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Case Analysis: A

Day In The Life Of

Alex Sander
Team 59
Section 5
A Day In The Life Of Alex Sander
To determine the efectieness of 3!0 de"ree #erformance reie$ #rocess in
Landon Care %rod&cts
Aarde'(arde allocated )2*million to fast'trac+ the #ro,ect in order to -eat
the com#etition. /ence0 this #ro,ect $as cr&cial for the com#any and to Alex
in #artic&lar.
The "lo-al -ea&ty ind&stry and 1S mar+et $ere "ro$in" si"ni2cantly. This
had an in3&ence on decisions ta+en -y Alex 4for the &#comin" #rod&ct
The $orld $as reelin" &nder recession d&rin" the #eriod 2006'2007. 8ron"
#erformance reie$ $o&ld ca&se $ron" em#loyees to "et #romoted0
indirectly ca&sin" ma,or losses to the com#any and increasin" em#loyee
Chan"in" technolo"ical adances can afect the eal&ation tools &sed for
#erformance reie$ systems
Team 59
A Day In The Life Of Alex Sander
3%0 &e"'ee (e')o'mance 'e*ie+
In#&ts from all com#any
sta+eholders "ies a holistic
#ict&re of the em#loyee9s
Allo$s an em#loyee to com#are
oneself in com#arison $ith others.
1ses self eal&ation and #eer
Insi"hts into dee#er as#ects s&ch
as contradictory -ehaior0 res#ect
and leadershi#
Am-i"&ity a-o&t the #rocess of
analysis attri-&ted to its recent
introd&ction into the system
Chances of receiin" tainted or no
The im#lementation #rocess not
-ein" 2ne't&ned to the "oals of
the #ro"ram
Di:c&lty in collectin" and
inter#retin" feed-ac+ d&e to lar"e
Can "enerate con3ictin" o#inions
and there can -e no $ay to
determine $hose feed-ac+ is
On s&ccessf&l im#lementation0
$o&ld allo$ the Landon care to
retain hi"h #erformin" em#loyees0
assess the em#loyees9
#erformance on correct

