn h had #almd down a
smidg$ h #am to stand bhind m and prd down at th s#rn o&r my
C:hat ar you doingED
C: know that >ionl 8undy is not th ral dir#tor of Traumlbn$ but
who&r is th brain bhind it must ha& gi&n som gnuin information about
thir #onta#t dtails whn rgistring th sal of thos proprtis with th &arious
go&rnmnt dpartmnts! Bthrwis how would h or sh r#i& mail or phon
#alls in #onn#tion with th salsED
C/rat thinking$ Tss$D h said$ sounding gnuinly imprssd! C:hat do w
CKnhlpfully$ w ha& a post offi# box addrss hr in 1ig Town$ so w #ould
go down and ha&y th managr of th post offi# to tll us who)s rnting it! 1ut w
also ha& a mobil numbr and it)s th sam on listd for both sals$ so 3 prsum
it)s ral!D
C>t)s not rush into this$D h musd$ sitting on th dsk and lifting both his ft
to rst on my #hair! 3 win#d in pain as his boots prssd on my bruisd hip!
CSarg, 8o& your ft! "ou)r hurting m!D
CBh sorry$D h said$ rmo&ing his ft ;ui#kly$ but lss than a minut latr$ on
had #rpt ba#k up onto my sat$ poking m again! 3 bit off my sharp #ommnt and
shiftd o&r$ looking up at him xp#tantly!
C:ill 3 ring th mobilED 3 askd$ prompting him impatintly!
C*ow about w ask th Snior Sarg to ring for usE 3f it)s 8ur#hison$ h might
r#ognis on of our &oi#s!D
CBkay!D 3 pushd my #hair ba#k suddnly$ almost making him tumbl off th
dsk as his foot lost its pur#has! : waitd patintly until Daisy had finishd
railing at a poor probationary #op for stuffing up som paprwork! * lookd as
though h was on th &rg of tars as h rdid his rport$ ys flying to Daisy &ry
s#ond minut in far!
3 xplaind what w wantd hr to do and what w wr trying to find out about
Stanly 8ur#hison and ga& hr a rough s#ript to follow! *r ys sparkld at th
opportunity to do somthing diffrnt than pro#ssing th stady stram of ptty
#rims whi#h #am to hr$ day in$ day out! Sh pi#kd up th phon and rang th
numbr! Sh listnd for a momnt thn hung up without saying anything!
CNo lu#k$D sh said flatly! CNobody answrd! 3t wnt to &oi#mail for a >ionl
8undy of Traumlbn 0ty >td! 3 didn)t bothr la&ing a mssag!D
Th Sarg and 3 lookd at a#h othr in frustration!
* said$ C:)r (ust not gtting anywhr with this #as!D
CTim for a &isit to th post offi#ED
* agrd and askd Daisy for th numbr for th 1ig Town post offi#! Sh
tappd on hr kyboard and wrot it down for him! : found a ;uit dsk and h
rang$ making an appointmnt with th post offi# managr in forty%fi& minuts
C>t)s go ha& a #off$D h suggstd!
CBkay$D 3 said! 3 stoppd at th front dsk again to talk to Daisy! CSnior Sarg$
w)r don with /raham 8undy! "ou #an lt him go whn h)s pro#ssd and has
his #ourt dat!D
C/oodo Tss! 3 nd th spa#$ frankly! 3t)s #ra9y hr today A must b a full
moon or somthing!D
's w hadd out th door$ my phon rang and 3 answrd! 3t was th poli#
pros#utor$ 0inky Iowalski$ wanting m in #ourt th nxt day for th #ommittal
harings for th 1y#rafts!
CThir lawyr dosn)t want you in #ourt$ but 3 bloody wll do$D sh #roakd in
hr gra&lly &oi#! CTh magistrat will tak on look at you and #ommit th four of
thm to trial straight away and kp thm on rmand in #ustody! Th last thing w
want is thos 1y#rafts rlasd on bail$ &n though 3)ll bt my right tit thy)ll b
applying for it!D
CThr)s no #han# .d 1y#raft will gt bail$ surlyE * was alrady on parol
whn h atta#kd m!D
C3n a fair world$ no$ but who knows with som of ths blding hart
magistrats$D sh said with #austi# #ontmpt! C' fw of thm bli& &ry sob
story thy)r fd! E&n whn thr ar 1y#rafts in&ol&d!D
3 blw out a sigh! CThanks 0inky!D 3 hung up!
CNo magistrat is going to gi& thm bail$ Tss! Stop worrying$D soothd th
Sarg$ patting m on th shouldr!
C3)m not worrid about thm$D 3 lid #almly! C3)ll b rady for thm if thy
rturn to >ittl Town!D
* sar#hd my fa#! 3 rturnd his star stadily! 3)d had a lot of pra#ti# in not
btraying my motions!
C"ou)r a hard prson to rad$D h said finally$ frustratd!
C/ood$D 3 smild in satisfa#tion! CSo ar you!D
C/ood$D h said in rturn!
CTwo #lams$ huhED
CE&idntly!D * unlo#kd th #ar and w #limbd in! 8y ys fli#kd to him as
w did up our satblts!
C8ayb it would b bttr if w wr mor opn with a#h othrE 's partnrsED
3 suggstd$ a littl hsitant$ wat#hing his fa# #arfully$ not sur if h)d mbra#
th ida or r(#t it! 'nd 3 wasn)t sur how 3)d fl about ithr rspons A offndd
or rli&dE
CThat would #rtainly stop m putting my foot in it all th tim$D h notd dryly
and w shard a ;ui#k smil! C3t would good to know you bttr b#aus w dpnd
on a#h othr so mu#h at work! 'nd bing abl to s#ond guss a#h othr #ould b
#riti#al on day! 1ut 3)m not sur if 3 #an! 3 suppos 3 want to kp my pri&at lif
pri&at! 3f you know &rything about m$ thn it)s as if AD
C"ou grw up in >ittl Town with mED 3 askd$ intrrupting$ and w
x#hangd anothr smil! Wed better stop doing that soon$ 3 thought$ or we might
find oursel"es becoming friends!
: dro& for a whil and 3 took a dp brath and offrd him anothr way to
hlp #ra#k that thi#k i# sht btwn us! C: #ould shar som information about
oursl&s! *ow about if you ask m somthing about myslf and 3)ll do th sam to
* wasn)t thrilld by my suggstion as h nosd out of a sid strt onto th
main road! C'll right$D h said aftr a whil! CNothing too prsonal though!D
3 noddd agrmnt!
C/ood! 8 first$D h insistd!
3 bra#d for his ;ustion$ but thr was nothing but siln#!
C:llED 3 n#ouragd! C3)m waiting with batd brath!D
C3 #an)t mak up my mind btwn two ;ustions!D
C"ou only gt on$D 3 rmindd him!
C3 know$ 3 know!D * #on#ntratd on na&igating a #ongstd roundabout!
CSargE 3)m going to withdraw th offr if you don)t hurry up,D 3 said
impatintly$ on dg!
CBkay$ 3)& d#idd! :hr wr you pla#d during your #ity sr&i#ED
C1nara$ for th whol tim$ from la&ing th a#admy to rturning to >ittl
Town$D 3 admittd rlu#tantly! 3 knw my answr would spark a prdi#tabl
ra#tion! 'nd it did!
C1naraE 'r you kidding mE :hat in /od)s nam wr thy thinking snding
a probationary #op$ sp#ially on from th #ountry$ to a hllhol lik 1naraED
C/ Sarg$D 3 said sar#asti#ally$ Cthat wasn)t in th slightst bit patronising to
m$ 3 promis!D
* brakd sharply for a young 0%platr who #ut in front of us without
indi#ating! C:ho ta#hs kids to dri& ths daysED h grumbld to himslf!
3 was boiling mad about him bing so #onds#nding! C3 "olunteered for
1nara! Nobody forced m to do it! 3n fa#t$ my instru#tors at th a#admy trid to
talk m out of it! 1ut 3 ndd to know if anything #ould possibly b as bad as li&ing
with th 1y#rafts hr in >ittl Town! 'nd do you know whatE 3t wasn)t! 1#aus
thos #ommunitis in 1nara ha& slf%&alu$ organisation and rsp#t for thir own
history and #ultur and you #ould at last ngotiat with th #ommunity ldrs! "ou
#an)t do that hr$ b#aus th 1y#raft ldrs ar th worst of th bun#h! *ow mu#h
su##ss do 3 ha& ngotiating with >ola 1y#raft about th bha&iour of hr
* opnd his mouth to spak$ but 3 didn)t gi& him th opportunity$ #utting
him off with a snort of unamusd laughtr! C:ll$ you)& alrady sn how wll
that wnt, Do you think 3 was fa9d by bing spat on or sworn at in 1naraE *a&ing
shit thrown at mE 1ing pun#hd$ ki#kd and s#rat#hdE *a&ing my proprty
&andalisd and dstroydE *a&ing guns hld to my had and popl running m
down with thir #arsE Trying to in(#t m with thir dirty ndlsE Trying to rap
mE Thratning to kill my familyE Trying to burn my hous downE Stalking mE
*unting mE 3t was watr off a du#k)s ba#k! *alf of thos things didn)t &n happn
in 1nara$ but thy)& bloody wll all happnd to m hr! 'nd mu#h mor! 'nd
not (ust as an adult ithr!D
CJsus$ Tss ! ! !D h bgan$ but stoppd for a momnt whn h saw my fa#!
C1ut why do thy do itE :hat is it btwn you and th 1y#raftsE Normal popl
don)t bha& lik that!D
3 didn)t know if h was rfrring to th 1y#rafts or m as not bing normal$ or
mayb &n all of us$ and all of my ins#uritis rushd to th surfa#!
C3 answrd your ;ustion$D 3 statd with sulln stoninss$ fling misrabl and
wishing 3 hadn)t said anything!
C/od,D h said$ flaring with instant hatd frustration! C"ou don)t answr
anything! 3 fl lik 3)m working in th dark hr! :)r supposd to b a tam$ but
you don)t tll m anything,D
3 roundd on him! C"ou don)t tll me anything,D
Thr was total siln# btwn us for a long tim!
C3 rally likd working in 1nara$D 3 mulld$ my mind rturning to my formr
post$ forgtting him$ almost lost in my own mmoris! C3 miss it! 3t was a grat
pla# to larn hands%on poli#ing! 3)m still in #onta#t with a lot of th #ops who work
thr b#aus 3 xp#t to b ba#k again$ on day! :hn ! ! ! you know!D 3 lookd out
th window sadly$ not wanting to think about poor Dad! C3 want to go ba#k thr
whn 3 la& >ittl Town! : had a tight and supporti& poli# tam working that
suburb! : had a#h othr)s ba#ks$ on hundrd pr #nt guarantd!D
CNot lik >ittl TownED
CNo$D 3 said bluntly! Ds had n&r had my ba#k$ and aftr this wk 3 was
rsr&ing my (udgmnt on whthr th Sarg did ithr! 'nd 3 had th fling that
h was #ons#ious of my doubts!
* parkd th #ar out th front of a strip of shops that #ontaind a fran#his for
a larg intrnational #off #hain! : wnt in and ordrd$ ignoring th
unmistakabl #hang in atmosphr that happnd whn&r w wr around!
Kniformd poli# always mad popl un#omfortabl A &n d#nt$ upright$ law%
abiding #iti9ns$ who suddnly rmmbrd &ry small transgrssion in thir
r#nt li&s whn thy st ys on us! Thr was also an amount of slight
disappro&al that som popl dir#td towards #ops who dard to tak a #off
brak and do somthing that ninty%fi& pr #nt of th workfor# did &ryday
without thinking twi#!
8y battrd fa# didn)t hlp mattrs and 3 was positi& 3 saw on o&r%
prot#ti& mothr a#tually #lamp hr hand a#ross hr young #hild)s ys so h
wouldn)t s m! *r hurrid dpartur soon aftr$ hr #off only half%drunk and
most of a pi# of #arrot #ak lft on hr plat$ only rinfor#d that imprssion! 3t
didn)t impro& my mood!
: took our #offs to th darkst #ornr of th brightly lit stor w #ould find!
CDid you s that womanED 3 hissd indignantly as soon as w sat down!
C3 did$D h said sympathti#ally!
3 mopd for a whil$ staring at my #off$ wat#hing th stam rising from th
C:hatED 3 askd sharply$ not looking at him! 3 was still miffd at bing tratd
lik som kind of frak!
C"ou ha&n)t askd m your ;ustion!D
C3t dosn)t mattr! 3)m happy to know what&r you want to tll m$D 3 said$ not
#aring at that momnt! 3 #ouldn)t bli& how thrown 3 was by that anonymous
woman)s ra#tion to m! Didn)t sh ralis that 3 was anothr human bing$ lik hr$
with flingsE 3 grabbd a napkin and shrddd it into small strips! 'nd whn 3)d
finishd that on$ 3 grabbd anothr and ga& it th sam tratmnt!
C"ou)r angry$D h notd!
3 glan#d at him in surpris! CNo$ 3)m not! :hat maks you think thatED
C:hat)s all that about$ thnED h askd$ nodding towards th small mountain of
shrddd napkins in front of m!
CBh$D 3 said$ looking down at thm$ mbarrassd! C8ayb 3 am$ aftr all!D 3
pushd thm to on sid and took a sip of #off through my sor lip$ win#ing at th
C'sk m your ;ustion!D
3 #ouldn)t #ar lss about him right thn! C3t dosn)t mattr!D
C3t dos to m$D h insistd! C3 for#d information out of you! "ou ha& to do
th sam or you might n&r find out anything about m!D
C3 kind of hopd that you)d bgin to trust m and tll m things of your own
a##ord$D 3 said honstly! CThat)s how 3)m usd to working! :ll$ it was until 3 mt
Ds!D 3 laughd suddnly! C* told m way too mu#h about himslf! Esp#ially
about him and 2oxy!D 3 pulld a fa#$ rmmbring th mortifyingly intimat
#on&rsations 3)d had with Ds! :ll$ not #on&rsations as su#h A mor lik
monologus! *)d always don th talking and hadn)t xp#td or &n rally
wantd m to rspond!
C0las ask m$ Tss$D h prsistd$ srious and intns! 3 stoppd laughing
straight away! : yballd a#h othr for a long momnt$ and thn 3 ralisd that it
was a trust thing with him$ and it was important for th futur of our partnrship!
C:hr)s 8lissaED 3 askd him bluntly!
* land ba#k$ an unhappy xprssion sttling on his fa#! CSh)s o&rsas$
ba#kpa#king with a group of hr frinds! 3 don)t know exactly whr sh is right
now$ but it)s in southrn /r# somwhr! 3)m waiting for hr to ring or mail m
again to tll m!D Thn it was his turn to a&oid motion by taking a sip of #off$
looking &rywhr x#pt at m!
* probably thought h)d gi&n m nothing with that answr$ but 3 flt as
though 3)d larnt a lot! >ik th fa#t that h wasn)t plasd about his fian# bing
o&rsas and that sh was an irrgular #orrspondnt! 'nd why wasn)t h o&rsas
with hr n(oying th xprin#$ anywayE 3f 3)d don th whol Europan
ba#kpa#king rit%of%passag whn 3)d had a fian# instad of with my girlfrinds as
3 had$ 3 would ha& wantd him to b thr with m! :ho wr th frinds sh was
with and how #ould thy b mor important than hr fian#E 'nd to go ba#kpa#king
without your fian# soon aftr you b#am ngagd did not s#ram of maturity or
#ommitmnt to m! *mm$ th mystry only dpnd!
C:hy didn)t you go ba#kpa#king with hrED 3 askd$ not abl to hlp myslf!
CThat)s two ;ustions$D h said firmly$ rfusing to answr! * lookd at his
wat#h! C:)& bn yapping too long! : ha& to gt to th post offi#!D
3 #h#kd my wat#h and h wasn)t trying to sidstp m A w wr going to b
lat! : hastily gulpd our #offs and mad a dash for it$ (umping in th #ar and
dri&ing off! * glan#d at m sidways as h dro&!
C3)ll answr your s#ond ;ustion if you answr min$D h offrd slyly!
CBkay$D 3 agrd plasantly! C1ut m first this tim! :hy arn)t you o&rsas
with 8lissaED
C1#aus 3)d alrady don th whol ba#kpa#king thing a long tim ago with
my mats bfor 3 wnt to uni and bfor 3 mt hr! 'nd also b#aus 3 didn)t want
to tak su#h a long tim off work! 8y #arr is important to m! 1ut sh)s youngr
than m and told m it wasn)t fair if sh didn)t gt th #han# to do it bfor w
wr marrid!D * smild unhappily! CSatisfidED
CSorry$D 3 said instantly$ wishing 3 hadn)t pushd him! C:hat)s your othr
C:hy do you go out with a 1y#raftED
3 lookd at him in dspair! Bf all th ;ustions to ask m$ h had gon straight
for my soft spot! 1ut 3 had mad a dal with him and 3 wouldn)t rng on it! 0lus 3
rally wantd him to know how sin#r 3 was whn 3 ga& him my answr!
C0opl ha& gi&n m a lot of rasons o&r th last #oupl of yars why 3 go
out with Jaky! Som of my fa&ourits ar that 3)m looking for a thrill or 3)m
rblling against Dad or 3)m trying to kp myslf saf or 3)m taking a subtl form
of r&ng! 1ut th answr is th simplst on of all A 3 lo& Jaky! 3 would n&r b
in a rlationship with him if 3 didn)t lo& him as mu#h as 3 do and was #on&in#d
that h is a good prson! *)s had to (ump o&r a lot of hurdls and has #oppd a lot
of abus and insults to gt to this point! 1ut h puts up with it all b#aus h lo&s
m too and thinks 3)m worth it!D 3 smild! C'nd bsids$ w ha& loads of fun
togthr and that)s important to m! 3 ha&n)t had a lot of fun in my lif and 3 lo&
th way that Jaky maks m laugh!D
CThat)s what 3 thought$ Tss$D h said ;uitly and to my trnal gratitud h
said no mor! 3 was fling &ry un#omfortabl for di&ulging somthing so prsonal
to somon 3 barly knw and 3 wondrd if h flt th sam as w dro& in siln#
to th post offi#!
C: shouldn)t do that again$ Sarg$D 3 said in a mutd ton$ &n though 3)d
bn th on who)d suggstd it! C3)& said far too mu#h and 3 guss 3 fl a bit
xposd now!D
C3 disagr! 3 fl th sam$ but 3 think it was a &aluabl xr#is for both of
us$D h #ontmplatd! C'nd as 3 said bfor$ th mor w know about a#h othr$
th bttr w #an work togthr!D
3 flt guilty thn! C3 hop you don)t mind m tlling popl that you)r ngagd!
Th gossip will b flying around$ especially now that >a&inia knows! 'nd it)s for
your own prot#tion anyway A othrwis &ry unatta#hd marriagabl woman
within twnty kilomtrs will b honing in on you!D
C3)& n&r bn so popular$D h smild fltingly!
C: don)t gt a lot of nw talnt in town!D
Bn ybrow raisd and his ys slid from th road to my fa#! C"ou think 3)m
a bit of talntED
w gee,, howd I get myself into that one1 CKm ! ! ! wll ! ! ! um ! ! !D 3
spluttrd unasily!
C"ou don)t ha& to answr that! 2or th sak of our partnrship$D h laughd
softly as h pulld into th #arpark of th post offi# and snard th last fr spot!
C'nyway$ 3)ll b a marrid man soon and whthr or not anyon in town #onsidrs
m to b a bit of talnt won)t b an issu for mu#h longr!D
CBh$ so you do ha& a dat for your wddingED 3 was dlightd for him! C'r
you going to b marrid in th #ityE :hr will you honymoonED 'nd thn bing
slfish$ 3 askd$ C:ho)s going to fill in for you at work whn you doED
' paus bfor h answrd! CNo$ w ha& no plans for anything yt! 3 ha& to
#on&in# hr to #om hom first$D h said with a tou#h of bittrnss and stalkd to
th ntran# of th post offi#$ politly asking for th managr at th #ountr!
: both showd our idntifi#ation to th prissy o&rwight man with an
ob&ious #omb%o&r who prsntd himslf in rspons! *)d addd a hidous
yllow and rd #h#kd bow ti to his tightly strt#hd uniform and wor an
unappaling suprior air as h ;urid our businss$ addrssing only th Sarg! 3
took an instant dislik to him and would bt my nxt pay that h bullid his staff$
sp#ially if thy wr fmal!
3 r;ustd politly that h tak us somwhr pri&at so w #ould dis#uss our
in&stigation and h shot m on brif disdainful glan# bfor lading us past th
#ountr to a minis#ul offi#$ boun#ing on his tos as h walkd! : sttld on th
&isitors) #hairs$ his offi# so small that our kns wr almost tou#hing his undr his
dsk! 3 was #urtly businsslik as 3 xplaind what w wr aftr!
CDo you ha& a warrant$ Bffi#rE : do ha& a pri&a#y law in this stat$ you
know$D h sniffd$ looking down his nos at m!
C"s$ w do ha& a pri&a#y law$D 3 rplid patintly$ Cwhi#h stats that you #an
dis#los information to us for th rasonabl purposs of law nfor#mnt!D 3 land
ba#k in my #hair and rgardd him #oolly! C'nd 3 bli& that w ha& (ust pro&n
rasonabl purposs to you! Do you disagrED
* ga& m an un#ooprati& and burau#rati# look$ positi& h had th uppr
hand! 3 sighd impatintly and turnd to th Sarg! C8ayb w should gt Dt#ti&
3nsp#tor 8iddn down hr instad$ SargE Sh)s good with publi# sr&ants! /ot a
ral skillful way of #utting through th rd tap!D
C/od no,D th managr said immdiatly$ pushing himslf ba#k into his #hair as
if bing atta#kd prsonally! C3 had to dal with hr last yar in rlation to a drug%
rlatd in&stigation and 3 ne"er want to xprin# that again! 3)ll tll you anything
you want to know as long as you kp hr away from hr! 'nd from m! Th
things sh said to m! 'bout m!D *is ys moistnd in mmory! CSh mad m
fl lik a d&iant!D
Th Sarg #ut him a sympathti# glan#! C:)r sorry$ sir! "ou smd
somwhat rlu#tant to hlp th Snior Constabl!D
C"ou)r imagining things$ Srgant$D insistd th man$ sitting up straight in his
sat again! C3)ll b glad to hlp ! ! ! you!D * thrw m a spitful glan#! 3 r#i&d
his mssag loud and #lar! 2or som rason h didn)t lik womn and h would
gladly assist thos mmbrs of th human ra# gra#d with dangly gnitalia$ but th
othr fifty pr #nt of us #ould go (ump! No wondr 2iona had gon to town on him!
Sh wouldn)t stand for that kind of rubbish for a momnt! 3 stard ba#k at him
blandly$ masking my dark thoughts!
C3n fa#t$D h gro&lld sy#ophanti#ally$ Clt m gt that information for you
right now$ Srgant!D * s#rambld to his ft$ almost kno#king o&r his #hair in his
agrnss to hlp$ trotting off towards th main offi# ara! Th Sarg and 3
x#hangd glan#sF his ruful$ min rsignd!
CTss ! ! !D h said!
3 #almly glan#d at th uninspiring &ista of a grungy allyway running btwn
th post offi# and its nighbour &isibl from th offi# window! C3t)s a man)s world
somtims$ Sarg! >u#kily 3 ha& you hr to ngotiat with him!D
: didn)t gt to say anything ls bfor th post offi# managr #am flying
ba#k in$ triumphantly #lut#hing a pi# of papr in his hand! * flung himslf into
his #hair and thrust th papr into th Sarg)s fa#!
CBn of my girls printd this for m! 3 hop it hlps your in&stigation$D h said
with s;uirming nthusiasm!
CThanks!D Th Sarg glan#d at th print out$ thn groand out loud! C"ou)&
got to b kidding m,D
C:hatED askd th managr$ afraid h)d faild to plas!
Th Sarg handd o&r th pi# of papr to m! 3 rad and groand as wll!
Th ownr of th post offi# box was listd as 8r >ionl 8undy of @ '#a#ia Court$
:attling 1ay$ with th sam mobil numbr w)d alrady rung! : wr #hasing
our tails! 'gain!
CDon)t you dmand proof of idntity whn popl opn post offi# boxsED th
Sarg snappd!
Th managr was un#rtain! C"s ! ! ! 3)m sur w do ! ! ! 3 hop ! ! ! "s, Bf
#ours w do,D
3 was annoyd! CThn how #an you xplain that you)& bn rnting a 0B box
to a dad manED
C:hatE Bf #ours w ha&n)t$D h insistd blligrntly!
C>ionl 8undy has bn dad for thr yars and had 'l9himr)s for th
pr&ious fi&$D informd th Sarg! C*ow long has this box bn rntdED
Th managr stormd out of th offi# and #am ba#k rathr lss antagonisti#!
C2our yars$D h admittd$ mbarrassd!
C"ou might want to r&iw your box rnting pro#durs with parti#ular
attntion to stablishing an annual idntifi#ation pro#ss$D 3 suggstd #oolly!
* ignord m$ waiting for th Sarg to spak!
Th Sarg slyly winkd in my dir#tion! C2or futur rfrn#$ sir$ you might
want to r&iw your box rnting pro#durs with parti#ular attntion to stablishing
an annual idntifi#ation pro#ss!D
Th managr gro&lld again! CBf #ours$ Srgant! Thanks for your hlpful
's w walkd out th Sarg lbowd m gntly! C3 always say th right thing$
don)t 3ED
C3 don)t know whthr to laugh or #ry$D 3 admittd as h unlo#kd th #ar! :
plonkd oursl&s into our sats and lookd at a#h othr! 'nd w both laughd!
C3 admir your rsilin#$ Tss! 3)m not sur 3)d b so forgi&ing in th sam
#ir#umstan#s$D h #onfssd$ starting th #ar and #on#ntrating on pulling out of
th #arpark into th traffi#!
C3 told you 3)m usd to bing patronisd! 1ut if 3 lt it bothr m &ry tim it
happnd$ 3)d spnd my lif moping! 3t)s only whn it starts impa#ting on an
in&stigation that 3 do somthing about it!D
: dro& in siln# bfor h spok up! C:hat nowED
CTry to talk to Stanly 8ur#hison againED 3 suggstd! C*)s mant to b th
trust of 8iss /)s proprtis$ so h should tll us what h knows about thos sals
to Traumlbn 0ty >td!D
CDo w want to tip off our hand at this stagED
3 shruggd! C's soon as /raham 8undy is rlasd$ h)ll tll 8ur#hison that w
wr asking about that #ompany anyway!D 3 lookd at my wat#h and took out my
mobil! 3 had a ;ui#k #on&rsation with Daisy bfor rturning my attntion to th
Sarg! CTh Snior Sarg (ust told m that /raham was pro#ssd out of th wat#h
hous fi& minuts ago!D
CBkay$ lt)s try to gt to 8ur#hison)s hous bfor 8undy dos!D
Cha#ter +.
