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Autism Artreach Notes

Artreach Funds
Donation money from festival used towards next tile order
o $124.61 from cash box
o 3 more tiles paid for by credit card
Fountain coin money $230.31
Duet with Music ordered a tile and sent a logo

Wall Tiles
91 tiles on 2
3 Bridges to Understanding
16 on hand
Ordering 13 more from donations
o Wait to ship tiles until all are completed
58 tiles (approximately) left to sell
Draft a letter to ask businesses to create a tile or sponsor a piece of art
o Individual emails
o Shauna Clay, Kelly Bines, Tevia Mason (
o Follow up with Pam Noble, Fort Detrick community
Call activity person?
Wall Unveiling Reception
6:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. on Friday, September 5

Parking outside BFF okay
Tickets - $25
o Cover food and wine costs
o Online ticket sales
o Arc will help mail them out
o Jennifer and Tessa will help sell tickets
o Create tickets for reception
o Alcohol bought within 30 days of event
o $10 liquor license
Arc will buy
Need permission from Peggys landlord
o Need a bartender
o Hors d'oeuvre event set up throughout BFF
o Ticket prices includes wine, beer, and food
Find speakers
Categories of Invitees
o Create a master invitation list ***
o Everyone who bought tiles
o Everyone who donated artwork to be sponsored
o Artists
o Mailing List
Invitation List in Dropbox
127 people
o Sponsors
2-4 free tickets depending on sponsorship
Get list of sponsors, go into invitation list and determine how
many tickets they get based on number of tiles
o Other friends (Peggys personal contacts)
Interviewees for video
o Volunteers
No volunteer list in Dropbox
Whitney maintained it, but only included snail mail address
o Arc supporters
o 4
grade class from Banner School DO NOT CHARGE!
Make sure appropriate guests are not charged for tickets
Save the date notice
o Organize the next two weeks, send out when Peggy returns from
vacation (July 22
, 8 weeks out)
Email blast
Email Shauna Clay to send to contacts
Send invitation in August, one month out
Nancy will take care of grant

Grant money
Follow up with Pam Noble, Fort Detrick community
o Call activity person?

Draft a letter to ask businesses to create a tile or sponsor artwork
o Shauna Clay, Kelly Bines, Tevia Mason (
Create tickets for reception
Get list of sponsors, go to invitation list and determine how many tickets each
business sponsor will get
Email/meet with Shauna Clay
o Save the date notice to Arc contacts
Cross reference both mailing lists

How much time do we have to order/receive tiles?

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