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How to Run TCE and Infield


To run test:
Select tab Numbered 2
Select yes to verify Hardware(this will Erase any data save on the eDAQ Data Logger)
To view Real Time measurement Select Tab P
To start test Select Tab Numbered 3
To end Test select Tab Numbered 6
To upload the data Select Tab Numbered 7 and choose your Upload destination
Select Tab E end the test sequence. This need to be don before any changes can be made to
the program or before each new test so that old data is erased.
In order to convert the TCE data into a format that MATLAB can read we need to use Infiled which
does the conversion for us.

How to Convert:
Open Infield
Open the data you which to export in the program
Select which channel you want to export and select the export function
Name the file accordingly in the File Naming Scheme Window
Name the Channel Accordingly in the Channel Naming Scheme window
Select the destination folder you wan the data to be exported to in Output Directory
Select File Format: Simple ASCII
Click Export
This will export the data to a file and convert it into a .TXT file after which, for easy of MATLAD
import you can rename to .csv

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