Thr was no answr again at Stanly 8ur#hison)s pla#$ but this tim th
hous flt mpty and 3 didn)t ha& that imprssion 3)d had bfor that thr was
anyon hom!
C*)s probably at work$D 3 said as w rturnd to th #ar! ' taxi pulld up
bhind us and /raham 8undy stppd out aftr a fw momnts! * wasn)t plasd
to s us!
CThis is harassmnt$D h sthd! C3)m th on bing #hargd with stalking$ but
you)r th ons stalking m,D
C: wantd to spak to your un#l$ not you$D th Sarg told him #oldly!
C*)s at work$ isn)t hE :hi#h is whr 3 should b too! 3)& had a fw days off
latly and h)s going to gi& m a bollo#king whn 3 gt thr! 1ut 3 ha& to ha& a
showr first! 3 fl dirty aftr bing in that #ll! 3t)s a horribl$ humiliating
xprin#! "ou shouldn)t put popl through it$D h #omplaind in a whingy
3 had no sympathy for him! C"ou shouldn)t brak th law thn!D
C3 rally don)t lik you$D h muttrd to m as h mad his way insid th
3 turnd to th Sarg! C3 don)t think h liks m!D
* smild as h unlo#kd th patrol #ar! C3 don)t think h dos ithr! 3)ll bt
h)ll b on th phon to 8ur#hison th s#ond h)s insid! Should w bothr going
to his offi#ED
3 pulld on my satblt! C>t)s go$ rgardlss! Kn#l Stanly has to start
answring som ;ustions som tim!D
: dro& to his offi# and wnt insid! Th sam nr&ous woman was at
r#ption! What was her name$ 3 thought franti#ally! DianE DanaE Didr$ that was
C*llo Didr! 3t)s us again! Could w spak to 8r 8ur#hison plasED 3 askd
CBh dar$D sh said anxiously! C"ou)& (ust missd him! *)s gon hom! *
wasn)t fling &ry wll!D
Th Sarg #ould barly #ontain his irritation at haring that! 's w walkd ba#k
to th #ar$ h hld his indx fingr and thumb up in front of him$ a #ntimtr apart!
C3)m this #los to arrsting that man (ust for bing a pain in th ars$D h spat out
through grittd tth!
: dro& ba#k to 8ur#hison)s hous$ but r#i&d no rspons to our kno#ks$
th Sarg thumping on th front door with his fist in tmpr!
* was fuming! C3)& fu#king had nough of this #at and mous gam!D
8y phon rang! 3t was 8iss / ltting m know that sh)d s#annd hr diaris
for th last four yars and had no ntris rlating to th two sals sh #ouldn)t r#all!
That #on&in#d hr that sh dfinitly hadn)t signd any #ontra#ts rlating to thm!
Sh soundd down#ast and 3 flt sorry for hr! Sh had ob&iously ralisd that sh)d
bn swindld in som way by somon sh had trustd and rsp#td hr ntir
lif! That would ha& #om as a hug blow to hr! 3 spnt a fw minuts uttring
som soothing and #onsoling platituds$ promising to kp in tou#h!
2or on#$ 3 was thinking snsibly! CSarg$ 3 think w nd to hand this #as o&r
to th 3nsp#tor! 3t)s #lar that thr)s bn som kind of fraudulnt a#ti&ity and w
(ust don)t ha& th rsour#s to in&stigat it proprly$ sp#ially if 8ur#hison
dosn)t want to #ooprat with us! 3t)s tim for th dt#ti&s to tak o&r! : nd
to gt ba#k to >ittl Town! :ho knows what th 1y#rafts ha& bn up to whil
w)& bn gonED
CNo$ Tss, 3t)s our in&stigation and w)r going to #ra#k it! 3)m not stopping
now$D h insistd stubbornly!
3 rolld my ys! 'h /od, here we go again$ 3 thought in xaspration! 3)d bn
lumpd with 8r 3%Inow%E&rything as a partnr!
CSarg$ you)r not listning to m$D 3 d#lard$ hands on my hips$ had #rand
up th fi& or so in#hs that h was tallr than m! 3 slowly nun#iatd a#h word$
gi&ing xtra mphasis to th word Glistning) so that it would sink into his thi#k
skull! C3t)s tim for th ds to tak o&r!D
CDon)t us that ton of &oi# with m$ 2ullr$D h shot ba#k$ mo&ing his hands
to his hips as wll!
: #onfrontd a#h othr$ ys #lashing! *is ys shiftd from min to rst on
my forhad stit#hs$ my bruisd nos and my bustd lip bfor rturning to my
ys! *is fa# mus#ls stiffnd and rlasd$ thn stiffnd again$ his ys
turbulnt! 3 wat#hd him$ alrt and wary$ willing to xploit any waknss h
showd! 3 didn)t ha& to this tim though$ b#aus h rlntd first!
C>ook$ if w ha&n)t progrssd any furthr by th bginning of nxt wk$
w)ll hand it o&r to th ds thn! BkayED
CBkay$D 3 agrd aftr a tns siln#$ rminding myslf a partnrship in&ol&d
gi& and tak$ and that 3 #ouldn)t xp#t &rything to go my own way! 8y phon
rang and 3 answrd as w wnt ba#k to th #ar!
C3 hard on th fu#king grap&in that you wr skulking around town$ s#aring
th lo#als with your hidous fa# lik som shp%shagging hillbilly 0hantom of th
Bpra$D 2iona growld into my ar!
C3)& n&r shaggd a shp in my lif$ ma)am$D 3 said honstly! Th Sarg
narly ga& himslf whiplash turning around to star at m in surpris at that
#ommnt$ his ybrows up in his hairlin! C1ut othrwis your intllign# is
Sh laughd loudly! CThat)d b right! "ou wouldn)t nd to rsort to o&in
intr#ours with that stallion Jak 1y#raft bnding you o&r th kit#hn tabl &ry
#han# h got!D
C8a)am$ you)& bn pping on m again$D 3 smild and #onsidrd th ida!
%mm, -a#e, me and the #itchen table. 3)d b txting him latr today with that
suggstion$ to b sur!
CTssi$ 3)m about th only prson around this pla# who hasn)t bn$ from
what 3 har! "ou must ha& a fu#king ;uu at your window! :ho)s this latst
pr&rtE Not Dnny 1y#raftED
3 xplaind who /raham 8undy was and our in&stigation as su##in#tly as 3
CSounds lik you two fu#king haysds ar going nowhr fast with this #as!
Tim to hand it o&r to th big kids$D sh ordrd!
C/i& us a fw mor days$ ma)am$D 3 bggd on th Sarg)s bhalf! C0las!D
CDon)t start plading with m$ Tssi! 3t)s dmaning for you$ sp#ially if
you)r doing it for 8aguir!D 3 #ould har hr inhaling as sh took a su#k of hr
#igartt and blw th smok out noisily into th r#i&r! CTll m$ who)s running
1umfu#k Town if you two 3nsp#tor Clousaus ar hr &ry day$ bumbling
around$ thumbs up your arss$ prtnding you)& got a fu#king #lu what you)r
doingED sh dmandd! C/t ba#k thr right now and start prparing a rport for
m on this in&stigation! /ot itED
C"s$ ma)am!D
CBh$ and TssiED
C"ou ha& until nin on 8onday morning and not on fu#king s#ond longr!
Thn you hand it o&r if you ha&n)t mad signifi#ant progrss! 'nd 3 man lik
ha&ing somon in th wat#h hous! 3)ll s you in #ourt tomorrow! Don)t b lat!
'nd mak sur you look tragi#! 3 want that magistrat to shd gnuin tars o&r
you as h)s throwing thos mothrfu#king 1y#rafts ba#k into #ustody!D
Sh hung up on m$ la&ing m smiling! Sh)d (ust indulgd m hugly and 3
wasn)t about to abus th pri&ilg!
C:llED askd th Sarg anxiously!
CSh)s gi&n us till nin$ 8onday morning$ but not on s#ond longr! 0lus w
ha& to go ba#k to >ittl Town right now$ and that was an ordr!D
* shook his had in frustration$ but w did as w wr told and rturnd to
>ittl Town$ #hwing o&r th in&stigation as w dro&!
C:hr dos th hundrd grand #om into itED 3 pondrd! C8ayb it isn)t
rlatd aftr all!D Bn an impuls 3 rang 8iss / and ds#ribd th suit#as th mony
had bn found in to hr to s if sh r#ognisd it!
C3t dos rathr sound lik a suit#as my mothr ownd$ dar$D sh said
#autiously! C1ut 3 ha&n)t sn it for an ag! Not sin# sh did ba#k in 1<72$ in
C3t had a monogram A E'/!D
CThat)s my mothr)s initials! Edith 'gns /r&ill! 3t must b hr suit#as$ but
why do you nd to knowED
C:ould you b abl to #om to th 1ig Town poli# station tomorrow to look at
itED 3 askd! C3 ha& to b in #ourt tomorrow morning$ but w #ould pi#k you up
aftr that! 3)ll xplain &rything thn!D
CBf #ours$ Bffi#r Tss! 'nything to gt to th bottom of this!D Sh pausd and
3 snsd a grat dal of motion bing supprssd! C3 always thought Stanly
8ur#hison was an honourabl gntlman! 3 suppos that 3)& bn wrong all this
tim and h)s (ust a bald%fa#d liar and swindlr!D
C'w 8iss /$ you mustn)t blam yourslf for trusting a #on man! Thy)r highly
talntd at apparing to b rputabl and bli&abl! That)s what thy do for a
C3 #onsidr myslf to b a &ry good (udg of #hara#tr$ Bffi#r Tss$D sh said
with a small hint of prid! C1ut 3)m afraid 3)& lt myslf down badly this tim!D
*r &oi# was tingd with su#h sadnss and rgrt that my hart flw out to hr!
C8iss / ! ! !D 3 (ust didn)t know what to say to hr! Sh soundd hartbrokn
o&r th whol mattr!
CN&r mind$ dar$D sh rallid with a littl bittrnss! C>if is mad up of su#h
#hallngs and troubls and if w fall at th first hurdl$ w ithr gi& up or w
pi#k oursl&s up$ dust oursl&s off and finish th ra# with prid and
dtrmination! E&n if w #om last!D
C:ll said$ 8iss /! "ou)r a bra& and inspirational woman$D 3 #omplimntd
sin#rly and w said farwll to a#h othr! 3 slumpd in my sat aftrwards! :hn
a fw minuts had passd$ 3 turnd to th Sarg! C"ou know$ thr)s no su#h thing
as a &i#timlss #rim!D
CNo$ thr isn)t$ Tss! E&n if a prson gts away with a #rim and nobody
noti#s what thy)& don$ thy b#om a lssr prson with a#h #rim thy
#ommit! /tting away with it only in#rass thir #onfidn# and maks thm mor
pron to offnding again! 'nd that maks thm &n lss rdmabl$ whi#h
&ntually has an impa#t on so#ity and all of us in gnral!D
C:ll said$ Sarg$D 3 said ;uitly$ #hoing what 3)d said to 8iss /! 8ayb that
was why 3 #ard so mu#h about th youngr 1y#rafts! Surly thr had to b som
point whr that family d#idd to stop th hating and th &ioln# and #ould
b#om r#on#ild to 2ullrs li&ing in th sam town as thmE Th 2ullrs had all
suffrd so mu#h o&r th yars b#aus of th 1y#rafts$ sp#ially th 2ullr
C"ou)r &ry subdud$D th Sarg #ommntd$ as w turnd lft onto th
highway$ hading into >ittl Town!
C8iss / was d&astatd at bing takn for a fool! 3t brok my hart! Sh)s a
good prson who)s n&r harmd anyon in hr whol$ long lif! 3t)s #rul! >if)s so
unfair somtims!D
C3t is$ Tss$ and thr)s no point trying to prtnd othrwis! 'nd as #ops w
know that bttr than anybody!D * pausd for a momnt$ glan#ing at m slumpd
in my sat! C>ast yar 3 had to go to a man)s workpla# and tll him som trribl
nws! Th worst kind of nws! * was a good$ honst man$ working hard$ doing
nothing wrong in lif! *)d lost his wif to brast #an#r only six months bfor and
3 had to tll him that his only #hildrn$ twin daughtrs$ had both bn killd in a
trribl #ar #rash!D
: dro& in siln# for a fw minuts whil h o&rtook a road train$ bfor h
CThy wr on thir way to #lasss at uni&rsity on morning! 1oth wr
studying to b pharma#ists! 1right$ kind girls$ lots of frinds$ &ry so#ial! Thy wr
slammd into by a druggd%up$ unli#nsd tru#ki who)d bn dri&ing all night$
spding and running rd lights! :hn 3 told thir fathr$ h brok down
#ompltly$ #ollapsd to th floor and startd ! ! ! D * #lard his throat! CNot
#rying$ kind of wailing$ 3 guss you)d #all it! 3 didn)t know what to do! 3 didn)t
know what to say! :hat #an you possibly say to a poor man lik thatED
* took a dp brath$ rmmbring! C3t was th worst thing 3)& &r had to do
in my lif! 3 stayd with him for th rst of th day until his family arri&d from
intrstat$ but 3)& n&r forgottn!D * stard straight ahad at th road$ his
knu#kls whit on th string whl!
CBh Sarg$ how awful,D 3 sympathisd immdiatly$ on hand automati#ally
ra#hing out to gntly pat his tns forarm in support! 's a #op$ 3)d n&r had to
brak any nws that trribl! "t!
* glan#d at m$ an unradabl xprssion on his fa#! C3)& n&r told
anybody about that bfor!D
3 was sho#kd by his #onfssion! :hr th hll was th support bas in his
lifE "ou #an)t sur&i& as a #op without on! 3 was lu#ky to ha& a lo&ing fathr and
boyfrind and loyal frinds$ in#luding othr #ops$ to turn to whn 3 ndd to &nt!
Not to mntion my #hi#kns as wll! Thy)d hard a lot of bad stuff in thir short
C:hy ha&n)t you &r told anyon that bforED 3 askd without thinking!
C"ou should ha& talkd about it with somon whn it happnd! 8ayb your
mothr or your frinds! Br 8lissa! :hy didn)t youED
C3 think that you)r &ry nosy$D h rbukd$ Cand that you)& (ust askd m
anothr ;ustion!D *is ys wr dir#td straight ahad$ not &n th glimps of a
smil on his fa#! 3 withdrw my hand and sunk ba#k into my sat! * was good at
pushing popl away! 3 knw that folk lik that somtims hopd dp down that
othrs would prsist and for# thm to shar! So 3 trid again!
CSarg$ if you &r want to talk about anything$ thn 3 want you to know that
3)m hr for you! 3)m a good listnr! Puit a fw popl ha& told m so$D 3 said
hsitantly$ not sur how h)d tak that$ but fling #omplld to offr! 2or som
strang rason$ 3 flt as though h had dspratly ndd to unload that story to
sombody$ but hadn)t bn gi&n th opportunity bfor! 8ayb h was too busy
bing th strong$ tough guyE 8ayb h didn)t want to shar th ugly sid of his (ob
with his lo&d onsE >ots of #ops wr lik that! :ho knows$ but 3)d hard nough
storis about #ops falling to pi#s to ignor any hint of strong motions bing
bottld up!
* didn)t glan# my way! C3 didn)t man to tll you that at all! 3 (ust blurtd it
out for som rason!D
C3t)s important to shar somtims! Esp#ially with somon you trust! 3)m
probably not that prson for you$ sing w &irtually (ust mt$ but 3 want you to
know that 3 will n&r pass on anything you &r tll m!D
CThanks Tss$D h said unmotionally! C3 don)t doubt that and 3 appr#iat th
offr!D * stard ahad solidly as h dro&$ an impntrabl barrir around him!
3 flt as though 3)d bn put ba#k in my box$ subtly but surly! * ob&iously
didn)t think that 3 #ould &r b of any support to him! 3 shruggd to myslf! *
didn)t lik m! 3 #ouldn)t hlp that$ but 3 #ould still try to b a good work partnr!
8y phon rang! 3t was Jak! 3 brightnd up immdiatly!
C*ony%boy$ how you doingED 3 askd$ and thn listnd to how h would b
doing so mu#h bttr if 3 was thr with him! 3 smild broadly at that! C"ou ar th
world)s numbr on #harmr$ Ja#ob 1y#raft!D
C:ho wouldn)t want to #harm you$ Trsa 2ullrED 3 #ould har th mat#hing
smil in his &oi#!
C"ou)d b surprisd$D 3 rplid nigmati#ally$ ys sliding o&r to th Sarg!
C:hat ha& you bn up to$ babED
C2iona ga& m a grat ida about you$ m and my kit#hn tabl! 3 #an)t wait to
talk to you about it$ or bttr still$ mayb 3 should (ust show you whn 3 s you
nxt$D 3 tasd$ turning to th sid in th futil hop that th Sarg #ouldn)t o&rhar
&ry word 3 was saying!
CTssi darling$ you ar a &ry naughty girl! *ow am 3 supposd to #on#ntrat
on work nowED h #omplaind! C'll th prisonrs will s#ap whil 3)m day%
draming about you$ m and that kit#hn tabl!D
C1ut that)s why you lo& m$ isn)t it$ b#aus 3)m su#h a naughty girlED
C"ou bt#ha$ baby doll$ but 3)m warning you that kit#hn tabl bttr ha&
strong lgs$D h (okd and w laughd togthr #onspiratorially! 3t was in#rdibl
how asily h #ould lift my spirits!
3 didn)t want to spoil his playful mood$ but 3 had to tll him! C3)ll b in #ourt
tomorrow morning$ Jaky! 2or th 1y#raft #ommittal harings! Thy)r bing don
as a bun#h!D
CBh$D h said$ ;uitning! C3 guss .d will go down for mor tim again!D
C3 hop so! * dsr&s it! *)s a mna# to womn &rywhr and to m
sp#ially! "ou know 3 ha&n)t rlaxd sin# h got out on parol!D
C3 know$ but 3 don)t think h)d &r rally do anything to you!D * didn)t sound
as if h was &n #on&in#ing himslf with that statmnt!
C* alrady has$ Jak! * r#ntly bat th #rap out of m$ rmmbrE 'nd do
you know what h said to m whn h did itE * said h wantd to finish th (ob
that 1obby and Craig 1y#raft lft undon! *is xa#t words, *ow do you think that
maks m flED 3 was b#oming agitatd as 3 did &ry tim 3 thought about that
parti#ular thrat!
CCalm down$ bab$D Jak soothd$ smart nough to know that h was trading
on dangrous ground! C* was (ust bing a tool! * knows how to prss your
CThat)s not pressing my buttons$ Jak,D 3 hissd into th phon angrily! CThat)s
thratning m with rap and a brutally &iolnt dath!D
*ow dar h try to brush off that kind of thratE 3 hung up on him! 3 (ust #ould
not b rasonabl about somthing so prsonal!
C:hat was that all about$ TssED askd th Sarg$ #urious!
C3 think that you)r &ry nosy$D 3 rplid furiously$ mimi#king what h)d said to
m only minuts bfor$ Cand that you)& (ust askd m anothr ;ustion$
* ga& m a wry glan#! CBu#h, Did 3 rally sound as mu#h of a pompous
pri#k as thatED
C"s$ you did!D 3 was raging from Jak)s badly #hosn words! 8y phon rang!
3t was him$ but 3 didn)t answr! 3 was still too hatd to talk to him! * knw th
topi# of 1obby and Craig 1y#raft aff#td m strongly! 'nd 3 would n&r talk to a
1y#raft about it anyway$ not &n him!
C"our phon)s ringing!D
C3 know$D 3 bit ba#k irritably! C3 #an har it!D
: pulld into th #arpark of th station and 3 (umpd out of th #ar! 8y phon
startd ringing again! 3 yankd it from my po#kt and flung it with passion onto th
grass lawn that surroundd th #arpark! 3 stalkd up th stairs to th station$
unlo#king th door and throwing it ba#k so hard that it smashd into th wall with a
loud bang$ loosning flaks of paint and la&ing bhind a dnt! 3 #lamourd o&r th
#ountr$ not waiting to unlo#k th hat#h$ hading straight for th #upboard in th
kit#hntt! Bpning th door$ 3 snat#hd a pa#kt of Tim Tams from th shlf$
rippd it opn #arlssly and (ammd thr of thm into my mouth at th sam tim$
mun#hing thm grdily and with som diffi#ulty! 'nd whn th Sarg #autiously
#am into th ba#k room with my phon in his hand$ h was grtd with th sight
of m$ my #hks bulging and #rumbs on my #hin and shirt$ struggling to #hw on
my normous mouthful with half th bis#uits poking out of my mouth!
Th startld xprssion on his fa# mad m laugh suddnly and pi#s of
un#hwd bis#uit flw out of my mouth lik missils! 3 had to run to th sink to spit
out th dtritus$ taking in a dp brath and unfortunatly inhaling a pi# of
#ho#olat%#oatd bis#uit as 3 did! 3 #hokd and #oughd$ my ys straming and my
fa# turning lobstr rd as 3 gaspd for oxygn! * bangd m firmly on th ba#k
until th #aught pi# dislodgd!
CThanks Sarg$D 3 gaspd as 3 hung onto th sink$ turning on th tap to wash th
&idn# of my grd down th drain!
C*ow many Tim Tams did you ha& in your mouth thn$ TssED
CThr$D 3 #onfssd$ laughing again$ my good humour rstord! C:hat was 3
thinkingE Thy didn)t &n fit!D
C"ou)ll n&r bat th world r#ord with (ust thr of thm$ you know$D h said
lightly bfor turning srious again! C"ou nd som lun#h!D
C"s! 3 guss 3 do!D
CDo you want your phon ba#kED
C3s Jak still ringing mED
CThn no$ thank you!D
C3)ll put it in my po#kt for a whil$ will 3ED
CThanks Sarg!D
:hil 3 #land up my mss$ h wnt to th bakry and bought both of us a
salad sandwi#h and a (ui#! : at our lun#h sitting on th ba#k stps$ staring at th
rising slops of 8ount 1ig as w did!
C"ou)& rally sn m at my worst sin# you)& bn hr$ Sarg! 3)m not
normally this tmpramntal$ 3 #an promis! 3 ha& to apologis to you$D 3 said
rufully$ mortifid about my immodrat ra#tions to &rything that had happnd
in th past fw days! 3 suppos 3 #ould ha& blamd 08S$ but 3 was rlu#tant to talk
about somthing so prsonal with him! 3 barly knw him!
* stard at m in ama9mnt! CTss$ ar you sriousE 3)m only surprisd you
ha&n)t #urld up into a #ornr yt$ a s#raming mss$ aftr what you)& bn
through sin# 3 arri&d hr!D
C3 don)t lik bing too motional$D 3 admittd$ not wanting to mt his ys$
suddnly finding somthing #omplling in th an#int iron nails holding down th
wid floor boards of th ba#k &randa!
CNithr do 3$ but somtims 3 #an)t hlp it b#aus 3)m only human! : #an)t
b robots$ no mattr how mu#h w might want to! 'nd no mattr how mu#h it
would mak lif simplr for us!D
3 glan#d up and w mt a#h othr)s ys! Thr was so mu#h sympathy and
undrstanding in his fa# that 3 flt o&rwhlmd with unwantd motion again! 3
bgan to wondr if h was mu#h warmr and kindr than 3)d &r imagind possibl
and (umpd to my ft in dis#omfort at th thought! So did h! : fa#d a#h othr!
CDo you want your phon ba#k nowED h askd$ braking th awkward siln#!
* fishd it from his po#kt and hld it out!
CThanks$D 3 said #oolly$ taking it from him and mo&ing to th nd of th
&randa to ring Jak! : mad up o&r th phon$ but 3 #ould fl his longing to b
with m in prson as w did! 3 flt th sam with him! 3 found it diffi#ult to do
things lik that o&r th phon or mail$ b#aus it was n&r th sam! 3 wantd to
tou#h Jak$ to s his fa# whn 3 talkd to him and to kiss him A whi#h mad m
think of th Sarg and his fian#! *ow did h handl hr bing on th othr sid of
th world$ not bing abl to s hr or tou#h hrE 'nd how on arth did h sur&i&
for so long without sx with th woman h lo&dE 8ayb that was why h was
always grumpyE 8ayb whn sh rturnd$ h)d b#om a diffrnt prsonE 8ayb
happy and rlaxdE
3 would n&r dar to ask him thos ;ustions though$ so instad 3 took our
rubbish to th bin at th sid of th station$ bfor (oining him in th offi#!
CTss$ w ha& to for# Stanly 8ur#hison to talk to us tomorrow$ no mattr
CTomorrow)s going to b a big day for you! 'r you going to b okay in #ourtED
C3 honstly don)t know$D 3 admittd! C3t dpnds on how th 1y#rafts bha&!D
C3)m sur you #an safly assum that thy won)t bha&$ and prpar yourslf to
b abusd and thratnd!D
3 smild grimly and busid myslf at my dsk! 3 wasn)t looking forward to th
following day at all$ hoping my worry wouldn)t stop m from gtting a good night)s
slp! 3 had a fling 3 was going to nd it!
Th #ountr bll and phon rang simultanously! Th Sarg ra#hd for th
phon$ only to impatintly tll th #allr that$ no$ it wasn)t th Sau#y Sirns
/ntlmn)s Club$ whil 3 hadd out to th #ountr to find an outragd /wn
Singh wanting to rport th thft of hr son)s xpnsi& bi#y#l by on of th
1y#raft boys!
CDo you know whi#h on of thm it was$ /wnED 3 askd$ (otting down th
fa#ts on an in#idnt rport form! : wr probably th only station in th whol
stat that still usd th forms$ not ha&ing a #omputr at th #ountr!
CTss$ 3 wish 3 #ould tll you$ but thy all look th sam to m! 3 only #aught th
barst glimps of his fa# as h rod past m on th stoln bi#y#l$ gi&ing m a "ery
rud gstur with his fingr as h did, Thos 1y#rafts ar absolut sa&ags$ &n th
young ons!D
C3)m fairly sur it will b Timmy 1y#raft w)r aftr! * has a thing for biks!
* stol my bik tons of tims bfor it wnt prmanntly missing and h)s takn
.omi Stormly)s nw bik that sh got for Christmas six tims this yar alrady and
it)s only 2bruary$D 3 told hr!
CThat would b b#aus h)s mad about .omi! Sh)s a &ry prtty girl!D
CSh #rtainly is$D 3 agrd!
