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The pioposeu Biy Cieek Natuie Tiail (gieen sections on map) is a uesignateu foot
tiaffic tiail locateu along the noith siue of the Biy Cieek uesigneu to pioviue
iesiuents low-impact access to the populai anu sensitive open space aiounu Biy
Cieek while iespecting anu mitigating enviionmental anu piivacy conceins.

In oiuei to limit tiaffic along the single-tiack natuie tiail, mountain bikeis aie
pioviueu options to iiue the existing wiuei tiails along the south siue of Biy Cieek
(golu sections on map) oi to continue an easy loop tiail using the pioposeu
uiossman Family Tiail as a bike bypass loop (blue sections on map).

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Simple signs at tiail entiyways to iuentify gieen sections as "Natuie Tiail - Foot
Tiaffic 0nly".

The single-tiack tiail will be maintaineu with high giass cut back appiox. 2u in. on
each siue to allow bettei visibility foi kius anu to ieuuce contact with giassticks.

Pioviue Natuie Tiail website link with infoimation about plants anu animals in the
Biy Cieek iipaiian habitat. |No kiosks oi infoimational uisplays...j

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0pen Space Committee - 0se natuie tiail anu website to piomote appiopiiate use
anu conseivation within the open space aieas incluuing website infoimation on
native plants, wilu life, as well as infoimation about noxious weeus.

Biuuen Spiings Elementaiy School, Leaining Faim, Young Natuialist Piogiams -
Low impact walking fielu tiips to stuuy histoiy, agiicultuie, anu enviionmental
sciences. |Euucational gioups limiteu to natuie tiail aiea west of Bumphiey's.j

Biuuen Spiings Walkeis, Runneis, anu Nountain Bikeis - The tiails along Biy Cieek
offei the veiy unique benefit of flat, soft, anu shaueu teiiain foi iesiuents of all
levels of fitness to enjoy walking, iunning, anu on tiails. The new peuestiian tiail
biiuge at the southeastein enu of Biy Cieek also pioviues mountain bikeis the
choice of iiuing the wiuei tiail on the south siue of the cieek oi making an easy loop
using the pioposeu uiossman Family Tiail Loop aiounu Biy Cieek Neauow.

Bomeowneis backing up to open space along Biy Cieek - This mouifieu pioposal
foi a less uevelopeu natuie tiail will continue to pioviue all Biuuen Spiings
iesiuents low-impact access to the open space on both siues of the Biy Cieek
coiiiuoi while iespecting anu mitigating enviionmental anu piivacy conceins.

Recognition anu appieciation to the }im uiossman Family - 0ui Town Founueis
continue geneious uonations foi public tiails thiough theii piopeities in the Boise
foothills connecting Biuuen Spiings to the Pole Cat anu Stack Rock tiail systems.


Tiail Signs - 4 signs posteu at the entiyways to both sections of the Natuie Tiail.

BSTA uiounus Ciew - peiiouic mowing of the single tiack Natuie Tiail.

Natuie Tiail Website - volunteei pioject to cieate anu maintain website info.

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