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I slither by, every moment,

And yet you fail to perceive

That once I move forward, I never look back,
No matter how long you may grieve.
A cruel master, yet a humble servant,
I may help you or may hinder,
Only the wise have I nourished and raised,
The rest, I have turned to cinders.
Ive seen the fall of many a reign,
The rise of many a kin,
I reward the hardworking abundantly,
But have no mercy for those who sin.
Power and youth are weak adversaries,
To finish me is, what they endeavor,
But all fall prey to my sheer might,
Even luck cant save those whom I dont favor.
I cant be bought, I cant be sold,
Wealth cant influence my being,
Use me well and youll be endowed,
With fortunes, great and unforeseen.
I am here from the very beginning,
And shall be here long past it is all over,
I am eternal, invincible, supreme,
Only I can live forever.

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