C*)s trying to gt hr to noti# him in th only way that 1y#rafts know how!
Sh nds to gt out of town as soon as sh #an and n&r rturn! Thos 1y#rafts ar
obsssi&$ sp#ially th mals$ and that)s not a good trait for popl with poor
impuls #ontrol lik thm to ha&! 3t)s (ust lu#ky thr arn)t any young 2ullr girls
bsids you lft in town anymor$ Tss$D sh said gntly$ pla#ing a sympathti#
hand on min! : x#hangd a glan#!
C'nd 3 won)t b hr for&r ithr$ /wn! Just until ! ! !D
C3 know$ lo&! 'nd lt)s hop nothing happns to you until that sad day!D Sh
pattd my hand!
C'mn to that,D 3 agrd again$ wholhartdly! CTh Sarg and 3 will go
intrrogat Timmy as soon as w #an! 3)ll gt ba#k to you about Dpak)s bik
whn w find out anything!D
CThanks Tss!D
Cha#ter +3
3n th #ar$ on our way to Timmy)s hous$ th Sarg turnd to m! C"ou know a
lot about th 1y#raft family!D
C3)m an unwilling xprt$D 3 admittd #oolly!
C:hyE 'nd why do thy harass you so mu#hE 3t is prsonal$ isn)t itED
CSo many ;ustions$ Sarg! "ou)r #onfusing m! 3)m only a simpl #ountry
CTss$ (ust #ut th bullshit for on#$ will youED h said angrily!
C:hy do you #ar anywayE 3t)s my problm$ not yours!D 3 was prtty good at
gtting angry myslf!
C3t)s my problm now as wll! That)s what bing part of a tam mans$D h
xplaind with insulting slownss!
3 #ouldn)t lt that go without som sniping! C:ll Sarg$ and mayb it)s (ust
b#aus 3 am a simpl #ountry girl$ but you sm to swit#h btwn tlling m
w)r a tam and tlling m that 3 ha& to follow your ordrs b#aus you)r th
snior offi#r$ dpnding on what)s most #on&nint to you at th tim!D
C3 do not!D
C:hat&r$D 3 muttrd to myslf$ ga9ing out th window!
C:hat did you (ust sayED h dmandd!
3 swung around and glard at him! C3 said Gwhat&r)!D
*is &oi# was #old! C"ou ha& a ral attitud problm$ 2ullr!D
C'nd you$ Srgant 8aguir$ ha& a giganti# sti#k up your AD
3 stoppd$ barly in tim to sa& myslf from making a hug #arr blundr!
C"ou)& somthing you want to say to mED *is &oi# #ould ha& #ra#kd glass
it was so frosty!
CNothing Sarg! "ou ar th sour# of all wisdom and 3 a#knowldg that
humbly$D 3 rplid &nly$ if not sin#rly!
* bangd his fist on th dashboard$ making m (ump! C/od damn it$ Tss,D
's soon as Timmy 1y#raft$ pr#hd boldly on th stoln bik in his dri&way$
saw us approa#hing h pdalld furiously in th opposit dir#tion on th wrong
sid of th road!
Th Sarg pulld a &iolnt u%turn that had m flying in my sat and plantd his
foot on th a##lrator! * o&rtook Timmy and #ut him off with th patrol #ar$
#oming to a halt at an angl in front of him! Timmy$ takn by surpris$ had thr
#hoi#s A &r right$ &r lft or had straight on into th patrol #ar!
Now Timmy 1y#raft wasn)t th brightst #rayon in th box and fa#d with that
massi& dilmma$ his tiny brain shut down! * kpt pdalling straight ahad
towards th #ar! 3t was going to b a had%on! 3 (umpd out of th #ar and waitd for
him to gt #losr bfor hooking him around th n#k with my arm and (rking him
off th bik (ust as it hit th patrol #ar! * wasn)t waring a hlmt and would
probably ha& slid o&r th bonnt and impa#td had first onto th road th othr
sid! 's it was$ my a#tions #ausd him to land hard on his butt$ th for# also
bringing m down on top of him! * immdiatly grabbd my brasts in a painful
grip$ dspit bing windd by th fall!
C3)m tou#hing hr tits,D h shoutd out &i#toriously to his &arious rlati&s as
thy ran towards us! Thy #hrd him on as thy soon swarmd around$ trying to
ki#k m$ &n as 3 struggld away from Timmy)s iron grip on my boobs! 3 (umpd
to my ft$ ki#king out &i#iously with my boots in rturn$ hitting a fw body parts as
3 did! 3 hauld Timmy to his ft! /rasping him around th throat with my hand$ 3
pushd him up hard against th patrol #ar$ my fa# mr #ntimtrs away from his!
3 was furious byond any point of profssionalism! C"ou &r tou#h any part of
m again$ Timmy 1y#raft$D 3 hissd into his fa#$ Cand 3)m going to tak ths$D 3
knd him in th s#rotum as 3 spok$ Cand fd thm to you!D
* stiffnd in pain at th aggrssi& #onta#t and trid to spit on m$ but was
too s#ard to produ# any mor sali&a than a thi#k globul that dangld
unattra#ti&ly from his bottom lip! This was his first solo n#ountr with #ra9y old
C0o you understand1D 3 s#ramd into his fa#$ s;u9ing his throat tightly! *
#hokd and wt himslf thn in far$ nodding! 3 lt him go$ wat#hing in disgust as h
ran away bfor anyon in his family #ould s what had happnd to him! 3 pi#kd
up th bik and pla#d it in th boot of th patrol #ar! 3t was damagd$ no doubt
about it$ but at last w would rturn it to its ownr!
Th first prson in th #rowd who hassld m as 3 did that #oppd a &i#ious
lbow to th fa# that mad thm rtrat in pain$ blood flowing from thir nos! 3
didn)t &n bothr to turn around to s who it was! 3 didn)t #ar! :hn 3 dumpd
th bik in th boot$ 3 slid my baton out and turnd to th gathrd #rowd$
brandishing it with intnt and ying thm balfully$ (ust waiting for somon to
gi& m an x#us to us it! Th Sarg was on stand%by$ &rything happning too
fast for him to intr&n$ but h pulld out his baton as wll! E&ryon ba#kd
away$ muttring and rsntful! 3 hadn)t mad any frinds with th 1y#rafts today!
1a#k in th #ar as w dro& away with th rtri&d bik$ th Sarg trid to
#at#h my attntion! 3 dlibratly lookd out th window!
C"ou hat th 1y#rafts$D h #ommntd simply!
3 shruggd$ unintrstd in talking about thm!
C'nd yt you sa&d that boy from srious in(ury!D
3 didn)t rspond!
C*ow old was that boyED
C2iftn$D 3 said ;uitly as w #rossd from th bad to th good sid of town!
3 wasn)t proud of myslf for assaulting a tnagr$ &n if h was a littl
dropki#k who dsr&d it! 3 wasn)t a &iolnt prson by natur$ but 3 had found
myslf bing &iolnt by n#ssity A for my own sur&i&al! 1ut 3 hatd bing &iolnt
b#aus thr had bn too mu#h &ioln# in my lif alrady$ and it only sr&d to
add to th tally sht! 3t took an immasurabl toll on m a#h tim 3 ra#td
&iolntly$ (ust as th Sarg had said arlir! 3t was if h had spokn about m
prsonally whn h)d mad that #ommnt about a prson bing irrtri&ably
damagd by a#h bad thing that thy did! 3 was b#oming lss of a good prson a#h
tim 3 hurt sombody! 1for too long$ 3 was going to b nothing but a brut$ (ust
lik th 1y#rafts! 3 had to gt away from >ittl Town as soon as possibl! 3 was
slowly losing my slf%rsp#t as a d#nt human bing and a good #op!
3 was b#oming irrdmabl!
: didn)t spak as h strd th #ar to th Singhs) pla#! 3 had nothing to say
at all! 3 don)t know what h was thinking about th whol situation$ but h was
probably appalld at how lawlss 3 was! :hn h parkd$ 3 (umpd out and pulld
th mangld bik from th boot$ hfting it onto my shouldr! Th Sarg immdiatly
snat#hd it from m and thrw it o&r his own broad shouldr$ an xaspratd
xprssion on his fa#!
Thr was happinss and dspair in th Singh houshold! /wn and hr
husband wr glad that th bik had bn r#o&rd$ but poor Dpak$ on of th
good kids in th town$ was angry about th damag! *is bik)s front whl was bnt
out of shap and it was no longr oprational! 3 pattd him on th shouldr and
r#ommndd a good bik m#hani# in 1ig Town! 3)d ndd him a fw tims aftr
Timmy 1y#raft had stoln my brand nw road bik and #rashd it doing stunts in
th >ak 1ig #arpark! That was bfor h had dumpd it into th dpths of >ak
1ig! 3 didn)t know that for a fa#t$ but that was what 3 susp#td had happnd to it
whn it wnt missing for good! 3)d bn ral upst about that loss A 3)d sa&d up for
ags to buy that bik and #ouldn)t afford to rpla# it!
1a#k at th station$ aftr anothr silnt dri&$ 3 s#apd from th #ar almost
bfor h had stoppd! 3 was full of nr&ous nrgy and ndd to do somthing
physi#al to burn it off$ but running was out of th ;ustion in my #ondition and 3)d
alrady #land th station th night bfor! :hat #ould 3 doE 'nd whn my ys
lightd on th ankl%lngth grass starting to run to sd surrounding th poli# hous
and station$ 3 hadd away from th station as th Sarg hadd into it! 3 wnt up to
th ba#k of his hous to a ri#kty old timbr gardn shd and pulld out an an#int
mowr! 3 rfulld it and startd it up$ aftr fi& attmpts! 3t was tmpramntal and
if you didn)t handl it xa#tly right$ it rfusd to #ooprat! -ust li#e Miss +hoo#y$ 3
thought rufully as it finally spluttrd and #hokd$ th nois ripping through th
aftrnoon pa#!
3 bgan pushing it ba#k and forth a#ross th xpans of grass n#ompassing th
poli# hous and station in th mindlss and rptiti& task of #utting grass! 3t was a
&ry thraputi# a#ti&ity and 3 hummd to myslf as 3 mowd$ always finding that it
rlaxd m and ga& m tim to mull o&r my problms! 'll 3 #ould think about
today though was th #ourt haring tomorrow! *ow would 3 fl whn 3 st ys on
thos four mn againE :ould th magistrat mak m tstifyE :ould th 1y#rafts
turn out in for# to support thir rlati&sE :ould thy b grantd bailE :hat would
3 do if thy wr$ b#aus thy would #om for m during th night! Bf that$ 3 had
no doubt!
' ;uartr of th way through th grass$ a hand on my shouldr s#ard m! 3
spun around to find th Sarg$ his fa# dark with fury$ his mouth mo&ing angrily!
.lu#tantly$ 3 turnd off th noisy mowr so that 3 #ould har him!
C:hat th hll ar you doingED h dmandd to know$ in#nsd!
3 answrd him patintly$ as if h was a simplton! C8owing! :hat dos it look
likED 0rhaps his apartmnt blo#k in th #ity didn)t ha& a lawnE
* #losd his ys$ and by th mo&mnt of his lips 3 #ould tll that h was
silntly #ounting to fi&! *is ys fli#kd opn again! CWhy ar you mowingED
3 stard ba#k at him un#rtainly! :as it a tri#k ;ustionE
CKm ! ! ! b#aus th grass has grown too longED 3 rplid with hsitation$
wondring if that was th right answr!
3t wasn)t!
* #ln#hd his (aw and whn h spok his &oi# was almost in#omprhnsibl
through his grittd tth! C"ou)r not paid to mow th grass$ 2ullr!D
C3)m paid to look aftr th station! That)s what Ds always told m$D 3 argud!
3)d known h)d bn s#amming m at th tim$ but didn)t mind th physi#al
xrtion$ so 3)d gon along willingly! 0lus$ w had no budgt for a gardnr and it
didn)t look good for th town)s poli# station to b swallowd up from ngl#t by
rampant &gtation!
C3 #ouldn)t #ar lss what h said! "ou don)t &n li& hr$D h argud ba#k$
xaspratd again! C3t)s my rsponsibility to mow th lawn now!D
CBh$ okay$D 3 said$ not rally #aring on way or th othr! CShould 3 finishED
C3ea"e it.D h shoutd at m in his loud &oi#! 3 flin#hd at his unwarrantd
angr A 3)d bn doing him a fa&our aftr all A and without a furthr word pushd
th mowr ba#k into th shd! 3)d had nough of him for th day$ so hadd not
ba#k to th station as h did$ but to th #arpark to go hom! 1ut thn 3 rmmbrd
that 3)d #om hr in th patrol #ar &ry arly in th morning$ bringing /raham to
th station! 3 had no rid hom!
1iting off th obs#nity that sprang to my lips$ 3 walkd off hom! 3t was a long
trk$ fi& kilomtrs at last$ but what #hoi# did 3 ha&E 3 wasn)t going to ask him
for a lift hom and it wasn)t lik th #ity in this pla#! Thr was no publi# transport
systm hr! "ou ithr had a #ar or a bik or you walkd &rywhr!
's 3 drarily trudgd along th highway to my hom$ in a sho#kingly bad mood$
a frog%grn hat#hba#k #am hurtling towards m$ swr&ing dangrously a#ross th
road as th dri&r noti#d m! 3 groand to myslf! Couldn)t 3 (ust ha& fi& minuts
of pa# in this damn town for on#E
Th #ar pulld up hapha9ardly on th &rg$ its butt sti#king out pr#ariously
onto th road! 8artin pokd his had out of th window$ a hug smil a#ross his
CDo you nd a lift$ Bffi#r TssE 3)m going in your dir#tion$D h lid
bra9nly$ th bonnt of th #ar pointing towards town$ th opposit path to min!
C8artin$ 3)m not gtting in that #ar with you$D 3 said #almly! C"ou don)t ha& a
li#n#$ rmmbrED
*is fa# fll$ but bfor ithr of us #ould say anothr word$ th patrol #ar
pulld up$ s#r#hing to a halt$ skidding in th gra&l on th &rg!
Th Sarg wound th window down and shoutd out at m! C2ullr$ whr th
hll do you think you)r goingE 3 didn)t say you #ould la& work! /t ba#k to th
station now,D
C3)m going hom$ Srgant 8aguir$D 3 ylld ba#k at him! C'nd if you don)t
lik that$ thn too bad for you, 8artin has offrd m a lift$ so you #an (ust piss
8artin)s fa# liftd with inds#ribabl (oy! * (umpd out of th dri&r)s sat to
gallantly opn th door to th passngr sat for m! Kngra#iously$ 3 pushd him
into it instad and ;ui#kly stalkd o&r to sit in th dri&r)s sat!
C2ullr,D shoutd th Sarg$ impatintly!
CBffi#r Tss$D #omplaind 8artin$ at th sam tim!
3 paid no attntion to ithr of thm and slammd th door$ spinning th littl
#ar around$ its whls s#r#hing on th bitumn! 3 spun off$ thirty kilomtrs o&r
th spd limit$ down th winding mountain road to th mntal halth #lini# to
rturn 8artin! Th Sarg taild m th whol way in th patrol #ar!
3 pulld into th #arpark and brakd hard! 8artin$ ralising that his littl (aunt
was o&r$ turnd to m$ his bottom lip wobbling!
CBffi#r Tss$ 3 only wantd to gi& you a lift hom$D 8artin howld$ tars
pouring down his fa#! 3 land o&r and pattd him on th shouldr!
C3 know$ 8artin$D 3 soothd! C1ut you)r not allowd to dri& and 3 #an)t lt you
b#aus it)s against th law!D
Th Sarg opnd 8artin)s door and graspd him by th arm$ dragging him
ungntly to th dir#tor)s offi#$ poor 8artin #rying th whol way! Th Sarg
pushd past th prsonal assistant who protstd wakly that th dir#tor was too
busy to s us at th momnt! 1ut w found him with his ft up on his dsk$
playing a ra#ing gam on a handhld 0S0 #onsol! * (umpd up whn w burst
into this offi#$ hastily sho&ing th 0S0 into th top drawr of his dsk! * grtd
th Sarg warmly$ whi#h didn)t sa& him from a wll%dsr&d raming o&r
8artin)s latst s#ap! 3 listnd impassi&ly for a whil$ arms #rossd$ but soon
grw bord with haring it all again for th umptnth tim! 3 lft ;uitly!
CShit!D 3 ralisd whn 3 got to th #arpark that 3 still didn)t ha& a #ar$ and now
3 was &n furthr from hom! 3 wantd to #url up into a littl ball somwhr dark
and saf until lif got bttr!
C/t in th #ar$D ordrd th Sarg$ hastily abandoning his l#tur to follow m
out to th #arpark!
CNo thanks! 3)m fin$D 3 said #oolly$ and strod off down th road without
looking ba#k! Tn kilomtrs wasn)t that far to walk$ if you thought about it! 3)d b
hom in no tim at all$ 3 told myslf with dsprat optimism! 'nd$ to look on th
bright sid$ it was good xr#is for th fun run!
* spd past m angrily$ burning rubbr as h did!
' fw kilomtrs furthr down th road 3 was fling sor$ my ft a#hing!
0oli# boots wrn)t dsignd for hiking$ sp#ially uphill$ and my in(uris wr
rminding m unsubtly that 3 hurt &rywhr! 3 was in a lot of pain and fling
x#dingly sorry for myslf!
3 saw th patrol #ar from ags away$ th s#tion of th road it was parkd on
bing straight and long bfor th highway hadd ba#k up th mountain rang! Th
Sarg was waiting for m and &ntually 3 drw up nxt to th #ar!
C/t in th #ar$ 2ullr$D h dmandd impatintly! C3 ha&n)t got all bloody day
to wait around for you!D
3 walkd right past him$ ignoring his rpatd dmands for m to gt insid! *
spd off again in a tmpr whn h ralisd that 3 wasn)t going to #omply!
'nothr fw kilomtrs latr though$ whn 3 #aught up to th parkd #ar again$ 3
#limbd into th passngr sat silntly! 3 was too tird and too sor to argu any
mor! : didn)t x#hang a word as w dro& to my hous! :hn h pulld into
my dri&way$ 3 slippd out of th #ar$ #arfully and ;uitly #losing th door bhind
m$ not thanking him and not saying goodby!
Dad was spnding th night with his long%tim girlfrind 'dl$ who workd at
th suprmarkt$ so 3 was alon that &ning! 4ay, freedom$ 3 thought sadly! 3
wouldn)t ha& mindd som #ompany A anything to tak my mind off th nxt day!
3 thrw off my uniform and #hangd into #i&&is$ did a fw loads of washing
and mad myslf Lgmit on toast and a glass of milk for dinnr with a sli# of
watrmlon for dssrt! 3 had a showr$ and thn in an unusual mo& for m$ 3
grabbd from th fridg th s#ond bottl of win that th Sarg had brought m all
thos nights ago! Slumpd on th loung$ 3 pourd myslf four glasss in a row as 3
wat#hd som o&rly%dramati# rality #ooking show whr th #ontstants #rid
mor than thy #ookd! Thr%;uartrs of th bottl gon$ 3 snt Jak a suggsti&
txt mssag and r#i&d a positi&ly obs#n on in rturn from him that mad m
smil with anti#ipation! Thn 3 #ollapsd into bd bfor nin$ inbriatd and
Cha#ter +4
I was in the patrol car with the &arge, Martin and *ed Bycraft. We were
cruising along the road to Big (own at night and the &arge was dri"ing. I was
trapped in the bac#seat between Martin and *ed, wearing the distincti"e dar#
purple sheeps#in jac#et that I had lent to Marcelle, and in which she had been
murdered. Martin and *ed were each trying to drag me o"er to their side of the
seat, *ed winning. %e slipped his arm around my throat, pulling out a sharp #nife,
its blade gleaming in the moonlight. I yelled at the &arge in panic to stop the car
but he wouldnt, reminding me haughtily as he dro"e that he was the senior officer
and I would do what he told me to if I #new what was good for me. 3aughing in
nasty agreement, *ed held the #nife to my throat and pressed against it, a tric#le of
blood sna#ing down my nec# and staining the yellow of my blouse orange.
'ut of the window I saw -a#e hitch!hi#ing by the side of the road and begged
the &arge to stop and pic# him up to sa"e me from *ed. But the &arge turned to me
with his ocean blue eyes cold and distant and told me in a harsh "oice that I was
finally going to get what I deser"ed for letting Marcelle die. nd *ed thrust his
#nife into my chest again and again, while he grinned and shouted, ;It should ha"e
been you, (essie. It should ha"e been you.<
3 wok up s#raming$ in a swat$ twistd up in my shts$ panting loudly and
fling ;uasy! 3 ran to th bathroom and thrw up until thr was nothing lft$
bfor #ollapsing against th #old tils$ wping silntly! 3mmdiatly$
automati#ally$ 3 for#d myslf to stop and wipd th tars away from both ys with
th hls of my palms! 3 took som para#tamol and drank a fw glasss of watr$
bfor falling ba#k into bd$ #lut#hing my knif in #omfort!
3 didn)t slp mu#h mor until my alarm wnt off$ whn 3 hauld myslf out of
bd unwillingly! 3 sluggishly drssd in my running gar and drank my usual glass
of (ui# bfor waiting at th gat$ strt#hing! To my surpris$ both .omi and th
Sarg turnd up that morning!
Th Sarg and 3 grtd a#h othr frostily! 3 had mad it asir for myslf to
a&oid any dir#t y #onta#t with ithr of thm by waring my sunglasss dspit
th arly hour$ #ons#ious of my tars arlir that morning! Straightning my spin$ 3
walkd off at a brisk pa#! 3 answrd politly whn dir#tly ;ustiond$ but
othrwis mad no #ontribution to th #on&rsation! (han# /od for *omi and her
endless teenage chatter$ 3 thought$ or th walk would ha& bn un#omfortably
silnt$ b#aus th Sarg wasn)t &ry #ommuni#ati& that morning ithr! Thy lft
m in thir dust a fw tims to brak into a (og$ whi#h was fin by m! 3 wasn)t
good #ompany today anyway!
Bn our rturn$ 3 st out musli and brad for thir brakfast$ pointing to th
toastr and th fridg! 3 lft thm to go outsid to tnd to my #hi#kns$ finding pa#
in th mundan tasks of fding and watring thm and mu#king out thir run!
I really should ha"e some brea#fast$ 3 thought! 3 had a big day ahad of m!
C"ou should ha& som brakfast$D said a ;uit &oi# bhind m! C"ou ha& a
big day ahad of you!D
3 swung around$ surprisd by his #lair&oyan#! C3)m not rally hungry!D
C"ou should at!D * rgardd m #losly! C"ou look tird!D
C3 didn)t slp wll!D 3 didn)t mntion my dram! *ow #an you tll a workmat
that thy faturd in on of your nightmarsE
C:r you worryingED
C3f thy)r gi&n bail$ thy)ll #om for m!D 3 wat#hd th #hi#kns for a
momnt as thy s;uabbld o&r th fd! C3 don)t know how 3)ll manag thm in th
stat 3)m in!D 3 took in a dp brath! C3 don)t know how 3)ll prot#t Dad!D
* was offndd by that$ (udging by his #ln#hd fists and tightnd mouth! 1ut
his rspons was gntl nough! CThr ar two #ops in >ittl Town now$ Tss!D
3 flashd him a fak brittl smil! CThr)s always bn two #ops in >ittl
Town! N&r mad a diffrn# to m!D
*is ys swpt o&r m$ his fa# sombr! C"ou)r not alon anymor!D
3 shruggd non#ommittally! 3 hadn)t forgottn how h)d lft m alon at th
station whn th 1y#rafts #am looking for >ola! Nor his promis not to lt m
down again! 3 guss 3)d soon s whi#h on rprsntd th ral 2inn 8aguir!
* pushd m gntly towards th hous! C/o ha& som brakfast! "ou)ll nd
.omi pokd hr had out th ba#k door! CTss$ your phon)s ringing,D
CThanks .omi$D 3 said$ glad for th distra#tion and (ogging slowly and painfully
ba#k insid! Sh thrust it into my hands as 3 stppd through th door!
3t was 0inky Iowalski$ ltting m know that th 1y#raft harings had bn
pushd ba#k until aftr lun#h to fit in an urgnt #ommittal haring of a murdr #as
that had bn #ra#kd o&rnight by th 1ig Town dt#ti& tam! :hn 3 told th
Sarg$ h wantd to r& right into a#tion!
C>t)s go #at#h Stanly 8ur#hison bfor h hads off to work!D
C: ha& to tak 8iss / to idntify th suit#as as wll!D
C8ur#hison first! : ha& to gt going$ Tss! 3)ll b ba#k hr in twnty
minuts! Can you b rady by thnED
CSur$D 3 said$ wondring if 3)d b abl to fit in brakfast and a showr!
's thy gathrd thir things and lft$ 3 blndd a banana$ milk$ yoghurt and
strawbrris with my stab%mixr and ;ui#kly drank it$ thn (umpd in th showr
and drssd at warp spd! 3 was twisting my hair into a damp bun whn$ tru to his
word$ th Sarg was honking th horn barly twnty minuts aftr h)d lft!
3 flung myslf into th passngr sat and w 9oomd off$ wll o&r th spd
limit th whol way to 1ig Town! 8y phon rang and 3 answrd! 3t was Jak$
wishing m th bst for th harings! 3 told him that thy)d bn dlayd$ so 3 would
now ha& to wait until aftr lun#h!
C3 wish 3 #ould b thr with you$ bab$D h said sadly!
C3 know!D
C3)ll b thinking about you all day! 3)ll gi& you a ring whn it)s all o&r! Kh%oh$
hr #oms th boss! 1ttr go! 3 lo& you$ Tssi darling!D
C3 lo& you too$ Jaky! 1y!D
: dro& in siln# for a whil$ ngotiating th unusually ha&y traffi#!
C' ;ustion about a#h othr againED suggstd th Sarg!
3 shruggd! :hy notE : had som tim to kill$ aftr all! C"ou first$D 3 offrd!
C:hy dos th mntion of 1obby and Craig 1y#raft upst you so mu#hED
/od, he hit hard$ 3 thought bittrly! 3 was silnt for so long$ h thought 3 wasn)t
going to answr! CTssED
CThat)s a#tually two ;ustions$ Sarg! 0i#k on of thm!D
* shot m a pu99ld look! CBkay! 1obby 1y#raftED
3 took a dp brath! 3t didn)t mattr if h knw A somon in town was bound
to blab to him &ntually! 1ut 3 hatd tlling popl b#aus thy n&r lookd at
m th sam way again aftrwards!
