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Unit Operations Lab

Safety Quiz
for CHE324F and CHE311S Labs
GR #.. T.A: name:
Please print your name
In order to continue wit eiter o! te la"s# you must score 100$ on te !ollowin% &ui'. (ou will "e %i)en no more tan 2 attempts. (our !irst
attempt will "e a written test. (our second attempt will "e oral &uestion and answer in te presence o! your collea%ues. Te &ui' is "ased on
te pre)ious sa!ety trainin% and current la"oratory %uidelines. Please circle te correct answer.
1) *urin% e+perimental wor, eac student must wear:
a- ard at
"- sa!ety %lasses
c- co)eralls. la" coat
d- all o! te a"o)e
2) /tudents are not allowed to wear contact lenses wile la"oratory wor, is in pro%ress:
a- True
"- 0alse
3) In instances were la" wor, is re&uired or are due on reli%ious olidays wic are not uni)ersity olidays1 te onus is te a!!ected
students to in!orm te la" super)isor durin% te !irst wee, o! term so tat possi"le alternati)e arran%ements can "e made.
a- True "- 0alse
4) 2o e+periment may "e le!t unattended wile it is in operation:
a- True
"- 0alse
5) 0rolic,in%. cild3s play can lead to some serious personal in4uries and e&uipment dama%e:
a- True
"- 0alse
a) Indicate were te !ollowin% are located in 56 27 and 56 127near e+periments88
1- 0ire Alarm
2- 0ire e+tin%uiser
9- /ower
:- ;mer%ency ;+it
7- /a!ety <its
=- 6ro,en %lass and sarps disposal containers
b) I! emer%ency e+its are "loc,ed# were is your nearest escape route8
!) 5en te !ire alarm is tripped you are re&uired to:

") In te e)ent o! an emer%ency witin te la"# wat do you do8

a- (ou pull te !ire alarm
"- 5ait !or te T.A. to pull te !ire alarm.
c- 5ait !or te super)isor to pull te !ire alarm
d- Go and tell te super)isor and T.A. to pull te !ire alarm.
#) (our e+periment is in pro%ress wen te !ire alarm rin%s. It is o")ious it does not in)ol)e your e+periment.
a- >an% around until you ear di!!erent
"- (ou are in te middle o! a run and tus you can3t stop and lea)e te premise
c- /top wat you are doin% and lea)e te "uildin% immediately
d- Turn o!! eat source i! possi"le witout 4eopardi'in% you well "ein% and lea)e immediately.
1$) (ou can eat and drin, in te la" %in&'udes (ater-
a- Anytime
"- Away !rom e+periment
c- 5en T.A. or super)isor is not watcin%.
d- It3s your li!e - you can do anytin% you want.
e- 2e)er
11) Anoter %roup is doin% e+perimental wor, in te la". (ou are on a pre-la" )isit ?i.e.: you are only ere to loo, tin%s o)er in
ad)ance - to enance your mar,-. Are you re&uired to wear eye protection and ard at8
a- True
"- 0alse
1o! 2
12) 5y do you suppose contact lenses are not permitted to "e worn durin% te la"# e)en tou% you may not "e usin% anytin%
a- 5e don3t want you to loo, too cute
"- (ou can3t see clearly
c- @apours# spills# accidental "rea,a%e can cause your contact lens to dissol)e wile in your eyes.
13) 5y is it not a %ood idea to unnecessarily "rin% "a%s# "ac,pac,s# and wallets to te la"8
a- 5allet i! le!t unattended can "e stolen
"- 6ac,pac,# "a%s# etc.# are o!ten on te !loor# ta"letops# etc.# were tey are eiter a
i- 0loor a'ard
ii- (ou a)e no idea wat was on te !loor suc as a small amount o! cemical
powder# sol)ent spill ?peraps non-e)aporatin%-# or a near"y e+periment may %o awry and spray water e)erywere.
c- 6ot o! te a"o)e.
14) (ou are o"li%ed to in!orm te la" super)isor o! any current ealt issues tat may 4eopardi'e not only your well "ein% "ut also tat o!
your classmates. (ou are also compelled to noti!y te la" super)isor o! any !uture ealt can%es as tey relate to te a"o)e.
a-. True
"- 0alse
15) Te Anit Bperations la" in 5627.127 as a com"ination o! smoot concrete# )inyl tiles and %rid iron !loorin%. Around some
e+periments wet !loor is common place. It also as steam pipes were accidental contact can result in se)ere "urns. Gi)en tis
situation wic o! te !ollowin% !our is not correct:
a- 0oot wear wit closed toes and traction "ottom
"- 0lip !lops
c- /ummer sandal
d- /lee)e less or tan, tops
e- /orts
!- Ca" coats
1) Room 27.127 as two spill ,its. 5ere are tey located8 2ear e+periments. room888
1!) Dontainers !or "ro,en %lass and sarps are located near
1") Penalty !or late report is . a day. Report due date 5ee,?s-
1#) ;mail address !or De 92:! la" is: Tis e-mail address is !or e)erytin% re De92:! la".
2$) I a)e read and understood te usual e-mail issues suc as e-mail capacity and arri)al time. ( 2
21) I a)e read and understood te content o! te !ollowin% documents. Dopies can "e !ound at )arious locations at te Ani)ersity o!
Toronto we" pa%e or please as, !or elp.
a- >ow not to pla%iari'e ( 2 ?source:

"- Dode o! student conduct ( 2 ?source: -
c- Dourse In!ormation ( 2 ?source: Dourse we" pa%e-
d- Te use o! ETurnitin.comF ( 2 ?source: ttp:.. www.m">G6910>.Turnitin/tudentGuide.pd!-
2o! 2

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