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*1 : tending or intended to cause delay

2 : characterized by procrastination : tardy

Example Sentence

The Senator's seemingly endless motions to adjourn were clearly dilatory.

Did you know?

Slow down. Set a leisurely pace. What's the hurry? If procrastination is your style, "dilatory" is the word
for you. That term has been used in English to describe things that cause delay since at least the 15th
century, and its ancestors were hanging around with similar meanings long before that. If you take the time
to trace the roots of "dilatory," you will discover that it derives from "dilatus," the past participle of the Latin
verb "differre," which meant either "to postpone" or "to differ." If you think "differre" looks like several
English words, you have a discerning eye. That verb is also an ancestor of the words "different" and "defer."

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