CTwnty%fi& yars ago$ 1obby 1y#raft murdrd my mothr in our hous! 'nd
trid to murdr m as wll! 3 was only two at th tim! 8y mothr sa&d my lif by
pushing m undr hr bd$ away from him! 0oor Dad found us latr that aftrnoon
whn h #am hom from th filds! 3 was #riti#ally in(urd! 2or a whil$ it was
tou#h and go about whthr 3 was going to pull through!D
C3)m sorry!D * was gnuinly sho#kd$ as wr most popl whn 3 told thm!
'nd thn thy bgan a&oiding m!
C1obby 1y#raft is Jak)s un#lF 'l and /ra)s fathr! :ll$ h was$ h)s dad
now! * was batn to dath in (ail about tn yars ago! 'pparntly h
doubl#rossd somon &n wors than himslf in a drug dal! 3 laughd until 3
#rid whn 3 hard that nws!D 3 shot him a ;ui#k look! CThat)s th kind of prson 3
am$ Sarg! 3)m no bttr than thm in th nd! 3)m (ust a monstr too!D
CThat)s not tru at all$D h said straight away! 3 smild at him wakly$ gratful
for that littl kindnss! C3s that how you got thos s#arsED
C"s! 3 was bing honst with you whn 3 said 3 didn)t rmmbr what
happnd whn 3 got thm!D
C"ou wr only a littl kid!D
C"ah$D 3 said sadly! C3 don)t rmmbr my mothr at all! 1ut 3 know
&rything about hr murdr and th trial! 3 oftn dram about trying to sa& 8um$
but 3 always gt thr too lat to hlp hr!D 3 was ;uit for a momnt! C3 hat thos
: dro& in siln# again for anothr long tim$ both lost in thought!
CTss$ it)s your turn$D h rmindd gntly$ but insistntly!
'h boy$ 3 thought! 3 wasn)t prpard! 3 #ouldn)t think of anything to ask him!
CCan 3 tak a rain#h#kED 3 askd! C3)m a bit dgy this morning and #an)t
#on#ntrat on mu#h$ so want to fo#us all my attntion on work!D
CNo! 'sk m your ;ustion!D
3 thought for a momnt bfor spaking! C:hat maks you so sur you #an gt
us mor rsour#sE 3 man$ no othr #op working in >ittl Town has &r had any
lu#k bfor!D
* stard straight ahad$ his hands #ln#hing th string whl! C3)m not going
to answr that! 'sk m anothr ;ustion!D
C:hat th hllED 3 dmandd with instant fury! C' minut ago$ 3 bard my soul
to you about on of th most traumati# and motional things that has &r happnd
to m in my lif and you don)t r#ipro#atED
* was rsolut! C3 know it sms unfair$ Tss$ but 3 ha& a good rason for not
answring! 'sk m anothr ;ustion!D
CThr)s no &to on th ;ustion,D
C3)m sorry! 3)m not answring! 'nothr ;ustion$ plas!D
3 had absolutly nothing furthr to say to him! 3 was burning with rag! 3 flt
tri#kd and 3 flt usd! 3 would n&r trust him about anything again!
C"ou)r angry with m$D h obsr&d mildly! C3 #an undrstand that!D
3 #ouldn)t answr! 'ngr didn)t &n #om #los to ds#ribing how 3 was
fling right now! : dro& in siln# th rst of th way to 8ur#hison)s hous!
:hn h parkd$ h trid again!
3 opnd th door of th #ar and slammd it hard$ stalking to th front door of
8ur#hison)s hous$ (ust in tim to #at#h /raham la&ing for work! * pani#kd
whn h #am fa#%to%fa# with m and trid to du#k ba#k insid to shut th door on
my fa#! 3 grabbd a handful of his shirt and for#fully pushd him ba#kwards
bfor h got th #han#$ until 3 ndd up insid th hous with him prssd up
against a wall!
CThis is unlawful ntry,D h s#r#hd! C3 know my rights!D
C"ou in&itd m in$ /raham! Don)t you rmmbr$ b#aus 3 sur do$D 3
snappd at him! CTh Srgant and 3 want to talk to your un#l and w want to talk
to him now! So tll m whr h is and 3)ll lt you go to work! Don)t tll m and 3
#an)t &ou#h for th #ons;un#s! 3)m ral #ranky today!D
* flin#hd as if 3)d hit him! CDon)t hurt m plas!D
3 stard rlntlssly into his ys! CTll m whr your un#l is!D
* stard ba#k at m with s#ard dfian#$ rpulsd by my fa#ial in(uris! 3
wasn)t in th mood for any shallow (udgmnts on my apparan# today! 3 pushd
him hardr into th wall$ my arm a#ross his throat! * moand softly in s;uirming
CStop bing so #rul$D h #hokd out$ sounding as if h was going to start
C(ell me where he is.D 3 shoutd in his fa#! /raham flin#hd again!
C*)s in his study$ doing som work! *)s not going into th offi# today!D
3 lt him go and said ni#ly$ CThanks /raham! *a& a grat day!D
C"ou)r #ra9y, 3 hat you$D h muttrd$ glaring at m with loathing! 3 smild at
him and h almost ran out of th front door$ dodging th Sarg who was #oming in!
3 mo&d towards 8ur#hison)s offi# whn th Sarg grabbd my arm! 3 was
gtting mighty si#k of him doing that and shook him off &iolntly!
CNo mattr what (ust happnd bfor$ this is a work situation and 3 don)t want
motions gtting in th way of us bing profssional! 3s that undrstoodED
C"s Srgant$D 3 rplid frigidly$ silntly nragd! *ow dar h ;ustion my
profssionalism yt againE 3 mad up my mind at that momnt that h was a
monumntal pri#k of a man and 3 would b #ounting down th days until h
a#hi&d his snior srgant promotion and got th hll out of my town and my lif!
C/ood$D h said$ ;ually #old! C3)ll ask th ;ustions! KndrstoodED
CKndrstood$D 3 snappd ba#k!
* pushd past m to 8ur#hison)s study and kno#kd prfun#torily on th door
bfor ntring$ startling th man in th whl#hair! * was sitting bhind his dsk
busily tapping on a laptop kyboard!
CSrgant, /oodnss$ you frightnd m! Did /raham lt you inED *is ys
widnd whn h noti#d m! C/ood /od$ Snior Constabl, :hat on arth
happnd to youED
3 was #onfusd b#aus h was$ if not xa#tly frindly and wl#oming$ thn
#rtainly not unfrindly and unwl#oming! 3)d bn sur that h)d bolt for it th
minut h st ys on us$ parti#ularly as h)d spnt so mu#h tim and ffort
a&oiding us o&r th last fw days!
C1y#rafts$ 8r 8ur#hison$D 3 xplaind! CThy AD
Th Sarg buttd in$ fuming! C8r 8ur#hison$ w)& bn trying to talk to you
all wk$ but you)& ld us on ;uit a #has!D
8ur#hison smd pu99ld by that$ his brows knitting togthr!
C3)m sorry$ Srgant$ 3)m not sur what you man$D h said in rspons! C3
ha&n)t bn wll this wk and ha& spnt a lot of tim in bd$ slping! 3)m sorry
if 3)& missd you #alling on m! 3)m a &ry ha&y slpr$ sp#ially whn 3 tak
som of my painkillrs!D
No doubt about it$ 3 thought$ gi&ing him kudos! * was smooth! 3 almost
bli&d him!
CTraumlbn 0ty >td$D said th Sarg flatly$ sitting down on th hard loung
without an in&itation! 3 #hos to rmain standing rathr than (oin him! 3n fa#t 3
stayd nxt to th door$ as far away from him as 3 #ould gt and still b in th sam
room! 3 was making a point but 3 wasn)t sur that h &n noti#d$ his attntion all
on 8ur#hison! CTll us what you know about it!D
Th pu99ld look intnsifid! CCan you spll that for m plas$ SrgantED
Sighing at th man)s dlaying ta#ti#s$ th Sarg splt it out slowly!
CN&r hard of it$D 8ur#hison d#lard$ sitting ba#k in his whl#hair$ ys
mo&ing from th Sarg to m and ba#k to th Sarg! 0rhaps h #ould pi#k up th
tnsion in th air btwn usE C:hy ar you asking m about itED
* was doing a fantasti# (ob of apparing ignorant! * was ;uit th a#tor$ 3
mar&lld! No wondr 8iss / had trustd him so mu#h!
C1#aus$ 8r 8ur#hison$ Traumlbn has bn buying hug tra#ts of land from
8iss /r&ill for panuts and thn slling thm to th go&rnmnt for bu#kts of
C3 don)t undrstand$ Srgant$D h said simply$ frowning faintly$ ys fli#king
ba#k and forth btwn th Sarg and m again! * suddnly ra#hd into a drawr
on his dsk$ and th Sarg (umpd up in alarm$ his gun half out of its holstr!
8ur#hison pulld a box of tissus from th drawr$ took on and pro#dd to blow
his nos$ staring at th Sarg with #omposd surpris! Th Sarg sat ba#k down
again$ mbarrassd! 3 smothrd a smirk! C"ou sm a bit (umpy today$ Srgant!
Do you ha& any &idn# to ba#k up this allgationED
C"s$ w do! Puit a lot$D said th Sarg irritably and mo&d to sit a#ross th
dsk from 8ur#hison$ pushing a#ross th paprwork from our in&stigations!
Stanly 8ur#hison took th nxt fiftn minuts to look it o&r #arfully and
thoroughly without making any #ommnt$ flipping ba#k and forth btwn th
pags to r%rad somthing or to #h#k a fa#t$ (otting down his own nots! :hn h
had finishd$ h had a thoughtful xprssion on his fa# and whld himslf o&r
to th hug pi#tur window to star out at th lo&ly bay! 3 would ha& wagrd my
nxt fortnight)s pay though$ that h wasn)t rgistring th &iw at all!
CTh &idn# is ;uit #on#lusi&$ Srgant$D h &ntually said in a ;uit
&oi#! CThr)s no point dnying it! 8iss /r&ill is bing #hatd by my law firm!D
Th Sarg was takn aba#k! * #larly hadn)t bn anti#ipating a #onfssion as
asy as this! 0rhaps 8ur#hison)s guilt at ripping off 8iss / was o&rwhlming
C*r tou#hing faith in m has bn sadly mispla#d$D h said sorrowfully$
almost to himslf! ' gnuin momnt of rmors or mor fin a#tingE
C"s$ it has$D th Sarg agrd!
C3)m sur you #an s this is a troubling day for m$D 8ur#hison musd and
whld himslf ba#k to his dsk! CThis &idn# you)& shown m has #om lik a
sldghammr blow to m! 3t was &ry #l&r of you both to figur it out!D
C0rsonally 3 find it xtrmly gratifying whn a prson)s #rims ar xposd$
not troubling$D said th Sarg$ unsympathti#!
8ur#hison tappd on th foldr holding th paprwork with his fingr! C>ionl
8undy wasn)t th dir#tor of this #ompany$ Traumlbn 0ty >td! * passd away
thr yars ago and was non compos mentis for at last fi& yars bfor that!D
C: know that$D Sarg dismissd impatintly! CThat)s why w)r hr!D
C'nd 3 appr#iat you warning m first$ Srgant$ bfor you mak your arrst!
Bthrwis it would ha& #om as ;uit a sho#k to m$ 3 #an tll you! Esp#ially at
my ag and in my #ondition!D
Th Sarg stood up$ rady to tak Stanly 8ur#hison into #ustody!
CDo you know what Traumlbn mansED h askd$ out of th blu!
CNo$D said th Sarg frowning$ momntarily distra#td by th ;ustion!
C3t)s /rman for Gdram lif)! 3 guss all that mony would ha& fundd a ni#
dram lif!D *is &oi# turnd hard! CThat dram lif)s #om to an nd though!D
Thir whol #on&rsation was twaking my antnna! 3t flt as though thy
wr talking at #ross%purposs! Thn it stru#k m with a (olt A thy wr!
C"ou)r not th on who did this$ ar you$ 8r 8ur#hisonED 3 blurtd out$ (ust as
th Sarg ra#hd th othr sid of th dsk$ hand#uffs out! * lookd o&r at m
appalld$ as if 3)d tippd his hand!
C:hatED 8ur#hison spluttrd$ his fa# a study in shr$ honst astonishmnt!
C8E *ow dar you &n suggest that 3 would #ommit fraud against my own #lintE
*ow dar youED *is fa# turnd dangrously rd and 3 fard h was going to gi&
himslf a massi& strok with his in#rdibl angr!
CSnior Constabl$ what th hll do you think you)r doingED barkd th Sarg
at m$ #olouring up rd himslf in fury! * thought 3 was ruining his arrst! 3
suddnly fard that 3)d (ust mad an normous mistak in front of th two mn$ but
prssd on rgardlss! 3)d gon too far to rtrat now!
C"ou)& bn talking about /raham$ ha&n)t you$ 8r 8ur#hisonE /raham)s
th on who)s bn ripping off 8iss /ED
CBf #ours that)s whom 3)& bn talking about$D h said mphati#ally$ as if 3
was a #rtin of th highst magnitud! C*)s always bn a wak lad$ looking for
th asy way in lif! 3 only wish 3)d bn firmr with him about AD
3 didn)t har any mor of what h said$ a s#uffling nois in th hall outsid th
study attra#ting my attntion! 3 pokd my had out and saw /raham dging
ba#kwards$ not as ;uit as h thought h was bing! * must ha& bn
a&sdropping on us! *is rabbity faturs wr distortd with fury! * no longr
lookd lik a harmlss littl furry animal$ his big tth and hug glowing ys
rminding m instad of a prdator! * had rally foold th Sarg and m with his
gullibl nphw a#t!
C*y, Stop,D 3 ylld and thn it all happnd so fast!
* pirouttd and ran off down th hall! 3 sprintd aftr him$ ignoring th
s#raming pain from my hip! 3 #aught him bfor h s#apd through th front door
by grabbing hold of th #ollar of his work shirt and hauling him ba#kwards! *
twistd around and thrw a pun#h at my had$ my grip on his shirt loosning as 3
3 attmptd to gt my hand#uffs out of my blt with my lft hand$ my right still
straining on his shirt whn h thrw anothr pun#h my way! 3 dodgd and his fist
mrly slightd off my #hin! * sho&d his palm in my fa# to push m away
#ausing m a grat dal of agony as his hand prssd against my bruisd nos and
bustd lip!
CThat)s not &ry ni#$ /raham,D 3 protstd$ my &oi# muffld by his hand!
3 trid to bit his hand as 3 pulld him #losr to m by his work shirt! *
rspondd by ramming my fa# &n hardr with his palm and 3 was thrust
ba#kwards$ losing my grip on his shirt! 3 floundrd and managd to tak hold of his
uppr arms instad$ pushing ba#k at him! 1ut h was strongr than h lookd$ and
th wk)s in(uris had takn thir toll on my strngth and nduran#!
'nd on my mntal pro#sss as wll &idntly$ b#aus h hookd his foot
around th ba#k of my ankls and trippd m$ making m fall ha&ily on my ba#k!
* turnd to run again but 3 twistd o&r on th floor and wriggld to ra#h out to
grasp on of his ankls$ #ausing him to stumbl and fall to his hands and kns! 3 lt
go of him and struggld to my ft but h was fastr and draggd himslf upright$
ra#ing to th door again!
CDon)t mo&,D shoutd th Sarg in his loud &oi#$ his gun out #o&ring
/raham! 3 shiftd out of his way$ up against th ntry wall$ fumbling for my own
wapon$ somwhat dish&lld from th pr#ding s#uffl!
/raham turnd to glan# ba#k at us$ his fa# twistd with ugly rag! * kpt
CDon)t do this$ /raham$D implord 8r 8ur#hison in a shaky &oi#$ sho#k on
his fa#! *)d whld himslf up bhind th Sarg! C0las hand yourslf o&r to
ths offi#rs! "ou)ll only mak things wors for yourslf if you don)t!D
CShut up$ Kn#l Stanly,D /raham hissd with un#on#ald hatrd! C"ou talk
too mu#h! Esp#ially to #ops!D 1ut instad of going through th front door as 3
xp#td$ h slippd through a door to its lft$ slamming it bhind him! : hard
th lo#k #li#k into pla#!
C/od damn,D #ursd th Sarg$ dropping his arms$ thn said to 8r 8ur#hison$
C:hr dos that ladED
C3t)s th garag$D h informd us at th sam tim that w hard th
unmistakabl slam of a #ar door and th rattling sound of a garag door opning
Th Sarg and 3 x#hangd glan#s and both of us boltd to th door!
Cha#ter +5
3t was lo#kd of #ours A w)d hard him fastning it! Th Sarg liftd his foot
and rammd it against th door in an attmpt to ki#k it in! 3 abandond him and ran
out th front door$ around th path to th ntran# of th garag$ (ust as /raham
#am s;ualing out in a lat modl sil&r Toyota Camry$ its tyrs spinning up
smok in his hast to s#ap!
CStop,D 3 ylld at him$ but it was pointlss! * #ouldn)t har m and 3 had to
(ump out of th way or risk bing hit by my s#ond #ar this wk! * roard down
th dri&way and onto th road at th sam momnt that th Sarg ki#kd th door
opn and stumbld into th garag!
3 wasn)t finishd with /raham yt and knlt down on th dri&way on on kn
to stady myslf$ pulling out my /lo#k! 'iming it #arfully with both hands$ 3
pulld th triggr thr tims in rapid su##ssion and blw out his right rar tyr!
C/rat work$ Tss,D th Sarg shoutd$ (ogging down th dri&way!
Th Camry immdiatly swr&d and smashd into a rd 8itsubishi >an#r
parkd at th sid of th road$ stopping its momntum! Th Sarg and 3 sprintd
o&r to it!
3n a pani#$ /raham thrw th Camry into r&rs and frd it from th tangl of
twistd mtal$ bfor putting it into forward again and dri&ing off$ his spd limitd
by th shrddd mss of bla#k tyr at his rar! 3 #aught up with th #ar first and it
was going slowly nough for m to (og up nxt to it and smash a hol in th dri&r)s
window with my baton! 3 ;ui#kly #lard nough glass away to ra#h my lft hand
through$ my fingrs making #onta#t with th ignition ky! 8y plan was to turn th
#ar off so w #ould arrst /raham! 1ut looking ba#k on th whol in#idnt latr$ 3)ll
b th first to admit that it wasn)t th smartst plan 3)& &r had in my lif!
/raham #lampd his right hand around my wrist and pulld it away from th
ky! * was bing #arful and dri&ing slowly$ finding it tri#ky to str th wonky
#ar with only his lft hand whil h hld onto m with th othr! We could go on
li#e this all day$ 3 thought$ (ogging asily nxt to th #ar!
' nighbour #am running out of his hous towards th #ar$ arms wa&ing$
prhaps thinking to stop /raham! 1ut that only frightnd him and his foot
instin#ti&ly prssd down on th a##lrator in rspons! Th #ar thrust forward at
doubl th spd it had bn doing! 8y arm was #aught insid th #ar$ /raham)s
fingrs still #lut#hing m!
C>t m go,D 3 shoutd in pani#$ struggling to run fast nough to kp up with
th spd of th #ar! * stard out at m with hug dumb ys$ immobilisd by wild
8y hip snt a horribl stab of pain down my lg and my right kn bu#kld
undr m! 3 lost my footing and #ouldn)t r#o&r it$ th #ar starting to drag m
bsid it down th road! /raham lt go of my hand and fumbld for th automati#
window button$ prhaps thinking to mak it asy for m to fr my arm by lowring
th window! 1ut 3)d mad a hol in th glass with my baton and had slippd my
hand through that hol$ so whn th window lowrd all it did was su##d in fully
trapping my arm btwn th glass and th door! Dspratly 3 #lung to th sid
mirror with my right arm$ trying to kp my body off th bitumn whil my ft$
#lad s#urly in my strong boots$ draggd uslssly on th road!
C/raham.D 3 s#ramd! CStop th #ar$ for /od)s sak, "ou)r going to kill m,D
3 brifly rgistrd mor nighbours s#rambling to th footpath$ alrtd by th #rash
and my s#raming$ thir sho#kd fa#s a blur in my sid &ision! 3 bgan to pani#
about slipping undr th tyrs of th #ar! 3 didn)t want to b run o&r!
2lustrd$ /raham prssd hardr on th a##lrator instad of th brak and$
hlplss$ 3 was towd nxt to th #ar$ th road flying bnath m at an alarming
spd! Simultanously$ 3 trid to kp #alm$ wrn#h my arm fr from th window
and mak sur that th only part of m in #onta#t with th road was my boots$ whil
3 #lung to th sid mirror$ my right arm straining with my wight! 3 prayd that my
boots would bar up undr th fri#tion! Thy wr tough lathr$ but thy sur
wrn)t dsignd for this sort of a#tion!
3 slippd on#$ falling down$ my kns s#raping on th bitumn of th road$
making m s#ram in pain as th matrial from my #argo pants and th first #oupl
of skin layrs wr for#ibly rmo&d by its roughnss!
Th Sarg sprintd aftr us$ pulling up and running alongsid m! * slippd his
right arm undr my #hst$ pro&iding my body with mu#h appr#iatd xtra support
and franti#ally tuggd on my trappd arm with his lft hand in an attmpt to fr it
from th window! 'll this whil running madly nxt to m!
C:ind th window up,D h shoutd at /raham$ who lookd ba#k at him with a
stunnd rabbit xprssion! CTh window, :ind th fu#king window ba#k up$ you
* ran hard for anothr hundrd mtrs nxt to m$ btwn us managing to
kp all of m x#pt my boots off th road$ whil his words finally pntratd into
/raham)s fro9n brain! * hastily ra#hd for th l#troni# window button$
prssing it! Th window slowly mad its way up and th Sarg and 3 yankd my arm
fr from th hol$ s#raping it badly as w did! Th #ar #ontinud on its path$ but w
both fll ba#kwards onto th road in a (umbld hap$ panting wildly with adrnalin
and xhaustion!
:ithout thinking$ 3 frd myslf from him$ rolld o&r onto my stoma#h$ pulld
out my /lo#k again and aimd it$ shooting off fi& rounds bfor 3 hit th front right
tyr! 3t xplodd noisily and /raham &rd #ra9ily right$ (umping th #urb o&r th
grassy footpath$ ploughing through a bautiful pat#h of snapdragons bfor #rashing
into a bri#k lttrbox! 1oth th #ar and th lttrbox fard badly from th impa#t!
/raham flung opn th #ar door and mad a run for it! Th Sarg and 3 both
(umpd up to #has him$ but 3 wasn)t #apabl of anything fastr than a painful limp
and rlu#tantly lt th Sarg bring him down and #uff him! 'nothr patrol #ar
turnd up at that point$ #alld by th #on#rnd nighbours! : lft thos two
#onstabls to dal with th smashd #ars and sho#kd witnsss whil w
frogmar#hd /raham ba#k to our patrol #ar$ shouting and struggling all th whil!
8r 8ur#hison had whld himslf to th front yard and stard with uttr
dsolation at th dstru#tion in his nighbourhood$ his ruind #ar and thn at his
C/raham$ how #ould you dfraud 8iss /r&illE 'nd how #ould you disappoint
m lik this$ aftr &rything 3)& don for youED h askd sadly$ disillusiond!
CJust shut th fu#k up$ Kn#l Stanly,D /raham shoutd at him with bittr
hatrd! C3t)s all right for you, "ou ha& this bautiful hous$ rsp#t$ a good #arr
and mony to burn! 3 ha& nothing,D Slfish tars of frustration fll from his ys!
C'nd 3 wantd my shar! 3 wantd my dram lif!D
C2or on#$ you should shut up if you know what)s good for you$D snarld th
Sarg and manhandld th still shouting /raham into th ba#k of th patrol #ar!
C"ou nd a lawyr!D
8r 8ur#hison was #larly d&astatd by th ingratitud and blatant grd
shown by his nphw! *is fa# #rumpld with motion and 3 #ould s th glint of
tars in th wrinkld #rass of his fa#! (he poor man$ 3 thought! 3t was n&r asy
to find out that somon you #ard for was untrustworthy! 3)d larnd that myslf
from bittr xprin# a fw yars ago!
3 glan#d down at my shrddd #argo pants and blding kns with
rsignation! Thy wr stinging lik a bit#h$ and 3 #ouldn)t possibly look wors if 3
trid! 2iona would b proud of m in #ourt latr! 3 only hopd thr wrn)t any
photographrs or TL #amras hanging around outsid th #ourthous! 3 wouldn)t
want any rmindr of today!
C3)m so sorry$ Snior Constabl$D 3 hard 8r 8ur#hison say hsitantly! C3 swar
that 3 didn)t ralis what /raham was up to!D
3 shruggd$ looking down at him! C"ou)ll ha& to #on&in# us of that$ 8r
8ur#hison! 'nd 8iss / as wll!D
C3)& bn ill! Lry ill!D * sighd! C3 suppos 3 was too proud to admit that to
my #lints$ and instad trustd a lot of my work to /raham$ &n though 3 wasn)t
#ompltly #on&in#d that was th right thing to do!D
C"ou lt /raham look aftr 8iss /)s trust a##ountED 3 #ouldn)t hid my
' paus of sham! C"s! 3 thought it was a saf assignmnt for him! Nothing in
it had #hangd for yars! 4ears$ Snior Constabl, 3 thought all th proprty was
sold! 3t was mrly a mattr of administring th intrst a#h yar and dli&ring it
to 8iss /r&ill)s bank a##ount and answring any ;uris sh had! 3 had that
a##ount auditd #arfully &ry yar as wll!D
C/raham found mor /r&ill proprty to sll$ 8r 8ur#hison! *ow do you
a##ount for thatE * st up a #ompany using his d#asd fathr as th dir#tor! This
is not sombody who)s la#king in forthought or brainpowr!D : wr both silnt
for a momnt! C8ayb you)& undrstimatd /raham too! Just lik his parnts!D
-ust li#e the &arge and I had as well$ 3 thought humbly!
C"s$D h said rgrtfully! C3 always knw h was a f#klss lad$ but 3 didn)t
xp#t him to b so #onni&ing and dishonst! 3)m distraught at th thought of 8iss
/r&ill bli&ing that 3)& bn robbing hr! :)& known a#h othr all my lif!
:ill you plas tll hr that it wasn)t mE 3 doubt sh)ll fl lik talking to m for a
3 told him 3 would and ad&isd him that som dt#ti&s would b in tou#h soon
to ;ustion him!
* noddd! C3 must admit a #rtain rlu#tan# to gi& &idn# against my only
nphw$D h rplid sadly!
C"ou #an)t #hoos your family$ 8r 8$D 3 #onsold sympathti#ally and pattd
him on th shouldr$ bfor hading at a snail)s pa# to th patrol #ar!