If 3!0 de"ree fails0 Landon may "o
-ac+ to traditional method of
#erformance reie$ $hich may
ca&se hi"her attrition rates.
Some em#loyees can coll&de $ith
#eers to remoe a #artic&lar
Team 59
A Day In The Life Of Alex Sander
1. ;alidity of the #rocess
2. <elia-ility of the #rocess
3. Information asymmetry a-o&t the #rocess amon"st the em#loyees
=. Trans#arency in the #rocess
*. %ro#er feed-ac+ #rocess
!. Career #lan that sho&ld accom#any each #erformance reie$
6. Time cons&med
7. Cross c&lt&ral lin+a"es since Landon is a com#any hain" "lo-al
>. (oal ali"nment -et$een em#loyee and com#any
1. In)o'mation a/#mmet'# a0o1t te ('oce// amon"/t te em(!o#ee/:
C&rrently the em#loyees are not a$are a-o&t the 3!0 de"ree #rocess.
They do not +no$ $hether it is for deelo#ment or for a##raisal.
2. 2a!i&it# o) te ('oce//:
The 3!0 de"ree reie$ is ne$ly introd&ced in the com#any. It has not
-een tested and there is no alidity a-o&t the #rocess. If the system
im#lemented is not alid it $o&ld lead to remoal? #romotion of a
$ron" em#loyee.
3. P'o(e' )ee&0ac3 ('oce//:
@eed-ac+ #rocess hel#s the em#loyee to +no$ a-o&t his shortcomin"s
and ho$ to im#roe on them. Also it $ill hel# the em#loyee to +no$
the actions ta+en -y the com#any -ased on the reie$s receied.
Too )e+ )acto'/ con/i&e'e& an& /ome im(o'tant one/ !e)t o1t
Team 59
A Day In The Life Of Alex Sander
Cost inoled
1. -ontin1e +it e4i/tin" /#/tem
There are many 3a$s in the c&rrent system.
Am#loyee are not a$are of the motie -ehind the reie$s ta+en
Bo ste#s ta+en to see that the feed-ac+ "ien is im#lemented?
corrected -y the em#loyees 4exam#le: Alex did not #ay any heed
to the feed-ac+ "ien to Alex -y the mana"er5
Am#loyees can coll&de $ith their #eers to cons#ire a"ainst other
Since feed-ac+ is ta+en from all the em#loyees in the team it is
a ery time cons&min" #rocess
As a res&lt contin&in" $ith existin" system $ill lead to com#any
ma+in" errors in #romotin" and remoin" em#loyees 4ty#e1 and ty#e2
2. Im('o*e te c1''ent /#/tem +it 0ette' t'an/(a'enc# an&
a+a'ene// amon"/t te (a'tici(ant/
@ollo$in" factors need to -e chan"ed in the c&rrent #erformance
reie$ #rocess:
2a!i&it# o) te ('oce//: The #rocess sho&ld -e tested -efore
im#lementation to see that it is ali"ned $ith the com#any "oals.
P'o(e' )ee&0ac3 ('oce//: Ste#s sho&ld -e ta+en to see that
the em#loyees hae im#roed on the feed-ac+ "ien to them -y
the mana"ers -ased on the #erformance system. Also the
em#loyee sho&ld -e retested on the ario&s #oints #ointed o&t in
the feed-ac+ system.
Team 59
A Day In The Life Of Alex Sander
In)o'mation a/#mmet'# a0o1t te ('oce// amon"/t te
em(!o#ee/: All the em#loyees sho&ld -e informed a-o&t the
#&r#ose of the reie$ system. Their do&-ts re"ardin" the system
sho&ld -e attended. This $ill hel# to "et #ro#er reie$ a-o&t all
the mem-ers.
3. Int'o&1ce a ne+ (e')o'mance 'e*ie+ /#/tem
The com#any can shift to a totally ne$ #erformance reie$ system.
/o$eer it $o&ld -e time cons&min" and also $ill increase the cost.
Also if the ne$ system is not im#lemented #ro#erly it $o&ld lead to the
c&rrent sit&ation.
E*o!*e/ ('actica! o(tion/ 01t &oe/ not "i*e te ('o/ an& con/ c!ea'!#
+ic i/ a ma5o' +ea3ne// o) te ote'+i/e +e!! &one +o'3. O(tion/
a'e c'1cia! an& cent'a! to te ana!#/i/
8e recommend o#tion 2. Im('o*e te c1''ent /#/tem +it 0ette'
t'an/(a'enc# an& a+a'ene// amon"/t te (a'tici(ant/
/< head of Landon Care %rod&cts can incrementally im#roe the
c&rrent 3!0 de"ree reie$ system -y actin" on 3 im#ortant as#ects:
In)o'mation a/#mmet'# a0o1t te ('oce// amon"/t te
All the em#loyees sho&ld -e informed a-o&t the #&r#ose of the reie$
system. <eie$ of an em#loyee ta+en from #eers and his?her s&#eriors
sho&ld -e ta+en on -asis of follo$in" 2xed factors. These factors
sho&ld -e comm&nicated to the em#loyees -efore the #erformance
#rocess is cond&cted:
Leadershi# s+ills
Comm&nication s+ills
Team 59
A Day In The Life Of Alex Sander
Team #layer
A-ility to motiate his #eers
2a!i&it# o) te ('oce//: The #rocess sho&ld -e tested -efore
im#lementation to see that it is ali"ned $ith the com#any "oals.
It sho&ld -e #ilot tested on a small "ro&#0 #artic&lar #ro,ect. If it
s&cceeds then it sho&ld -e im#lemented in the com#any at all leels.
The #ilot test sho&ld -e done after ma+in" the chan"es in the c&rrent
P'o(e' )ee&0ac3 ('oce//:
The information?res&lt o-tained from the reie$ #rocess sho&ld -e
#ro#erly comm&nicated to #artic&lar em#loyees. A co&rse of action to
im#roe on the 3a$s sho&ld -e coneyed to them -y the to#
mana"ement. They sho&ld -e retested on those 3a$s after a six
month time #eriod and action sho&ld -e ta+en if no im#roement is
Team 59

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