Th Sarg was laning against th #ar$ talking to somon on his phon$ paying
no hd to /raham who was ylling and banging on th di&idr in th ba#k sat of
th #ar! * lookd up whn 3 approa#hd and wrappd up his phon #all$ walking
o&r to m!
C: ha& to gt you to a do#tor$ Tss$D h said$ #on#rn on his fa#! 3 told him
that 3)d gt myslf pat#hd up ba#k at th 1ig Town station! 3 was fairly sur 3
didn)t nd mdi#al attntion! 3t was only a #oupl of gra9s!
'lthough not forgtting how angry 3)d bn with him arlir$ 3 flt a flood of
warm gratitud towards him! 3 lookd up at him arnstly$ CThank you so mu#h$
Sarg! "ou (ust sa&d my lif!D 3 #losd my ys brifly and xhald ha&ily! CThat
was a trrifying xprin#! 3 flt so hlplss!D 3 brathd in and out again! C'nd 3
hat that!D
*is ys sar#hd my fa#$ his hand ra#hing up towards it bfor lowring
again without making #onta#t! * shruggd$ mbarrassd$ not sur what to say or
do! : stood in front of a#h othr awkwardly$ un#rtain if w should mbra# a#h
othr in shr rlif or not! So w didn)t$ kping our hands firmly to oursl&s!
C'r you going to b okayED h askd soli#itously!
3 a&oidd his glan#$ ys on th ground$ suddnly fling shy$ &ry part of m
rminding myslf that 3 was no oil painting at th momnt! C3)ll AD
C"ah$ yah$ 3 know$D h intrruptd rudly! C"ou)ll li&!D
3 smild rlu#tantly at his kns! C3)m prtty sur that 3 will!D
C"our shooting skills ar &ry imprssi&$D h #omplimntd!
3t was my turn to shrug as 3 prd intntly at th pa&ing in th dri&way! Thr
wr wds poking through th pa&rs! CSo ar your running skills$D 3 mumbld!
C3)m worrid about somthing now$ though!D
3 spok to my ruind boots! C:hatED
C3)m worrid about what th 3nsp#tor will say to m whn sh finds out that 3
was trying to arrst an inno#nt$ si#k old man in a whl#hair$D h said$ with
surprisingly #harming slf%mo#kry!
Dspit myslf$ 3 laughd and pkd up at him! CDon)t forgt h was an
inno#nt si#k old man in a whl#hair armd with a box of tissus!D
* pulld a misrabl fa#! C"ou)r a #rul woman$ 2ullr$ you rally ar!D
3 laughd &n hardr$ fling bttr alrady!
* ga& m a half%smil and hld out his hand! CTru#ED
3 rgardd his hand thoughtfully$ bfor ra#hing out to tak it!
CTru#$D 3 agrd and w shook on it!
C3 didn)t man to b su#h a (rk bfor$ but AD
C3t (ust #oms naturallyED 3 suggstd$ with a smil!
CTss$D h #omplaind in an in(urd ton! C3 was going to say that 3 will answr
your ;ustion whn 3 know you bttr! 3t will #hang th way you think of m
prmanntly$ so that)s why 3 don)t want to answr (ust yt!D
Whate"er$ 3 thought to myslf dismissi&ly$ as if finding out about my mothr)s
dath and my nar%dath hadn)t #hangd th way h thought about m! Noti#ing that
h still had a firm grip on my hand$ 3 xtri#atd min from his and turnd to glan#
unnthusiasti#ally at /raham! * was still #arrying on in th ba#k sat$ banging on
th window!
C:)d bttr gt /raham down to th station bfor h bursts a blood &ssl
with all that shouting! Do you think w)ll ha& tim to intr&iw him oursl&s
bfor 3 ha& to go to #ourtED
C3f not$ h #an (ust wait for us to rturn! 3 don)t want to hand him o&r to th
ds yt! 3 want to har firsthand what h has to say for himslf!D * #limbd into
th #ar and 3 followd suit$ win#ing whn 3 bnt my kns! CBh$ by th way$ 3 was
talking to fornsi#s whn you #am o&r! Thy managd to lift on fingrprint from
our saf%#ra#king (ob and you)ll n&r guss who it blongs to!D
C3s it our littl frind in th ba#ksat$ by any #han#ED
C3t #rtainly is! Dosn)t h ha& a lot of intrsting ;ustions to answrED
1a#k at th wat#h hous$ Snior Srgant "u was in #harg again and
x#laimd loudly in disblif whn th Sarg and 3 draggd /raham$ still ki#king
and s#raming$ in th door!
CBh gawd$ not him again,D sh groand$ #o&ring hr ars! CDosn)t h ha& an
off buttonED
C'pparntly not$D said th Sarg loudly o&r /raham)s ra#kt!
C:hat)s h don nowED
C*)s bn ripping off a swt littl old lady and h (ust draggd poor Tss
down th road with his #ar! >ook at hr, Sh)s bloody lu#ky h didn)t kill hr!D
3 wasn)t plasd that h)d drawn attntion to my furthr in(uris$ &ryon
#rowding around and tutting o&r my poor kns!
C"ou bastard$D Daisy said$ staring at /raham in disgust! CNot happy with (ust
pr&ing on hr now$ huhE Now you)r trying to kill hr!D
Sh pro#ssd him into th systm$ and had on of th wat#h hous offi#rs tak
him to a holding #ll$ him shouting all th whil!
C*)ll b wanting a lawyr again$ 3 prsum$D sh said!
C0robably$D 3 rspondd! C: should try to gt that woman h had bfor! Sh
was snsibl and #almd him down a lot!D
C"ou two bttr hand this o&r to th 3nsp#tor to dal with$ sp#ially now you
ha& a #onfli#t$ Tss$D sh ordrd! C"ou shouldn)t intr&iw somon who)s trid
to kill you! 'nd don)t forgt you ha& #ourt this aftrnoon! "ou)ll barly ha& tim
to intr&iw him anyway$ parti#ularly if h intnds to #ontinu #arrying on lik that
for som tim! 3t #ould also tak ags bfor a lawyr #an b found for him!D
Th Sarg and 3 x#hangd glan#s! 3 knw h rally wantd to finish this #as
himslf$ but 3 didn)t think w had mu#h #hoi#! 3 usd th #ountr phon to ring
2iona$ gi&ing hr a brif rundown on &nts that morning! 'ftr listning to m with
unxp#td patin#$ sh mad a d#ision to tak it o&r and promisd to snd a
#oupl of ds downstairs to us as soon as possibl!
C:)& lost it$ sorry Sarg$D 3 said apologti#ally! CSh)s snding down a tam!
:)ll brif thm and thn mayb w)ll ha& tim to bring 8iss / in to idntify th
suit#as!D 3 hsitatd$ unsur whthr to ask or not! C'r you #oming to #ourt with
CBf #ours 3 am$ Tss! Did you rally nd to askED h rplid$ offndd again!
Daisy #ut off his furthr ir by looking m up and down s#athingly$ d#laring
that 3 wasn)t fit for #ourt and would b an mbarrassmnt to th ntir for# in my
#urrnt s#ruffy #ondition! Sh handd o&r to hr srgant$ .ogr 8a#Namoy$ a
handsom$ rsr&d and #omptnt man that 3 didn)t know wll! * ga& m a
sympathti# smil as h took o&r$ la&ing Daisy fr to bustl around m lik a
&ry bossy mothr hn$ finding m a #lan spar pair of #argo pants that wr
rasonably #los to my si9! Sh pulld off my boots$ throwing thm to a startld
probationary #onstabl and ordring him to polish thm ba#k to som smblan# of
rsp#tability! * didn)t look happy about it A it wasn)t what h)d (oind th poli#
to do! 1ut h sur wasn)t going to argu with hr!
Th Sarg took m into th wat#h hous staff room and for#d m to sit down
on on of th #omfy sofa #hairs thy had #lustrd togthr in a #ornr! * rtri&d
th first aid kit from th wall$ and with an unwl#om audin# of #ops who smd
to ha& nothing bttr to do$ h pro#dd to tortur m for fiftn minuts by
gi&ing m first aid! * bgan by pat#hing up my s#rat#hd arm and thn mo&d
onto my kns! :hn 3 flatly rfusd to tak off my #argo pants as h r;ustd$ h
was for#d to #ut thm away abo& my kns so that h would ha& good a##ss to
my wounds! 3t didn)t mattr though$ b#aus my pants wr ruind anyway! 8y
kns wr badly gra9d$ gra&l mbddd dp in th wounds! 1lood was still
sping out$ now (oind by som i#ky #lar fluid as wll!
:hn h dousd th first kn in antispti# spray and dug around to rmo& th
gra&l with a pair of tw9rs$ 3 s#ramd out som xtrmly rud words$ th pain
was so intns! 3 land ba#k against th #hair$ ys s;u9d togthr tightly$ tth
#ln#hd and #lut#hd th armrsts with su#h a dath grip that 3 had sor shouldrs
th nxt day and would ha& sworn that 3 lft my fingrprints prmanntly
imprintd in th matrial! Tars of pain sprang into my ys and 3 blinkd thm
away furiously$ but a fw stray ons managd to tri#kl down my #hks!
C3)m so sorry$ Tss$D th Sarg said rgrtfully$ bfor doing it to m again with
th othr kn! Thn h puffd antispti# powdr on th sors$ wat#hing as th
li;uid oo9ing from th gra9s mad it all wt again! * addd mor and mor
powdr until all th li;uid was soakd up and paddd a#h kn with a non%sti#k
gau9 bfor xprtly bandaging thm!
* hld out his hands and pulld m to my ft! 3 walkd around in my so#ks
and raggd nw shorts lik a 2ranknstin monstr$ my kns so stiff from th
bandags that 3 #ould hardly bnd thm! 3 #lumpd o&r to th kit#hn to mak
myslf a #off$ grabbing a mug from th #oll#tion of mismat#hd spars that
huddld on a shlf! Th mug 3 grabbd was plastrd with th logo from som
#onfrn# on d&iant #riminology hld in th #ity all th way ba#k in 1<77! Th
Sarg followd m and did th sam$ randomly #hoosing a bla#k mug that had
&extra"agan,a => plastrd on it in gold lttrs and a suggsti& silhoutt of a
man and two womn #opulating nthusiasti#ally undrnath! :hn h noti#d$ h
hastily put it ba#k on th shlf and took down a plain grn mug instad!
Smothring a laugh$ 3 opnd all th #upboards$ pring insid hopfully!
C"ou got any Tim Tams round hrED 3 ylld out to Daisy! 'ftr today$ 3
thought 3 dsr&d on!
CSorry! That fathad 1um at th last of thm ystrday$D sh ylld ba#k$ thn
groand! CBh shit$ spak of th d&il!D
3 turnd around$ spottd 1um and anothr man 3 hadn)t mt bfor hading
straight for us! 3 groand in dismay!
CNot you again$D 3 #omplaind! C0las$ please$ tll m that th 3nsp#tor hasn)t
gi&n you our #as to finishED
1um smild smugly and land against th fridg looking down at m$ his
giganti# mus#ls straining against his businss shirt whn h #rossd his arms$
blo#king my a##ss!
C/t out of th way! 3 nd som milk$D 3 said grumpily! * shiftd only far
nough for m to opn th fridg door tn #ntimtrs and awkwardly ra#h my arm
in to grab th milk #arton$ bringing m into un#omfortably #los #onta#t with him! 3
#ould &n smll his minty brath!
C"ou d#idd to dump that losr Jak 1y#raft yt and go out with m instadED
h struttd in front of &ryon!
C3)d rathr di than go out with you$D 3 rplid honstly$ stirring my #off with
unn#ssary &igour!
CTssi$ Tssi$ Tssi! 3t)s only a mattr of tim! "ou know you want m$D h
#hu#kld to himslf as if 3 was flirting with him! /od$ h was so slf%dludd,
C1um$ 3 want you as mu#h as 3 want syphilis$D 3 smild swtly and took a sip
of my #off! C:hi#h$ in#idntally$ 3 probably would #at#h if 3 did go out with you!
So thanks$ but no thanks!D 3 indi#atd th man nxt to him who)d bn wat#hing th
whol x#hang in amusd siln#! C:ho)s your nw frindED
Th man hld out his hand to m and smild disarmingly! * was ral #ut$ in
his arly thirtis$ with warm brown ys that #rinkld attra#ti&ly at th #ornrs$
wild$ #urling dark brown hair that was far too long for a #op and a frindly$ opn
smil that showd ni# tth! 3 #laspd his hand$ fling th warmth that flowd
from him!
C3)m Ma&ir /uyln! "ou must b Tss 2ullr! 3)& hard a lot about you$D h
said$ his &oi# bautifully mlliflunt! 3 #ould ha& listnd to it all day long!
C'll th good things you)& hard about m ar undrstatd and all th bad
things ar nothing but a pa#k of slandrous lis$D 3 said lightly$ shaking his hand! 3
introdu#d him to th Sarg$ in th pro#ss larning that h was a dt#ti& srgant$
r#ntly transfrrd from a largr rgional #ity up north!
C3 ha&n)t hard anything bad about you at all!D * smild again at m!
3 smild ba#k! C"ou)r ;uit th #harmr$ arn)t you$ Ma&irE : don)t gt
many of thos around hr!D 8y ys fli#kd in&oluntarily towards th Sarg! 3
hopd h hadn)t noti#d!
CCall m M! 3t sa&s tim$D h said$ looking at m #uriously! ?1 /ood grief$ 3
thought! * glan#d at my so#ks$ raggd shorts and bandags$ bfor his ys rstd
on my poor damagd fa# again! C:hat happnd to youE >ooks lik a building fll
on you!D
C3 trippd o&r running away from 1um$D 3 (okd!
C/row up$ Tssi$D 1um said sourly! C'r you going to brif us or notED
3 sighd! C'll right$ lt)s gt on with it thn! 1li& it or not$ th Sarg and 3
ha& to b in #ourt this aftrnoon!D 3 turnd to 1um! C*ang on$ don)t you ha& to b
in #ourt too$ as on of th in&stigating dt#ti&sED
C"s! M is going to do th initial intr&iw with this susp#t by himslf whil
3)m in #ourt with th 3nsp#tor!D
: #arrid our #offs into on of th intr&iw rooms and th thr mn sat
and 3 rmaind standing whil 3 told thm &rything that had happnd sin# 8iss
/ had first #alld m to rport a pping tom! 3 hadn)t &n mt th Sarg at that
point 3 rmmbrd with surpris$ glan#ing at him! 3 flt as though 3)d known him
mu#h longr than (ust a wk$ so mu#h had happnd sin# h)d arri&d in >ittl
Town! 3 #ontinud on with my story$ th Sarg intrrupting if 3 forgot somthing
along th way!
Th two dt#ti&s (ottd down nots busily$ Ma&ir asking intllignt ;ustions
as h did$ pi#king up ;ui#kly on th salint points! 1um$ as usual$ was soon lost by
th dtails$ as smart as a pt ro#k! * spnt most of his tim doodling on his
CSounds as though thr)s plnty to #harg him with$D said Ma&ir$ laning ba#k
on his #hair$ #hwing thoughtfully on th nd of his pn as h s#annd o&r his
nots! * glan#d up at m! CDid you rally shoot out his tyrsE That)s not asy to
do whn a #ar)s on th mo&!D
CSh)s a #ra#k shot$D #ommntd th Sarg! C3)& hard sh &n shoots hr
own dinnr!D 3 giggld at that hint of a sns of humour and h smild o&r at m
CBur Tssi)s th toughst #hi#k you)ll &r mt$D said 1um proudly! C1sids
th 3nsp#tor$ of #ours! Bh$ and probably th Snior Sarg too!D
C3)m th third toughst woman in th distri#t$D 3 summarisd for Ma&ir)s
C3 #an s that 3)ll ha& to bha& myslf hr with all ths tough womn
around$D Ma&ir laughd! CThy must brd thm strong in ths parts! :r you
born and brd around hr$ TssED
C3 #rtainly was$ 8r M! 3)m (ust a simpl #ountry girl!D
Th Sarg snortd ;uitly and rolld his ys! CTak my ad&i# and don)t fall
for that lin$D h r#ommndd! 3 s#run#hd my nos at him!
Th thr mn stood up! Th Sarg lookd at his wat#h! CThr)s (ust nough
tim for us to grab som lun#h bfor #ourt$ Tss! :)ll ha& to la& 8iss /r&ill
until aftrwards!D
CDon)t worry about hr$D said Ma&ir$ walking us to th door! C3)ll gt som
uniforms to bring hr in for you!D * lookd o&r at m and winkd! C/ood lu#k$
Tss! Ino#k Gm dad today!D 3 smild ba#k at him$ d#iding that h was a ni# guy!
C*y$ how about 3 buy you a #off nxt tim you)r in :attling 1ayE Br mayb
w #ould &n ha& lun#hED h addd!
CSh)s got a boyfrind$D th Sarg and 1um #horusd!
C3)m not surprisd$ but that)s a sham all th sam$D h said and smild at m
again! C1ut th offr still stands!D
CThat would b grat! 3)d lo& to$ 8r M$D 3 rplid$ surprisd anyon would
want to b sn in publi# with m looking th way 3 did!
C3 lik how you #all m 8r M! 3t)s #ut!D
CCom on Tss$ w ha& to go$D th Sarg said impatintly$ pushing m out th
door$ his hand prssing btwn my shouldr blads!
3 dtourd to th ladis room to hurridly drss in th frsh #argo pants Daisy
had found for m$ gingrly pulling thm o&r my kns! 3 spnt a fw minuts
tidying my hair and brushing th road dust off my shirt! 1ut 3 found myslf unabl
to bnd nough to la# my frshly%#land boots$ so had to pad out to th wat#h
hous ntran# in my so#ks to ask th Sarg to do it for m! %ow mortifying$ 3
thought$ as h knld down bfor m in front of &ryon and did up my la#s
lik 3 was four%yars%old! Th probationary #op had don his bst to mak my boots
mor rsp#tabl and 3 thankd him swtly$ making him blush$ but 3 would
dfinitly nd a nw pair! 8in wr badly worn from dragging on th road for so
That don$ th Sarg and 3 lookd at a#h othr!
C.adyED h askd!
C's rady as 3)ll &r b!D
Cha#ter +6
C3 don)t lik him$D (udgd th Sarg as w dro& off! C:hat kind of nam is GM)
C>ightn up$ Sarg! 3t)s (ust a ni#knam! 3 likd him! 3 thought h was rally
ni#! *)s warm and frindly!D @nli#e you$ 3 thought!
CNot lik m is what you)r thinking$ arn)t youED h a##usd$ s#aring m again
with his un#anny ability to rad my mind!
CBf #ours 3 wasn)t! "ou)r paranoid$D 3 lid and stard out th window to
a&oid any gi&away fa#ial xprssions$ wishing fr&ntly that 8r M had #om to
>ittl Town instad of him!
C"ou)r probably wishing h)d #om to >ittl Town instad of m!D
/od, :ould h stop doing thatE 3t was fraking m out! CDon)t b silly! Bf
#ours 3)m not!D 3 dlibratly mad my mind go blank for a whil!
3 wantd #omforting (unk food for lun#h but h for#d m to at at an organi#
sandwi#h bar whr 3 sullnly mun#hd on th multigrain tuna and salad sandwi#h
and plain minral watr that h bought m! 3 lt him pay b#aus$ mbarrassingly$ 3
had lss than a dollar to my nam today!
C3 nd sugar$D 3 moand aftrwards$ thinking about Tim Tams again!
C/rat ida! "ou nd to kp your nrgy up for this aftrnoon! 3)ll gt us
somthing$D h agrd and 3 happily rturnd to th #ar$ draming of #ho#olat bars$
i#%#rams$ lollis!
1ut instad$ h brought ba#k two tubs of frsh%#ut fruit salad! 3 stard at min
gloomily! Th day was gtting wors and wors! 3 #ursd him silntly as 3 forkd
ro#kmlon$ strawbrris and kiwifruit into my mouth! : at th fruit salad in
siln#$ both of us thinking that it didn)t tast half as ni# as th farm%frsh produ#
w)d sampld r#ntly! * thrw th #ontainrs into th bin on th footpath whn
w wr don bfor dri&ing to th #ourthous!
8y nr&s wr making thmsl&s known as w parkd in on of th Gpoli#
only) bays$ pulling up nxt to th unmarkd #ar that 2iona fa&ourd!
CTh 3nsp#tor)s alrady hr$D 3 ad&isd him$ taking a dp brath!
CTss$ ar you okayED h askd!
3 ga& a half%laugh! C3 wish 3 had som mony for &ry tim you askd m
that$ Sarg! 3)d b ri#h by now! 'nd no$ 3)m not okay this tim! 3)m &ry nr&ous!D
C"ou)& bn in #ourt bfor$ ha&n)t youED
CBf #ours 3 ha&, 1ut 3 don)t want to s thos mn again!D
CBh! 3)m sorry! 3 should ha& ralisd! That was thoughtlss of m! 3 forgot how
prsonal this #as is for you!D
's soon as w ntrd th #ourthous$ 3 #lompd in a dtour straight to th
ladis rstroom whr 3 didn)t #om out again until 3 flt mor #omposd! .osi
1y#raft sauntrd in th door (ust as 3 ra#hd for it! : glard at a#h othr with
opn hostility th ntir tim w #rossd paths as sh ntrd th bathroom and 3
xitd! Sh was on of th smartr 1y#rafts though and knw bttr than to pi#k a
fight with m in a #ourthous whr hr brothrs and #ousins wr about to b
#ommittd to trial for th srious assault of a poli# offi#r! 1ut g$ 3 #ould tll that
sh wantd to!
3 #ould afford a bit of ndling though! C*ow)s .d n(oying bing ba#k bhind
barsE 8ust b lik hom swt hom for himE *op his boyfrind was faithful
whil h was on th outsid$D 3 said swtly!
C2u#k off$ piglt! * should ha& killd you whn h had th #han#$D sh
rturnd &i#iously!
C3 should ha& killd him whn 3 had th #han#! 3 will nxt tim! 'nd 3)ll gt
away with it too!D 3 winkd at hr and lft th bathroom smiling$ my good spirits
rnwd! 3 always lo&d to psy#h out a 1y#raft whn&r 3 found th opportunity!
' loud &oi# assaild m! C2u#k m sidways, >ook at you$ Tssi, Still
managing to smil aftr &rything that)s happnd to you! "ou must ha& bn
tasting mor of Jak 1y#raft)s hot sausag$D ylld out 2iona from th othr sid of
th #ourthous foyr$ startling &ryon narby! 3 blushd as 3 straight%lggd my
way #losr to th small group of law nfor#mnt folk that had gathrd in
anti#ipation of th &arious harings bing #hurnd through th #ourt today! Thy
wr all staring at m with sp#ulation$ som of thm sni#kring into thir hands!
Nobody was bra& nough to laugh out loud at m though! Not in front of th
3nsp#tor anyway!
CNo ma)am$D 3 answrd in a #alm$ dis#rt &oi# whn 3 was #los nough!
CJaky)s on duty for two wks! No hot sausag in my lif at th momnt!D
Sh laughd and thumpd m painfully on th ba#k! CThat)s a fu#king sham! '
woman nds all th hot sausag sh #an gt$ sp#ially in strssful tims lik
CThanks ma)am$D 3 said$ wishing dspratly sh)d stop talking about it! C3)ll
rmmbr that!D
Sh ;uitnd down and stood abutting m$ xamining my fa# #losly! CNot
bad! /ood bruising on your nos and around your y! >o& th stit#hs on your
forhad and thos swolln lips mak you look &n mor fu#kabl than usual!
That)s good A w)& got a mal (udg today!D Sh tiltd hr had and #onsidrd m
#riti#ally! C1ut 3 don)t mu#h #ar for th way you)r walking! "ou look as though
you)& got thr di#ks (ammd up your ars and you)r not n(oying any of thm!D
8or sniggring from th othr #ops! 3 sighd$ silntly dying of mbarrassmnt!
C:ll$ who would$ ma)amE 'nd 3)m sorry$ but 3 don)t sm to b abl to walk any
othr way at th momnt! 8y kns ar bandagd!D
Sh grw srious and #laspd m to hr tightly! C3)m so glad you)r okay$
swthart$D sh whisprd ;ui#kly in my ar bfor pushing m away$ turning to
yll at 1um for bringing hr th wrong #off! Sh)d askd for a flat whit with
thr sugars$ not a fu#king d#af #appu##ino with no sugar$ and was h so brain
dad from all th stroids h gobbld to mak his di#k biggr that h #ouldn)t
rmmbr a simpl fu#king #off ordrE 'nd without minding bing rbukd in
front of #ollagus$ h pla#idly trottd off again to th #ourt #af to gt th right
#off for hr!
Th door to th #ourthous flung opn and 0inky Iowalski burst in waring on
of hr blindingly non pink skirt suits and dangrously high pink hls that had
arnd hr that ni#knam! Th suit hurt my ys to look at$ it was so bright$ and 3
wondrd again if sh had thm mad to ordr! Surly you #ouldn)t buy somthing
that hidous off th ra#k in a shopE 's usual$ sh had hr bright pink brif#as with
hr$ hr hand firmly #lasping its fluffy pink handls A but thr had n&r bn a
#ow ali& that would ha& naturally produ#d su#h a glaring lathr #olour!
Dspit hr pn#hant for pink #loths$ a##ssoris and high hls$ 0inky was th
last fminin woman 3)d &r mt! *r undyd gray hair was #lippd #los to hr
s#alp and sh wor no makup and no (wllry at all! Not &n a light dust of fa#
powdr! Not &n a wat#h or a tiny pair of arrings! Sh was in hr arly fiftis$ was
brus;u$ businsslik and th on lawyr 3)d trust with my lif b#aus sh was
fro#ious in dfn# of poli# offi#rs! 'lthough a poli# pros#utor$ sh was not a
sworn offi#r$ but a #i&ilian mploy and almost x#lusi&ly spnt hr tim on
#ass that in&ol&d th assault of offi#rs! 'nd that kpt hr flat out$ sp#ially with
a family lik th 1y#rafts li&ing narby! Sh)d gon into bat for m on numrous
o##asions$ so w had a #omfortably frindly rlationship! Sh ran m through hr
plannd argumnt$ although sh assurd m it was #ut and drid! Th four 1y#afts
would b #ommittd to trial at a latr dat for thir assault on m and would b
ordrd to b hld on rmand until thn!
C3t)ll all b o&r in fi& minuts$D sh promisd!
Joanna turnd up not long aftrwards as th othr witnss to my assault$ drssd
for th o##asion in an alarmingly tight short%sl&d flowrd mau& drss that
show#asd hr bulging bi#ps and high hls that only drw attntion to hr
lumbring gait and ro#k%hard #alf mus#ls! Sh must ha& r#ntly waxd hr uppr
lip hair and th rsulting rd mark on hr skin mad hr appar as though sh)d (ust
bn sipping on a #ough syrup milkshak! Sh was a##ompanid by hr lo&ly
husband$ 8ark$ both of thm &n mor nr&ous than m! 3 ga& thm a ;ui#k hug
in grting and answrd thir #urious ;ustions about my strang walk$ bfor
0inky #ornrd thm to xplain what would happn today! Nithr had &r
pr&iously bn in #ourt!
Th Sarg ho&rd at my sid th whol tim w waitd and whn&r 3 turnd
around$ h was thr in front of m$ in my way! 1ut instad of finding his #onstant
prsn# smothring as 3 should ha&$ 3 found it strangly rassuring! 3 pa#d up and
down anxiously$ biting my nails down to a raggd dg! 2inally thy wr rady to
start and &ryon was allowd to ntr th #ourtroom$ la&ing Joanna and m
outsid! 3 waitd nr&ously until 3 was #alld by th bailiff to ntr th #ourt!
3t was a magistrat)s #ourt$ with th gallry opn to th publi# and as 3)d fard$
a #rowd of 1y#rafts had gathrd in for# to show support for thir four kinsmn!
Th hostility radiating from thm towards m was intimidating$ #on#ntratd as it
was in su#h a small room! "ou would ha& thought that 3)d b usd to it aftr a
liftim of thir abus$ but 3 was parti#ularly tns today and it ndld m! Thy
hissd thratning and obs#n things to m as 3 mad my awkward way down th
aisl to th front of th #ourtroom to b sworn in by th bailiff in th witnss box! 3
lookd o&r at th publi# gallry thn and appr#iatd th support of 2iona and th
Sarg! 'nd ys$ &n 1um)s hulking prsn# ga& m som #omfort b#aus
dspit bing an obnoxious mathad$ ultimatly h was on my sid!
Th Sarg latr told m that whn th #ourt offi#ials brought in th four mn
through th main doors$ th 1y#rafts #hrd and shoutd$ n#ouraging thm to strut
and grin #o#kily in rspons! Thy wr all drssd natly in suits for th o##asion$
frshly sha&n and hair #ombd! Jak)s aunt$ Lalri 1y#raft$ in #ourt to support hr
two monstrs$ 'l and /ra$ startd wping un#ontrollably bfor anything had
&n happnd! ' dry%yd$ hard%fa#d >ola 1y#raft had rushd down to hug .d
tightly$ #linging to his arms and whispring in his ar$ bfor bing pulld away
from him by th #ourt s#urity! *)d always bn hr fa&ourit$ bing hr firstborn!
Th Sarg told m that th (udg had ordrd ;uit in th #ourtroom$ but it still
took a fw minuts bfor th 1y#rafts sttld down$ only th thrat of bing
for#ibly rmo&d in#lining thm towards finally b#oming silnt! Th haring had
pro#dd as normal! Th #hargs had bn rad out$ th mn$ as xp#td$ all
pladd not guilty and th dfn# lawyr r;ustd bail! 0inky had opposd bail
&hmntly on th grounds of th sriousnss of th atta#k$ th #lar intnt to
assault$ th ongoing thrat to m$ and sp#ifi#ally for .d$ th fa#t that h was
alrady on parol whn th assault o##urrd!
's 3 stood in th witnss stand$ .d)s amusd rptilian ys rmaind st on m
th whol tim$ his la9y #onfidnt smil thratning to drail my barly%hld #alm
dmanour! :hn&r 3 flt it slipping away$ 3 lookd o&r at th Sarg and 2iona$
who smild or noddd supporti&ly at m$ and 3 rgaind it again! Th (udg
listnd politly to my &idn#$ rgardd my in(uris with a gra& fa#$ shaking his
had with ob&ious sympathy$ askd m a fw #larifying ;ustions$ and my ordal
was o&r! .d winkd at m$ kissd th air and waggld his tongu ind#ntly as 3
approa#hd th mn to la& th #ourtroom!
3 did what 3 was good at and 3 blankd him$ not making y #onta#t nor gi&ing
any indi#ation 3)d sn what h)d don! That was my mistak$ b#aus 3 should
ha& kpt a #los wat#h on him th whol way! 's 3 walkd past him$ a loud #lattr
brok th hush in th #ourtroom and somon from th gallry #alld my nam in
pani#! 3 think it might ha& bn th Sarg! 3 glan#d up at him$ but th nxt thing 3
knw$ a strong arm was #rushing my throat and 3 was hauld ba#kwards up against a
man)s hard body! ' pri#k of somthing sharp in my n#k drw som blood and a
tri#kl of it ti#kld m as it mandrd down towards my #hst$ rminding m of my
dram th night bfor! 3nstin#ti&ly 3 ra#hd for my knif$ but of #ours 3 wasn)t
waring it!
Th thr poli# offi#rs in th #ourtroom with m all (umpd to thir ft in
alarm$ hands on thir guns! Court s#urity stiffnd in alrtnss$ thir hands hading
for thir bu99rs!
CNobody do anything r#klss$D warnd a &oi#! 8y instant motion aftr th
initial sho#k was far$ b#aus .d 1y#raft finally had his hands on m! C3f you do$
3)ll b for#d to do somthing awful to our lo&ly Tssi and 3 would (ust hat to
ha& to do that aftr &rything ls sh)s suffrd!D *is low$ dirty laugh ga&
immdiat li to that statmnt!
* land his had down and li#kd th blood from my n#k with unhurrid
rlish$ gi&ing anothr laugh as h did! Th tou#h of his tongu on my skin mad m
shuddr with disgust!
C8mm$ 3 #an)t gt nough of my lo&ly piglt)s blood! 3 nd mor!D * turnd
to his brothr! CIarl, *aul ars,D
* took th hand holding th knif away from m for a s#ond$ tightning his
grip around my n#k in #ompnsation! * shook his sl& and anothr knif fll to
th floor from his suit! Iarl swoopd down and pi#kd it up! :hr th hll did thy
gt th kni&sE
.d was #hoking m so hard that 3 was struggling to brath! 3 fought against
him$ taring at his arm with my hands$ trying to loosn his grip and lashing out
wildly$ ki#king ba#kwards at his lgs with my boot in dspration! * mrly
laughd in rspons and (abbd m hard nough in th n#k with th knif that 3
thought twi# about #ontinuing! Th tri#kl of blood had turnd into a #rk!
C3 will slit your throat right hr in front of &ryon if you don)t start bha&ing
yourslf$ Tssi$D h whisprd in my ar! C3s that how you want to diE 3t)s not
how 3 want you to di! 3t)s not how 3 plan for you to di!D
3 stoppd struggling and #on#ntratd on #alming myslf down$ b#aus 3 was
in dangr of hypr&ntilating with far! 3 #ntrd my thinking A my safty was up to
m now$ nobody ls! 8y lif was in my hands and my hands only! That was a
lsson hard larnd from my tough%as%nails x%S'S martial arts ta#hr during my
tnag yars and 3)d n&r forgottn anything h)d &r said to m! Not on word!
Iarl pulld my hand#uffs from my blt and #lappd my wrists togthr at my
front$ thn rtri&d my gun$ handing it to .d$ who swappd it for his knif! Iarl
handd .d)s knif down th lin to 'l$ la&ing only /ra unarmd!
C>istn up$ popl,D .d shoutd to th #ourt! CBffi#r Tss hr has kindly
agrd to a#t as our hostag to hlp us s#ap! :hat a fu#king swti!D
* kissd th sid of my mouth and droppd his hand from my throat down to
#up my right brast! 3 r#oild with r&ulsion at his intimat tou#h$ making him
laugh again!
C"ou ar all going to ba#k off and gi& us plnty of frdom to gt out of this
pla#! >t m mak myslf #lar A any hroi#s will #ost Tssi hr lif! Bn th othr
hand$ gtting out of hr without any bothr will put m in su#h a good mood that
you might &n gt hr ba#k ali&! 1adly roughd up and fu#kd half to dath for
sur$ but still ali&!D
*is dp$ &il #hu#kl thratnd to turn my bons to (lly! * knadd my
brast ungntly$ s;u9ing my nippl hard btwn his fingrs! 3 tnsd$ shutting
my ys$ trying not to ra#t! 1ut thn h bit m hard on th shouldr$ nar my n#k!
3 flin#hd$ in&oluntarily #rying out loudly in pain$ and h laughd on# mor! *
lo&d to gt a rspons from m!
.d suddnly twistd$ sho&ing m forward to th ba#k of th #ourtroom$
towards th (udg)s door! Iarl yankd on th hand#uffs from th front as wll$ and 3
stumbld as my ft trippd o&r a#h othr in my boots! .d)s arm tightning
around my n#k was th only thing that stoppd m from falling to th ground! 3
#hokd$ spluttring in dspair$ trying to draw oxygn into my lungs!
CStop ! ! !D 3 gaspd! 3 wouldn)t bg though! Not him! N&r!
* rightd m and rlasd his arm nough for m to draw in hug gulps of
wondrful$ bautiful$ wl#om oxygn!
CCarful Tssi$D h whisprd warningly in my ar! C"ou don)t want m
thinking that you)r trying to s#ap$ do youED
8y ys roamd th room franti#ally and imags flashd into my &iw as w
mo&d togthr A th (udg)s s#ard immobil fa#F 2iona furiously ylling into hr
phonF a pal$ grim%fa#d Sarg mo&ing forward stalthily$ his gun traind on us$
tra#king us as w wnt! 1um appard #onfusd as usual looking around him
frowningF th #ourt s#urity offi#rs sthd with frustrationF >ola 1y#raft grinnd
from ar to arF .osi 1y#raft stood wat#hing$ a slf%satisfid smil on hr lipsF
Lalri 1y#raft still wptF whil Dorri >butt and .i#k 1y#raft tongu%kissd a#h
othr$ obli&ious to &ryon ls! Bthr 1y#rafts wr mrly a blur of #hring
fa#s and wa&ing arms!
Th fi& of us lft th #ourtroom in a huddl and mo&d into a hallway running
along th ba#k of th #ourthous! To th right wr th (udg)s #hambrs and othr
offi#s$ to th lft th xit to th ba#k #arpark that was rsr&d for staff only! :
wnt lft$ followd at a distan# by th Sarg$ 2iona$ 1um and th #ourt s#urity!
: stppd outsid th #ourthous (ust in tim for /rg 1y#raft to pull up in
on family mmbr)s rattly #lunkr! 3 was too tns and pani#ky to idntify whos it
was at that momnt$ but it was old and rusty lik all of thm! * lft th kys in th
ignition$ ngin running and (umpd out$ #lapping his brothrs 'l and /ra on th
shouldrs$ laughing with admiring appro&al at his rlati&s) daring s#ap! /rg
spat on m in #ontmpt as h disappard around th front of th #ourthous$ his
spittl dripping off my #hin onto my shirt! C8ak sur you gi& hr a dos of hard
#o#k for m$D wr his parting words$ thrown o&r his shouldr! CTh bit#h has bn
asking for it for yars!D
Thr was on thing 3 was sur of at this momnt that would pro& fatally
ha9ardous to my lif xp#tan#y$ and that was for m to gt into a #ar with four
1y#raft mn! 3 simply wasn)t going to do it$ &n if it mant that thy killd m
right hr in this #arpark$ this aftrnoon! 3)d rathr b killd in an honst fight in
front of witnsss than b rpatdly gang rapd and torturd to dath by thm$ my
body dumpd somwhr aftrwards lik a pi# of garbag!
3 thought sadly of Dad and Jak$ of 'b$ .omi and Toni$ of 8iss Chooky and
my othr hns$ and of my girlfrinds! 3 was going to miss my lif!
3 snt a silnt prayr up to my mothr and Nana 2ullr who had both did trying
to prot#t m and to my frind 8ar#ll$ who)d did in my pla#$ tlling thm 3)d
s thm soon! 3 only hopd that thy all thought 3)d a#;uittd myslf in lif to a
standard worthy of thir own sa#rifi#s! 3)d fought th 1y#rafts lik a dmon
b#aus of thm and 3)d bn a #at with nin li&s$ but it smd that today all my
li&s wr finally up! 1y /od though$ 3 was going out with a fight and mayb 3)d b
abl to tak on or two of thos 1y#raft bastards with m as 3 wnt!
Th othrs had #om to th door by thn and 3 #ould har sirns sounding in th
distan#! Thy would b too lat to sa& m! 3 lookd o&r and smild sorrowfully
at 2iona A sh had always bn a good frind to m! 3 noddd at 1um and
x#hangd a rgrtful glan# with th Sarg$ noting with som surpris th fir#
xprssion of frustratd distrss on his fa#! 3)d n&r gt to know him bttr now$
would n&r know if 3 likd him or not$ whthr w mad a good tam! 3 winkd at
him$ wishing 3 hadn)t bn so ;ui#k to (udg him! * winkd in rturn and turnd
his ba#k on m$ as if unabl to fa# what was #oming!
8y phon rang! C>t m gt that$ .d$D 3 bggd! C3t)s Jaky! * promisd h)d
ring m aftr my tstimony! 3t might b th last tim 3 &r gt to spak to him!D
* hsitatd!
C0las$D 3 bggd$ hating myslf!
* glan#d at his rlati&s!
CThink of how upst h)ll b not to spak to m for th last tim$D 3 #a(old
dspratly! C*)ll n&r forgi& you!D
E&rybody in th 1y#raft family lo&d Jak unrsr&dly and .d was no
diffrnt! Jak didn)t ba#kstab his rlati&s$ didn)t slp with his brothrs) partnrs$
didn)t #hat his family mmbrs and was always thr if somon ndd hlp!
*)d hlpd .d out hundrds of tims with no xp#tation +or hop- of rturn! *
was th family)s goldn boy and was on of th fw of hr #hildrn that >ola
1y#raft gnuinly lo&d! .d wouldn)t want Jak to hat him! Nobody would!
C8ak it ;ui#k$D h rlntd$ with wary rlu#tan#!
CCan you undo th #uffsED
CNot going to happn$D h laughd$ stroking my #hk with th ba#k of his hand
with unxp#td gntlnss! CNi# try though$ lo&ly!D
Iarl lt go of th hand#uffs and .d #o&rd m #losly with his gun as 3
awkwardly ra#hd into my po#kt with my #lampd hands$ pulld out my ringing
phon and answrd!
C*llo Jaky$D 3 said in my most lo&ing &oi#$ trying to #ontrol th trmbl in
my &oi#! C"s$ 3)m with .d and th othr guys! No$ 3)m okay! 2or now! 3)m sur
thy)ll look aftr m wll!D .d snortd with laughtr! C3 lo& you too$ hony%boy ! !
! :hatE ! ! ! Bh$ okay!D
3 lookd up at .d$ holding out my phon! CJaky wants to talk to you!D
1iting ba#k his impatin# to gt mo&ing$ .d took th phon and answrd!
C:hat do you want$ JakyE *lloE ! ! ! :hatE ! ! ! :ho th fuc# is thisED
:hil h was momntarily distra#td$ 3 rammd my body into him as hard as 3
#ould$ kno#king him off his ft and th gun out of his hand! 3 mad a run for it$
ki#king out &i#iously at /ra who trid to grab m and (ust dodging 'l who slashd
out at m with his knif! 3 &aultd and rolld o&r th bonnt of th narst parkd
#ar$ landing hard on my sid$ windd$ my hart pounding!
C"ou fu#king bit#h, "ou lied to m,D .d s#ramd$ (umping up and rtri&ing
th gun$ hurling th phon in my gnral dir#tion$ oddly upst by my d#it! Th
phon boun#d off th #ar$ frightning m with th nois and la&ing a small dnt
bhind in th roof! 3 hopd th Sarg had hung up bfor h #oppd that ra#kt in
his ar!
Du#k%walking with som diffi#ulty and kping low$ 3 dgd along th sid of
th #ar bfor standing up and dashing ;ui#kly to on furthr away! .d shot wildly
at m as 3 ran$ rag twisting his fa#! * missd m by mils$ th bullt smashing
into th winds#rn of a small whit 1arina$ parkd at th opposit nd of th
#arpark from m! * was a trribl shot and thr wr going to b som pissd off
#ar ownrs around aftr h was finishd today!
Th sirns grw #losr! 'l$ glan#ing around him in pani#$ ralisd th futility of
trying to r#aptur m and fo#ussd on s#aping instad! * (umpd into th idling
#ar and dro& towards th xit$ not &n stopping to shut th dri&r)s door or to wait
for his brothr and #ousins! .d$ nragd by th sight of that disloyalty$ shot off a
bullt with surprising a##ura#y for him$ hitting 'l in th arm! 'l howld in pain and
th #ar swr&d dangrously$ #oll#ting Iarl as it did$ flinging him o&r th bonnt!
Iarl landd awkwardly on th bitumn and w all #ringd whn w hard th
#run#h of somthing braking! Judging by th way h was lying on th ground$
#urld into a ball$ s#raming in agony$ his lg sti#king out at an odd angl$ that
somthing was Iarl)s lg!
Th #ar kpt swr&ing bfor it smashd into what #ould only b th (udg)s
sil&r 8r#ds!
/ra d#idd to #ut his losss and mad a run for it in th opposit dir#tion!
Th Sarg poundd aftr him!
.d pulld a s#raming 'l from th #ar and thrw him to th bitumn$ (umping
into th #ar himslf$ slamming th door! * r&rsd hard$ almost running o&r his
own in(urd brothr as h did$ and spd towards th #arpark xit!
3 mad th mistak of standing up thn and .d fird th rst of th #lip in my
dir#tion$ for#ing m to hit th ground again hastily! * thrw th gun at m on# it
was mpty! Th last 3 saw of him was th #ar spding through a rd light$ for#ing a
lat modl Nissan 0atrol to &r wildly to a&oid a #ollision with him and (ump th
#urb$ smashing into a small bri#k fn#!
Th 3nsp#tor and 1um ra#d out to #o&r 'l and Iarl$ (ust in tim for th
ba#kups to arri&! 2iona handd o&r to a #oupl of uniforms and sought m out
whr 3 was huddld on th bitumn$ laning up against a #ar$ gi&ing thanks to
&ry dity 3 #ould nam that 3 was still brathing aftr that madnss! Sh hauld m
to my ft$ frd m from th hand#uffs and huggd m fir#ly!
CJsus$ Tssi, 3 thought w)d fu#king lost you that tim for good! Christ, 2u#k,
>ook at m! 3)m a fu#king blubbring mss! *a& you got a tissu on youED
3 dug in my po#kts and found on for hr! Sh ;ui#kly moppd hr ys dry of
thir lightly damp mist$ not &n nough moistur to form on full tardrop$ hr
ba#k to &ryon ls as sh did!
/ee,, I could teach her how to cry properly$ 3 thought in amusmnt! ' fw
momnts latr sh was as dry%yd and hard%fa#d as normal! 's for m$ for som
inxpli#abl rason 3 flt lik laughing$ but 3 was afraid that if 3 startd 3 might
n&r stop! 3 probably ndd som #ounslling aftr today$ but 3 knw 3 wouldn)t
sk any! 3 hadn)t &r bfor!
: walkd ba#k to th a#tion! ' #oupl of th uniforms had hadd o&r to th
distraught and tarful so##r mum who)d bn dri&ing th now%damagd 0atrol$
worrying about what hr husband was going to sayF two patrol #ars had spd off
aftr .d$ lights flashing and sirns blaringF 'l and Iarl wr bing gi&n som
first aid bfor th paramdi#s arri&d and th Sarg was dragging a struggling /ra
ba#k towards on of th rmaining patrol #ars!
C'll)s wll that nds wll$ ma)am$D 3 said light%hartdly$ thn without any
warning$ turnd and thrw up o&r th front tyr of th (udg)s smashd 8r#ds!
C'w$ fu#king hll$ Tss, "ou spwd on my shos$D sh grumbld$ looking
down at hr xpnsi& 3talian lathr bfor dragging m away from th mss!
CSorry ma)am! That took m by surpris$D 3 admittd$ mbarrassd$ wiping my
mouth on anothr tissu! 3 was wak and trmbling aftr all of that! 3 ndd to sit
C3 guss anyon would want to #hu#k aftr ha&ing .d 1y#raft li#king you and
biting you and fling up your tit in publi#!D
Puasinss rolld o&r m again! Sh #alld for on of th uniforms to go find
my gun and h dutifully huntd it down and rturnd it to m!
:hn th ambulan# arri&d$ th paramdi#s ga& m th on# o&r! Thy
pat#hd up th wound on my n#k that .d had #ausd with his knif and rpat#hd
my kns that wr wping through th bandags aftr 3 had abusd thm so mu#h!
3 wa&d thm away aftr that b#aus 3 alrady had so many bruiss$ bumps and
#uts that th fw xtra 3)d r#i&d today wr hardly worth bothring about! Thy
r#ommndd that 3 tak som of th strong painkillrs that Dr 2nn had gi&n m
th othr day as soon as possibl! 3 assurd thm that was th first thing 3 plannd on
doing whn 3 arri&d hom!
Exhaustd and draind of all motion$ 3 land against th bri#k wall of th
#ourthous$ #losing my ys! ' gntl hand on my shouldr mad my ys fly opn
in alarm$ my hand ra#hing for my mpty gun! 3t was only th Sarg!
C*y$ Tss!D
C*y$ Sarg$D 3 said tirdly$ body rlaxing again!
C"ou okayED * smild as h said it to lt m know h was (oking!
C3)ll li&$D 3 rplid$ a faint grima# th bst xprssion 3 #ould mustr!
CCom on$ 3)ll tak you ba#k to th station! "ou don)t nd to hang around
hr! E&rything)s undr #ontrol and you)& don nough for on day!D
: r#i&d 2iona)s appro&al to s#arpr and h dro& m ba#k to th station!
3 was subdud! C.d 1y#raft s#apd! 3 hop w find him soon$ othrwis 3)ll
b looking o&r my shouldr all th tim!D
* rspondd with #rtainty! CThy)ll find him!D
3 wishd 3 shard his #onfidn#! 3 land against th hadrst$ trying to find a
#omfortabl position to a##ommodat my nw n#k wound! 'h, forget it$ 3 told
myslf! Thr wr no #omfortabl positions for m!
3 pondrd out loud! C*ow did .d gt th kni&sE 3 know thy)r sla#k around
hr #ompard to th #ity$ but surly th prisoners ar sar#hd bfor going into
#ourt at lastED
: both pu99ld o&r that until th Sarg ralisd that thr had probably bn
mor than simpl aff#tion bing transfrrd from >ola to .d whn sh)d huggd
him so tightly and whisprd into his ar! Sh)d ob&iously bn pushing a knif up
a#h of his sl&s! 'nd it wouldn)t ha& bn diffi#ult for hr to smuggl th
kni&s in A th 1ig Town #ourthous wasn)t th most &igilant in th stat about
s#urity for th publi#!
C:hat a day$D 3 sighd$ #losing my ys!
* suddnly wrn#hd th string whl and pulld th #ar o&r to th sid of
th road$ (umping out without any xplanation! * strod into a small #ornr stor!
* wasn)t gon long and whn h rturnd h thrw a pa#kt of Tim Tams onto my
lap and r(oind th traffi# flow$ without saying a word!
3 was tou#hd by th small gstur! * was pro&ing himslf to b a thoughtful
man in a lot of ways!
CThank you$ Sarg$D 3 said gratfully! CThat)s so ! ! ! so ni#! Thank you!D 3
wantd to rip th pa#kt opn and stuff thr of th dli#ious bis#uits in my mouth
again$ but 3 for#d myslf to ha& th patin# of a saint so 3 #ould sa&our thm
slowly ba#k at th station! 3 #lut#hd thm possssi&ly for th rst of th way!
1a#k at th wat#h hous$ 3 was trying to snak my pr#ious Tim Tams to th
kit#hn whn th agl%yd Snior Srgant waylaid m!
C:hat do you ha& thr$ TssiE >ooks lik som Tim Tams!D
Caught out$ 3 glan#d ba#k at th Sarg and rlu#tantly laid th pa#kt on th
#ountr in front of Daisy! C' prsnt from th Sarg$D 3 told hr! Sh flashd him a
;ui#k smil and snat#hd th Tim Tams$ slipping thm undr th #ountr!
C3 knw w)d finally gt a gntlman hr if w all prayd hard nough! Thank
you$ Srgant 8aguir!D
C3 a#tually bought thm for Tss$ but you)r wl#om$ Snior Srgant$D h
said$ slightly a#idi#!
3 likd th way h wasn)t afraid to spak up for himslf$ &n though h was th
nw guy and didn)t yt ha& a firm grasp on th lo#al prsonalitis and politi#s! 3t
was as if h didn)t #ar about ithr$ whi#h was always rfrshing in any working
n&ironmnt! * was a ;uitly slf%#onfidnt man and 3 admird that!
CSorry Tss! "ou)& lost your Tim Tams for good now$ but w #an still find
anothr trat for you around hr$D h #ommisratd$ sliding his arm around my
C:hatED 3 askd$ looking up at him in surpris$ for on# not minding his tou#h!
3 guss that mant that 3 was gtting usd to him!
C/raham 8undy bing intr&iwd$D h smild down at m!
Cha#ter ,7
: stood wat#hing in th &iwing room as Ma&ir ;ustiond /raham! 3t was
#lar th intr&iw had bn going for som tim$ but also ;ually #lar that
/raham hadn)t bn #ooprating on littl bit! Judging by his straind faturs$
Ma&ir had rally had nough of /raham)s rlntlss shouting and so had his duty
lawyr$ a &ry young man frsh out of uni&rsity$ who was #ln#hing his ys shut
and rubbing his forhad as if h had a brain%splitting migrain! Thy wr #urrntly
taking a small brak from th intr&iw whil thy all n(oyd a #up of ta$ th
r#ording ;uipmnt swit#hd off! 1ut /raham was ltting his ta grow #old on th
tabl whil h #ontinud ranting!
C:ill 3 go inED 3 askd th Sarg! C/raham dosn)t lik m and that might
CBnly if you fl lik it$ Tss! "ou)& alrady bn through a lot today!D
CSarg$ my Tim Tams wr stoln from m! By a cop. Bh$ you bttr bli&
that 3 fl lik taking it out on somon! :hy not my good frind /rahamE *
dsr&s it mor than most!D
3 lft him to burst into th intr&iw room without any warning$ startling
CShut th hll up$ /raham,D 3 shoutd$ &n loudr than him! * shut th hll
up straight away$ brown ys hug in his pal fa#! Th two othr mn #ast m
gratful glan#s for th tiny sli# of siln#$ no mattr how tmporary!
CNot hr! 'nyon but hr$D /raham whind immdiatly to his lawyr! C3 #an)t
stand th sight of hr!D
C3 #an)t stand th sight of you ithr$ you littl #rp$D 3 said stridntly$ thinking
of my sor kns! 3 was th on with th gri&an# in this rlationship$ not him!
C:hy arn)t you #ooprating in this intr&iwED
* faltrd$ bfor #ontinuing in a small &oi#$ C3 don)t want to go to (ail! 3
didn)t hurt anyon!D
C"ou spill your guts right now$ /raham$D 3 said banging my fist on th tabl$
making him (ump! C"ou)& alrady told Srgant 8aguir and m a lot of damning
C"ou #an)t mak m$D h rplid dfiantly and startd up th ra#kt again! C3t)s
a &iolation of my human rights to intrrogat m lik this, 3 want a lawyr ! ! !D
* pausd$ mbarrassd$ #asting his ys o&r to his lawyr who showd his
annoyan# at bing so unappr#iatd by slamming his ta mug down hard on th
tabl$ flinging himslf ba#k in his sat and #rossing his arms!
Tim for a #hang in ta#k! 3 rgardd /raham thoughtfully as 3 sat down at th
tabl$ bfor turning to Ma&ir! CDo you know what$ Dt#ti& Srgant /uylnE 3
think w)r wrong! :)r barking up th wrong tr #ompltly!D
C:hat do you man$ Snior ConstablED h askd with artful surpris!
C>ook at him$D 3 said$ #asting a s#ornful y o&r /raham! C*)s nothing but
sound and wind! 3t)s dfinitly not him who mastrmindd this swindl$ aftr all! 3
man$ think about it!D 3 land ba#k in my #hair! CDon)t you think that /raham hr
is a bit ! ! ! un&ol&dE 3 (ust don)t s how it)s possibl for somon lik him to b
abl to &n thin# up a plan lik this$ lt alon #arry it out!D
CTru$D said Ma&ir in a #onsidrd ton! C*is mothr$ his un#l and his formr
nighbour ha& all told us that h)s wak and rathr stupid! That h would n&r
amount to mu#h! 'nd thy)d know bttr than anyon! 3)d ask his girlfrind hr
opinion ! ! !D Signifi#ant paus! C! ! ! but h dosn)t ha& on!D
C3)m not stupid$ no mattr what thy say$D /raham dnid sullnly$ rsnting
th girlfrind #ra#k!
C"ou know what 3 thinkED 3 askd Ma&ir! C3 r#kon that it was Kn#l Stanly
rsponsibl for th whol swindl and that /raham hr was (ust his gofr! :
know that Kn#l Stanly is a &ry smart man! *)s a lawyr$ aftr all! 'nd what)s
/rahamE *)s only a paralgal! 'nd probably not &n proprly ;ualifid to do
/raham grw dfnsi&! CThr)s nothing wrong with bing a paralgal!
Thr)r lots of smart popl who ar paralgals!D * glard at us! C'nd 3)m going
to do th #ours on day! 3 am! 3 rally am!D
CSur you ar$ /raham$D 3 said$ in my most pitying ton! CBn day! 8ayb! 1ut
that would b a bit too mu#h lik hard work though$ wouldn)t itE 'nd that)s not
rally your kind of thing$ is itED
Ma&ir slammd his notbook #losd! C"ou)r right$ Snior Constabl! :)r
intr&iwing th wrong prson! 3)& bn wasting my tim! /raham is (ust Stanly)s
patsy! : nd to talk to th brains of th opration$ not th lgs!D * shook his
had in wondr! C"ou rally ha& to admir Stanly)s intllign# for #oming up
with su#h a tight plan! 3t was almost gnius!D
C* sur is a smart man$D 3 agrd! C"ou almost fl #omplld to rsp#t him
for his #larity of thinking and planning!D
CIm th brains$ not Stanly$D shoutd /raham$ laning forward on th dsk$
froths of sali&a at th #ornr of his mouth! CIm th on who found th othr pi#s
of land$ not Stanly! Kn#l Stanly had no fu#king ida about thm$ &n though
h)s bn administring that fund for yars, 3t was me$ not him,D
Ma&ir turnd his attntion to /raham again$ a disbli&ing$ almost kind
xprssion on his fa#! CDon)t try to big%not yourslf$ /raham! 3t)s o&r! :)&
ralisd you)r not smart nough to b th main man!D
C1ut 3 am rsponsibl$D h insistd$ his ys shifting btwn us #ompulsi&ly!
*is lawyr laid a wary hand on his arm that /raham immdiatly shook fr!
Ma&ir lookd o&r at m! C:hat do you think$ Snior ConstablED
3 shook my had drisi&ly! CNah! *)s not smart nough! * #an)t &n tll th
diffrn# btwn an a##lrator and a brak! >t)s go intr&iw Stanly!D
: both stood up as if to la&!
/raham bgan to talk$ trying to #on&in# us that h was th #riminal
mastrmind bhind th swindl! *is lawyr warnd him to rmain ;uit$ but h no
longr wantd to and rudly told th man to shut up! 3t was as if a liftim of bing
dridd as hoplss and stupid swlld up un#ontrollably insid him$ no longr abl
to b #ontaind$ his strong nd to pro& himslf o&r#oming his natural #aution!
Th intr&iw startd again formally and 3 sat ba#k not asking any ;ustions
b#aus of my #onfli#t of intrst$ la&ing it all to Ma&ir! :hn Ma&ir askd
bforhand$ /raham)s lawyr wa&d his hand to indi#at that h had no ob(#tions
to m rmaining in th room during th intr&iw &n though 3)d &ntually b a
witnss for th pros#ution in his #lint)s trial! 1ing smart though$ Ma&ir mad
him say it in th r#ording! 3 smild at him in appr#iation! 3 likd a #arful partnr!
* smild ba#k with appaling #harm! 3 smild again! 3 likd a #ut partnr &n
E&rything spilld out of /raham in a tumbl! *)d takn ad&antag of his
Kn#l Stanly)s illnss to dfraud 8iss /$ &n admitting that h)d bn
#onsidring it for yars! 'ftr long$ boring sar#hs at th Titls Bffi# for anothr
#lint$ h)d dis#o&rd that thr wr hug tra#ts of land ownd by th /r&ill
family around >ittl Town that wr unknown to anyon$ b#aus whn thy wr
originally pur#hasd$ thy)d bn rgistrd undr th nam /ra&l$ not /r&ill!
's somon who)d dabbld in family history rsar#h$ 3 knw that trans#ription
rrors wr #ommon in th arly days of th #ountry b#aus of &arying l&ls of
litra#y and diffrnt a##nts in thos pro&iding th information and thos r#ording
it! :hat was surprising though was that throughout th gnrations nobody x#pt
/raham had #ottond onto ths rrors! E&ryon had assumd that th mpty
paddo#ks in town$ that in rality blongd to th /r&ills$ wr alrady
go&rnmnt land$ in#luding th latr /r&ills thmsl&s! 3 susp#td that 8iss /)s
fathr$ drunkn old 8r /r&ill$ had bn mor than #arlss with family
do#umnts and probably th proof of thir ownrship had bn burid in othr
paprwork o&r th yars$ if not dstroyd! &omeone really should go through all
those boxes of documents in Miss /s library$ 3 thought$ but 3 sur wasn)t going to
/raham admittd to dspratly pking on 8iss / in th hops of gtting his
hands on th titl to that blo#k of land on 8ountain .oad! *)d ngotiatd up to
slling point with th Dpartmnt of Dfn# on bhalf of Traumlbn 0ty >td$ but
without th lgal mans to mak th sal an a#tuality! * rpatd his story about
ha&ing a massi& tmpr tantrum whn h #ouldn)t find th titl$ trashing 8iss /)s
loung room in th pro#ss$ but his &oi# hld no sham at all this tim! 3n fa#t h
giggld stupidly$ proud of himslf$ whil h told us! 3 stiffnd in angr$ about to
say somthing #utting$ only to fl Ma&ir)s fingrs tapping my hand undr th
tabl! 3 ga& him an impr#ptibl nod$ appr#iating th warning not to spak!
/raham #ontinud his stram of #onfssions! * admittd to wanting to gt his
hands on 8iss /)s diaris$ ha&ing hard hr dis#uss thm with Kn#l Stanly on a
numbr of o##asions! * thn admittd pking on 8rs Lillirs as a rd hrring and
to la&ing th footprints undr hr window to b ob&ious about it$ bragging this tim
that it was his ida$ not Kn#l Stanly)s as h)d pr&iously told th Sarg and m!
* also #onfssd to finding th suit#as of mony in 8iss /)s gardn shd whr
h)d hiddn on th first 2riday night 3)d turnd up to sar#h hr yard! * #ould
hardly bli& his good lu#k$ h smirkd! 3 shook my had in disgust at his grd!
2inding a #ool hundrd grand would ha& bn nough for most popl! Not
/raham though! *)d stashd th suit#as himslf in th ri#kty shltr whr it had
latr bn found by Lalma Iilroy on th &a#ant Ggo&rnmnt) land that$ h
admittd$ was in fa#t &n mor unknown /r&ill land!
* furthr ownd up to th saf%#ra#king in our offi#$ aftr wat#hing in
frustration as Lalma rmo&d his stash$ showing his first strak of ral motion in
th whol intr&iw by xprssing th dp aggra&ation h)d flt whn h
dis#o&rd that th saf was mpty! * admittd to spying on m$ hoping that 3 had
ithr th mony or th diaris at my hom! 2inally$ h admittd to stting up
Traumlbn 0ty >td using his in#apa#itatd fathr as a front! * boastd th whol
tim h #onfssd$ parti#ularly about fooling th Sarg and m with his nai&
nphw a#t! 3 s;uirmd with dis#omfort as Ma&ir gallantly trid to gloss o&r that
failur in th r#ordd intr&iw!
:hn /raham had finishd talking$ xhaustd$ and had bn takn ba#k to th
holding #ll$ Ma&ir and 3 #ongratulatd oursl&s on th su##ssful intr&iw!
C3)d b happy to partnr with you any day$ Tss$D h said! C"ou should think
about dit#hing th uniform for th glamorous lif of bing a :attling 1ay dt#ti&!
3)m sur th 3nsp#tor would tak you in a flash!D
3 knw sh would b#aus sh)d offrd bfor$ but at that momnt 3 noti#d th
Sarg waiting for m$ sitting patintly among th hustl and nois of th wat#h
hous$ #h#king his txt mssags! * glan#d up xp#tantly$ sho&ing his phon
into his po#kt as w #am out and (umpd to his ft! 3 ga& him two thumbs up
and h ga& m a lo&ly$ sin#rly plasd smil in rspons! 3 lookd up at Ma&ir
and not without a lot of rgrt$ 3)ll b honst!
CThanks anyway$ 8r M$ but 3 think 3)ll stay with my littl town for a bit longr!
3 ha& a nw partnr to brak in and h)s going to kp m busy for a whil!D
CSham$D h said$ smiling! C3 think w #ould ha& a lot of fun togthr$ Tss!D
*is xprssion as h said that mad m think h wasn)t only talking about work! 3
appr#iatd th #omplimnt$ #onsidring how awful 3 lookd at th momnt! 3n
rturn$ 3 smild ba#k at him and without anothr word$ abandond him for th
C>t)s turn off our phons and gt th hll out of this pla#$D h suggstd!
3t soundd lik a grat ida to m$ but th 3nsp#tor arri&d in a storm of angr
(ust as w wr la&ing$ &ryon narby dodging and du#king to a&oid hr
attntion! Sh hond in on th Sarg and m straight away! :hn 3 dard to ask hr
if thy)d had any lu#k r#apturing .d$ sh shook hr had in frustration and
assurd m it would only b a mattr of tim bfor h was tra#kd down! 1ut sh
said it in su#h a ton that 3 flt sorry for &ryon in&ol&d in th pursuit who hadn)t
dli&rd a hogtid .d to hr offi# that aftrnoon! 'nd on a prsonal not$ 3
wouldn)t b abl to rst asy until h was bhind bars again! Thr was gnral
#onsnsus that h was th on 1y#raft w)d all prfr to b safly lo#kd away! *
was #rafty$ ntrprising$ dangrous and r#klssly bold! Just lik his an#stor$
8ountain Td!
2iona wantd m to stay to b intr&iwd o&r th #ourt in#idnt$ but 3)d rally
had nough for on day and wantd nothing mor than to go hom! 0romising hr
that 3)d rturn tomorrow to b intr&iwd$ th Sarg and 3 s#apd ba#k to >ittl
3n th #ar$ 3 glan#d at him with hartflt gratitud and admiration! *)d risn in
my stimation by immasurabl amounts today! CThat was grat thinking to ring m
on my phon$ Sarg! 3t ga& m th distra#tion 3 ndd to s#ap! 3mprssi&
tamwork!D 3 was a littl tary as 3 said that$ thinking of what might ha& bn!
1linking furiously$ 3 shiftd my ys to th window$ barly taking in th bland &iw
of ndlss paddo#ks!
* ra#hd o&r to pat my hand$ not missing th motion in my &oi#! C"ou)r
th smart on though$ for prtnding th #all was from Jak! 'nd to hand th phon
to .d 1y#raft! That was &n bttr thinking$ Tss! 3t mad him rlax his guard!
'nd 3 agr with what you said! 3mprssi& tamwork today!D
3 pulld a slf%dpr#ating fa#! CNot so imprssi& though whn you think
about how asily /raham 8undy foold us!D
CTru$D h admittd! C1ut h)s an intrsting mix of big #riminal thinking and
frightnd$ awkward prsonality! 3)m still struggling to imagin him as a #riminal
mastrmind! >ook how asy it was for you and M to manipulat him into
#onfssing! That)s not a matur mind!D
:hn w rturnd to th station$ 3 followd th Sarg$ warily limping up th
stairs$ my only thought to tak as many painkillrs as th do#tor allowd! 1ut whn
3 ra#hd th door of th ba#k room$ 3 stoppd in absolut sho#k! Sitting proudly on
top of a#h of our dsks was a brand nw$ shiny$ latst modl #omputr$ th an#int
printr rpla#d with a nw #ombind printrNphoto#opirNs#annr! 3 turnd to him$
my ys wid with ama9mnt$ mouth &n widr$ to find him ga9ing at m$ arms
#rossd$ with a slf%satisfid smil on his lips!
CSarg, :hr did ths #om fromE *ow did you manag to gt thmE :hr
did you find th monyED 3 askd brathlssly$ sitting down in front of min and
running my hands o&r it lo&ingly bfor turning it on! 3t loadd up instantanously!
C' word in th right ar #an mak all th diffrn#$D h rplid nigmati#ally!
3 spnt a happy half%hour playing with my nw #omputr$ and thn$ &n though
3 was xhaustd$ did som ral work$ kno#king off a fw rports$ shortning my Gto
do) list! 3 wat#hd in aw as th papr glidd obdintly and silntly from th nw
printr! 3t was b#oming dark whn 3 d#idd 3)d don nough for th day$ pushing
ba#k my #hair and strt#hing painfully!
C3 suppos 3)ll b ba#k in #ourt nxt wk for th #ommittal harings for th
nw #hargs against th thr 1y#rafts and for /raham as wll$D 3 #omplaind! C3
barly gt to spnd any tim in >ittl Town anymor! Thy should ha& a mobil
#ourtroom that #oms hr &ry wk$ (ust for m!D
* smild at that! CN&r mind! 0rhaps w)ll had into a ;uit pat#h in town
for a whil!D
3 snortd in disblif! CThr)s a whol town full of 1y#rafts out thr (ust
looking for mis#hif$ Sarg!D
CTss ! ! !D h bgan$ un#hara#tristi#ally hsitant! CThings ha& bn &ry
strssful sin# 3 arri&d and 3 don)t fl as though w got off to a good start
3 ga9d at him ;ustioningly! 3 didn)t think w had ithr! Esp#ially whn our
rlationship had bgun with m trying to arrst him!
C3t)s 2riday night and you)& had a hll of a wk and a ral shit of a day! 3)d
lik to #ook you dinnr! 3t)s not mu#h of a #onsolation but ! ! !D * ptrd out$
fidgting un#omfortably$ rgarding m with somthing 3 thought was akin to hop! 3
think h was as nr&ous as h would b asking a woman out for th first tim on a
dat$ waiting for hr answr!
1ut 3 was so surprisd$ 3 didn)t know what to say! 8y brain wasn)t gi&ing any
usful instru#tions to my mouth! 3 stard at him$ silnt!
* took that as r(#tion and turnd away! C"ou)r probably busy anyway!
8ayb anothr timED
8y brain finally ki#kd into gar! Jak was working$ Dad had his girlfrind
&isiting tonight$ /rtl was busy$ 2iona was busy$ 'b was busy and 3 had no othr
plans! 3 would only sit at hom lounging in front of th TL or &n wors$ dutifully
pra#ti#ing th guitar! 3 rmmbrd how mu#h h)d hlpd m whn 3 was bing
draggd by th #ar and that tormntd xprssion on his fa# at th #ourthous whn
w both thought 3 was going to di!
'nd thn 3 #onsidrd that mayb h was a littl lonly$ stu#k in this tiny town
with no frinds and nothing mu#h to do! 0rhaps h didn)t want to spnd 2riday
night alon and 3 was th only prson in town h knw wll nough to in&it o&r$
&n if our rlationship was somwhat straind! 8ayb this was his way of offring
an oli& bran#hE *is way of #ra#king that thi#k i# sht som morE 'nd mayb
h)d prfr to ha& a good working rlationship with his partnr &ry bit as mu#h
as 3 wouldE
3 was suddnly ashamd that 3 hadn)t bn mor frindly and wl#oming to
him! Br &n mor undrstanding of his stiff$ frosty mannr! 3t #ouldn)t b asy
mo&ing to a small town$ far from your fian#$ family and frinds$ only to find
yourslf partnrd with somon with all th prsonal diffi#ultis 3 had! Not to
mntion a town full of 1y#rafts!
C3)m not busy$D 3 rplid$ finding my tongu at last$ dtrmind to b lss
(udgmntal about him and mor patint in th futur! C'nd that would b rally
ni#$ Sarg! Thanks so mu#h!D
* smd rmarkably plasd with my a##ptan# of his in&itation$ unabl to
#ontrol th smil that sprad a#ross his fa# and lit up his ys$ and 3 knw 3)d don
th right thing! 1ut all h said was a #ool$ C/rat!D
C0ro&idd that you #an #ook$ of #oursED 3 addd tasingly!
C3)ll lt you b th (udg of that$D h smild again! %e really had a nice smile
when he chose to show it$ 3 thought yt again! 3t #ompltly transformd his fa#!
C3)m going hom to showr and #hang! 3)ll s you up at your pla# latr! 'nd
thr bttr b som &ry ni# win in&ol&d$D 3 thrw to him o&r my shouldr$
hading for th door! 3 was x#itd at th prosp#t of a dinnr that 3 didn)t ha& to
#ook myslf!
* was busy fli#king through his paprwork$ his ton #asual! CThr will b a
glass of a talntd rd for you$ 3 promis! 'ny tim is good for m! S you thn!D
Dad)s girlfrind$ 'dl$ was staying o&r at our pla# that night and 3 think thy
wr both rli&d whn 3 told thm that 3 was going out$ looking forward to
spnding mor tim alon togthr! 3 sat with thm for a whil$ sharing th day)s
&nts! 1oth of thm fussd gratifyingly o&r my nw in(uris$ bfor 3 lft thm to
tak a showr and drss for dinnr!
3 trid to showr without gtting my kn bandags wt$ whi#h is ;uit diffi#ult$
lt m tll you that for fr! Ins stubbornly want to gt in th way!
3 wasn)t sur what to war for dinnr so 3 #ompromisd$ taming bla#k drss
shorts +not wanting to war (ans b#aus of my kns- with a bautiful floaty
flowry top and som ni#$ modratly%hld sandals! Th shorts show#asd my
lg bruiss from th 1y#raft ki#king with sp#ta#ular ff#t$ but 3 was struggling to
find a part of my body that wasn)t bruisd!
3 applid som light makup$ pulling a fa# in th mirror at my in(uris$ brushd
my hair out until it fll softly around my shouldrs and addd a ;ui#k spray of my
fa&ourit prfum bfor 3 dmd 3 was rady! 3 xamind myslf #riti#ally in th
mirror$ not happy with my rfl#tion! Thr was no doubt about it A 3 was an
absolut fright%fst! 3 shouldn)t b going out in publi#! 3 should instad b hiding in
my wardrob for a #oupl of wks so 3 didn)t frightn th lo#al kiddis! 3 hopd it
didn)t put th Sarg off his dinnr staring at m a#ross th tabl from him whil h
3t smd wrong$ but 3 #arfully strappd my knif to my thigh as 3 always did!
3 had usually found it a mood%killr whn 3)d bn dating$ whi#h 3 guss was why
3)d only had thr boyfrinds in my lif$ in#luding 'b and Jak! Not that this was a
dat or anything$ 3 rmindd myslf with a slf%#ons#ious laugh! /od$ what a
thought, Dating my own srgant, That would (ust b so ! ! ! wrong!
Shouting out goodby and promising not to b too lat as if 3 was still sixtn$ 3
dro& to th Sarg)s hous$ singing to myslf all th way! 3t flt good to b ali&$
rgardlss of th pain that mr brathing$ lt alon singing$ brought on!
* was on th phon whn 3 kno#kd on his front door! * ushrd m into th
loung room$ his warm hand on my ba#k as h #ontinud to spak into th r#i&r!
* lft th room$ th phon #lampd to his ar$ listning! :hil h was busy$ 3 took
th #han# to r%xamin his photographs! Now that 3 knw that th sil&r%haird
man with his mothr in th ngagmnt photo was his stpfathr$ 3 would bt that
th othr photo of him and an oldr man was of his fathr b#aus thy lookd so
alik! 0etecti"e )uller, here you come$ 3 tasd myslf bfor browsing th #ity
nwspapr that h)d lft lying on th #off tabl$ flipping disintrstdly through
nws and gossip about th ri#h and famous!
3 didn)t man to listn in on his phon #on&rsation$ but h wasn)t xa#tly th
most softly spokn man 3)d &r mt and his &oi# was raisd as wll! 0lus$ 3)&
alrady admittd that 3 am a &ry nosy prson$ so 3 was kind of #raning an ar$ 3)ll
C3)m not trying to stop you ha&ing fun and 3)m not trying to ruin your lif$
8lissa$D h snappd impatintly through #ln#hd tth as if thy)d had this
argumnt a hundrd tims bfor! C3 (ust want to know whn you)r #oming hom!
3t)s a simpl ;ustion! :hy #an)t you gi& m a simpl answrE 3 want to fix a dat
and start planning th wdding! Surly that)s not too mu#h to ask of youED
* listnd for a whil! CBh$ for /od)s sak, 3 n&r said that! This pla# isn)t
that bad! "ou)r putting words in my mouth again ! ! ! Stop bing so bloody
mlodramati# all th tim!D * listnd again! C3 don)t want to go o&r all that again
! ! ! Bkay$ ha& it your own way! "ou usually do! 3)ll talk to you latr!D
:ow, No C3 lo& youD or C3 miss youD from ithr of thm it smd! '
rlationship in troublE That might xplain his d#ision to mo& to >ittl Town and
mayb &n his moodinss sin# h)d arri&d!
* rturnd to th loung room$ &aliantly rarranging his faturs from
annoyan# to hospitality! CSorry about la&ing you alon$ Tss!D
CDon)t worry about it$D 3 dismissd asily$ slightly guilty at my a&sdropping!
CNow$ #an 3 hlp you do anything for dinnrED
C"ou #an #om into th kit#hn and kp m #ompany whil 3 #ook$D h
insistd$ so 3 did! : #hattd #asually whil h oild and sasond th staks h was
going to grill and #h#kd on th bakd potatos in th o&n! 3 #hippd in by sli#ing
up th salad &gtabls for him$ grabbing what&r 3 fan#id from his fridg!
8y phon rang$ &ibrating in th po#kt of my shorts and 3 put my knif down to
C:hat ar you doing at 8aguir)s pla#ED Jak wantd to know$ a distin#t dg
to his &oi#!
C*ow do you know that 3)m hrED 3f h wasn)t going to bothr saying hllo$
thn 3 wasn)t going to ithr!
CNot b#aus you told m$D h rplid tartly!
3 #ountrd #oolly$ C3 wasn)t awar 3 had to tll you &rything that 3 did!D
C"ou do whn it in&ol&s anothr man!D
CTh Sarg offrd to mak m dinnr aftr a bloody horribl day! 3 a##ptd!
End of story!D
C3 told you that 3 don)t want you gtting too frindly with him!D
CJak$ don)t you start on that again$D 3 warnd in a low hiss! 3 would not b
di#tatd to by a man! Esp#ially a 1y#raft man!
C3 shouldn)t ha& to rly on my brothr to tll m what my girlfrind is up to
whn 3)m not around!D
C3)m not Gup to) anything$D 3 said #rossly! C3)m (ust ha&ing dinnr! 'nd if you
ha&n)t got anything mor important to dis#uss and don)t &n #ar nough to ask
m (ust how #rapta#ular my day was$ 3)m hanging up now!D
* hung up first! 3 stormd o&r to th window and pokd my had outsid!
C2iss off, 0enny Bycraft.D 3 shoutd and was rwardd with th sound of him
#rashing through th shrubbry$ his pounding footstps rtrating into th distan#!
C:ho th hll was thatED askd th Sarg$ startld$ running to th window and
pring out$ tongs still in hand!
C8y stalkr! Dnny 1y#raft! Jak)s youngr brothr! *)s bn obsssd with
m sin# primary s#hool! : wr in th sam grad togthr! *)s bn my
unwantd s#ond shadow almost my whol lif!D
* digstd that information silntly$ shaking his had as h did! C3)& n&r
mt a prson lik you bfor!D
C3s that good or bad$ SargED
C3 don)t know! 3 ha&n)t d#idd yt! 'nd plas stop #alling m Sarg whn
w)r not at work!D
CSorry! 2inn!D 3t still flt so strang #alling him that! 3t was too intimat or
somthing! 3 d#idd that 3 simply wouldn)t #all him anything whil w wrn)t at
: prppd in siln# for a whil! Slf%#ons#iously$ 3 noti#d his ys kpt
fli#king down to my knif! 3f h)d bn any othr kind of man$ 3 would ha&
automati#ally assumd that h was #h#king out my lgs$ bruiss and all!
CDo you rally tak that knif with you &rywhrED h finally askd$ his
#uriosity o&rwhlming him!
C"s! 3 told you bfor that 3 always #arry it$ x#pt whn 3)m in uniform and
ha& my gun instad!D 3 #ontinud to #hop passionatly but #arlssly! E&ry fingr
was in dangr! *is kni&s wr Japans%#raftd$ x;uisit and x#ptionally sharp!
Not to mntion hidously xpnsi&$ wll byond my budgt$ but not my drams!
CE&n hr at my hous$ whn you)r with anothr #opE .laxingED
C3 ha& to dri& hr and ba#k by myslf$ and thr)s th walking to and from
my hous and your hous to my >and .o&r as wll!D Chop$ #hop$ #hop$ my hands
sli#d in agitation! 3 hatd xplaining my #ompli#atd lif!
CThings ar that unsaf for you in this pla#ED
3 glan#d up at him with a small laugh! CDo you rally nd to ask$ aftr what)s
happnd this wkED
* absorbd that! C*ow long ha& you bing #arrying it forED
3 sighd at his in;uisiti&nss and put my knif down to fa# him! CSin# 3 was
#omptnt nough to us it proprly and not in(ur myslf!D
C*a& you &r ndd to us itED
C/od$ ys, *ow do you think .d 1y#raft got that s#ar on his n#kED 3 wasn)t
going to answr any mor ;ustions! Throwing him a hug hint to drop th sub(#t$
3 askd with blinding #hrinss$ CSo$ what)s your fa&ourit salad drssing r#ipE
3)ll mak it for you!D
* rgardd m thoughtfully for a momnt and thn mr#ifully #hangd th
topi#! C3 should b asking you that! "ou)r th gust!D
CBkay$ 3)ll mak my fa&ourit$D 3 said$ flashing him a brilliantly fak smil! 3
busid myslf with lmon (ui#$ oli& oil$ Di(on mustard$ #ra#kd pppr$ salt and
frsh thym whil h grilld th staks! * had a wll%sto#kd pantry for a man
li&ing by himslf! 3 was imprssd! 3f Jak had bn in th sam situation$ 3 would
ha& found a liftim)s supply of two%minut noodls in th pantry$ a fr9r full of
>an Cuisin mals and a fridg full of br!
CSounds as though it)s an &ning for diffi#ult partnrsED h smild wryly o&r
his shouldr as h #losd th grill! * must ha& known that 3 #ould o&rhar his
#on&rsation with 8lissa$ (ust as h was pri&y to min with Jak!
CJak)s bing ridi#ulously possssi&$ whi#h is not lik him$D 3 #onfssd
C8lissa dosn)t want to #om hom$D h admittd!
3 lookd o&r at him and sympathisd! CBh$ that)s tough for you!D
C"p!D Said #urtly and unmotionally! CSh was supposd to rturn at
Christmas so w #ould mo& hr togthr! 1ut hr w ar A two months latr and
no sign of hr #oming hom!D
CSh dosn)t want to mo& hrED 3 gussd!
* shook his had! CThat)s a dfinit no! Sh)s a #ity prson!D * shot m a
flting look! CSh didn)t want m to apply for a transfr in th first pla#! : had a
fw argumnts about it! 3)m trying to #on&in# hr that it)s not for&r!D
CSh)ll probably #om around to th ida &ntually$D 3 #onsold$ not ha&ing
any ida if that was likly or not! 3 #ouldn)t imagin not bing on hundrd pr #nt
supporti& of my fian#)s #arr$ if 3 &r found myslf in th happy situation of
ha&ing on!
: #hattd o&r dinnr$ n(oying a &ry tasty glass of rd win as promisd! 3
askd him what drw him to th poli# for# and on# again h answrd radily!
* told m that h)d #ompltd a law dgr and had arti#ld for a big #ity pra#ti#
on graduation$ hating &ry s#ond of it! Th minut h was admittd as a lgal
pra#titionr$ h d#idd to #hu#k it all in and apply to th poli# a#admy instad$
wanting a #arr mor orintd to publi# sr&i# than monymaking! * admittd
that his mothr had bn lss than thrilld at his d#ision to b#om a #op$ thinking
that h would b wasting his dgr and worrid for his safty$ so h n&r
dis#ussd th ugly sid of his (ob with hr! *)d #onsidrd b#oming a poli#
pros#utor to us his lgal training$ but n(oyd bing a gnral dutis #op mu#h
mor than h)d &r xp#td and was happy to #ontinu as on for th tim bing!
Casually h ground mor pppr o&r his potato and askd$ C"ou &r think
about going to uni&rsity$ TssE 3t #ould rally nhan# your #arr!D
3 fro9$ a forkful of salad halfway to my mouth and smild at him with
unmistakabl #oolnss!
CBh shit$D h said rgrtfully$ thumping th pppr grindr down #arlssly on
th tabl! C3)& don it again$ ha&n)t 3ED
3 noddd slowly$ mun#hing on th salad with dlibratnss$ holding his ys
th whol tim!
CBkay$ don)t hold ba#k! /i& it to m$D h promptd$ palms flat on th tabl$
lbows out$ as if bra#ing himslf! C"ou)r a .hods) S#holar with six 0hDs who)s
writtn ightn a##laimd txtbooks on modrn poli#ing$ rightED
C.ight$D 3 giggld$ forking up som mor salad! C'nd don)t you &r forgt it!D
C3 promis 3 won)t$ Dr 0rofssor 2ullr!D
CThat)s Dr 0rofssor Snior Constabl 2ullr to you!D
* smild$ with a ni# tou#h of humblnss! C:hat did you studyED
3 told him that 3 had a dgr in (usti# studis and a mastr)s dgr in
#riminology that 3)d #ompltd part%tim in my first fw yars working in 1nara!
* pulld a #omi#ally hangdog fa# and palm%sma#kd his forhad$ whi#h mad
m giggl again! * askd m whi#h uni&rsity 3)d attndd! Judging by th
surpris on his fa# whn 3 told him w)d gon to th sam uni&rsity +although 3)d
#al#ulatd that h would ha& alrady graduatd by th tim 3 startd-$ 3 gathrd
h)d automati#ally takn for grantd that 3)d gon to on of th stat)s rgional
uni&rsitis and not th mor a#admi#ally prstigious sandston uni&rsity situatd
in th #ity! 3 lt it go though! * was larning not to prsum things about m and
that was th main thing!
: #lard up th dishs and aftrwards sttld down on his xpnsi& lathr
loung to #hat gnrally for a whil$ Norah Jons) lo&ly &oi# wafting softly from
his stro! 3 dis#o&rd that w had &ry di&rgnt tasts in musi#! * smd to
prfr smooth fmal soul singrs$ whr 3 tndd mor towards altrnati& and
punk%typ bands$ th loudr th bttr$ as did Jak! 1ut this &ning 3 land against
th ba#k of his soft loung$ #losd my ys and n(oyd th matur sophisti#atd
#almnss of his musi#!
: did ha& similar tasts in mo&is though$ both prfrring #omdis and
x#iting a#tion and thrillr films$ sharing an allrgy to rom #oms and slashr
mo&is$ and that mad it asir to talk to him! 3 bgan to unwind and 3 was glad that
3)d agrd to at with him$ finding him mu#h mor likabl whn h rlaxd! 8ayb
w #ould &n b#om frinds on dayE
:hil h #hangd th CD$ 3 disappard to th >and .o&r and #am ba#k$
#arrying a larg lathr%bound book! * raisd his ybrows in #uriosity! 3 pla#d it
on th #off tabl nr&ously! 3)d only &r shown a fw popl this book bfor
and this was always a big stp for m! 3 took a dp brath!
C:hn 3 thought that th 1y#rafts wr going to kill m today$ 3 saw on your
fa# that you gnuinly #ard about what was going to happn to m$D 3 bgan!
* was surprisd and offndd by that statmnt in ;ual masurs! CBf #ours
3 did, Tss, :hy would you &n say su#h a thingED
3 was instantly dfnsi&$ shrinking ba#k! C3 didn)t know that! "ou)& kind of
lft m fling that you don)t lik m mu#h and AD
C3)m sorry if 3 ga& you that imprssion$ b#aus 3 do lik you$D h said$ butting
in ;uitly! C3)m looking forward to working with you! 3 think w)ll mak a grat
tam!D * smild! C:hn w sort out a fw tthing problms$ lik your allrgy to
paprwork! 'nd your inability to not ha& somthing #alamitous happning to you
&ry fi& minuts!D
3 smild faintly in rspons! 3t had bn a hll of a first wk for us! 1ut his
#ommnt that w)d b a good tam was th right thing to say$ and ga& m mor
#onfidn# to #ontinu! 3 inhald anothr hug brath of frsh air! C3n that #arpark
today$ 3 rgrttd that 3 hadn)t got to know you bttr and that 3)d bn so rlu#tant
to shar information about myslf with you$D 3 told him$ so honst that it was
&rging on th point of physi#al pain for m! CSo$ in th intrsts of ad&an#ing our
partnrship$ 3)m going to shar somthing with you that)s &ry prsonal and &ry
pri&at! 3 ha&n)t shown many popl bfor! Just Dad$ Nana 2ullr$ 2iona and hr
husband$ my bst frind 8ariann$ 'b and ! ! ! and somon ls!D
CNot JakED
3 pausd for a momnt$ bfor d#iding to b #ompltly honst! CNo$ not Jak!
*)s not good with ngati& things! This would rally frak him out! 'nd h)s a
1y#raft$ so 3 n&r would show him anyway!D 3 pushd it #losr to him! C3)m hoping
that prhaps it might hlp you undrstand m and >ittl Town bttr! 't th last
you)ll appr#iat why 3 always #arry my knif with m!D
* didn)t tak it$ so 3 pi#kd up th book and handd it to him$ a dspratly
&ulnrabl snsation in my stoma#h as 3 did! 3 wantd to throw up$ my usual
rspons to &ry strssful situation in my lif! 'lthough h had no way of knowing$
on# bfor 3)d lt a man gt #los nough to m to &iw this book! * had
ultimatly pro&n himslf unworthy of my trust and 3 was so afraid of rpating that
xprin# that 3 almost snat#hd th book away from th Sarg bfor h &n had
th #han# to tou#h it!
CTssE :hat is itED h askd$ taking it from m #arfully$ ys glud to min!
C3t)s my s#rapbook! 3t)s a whol history of th 2ullr%1y#raft situation right
ba#k to bginnings of >ittl Town! 3t)s mostly nwspapr #lippings$ but thr ar
#rim s#n photos$ poli# and autopsy rports and #ourt trans#ripts in thr as wll!
'ny information 3 #ould gathr$ rally! Thr)s a lot of matrial about my mothr!D
'nd my mind flashd to that awful photo of hr huddld against th ba#k door in a
pool of hr own blood$ a brokn knif sti#king out of hr ba#k$ th imag that
hauntd m in my slp! C'nd Nana 2ullr! 'nd 'b)s wif$ 8ar#ll! 1ut lots of
othr stuff as wll! Som of it)s about m!D
* pla#d it gntly on th #off tabl and opnd it up! 3 (abbd my fingr on
th first #lipping$ a printout of a s#annd &rsion of th Wattling Bay Messenger
from 1777!
C3 think this is whr it all startd A with th murdr of my an#stor Eli9abth
2ullr by Nd 1y#raft! 3f you rad it$ Nd)s brothr is thratning a Gr#koning) on
th 2ullr family! Now$ 3)& thought about this a lot and 3 think that th 1y#rafts ar
still #arrying out that r#koning$ all ths yars latr! Ex#pt thy don)t know
anymor why thy hat th 2ullrs! 3t)s (ust somthing that)s ingraind in thm from
gnration to gnration! 3 tstd Jaky on day and h knw nothing about any of
his an#stors x#pt for 8ountain Td$ th bushrangr$ and h wasn)t intrstd in
knowing about thm ithr! Th 1y#rafts ar simply not th typ of popl to b
intrstd in th past$ but it has a strong hold on thm anyway!D
* kpt his ys on m th whol tim 3 spok$ but 3 thought 3 #ould s a hint
of unasinss in thm!
3 shut up and lt him #asually flip through my s#rapbook for fi& minuts$ as th
&oi# of anothr fmal singr who 3 didn)t r#ognis$ filld th room with bautiful
mlodis and hr ri#h sultry &oi#! * rad a fw itms as h turnd th pags$
glan#ing at som of th stoma#h%#hurning photos$ his fa# growing in#rasingly
CTss$D h said finally$ stunnd and appalld$ #losing th book with a d#isi&
snap! * glan#d up at m with an xprssion that was inds#ribabl A a mix of pity$
r&ulsion$ distrss and ! ! ! &n mor pityE C'r you sur that this is a ! ! ! r ! ! !
um ! ! ! healthy thing for you to doED
3 stard at my shos in misry$ trying to swallow th knot that had formd in my
throat$ not abl to mt his ys! 3)d mad a hug mistak gi&ing it to him! Now h
thought 3 was som kind of wha#ko! :ll$ &n mor of a wha#ko than h)d
originally thought 3 was! 'nd h was probably right! C3 don)t know! 8ayb not! 3
ha&n)t &r rally thought about it$ but it)s n&r flt ! ! ! #ra9y ! ! ! to m to b
doing it!D
3 ga& a humourlss laugh$ gi&ing him th full blast of my ys! C3 fl
#omplld to #ompil this morbid family history$ 3 guss! 3)& dis#o&rd that all 3
want in lif is th truth! 3 don)t want lis or platituds$ (ust th #old un&arnishd
truth$ no mattr how unpalatabl$ and that)s what this is! 3t)s &ry #onfronting and
o&rwhlming to s it all assmbld$ isn)t itE 8ayb it will b usful to somon
on day! 8ayb somon will writ a book about it$ or do a rsar#h study on th
1y#rafts! Esp#ially if somthing happns to m$ b#aus 3)m th last of th 2ullrs!
'nd 3 want somon to study thm$ b#aus thy)r nowhr nar to bing a normal
family! 3 nd somon to figur thm out!D
3 stalkd around his loung room$ agitatd$ biting th nail on my right thumb!
3)d alrady #hwd all my othr nails down to nothing waiting at th #ourthous this
aftrnoon! C3 want othr popl to know that thy)r not normal! 3t)s not me$ it)s
them, 3 don)t dsr& what happns to m! Non of th 2ullr womn ha& &r
dsr&d what)s happnd to us!D
CTss$ stop,D h dmandd in a parad%ground &oi#! C"ou)r sounding
#ompltly ! ! !D * ptrd off ta#tfully$ but 3 knw what his nxt word was going
to b! +ra,y! 3 hatd that word b#aus it #ut too #los to th truth!
1ut 3 haltd instin#ti&ly at th sound of his &oi# and thrw my ys to him$
rmorsful again! 3)d probably (ust s#ard him away from >ittl Town! Th s#ond 3
lft his hous tonight h)d b pa#king his blongings and fling in his #ut littl #ar
all th way ba#k to th #ity without &n a rstroom stopo&r$ bgging to b rli&d
of his nightmar #ountry position and his #rpy$ ill%fatd partnr! 3 #ouldn)t blam
him! :hat normal$ san prson wouldn)t do th samE
C3)ll la&$D 3 d#idd$ upst and angry with myslf$ on th &rg of tars! 3)d
ruind th &ning! 's usual! 3 was hoplss at this sort of so#ial stuff! 3 land
down to pi#k up my s#rapbook!
CNo,D h insistd with hart%warming ;ui#knss$ logging my suspi#iously shiny
ys! * slammd his lft hand down on th #o&r of th s#rapbook to stop m
taking it! CCom and sit down again!D * pattd th loung nar him! 3 sat down! *
stood up$ took my s#rapbook away to his offi#$ ;uitly shut th door$ pourd m
anothr glass of win and turnd up th soothing musi#! * sat nxt to m on th
bautiful lathr loung and with on kn #rossd o&r th othr and his arm
strt#hd out towards m on th ba#krst$ had to on sid$ said$ CSo$ w wr
talking mo&i #hara#trs! :ho do you prfr A Jams 1ond or Jason 1ournE 'nd
you know$ 3 n&r ralisd bfor that thy had th sam initials! Do you think
that)s dlibratED
3 stard at him in gratitud! 3 #ould ha& huggd him at that momnt$ but of
#ours 3 rfraind! 3t didn)t man that h wouldn)t d#amp during th night$ but
right now h was trating m lik an ordinary prson and not many popl &r did
that! 3 would n&r forgt that littl a#t of kindnss from him no mattr what
happnd btwn us!
3n th middl of my long%windd xplanation of why 3 far prfrrd Jason
1ourn$ my phon rang! 3 answrd$ listnd and spok brifly bfor hanging up!
CSorry to brak th mood$ Sarg!D
CTss$ 3 told you not to #all m Sarg whn w)r not working$D h rmindd
m with mor than a hint of irritation in his &oi#!
CSorry Sarg$ but w ar now working again! 3)& (ust bn informd of a had%
on #rash on th highway to th south of town! 3t)s a nasty on A a smi%trailr and
two #ars with probabl fatalitis! : bttr gt going! Thy)ll nd all th hlp thy
#an gt! 3t will tak ags for th paramdi#s and 2ir and .s#u from 1ig Town to
gt hr!D
* stood up and sighd$ po#kting his mobil and starting to #los th windows!
C: bttr ro#k and roll thn$ partnr!D
CSur thing$ partnr$D 3 smild up at him as w hadd to th patrol #ar togthr!
's 3 bu#kld up and glan#d o&r at his strong$ rassuring profil$ 3 sighd ;uitly
to myslf with rlif! * wouldn)t b la&ing >ittl Town tonight at last!
8iss / was runitd with hr suit#as of mony! Sh told m #andidly that hr
mothr had not only bn a hoardr but a stingy misr as wll$ dsprat to kp
mony away from hr philandring husband! So haring about th stash of mony
wasn)t th grat surpris w)d xp#td it to b for hr! Sh promptly and
gnrously hal&d th fortun with Lalma and /rry Iilroy$ appr#iating thir
honsty in handing it o&r and #laiming with wry humour that sh didn)t nd that
mu#h mony at hr tim of lif! >atr$ as 3 xamind my bank balan# with glum
dspair$ 3)d fltingly wishd sh)d snt som of it my way too!
Stanly 8ur#hison was #urrntly wrangling with th go&rnmnt on hr bhalf
for som #ompnsation for hr losss$ arguing that th go&rnmnt bought hr
fraudulntly sold land without undrtaking propr du dilign#! 3t promisd to b a
long$ drawn%out lgal battl though! 'nd who knw if ithr of thm would &n
li& long nough to s it through to th ndE
Knsurprisingly$ th sal of th land on 8ountain .oad to th Dfn#
Dpartmnt fll through! 1ut th go&rnmnt instad xprssd immdiat intrst
in buying th land nxt to th Iilroys +th land whr th suit#as of mony was
found- for som kind of highly #lassifid laboratory! 3 sin#rly hop that it)s not
going to b for gnti# xprimnts though! 3 don)t want >ittl Town to turn into a
pla# o&rrun by supr%mutant 1y#rafts$ lik th M%8n!
3 #ouldn)t undrstand why th Sarg laughd for ags whn 3 shard that
thought with him! 3 was srious!
/raham 8undy was found guilty of thr #ounts of staling with intnt$ on
#ount of braking and ntring and on #ount of srious assault of a poli# offi#r
+0inky didn)t bothr pursuing th #off s#alding in#idnt-! * was sntn#d to
sixtn yars imprisonmnt all up!
During th trial /raham wpt #opiously$ looking about as dangrous as a soft
fluffy toy in th dfndant)s sat$ or so said 2iona! That mad m almost fl sorry
for him$ but 3 ;ui#kly #hangd my mind whn sh wnt on to tll m how h had
stubbornly rfusd to #onfss how mu#h of th ill%gottn #ash from th sals
rmaind and whr h)d stashd it$ a##using th (udg loudly of &iolating his
human rights! 3 think that tirad arnd him an xtra yar in prison from th li&id$
ston%fa#d (udg$ who was wll known for hr high profil and &ry &o#al support
of 'mnsty 3ntrnational! :hn th trial was finishd$ 8r 8ur#hison took 8iss /$
th Sarg and m out to lun#h at on of 1ig Town)s ni#st rstaurants whr th
four of us #omplaind through four #ourss of gourmt bliss about th lightnss of
/raham)s sntn#! :ll$ thy did! 3 was too busy stuffing my fa# with th
xpnsi&$ dli#ious food to spak mu#h at all! *a&n,
Dorri >butt was gi&n a on yar sntn# for r#klss dri&ing o##asioning
bodily harm! 3t was wholly #on&rtd into a two yar good bha&iour bond b#aus
of hr small #hildrn and th fa#t that sh was prgnant again with .i#k 1y#raft)s
baby +or mayb it was 8ark)sE-! *r attitud towards m hasn)t #hangd on littl
bit whn w #ross paths in town! 3 hadn)t xp#td it to!
Iarl$ 'l and /ra 1y#raft wr a#h found guilty of srious assault of a poli#
offi#r and s#ap from lawful #ustody and sntn#d to two s&n%yar trms of
imprisonmnt$ to b sr&d #on#urrntly! 3 was glad to s th ba#k of thm &n if
it was (ust for s&n yars! Thr 1y#rafts$ in#luding >ola$ wr arrstd for publi#
disordr at thir sntn#ing haring! Bn my day off$ 3 dro& all th way to 1ig Town
to th wat#h hous whr >ola was sitting in a holding #ll going #ra9y without
#igartts! Just to annoy hr$ 3 walkd ba#k and forth in front of hr #ll$ asking hr
if sh wantd a smoko! Sh #alld m nams that 3)d n&r &n hard bfor and
thn trid rpatdly to spit on m! That bha&iour drw th full$ frightning wrath
of Daisy down on hr! 3t was a grat aftrnoon! 3 wishd 3)d brought a #amra!
8y whol tam managd to #omplt th fun run$ although disappointingly but
undrstandably$ 3 did a tim that was far from my prsonal bst! 3t was wondrful to
ha& Jak #hring m on as 3 staggrd$ stiff%lggd still$ th last fw hundrd
mtrs o&r th finishing lin$ straight into his arms! * pi#kd m up and swung
m around and around in #lbration$ making m s;ual with laughtr &n though 3
was limp with xhaustion and dripping with swat! 3 was th n&y of &ry woman
in a fifty mtr radius!
: all had a grat wknd in th #ity! That Saturday lun#htim$ aftr th fun
run$ whn 3)d showrd and #hangd$ Jak and 3 had lun#h with my bst frind$
8ariann$ and hr lo&ly husband and thr #ut kids! That always had th potntial
to b a littl awkward b#aus as a tnagr$ 8ariann had slpt with Jak a numbr
of tims! 1ut if 3 had rfusd to rmain frinds with any of my s#hoolmats who had
slpt with Jak$ 3 would ha& bn &ry lonly indd!
That Saturday night$ all of us +x#pt Dad and 'dl who &oluntrd to stay
bhind at th hotl to ntrtain .omi$ Toni and 8ariann)s kids-$ hit a narby
night#lub whr w rally lt our hair down! 'b hookd up with Jnny from my
running tam and thy ar now dating &n though sh li&s and works in 1ig
Town! Jak and 3 drank too mu#h$ dan#d too mu#h +&n if 3 did it badly,- and
stayd up way too lat$ but /od w had a good tim$ sp#ially ba#k in th hotl
room aftrwards whr w mad good us of th spa bath and th king%si9d bd ! ! !
>u#kily for us$ 'dl dro& us hom on th Sunday$ b#aus w spnt th ntir
s&n hour dri& ba#k to >ittl Town aslp in th ba#k sat$ laning against a#h
othr$ trying to #on;ur our hango&rs!
Surprisingly$ th Sarg didn)t s#ap from >ittl Town th first #han# that
prsntd$ but instad rturnd my s#rapbook to m a wk aftr 3 lft it at his pla#!
's h handd it o&r$ h fixd m with thos magnifi#nt ys$ but all h said was
that h was glad h had #om to >ittl Town! 3t was so #ompltly th opposit of
what 3 had xp#td him to say that 3)m still pu99ling o&r what h mant with thos
: ar stadily progrssing our rlationship$ growing #losr a#h wk$ mu#h
to Jak)s displasur! : spnd a lot of tim togthr$ &n off%duty$ and 3)m
dis#o&ring many things about him that 3 rally lik th bttr 3 gt to know him!
'nd thn thr ar othr things 3)ll probably n&r gt usd to! * #ontinus to
surpris m with littl impro&mnts to th station A ha&ing th stubborn windows
fixd$ finding som mony to hir a #lanr on# a wk$ rpairing th laking roof!
*)s talking a lot latly of ha&ing a whol nw station built$ #omplt with a propr
wat#h hous and gtting a #oupl mor #ops on th tam! 3)m not sur if h)s (ust
draming or has som solid plans! 3 still don)t know how h manags to a#hi&
ths things$ but 3)m dtrmind to find out on day soon!
8lissa rmains o&rsas$ no dat of rturn d#idd yt!
8y #hi#kns ar thri&ing in thir nw hom! 3)m &n thinking of buying a fw
mor A mayb &n a roostr! Th Sarg laughd so mu#h whn 3 told him that$ 3
land o&r in th patrol #ar and thumpd him hard on his arm! * dsr&d it!
3)m slowly making my way through th Tim Tams$ but &ry tim 3 finish a
pa#kt$ anothr on appars in its pla#! 3t)s a littl spooky!
Dnny 1y#raft still shadows m &rywhr 3 go! 3 #ontinu to ignor him!
.d 1y#raft hasn)t bn r#apturd yt! * rmains fr$ waiting out thr for
m somwhr! *)s bn sightd right hr in >ittl Town on a numbr of
o##asions and 3 know byond any doubt that his family ar shltring him! Th
Sarg and 3 ha& trid to for# Sharn to tll us whthr sh)s sn him or not$ but
sh rfuss to spak to us$ ob&iously trrifid of th #ons;un#s if sh dos! Th
thought of him n&r ;uit la&s th ba#k of my mind! 3 dram about him all th
tim and 3 don)t know what will happn whn 3 mt him again! 3 #an only hop
that 3)m wll prpard and armd whn 3 do!
1ut 3 guss that)s anothr story altogthr!
444444 555555 444444
/bot the athor:
JD Nixon li&s in Punsland$ 'ustralia writing and diting for a li&ing during th
day$ but by night sh lts a wild imagination run fr!
Discover other titles by JD Nixon at
Heller series
*llr +fr book,-
*llr)s .&ng
*llr)s /irlfrind
*llr)s 0unishmnt
*llr)s D#ision +du 2012-
Little Town series
1lood Tis +fr book,-
1lood Sport
1lood 2ud +du 2012-
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Thanks for rading,

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